7^ VOL. II. rR!>TLI> AM) PI'liMSIfi;i> llVIIilV \V KDMCSIJA V, IIV I'iOIII.i: Ai ilOL'I H i IIU T’i K, MIXKMCMil lt; COI.NTV, NORTIM AKOM.XA. I WII.I, TEACH \OI' TO P1KU( K I'lIK Btiwri^ l>l' TIIK KAUIII A\l> IIBIMJ ;l'» FkOM 'llIK CAVKCNh OK TH!: M/1T.tAIV^, WI1.I.«.I\K KTi.KN'jril TO 0''K IIAM>- A Ml SIJUMrT AU-J^ATUKK in Oijll IJJIK AM) pi.tASl'KE, I)R. JOHNSON. NO. 60k asut NOTICK. I IWILI sell, on urconiiiiodalinp trrmH, thr up- [ |icr partofthp Planfation on AIcAIpiii'ii crccU, I formerly owrnrd hy John Woatlicr*, (icr’d., con- I laiiiinc: aboul Tiro Hundred Aerrt, more or ie»!«, i tncliuling the iinprovciiitnts. If not nold hy pri- »ati! fale b«tbre Monday, the 'Jd of Jntumry n'-i1, it will then oftVrrd at publir Hale. Not‘ n!ni ap- prov«d iHTurily will Ix; rcqnirrd for Uie purcha.st momy, btlbrc cxecultnff the lillm. WILI.IAM DAVIUSUN. J9cfmt/-r7, 1831. 3tCG 10 UollarN K«‘%»7ini. TWKNTY IKU.LAUS of the above will ht' paid by Ihr ■ubscribor, for the doli'rtion ol' tlir tljiufor thipvca, and Twrnly Uollarii (or the ncovr-ry oftlic prop«'rty, itolin from th« Mill at CoK'n'N Stori, on tlui ni|(ht of the t^tith or iiTth uf Novt nibcr la>t, con>*iktiii;j of a large ((uaiitity of Uuickfiher, with vomc Gold in it. J. IIULMC. CdTvilllnP, M' fUrnburg Co. f />#r. H, JH.1I. ( ^ VALl a'HI.K 4'atatrba MjtiutI for Sn!f. Pl'KSl'ANT to a Fftilion fili d in thi Court of Kquity for I.ini«lii county, by l«rn» l W. llaynr, Harriet Klci»a and Sarah l!a.fnr, infants, by tJu'ir (jiuardian, and in olirHirnrc to a dcrrcc of Mid (Vnirt, I nhall util, at I’ublic AucUon, tr- fore tiM* Coiirt-lloiusr door in l.incolnton, on the 17lA day vf Jauuary ntxt, (bt'inc Tu-iday of the t'ouiity Court,) a valuable Tract of I.ai.d, lyini,' in •aid rouiity, nrar the Buffiilo Slioalu, on tlii’ t'a- ta«ba rivrr, containinfr about V-') ai rt-*. 'I'lir above land is rcprcvnti'J to be first rate an U> »>tl, ami will tinibtred, with a fumll improvf- .1 ''• nishinp to purchiu* a pood farm, would Co well In view the pri lniKi'V, and attPiid the kale. fund it ions—one nnd two ytara cretUl—bond mikI approved Mcurity reiuired. lt» order of the \ iirt, IN) in’K V. '1 me SI;A.— BV UARKT COK.NWALL. The fi(!a, the fca, the open ura ! Tbi' blue, thf frtsh, tlic ever (rpo, A\ ilhout a mark, without u Ix/jnd, It ruiiiifth the carlli’ri viide n ;ioii round : It playH with lh' cloudb, it nioc!\H thu dktcs, Or like a crudlcd croalurt- lice, I’in on tho Bc-a I I’m on the uta! I aui «lu rf I would ever lie. With th- blue aliove, and the bluo below, And (ilcnce whtresocVr I go : If a xtorin should conn', and uwake tlie deep, What uiattcr t I i>ha!i ride and sleep. I love. O /(Oir I love to ride f >n tl.t fiiTCc, foiniin^, bnriting tidf*, When ov’ry mad wave drowiis the iiioan« Or ivliistlc* alert hill timjii st tuii-, .^mi tell.1 how (;o-th tlie world In low, Ard why tlie wiithwritt blast doth blow^ I IK vi r wat on the dull tame shore, rJ'jt 1 lov’d the grrat wa iiiorc and more. And baitkwards Hew to her billowy brt.Tst, I.iVf a bird that secki th its niollinr’i' nent; And a niothcr she was, and is to me. For I was born on tlic open sea. The wiM-d were white, and red the morn. In tlir noiiiy honr when i wnc born: And the »hal* it whintled, the [Kirpoise roll’d. And the dolphins band their backs of poW, And niiv r w.