THE iNIlXERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. PALACI.S I'XniTt'XK. iVfif-VorU, lUA Ortober, 1*^1. Tlie unprecedented gcxxi 'ortunf that Ims attended Raventurers at iny truly .ortunnti is a coiiunon subject ol' remark in tins 11 > - tory arter victory :!! .V/^ «W.. r.aUn ^ and uo ,/mm about it. In the tirund ^ joHcj'. drawn on the V’lst inst. I Imd 'h« Df scllin? the Capital I’rizc >l and a cit- h^of &.Ca'ro!in. the ofoiie.hill-viz: .Mr. ».f. b.i»tonoi Mahlax.thcoth- or Hharc was owned by Mr. Ja.ues ‘j’')'' folk. Va. The casli was advanced lor th siiiu, the day alU-r tlie draw m«.— FOF/ruV. wV5r,%’ cape. 'I’liry aliirer most iVoiii the wolves, who bunt in fiacka like hounds, uiict w ho noldom give up Iho ch;isp until n iKmm' is taken. W’e have (^llcii --.jt, .in a niix)n!iglit s>uintnf;r night, at till! (Kmh-Ilf u lo" culiMi on one ol’tiur occasiunally when hard pressed, and then returninf^ to the plain. In size and apjicar* unco, this aiiiniul is midway between tha woll and tliu fox, and in color it reseinble* the latter, being of a very light red. It her of I’l^ter eoiiiitv m this Mati lit it be rt- nien.her.d!liattv,huylcr never ,.ublihcst ic nanas lo the iniiiy Ibrtunate owners ol I apitals obtain- %p at hi* office without particular consent, tt is a faet that nearly ail the hi-h uucnce are obtained at my oiUee. Iho I aiiital Frize of ioU.DUO in the (;rand Mainnioth l-f'ttrry was sent by the Managers (\l*ssrt. Ystis vS; Mo- latvro) to their ayciit in rittsburRli, IVmi. A certain vendtr in this city h,w ei.deuvured lo de- ccivc the I’ablie by imtliiie in Mioh u nianiier a.- to Convey the idea that hf sold it—this is iio such liiin T—he had nothing to do w ith it—hut there mr go many prtl'’mhr» that somr folks pietrnd any thins.—S. eood class is drawing weekly in this t,'ily—li> dollars w ill always jet a chance in an V of the lA)tterics. On ide I bth November ni At. a tirst rav uHpiiic scheme will be ilrav.u in ilua City—tl'i No. Lottery—rianks are entitl' d to I iiiUars in this L.'lterv. and one nunilK'r 10 dollars. Frice of tickets ID dollars, slurtu in proi>ortion. i’ltase addr'-'S as usual, A-NTllO.W H. SCHUYLER. Arif-1 nrk, O'Sclnn-ler’s I.ottcry Herald, published every Wedncsdav, is sent I'rahs to all his customers.— TIk Ht'ralJ v.ill no tbund usi-t'uland ainiising^. ’I'he oik, liHS di.sapi>carc(l. A few have Iwfii i'een in lute years, and some taken; hut it i»> not iitioun tiuit any reinain at this time, w ithin tho limits of tlie State. 'I’hi! bear is never seen. 'I’his animal in- prairio.«, uuil heard the wolves in full chuse , liuhils lliiise parts of the coiintrv that are j preys upon poultry, rabbits, youn;{ of a rieer, \ylli;:;; very nearly in the same thickly woixled, and doli^ht particularly in calvcp, cVc. 'J’he most friendly relations iiianiier as*a pack of huunds. Sonictiinrs eaiie-hrakes, w here it Ibeds in the winter on sub.*^ist lietweon this animal and the coni- ■ ' ‘ ' • . 1 . t!ie tender shoot.s of the yoinifr cuiw. 'I'Iip laon woll, and they constantly hunt in packs meat is teiidt r and lint ly Ha\ured, ;uid is es- toj>etlu'r. Nothing is more conunon tliau teoiiieil a great ilelicacy. . to see a lar^c black wolf, in company with W olvi's arc very nuiiioroiis in every part «'veral prairie wolves. 