m^ERS’ FAR RS’ JOrRl^AL. PRINTED ANU PrBLISIIi:n EVERY WEONESDAY, MY IVOIII.E A IIOLTO -.«tIIARM)TTE, MW KLE\BIIRG COUNTY, NORTH-CAROLISTA. I WILL TEACU VOO TO PlKRrE TUB BOWELS OK TJIB EABTII AND BHIV) ODT HIOM THE CAVKKNH Of THE MOI NTAINd, MKTALH V \ OI^ II. :u WILL OIVK ?TRENQTM to our HANDS A!«D SUBJECT ALL NATURK TO OUR UHK AND PLKAMItK. DE. JOHNilON. WEDNESDAY, 0€1>BEII 5, 1«31. NO. 54. THE IflincrH’ A: Farint'rN’ Journal Is printed and publislird tvcry Wtdiicsday morn- inj at Tieo Dollars and Fifty ChUb per nnnurn, if pftid ill advance; Three DoUart a year, if not paid until after the expiration of hix uionthii. ADVERTISEMKNTS will be inserted at Fifty cental per square (not exceeding 90 linef,) (or the first insertion, and 25 cents for cach succeeding >Teck—or 61 lor three weeks, for one square.— A litM'ral discount will be made to those who advertise by the year. ILrOnalla/lvcr’iseinents communicat«l for publication, the number of insertions must be notrd on (he margin of the manuscri|it, or tJiry will be contiiiuid until forbid, and charged neeordingly. *,* All ronmunications to t)ie F^ditorK must come free of poftnfTf, or they may not be attrjidrd to. Till aud ^beel-lroii IVarc .MANUFACTORY. J. SL'MKRR A CO. RnSPF:rn'FULI.Y imbrm the citizens of Charlottr, am] tlie public generally, that thfy have coiiiii-enctd tlie above liuj-inevs at the «ld staud IbrirM-rly occupied by E. .M. HronMjn, and recently by t.'aj>f. Tho. A. Mera as a grocery, on Main street, a short distance north-ea«t from the Court-llouw;, where tli*-y intend to keep on hand a good UMKurtuicnt of Ware, and cxpcct to be kbie to )>up|ily at wholesale or retail, on the most reawunble tcrnis, all wlio may favor them with Iht ir cu»Uun. J >8. SC’ M N I’.R A Co. N. B. All kinds of Jult H ori in their line done at short notice, ii Wanted, an Apjir' ntice to th«' above buhinnoi; one who can come well recom mended, will rective suitable encouragement CmtVG . ME9IUERS OF TIIK LEtilMi.AT! RK, FOR ih;i. Anson, ricment Marshall, .V. Wni. A. Morris and Alexander Little, Athe. John Kay, S. James Calloway and Toliver Witcher, C. brtimmek. William R. Ilall, S. J.P.Gausc and Samuel A. I.a8[)eyrp, C. Buncombe. James Allen, S'. J. Hrf^ard and J. riiyton, C. Btanfurt. William S. Rowland, .V. Richard II. J Bonner and David C. Freemun, | Iturke. .Mark Rrittain, S. Alncy Durgen und . F. I’. Glass, C, I Itladen. John T. Gilmore, S. John J. Me- 1 Milkn and Robtrt Lyon, C. Bertir. (ieo. O. Askew, S, Lewia Thompson and David Outlaw, C. ' Crarrn. Hictiard l>obba Kpa'ight, iS. Abner j llurtly and Wilio .M. Nelson, C. i Carlfret. Thomas Marshal, S. Ju«. W. Hunt ■ and John F. Joms, C. | Curriluek. Johathan J. Lindsay, S. John B. J Jooes and Bi'iijHiiiiri T. Simmons, C. Vumdrn. llaywood Bell, 6'. 'J'honias Dozier and A. ; randy, C. I Canwrll. James Kerr, S. Littleton A. Gwynn and John T. Gnrland, C. j ('kmmn. Rickard T. Brownrijjg, S. Joseph II. .'^kirinrr and William Jankwn, V. I'hatham. William Renthcr, »V. Hugh Mc Queen and Joseph Hroolis, Cumhrrland. John I». Tooiner, S. David .Mc Neill and John Barclay, C. t'aharrus. Christopher .Mclchor, •S'. D. M. Barringer and William M’Lean, t'ulumbut. Luke |{.Siiiiitjiint'', .V. ,Murnialuk« I’owfll and (.'ali b Stephens, IhiriiUon. Larle.s IFoover, Jolin Hogan and John .M. Thoiiiai', Ihifilin. Stcjilien .Miil-r, S. Win. Wright iV Jo*. Gillesjiic, POKTRl JOLD MINE. cri ,n(Lic. A WARNING FROM THE BY MIfS ir. F. COIJ Ye who rend my bed of tarfl Mark me ! from my lowly bii i. Yc, in