MIFEMS’ & FAR AM) lU ilIJMII-:!) KVKKV W lOll.NKS1>AY, IlY NOHLK & VOL. 1. I WII.L TKAt:H YOU T> riKKl K TUK OK TtlK K\KTII ANK BKIVi OUT KHOM TIIK l AVI Kn* OK THK MOl'NTAI.1‘1, MKTALSI W \vKi>Ni:si> vv, -C-l IA HMJT'l'E, M KC K W;jVIIU KJ t Oir !ST yT^OII I'II-K A1K)U> A. Olva 8T»f.M;T(l TO OUB HANDS HUUJEOT AU- NATimfc TO OUR UftE ANO PLEASORB. 1>M. 90HNH0N. ■ ■ - ER 21, 1831. NO. 52. riii; ifllnorx’ Jk I'ariiiors’ Joiiriinl I* printed and imblishrd *vcry U fdiicsdiiy morn ing at Tiro Dollars ami Fifltj Ctntu per annum, if paid in udvaiioc; Thrfe VnUitig a year, if not paid until after the expiration of hix nionlliH. ADVKRTISE.MKN'I’S will U- insert.d at l\fty cents per 8juarr (not e.wcdiiip^O lint»,) tor the first insertion, and '2H cent* .‘or caeli bucctrtlinj; wceii—or 81 tor tliree weeks, tor one B^uari'.— A liberal discount will Ik- made to those who advcrtiso by the year. Onalladvertiwmcnts communicated for publication, (he number of insertions must be noted on the inar);iii of the mannscriiit, or tliey will be continued until f)rbid, and charged ueeoidiri'riy. *,* All eoniniunicatiuns In tjie Kditors iruwt come frop of pOKlojtr, or tJi»y^:'*.ril(.t be attended to. I’lom thf Engliihman't Miii!iiiiiiv,fur June, Till'. .MIAiaiS Oi' U01S*1H)N/II.. An atl'eeting and authentic narrative, by an Eye W itiiegs. Tin aiifl l^hci‘(>lroii \V:2re MANUFAITUUY. J. St'M.M (^l: * CO. RESPBCTFUM.Y inform the eitizenii of Charlotle, and the public generally, that they have commenced the uIkivo KoeinesM at tlie old stand Ibrnierly occupied by t. .M. hron«on, and recently by I'apt. 'I'ho. A. .Mer« as u grocery, on Muiri street, a Bhort distance north-east froui the I'ourt-House, where they intend to keep on hand a ^ochI ammrtinent ol Ware, and expect to be able to supply at wholesale or retail, on the most reasonaldt; terms, all who may I'axor them with their cuiitom. J)S. Sl'.M.N hR it Co. X. H. All kinds of Juh HVtrA' in their line done af short notice. 1 Wanted, an Appri-ntice to the above business; one who can euine u"I! recoui- niendcd, will ri eeive suitable encourageiiicnt. fimt7tJ riinrlotte A: Cnmdcii i:.v W liilo niont itf tlie party thus por- ditl>rent parts of the country, to join tlieir ploxoti l»y a crond ot’disqnio in^ idoaa, pro- coturades of St. Kticiinc; liiriiiers and nsup- ducod by the dijitrcasing nan ^ of the event ants, on liorHoback ami a fi>ot, hastoning to itself, und thi'ir [irotructed hy in a mine., otli-r their hunmne aid ; sentinels |K>sted— On Tu^'sdny, February '-i'-i, a violent doto-1 " here tlie solitary Ijuiips sea fclv rendered niUHkets piled—watch-fires blaziuf», nrid in nation sudden'ly was heard in the coal niine “ darkness visible,” the wort #n continued slntrl, the lout tnncmble rendered the ap- of 15ois-Monzi’l, »K>loHf;ing to .M. Kubinot. , ‘'‘^nr labors with redoubled t V«r; some