THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS' JOURNAL. excellent, and all that is base ; the most ex sited virtue and the blackest depravity. They ore all here. The stages and steam boats are ever emptying into this grrat re ceptacle the precious and the vile of the whole kingdom. Indeed, all kingdoms bring their glory, and their aboninations, into this mammoth metropolis, for she sitteth a queen among the nations.—Southern Rclig. Tti. From the Saturday Evening Post. The present age seems to be particularly distinguished by a disposition on the part of society to grumble and murmur. It is a fault which pervades all ranks and, all ages and sexes, all employments, wheth er professional or haudirrart, and which is 110 less prevalent in summer than in winter, in the morning than in the evening. The subject of discontent is according to the taste of each, some clumsing to grumble upon what others pass over, though, not un- frequently, many individuals, “ with one consent,” denounce a particular evil as es pecially deserving of their united murmui^. Individuals, when alone, search for a pri vate grief, real or imaginary, and grumble over ft until it becomes thread bare. Then another is (bund or concocted, and the low music of murnmring proceeds on, another key, and thus ad infniiim. Families grumble among themselves—the husband at the wite, the wife at the husband, both at tlie children, and the children at the dog. In tea parties we have a concert of grumblers, the air being generally carried by the old est maiden lady in company. He that re fuses lo join in the gnunbling chorus is de nounced foi paucity of feeling, and is made the subject matter of the next grumble.— OccasioDiilly a com|>etition is entered into, and each one strives to pretent the fittest grumbling subject. The one who succeeds is applauded as a discreet person—a lady or gentleman of parts; sound judgment and quick perception. Then we have town meetings of grum blers, convened to grumble over grievances, and by uniting our several murmurs to make a prodigious large one. 'Ve choose a gnim- bling chairman to grumble our grumblef*, and a grumbling secretary to record them. NVe pass grumbling resolutions, and request other grumblers in other places to grumble too. Next we must have our grumbles printed, and then editors grumble. Thus on every hand, from every quarter, we hear grumbling, rising high and continuing long ard loud, and afl;cting, apparently, the air we breathe, and the inanimate objects that surround us. A week ago we grumble d at the cold, and three days after at the thaw—first at the snow and next at the rain. Yesterday we grumbled,—to-day we grumbled, and we bijall grumble to-morrow. Grumbling is to us fo«*d, fuel, clothing, and even life it self. It is our richest enjoyment, to which all other pleasures are mean and insignifi cant. We are a grumbling people—a grum bling nation, and so we record it in this grumbling article, at which every reader will unquestionably grumble. E(X'ENTRIC MLNL PROPRIETOR. Ward, in his account of Mexico, gives the following description of an owner of one of richest mines in that countn.’: “One of the Mexican .Mmes, called Nuestre Senore Gaudulope, is very cele brated. It belongs to Don Franvisco Iri- tarte, a relation of the president’s, who re- fuspd an cCer of one million of dollars, made in 1*2.5, by an assjciation of foreigners, on condition that he should allow them to work hia mine for a term of three years. The idea of a man possessed of boundless wealth, but retusingtojnake any use of the treasures wi'hin his reach, will seem incredible in Europe; but Iritarte really docs not know the value of m^mey. W»th at least a mill ion of dollars in gold and silver in his house, he lives iu an habitation, the furniture of which is composed of buffalo skins, with ■wooden tables and