me, to ligiit will bring What will rise and be your k I shall rule with tyrant sway Till ye rue rny natal day: High and low my power fhal I will make the world my tin ne! He who wornhiiu me liliall b Martyr, dupe, or slave to me Jjove and friendship, on the wy To liiii idol, he will slay ; f'onKcientc, 1 will still her cr; 'I'ruth, for me, shall bleed am J will be n chain lo bind, i lX>wn to tilt) earth, tlie immorki mind. TIioHuh ye fry me by the firej^ It will only heat niy Ire; Though niy form ) e otlen chanpe, ’Twill but givo me wider rsuge. For iny sake, the poor shall fei l. On his face, hi.'t neighlior’s heel. Then I’ll turn, and, taking «i:ig. Leave with avaricc but a sfinjr. I will Ik a spur to rriint: ’\'e will Mill your iKacc through time; And a Imig etiriiity Of'remorse thall come for me; Now am I heri* without ortence, Hut if ever tuken hence, Mill will eat a bitter fruit Spriii)>ing from a goldi ii root. Charlotte \ t'niiKton ^ta^Cin. KEW ARRA.VGE.ME.vr. LEA V ES Charlotte and Camden every Puiiday and Wednesday, at 9 o’clock, A. M.—and arrives in Charlotte and Camden every Monday and 'I’horsday, at 5 P. M.—meeting the Northi-rn •Cages at Charlotte, and tlic Charltsion ana Co lumbia Btages in Camden. The Contractor pledges himwlf to utc every exertion for tlie eointbrt aud convenience o)‘ pa»- ■enfi ra. II* tia.« prepared a six-paoscnger (Joach to run on tltti line, ai^ a stage, with steady snd careful drivers- Fur scats, application can be nade at Boyd’. Hotel, Charlutte; D- Hagen; I«wif Gill, Lanrasterville; Fletclinr's; aiid at Me Adam., Camden. Fare, 6^ cent* per mile, or the paMrnger paying in advancc, 5 cents p«;r mile bt gf>iog aitd returning. THOS. BOYD, Contrcclor. Sept 5, 1R31. 50tf ALMANACK UF FORTl'NE. Tlif-re is a dis|)ositi(>n very prrvalenf a- /IVgrromfc. Uuis l>. W'ilson, .V, Redding J. ,„onjj the human si)eci.;s to look into tlioir [ ittiiian and iiardy rlowiTK, r. ir . j * .1 - • i FrcMn. ^\ Ilium P. Williani:., S’. Gideon | ^ '“''doavor to asr.prfaui be- (;ienn and James Pavi-, C. , lortliaiui wliat |8 to tx? ftieir ct.ndltion— (•ui!/ord. John .M. Dick, S. Amos Weaver wliether ricli or poor—fortunate f>r unfor- and Ailen Perplcs, tunatc—Inpfiy or ii'i.s«*rable. That tliev i »«'‘y learn ali'tlu^se things w.tl.out yoing to ilfay.-*—ThoHe who are born in May, if they have light hair, will very often have blue eyes, uml fair complexions. Many of fho males will be nearly six fret high; and many of the female!* will possess a beautiful shape, if they do not s|)oil it by drer,s.— Both male and female will Ix; much inclined to fall in love, cs|>ecially l)etwecn llie age of sixteen and twenty-five; and should they make prudent nialclien, enjoy good licalth, poBsesB a good temper, have obedient chil dren and plenty of money, they will be apt to lead a very comfortable life. June.—Those whoare born in June, and csca|')€ disease, will be as bloomiog as the rose, and will .scarcely know what pain is. They will for the mo.st part be ardent lovers —the men of good eating and the womeu of fine clothf**. The meti will generally be as happy as circumstances will allow; and will contrive, by hook or by crook, to live Mit all their days. 'J'he women will be ex- rffdingiy pleiisant, when they are in a good humor; und, with very few exceptions, will liveis long as they can. They will, u majori ty of thnii, frfct niarried, and leave plenty of heirs. Some of them will leave estates, and .sane will not; and where there is no thing if> quarrel about, there will be the less litigati'ii. Jtz/y.