-\» htard »uch an outcry wild As wih-om’d to life the occan child. I have lived since tlieii in calm and »trife lull tifly mnniiK r» a rover* life. With wealth to apii.d, and a jiower to ranj'e, .^ml Hmtfi, wIicneM r Im comok to me, bhail coma on the wild, unbounded sea. It nrcd I rt Jut iiflciideii, Imt could m.t con ceive why. Slio bogg(!(i me to >.«, ilaiti, but •lave me iiocliaMCO. Jslie liofied i'd n(>t he wanted me to call or not. 1 mce saw a la- j KROSI THF. CllAKI.lTi'lOW COVtUfS.. I U’fictionx on Death.—^-'I’hc foll«Kvin^ 1 suhhme rlfu-'iun, which we do not r*-iiu'in- ' her III have read tefore, tu.d with the ati- tlior.'iliip of which we are entirely uiiac- «|ii:iinled, ciiaticril to fall into our liaiids a i (l(iy or two sinci*, amon^' otlif r rulic^ of a iikccase i friend. A fine nnu-iniition i ^iViirht-'r « rndow'. I thought I would call. ^ hlended w.tli a (erver.t piety, lu r.'Jkctioiis , , ! • 1 f»)ruied she was not at hcine. 1 went awav ' » Hc.-.vtnsl what a rnomrnt miistbethat, I nict her n;rain ; she was oi’. I when the last flutter expires on our lips !— ,; called me unneigiihorly ; reproucli. ^ W hat a chaiiffe ! Fell me, ye whoaie deep-' „,g |,,y ri(.j.jiffnnrc; tliou;ht me nn- jest read in nature and in (iod. to wliat new j have ever since wondered who- I worlds are we borne W hat new hein;; do ^ tliershe wassorry ornot. 'J'lnis havcthings : we n.-ceiCc ? W inlher has that s[ ark, that jip|)eared to mo douhtlli!, wonderful, niyste- Innseen, tliat uncompreiier.ded intelhijeuce r-yu.. U hat then i.-? it tliat causes doubt ; llud ? Lix^k npon tlie cold, In id glia^lly corse and mvstery to attend the ways of men ? It : that lies before you! That wa^i bnt a shell, „f fact. 'I’his is a matter of a khws and earthly covering which held for ,v„rld, and in order to act well iu it, v\e j day and I said not a vt’ord. 1 met her again . it is to kill thoi« w ho never oflonded litmi I and she gave file a two iiotirs talk. She and who are the innocent martyrs of other Whatever may. become men s iniquities, of the abstract question of the justifiablenes!* ol war, it seems impossible that the soldier otiended ; asked me to call; and it has ever ; shMild not be a depraved aud unnatural be since been a mystery to m*, whether she ; ing. mudt deal only in matter of fact. Aorthirn Star. in that tJieir bonks an- platx d in ihe hand* ! o» K«ria!l 1'honipMin, with iiuttix tions to | dusr lijcm by cah •» «prt riilv »• p«>w.iblr. '1II(»S TKtcrrKU. JOILV in .NTLNU’IOX. fW^IIOMAS TRO'ITI'.U will carry on the bu. M. fine* in its varictt* brant he», »ijch ai Hu/.-jI Urjnirins «V Ma^iufrftunng Silter Sprwnt of i*vrry dcfccriptinn, at the shortr'l nrticr, A as^rtii.ent »f WA IX Ill.S ar.d JKU LI-KV •II htiiH and *>r m!«. ''otd Iluird at tliurt uoUie. Ihr. 5, IS31. 4tt:t; dY*-.i)i r SALK. «Y Virtue of n D rrro I'rom ti c r#'jrf ol t^ijuity, 1 will olUr for Mile, at pnl he auc- »K»n, at ti>r f’ourl Houtr in »1iarlnffi, ''n thu llh klnlMlay in January, l®Ui, one undivided half of a raluaUc tract of'l.«iid, lyini' >n the wat. ri* rf • Fan frMk, jfMninp ihc land* of Win. 