1 am well sali.sfKjJ _ of the state. 'I'licro are two kinds: the that the latter is the jackal of .Vsia. almost hear t!u.'soli.-'common, or black wolf, and the prairie j t?cveral years ago an aijriculturul s.cio. ami ajiaiti it wmikl | wolf. 'I’he former is a large liorce aniiiiul, ly, which was cstahlished at the seat of fruv- The wind Ind the sii.«v-the hail and the ruin, i lie b(.rtie unavuiid lost in (liMaiii e. \V e 1 utul Very dt.struclive to sheep, pi;rs:, calves,! emineiil, ollen d a larue premium to iho Who niako so much ta-stN- and noi»e in vain, , l,;i\c pas.sci nViirlv \\hole iiijrhls in lisien- 1 poultrv, and even yonns colts. 'I'liey hunt person who should kill the nnnil»cr But I’ll be as busywi they| ;i,„l oiice''we saw a ( m larue packs, and after tisin;' every strat- j of wolves in one yi ar. 'I'lie legislature at ■ ■ agein to ciixumvunt their Jirey, attack it Ihe same tiiiu> olIi‘iel a linunly fur ea. li w Ifh remarkable ferocity. Liketheindian, wolf s'ulp that should Ik.* laknn. 'I'liecoii- the\ always eiuleavor lo surprise their vie- |Si'(|uence was, that the expoiklilurc for woif lim, and strike the mortal blow without e.x-1 scalps hecatm; so great, us to lender it i.c- 'I’liese animals, the cry v.diiji he heard at a great distance /fy Mii>» douhl. frum the forthjominc number of | over tl.c plajn; then it Would ilic away, and “ 7’,.r 'i()Afn,"/of IKlw'. ai-ain bo d>iiiii;iiislicd at a nearer point. The Frost looked ibith, oiir ftiH I'leir ni';ht, and ill aiiuttivr ilirei'tion—now the full cr\ And he said, • Now I shjllbe out lit siuht, ! would burst ilit.Ul US from a lieiMlihiuiliy: S, through the v.ll, y an/over the lu .t;ht, , ; , ^ ‘ ,j , In silence ril till.e niy'wav; ' , , , I will not eo on hlie tha^-luVteriiisr train, | e.\hall^lcd deer ; Then he went to tli*ncuntain and pnvdercd j Jash through the \ard, and immediately its crest, I past the diorat w l.tcii wo «ate, followed bv lie climbed up the K'cs. and thcir boughs he j ,,„r,i,ers, who were but a few dr■s^^el / i . I. • 1 With diai.ioiids ai| pearls, and over tho breast ; H* O'S rear. Tilt>3I.VS A. MI.KA KF-Sl’F-t'TKL’I.LV inlbrins tlie public that hehus removed to the house recmtly occu pied by Cibson & lienry as a iJry-tJood, next door north ot'the Shi ri'Ti’ Oaicc. whore lie is now o,Kiiing a handsome assortiiiiiil of DUY A>J> «.IUH 1:KIES, A "0u*i a;.d general asrsortment of Ready .Madt t'I.(»TMlNC: Lire pool, Crotkery, China and Glass WARE, daily tAiHtltd. A '--. ncrrtl assort iii-'nt of W INES and Foreiirn Sri ;1 1'.'. wholesale and retail; Hour, Baron A; LaH. b, raail. TH(J. A. MEiiA. ()r(. 3. 1^31. oltf rTAll of the iliovc articles unusually low for casli, or barter for country pniduce. and !»»!seel-!i’oii Ware .>IA>L FAC TORY. J. sr.