chairs of so massive a construction, that it requires two or three men to lift them from one part of the rofini to the other. His sons whom he never permits to leave the town, are forced to at tend a little retail shop in (’osuta; and his daughter, who is pretty, is suHpred to grow up in uneducated idleness. His own habits are abstemious, and his r«*li'rious notions ex tremely strict. Me dislikes allusions to his wealth, and considers any inquiry respect ing his mine almost as a personal offence. To all proposals for a cession of the right of davs, and then came forth perfect fleas, | prohibiting the Hank from dt nUni^ in or lioUliii? |sense of the'ability with which it has been armed with sufficient powers to disturb the t ‘stato, tor the iiu-n i>iir|>o«ies of Hunk-1 ^jyuducted.” rest, or even the peacc of an Kmpcror I 'I’hc muscular power of the ffea is ulmost beyond belief. LatreMIc mentions a cir- cuuistance of a flea of a mixlcrate siitu drug ging a silver cannon, mounted on wheels, that was tweiity-four times its own weight; and which being charged with powder, was fired without the Ilea being at ull alarmed. Socrates apixMirs lo have measured the leap of a ffea, and found it uxtended to two hun dred and fifty times its own length; a most astonishing leap I It was as if u man of or dinary stature should be able at once lo vault through the air to the distance of a quarter of a mile I W e have no doubt that many otlicr of the HORRIBLE 0UTRAG5.i und biaody act is none; Thr inoBt arch deed of pHoous maaeacre, 'I’lmt ever yet liiis land was guilty of.” An occurrancc lately took pbee in Burke ing IIout:es and Houses nec lor tht trun^iac- K i„ :K,«e .l.„k,»uW .qual diiy withuut Uiu cuiibcnt ol tin. l.u'ri^iluturc , to (. b?i;;res*s in ravt#r of the Hunk ui tlie L- i ■ . i • j- of «uch Slate! • I uited States. Iii this State the locul Banks I county, which lias aroused tlie indignatioa ••And 4I.S0, of 80 forn.injr tho chnrtor, that tlifc I a oreat deal to its forlwarance ' all classes of people—an occurrence Legislature, of the s.^v.raJ State* sliall and (-j' cH’ditor to an enormous 1 for lerpitudc can scarcely find e.n e- oxeroiw the power when they dteiii it t x|H-diciit | /)/i«nv'r i qual in the pages of fiction. The following lo do HO ot a lair amJ nuwHiublc tax up-, «AIlluunt.—i t/y. r* i .-i i u -i.j* i on the ca,,.tui'. n.plvcd, in any Itank or Hranch ' j l«rticulars have been related to us by a of said llanii, witliin the jurii.diciion of »uth State; | ||ou«o of Deleirates of Virginia has gentleman who was lately near the place and at*o to suhj.ct the said corporatiou to be su«l | follow ing preamble and resolu- " I'ere the guilty and hornd deed was per. mtheD.»tr.eior(neu.tC„«rtmany^^^^^^^ potrated. About 3 weeks since a Mr. ••TheWlect Connnittce to whom was referred certaiii ineuiorials praving tlie passage of a law | m liurkc COUlity, was mii^d, under the foU tlu j' may have a Brailtit localtd, and tiie action accrued.” Junvnry 'i'X—I’he Seriate did not set on protidiujf for tlie giaJuul aboliiion of slavery in ] lowing circumstances.—His wiie went to Saturday. ; tliis Commonwealth, ha\B according to ord«-r, had | j,ouse of her husband’s father, and in. ijuired for her husband, saying that he was the iiaine under i:unt>idcrution, aiiU submit the tbl- In the House of Rrprcsentatiws, Mr. rt and resolution •— i • - • ChWToy, of Georgia, titlended and was | ” «i‘>fo[bi^dly sensii.le of the great evils arising ! ^e found at home, Aic. She was told in reply, that he had been seen in the af\cr. uoou of the proceding day passing towards his own house, and had not been since a«en by them. Hereupon the family set off &nd tracked him (there b«ing at that time a slight snow on the ground,) to home ; but CONORKiWlONAL ANALYSIS. FROM TH>: GLOBE. Washington, Jan. “20.