'ar«jii, llie | fc. im of Wrn. Sharply, dic'd., the MTorkl. niin» Iraft. and others brjonjinc *o bpir^at law I Marpari I I’atterHon. dee d, and M>ld fi r the U n i t I •fpartilitm anion;; »aid hi ili*. S.nm tract o! land j ivnitaina al«ut ‘J54 acn f, cn winch then- i * val- j uablt (loid mine, * liu h l.at b« n w..rkixi tor ► v. eml veara. I'J month* ct. dit w ill be tx.nd and •ri'uiiiy nvjuirid. AIm—on the naino d*y, at the »ame plki '-, and fcy tlic nnie aulhotity, I will >r!l one other tiai l I c&ntaiiiin;; 110 aere-s b«lm:iiiff lo th-htirs and ■ irprr«4-iitalt»e* of J.iiik « l^niotid^, drt’d., aUjOiii- iiiir tlie land* of Jane l.eiimndi. " in. I.ui:ky ai.il olh.T»; M'ld lor tha ben. fit luir», on a rrt - ditoi IJ month*—lioiid ami ’•ei iiritv fi^,uirid oj. »> K- .M.AI’, C M E. 7t*>!*—nr. ad». The t'armvrs" ntut t^lautcrs' lor CitUiilitifd forlhr Mrriihan nf Siiirm. ,V. f (1ST rrceivcd, ami f. r Kal at ih.-i »inu-, by the croi-e, half proce, dorcn, or mi ■jiiibli'-hi ra prici-s—10 n nts mni;!'-, T j $-1 h.alf crtwe, nnd $7 [ht Ho;>e !roin her brf.i't h.id torn away iL* ri)Oliii£ wcitht d and dry— Ai'd on till- pliasure.H of the gay, •She turned a joyloas eye. Wl:«f was it. Uiat like fiinbcsm clear, *'ir her wan liat irt s run, A» p.’cs.'ip" Wwnrd hi r dr«!i.itcd tar, I iiau'-U litr ubacut bou t M '.fl/ u>n >t •X'.k the niothi r'- breavt, '1 iiriiij(;h wlui li "i fi'UrtiJii rtows, ft renut'll, fBtlnuul- *, and Ucjt, Ly wii.ler uevtr froze. jr^/ tnan i(,’—Ask the Kinj of Kings, \\ ho hr.lh dfcrfi d .ilrivr. Tint thau-t hhou'd mark all mortii! tliintr;*, I’.trrjit ,1 liirtf'fr* U'XC. L. II..''. Ilarlfiirii, Conv. Ki;t Arm i.\ ri(VN. tfir ;r;ifial .^ii.inivt of mch i!t*criplt>jn «) I'rliunt in/.';■ Luittd Siai't, r.'uMif. rmr v ntTT rritaoN-i, .Malr J o these more serious and momentous considerations it may be proper to add a recollection oftlieridiculousnes-sof the miU itnry character. Its first constitutent is oliedience : a Soldier is, of all descriptions ol men, the mo.st completely a machine { yet his profe.ssion inevitably teaches liim something of dogmatism, swaggering, and •sellKionscquence : he is like tlie pupjiet of a showman, who, at the rcr\' time he is mada to strut and swell and tiisplay the most far cical airs, we perfectly know cannot as.'Uino the most insigniticant gesture, advance ei ther to tiie right or the left, but as he is mo ved by his exhibitor.—Goduinn £ti(^uircr, J'JsKuy, V. The condition of t/it Laboring Poor of Knsiand.—The lAindon Spectator, of Oc- ber 1, has the following exhibit of the wa ges and sulisistence of a poor family in the tSouth of England. L. s. d )ne ycar’ii wajjes at 8s. per week, SO Iti 0 IG sackn potatoes, at 6g. a sack or (6d [ler pock) being halt a peek a day, 4 ic 0 Two-thirds of same for wife and three children, 3 4 0 Rent (on the average) 3 3 0 A pair of shoes 9^. mending 3i. 0 12 0 Shoes for wife and children, 0 8 0 Various articles of clothing, inclu ding mending, 3 1.5 8 Fuel, 3 UU 0 For t(K>ls, tandles, soap, and nume. roub other little things, with the occasional luxunj of hnvd and baeon,-and any driuk but water, 3 1(? 9 , (and siitne of tU»«m ^ r -i 1 >i« ® « hat a living for a family ! 1 his c4ilcu- lation supposes constant employment, and no sickness, and a verj small family. They talk about the public debt and .'ho i^atul numbers of stockholders haviug inle- kei-s It i ^ safeguard to the governmenf, , V„.,v., u...^ oiiii I v» ill not I bulwark against revolution. 'V hat aro 'I'iie above eloqiieut. we might almost add, swear in a roiirt of justice, he is punished 1 ^ throng a the utiK'khol- • ‘ - - • ■ acvatid contcmutofci'urt: HMuced tothe ex. c while the immortal essrnce that has now left it—let’t it, to range, [K^rliapx, through j ilhmital.lc space ; to receive new ca;:acitics I of delight, new |H.wer« ol perception ; new You shall Sniar—aiul you shan't Sxrear '■ glories of b'".titude ! 