MINERS’ & JOUR^Al^. iMn.\Ti:o AN» prHMsiu:i> kvkiiv i;«>:>iksi>\v, ijy «oiu-k a m>i/i»...niAKi.oTTi:, Mi:t km.mii itt; coirNTV, noutii-cauolina* I WILt. TEACH VOU TO flKHf K THE BOWtI.S OK TllK K.MlTll dlllVi DI T niOM TilC (•A^ Kll.NK (IF THK MOUNTAINS, MKTAI.n W MU il Ull.l. (ilV K bTRKNi.l 11 TO Ol lt IIA.NUS AMI Sl’BJKl.'T AIX NATnUK TO OUR UfcK AM) rl.KAl>(JRe.—Dh. JOHNK^N. vol.. II. wi j)m:sj>ay, jam akv 4, NO. 67* ifliiHTs’ & I'ariHt'rN’ J«iirii»l Is priiitt'il and piililiHlicJ every WVdncsdny niorii- tng at Tiro DdUni and Fijly (’tnts pt r aiiiiiim, if paid in advsincc; T/irre Dullurs a >t'nr, If not |Kiid until at\(!r tlic ( xpirotioii of fi.x month?. ADVKKTKSE.MLNTS will he luseitcrt ulI hjHj .fralogv, gcolojry, and zoology, but only in atul tli«* eleniPiiU t'f astronomy, but lot it be I siiry loarning, and habits iKlu|ifrd to ilio liis own study, unlisted by his Iciu licr* Sn,' ck'stined buiiK ss of lil’e, slioiiUi be- consider- also, if he Imvo :i iniiid for uifchanisin, in- icdas a chief ohject of education, of wliich didjrc hill) with tools, and w ith tlie study of' 1 havo had tho most eonvinciiij:, and by tw* nicciianics. So, also, in IJotu’ij, nnd thc galiun—the most niPbi;cho!y uvidenct*. lihysif-al scienccs as they are called, as niin c* iit»|HT square (not cxcccdin;rl.’0 lines,) tbrtlir .|,g ,mlj|,jeiits at school. In natural pliilo. lir.tiiis.rtion,andi'5ccntBlorcHrliMULcetdingi ^„|,l,y j;,, infortna- Xv.x:k-n SI for tlirce weeks, for one s,,,iure.- I ,i„„; p,,r,nii,g i.s, trulv, a most plnlosophi. A liberal discount will made to those- wi.o , J^|j ,.55 of uhich, as advertischy lheyrar. ^rOnalladvrrt.Ke.ncnt. coninimiicati'd lor publication, the imiiilM'r of - insertions must bo noted on the margin of the nianUi>eript, or tiicy will be euitinuid until forbid, and charged accordingly. All coinnuinications to the Editors must romc free o( pontase, or they may not l>e aftendi d to. o NOTIC’K. X Thursday, the 5th day of Jantlary next, a number of likely A'tV.’KO/vVV, lH‘fon)>in? . ,1, From tiie Uakieli la gister. CENTKAL KAlf-KOAI) .MKl/nXO. TlaJn^h, 17, At n public inteling of the citizens of Wake conn’y, railed for the |«urpo.«e ol'con- sideririfr the ex|H;diency of ostablisliing a i^ejfroos lo Hire. The SubscriU'r will hire out, for the term of onr y«r, on Monday, the Ifith of January next, a number of valuable j\l'.(!ROKS, conHist- iug of men, women, boys, girU. and cliiMn n — 'I'lie hiring to be held at the residence of Suxanna iMuartt. Tll». H. s^MAUTT. Meckknhurg, Die. 17, lp.31. XOflCF,. All pcrsor.s indehti;d to the subscriber, are earnestly rpfiuested to come foruard and make *etlleinent imiiiidiately. 'I'hosc who fail to comply witli the abwe re^utRt, must to pay with co^t. TllUS. .MARK^. D>c. 18, ls31. 3tG7 fortune; ajjricultuie and the mechanic arts will adventure in an enterprize so espehsiv® improved | high prices for labor and con- and uncertain, and where he may be liable stant einplnynient; a homo market furnish-; to the mi.snianageinent and indiscretion of a cd; enterpriTM! Htimulatedi few d«Us; an di.stant superintendent, and where he ri.ika incrcaH“] alteiitioii to the comforts of do- not only the amount originally invested, but lll0^tic life; i I'herality of his whole estate In a partnership, alsoj |)ul)lic .'eiilimeiit; inijirovenient in the ha-i the death, or any legal disability of any bits of S'H'iety ; population increased ; and ' party, however numerous the association* new fields opened to adventurers for fortune di.ssolves the concern; and a transfer of his and (iiine: 'I’hesc are some of ilio benefits interest will not free him of his liability.