—The Senate yes terday, at half past twelve o’clock, having finished the morning business, proceeded, ou motion of Mr. 'I'azemell, to the coii- iflJeration of Llxecutive business iu which they were engaged till 4 o’clock. In the House of Rcprtst ntatires, Mr. Ad ams, from the ('ommiltee on Manufactures, rejKirtetl a resolution directing the Secreta ry of the Treasury to repu-t to the House the quantities and kinds of the several ar ticles manufactured in the United States, during the year ending on the 3Cth Septem ber last, particularly those of iron, cotton, wool, hemp and sugar, Aic. together with ! such information as he may deem material, and such suggestions as he may think u«e- t’ul, with a view to the adjustment of the Tar- irt'. 'I'he resolution w as adopted. The res olution subuiitted on .Monday by Mr. Mc- Dvffie, trom the Conniiittce of Ways and Means, of a similar character to the aliove, ,, . i, , - . ... i. ... ... was then considered and agreed to. Mr., Bknton submitted a Resolution refor- the cholcni, he say.«, so occupy the public | It is said that the neighbors residing two he* Com-''''"? a number of inquiries respecting the I that all enterprist; in literature and | or three miles distant, perceived a very qualified. At an early hour the House re-, from tlie eondi’iioiioftheeolored[>oiiuUtion in this sumed the consideration of the l-esolutioll , Commonwealth: indneed by humanity a* well a* proposed by Mr. Boti.i.n', of Virginia, on ' .‘‘{“•■t for the rc.novaj i.i li, 1 • .1 1.. 1 , the lirst iilacc, as well ol those who arc now Ircc, the subjoGt of the land, and the amend- j become free : believ- ment offered by !^Ir.«, ol Massachu-ti^t etlUrt, while it is in just accurdanac setts. A debate of great length and ctm-j with the Bentiment» of the community on the sub- siderable warmth ensued. .Mr. D vvis’ a-' jtei, will absorb all our present means; and that a \ (rack could be found to proceed from the .ally adop^^eJ 1! I:Tl.o nnd nays hi. Mr. Siewakt oflered an anienil-: | river were searched by the neighbors, but ment, directing an enquiry as to the prices I •• AVs«/wf, As the opinion of this committee, without success. In the meantime the paid ill the United Stales, tor woollens, cot-' that it is inexiiedient, for the present, to make any ^ wife had packed up her effects and removed ton, iron and other manufactures, betbre ' ’i to the houseof some neighbor. At length, and after the passage of the Tariff laws of \ proposition to take immediate steps lor j some one in examining the fire-place, dis- iyi(j—and 128. Mr. Ni'ckoli.s pro[)os-, the gradual abolition of slavery, was rejec- covered human bones, nearly consumed, in ed lo amend this amendment bv adding ted, lo {the ashes! The search whithin and around “ what would lie the cost of the several ar- ■ I the house was renewed. A portion of tha tides, if the 'I'ariff were not ri-i>ealed.”— ' England.—\ letter from our celebrated ; b(xly, partly consumed by fire, was found The previous question was moved and sus- countryman, W ashi.vgton Ikving, receiv- j Iniried a short distance from the house— tained, but before the question “ shall tho I ed by one of the latest arrivals at N. York, | large puddles of blood were also discovered main question be now put,” was decided, I givets a mrlancholy account of the present the House adjourned. ! state of the public mind, iu Great Britain. ‘ 'I’ho question of Kelbriii, the alarm of riots, beneath the floor of the house, and iu a bench was a deep gash made with an axe, together with bloc^, where to appearance. January 2fi.