'I'en thousa.'id lam it;s |—V. hat a bundle of contradictions are the : ^l^h u[)on the mind as it conleinplatcs tlie : laws of ('hri>tian countries in relation to I awfii! nionieiit Ix-tween life and death! It ; oaths. 'I'hey n.'quire voii in a court of jus- is a mom' til big vvith iinnginalion’s greatest tice to swear upon the evangelists; while in I ho(K!s and learr; it is tiie con.'-unmiation those very evangelist.-', the Author of the I thntc!earsupallm\story—resolvesalldoubts ■ 'liristian religion has said—“ Swear not at ;—which removes contradiction and dc'itroj 3 IH're is a liat contradiction, and a j error. (In'at lji«xl! what a ll.md ot’ mpture j moeliery of the scriptures. ! may at oix e burst ii|irin the departed soul! j llverv ollicc from the highest lo the low- 'I'he uncluiided brightness of the cele-tial ■ est, is entered upon with swearing. The THi: .MOTUrn. I ngioii.«.—the pure existence of ethereal Ik-- king, president, or other chief magistrates “ It msy br antuinn, jrn, wiiii«-r,'viili the vo- ings—the solemn .secrets of nature may swear. His prime minister, his inlerior mnn; but with the mof.Vr, ff.t a mnfhrr, a la -i . fl,en jje divulged; the immediate unity of' mmi.-ters, secretaries, or whatever they are light, and dares not turn froni the heavenly jconlnuiidlv too;) lawyers, and coTi.=^tables, visKiu to one so gloomy, so tremendous as ! ^wear. U'hat a swearing s«;t the Christian the I'eparture of the wicked ! Mu;.ian fanc\ : c^untriesare made of! It is enouirh to make shrinks back appalled—w hi!e Ilojie an-J ; „ne’s hair stand on end to think oi'^it. J^iw- Chanty wli..-|>er to the Neejiing li.-art that ‘ makers swear, and law-breakers swear! I Ihcr* H here all mercy is, theix;, too, will be every body swfuis e.vcept the Quakers 1 ^•rgl^el;e.>-s !’’ man in a gay coat and rulHe shirt, wil ! inspired iiicture of the Soi;i's lu atitude,, for contuiijacv and contempt of court ; but , ; Mrikes i.s as l.-i.u: very mu. h in the if a man, who has neither coat nor shirt,! •""'^'H.in ol the means ol sustammg > • ’ l»te, and who, il one mouthlul U''"‘'‘•'‘lited, must die, or take food me strong hand! iiiiu V'-'1 >> (lUl un- ! VHI.’IAV. j Wopir.n is.u vtii nii^e. uiid a very conipli- Icnted ii'uchiiie. 1 b-ropririgs air i:.delimtc- ■ l\ delicate ; and dillrr from those of a man * IT'tt\ r:e;ii !y as ti;C work ot a r-'i^'Ttiiig wiittii di«'s from that of a town cKitd;.— I and spirit of the giAt'd Cii.\i:i.t:s .M.irt ui.n- swears, out ol court, he is punished for pro laaity and contempt of the laws! What ah- “urditv ! what iticonsisteucy ! Away with ull .«'ili8. **»v HaoliH llicin from the stalut'j Look. .\Lolish them entirely. j\. 1". I’oivilciiation. •j| lh» j ptr doicn. -und' r. > 1 ruriof api .:'7^,i'l of .1 and nr.der I'l, 7'•-‘.•■.17 of ID “ l.'i. I'Ti.i;-' of l.i ill. o7.».t:i 1 o''S) 3't, I'.iO.WW Ilf .M) ■10, iV r.’,.'.;!!; of III “ .lO, .•!li.',;t70 of .'.It f.'l, •.'30..500 nf t:>i “ 70, i;m,;'1u of 7'» .« (.i|_ r.s.i.Ht'i of '■') 110, i.Vm:» of ;io •' ll.O, l,!i‘'3 of lliil and upwaid s, C7I- -utidi r.‘ ) \ carsofare, of .‘1 and under I'l, 7'1,1.1 » of 10 1 >. ii;''',iM.;i of l.-| “ t.*o. .