—'I'liis is u-'-'ually a h.t month to be ! iHirn in, Und many of the .luly-flowers will fall bef.re they arrive to maturity. A gn-at m®y of the men will bo fools; and a np'at maiy of tlie womcn,coqucttcs. Those who are named, unless they should hapj>tn to agree, will be apt to quarrel like cats and dogs and those who live and die single. From the New England Magazine. SOL'TH-CAUOLINA. To a person that arrives in the city of Charleston on a moonlight evening of March or April, it seeme that he has never seen or imagined sodelictous a place. He will walk delighted through spacious streets, lined with pride of India; he will sec the niulti* flora rose, with its clusters of a hundred flowers, clasping pillars and balconies; and he will breathe an air perfumed with tha blossoms of the orunge and Jessamine. Ha will see the dark green laurel shoot up its pyramidal form, covered with large glossy leave*, and studded with huge flowers of a delicate white; and he cannot fail to admire the slender palmetto, shaped like an enor mous umbrella, with a straight shaft of six ty feet, and a cluster of hanging leaves at the top. The stranger will see in Charles* ton not only colonnades, piazzas, and domes, with other parts of good architecture, but he will find many trees and gardens, with out which the best edifices lotie half tiM-ir proper efiect. In the morning, let the traveller go to tho market house, to see the pnxluctions of tho south. There is no lack of supplies to fur nish forth a feast, and the array of fruits as well as pfiultry, (which is manacled in pairs) are sold by negro and mulatto fenmlf^, whose gay turbans of iMadras, anl w hose manner of sitting beside their merchandise, has a very Turkish appearance. In the vicinity of the marlict are hun dreds of large sable, bald-headed birds, bearing the respeciable compound name of 'I'urkey-F.urxards, and enjoying an exterior wdl neve’ know what it is to be married. [ pf'rticuiarly grave and solentti. I noted fw'aft. *"f;roncX'.‘’\\’ilhIm\’(l..«m^ Spcncer O’-1 “ fortuneteller—and thus s«>e both time Bncn and James Wyehc, C. | and nioii''y—w e have, with grf atcare, stu- j firtriir. WyaU Moye, .S'. .Artiiur Sfieight and dy an ob.'ervati.>ii, connei ted for their nso James Harper, C. Unlifar. Isham Mathews, S. I non and John R.J. Danii l, C. I Herthrd. Bridger J. .\lont(;omfry, S. A. C'hamble^ and Godwin C'. .Moore, C. Thoe. Nichol. Klisha Mui lii-M eat 01 tiie Coort-House, in Lrxinfttt^, N. C. is aguin opened tor the reception of Travellers &. Boardera. The vtablea are extensive, roomy and dry; grain and provender of tlir beat, plentiful, aoid aerved by good hoatlrra. The hou!>e has nia. my com'urtable ruvnis, acrves a good table and re- ftinhmei U; and the proprietor and his family «iU omit nothing in their |>owcr to make it most qui't and agri-eable. I tfi B. I). ROVNSAVILLF.. Li-\l> KALKS, fiy virtue of orA'rs from the Court of Fxjuity. ON tfte first Monday in November next, at the Coart-llousn in ('horloUe,the follow ing traett. ef I..ANO will bcex|KMid to public, auction, vix* One tract Ulongiiig to lh»’ hrirs of the Kci’nd. Kami. C-. aldwt II, dcc’d., joining ill*- lands of .Maj. *rho«. Alexander, tieo. Koss, .Mrs. Susan .Mexaii- d» r, and otlirrs, known by the Kobinwin Plania- tion, containing ‘.ZtK) acres, more or less, on a credit of one and two years. One callcd lh! Orr Plan tation, joining l>r. Jo. Alexand« r, Albi-rt Wilxon and *ith«r»: thie calUd the Mendermjn Place, joining