— that, under the inliuence of the mines, have ; There is scarcely a possibility of its dura- dillli.std themselves among every class of tion for any length of time; and new and the coiiimuiiily, like blood through the uni- intricate rights and duties are constantly mated sy.steiii. springing up. Your committee, therefore, I’lUt tiiere is another view in which the are satisfied that partnership associations iniiiiiig interest nmy be regarded with anx- do not afiiird facilities and inducements to ioii.s conceni, and wliidi ought, in the es-1 capitalists to incline them to invest in any lunation of your commiltee, lo be the foun-! degree pro|>ortioned to the richness of our diiJion of u liberal poln y e.xiended to mining ! mines, or to the importance of the policy entorprize in the Stale. Various caus‘s Uvhich it is so vitally our interest to promote, have coinbini'd, for sevi'ral years, to render j 'I'he objections adverted to, do not hold labor applied to the ordinary Htajiles of the in relation to corpfrate bodies. Thestock- Soiilh of less value thaw Ix-fore. 'i'hese ■ ilder is liabie only to the amount of hia cau.s's, if is feared, will continue to operate | subs ription, and may transfer hi.s interest with additional force. With the increase ; without endangering his private fortune.— of population, and the probable iliniiimtion ; 'I'he c.xistence of the corporation, too, is not in the value of slave property, the applita-1 ^nhjeet to chance. So essential is some I li(.n of labor in tlie saiisf channel will ne-' principle of this kind, that in all extensive of intor-iomui uiiratioii “'f'j (juuinish the price of Southern mining countries, adveuturers are secured »to liave inspirrd nii ulnionil . 1. ,11 1 l . • , staples. AllsurplusbilKM (in anyone branch m these previleges by the general law. I nlu^t Ik? diverted. In this slate of things, | 'I'here is at this time in the U. States a if kept at school half the time, and the oth-! therrfarr tlmt wf, n- ritj^.ins o( I niicl under disnd\anfag’s mculiar to a p;o- ^ vast amount of surplus capital, which will be increased, by an intimateeaily acquaintance ll.iil-Uoad froni'the touii of IJeau- vvith the laws of matter, 'rtic great pur- fu,.,, in Carteret countv, to the \\ c.-,t. .lo- f)os,eof learning is tosupplyfoHl forthought. Esq. wa.s' culled to the Ihair, S.1, also, of writing, to set men to thinking jnn,j Mi,j. (’n vnt.Fa I.. lh.vro\ and Col. for themselves. 'I'he hors-o, who luminate.s, , „.pp, Secretai ie?.— grazes all the time. It takes the cow half ,;, \v. Unvwood, Ksq. r.cn. K. M. Suun- her time to chew her cud, without which yViHinm S. Uansom addressed the nn'eting on the expediency of tho (in j*'ct. Mr. Ilaywooil then submitted the follow ing I’nnimble atul Uesolutioiis which were unaniiiiously adopted: WnrnrAS, the very "rcat improvf-mcnti n hi« h, within » f»'W ycar.j past, have Ucii niodr in H.\ II,. she wouhl give no milk. Hut how nmch time would we allow the to the cBtatc of the late Marshal T. I’olk, w ill be j sons of Farmers, in getting all this scIukjI 8«ld and hired on accomi^atinp terms learning? I answer, not more than the t. L. ir«MlIJl, Adm'r. , ■ /• .1 a- . *'.