PtUAiTKU A>l> l^KUMIKn i:v IC:n MKONESIMY, liV II{ I WI1.L Tmcil you TO PlKRl B Tlir BOVi K1.S OP i-xn. VOI^ II. ' I’-'^wth ami iiiiiMi ni/T riiDu 'cuk t '*'”K iVlinerN’ A; Fnriiicr!i’ Joiiriinl I* printed and published cVcry \\'«ln«sdav morn ing at Two l)olla,» and Hfty CeMn |kt Hnni.m, If paid in Qdvanccj Thrff DoU«r» a year, if not t>nid until after Uie cxi>irution of hi.x months. ADVKRTlSKMEN'l’S will be i„.oru d at I'iUy com* p,!r H-uare (not MwcdiiipiJO Iinc8,) for the firrt inw rtioii, and ii't c. ntn for each sunow.lin.r week—or 81 for three week*, for oiu'8.iuare.- A llbTal discount will Ik: made to lI,o»c who adver( alUdvcrtiw ilU'titn conirnnmcatid Ihr pul.lieatioti, the nun.lx r oi .u.«j-tion8 must lie note,I ,m the n.arrin of tl.r niunuyeriirt, or th.'y will b.- cotiluiued until Torbid, and charged accordingly. *,* All cptnmunicalions to the Lditor* must they may pot 1m' attt ndetl to. lUiaM^'rAUij rmVIE Sub8cr,iH,r. have Uken tlie largn white »" K. * j. Si.ring8, vlicrcthry have tfpined their Sto k of «on«utii.gof alino*t every artiele consumed br tJiJ whabiUnt. of lhi« Rcctiou of eounlry ; a„d wc pledge our*. Ive* that those who aiv di««>^.d «kal with us, Khali have Gtx^l* „n the nn^st riawMi- •be UriM*. Wo wcrfd particulariz- .juintities, »ii h as yd* bagH, tu rcf*, IwrreU, hhds. jugs, ^c. hut an our htoek u auiall, wts think it best to de- ^ nAiti,or, K, 9u;i toi M v, >oin i,.rAm,ii^4 ' IIIK Ca VMi.vy IIK 1IIK >lf»r\rjii\^ mAi ' ‘ - ^—:~r-_r xotk;i:. ? o'an Act of the fJencrnl A.wni. M. Uy of i>orth CaroIiii;i, passed at Ihtir iate w ssioii, to incorjforate the CAaHolti ( i OnilHJItV. in tl»A rv.nn»». >> fi wn the HaUI-orafiirk Iticmilur, 14,4 ult, TIIK HAIL-CO VO. Tlin roronf; NO. 71. ■ K I Vl>. I ''.y the luscinusiioHsoffhe lisi, arts„rthr (;,ntrul ,V^?rml>lv I ‘ T ' (’''‘"‘'''1 ‘'•'“I ‘ Ka.l-n,«rJ ron.OHl 7!?: ' "'ui ,n the Wiunty of Meckh iibut- iioo^. »rorp.r.ifiiis •‘‘i'l-r«Kr( i:otn|)Hi.i(‘s, |,nve l.rK iiiir i , will broiKncd by and under the direction aiid i •»'»‘»ni9 with frtW lloi'cs th-.t a II. t (f.fl" {-roves slicd a (le- "ojr^r‘M* ^Jotulav, the now .-ivi is nl,o,jt to ooiniifcncc in NomI. ' ^ ' lnif;nuice, and tlie ,|ovti often ,'Ot. o February next. i„ the to«„ of rhuflnlte, Curoliti-i. U> hnvo l.mVf, ‘ I [‘l-lltU.v,, CKji-.ff. ' COIJIVC wo tlion.ilit must advis. I j''7. "■ 1^3-A Hooks !ublo; tl;o .State ..uyiit to iral(i'j, ■arolina, to rX"ve Hul4”ri,',rionVli.I the'("pil^l | *“ ‘"''J Kjok n Ikv t ala,rha Uold.Mimuf. and ! , . . ' 'T' .‘icurcciy siippoit.,l)|,.. xirrounj ,i | »i | j.^ „|j flishjoued in all its f'u- th. .-Tho s.r..els narrow and luJv.-l KhcIi IS e;itert'fi Ly u gate connected n k;..u ... .II nv Hine the idea. riie Wnddlery ltiiMinr«>«i W .11 be carried on in all it.s branch.^, ext-nsiv. ly. New made Work of all kiii.b. now on h.m.l, and v\ e return our thanks for the patronatr,- hereto. rh.'m 7'.7 ; •hare of the txisin. sh of this plare. r* ' & f harhtff, Jan. II, Ih32. CH l%E%V-%'OICIt 4' i.MI MTOIti: and : . ;rustinr the js f(.urs r. I..SAI Mi;i{, uulj/. jut. M.SC 4 If. WoM'!