^rxKU & to. Ur.rJrEi TI UI.I.V in brin the citiicnsj Ciiarlntt", ajiil ’he public generally, th» V h^ve coiiiniriir*' (i the above a oM flanil for ijirly occupud by H. M- Bro jLiid rrr^nllv bv C\ipt. I'lto. A. M 'ra as a ijrd on Mdiu - a bhort di^Uiiro norih.c.iiy Ihr ( oun-lionx‘, wrierc ihcy intend to kr ^ haud a ^ood as>irMH lit ot art. and * ^ able to -itipplv at vlvtlcsak- or r*.tail, on ^ rc:i.sonuhlc ter*np, all who tiiav .avor ' Uicir cu>toni. JDS. mend'd, «id receive suitiiM-'voni C.ntTC - -4'nnent r_^ Of the qjiivc rin#ake, ho Fprutd A coat of mail, tlJ it neetl not lear The downward ii#'> of many a sjH-ar, 'lhal he huii^' on *• margin, far and near, W here a rock Juld rear its head. lie went to the ndo\vi of those who slept. And over each ‘•'•t-' like i (Hiry crept, \Vheri.vcr he bilhnl, wli. rtvi r he utepiH-d, Hy the lijliP^thi' nnxiti, were si'i n Most htaulifi'^iiag!'’- Tiie:^' were tlowcrs and trees. There were ‘V'es ol birds, nnd nwarms of be 'Fhere were‘li^''i thrones, tc.upU s and to'.Ttr> and til® All picl>-'‘l s.Iver sheen ! Rut he dpfc thinir that was hardly 'iiir: Me went' *he c'iptioard, and tindinj th«.-e. That sit'd tbrtottnn ;br him to prepare, ‘ to '■‘It them a thin''in2, Fll bit “is liask.t o’ Truif.’ said he; ‘This '*>'‘1 pitcher I'll burst in ■: And * of w ater thiy’ve let! tor me “chitit” to t.-ll thoi.i I’m drinking! Immense numbe rs of t’cer are killed ev- jory \ear by our hunters, who lake tlieni !l'-r tlicir hams and skins alone, throw inga- way iho re>tji'f the carcass. Venison ham-* and hides ar*'iinjmrla.'it articles of export posing Ihemselves lo danger. 'I’hey selilom Ice.ssary lo rejieul Ihe law. attack man, except when asleep or wound- j although still numerous, and troublesome to ed. 'I’lie animals, when wouiuietl, the farmer, are greatly dtrreased in iiuin- eiitangled, or ollier\vis* disabled, be»'ome ; her, and are no longer ilangcrous to man.— iheir pn \, but in genera! they only attack : We know of no instance m lute years, of a 'I'he former are purchased from the hunters ' ineapahle of rt siMance. 'I'liey j human Ix-ing having been attacked by them, at'*.2.") cents a pair, the latter at tJO cents a Ix en known to In-in wait n]Hm the j We have the fox, in some places, in groat [Kiiiiul. In our villages wc pnivhase, for j bank ofa st.-e:i;)i wiiii li the Imdalotrs were i numbfrs; thou,;hgeiK,TallyKtH-aking, I think I>nr tables the saddle of venison witli the ' the habit of crns'in;i. and w lien one of the uniinul is scarce. It w ill undoubtedly ! hatns iitiacln-d, for HT i ccnts, which would those unwieldy animals wen- ^o unfortiiiiate : increase w illi the pipulution C LOl !).'*. 'Tl-nrllow I’iouds, the mellow I'loud*, riiat skim alone l*e -sky, spirits in their airy slirouds. Seeking tli( ir hon;cs on higli; l>e.(iiiietliing ilke one cent a pounil. 'I'here an- several ways of hunting deer, i:ll of which arc lajually simple. Most geii- i‘rall_\ the hunter pnx eecls to the woixls on horsclnK k, in the day time, seli.cting par ticularly certain hours, which ai-e thought to be most f.ivoiable. it is said l!iat during ♦lie .si'asiins when the paslure-i are ;;rei n, as to sink into Ihe nnn-, spring suddenly up-1 The panther and w ild-cal are found in on it, and worrv it to death, while thus di.s- jour forests. >ur o|h ii country is not, liow- ahlfd from resistance. 'I'heir most connnon J ever, well suiled to their Ahy habits, aii'! prcv IS the doer, which they hunt legular- they are less frequently seen than in sonio of the neighlxiring states 'I’he lieaver and otter, were once nuine- roiis, but arc now teUloni seen, e.xcept on is ; but all defenctless animals arc alike ac ceptable to ih'.