of pruat hes of JLItM^Monzil like a bitH»uw on The waters tVoin the old works rushed im- j hewinjf to piece Llwks of the . tlwfTO of an expected battl«; happily, how- petuously along iIk- new gallerie»>—“ 'I’he ! w iueh fell slowly itiid ^«th illiTi. ever, the object of these brave men was to waters, the waters!” such was the crv that ‘'ulty ; tUbers were uctivelj employed in preserve hie, and not to destroy it. It is resoundfd iroin the allVighted workmen Ihtiii:; the h*;!? Ix fore imincl, whilst Roinc | hut just to render hoinaf'c hen-to the wor- throui-hout the mine. Only ten miners out. ‘I'*" apprentu t-istoiiirhl to dis- thy rurc of St. Vilhirs, wfio, in his simple of twenty-six were able to rcueh the en-' ly '''i’i»{J on clerical diei^', miiiglel everywhere with trance. One of thc»» brought o|f in his “all fours,' or by p«>iietrntii(; through p«‘r- the anxious throng, exhorting and encour- arm--, a l*oy cloven years old,'’whom he thus narrow’crevices uijiclcns of the,ui-i».g them in their goo(f work, Ix.lh by saved from cei tain death ; another, uni>ell- i precept and examp.r: *« ‘heir corppil and men. ^ prid^-no sertary’- whim ; tal Iab>P, their nlteutioa 8udik;tily tx- ^ and cuuutryman were ell to hinu^ cited from am^her p,iinfull^^e^'^e | p,, Saturd..»^bc cludnn' t wives ol tlH31iapl.iss o,.n. rKH .h.rrri engi...-» ha.l ^ hnmijht all was no extmct.-Ilj) ha.sten*^ .ai^ftially to work. Sudd^iK to the spot: with heart-reiidujlf crii>'«-nru. ' ^ of desi ed by the air SiiU the water, to a considera' bio distaiKC, could scareely credit his I’S- cape fnmi siich imnnnent danger; a third rushed forward with his nack lull of cools ufrhisshoufders, which, in his fright, he had never thought of thri» mg down. ^ 'I'lie disastrous news, that 10 workmen i throiii.li tears alteriialeh of despair and had |H-nshed m the iiiMie of .M. Kobiiiot, ! tl'^y exclaiiiied, ‘ Are tlicy all tlirre !' was circulated m the to«n of St. Kti- ' ‘ is the father of my diildrey ? Is A, enne.» It vwis reganled as one of those fa- ; among-4 them, or has he been swallowed up tul atkl deplonible events, uiifortmsately t(M* I'V the waters?’ ,m ;,ted along tho crowd, and a horseinan set common in that iicirthlx.rh.Kxl, and on the '*»• iHittoin of tiie ininf, clo«' to tlio ^ Knenne, with the ensuina 'I'hursday it was no longer talked re^'rvoir, a consultation was held on ' of. Politics, and the state of parties m l*.ir- *1"* p'«'' j'ursued. llnginecrs, pupil-. IS,exclusively iK:. iipied the public attention. • " orkmen, all agreed th.it tlie ouly prospe t 'I’he engiiVers of ihe mines, however, ‘-f fiiicee>^s co-.siMed m exlmustuig th.