\fj'n)\ {o. V r H'.IIN.-. SIk.ji an,I 1 ,,i 01 .'1 r. *\ atnuij litow n, on[K>>j(* iht* they will carry on the uIhu'i- IJn :ii„. riuns branehi *!. 'I'h, y liav e nn mxin its the pr.u-ti- soil continue.s ht .tiid l(lt;;i.s in cr not l.illicrto Urn f’ulv iiot„;c,j. ’ Tnrl.T tiiosc "" ii:cor|„,ration, ti.u . uin.-tuiios wc V '‘=‘ Mll'J llCIO plaots, !l|)ic rows witli than it rctjuires to HUHtuin the livea of 6,000 faiiiihcK—it is iinfwssible, wc suy, tliuf tlie })Oople cuti believe that the luxuriously fed and idle men are what they profess to be— ministers of Dim who was born in a man* «cr, and lived a life of pcnurv ami suff(!ring. iJiit, imli.rtuniitely, iuBtead' of uttribut ng llii.s state ol things to the corruptions of tha I ries.thood, and the |»olicy of States, they n*fer it at once to bn inlierent defect in the sj stein ol lli'lijrion itself, and iM'come aVow> •mI inHdelb—deriders and niotkers of that J^'ligion, designed to soothe the angry ims- sion.s, and to bless mankind, Imt which, in the hands of bad and inconsidor.ite men, has been made to them a » whip of scor- pions. ’ llciice, the scencs of mockery whicii ha^e already been witneHKed—th« . precursor, U may be, of the asccijdancy in hn^dand, a« in France for a brief w>riML*i>f a new Afi-r if Umson, in which the vd^t pns.sions were let loose in ull tiieir liirv; civ il discord reigned triumphant; law, justice, and order were trampled underfoot; and tiin very .streets run blood. We ardently jesiitj “ Ket;irnr’ in the government.s of loso shall ntai men. to I . o - •“ •iU‘Y lire justly entitlini; but Irom the (iiry of hucli a .^torm as de.solated France, and' threatens r.iigland, ma\ Heaven protect all j.eople ! Such fn is teidi.ld more horrible m its eli;-. ts tiiaii the yoke of the tvrant, leagued Wifll t>A -.1* *1-. • •.* ® ixnnanr J. A .1 f harlolte, Jan. 10, W OOItia IT. stirai.ce ? wc to fiivi ':iii ui!\ man in t!ifin fiiis ns- rth-t'aioliiia 'iiaii in -x.rni-i aroliiia -vlm n I ^inet'^«ttli''^n T “ r*’"* I’nitetl States form, for manv, ^:atchrnvn:nch,.,v,dl:,:. «o,,!d!,ctrai)s>,r. v' 1/1?^'*'- Tt important purposes, a single toJovera )-,,il-i„a.Jln>n, S.lci.ito no,mli,.t orod'.^l. n If ^ "'"T " In uar •n o.e y.a. .' N..V, is ,n p.werofauv om ic" t' .‘''''il I 'r'"*’'''- w;ni. to-gur^,s ’„1.;>I .uiioui.tofpivKiuce ,lu. .f,. f ‘ ; are one pe..ple. In all cmimercial r.r.''l[|,|,5i o: Com, for whith the C.J, ‘" ■" 1“' ■" A LL tw in.l4,u;d t-j tJie HabseriUr. are re- I ""i* ^ M reniai^Mi*-Tttei#*iMiyu |H»t iuU» the ot- *uv otBeer for «U*ctii». ^ D. R. DI NLAK J«RWrtrvfi. '■.173 • ; |>!.!1ms have lu'cn Iwrnrd, which is done! lations, we a hoping liv a strirt ultcntimi t,j Mitli H I |uTr..T»ai buKifii.vs tlirv will Uc uiic rais>c(J ii»r suNj are on^; and thesauio people, rrtiiiu our Sill* crc iJjauU lor llir i- i nwn i:ou: Iv f To 111 Ml Irojia^r lu relol rcrouiriift!4t pnini- cnmprTe»r J to j-uv rKlIAM.!:! tell fnuiinat!