I. vi I’arks, the lands of Wm. I.ucky and otliars. Terms of the two last made known on tlie day of sale. Hundry traeU U-longing to the heirs and deviwcs of l>anl.G.illant, dev’d. vii: One called the Siiiilh tract, joiniu;; tlie lands of Hartwell Glover, Fred- crit k Dinkins, dee'd. and others, coiitnining llH) acri'S. t>ne called Itie White-llall I’laiitation, on which said Dinl. (iullant lorm riy lived, contair- ing lf>4 acres, more or less. Ont oilier called the llynam tract, joining the White Hall plantation, the lands ol'Aiidw. Hoyl, SamI.Cox, and others, containing 105 acres : Oue called Ihi (Jri't ii tract, uiining the lands of Gen. Tho*. G. Polk, Jo. and ItobL Porter, and others, containing ."Ibd or 37U acres : One other tract near Mason's Ferry, join ing the lands of Mason, t^aruthrrs, and otliers, ountaining 130 acres. All of which will be Mild on a credit of 1^ and 16 montlis, (iubject to the widow’s dower. Also, one small undivided interest in the Plan tation on whieh >en. tleo. Graham fbrnierly lived, on a credit of I’J iiioiiths. In every instano , iKinds and app.r'ed securi ties will bt; rrquind. 1). R. Dl NLAP, r. M. i:. Cl.'ifi-pr. adv. .S'7 177; OF Mfiirn i^UOLL\A, MErKLr.NHfHO ( Ol NTV. William Black, I'x'r. of John Black, ^ I'*. 1 In Equity. ^d^m A. Springs, tJeorce Hampton, | .May term, .Kiiias ( lark A ilarriet .M’Hryde. j IKIl. IT upp aring to thi' satisfaction of tiiis Court, that Harriet Meliryde, oneot'the defenilants in ihis e«H', lives wilhoiit the limits of this State: ll is therefore ordered that publication be made six weeks in the Miners'and Farmers’Journal, lliat mill - wiid Harm I McBryde app« ar at our next t 'iiirt of Ivinity to Is- held at the t imrl-llouse ill ( harli.tti, on tin litli Monday all* r the llh Mon day in S-ptenilM-r, and th( re answer, judgment will l)e taken eximrtii against her. Wit, CBS. I*. R. bl'NLAP, C. M. E. 6tT)(i-pr. adv. II j i'otiMtitution of .»>. i'arolinti, AND OF TIIK STATIX I^OR Sale at this Office, a few copies of a Pamphlet containing the Conslilutinn of tht th** CiHmiitnlton of yorth-Camhna, wd the Declaratian ofIndrpmdtnce. Price,tts. the following infallible rules. All that is necessarv' to the correct underf.tarifiiiig of them is tor the reader just to recollect the month in which he wa-s Iwrn. They are Hydt. William fvibv, S. Thomas S. Single, arranged after the plan of the Frcnck Al- ton and F»ter Jarvis, C. | mamc, now widely cinnilating in the now“- Hiiyicooil. L. u. Parham, .V. N. Ldmonston: . . i , . r . Tiie men, w hen they are provoked, will ve ry often ly into a passion; and the women, under siuilar circuinstariccs, will sometimes ponf as to spoil tlieir beauty ; and neither malt’s nor lemales will enjoy a nioment's happinetti until tiiey get fairly over their anger. Aui’uM.—Very few persons would l>e horn in August it they could help it; and of those who arc born, very few are either and J I «mith C ' 5 l^-rft'ct accumcv, ^ li‘althier, or happier than they should hedeii.' Pi«Jkney Caldwell. .V. Coo. F Da.! will be found verv far to excel the foreign ; are generally subject to sad di^s- vidaon aiMl Joseph M. U.gl., C. productioti—cspe'ciullv when applied »o the ’ fppomtinent-s and hardly ever attam to the Kisden M’Danid, S. Jamca Howard latitude and longitule oi'this our tir.