-ir ruien. tts npp* tiU s. hen t. inpted by huii;,er they approach the farm h 'uses in lli*" ni^lil, an 1 snaich thcir prt-y our frontiers, this animid ries fp'in its lair, preci^'lv at under the \ery eye of the farmer ; and | The g .pher,* is, as wc sup|K>sr, a notjde. tho risiii'' >f the moon, whether in thedav I ''hen the latter is absent with ins dojs, tiie j.script. 'I'he n.mic d*esni>t occur in lnK»k?j or ni'flit' and I suppose the fict to be so, wolf is sometini's seen by Ihe females hirk- of natural history, nor do wc firul any i4n- w ofl, in childhood's hour I've btnt i\ly eyes u]>on their lorms, heir rhanj.'in;r shi|>e. ai.d viryin;j tint, , Forteiidini; d/ou^fhts or ilorins; ^nd wept, ! could not take my ib^'ht I'p to tlio'x re;:ii'n.' fair, 'fo bask ainid't the ir ddui li;:ht llitketi-d swctliy there.— But, far aUive the Clouds, and bkics, 1 eel there is a home. To w hich at la^t my 'ciil will rie, When Ciod shall bid it come. Ohl ifoiir r rrs coul 1 jii'Tcc tl'e blue, IJeyond tile sroliii n clomN, And hrii'p the ifoip’ous rcaiin to vitw, Taal Deity tnshroudj; Would l arth u; on our bri'tl.- tliread llj t'\>ti iiin^rs Ion; ret.iin ? Ah no! the soul its ilros.-. \\ou!d, To haste to yoi.ilet plain. \ATI UAL mS'l’OilV. NOTES (IN II.I.INOI-. Ih'cuiiso is the ii'stinion\ of e.\[)crien cod hunteis. If it be true, it is a curious display of animal iiistinct. 'I'his hour there fore is always ki pt in nIpw by the hunter, us he rides >lowly throU;:h the f»iie>t, with his ritle 0!i his slu uldur, while his keen eye penetrates tho .surrounding shades. On b‘holdiii2 a deer the hunter slides from his : ah»ul ill niid-tlay, a- if aware of the tin- imal of a corrc>()ondin); description. Tho only account that wc have seen of il, is iii “ Long’s J:i*‘cond K\{H*dilion.” In a resi dence in this stale of elc\en vears, wc ha\f! never .seen one, nor have we ever con\erM tl With a p«'rsoii who has seen one—we mean, who has xv-n on^ near eiiou;,h to cvaiiiino It, and fo be certain that it was not .some thing else. 'I hat such an aninial e.xists is doubtless; but they are very shy and their numbers small. 'I ht v burrow m the earth. Aitv. v.V(.l.ijl;\t. rEAV f.’S fhariotie and Caindcn every .''tindav J and Wednesday, «t fi o'clock, A.’.M.—and arr'v.-5 in Charlotte and Camden every .Monday and Thursday, at 5 F. —muting the Snrtln rli hta^i-.! .It CJiariotte, and tht Charleston and Co- lumbia st.igrs in Camden. 'I'lio Coi.tractor pledges himwlf lo n'C evcrv CTcrtion for the coin!bit and convtnietice of pa.*-- seii^vrs. He has prepored a six-;>ase.’!ger Cjaeii to run on the line, anti a utagc, w ith steady and ca.'elul ritiw r«. For seals, applieati >n can U; made p? Loyd's Hot. I, Charlotk ; I). Ilagen; L' (.ill, I,r,tie;isi..rvillc; Flrtchcr\; and at J\K Ad>i.i . ( i:nd^ii. Fare. i; ri nts [icr mile, or t!,e pa‘« •if/f-r pay ir g in advance, .j cents per mile tjr (TCiug L.-;d riturninT-. B()VU, Contrietor. -N I-.11. .')n*f HOI'S(the l’ost-«ffiei — i * I * * on the • ross hIt' el. u lew yar(!s I. .1- .(.ilo; Iti* Com t-l loU"', in L' rimjlon, ,\.C. • ' iLMin 0,1’ n« 'J lor liie r-?c( i'tioji oi Travelli-ri *t J»'>.irdiTs. T.'iJ’ slaM s arc extensive, roomy and cr\ ; c'ain ai.d provi nd'T of the l«;st, pU iitiful, ai.J -(.rvec by (."'O'! Iioslh rs. 