• Dfca:i}^r 15, 1831. 3t«7 “S'* o' ‘*'- •NT o T'l „ : I k. 1 teen; that is, incur northerncliinatc, to at- B. 1 nose indehtca to inc e.^Jiate arc mram i . , . . . , , . .wv* i • /t ' • • i • requested to call and settle, as longer iiidulgi nco , «*^hool through each winter, and lie I OAl)>, aiul in the luarhmery employ, d n|K>n «ainoi be given. ; kept at work on the farm all the rc.st of the ; 8''«.vsi,i.ans|K,riuiu.n, so decldfd un advMita^M', over all ilio otlirr artifi- ! time, so us to have a handy habit for work, ciil iiicaus out of school half the time, they will return ] mnfidt liti; in il, both in oar oun couutiy and in to it with a gfK)d apjirtite for learning; and iE»rop« : tepi ai scnooi nan inc lime, anil inc oin-. 1 . ” . ' ‘ 1 „ . — Imlf-at work on th« farm, they will re-1 who are without a large foreign com-; much incieased by the extinction of the na- turn to their work w ith a goMl relish for it, {J.tabli.bing a ('.noJl in ilos I w.crc -without r.a.ls and canals—without t.oiial debt, that would be directed to min^ mental, and incorporate The FnnUfVH^ timt Ptnntfrs' ' rottly to manhood, and in the very line of ALHA.\.i€ lor tired of the school house. Whatever is ta- Slato, will hinrtily coniur in all pr;icli(iilil'' pl.m- ken With a gomi ap|>efite. nourishes, wheth-;aceompli.di U;l i ,tu.!>liahi..eni oi said • er it be t'or the Ixvly or the mind. 'J hese , p,, .....di,,., of alternate occupations, besides that their L,ur feliow-citiirr.s .fU>'. to\Mii.r.'«lii>ury, tifa.i- varied occupations keep the appetite always j ibrt and N w!) rn, f.luiiv*- to ibe tstr,i.lisliin^r oi keen, allow time for retfection, keep liie I tlicCentraiKiiil-?J'’H'!,jiidwi « ihuconumml-iijciii mind always occupied, ruminating,—o.m. i complwi-n of ;i,o , as the most c r.a.n tribute to health, and acash hoiiip market—without manufactures,: ing; and by being spent among us, would and di pri\ed of many other sources of na-' neces.sarily advance the general pros|>erity. tional aggraiidizeuK nt, the discovery and Your committee, therefore, recommend tho duvel!i|M uu ut (.1 the mines will open a new, policy of incor|>oration for irining objects, extensive and li rtile tirlJ for indiNiduul and under such restrictions and regulations as public enterpri/.e, for the happinobs and pros- the legislature, in its wisdom, may think (H'rity of our Stale. lit to impose, and not incompatible w ith the I'roni these fact> and reasons, and.from proi>pr and es«Mitial rights of the corptira- tviTV other consideration that your com- \ tors. For it becomes the duty of the |kjw. iiiittee have been enabled to be.'^tow on the ' er granting the concession, to secure tli® Calculaled fur the Mtridian of SaUm, A. t'. ♦f half groce, and ^7 [kt grocc. tu, ruminai iig,p;on. | r and .OMuercial iind vigor, ImhIiW and . „.„castd ■ate habits, leading di- Und improrcd. and in the verv line ofl tliat »■' d'-preent-a frra! puMic I 111 ... J life ti»r which your soul is dcsfinHl. The i the con-iant cmi-rHti-.n of t/arf. ll..w. | sul.j. et, they are (oiivmced that it would be (,bjc*ct contemplated without injuring the • . i-,> . ,>»•.. iv f,. icitizmnto oth* r States, which r.jpi.Jy pm-' po!ie\ lo cherish, with a prompt and ' community. .Mining in North-Carolina i» incorpor'ate good'and useful bahits, wiih the ! Ue‘?nrtltro v I" unif mtly S'asurc cl \ hl'C-ral e.Koi.rageii.et.f, the mining opera-; yet in its infancy ; and, even in its infancy, ■|U.r revived and for sale at tins ihllcr, l.y „,,cp^sarv Ipuming. I'he health of the bo-! cuiau’d t.. ar.. it* pr.