- wa- and some of llieH- pupils who, on the first ! “r. «hi-h was already M iisibly dmiim-hed, alarm, had hastdncd to the siH.t, still i>emam- K' »•'*'’ "orkitig i.l the steam-pump; e.1 there, continuing tlicir iiidelati^able en- •***' other pumps prixlu' t-d httle ornoellrd, a cry of joy w as echMid from mouth to inoinh : *• 'I'bpy are saved! tliry are saved, SIX of them fn'ed from their subterranean pns.iii!” shouted a jsTson from the entrance of tiK* mine. 'I'Ik- rumor was instantlv re- deavors to diM'ovcr tliu miiHMS who wen' notwith>it.inding the vigorous cllorts eup. off gratil\ mg new s ; another followed and con- lirnieii the rcpoit of his pirk*cessor. 'i’he whole t iwn was in motion, and all cla$.ses sffiii'vl to purtaki* of' the general jny, with II I'l ling it' .ach |)er.v)n had U-i n iudj. MdualU uit«’re>t«'d. In the eMiberuncc ol th-ir (.fii_ht they wcic already delibora- , 1 .1 II o tiiii; on tlie >ubji-ct of a/tc, to celebrate , i . .i ' .i i missing. Nothing th.it mecliau.calM.ieiK.-e, ployed to n nder ihem M.ruceable. Some- ' i^ird hon»eman ‘f ‘I'e i'owever, manual labor, and iK>rs.-veran-e, prompte.1 ‘hen propo^d remrd> mg the failure thronm-d i ' .f thes-; p'i"ip: by f/« ri/.n;/,, viz. , ,sire, that their friends would ;wi-c A«s/f. over a father’s grief. His Antoine was no more! luj had been drowned. For four days several medical men werti coiMitnntly ou the spot, to contrilHite all tho succours that humanity, skill, and science can ufTord. It was they who iittroduQCi« through the hole, broth and i^xip, by me*na of long Hii fulios which had l>een carefully prepared beforehand. The I'wor captiv.*# distributed it with the scrupulous at* tontion, first to the oldest atul wiakest of their companiuna, for nol|vithstauding their dreadful situation, tho spirit of coticord und charity had never ceased among them. Thi> man who was appointed byUhe others to communicate with and answer flie questions of their deliverers, displayed in all his re- plie!*, a gaiety quite in ke‘ping with tha i'ref^h chqnw|ej[« Qg. heyig anhad (lay he thought It tnd on beihg intbrm ed that it was Monday instetid of Sundav» as he supposed, “ Ah f” said he, “ I ought to have known thai: as we yesterday in dulged ourselves freely in drinking —• water.” Strange that a man should have the heart to joke, who had been thus “ cab in’d, cribb’d, confin’d,” during five days, destitute of food, deprived of air, agitated by suspense, and in jeopardy of |>erisihing by the Ino^t horrible of all deaths I There still remained full sixteen feet of stilid rwk between the two anxious parties; but the workmen’s labors were n w, if [X'S* sible, redfHibled by the certainty of com* plete success. At intenals light nourish* ment in regulatml quantities, continued to arrive* and I’hi •lages a. V. - , - . , liiuibia stigt:! in ( ariiden. | into the galleries where tle'se cib|i‘ets b«d a^i^rnfd :ls the place ol rendcx^i«is. On The Contractor pi. d(jes him«elf to u«e ovrry )•„„,„), \» hieh tiie\ a(•l•om|)l|^hed with *'ri.t dianii, -i great number W (ktv.hs >k *«-kr t aiKl . • >«l IM It rrkt ... 