'i he ln,us lias ma- iiy coiii! jrtiif'le rjoins, terves a gfxxl table and re. If -hnu t“; and the proprietor and his I'amilv ■»in oifiit^/ ill thcir ;fOrtcr to mak( it iiiotl qnict dyretable. _ 1 tf B. D. rtOr ViSAVIT.LE. xi];:u>Ks \VA\TKi>. llJi-’ ^u').■!cr^‘Ar is desirous to purchase a ii'jur»er of .N K(;R0I>,, d ifin;; tfie n fIx iiionlhs. Any per.-on haviii" Piiei. pffijxi'y ;br falc, woidd do well lo apply to sL.'iscr;!,-' r before they make a sale, br they r.iiv f -t a^.ur'd that he will p.-n the most litw.ral pn-s in ca,h. KullLfh WAT.'ON. N. B. .\11 !ett> rs addr. fsid to the subfcrilM r V.I.! U! s'tvnd'd lo »• punttualiy as if application V.' r- 'iiaoi, in p. rw.n. CiKirMt.., >^..[,1, 17. 1,31. protected state of the family. Our heroic li’iimles have s.>nietimca shot them under such circumstaiv es. 'i'he MiH 11 of burning avjifa tida ha.^ a remarkable clU-cl iipi-n tin-, animal. If a tire 1)0 made in Ihe wkhJ», and a |M>rtion of this drug thrown into it, »» us to s.itiirjte horse, and while tho de-r U obser\mg the the utmorph. ie with the .Hlour, the wi.lvc.s, 1 latter, crceps u|)on him, k-eping the largest : an.v are w it!,in reach of the M-enI, iminc- i trees iKtwe. uhimsilf and t!ie objeet of pur-a.-v-emble around, howling ni the ' 'Hit. until he gels near eiiou^h to lire. An mournful manner ; and such is the ro- and are sup|Ksed to throw u|> th'*sc hillotka jcxjiert wiKxlsiimn sddom lails to hit his '‘I'arkabie fascin.ition under which tluy »» cm which arc s« en in su’h vast aliundjnce o- li'anic. It is extreieely dangereus to aji- ‘‘J, thut they will ot'ten sutler them- ver our prairies, 'i lus is to some extent a (irojich a wounded deer. Timid and harm- s hes to be snot down rather than ijuit the nii?take, fi»r we know that many of theso ll^^.s as thi.s animal IS at other limes, |,e no -■[">• . I"«>c mounds are thrown up by craw-lish, ' stKiner finds bm:*-elf ileprivxl of the [n.wer very lew instances of thcir attack- and by ants, lofth-ht than ho becomes turious, and rush- ^ mi'buinaii Uing-, of u hich we liase heard, It'S upon his eneuiv. making desperate plu:i- '•I**-' tollowiiii,' may ser'o to give some id'.'a I lilrs with his sharp horn.s, and .-tnking and «li»‘ir Iwl"!"- I" '**ry e.irlv times, a lie- traii.r.hnirxiolentiv with his fore le-s-, which'gr” n. i.i was pa.s.smg in tne nighi, in the I b'.Mii ' extreinelv muscular and armed w ith lower part ol K ntiicky, from oin- settlement farmer, as they not only atUw k his |H>ultry, ''harp hoofs, are capable of inllictinj verv loaiiotiicr. Tncdi't.ince wiaisk-veral niib's, but pluixier hik cornfteUis. 'I'hey nre huti- j'evcro wounds, \ware of this lin uni- v over whi>;h tie travelled en- ted by boys, and lurj^e nnmljDrs of them de. 't,ui.;p,thebunt-rappi(Vichesbi!nwitbcu.i. tiroly uns.-tth d. In .1,. L.« --r "The hkii.. of the rucc.K.1,. ,.«y Uion and either m cures Ms prey tiy a sec- t‘>"'‘d entirely !.trip['d ol tle>h.