-n .s. | ‘^"’y I'® ^ the large amount of capital alreacy expendeJ •F l ie groec, halfcroce, doxcn or smgle, «t il> ' , ^ j^ed bv that oar -ti.ta'lvc. in the pro- t* d by uuiu. ing an investment ol sulKci.-nt ■ has given an impulse clearly perceptible in pubiis^r. pnccM-lO cents .ingle, jh r do«n, ”, 1,',t ^ | ,c,.t ticner^l Asm miI.Iv. U- r. ju. «t,d t- ^..le f..r capital, cither domestic or fon.-ign, or both, the advancement of her interests. Policy I *»!...♦ ,L,„ j du-pa'^Hgv uf Jinh acts as nr.-nt-ei-,iry to ■ i i;,r that iHirpa'^c. For ho« ever substantial; dictates the continuance of this impulse. Il , that the t, fo.’h in t.u- lir gomij ; • ... . . 1 . 1 _ I. . . ... i mind is often injured in tlie bame way, and , Kc»nIuiioi.s, and th»t t’.iiy U. tllr^i^hi;^l with a u/-, , \ct nothing is more ccrtnin. 'J he apiietite py ot the same. I palls with con.staiit feeiliiig, nnd a dutasfe dy, every boily knows, i.s often impaired l>ein!i kcut too cloH(!iv at f»choil. It \ 17 \ L. « 1 t I Ul n MClt* U^ urf lift 1^-.11 jr w «»i • 1 j > art 0 niany per.son.s o o ^ la ®|coinph-'i the oh,n, fo.’n m t. .-i.ir. gomu ; l^nrfits may have been which have' has been said, with much propriety, that hilherto iH'en derived from this source, yet, “ the precious metals can never glut the (Jen. wS iunders siibmittcd tho f lio«ing, “ ' market, nor mining for them be overdone.’’ hich w IS adopteil- 1 tnrr in inmi!»g has been chiefly by way ol There can be no monopoly. Lvery esta* IS ol\en proiUiced, a kind of unconniienblc »iulii ...i- . , , , , - , . .... 1 aversion, which extends even throu -h life. r.1. th.t a ..mmit’er of ikv. n Kr*nns }- 'cxr^enuH nt: and that the pre.sent condition bltshment is useful to its neighbor ; and eve- I Few parents seeni to In; aware of this, cs- ’ appoint-d tororr.-i-i.d «lt(. j.i. nmg-nin. !i ; ol the o|^r:ili.ns urges the adoption ol sonic j ry introduction aiid investment ot capital, —ZTA i. i, -i-i " ' rwH-i-illv Ihnso who lue in hr-r,. towns.’ and ! nrw hV'tem, by uhlch the mines may be wliether sucees.sfiil or not, constitute an itn- * «'*: ' 1-“ .‘"-V ^ f ■ Lr.f 1. tlJ h. H^to . . r 1 1 r 1'"'^’ " foMilit under more favorable auspices. ,>ortant addition lo the common stock. “ ~ t itle s, uhf*ro It IS tJH’ ta.Mliioij to K(M‘u chii- | ,,,„^ nHi-rul lot ti;c ol.jca i . . . n * i ‘ v . j * j i Ti«CocxT,rFARMER.-rr«mrA*A-.i.r-,»..r. ,ire„ constantly at school, partly m many : of thwm... ling. J , ..,r comnut.'-e pre.sume it will not l.e Y our committee are deterred, by the nuestioned that mining proM-eutiwns will length of their re[)ort, from the pnjsecution partly m many nr. 'I'hn nroinr r.Iiieat i.m n.r eas«*s fo k*Tp them ‘ ff//(»»'•(///.'’ 'ihey , 'J'he f( llort ing genflcnvii w ere named on I , . , ; 11 1 1 1 , • . . . ' , n Ml. tUtf.— lm proper ciiucatioii lor .,1 j ,.,1. » t,...vro .1 1 .t « ,.i I ran 1\, i ever. Ix- attempted bv individuals ot an inquiry which might be uselully ex- anil f'.-nnlp mi'dio^iti^ iliouUl reiiieinlM'r tliat loo(l, f.ikeii toexcovs, , ioiil coiniiiittee, m/. ; lien. S‘aiir.U''rs, t ol. i . , ... • , , , ' • ° ■' "^ver well digested. We, on farms, ^^.