1.. 1 aI... ^ 1 II . . _ . — . ... (>11 .Suiidas, th«- workmen continued their | rxertion for iIm,- com'oxt ano , o..ven.ei.cc of pa.- , |J",ucl,‘d,Mk uhv.' 1,'v criwlmg on'thei'r hail.ls hurried to tho t.iwn hall, imagmi.ig a fire laln.r with eipial z«al and uncertainty as U- | ® jenfrers. I!.: ha- prepareu. .i.v.passcig.r (- r rtamin^ tho re- f 'r»'. A s^.rt ol inquietude and hopele.^s- to run on the lint, and a sUii'o, with sUudv and 111 ^.nu ui( v re|t* an n\ i aiico a- , .i . j i n. km b..tei>vf'r .rf-eHsiniia Iv wi vadcd tbeir careliil driver.s. l or R?a!», ajiplication fun be ’ Imid : no Voire s:i\e tb* ts lit* of tlieir owii, '•! *’«use, wvenil of them returiitd home, i • ■ X P , j r made at Boyd’s fioi. 1. I harlou. ; I». lU-eu; 1 ii,i>w.-red fn-m tli..s,‘ narrow and l'Ioou.n appan-ntly uiiinoved. Vet tliuse \yy Kim.- minds, wiiieli iiiayeasily accounted fcir L wis liiU, I.anea:tefville; Hitchcr’s : and at • ^ |t then is eurie.l to them to ‘ trike p»‘P>otm whos’sup|svs (i ajKithv ha.? excitwl hitherto fruitless result ol their RK v.iumi, famdcn. ‘ or; ‘ ‘ ^ ^ „ In.th siirpris.-ami indignation, qui kl\ re-'r searches. l)isms.sionsnow took u.t pa-^scnger payine ni aiivante. jcent-.|H.r niilc II 'cKa' a_.iui tu ro» 1 1 tii / ^ ^ m tlic’mii- place what was to U; done; dillereiice for tfomL':uid rtiurnin-. I mine. Still tlie sa.me inn li. t rnig Mlence ! api" an u on iiic s in , iir*-K-»;u lu im oiii i • w uitii uuu ju"i wtcii irru , n.rrii Turn*. Il.iYD. Contractor. ; _L,»fe„ !_\es! the sounds an-aiiswenHl form of the Nati.maH.iiard. So ..owcrlnl ol opinion an*e on the uiiious plans |to-J agitated f.irms suni^H.rted by tho Si pt. ri, I .,,niilar blows l-^Kvcrv heart beat* ev- mt1u«-iice «d orgaiiiz-u na-!*^s, !>'•?'‘ I. and, m the inrari time, the b>und »>• •cngfiH'f^i!', uii fiiiom- nrpy in.-ir ff eble I . .ii ■' ...■■’i .. iwukf tiwi m fihc*^ asioiiishinent, yet lieaimng still,Ui.itcd by77.v/)ri/riv/K. ' -Ytrh gnilUj*le» ->ccomf«»ni,cd by tlu; doc tor, they all, with oin- .sjii^W exception, as- r« n.I.'d th^ entniiice of the mine, w ithoiit rnf>«s to iiilinle the njin the in.uih of tho The general anxiety wa.s now wound up to the highe.st pitch; it was f)» rh.i[>s, the iiioiit tryiii*; crisis yet experienced since thn coinnMMieenient of these Ijenevolent JjiSors; at length the moment of deliverance w as all at once announced, and at ten o‘clo k it was accmipli.shed. One by one they ap- |>e!j|«*d, like s|)ectn;s, gliding along the gaU lery which had jurt Ixsen completed ; their PK,l*Uv4l> . For jnMiihiu:: ,:,r t ,>y of »«./,.»w»". /.f. | ltd f, ptrhaiw, it i«.t ’ V ' V’’1,7. K-ver, the «mbHTra»i- ««c/^t,h.ir wis!M-9—ur. JK.-T,r.ps, stMi.e deceitful ft was triiU .iMuirabl. to e with what ditrrciilt.cs of the workin-n in- ' ulilt'i'ril Tho .llt rliaiiic'** nu. lai.u T/i” S'aritit ..'f s’l.s/f’i*. ■cbo. rii«'\ a-iuiti 'iirike t’.i. vaulted n^.t. ad.ln-s.