— well |.jr the trouble ol tukiiig them, aa ti.c , . ‘..iirt .ihiit u-here the first has b en iiut •''"‘ar i( lav his axe, Co\. red with bUMid, and fur is in liemand. roin the Journal 01 ‘ as is more frC iuentIv aroun.l the bushes were bi .iten down, j Rabbits arc very uUmdar.f. unH in »mn« *theca'>- causes his do'f to s'-i/.e the wound- the ground trodden, and the iiiiiiiImt of fiK»t places extremely di structive to the young ' ■ ‘ ‘ ' . .1 - orchards, ami to garden vegetables. e h ive the- large grey sfjuirrei, and tho ground sipiirrel. There ape no nils, except alonj the lar;;e rivers, where tin) have landed fiuin the (loals. 'I'he puk’cat is very destructive to our pt lultry. 'I'he raccoon ar>H opis»uin are very nu merous, and cxtrcmeK tn>«blesonie lu the Our rcaJ.;rs,wc think,can.iot but Ije pleas- • ed animal, while he watches his own opp,r- tracks s.. gn-at. :h to |.how thut the unlor- 'J, with tlie extract we are almut to present istab him with his hunting knile. Jmial' vii tmi ia .on .t on^. a.i ii.anu .j. .1 f .1 in M .11 vt .s;,m lim-s wliere a noble buck IS the Mc- On pnr-uin^ his tra* k it iip|Knn d that the i,7ri." Ith. from the Illinois .Mi nthiv Mag- ; . ‘ _ S h ul i.nrMied bmi fui -1 ci,li»iilcrab!e 4 , ■ . tim, and th.- hunter is impatient and inex-, "idves tiau pursiita niin loi a Li.iisnitran.e devote'tf, InJI. A work so j^rienced, terrible conllicts ensue on such ,and istoms, natural liisti.ry. the manners, rries an a,.literature r.f ‘ the far west,’; driven them back. n-.ther mode, is to watch at night, in mtacked him, and Ix-en r. |„,-Hed, as upi- ar- —— ran 'J’hf w riu r of thn inU r' >tin^ artirlr, ipprar^ the ( ries ; till? romammi; are to U- M..n m several part, oi ti.e state. ; moon shin.* brdliantly, an.i\,i,j,.ru m.y i;,. I Me son.etnies ,fop(K.-d, sL. _ , liese are weM iKv.ieti trac.vs, leaomg sjon- ■ readily dis»overe.l. At the rit^in- of the bis |*jrsner.'^ and then proceeded. The an-; -'i I-nghsh natural philoso|.licr m a re- eriilly Irom prairies in the interior of ^ mwjn or shortly after, the deer having; risen | mials l.rca to more and more audaci.,us, pubhr.iiion, mentions a n-niarkabk'in- the .state, to the inargm.s ol the lar-e ri\- |fn,m their kds, fipproacli the liek. |, and w-.nid pnlsibh have attaeked him, had *he a|iplicatioiiof s ipnlilic kiK.wU 1 . ■' A' 1 • I MM' HI R. fc'IJt (I Ull'j »»'miu M44JI.IV» U llllil, ll.ui s.,-,...' - .s. »rs; snmmg ttie conr.s! ot their "H-'ra. | plices are g*.‘nfrally dene.led of timber, hut I'*'riot arrivei ,it a di-.-ertcd cabin, which edge to the nselul purp..s.s of life. U lions as they changed their pastures p«;n(H]. J surrounded hy il; and as the animal is alx.ut ' bv the wir. Miie. Into fins he rushed have scarcely ever met with a better illus. icady, the Iw mm -hv a.liivion, to tl;*- ,to eriierce from the shade inlo fhc chv.r ' li-r sheiti r, and'with..iit waiting to shut the , ‘ralK dry upland plains. In the heat ol summer , WiOr,nlighl,,,|rK,kscautiouslvaround, door, climlx;d ii, and s-Mfed hi,ns.-lf on tlielf' they wonlJ orive.i Irom the latter by | avd .siutls the air. 'I'hen h- adVances a ‘ nd'ter>. 'Ihe lolves dashed in after him, ""i> inlo fhc cle:,r li>r shf in r, and'with. iit waiting to shut the , tration of the manner in which those lawn ''^nature seem at first to have noconiiertioii human comfort orconvcnicnco, uiid to ' . J,. . , 1 1 I' ' - *1^11 II' uii^.iiiecs a , .'iii.