||, .M,m. ( barlrs L. Ilinl..., U. W. M.iv-. I-IirSusHKi will I rlt bo d ^'u-^d s i tiunk of f^orn nafur.., not .IcspiMiig «• J, v Jo:.es, W Uham W hitlield and ‘' I 1“ ‘^e bil immodiately under the,r con- Pdiiie biisineTsS, will nr»i t)e ai.stu.se,1. j ,1,■ 1 /• i‘ to aii\ prolit..tle extent in this couiitrj ; and sideration, they aro satisfied that the rights totheextentofmerehtcratu^r^orofs.l.Mlee, .... | m richer and older countries, where wealth of the corpora'tors and the interests of the n, and is not distributed j communifv ar*i eijually indemnified; and, s here, all expellenee Uvith some slight amendment, w hich will t private ami unas^is- Ik? offered, they recommend its p«ss;ige ■ immense, has never into a law, and Itelieve that its ’•ejection vplorationof th^ mines, would prove injurious to the best interests inadeijuate to the ob- of North-('arolina. All which is res(>ectfu]ly sumniitted. I). .M. HARRINGFU, Chmn. v disiiualihe unilerslanding. This remark applies, w ith additional rca-! son, to all “vein mines," whuh mu-t Ik* s^uiglit lor, if successfully, to great depth m>\V TO TKI.L HAD NKWS. and at ^reat fX|MMise ; and w hich, while they Scmr. Mr. 6"* Koim at Oxford. Enter, hit Fa- "V'. ' T ’ i Kilt In roiisiilpr evci V n irt of lili'asa s hool . .. .. 1 I are alnavs the most ix rmanent and profita-| ther't Strimrd. if it were not po much the fashion to throw ) . , . , , „ _ .1: , Kdaticr to inrorporalin-s the .If. rlicnlnirf: 1 ex|K nsive. I Mr. (1. Ha ! Jervas, how arc you my ' “ This i.-the class now seeking Legislative ' old boy ? IIow do things go on at home? assistance. \SU'iMird. I5ad enough, your honour; the (ifAd-Slinin^ C(>//i/«i/;//. The eommiltrc to whom was ft fV-rr.d “a Kill lo I iiic;or|H>ralctlie Mi i kli’iitnirj: (ic.ld Minin;; 'oiii- pauy,”li»\ing had the Sdinviiiidi ri im.- idi ration, ri-spectt'ulty rejKMt, That, in the very threshohl of their in vestigation, they h ive U.eii away so much time in learning what is worse ; '>r knowl.dge in the bu.smes.s oi hie, «ome than' useless. We arc a nation of Fngli»h- « which is to l>e acquired by reading inen,aiKl the literature of our motherlongue>» '^t more by observation, and the rmhraces all, that can, by any pos.s|bihty, i f »'l.v things m the great iKK.k ol nature, be of any service to a fhrmer. Learn as ; I '>« •I'l'l"'”''’-. « f ^ to repose niiiehas they may, of Flnelish literature, like the lad coming from college, who olten x.,th science'and philosophy, and there is ceases to learn, as sr^>n as he comcs froni little danger of an ovcrst.;^^k, or that tho , "• f hmk morf>, and ] ,,ross.;d with the growmg iip|m conceit of learning will sp»il a ln)y, for farming, unless, indeed, he before, by want of mitid. li;t ‘ |ir)fession,’ and crawl along the indolence, usele«?^ne«s and contrm|if ‘slimted pig’ of the order, as a con to other farmers’ sons. Hut how mu !i learning should liave f All he can get, I anjiwer, ji n good uxK off ihe tnniit t/iinf', altiT all.— \\ hilc a iK.y, a fhoroiigli knowledge of the spelling lK)ok, the ground wurk of all litera ture, ‘o as to Ik- nb!f to spell readily, and correctly, all the words of common occur rence in fh" language. lie must learn to I).'' a gootl reafif r ;ilso. an.l m;iy read a iiooU | he of grammar, for auiii::em''iit, but should nev- out er, if a lad of good sense, be |x'rmitfed to | pla\ c imii'.if a single rule of if to memory.