- un.l ra;itilit\ the tlin • or l’>ur bun- ' Tlior»> IS 110 loiii:' r an\ d.Hi .t. I he sii.ie dn-d m-i; w ho ha l ha^t' ned t.. I^'i- 'lonztl, ! iiuii.ljer ot' stn.k-> i> r-iiiiii'-i!.—.No words p:is». 1 aii.l n-t a»e.l the Niri... ii by i'.twi- j.Mii j.aiiit the \ iiicd !'.Tlii;_ • that pr\:n!.il m.'a ham t.. tin-U.tt-.iii I!ut l.'wrv heart' It wa- It.. ii'; t.ie c\|.n-sexi iln'ir ;r-ner'ux.-li'.rl^ls;am t«.lal\;umL t‘> :nMvH|. 1 lie flinty nK;k seemed to grow m.re imi-netrable ; the.r Lk.Is either bn.ko , .r U came H) fixed tn the Monc. tl.at >l 'va- temporary n siden.-.- nll.Hted f’OK'I |u\ 01 ija P..UV 'l\i'^ ^ s’ .1 . II J I d..vot.,i 10 fc.i.r.-a.,. iT.. ...u.-.n,. -1 ' r.l-b.e de.ulum of an.-. fl A.;.!: Ij - i. aii't m n,-, pro^. to jm_%. o| I Mr. and ot Iio.m-. nuiA>' up t'.' j m. ;l ^ lo euiUjin -i.i-1 W itlii'U* 1 v|n^ an m-ta.it, tlif rngiii' er' ti.n(Ki.ivo 1’.,■ ■■■ ■'.« lo ••.tit. II, 111' ! ,,rilfr.(! a h.le to !>«• Inr.'d 1:1 thi- dir.ciioii Farm.r’, U, r_l:„ ; tier, li.c .,ii,.r,..s « Imt.' the nnii.T l(ei>i>ur. Ill- 1 .r. ' r ^ II'1: tr v.ia lontaiii ' *■ - ... I-^niiteil to b-; nt t!;*'aiii'-tiiii" diric- 11-t ion^. l:na_Hif a 'id»l Tr.inc 1:1 p:i - b:i'll\ ''j;llf' 'l. v.li' T'- 111. V WI-IC l li^i l t 1 m iiiitam thcn.-. lv-x 10 a raju.l il* ' ent ma -tisip.n^ ixi'liin , I t avoul ^tnklng then lie:* !-, .i;jaui't th- II ••fill tli’ ^all.f, and iinp.t . -.til. II, 'I'll' t. r—till i tiiT, ll.c .>n.t.lijnic's 'III- 1 .r. ' r'- K'1: tr v>ia eontaiii acrieiillural ni'tieiar.il ui 1 oti.ir niallu, oii.-, . 1 .■ non tij a iie.i-iw,-I. *• wi i I", ml. rt III lo th a ti 1. .11 all"!..'T [M.nit, tiie fi.riiMtu.n ot an whn li was ilnppm:; lioin ev.-r_\ clasi iroiii who..i V. .■ i;ui\i ti. -lull n. ii.r. 1 In; iiiciiiieil w I II. for tli.j purpose-of cummum- Mcchanie'-. K.;,i.-t.r will .rnl.m .-n. li „ ,tl, them. imbrmation on uk. a:iau . . • a.,..U..u to Wu^oi...- rfow l'» lii»* ,M:i>'*r **l‘ St. VJii UW', !•> j)i*urur*' a C'Mjplf' *>\ Iin‘ purii[r- >m|..»ible *o n-ain them. 1 ...• ■ illuimnat. d. 'J-l.c A foK'I lu.V 01 i:.. pres, lit I a \ ril..ble deili.um of l.-tion^. I ata.it,.-a Md.l Tram-1.1 pi-a..- «'* pait.', t imug 1 ' ' „„gir,ee>-s, pupils, and the wurkmeti, with ^ d.. VO,. ,1 10.1 ra-.i.r. ol a r npr_.UJl^ . '‘-u row ^all.rv th.A were ,--r..ratmg, and tbe> ev, a Ix-an to apprehend iuioltn-r ir-; two lines to fi.rm a pa-a:;e ; luulthus ' : 1:1 til.! mid>t of a nMigious sileiic*-, did iliese Suc h was the slate of things on the Mon- f,.Hows traver^ an attentive and s\ in- •f tti.- tm:", iiji I'l tlie iiinl iie m tlie water, d.iy morning, w lieri, at t o'clock, an U'ton- pi,thizfiig crowd, who, as they pan.