^■7,713 of ‘ill :«), iil.'i.tii 2 of ;u 4i. of I'l .'in. i,‘.i of il) “ t;ii, x.’‘ri,'u’s of r>i> 70, 130,-lie of 70 Ml. of *-0 !i'», 17„'.7-> of :io “ I (Ml, of 100 and uiiward- =, a3i. Spectral I!lii:ioiix.—A lady w hom I at- (.iH.k at her biAlv, how delicat'ly fornred. tended some vfars ago, m a slight leverish lOxaniinc her s» ns.s; ho'v e\(|\ii.'itc and disi.nier, saw di'.tinctly a jiartv of ladiesund nice! ()j«TVP hi-r undervtandiair: how ' gi ntlctnen si'tiiig rcomd her Iwd-chamber, subtle anil .-KUte ! I’ut look into her heart; . and a servant handing .something to them ! there is tin- wati h word, Aniposed of pail-s on a tray. Tiie same contimied, in 3 greu- ' .0 minute in tlienw-hes, and wo.,u-rful- ter or les. degn e, for several days and was ly combm.-d, that th y must be seen by k , \aried by s(>ectac!e.iof castles and cliurches,; 1 i.„. L .. 7 he Lyr. I he Register states, that Dr. John lleckwitn, ,j- j|,jt has been remarkably successful in^,i,,i,'^ cr,t. . ical opTations upon the Eye. T\o fi^Ujw- iug is related of an aged lady, lalelj re stored to her sight. “-\l)oiit twenty-five \ears ago, she be came blind in the left eye from Cataract, and five or six years since she lost sight of tlwj other eye, trom the same cause. Slio was uaahb to distinguish objects of the , 1 I • • . • II- . i'.i I I ‘ left eye and restored her to such a ixntioii microscopic eye to nr eieailycomp,^.hcnc.d. ,d a very bn llnmt aiipearance, as il they had | 'IheiKjrci plion.itawornan.saMiuickns'lK-en hiaU ollindycut chry^^^^^^ ! domestic avocations and to walk abroad lightmng—l.er r.>.-tn.tion is mtu.tion- tjent had, from the firs , a lull unpre.ssion ci>mfort, until some time last suninicr had almost said inslim t.—liv a glance ot that tins was a m.irliid atiection ol visnm ' 7 1-5,So-: when a sudden flash of liehtiiin so paia- ingly I’wick, so their souls aud imagiautn>ns : of tn irritable habit, and liable to a variety I aiv uncominonly ‘^usc.'ptible. I’ew of them 'of uneasy sensations in his head, was sitting ! have culture enough to write; but when ;iloiie in his dining room m the twilight, the j they do, how lively an.' their piitmes! how .i.Mirof the loi.m being a little open ; he saw 1“"'’ ' animated their desciiption-.! Hut if few distinctly a femnie figure enter, wrapt in a • ’ ^ I women write, they all talk ; and every man [ maistir, and the face concealed in a targe I may judge c.f them 111 this [loitit, from every 1,lack bonnet. She seemed to advance a , circle he gi>rs into. Spirit in conversation f'cw steps towards him, and then stop. He Physician operated upon her right eye, and she now sees well enough to recognise her acquaintance rea dily, and to attend to the duties of her fam- are. Poi.tonoiiK Conf rtionari/.—The Journal of Health has an article w hich goes to show the dangerous tendency ^f a tixi free use of A French emigrant having l»*>enbuta \eiy abort tiiiH^ in I'ngland, was invitiMl to par take of a larg"l»o'vl ol punch, a liquor he j 'J oial nunilK |ia>l never ta.sted licftire, and whi h did not agree with him. S^^x•aklng of his enter- tiinment next day, but f.irgettmg the name «f the bi venige, ii6 askfd, “ ^ at de ealla dat liquer, dat lie all contradiction, where j is de brandy to make it strong, and de wa- ] ter to make it weak; de sugar to make it | t. , , , ’ 1 . . . ' l.nmlt»-uiid(rl()\C’irsolaL’''.ni..,.