— 1 somei JiOave this to boys who have time to throw I educat. . . . . . iiwav upon the (had languages, and ,fien ; have learned his letters, nnd how to form tho way ol ime'Inu nt and in the anioiui! The in.«ulficieney of individual capital is magpie s dead. Mr. (r. I’oor .'lag! So iwiiKT, also, to thcMrv un.-ertam and ha- he's gone. 1 low came he to die ? Stcirard.^ .01 uieir III- .-mious char .cu r of Jll mmmg enferprue Over-ate himself, sir. 3/r. 6’. Did hctaith . forcibly iui-' —« charaetiT whirh has ever In en prover- A greedy dog. U hy, what did he get he .rtance offheil.ial. Some untouaid event may di.s;,p. hked so well ? .SVnrnrrf. Ilorse-fk-sh,-sir; ledthemM>lveswellinlbe|alH.rsofthei;irm,ipro.spenty. 'J'hey base Uen largely in- tio'is. down to the ground, il/r. 6’. .My father 3 ... ^ j„jj. commitlfc, tlipn. are jiistili'U m r- . . . . . not only as to work, hut by bringing the | struni''iital in the restoration ot a sound mo- inind into those lal>ors. Nor do I say that ' nied circulation, so de.s'iralile to every [lor. ... .1 . t-house burned down! and how came it set allirming tiiat an as.s(H iation ot uidi\iluals, ® ..... riti fir/» f fol Steu'itrd. 1 think,sir, it must havo li asoiis « men iiM lo i iiiini 10 me II.I/-.IUU and immense oxiMMidiluie of mining ofi-er an' Imd news, sir, and please yot insiirmounlal.h' banii r; and the obj. ctions ,* '“"J*' miseries! are magmil. d wl.eii coim.eicd with the le- Steward, 'ies, sir; youi but two kinds, ei-her corporate or eo,«..t-1 .Vcntn . I es, ,MK,r gentle- nersb.p as-HM..lions. To the latter, the i leasons w Inch are to be f ,uud m the hazard ■ Heard of what? . i he Imd news, sir, and please your honour- s! more l>ad our bank has gal habiiitirs of :i paitner.^iup. 'I'he j.roS.-,-r‘* ments, which were son-ly (Mt in common, j too, in a copartner>-hip, are not at all pi ^ o-' 'vorth a shilling in the world, i made .;Ol!t, I ■’s'Vif**!" ".Natiirai in- raised'up a large laniilv each of which, has, i rereived th'-ir rewards, 'l lie production^ 1 or to tin n>ii'ii!s of dollars, h- is rei=poii .. . .. .,,rt.titi‘ for fiod 'I'h.it _c\(ept()iie—alas!—In eiicondnctetl along i of anriciil'iirr-and the various improveiiMuls I f.r nil the contracts, and-subject to all Mhle I'T^othetaso aiH humor of the min.l, exactly in the way here proposed, and with'.of ait have me» with a I.Ural encounige- fortune.oiihecon.pnny, lu v. vernuuienius, w iiM 11 IS loui , . - . _ .1 1... ... ,1:.,;.... I .. .i.„ .. .1..™ .,..>1 I,.,..1 • „r l.iivvcver vailous their intert si*;. .\ va- i, eaMlv a. o.nre*!, sets well, and is likdy lo ' the moi t pnrfi-et hucc. ss, thanks to divine j ment; the value of real properly eiihanr.-d ; hcu-iul lithe bov has houv' -eoiMtrv m'rcv. (.ood habits, Mr. F.ditor, engraf-1 the disposition to emigrate checke.l; luink- in hn mm:l, .tudv math- inatics. g-Mii' tr.’, f."! n^n, '-r iirorporutcd with, tiic ncce«- > rupt imlividuals r. stctc'd tu compirrre and ■4 in ' come lo wait on j ou to tell you about it, for I thought you'would/iAre to liiur the nc'un. Tho buttons on the coat of John Hancock were of silver, and of .\nierican maniifnc. tare^-the dcvice, a shepherd shearing hi» riety of t.i.?in!ties nmy expose the rii.Ii''"t,shoei)—-the motto, “you gain r«ore by o’:r narl.i';r to ..ttv atvj t'.im. N>i enc , tlu>n !•>’ o"r dcfvtifs ’