-^t rate, i height of their wish»'s. Those who lay : true republican and »vei-beloved conntrv. I'nmensely rich, will mostly and AihUy Sanders, ’ i N- To be especially read Mien the ! ‘*“1 Hieir schemes; and those who marry Ltnedn. Duiel Hoka, & Jacob Abernathy i -Moon is in Perigee, and near the fxll. But ^ they had and Hi-nrjr Cansler, C. ' WiWiin D. Moerh, 'S. Wooten and Shadrac Wooten, C. . Moore. Jo«iah Tyson, W ni. Wadswortli Januarv—He that is born in Jamiarv ,,,, ' and Giden.1 S.-.well,\;. and lives io 1h> a l.utuin.l vears old w.ll see ! , not a few of them will be Montfomtry. Rcuhen Kendall, .V. Pleasant M., a cold dav an 1 meet witli nvinv i ‘'-'‘"•^^•‘boxes. Man\ of both seX- Mask and Gi'o. W. M’Cain. C. ' i n ’ n ii ? *1 es will die of eholera inorbus, fever or sonK* MtrkUnhurg. Henry .Massey. .Sen., Jofm a.-* C'ld. His DO:W, unless | Hart ami James iKmghcrty, C. j " t'll protected u itM tur or some otiicr warm , i;...i i i^.i .Htfrfin. Je«se (Vx>|4-r, i'. Josejih Robertmin commodity, will bi'fomc «s blue as a red and Jjhn ( Ionian, (. iM)t»t(v'i'\rrv limp lip vnninrAu ?i I will answer, upoQ a pinch, fijr ahv other Allen W, ( married for money—and vice versa. The s>oim, unless th^y have ft parrt^ular for truth, will many of them 6e liars; and .>ne With a dost? re.semblance to.ludge Bar leycorn. The buzxard was reeonnoitering, from the ridge pole, a shin bone, to which he otlen turned his head! to look at alter nately with each eye, as I have often seen his Honor turn first one ear then the other, to the words of the counsel. Nature ho\v- ever has furnished him with ears upon a bHjntiful scale. The buzzards are protect ed by law, and, in requital, make them selves useful in the capacity of scavengers. Nothing escapes them; they scent their food afar off; and, to say truth, they may be found themseK es at some distance in a sim ilar niannor. I had once killed an old alii- gator, nine feet in lei^th, and bad him flay* ^ upon the spot. When the skin was ta* ken oflT, there was no bird in ai^lit but a ! live to be a hundred years old. Se/ttmlftr.—This is a very clever month fore there were seventy buzzards rank and file, pressing to the banquet; and in an hour there was, on the bank, the cleanest skeleton of an alligator that you would see in riding fifty miles, even in Alabama, where the fences are made of them. The gait of tho liuzz-ird is like the short hop of the bull- f 'ojr, and reminded me of a dancing school 1 once attended in Vermont. In Charleston, the stranger will not fail „ uti iieiuii. Ill love mailers, ii win in an. ,, li . .u ■ i to remark, that he is in a country* where icn .nd »;.-orgeliKldie, C probabihtv go hard with him, should he i at home is vet "so much Smihamnton. James I. Havlev, Richard u„.' i j .i J he men will be the most obliging of hus- . ^ Crump, jr. and John M. Moo,ly, , chance o woo an icicle and niaiy a mustard { better fed, clothed, and conditioned, than m OitsW. u-wis Dcfhoiitr, s. Jolin P.Thomp. I P"*’ ‘>ii'^>nd he happen to fail in money sen and G. A. Thompson, c. ' nirittcrs, he will, ten to one, be as poor as " I and comfortable, if not rising in the world. Richard bands, w hen if suits their interest and ineli-1v- ■ ■ nations, and the women will be the kindest ^ iic »ill, irii tu oiiv, iRi L>vui u?*' * .i« II ;# I and coniiortable, II D(*t ri3in*j iH llic worlu* /Vrson. Ilolx'ri Vanhook, Rtnj. .\.Sumnor 1 ’ *' Ljid female, will live to a gxid old igc; a ami Thomas Metielu e, C. | . I . ’ - i Vct'fHotank. .lohn Pool, S. Thomas Ik.ll and , John .M. Skinn-’r, C. I l 'i i i . I — / Iff. AHred Moye, S. Roderick Cherry and buttered—not be- bv the ianglinirs of their heirs. •' .1 ... ui;.. I 1 ■ I I ' ^ (>riHge. aiic and J principle upon which the negro renders his Fcbrmry.