-e.l aloii'i, :»jme i~hin”no|sew beard, wliieh re-echoed thro’| their heads, as a sort of ie>i>tct i.lea iiiiiy N- formi li i t'tlieir pai.iiiil hilu I- tin- lull ext. iit ol the mine. \ general ' |,onor to their sull. ring^. tion. '^■|le^ w. n- n h-ve.l from this lal.,- pame s.-ized or evcrv one; it wa. tbou^bt . alK.cting particulars of an nous dutv b> t;.e ;,u,l. -f St. Hi- «at r.- h.id l..rci j a n-w is-ue. \ ra-j i;ii. ii;).', whoM' 7. .1 aiiil .•Mtli.i- la-in exec- pel and coiihi-.-d 11,-lit t.>i.H place ; but luck- ^ j. sus[,eniieil at St. F.ti- , . Wii.-h the\ di d all praiM-,. l.at a mon'pin ;ou> rein- liy, tiieir fears w.tc s.«ai al!a>.'d on an event whieh exhibited tiie eiitir® riihRtcd back to th>; mini-, aeronipaiiiiil lun’-iin'iit wa'^ at hanl; th.'woiki.ien Ir.mi 't'l'mg t lat it w i-. .m \ .in ' |„,|,y|.,tif,n .if a lar.ie town, formipg as it b\ two lin-iiK-n. In the ardor of \outhl'ul tin- ad|,iit iii mines now ainv. d m gniat .d ns.k, ,i.'tacl..-d-lr.jni tli.* mine, wliicli liail , li.'ai t, enti-itaming but one humanitv, thi.^ vonuL' mn imaffiiied that numlsr-.. I'n.,,, their .-kiil ainl-xjM-rience fallen into a .Ira.ma:: w-ll. Ibis imbued with but one fl'eling, for the dehveraiK O i,t' the irtii..-r- wa.-, but the v« rv thmu might lie ex|H-. l.-rl; it uie\ fall- larm, liowev. r, o[H i.,ied m a discouraging I■ , allair of a few hmrs; ainl vM-iim- to pn-- d Ih-n- was no finther hoj-.. manner, on th.- imiuKoi the workmen : and 'I'hi- rhniiif 11 hru.t «a a-:.in rrtiewed by it lequii. d >om- iiiaiia rineiit to bring tliem eompani.-s of th.‘ .National (.iiarl, roliev’d l>ii''k to tiieir re,-p.Ttive stations, aiul to re- .•v. rv tw.i hours, who at n-s|«-. ti\i; distun- v,\e that anior and coiiv|aiicv, which tiie) . e.., h-ld III.- h^iitsan.i iiiitl.-r w^oseon!•'^s ha.I hitliTti>, m> admirably displave,!. lid > a. led. It wa-i a I hferiii” H(M'claele to 'I’liey h id si arcely renewed their ndea- Mrstr in (Jtk -i.vw.—Here, as every Ih IioM eitiZ'-ns of' all ranks eiigagi .l in one \ ir.., to iMire tliroii:;h the ro.-k, when sudilen- wh(-re el.se m tlii-se cou:itrie.-, there is ex- faf«.-i.ar« r-aitne,atem .incUoiiarauo.wenu- ,ouu.. . |-■•. 'I 'h.- iiolt)«-t hmiKiaiiv, under |v o,^. of lli.Mii f-lt tlio mvtrumcut drawn ' c,-11,.-nt iiKisic, and that of a native gn.wth. five c.Siitl |H r volume, hach volume to e.mialn a platio too much im.lined to admit of tln ir the dm . lion ol pin r eolli- rs. |,.uids, b> th' ptKir impn-smed tin- ^ What I have heani this evning would l>c fiity-two nuinbi'Ts. ' phi\in^'with liieililV. or tli- water was to.i ’ri„- jmmens.-advantages .f the orgaiil- ners. It wa-in.l.-e.l, lo them the t/i.v^ri/-j ill exchanged for the most finished trans;il. '1 he obji.-i t ..I bi.th these uor. s wll lie. to piirt 1^ neeivi-.l up lli‘ pip'*; lli'Ji /jii uni if the N ational (iiiarj, weie ii.v.-r .'/'(//('n rd we iVom tlieir cruel situa-' pin com[>o*!itions. In and out of disirs theic a cheq^t«jinm ahandim.