-i'. I III-' woi>i*r> tm.suru iii .iiiei iiiiai, - prairie Hies, III the autumn llicy won.d | lev steps,n,Kislo|)sat'ain,smells thegronnd. ' •'"id becoming i;mte furious howled, and Ik.'ihe inerc objects of philosophical curios- expHlcd trom the tornier by the nniMiuitoes ; ,or raisf;s expanded no'trils, as if he i lea(»'d, and eiK.euvori'd w ith ev« rv cxpies. I'.v, are ytt by sumo fortunate invention, III the spring the of the (tlains would “ sirjfil-d «,.• approju h of danger m evi r\ '■i'n of rage fo ge t to him. 'I'he nnsai w is | !i‘»de to conlrihule iiialeriallv to hiiinaii aliord Hhuridant puMurago, while the herds (aintfd htf^ze.” 'I'he hunter sits motion- now shmm:; bii-d.llv, .iiid ('uli' ben,., abb- couifoit and even to the prc, rlalmn .,f liu- iiiwn: or \uoll\a, Mr..KI,EN!irH(! (,0I NI V. Court r,f l‘Ua» Haa,t-r Sttnon,, Aupixt Term, 1-31. Ei.jah Sibl. y f ()r;r. . j, H in the hands y- . i' J''h:i M.Ingnim. and him Am J HUfiiiiiott ri 0;:l)Lni:U hy Omrt.that publication \»t ma;'- lu the .Miners' \ Farm, rs’Journal (i weelc Jor tnc (J«f; nJant to ap,« ur at our ii'xt ('..urt oi P)ea« and (Quarter SusKions, to b.- h.-ld lor the coant> vl' \b cklenburir, at th.- ('..iirt.lloii.e in Cbarl'iiti*. oil the lih \^on.lny in .Voveir.l). r n xl, «'..l plead /r r.-plevy, otherwise k,v r;, ] J'iu't .. ill l.e .-liter, d n.'ainst him. Witno.j. A!e - aiii!er, Clerl, of our said (. oiirt, ut .jiiiee, the 4ih 4>’naay of .\u::u t, A. I), l-.'ll. T- 1" \ iC ALl.XA.N UKH, e. in. r. '>.7-pr. idv. U tirra/iffe Uinlafor na(c at this OJirt -imM rnj.,y tlir v., .„tliif tho sun, ano •iiutTlhe breeze that sweeps .so freelv over them ; in the w inter the rich c.ines'of the .....I less, and a^fo^t brxit|||pvu, waitiOK until*} the animalV4all get vvilhin rille shot, and j'al! ly. b-i;an t i.ict on the olr ii'i-.I'md- til ila |Ki!»^on in rel; man hie. In the pr.K-essuf [K.infing needles, in the great /na:iufac!f.ri« s of that urticb-, minute jiaiiicles nf st'-rl Ify from the griii'l- sfoiies and minglin;; with ihe line in.desthat If'ial III the atmo.s|)hi re, are inhaled hy tho 111' 111 with a ! workmen with liu ir breath. 'I'he « tlict on his fiK's as Ihe health is [lermcious nnd in the end fatal. until ila |ki!»^oii hi relation to the hunter, ; ‘>'g 'he eaimi full .f tbein, he i rawied duwu river banks, which is an evergreen, w.Kild |and the lig»4 shall Ik; favorable, whe n he j fy 'he top of the door, wuieh he shut aii.l luriii.-sh fool, wlide the low grounds, thickly j tires vvith a| unerring aim. .\ few dcor | histened. Then remov iiig some of the Itiose covered vvith brush and, would allbrd j only can lie ^ii' taken in one night, and af- j Irom the roof, 'cafteie.l t prote^'tion from the bleak winds. I kn»w ' t.’r a few ni^^ts these timorous animals are j •'■‘■'"ciidous clatter u[>on Mi. h of , „ tew subjects more interesting than the mi-1driven from Im haunts which are thus dis- remained outside, who soon .scani[ier* d olf, short eypi.Nure to this atmosphere v*u.i ^ration of vvild ununals, connectiog, as it|turhed. | while ihose in the house- l''gaii to crouch lound to b-of perceptible inconvenience, .