-T\M,^ who ar« korn in Feb- j brge‘prtion"of‘them w dl d.r.n tlielr'K I T"* uary will, lor the most part, in-ver know j and the rest will rarely, if ever, be disturbed ^ so^ened In uimi'iie treatment. Henry Toole, C. I cause they are stone-blind or rii^-oid of taste 1 Those who are bom in Octo- aiul 7 rr,!''end'c"'^' ' ' 7-^"“ -‘'1 I ber will t>e' endued with a gre.^t varietv of He will remember too, that the evil is like the gout, one of inheritance and that there is no remedy. .\mong the people of Charleston are rheir per- ] many of almost every European na- and Riehmond .V. Pearson. C. , =» -’^ui.i.io,.^ an., sun w, i ^u.ate upon , ^ ™ — v ^ IVnj. Flliott, .y. Jonathan Worth'Other peoples laihngs. I l«se who lw»ve L,^ 3^,,,, ^^ick; I and A.tunningham, r. __ Qoiiker f.K>t, Will never make good l.mw,, and somo here, t(M), a« litre were William L. Walter F. p,^i „ i . .. r- V ..1- 1 ■ 11’. . ' istime will be brown and some faic; some 'r:,-..“i';-" u..^ .k w ill be just as it happens. .\s to tlieir tor- tuiics in life, they will dilT(jr no less than their minds and their persons: some will get exceedingly rich, and some remain ex ceedingly poor; and none of them will carry a cent out of the world with them. Noccmbt r.—Many of those who are bom in November, if there be any truth in signs, will have occasion to laugh out of the wrong and Hobttim. Shadrach Howell, 6’. Miller and Alex. Watsfon, C. Hirhmond. Tryain McFarland, iS'. Ieak and Dunean MeLiuriii, Rulhrrfoid. John Mei'.ntire, S. Wrbli and Joseph (Jre-en, Hjmpfon. I>nvid I'nderwood, S. .Monk and D. Sloan, (!. likelihotKl, will notdaiweat all. And every son and duugliter of them—Hiless they get married or die in season—will be old bach elors and old maids. I>o not b* born in J.-unes M. tjjis nionth, if you can help it. .\reliibald Mar>'h.—Those who enter the world in . ... .March, will seldom meet with too much IsuTri/. \v III. r. Dobson, .v Danl. W. Courts -.l ri ■ j l- and Morde.ai Fleinming, C. ‘nend.^htp, or compassion.— Siokrs. John Hill, .V. Joseph Winston and ' " ''I tall down and bump la-onard Ziglar. C. their heads in infancy; will frequently beg TyiriU. ^ 1). N. Ikteman, S. H.G. Spruill and , in vui'i for coppers, gii.gerhroad, and plav- ( harl«s M (Ictsr, ( . thiiigi ill school; will have more conceit Wathwf^lon. Samuel Davenport, S. Waters Heekwiih and I’riah W. Swanner, C. knowledge or gotxl .sense, in H iU>s. John .Martin, S. Lli Petty and W. youth; and have cause to complain, in a C. Kniinit, C. gn.-afer or less degree of the many hard l\«rrfN. .lohn 11. Hawkin.s, S. John llragg rubs they will meet with during the rest of and 1 lionian J. Juukins, ( . ■ i * n * i H«vne. tJabricl Sherard, A’. John W. Sasser ‘I*"'"’ and John Uroadlinrsf, C. M'nAe. Henry Seawcll, William H. Hay- wood, Jr. and NathaiiieKi. Rand, C. B0R0U(;H MKMltKR.«. Tliu-n of Filrnlon. .Samuel T. .'lawyer. 7'oirn of Hilmini'Inn. Daniel Shi rwool. Tvwn of Fat/fHrtillr. Iiouis I). Henry. 7’oirn of Saltghury. Charles I'isher. Tiurn of Httltfiir. William L. Long. Totrti of //illrlmiuu/’h. Thomas .1. l-’nddis. Toion of .\fwbrrn. Charles G. Spaight. A curious fact occurred last week at the farm house of Mr. Wm. Nicholson, Mea- thop. Mr. N. hail bwii troubled with rats for some time, and, in order to destroy them, put in a good cat, which, to his great aston- ishment, on o[)ening the door next morning, was found entirely devoured by the rats, excepting the heud and tuiU their lives. ble to colds aiul coughs; and, if they lo not dio of .some other disease, w ill b«? very like ly to goolfby a pleurisy or consumption. April.