(.i. ■weet, and de lenioH lo make it sour' —. ,,f in under M, “('unch.IsnppittH-Miumean."—“Ay,puneh, „r u't •• .V., l-t;,ii^ > hcgnr, said Moiwieur, it almost punch mv braiu out.’’ ■11 n-,71 ; , . . 1 .1 1 .1 I tlie'langerous tenuency 01 a UHi tree use ot Tim.: iVl ! upon lancy : and women, ; had a lull conviction that he figure was an , e„,,,e/eonfectionary- by children. The pwards a31-.Mn7.v!ir) all ov.'r the world tark belter than men.- dhiMon ol the yi^ion, and amused h.inselt ^ r • I "TTi-T- -I 'iV """T s«*nctimes, melicinal-such as read lead, ^oftrrewh.t«...ll,..:t.,U.KH „re tode.-cnJie f they give but thire traits oi | time observing that he could see hroiigh ,,r,.f.i,,i,atc ofm-rcury and An old man had a son called Hill, and Hill bad a Hull. A younger son of the old gentleman one morning found Hill’s bull laid oiU, w ith his fiMit through a crick in the —']’he youth ran in t;reat haste to his father, and thus described the matter: ‘ Did, I go^h—Hill Hull dead—he side, broadside; head down de hill, tail up lull, foot in de crack, an he eyeball turn up ; run, dad; run hard; drench him in de ear—Hie fon* you get dare; I gosh he dead fore 1 come awav.” me or the other, and tlieeharacter is known. 1 the figure, so as to perceive Ihe lock of the or the figure idaced Itefore our e_\ es f \\ h\ ! door, and other objects behiiul it. At length. From the tine susce[)tihihly uf their imngi- when he moved his b >dy a httle forward, it nations, their fancics receive lively inipres- , disajiiiearcd.—Abi rcromliii' on Intdkctual •ions from IIk>so principal traits, and they Pou'cn. __________ 31" paint those iinpre.ssions with the same viva- S( tl.Dl KKS—WAU. cii\ with w hit h tliex 1 To employ murder as a moans of justice, I (let a woman of tanc\ war 1 * ’ ' -i,, jii^a « hich a man with nn enligjitrned uimBre,M..onj; »liichlljrie >lmllii^^ ra.,k all.l lile, »itk all fil’fi,?*-! '* ^ 1 the pomp of Streamers and tiumpet.s,fbrtl»e ! v-iine siibiect ; he shall probublv nini stron- t 1 n Total nuniKrof. .•,',l.l.),li2;» .cr allusions, hut they ^ | STto inlhct upon them all'thc'voiSfv l.rdhant nor so ehast...->Ar-, /o k. , 1 SI Avrx. Malt S-nnd'T 111 vear^nfn je, .l.'.n.^t.l of 10 iV uiiiiirxM, .Ti.'t.iiTlJ of‘.M “ .'i'i, I".,,!;.'!! of .'^G '■ r.;>, ) 1 of .Vi “ iiMi, fi.iii; of lUO and upward.'!, 'il'—!,01 I, of :ifi of .V> •• ICO, 11,!:.!J of 100 tnd iipwardii, lili'' I poll a recent visit of Mr. F.ennrtt, a ‘ur^eoii, to Hofumii, one of the Pol\ nesian islands, the follow mg inducement Was held out to him to settli' there by a chief named riiingnot:—“ \ on stay at Ho- tuma, niake |>'ople well, aM too many |K-oplc TKDr. I) i’t:nM)\^. Males—undrr Htycarsorni;i\ )^',7H7 i.f III and under'J4, t.t.l-’li .if-'l “ 3f.. 'J7.W't or'dii “ .Vi, nf.V'i •• IIVI, 11,1,.-, of 1(13 and upwards ‘Jlili—I,'i3,l9. I uraali'S—under 10 years of ai;e, 17.3 17 of 10 and under'.’I, I'.l'J.'i of 2 ) “ 3t;, of ;tii •• .V., ‘,>i.v;i;fi of .Vi •• 11)0, l.Vt * of 100 and upwards, 3ul gamboge, red precipitate even cep[)cr. 'I'hough the mo?t diversilied colors for confectionary may bo obtained from the riost harmless ingredients, yet such are not alway.s used. The dei p colored pa- p«'r used in wrapping loaf sugar, has also Im'cii found uptin analysis to coataiu both arscnic and copper. Gincral U/jfc/ tf Palestine—The hiils slill stand, round al>oul .lerusalem as they stood in the days of David nnd Solomon.