«»n to me to rouder a pc ru ci irtiiir wt; noi II i'\OHTK*S JllltVfl. giMl Suntnary at Andovea, ! iici.pio wouiti see a:!il ti I tlie iiecc.ssitv ot’, ' I;^RO.M 15 toSO able UMlied M'AHtODS arv 1 ilic moht of her life in tl.c to«ni of UosMii , w; r!- ' f'T il \!d sliow t!l>'■! how | I’rotn tlio I.v wanted to hires for whu h a fair priee w it l>e 1 and S-l. in. Ma>s. ami has ei.i nrd the l,.ui.cst u.l- ; ' ' ’ rt's>MI-«'e-i wOrO. aild i'i.’V ' an itl-(Hllc.« «.| >en. For .i.rlher mforination, apply at panU-.. nhieh tno,e plar.-s .rforU t-a.,,.Mre a tu.1. t..tll i wn weu , . IJ .. % an 1 1 . u ; ih.jro,uh,*y'>lei*ialic and acroini.lisb. il edii. at!..i,. ■ v, l^C It would be to l>.rr« AV Ciij-Ual to eiK'ct I ritaili, :t miI.1, I {do Jno. ti. MorfcV hlacksinith lot. lyiii!' biii k of Jno. .M. SlaughUT's, the pn>|MTly of (irn ii lv, n- drick. rerwin* wishing to purchase ean i \.uiiiiie for tlicinsfc lvcd. A eredit of twelve numth.') will be ni'tii. hy giving l>ond and fi'cnrilv. W . .MOKlilsriN, .lan.’.M .\»rirK. rn^lli; SubsrrilMT has t.ikeii IIk' large Store- O. Kooin ol' Mr. William .MX'iiiii, siMialid oli Maiii-i'trrrl, » lu re he w III attend lo reeeix hi" and forwarding all Uiilds of .WrrrAnnr/iir «yd Cniiiitiij I'rodart. He will »Iko r II t.n eoniiniwsion any «'iiunlry l’roluec that may be eoii!-i:;jied to liis car.-. K. t'umHrn, Jan. 2, H3!l. Wall*. BftV virtue of a ll( « l ofTruHt.f \oeu1rd lo me I 9 hy Calib .^1. Nor\\ool, I will s ll on .Mnu- uay of our next Counly Coiirl, the »’7lli IVliriiary, K'lore the Couit-House dmr,on a crrllt of ninety days, with imte and approved Heeuril», a 'I'rael of J.and, lying in the iij>|H'r end of this eounly, on wbieh llenton formerly lived, containing about one hundred and tbrtv m le-i. IliVV IN, 7'r/Mf.r. f'harlolte,‘Jd Jnn, IKJ'i. I't'J Ri:^10V Al« f M^IIM SlDlSC'KIUr.U resiM'ctfully infornm lii.- D. frieinls and eu.-!ofnerR, tliut he h;i» removed fioin his old utand to the Store nearly opiiositii K. llati.nvay, formerly iH'eupii d by J. Hi ern, where he will In ep constantly on hand every arti- tle.KiliIjl'li' lor the b.iek eounlry trade. 1-KAN( IS W ILStJN. rArivir, Or/. 1^, I'^'ll. .'>7 lys Y ! !(>l S l'\ (tl"' I’oKl-ofliee) ^ _ „.lTa outlie (■rll^s siri'il, a lew yards im.tii-westol the oui t-Mouse, in l.iiinpliin, N.C. js again o|M neil ibr the riceiitioii 01 Travellers A: iWn'. rs. 'l''ie btubles ale expensive, roomy ami dry i grain and prev^nder rti tin' best, plenlii'ul. mill served by :'.«! ho;'lers. ’I'lie house has iim- ny eonifortable rooiuH, n-rves a giHid t.ible and re- fieshnicnts; tee proprietor and lii.-i fumily ill omit nothing in tin-ir power to make il iiiost ]uut .ind agree:.')le. ifitf r. n. Roi'N.SAv 11,1,1:. SINCIUITS’ DKKDS, jB.'^OK Lam', “tjd ti>r Taxes; tor l.unds sold that in the exercise of all powers given lor these objects, it is supreme. It can, then, in eli’ecling these objects, legitimately con trol all individuals or governments within the Vmerican territory. 'I'he constitution and laws of a State, so far as they are re- (iiiijnant to the Constitutiin and laws of liio l-nited States, are absoUitelv void. 