-.l. In lh- ine.in- nioie 'trikm^jly .•xeniplilie.l tLau on tins tion. ’ Sin-ular to lelate, their re,pi'-st was I is music—always iniiMC ; morning, no.m and ?n>im;^'’|j*y yivinK'noi^rtaai i:,',orniulioii, siiiud tiiae, th- atl( mptsmadi’ to naeh th- miners rcaision. W ith.'Ul iheiii then' wotil.l Ix- n.itiior for f.Msi npr drink, but for/jg/i/, as if j midnight, there isinii.MC. 'TUe peasant ncv tiUi. a\..eatii>ns ut tho t .or wi 0111 11 w:,-. inti nd. | souiidiii;:, fir b\ the ineliiiPd well, s« eiii- 1 no nK-aiis or p ed. U e .loniil tliat It i» our d^Mre that 111-y >naJl I ■ ■ imdthdr vvay b>U.. nr.-io. o. ,viryh...e ^ ^ rii, li. o^t r: sound of their blows .m th»- nsif, far from m^Ut ami day, so as to eii-un-a rc:r(ilar and ,if the iulii-ieis?.lillsurvived; andatthistiine 1 InMid !” with a musical intonation, .ludg- ^ a ^ . >■ til I . .1 .- _■ X ... I: .... it i.**!*.. I. informalion un nary nen*pa|x r iioUli '. us ili oiiili-r it bli- aM}ui!.itii)n to tlx i.i .arj ol limtu'e.ul anU in fluential cl ..s ol tili/i ...r wiioiii It Id Oil' 11'' Th.;‘.e t*i> putiluHln.ii- wi.l eoi.lam no aiivirti^e. ini'nls but l..> ■ t..nii'tU.l »ilii rti>,rieuilnie .t.iil tlic mechaiiir art-. I 01 tliL-.- wor..» vn.- a » liie tpcciil conlribulinn ol llio>c »h.«J\: uMjtatu.'ii', 1 life enabii tlie.n toijive jiractital anil usen l inior- mation. i . •fhc i.neeo:''!,.-sc will i.n. dolU. and fil.y virpri^e" foi the fii. nd' cr'.tM m r annuni. naid in aiiv^im-e. .\s om huiii , 1 . .1 . • . cannorb. reinilUU by n.ail. ai.y po.-l-ma.slcr l, "t the sup,H.s. d Victlllis. Iie> gave ,t,.ct m- tiithiifizid lo riceiVL lion aciouiii, and the ik,ih.t jiinetioiis at the niavoralty ti> kee[> the cl)- wilMiC lorwardeo on his r. tti, I. , jert of tlnir CXp*'dltlon a pr.'fi .Ulld ern-f. 'J’he editor i* » illii.jj, win re one uidividual will ,Notw ithstaiidiii'Mhe imtiriii;: ejilirts mad,- obtain tipi.1 or nior. place tli.>M- pumps th- mine. It wa^ dollar anu twunlv.tivi c«:fiU loriatn, to iorsNiiiu r .11*1 .1 ^al tiie late 01 .ilit dollar aud twenU- found IllipoSSiOle. l.itlier tiK'V W n- Up .li ti.iiis, men of all countries, whenever and wh.-ri ver sulli-rin:; humanity claims your aid—y>’ tiitfl 'lo lihrii isf. ■ to n aeli tie-miners rccasion. >\ itbout llieiii then* woti:.l Iw ni itlier lor I mmI nprdnnk, tint lor/jgrtf, as it j mulmglit,tnere isiniisic. - i ne peasant nc>• in, lined well, s« eiii-1 n,> nK-aiis or p.is-.ibilit\ of iiminig to^. iIht ihe\ '.vere more ,*ag. r to make ns«M>f their ,>r pa.s.scs, und,-rany circnmstanccs, without mtabic (lillieulties.— | an . ntiie population ; .if li admg the jH ople e\. s, dnu i,, satisl\ th.- pre.-.->iiig wants of, wi.shiiig me, and every one in his vvay, a was imkiiown ; th! fr.im a listanre of more than fhre-niil.-i, a|.p"titi-! It was now a.