—Those who are Imrn in April, w ill presently l)Cgin to cry ; and, shwld they live and grow up will shed a great many tears Ix'fore their life is finished. The fe males w hen they huve the hysterics, will laugh and cry in the sjinie breath; and the males will generally have cause enough to weep without an onion. 3Iany of the wo men will ha\e elegant headsof hair, if they do not s|ioil it with combs and curling-iron.s; and many of the men will be in the habit of getting shaved. !Most of the women will get married, if they cun ; and tho gixiy marc will lie frequently the better hor.se.— ,\s for the men, they will some of them be rich, the rest from poor to middling. in Italy, frequent swarms fn«n the ‘ north ern hive.” These are called Yankees, and if they do not often rise to the highest digni ties of the state, they receive, in the pro fessions and otherwise an equivalent tor any denied political honors.—This race of men is so well known to you, that 1 will spare you the description, and perhaps 1 could not describe them acceptably w ithout a lit tle flatterj'. They liear, as all \cw Eng land does, the impress of Franklin. 'J'ho •Side of their mouths. Their heads will of- [ philosophy of thrift has done much to stainii ten be where their feet should be, and vicc j upon his countrymen the principles of hi- versa. Those of them who have the hypo, | own tVugality, and where the seeds of his w ill Ijti gloomy and desponding; and thosi- philosophy have fallen upon flinty grciind, who get tirwd of life, w ill hang and drown j they made the miser more avaricious, and theni-selves, if they can muster courage.— the churl more niggardly. .K great part of those who dislike inatrimo-1 'phe Carolinian is widely different from ny, will never get married ; and several of | t|je Yankee, but I know not that he is bet- thosc who w ish to get married, will live and jer. If he have not our faults, he may not die single. I>eccmlH'r.—Those who come into the world ill IX.'cember, will be born at the tail end of the year. In many of their desig;is und speculations they will utterly fad; and in others they will be a day after the fair. Those who build castles in the aerial regions, will fiiul them vanish away; and those who conteiiiplatc them on the solid earth, will •seldom have the pleasure of seeing them a- ri ?e. I'olitieians will be selfish ; coquettes will Ih- f«H)li-.h ; crws wives will he unhappy ; jealous husbands wdl be ridiculous; and luiisy h% pecrites will miss the way to hea ven. be possessed of all our virtues. I did nut remain in his country long enough to sen many of his faults; and to be just, he has very few that appe ar in his conduct to hia friends, though he is held to be rather in tractable to his enemies. He has, m hi.-i carriage and feelings, something of tho Don; yet he is republican, and would not exact from another what he would b«' un willing to render in return. Be generou^^ and confiding, and he will outdo you in gen erosity and confidence; l>e passieniate and pugnacious, and he would have the leas es» tiinable victor^ there. He is not apt to give oflenre, for he is courteous, nor will he receive a provac-ation, without stronger If vou want any thiiiff uone, CO to the man hIio , * . ^ is full of 1.USUU.S. He Uut haa nothing Wi do, 1 rt'inon.-^trnnce than men are accustomed to can do uoihmg ' mak5 u> New Knglsui4^ Ue will peril liS»