'I'lie States are constitui'nt parts of the I’uilcd States. They are members of one great empire; for some purposes sovereign, for »«jme purposes subordinate.” Lace Work.—.\n estublishmrnt called the llliiHlc-ls'aiid l.«ace School has commen ced at Newport. Notw itli.standing its re cent origin, no less than .vcrcn hhndrtd fe- wia/cs are actively einploj ed by its propne- r.::>aiis us are i.e( r.^s.iry to rcn.l. r it pi. n-ant .ind , dUCC llO carnril lo iHillM i. S[rcii viiiy uio | „ ,l„„,uh no gaudy (it/.* i-raced my birth, tors. The Style*of lace work is said to lie i'.)iiH! vliout; and no reasonable pain> w ill bi.-spar-; |;iii:] utld ]iricc oht'ahrd lov jrnch. ’Yet lleaveii, lliut made memade me more j |^l„d^ and of that ed C!. th. (Wrtofthe teaeh. r.. and eia/.eius to ren- ; j,],,,, r.;ceive tlie appr.^KUioii ot the ^ ..Than ever King did, when he made « W.” | dVscriptlon with whieh the Kng- i;; i ’ prine.iMlly l^ecauso .t wonia Ih= , -,.i„ Courier signifi.-antly asks, “can the ,,ad,„,.,,|y them- tin ah..nta,r. NOI Ii.cfeiioo. loo troiiU osoiiic to the Ri.;ticcs l>f the pcace ! r i.. il.i.; .viiehbiirg \ irginian. >f popular llHiiig in Groat thiit recently a piece >as llil a;:d so [.rolua!'.!-- r. w.’rk. Various pTtbrined at one of the London theatres, \jSri. nee in liic buf.-, , M.i. lit l,e s'.iL'ycsted to altiiiii tliis ()e-, in wiiicli tiic subjoined lines occvir. 'I'he nil the I I 'rom these eiremii->Uiie that they have b(»«li hjd JuH. 9, IKIi. ) t.'Sl >iaSc «r 1 fl ij 001 “I ((opulation, conVei.ieiil utid a'rreeildc bManlnig | (;jy;,|)l'S, to rei'‘!i\* !ll-i0 iV'in eai'll ill'.li- “ N»ir urge my ra^e teo far, lest thou should'st hnd houses, tnd buard at a vi ry motlerale. evwnse.— , ^ ^ st.jl.-incist of llif anlo'fllt of pro- “ * ''•»'« daring spirit.-^ in my blood The S. minarj buihlinj is now uiuler^.ung _«iieb | ^ .. thou or any of thy ra«- e’er (wasted : Ives ill I'Vaiice, in consetiuenci' ol the sn- Ifri cable ami prcdituble. ,\i;d w the Iticn >eliiw>l» iiriiic r-aMi rn 1 • • teachers and all /■«rn;.r« pupils are resident in the, lavorable to till' end 1,1 View, by connU ... , was represctili'il by a stra|>piiij; fellow dress- same family-wiiere instrneti..u is e irrn d m’jre | ,„e,,tnig.s n itlumt giving 50 iniicli trouhh jj, „,o;ncii!s, who paia.ied through Miccess:hllv intoevery d. |mriMi nt of education— ; w. rlbv mcmtx’is of as,semlilv saw ^tree’s • aoJ an el!i"v d’ “ his grace’’ entire iHTi.i of a pupil* rosid. nee in the sch-ml. 1 'k' s'lpp.w'd h:id IlCNOl read tiic table of. ,i h ippened (tfays .N des 'ri.e sehoUtic vcar will eoMiprriiend two s-s-1 llorciiies and the Wagoner. ( i:u!d not t!ie ;,t several other places. .M'l-k sions. of five months each: Auj;usi ami S.^j.t(mber,( !oiiiity('ouit, iijallotmg the pislicesto take oUkii.ted, anl gave out chaiints, will U: devoted to a vacation. The ttlxol will ' ,i,p of tavables, roijiiest them to take a .K'opli' sting Witll great ajiJTolia- commcnc- on .Monday, Uf H'.tli insi,; and, us far , ,.0 y.;is pro;Mis-d in (*.e plan lo ,■ f„lUnviii" verse may “ ;;.".nhl!