\nother jractire is called dririnff, and 1 ""h fear. lb- had now a large nimilKT ol' alter a fiiiie svmptoms of piilnionary is only pract^-d in those [liirfR of the conn- ' pri'oners to stand guard over, until morn-' eon.suiii|)lion appe.ired, and it was observed try where th/s kind of game is scan:e, and ! »'g; '‘'“I drawing forth his (idJle, ho very 'hat few of the workim n employed in the where hun'.ijg is pursued as an amusement. I good natiiredly phijed for the'n all ni;^hl,, pro-ess of pointing n. edles lived to the ii;;c .\ largo paty is made up, and the hunters very much, as he supposed, to their ( difica- •'* birly years, (iiiards of jiniizo or linen ride forth A ith tlieir dogs. The liunlmg | li'’»-'I'xl •I'n'tf'oiiieiit, for like all gei.uiiie lov- to purify or strain the nir wi ro re.sorled to, groiiiiil is .elected, and as it is prelty well , ers of music, he imagined that it had pow - hut without siicce.s>. At l nirfh some in- known whit tnieks are usually taken hv ;II''- ail, e-v en of a wolf. On yeniouM [K-rson betliought himself of ein- the deer wueii started, an indivifluul i.i pla-, *1'^'‘"^^^ihg lay, some of the nei^hlsirs as- |'l^> mg a nutsk of ma;;netiz«-d steel vnro Iw s, the si'igiilnr displays of brute instinct, with H wond;rf"ul exhibition of the various -supplies which natun has (irovided for the hUfiport of animal hie, under an endles.s va riety of cireum«‘tance.s. 'I'hese palh.s arc! narrow, and remarkably direct, slmwin:: that the animals travelled in single fib- thro’ the woods, and pursued the most direct course to their places of deslinatioii. Ib tr are more abim.lant s' tll«-mer,t of the country. Tli t^i ac. rtainevtent, withthopo,ailation.-|in;r tliu-; in some meaHmrsnKn'mnded, i' 'I'he prune wolf; is a smaller sm cies, Ur reas.,n ol this appears to U-, that thev [ s,nal| partir.,advance with the d..-s from ' whi. li takes its iiaiiio I'rui.i ,ts h.ihit of r.-si- m-U.r.,f. et.oii m the ne,.J,lK>rh.M^l of mnn, | diir direr fi.uis, and the startle,1 .le, r, .ling entirely upon Hie open plains, l lvii irOtf) tnO m . m 4l« >>w. ^ . ii .• t t . f . . . * . Di'tr are more abun.lant than at Ihe first j ced at e^ich cl' those pasM*s, to intercept the ' w'mbled and (iestro)cd ihe captives, with *" attract and intercept the almost iiivisiblo hey increa-c M-tre-atmg ar.imal. 'I'he scene of action 1m--, great rejoiciii:r«. narticles of ht»e| as th.-y were drawn lo tiie M/pulatifjii. j in^: thus, in some measure, surrounded,: 'I'he prurie wolf, is a smaller spcies, Ije, the_\ j sinull [inrtirijadvance with the d.i^s from ^ which takes its iiaiiii! I'l iim its hahit ot' i(-si- , , hool of man, I diirreiit dirqefions, and the startled de«r, iling entirely upon ihe open plain--, liven -- ' 1 r ''‘i V" "' i "-ne of the . when hunted will, .I.,,.., il will make . ircMii! ■ ' who hre concea|.-d, aii-l who (i/e at , after ciremf, round the i-rairie. carefi.ih • ,}ounj., purticuluily.caii w.lh dilhculfy cs-; them us th.-y jniss. voi.lin- the f,.r.> \ ,.r-.nb-d„-hiM.r int:. iiioufli b^ the action of breathing. 'I’he » |.eri;ii;-iit succeedi-d.and the ca'iso of disu-use was rcneK'd.—jxijnr. I'lUi'Jili r — Il is ,1 I'frf il Ihltig lo lauj^h nt iiiiv iiti i and i: a slriw i ax liekle n n> in, it is un in •niniei ' 'if f i' '.i: • ■