— The dew falls on Ilernion, the cedars grow' on Libamts, and Ivishon, that ancient rirer, draws its stream froin'ra!>or as in the t.*es of old. 'I'he sea of (lalilee still presents the saine natural accompntiiments, the fig-tree springs up by the way side, the sycamort! ,spreads its b.anches, and the vines and olives stiU climb the sides of the mountains. Tlw dos«)lulion which covercd the cities of the l‘lain is not less striking at the (ireseiit hour than w hen .Moses with an inspired ihmi ri‘- -iCi.or.:: ! Matter of l\n t.—\ am wh::t the old wo- ; tering iu their blo».>d ; to wniidor over the ' m« n call an “ iHd stick.” I d" notliiug liebl of desolation, and count the number of : without a motive ; 1 attempt nothing unless ' tiic ilying and the ifead,—are employments . I think there is a probability >)f my sue- i which in thesis we may maintain to 1h> ne- ceedmg; I ak no l.ivors where 1 do not j cessary, but which no nood man ivill con- thiiik they in:i\ bo cranled ; I grant 110 fa- 'template with gratulation and delight. A vors wheio I think'they are not deserved ; 1 battle wo suppose is won the truth is cs- and finally, I d.i not vl ait upon the yirls, : tablislied ;—thus the ctiuse of justice is cou rt hen I thirdv my attention would be disa- firmed! It .«urely requires no commoti s;i-| corded (ho judgment of (JkI ; the sweliiiigs .M-eealile. I am a matter of fact man. I ; gucity to discern the connexion betw eii; this j of .Iordan are not less regular in their rise ~PJ7T [ji, thiii'fs seriously. I once olK-rod to at-1 immense heap of calamities, and the as.ser-j than when the Hebrews first approached ' ’ " tend a Fnd) to her home. 1 did it serious- ^ tioii of truth, or the maintenatice ofjusfico. j its banks ; and h? who giH's down from .le- Iv : that is 1 meant to wait iqmn her home • Kings, and miiiisteis of state, the real .111- j rusalem lo .lirieo still i:i urs the^ greatest if.she wanted me. She accepted my oiler, thors of the calamity, sit unmolested m their hazard of falling among thieves. 1 hen; js, I .. ,,,,1 h,lilt,•> witii h« r, aud it has ever since M'abinet, while those a;.'iinst v. hoin the fury in fact, in the scenery nnd m Miners of I’u- pictio IIN iinwori I) moioe e.iht Iiiio Jii.ir «p.etlicr she want-j of the storm is directed an*, for the most , 1 ■ . 11 nil I Uiiiiw I " ' ,u^. She took mv arm and saiil { part, |)cr.sons who have Ik'cu trepanned into die, and V on have maoe some wel , ai k w ,,„er non. nt, (said a .pirited youth, to be n.a,n- d - ^ ^ how to cure a peop e, \ ()U w 1 I have plenty ' taiiird at tlie expeiiKe ol toy ttiie, as 1 Bhould bull- "Ol woio. ‘ ‘ ,1 ■ 1 1 1 11 ' r life, plenty van u .d plenty land, and i ,0 be reproach, ,1 fi,r not ha' In. brought any Uiing said not a word. I hade her g.Knl night and ■ Iron, their pe.jeelul homes into the h-ld ol J^allthoLneLotiukmg^^^ i n.to the l.ou-c but my cVdics.^. »he .aid uot u word. 1 »iet her the next buttle. A s.ld.cr r a man whose la.moss Total nuiiilier of Free foiored I’l rson? Total lie •/result' nf thr f. .S'. I'.J.s'.’HiJ ■) I. If you marry a won,an llir iiimiey, yon may lesfinc, a perpetuity that accords well with the everl,i-lmg inq«'it of its historical re- cords, and which enable us to ii’dentify with the utmost n aditiess the local imagt'ry el’ even ^reat Li^.