^bn:" "'‘'''‘'i''’ sam’ple of Ihc bad loeling that prevails; It ,ard, ineludn.g fuel, light and washing, iray ! nnght not 1.0 s., comph-te as il obtained nn- , -nl-er. r. niemb. r, be obtained at ,«,r .. ssion. I !or th.> sinc.tioii ol 1-gislative enactment; I „ u,.- s, mUr Of tverv go.n! t:i,l unlo man; Hut. the U-l, to ►;ii!f' Sent t lldw.' v.itli mitres, \\ ho rob us of all that liiev ran.’ of the l iiiteJ States pay foreigners in this wav not less than 0 or ii?700,(KK» annuallv, for" what can as well be performed by tlieiii- selves. regular and habitual occupation in these delicate fabrics, must evrr.tually lead to that beaiitirul state of perfection at which they have arrived in France, aiul «mie of the females engaged in the “ lace school” h.ive already altitmed a high degree of excellence. Polish f.— A late work on Poland snys—The Uvuity of tb^ Polish Jewesses has a character finite the ri' of that w hitl) constitutes the charm of the ('liristian 'firition m I!, adieg, WritniLr, tJeographv with ' but it Wonid be sutlieielitlv So to nfll.ld some i Ihi' *;1oIh's, I:1( nienlary Arilhineln; ard Knglisli data upon wliich lo venture an t'Stimate.— I ijr.Moinar, at ¥lH a session. The e.'.tia charges iihoilt SoniC information of this kind, WO ] per 8c..sion Ihr other shnlies = j fear tlu‘se acts of mcorporatioii will be what ] " ,v„ - , I f,.males. Dignity, fooling, tender melancho- ry,'sl'i.’ “AVol‘'Vlaanel',^\ri:m | „f I.:un.It\’vuts burnt. ‘ A mock pripst read | ly,aod not m/re.inently .lecp-s. atod ^rrow, . ;. The I-aiin, tJrcek. I’renoii an.l Italian Ian- uto book. | ^niuliitnd.-,concluding thus: | are expressed 111 the fair daughters of Israel gu.ages,«ia Drawing JL 1‘aiann.; sio, Musicb-ti. j KAVT FLOlilDA. i “ Wo coinmil his infamous botly to the ; whos»> notions of virtue and decorum are as I'navoidal.le eircumstanrcs have prcventcl , „r „ loOnr fmm a .reiilleinnn now on a tour ' n tl. t,. r.^.tli. ashes to ashes, dust ; rigiil as the laws of their foretat hers. 1 heir tory ChmlotU, Jan. 9, lt*.S:2. Th{> ttittl S*f(ft»tfrs> ABiT3.1x\A' liir is:ia, i'u'i- ililti'tl fur 1,'ic Muiiliiiti nf S^ilnii, A. ('. UM 'S r received, and lor sab' at this Ollice, by plants, pah«-lto roots, with their blades, of winch the Uulios fans are made. The gar- 1 dens allord but a meagre supply of vegeta- ■ bles. 'I'lie ..^woet potato succeeds well, also \»r„rcis„., .o Foithwiib deliver ii::, g o.l l/ird:” 1 all Amencan, >• that your Washington never Thc>o thin'--s shew a hi..;h stato of public | ^reamrd of a croirn, while he swayed tho have sat like •.>.u incubu** upon bis brttw for nnder u Will of lien ^a^ias; and !br I, nd»' Cl# the uroee, halferoee. dozen, or single, at thi j indilil'VentLot tlio oour- i the imn'n ere j C.'lergV id’(. reat lirilain, some I mantl is'reacUK to cat liirn^:lf . uh.«s. incciitc. ^ AiWilutc a s'-;n;a in-nicjit.

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