-^^certaiiied that eight “ (lut morgen, guten tiig;” or “(luteiia- r;ike them worti.j ol ing of its harmonizing efU-ets upon the mind cor.l.iin thf: , orrei!i.onj nee lii.tW' i-n i i n. .laekMin and .Mr. allioun; wliich will ln' iolln«i d up l«) th" public ilioiw I .xplaiiii,!;; lln eaiiKe ol tlic iIi.ihh- lulion ot the late eabinel i thus , inlHd) nij; a mah ■ of inli ret.tiir(r hi^tnry ,i|»jn that mibji, t, in n vimphll iHiiii. \* It 1.. I'XjM I'll d that many vil lage and ntii;hl)orhood ( lubh will In: lorini ,1 lor thiir ' iri iilaliou, we inli nd to pubhfli a larj;i; , Ui- tion of the liiht iiundHTM. pr ig ress. I lie eoii-,e(pient anxiety that , ,;a.-»ions, ln-,-n witin's,! l iK foie. ceptiona. rf-i.iiied in the mine may Ih; easily coni eiv. I 'rii- n.a.I Ironi St. I’.lienn,-lo Hois.Mihi- f.itli r of one of tin* iiK-n who bad disap I 1. I'iacli >f the party in his turn, oll.‘-red 7.II, exhibited a sreiie ol 'he most aniiiiali'd |»eared m the mine. His paternal fbehngs Ins siiirgestions, soiiH-times of Iio|m-, some- kind. In the iiik!-.! «il lli*‘ nn'dyy ami niov- si-eme,! to have i-nd.iwed him with sui>erhu- tinif-s of apprehension, and (he whole fell i in;r innliituile, the .National (Iiiaid w. n- m in streni:th. .Night nn,l day he never oppn-ssed b\ Ihe va^ue sur|K-nse, which is, i .oi-n hurryini- to ami I'm: rh ixMi rx, un n- rpntted work hut for a few minutes, to re- |K'rhaps, more painful to snp|Mirt than th.* i ,iili'-r?5, ca\alrv, and artillerxJiien, ail . loth- turn to it with redonbh-d ardtir; one sole, direi’t ',‘rtainl V. 'I'lie .stroks of the uiifor- 1 >d in their iic-w tmd rieli rostmiie, as cm liehl abnorbiiio ihunaht, .K-eiipied his whole soul: ling by night in the maii.coach, in the depth of winter and during the ah^^enee of tho moon, 1 was surprised to observe, that, thouirh tleiis,* clouds covered (;very part of the horizon, anl not a single star cou!,l b,-; s«-en, yet the night was far from being dark, and larg.- objects near the road wen; I'asily reciproi ated ifdcitircd. Df.’FF oin;i:.v. }\aAhxn2ton Tv Aiv R A N n:! r i> I: K Ds foit sAt.i; \T THIS orncr. * St. Olienne, .T maniinicliirinK town for lianl- wari, and iibbaiidK, with a |Kipulalion of 1(10,000 Kouls : till' ltirinin;ilnni and Covintry of rtaiice. It is «ituat(;d on tht l*!.ka of the Loire. Ih.* .'cene was still more heijrhtened, I'resh time to time, he calle,l on his son, in ac- Imiuls of miners, conihicted by their n-s|>ec- cents that ton; tho hearts ol the bystanders. chiefs, coming in from ev, ry si,le; It was from his Ivuid *he instrument had their sooty visages light,»d up by glaring Iwen drawn. His first ipiestion was, “my itorchcs; National C^uards arriving fnnn child'” liikc'Ai'nelle , let mo t!irow u veil it was true. Liiuilon'ii Miir^nzine of Xaiural History. Charity.—\V«- should not wait for oppor- tiniities for doing gotnl, but m-ak'! them.