—In the Senate, yesterday,' t|,e dread » f insurrection, and the fear of, tho head of the victim had been chopped off. Davis, of South-Carolina, from the Com-1 . i i , . - nuttee on the Judiciary repjrled a bill to | Bank* to the select Commit- the arts is at a stand. He has a book ol j strange and, offensive odour in the air, at n fund the fine imiHJsedon the late Mathew presented! |,is own ready for the Press, which it is said : tlie time the body is supposed to have been Luon under the Sedition Law to his heirs ' memorial of a number of the citizens of |,o „ iil not venture to publish under exist- j burning. We understand tlie wife, togelh>. and representatives. 'I’he House a.rain re-1 tvania, remonstrating against any re-, ,„g circumstan-:es. er with another woman who is supposed to solved itself into aCo-miitteeof the Whole '’"-I , . | have been an acce««y, were immediately on the State of the Union on the \ppor-' alfcririg the rules of | The Cholera at Smi/rna.—In the brig j secured and committed to jad, in .Morganton, tioimipiit Rill 4 (liw'iiwion nf Knmp lpiiutb i‘he Senate, after some little discussion, was Curlew, arrived at Boston fnun Smvnia, 1 to await their trial at the next Superior e^iIJir but ^fJ^ tU queslL^ , ‘“^le. The special order of the , came passengers Frederick W. M,x>re, lady, j Court. Wc do not learn that they havo on ]\Ir! IIiBnAKD’s amendment, to strike i Slav’s Resolution) was taken up, and three children, and .Miss Margaret K.' made afiy confession of guilt; but no doubt out 4S 000 as the ratio and insert -14 000 ' discussion took place on the mo- Hathaway, all of vhom tied from Smyrna, j of the fact reals on llie public mind. Wo the Committee rose reported progress* and' I po.spone it till Monday, that motion on account of ihe cholera. 1 are told that the wife had often declared to the House adjourned. r 6 » withdrawn, and the Senate proceeded ' Mr. .Moore does not hesitate to stale, that j her husl)aiid and others, that she would kill 1_ to the consideration of Executive bu.siness. cholera was raging in Smyrna to a very him. The deceased is represented to havo January 21.—In the Senate, yesterday, •Mr. Bkm'ox asked leave to introduce the following joint resolution : A joint resolution declaratory of the meaning of Uie charter of the Bank of the United fstates, on In the House of Repre.vntaticeil, Mr. j frightful e.xtent; and, probably the disease ! Ijcen a man of rallier vagrant and intemper. F.LI.SWORTII, from the Committee on the Ju- luid never been more fatal in any city | ate habits; and the w ife as being the motUer diciarv, reported a bill in addition loan act where it has existed. From 40 deaths a jof one or two children. We forbear niak. for the relief of certain Insolvent Debtors day, the number had increased to 300 daily, iiig further comments now. lUI %lic. ICIIVI vrt ^ ..r-- to the United States. Mr. K. Evkkktt, At (3onstanlinople the disease whs abat- thc subject of the paper currency to be iasued j froni the Committee on the Library, rcpor- ing. A letter was received from Smyrna | Ruthirfordton Spectator. by the Bunk : a few days before the Curlew siiiled, from ted a bill makin appropriation for procur lalicts erett Extract of a Utttr daUd Smyrna, Oft. 22. “ 'I'he disease is worjw tfian ever, and tiees of Discount and Depottite, on the Cashier ofj anJ Means, n>porte«l a bill to au’ tlie Dank of the United States, is not authorized | President to direct traiisters of Se3 c"mn"nd‘rs l.^Lbrd^hrJd to‘b.‘, i i" ‘^e Naval service under cerlai.i cir-; every one is I,Hiking out for his own safety. | iiiecal, andtlatthesauieo.ighttobcsuiiijressed. |cuinstances. The bill providing lor are- Business is out ot the question. r Mr. nF..NTON suppfjrted the motion in a i enlargement of the rules and rcg- and all shops in the Fninks streets areclose J ^ William Hunter A: Co, HAVE NOW ttJJl «AUt AT TIIKIR iirorery nud Spirit Store, (nobtii of THK COURT-IIOI'Sb) ^ Sugar and Coffee, Tea and Chocolate, Loaf Sugar; :r, and Co;nac Hrandy (firxl and K‘Cond quitUty,> safety. : iiolland Gin, rmrthern do. /amaica &. N. L. Rum; “ IFrontijnae, Claret, / . Teneriffe Jk .Malaga, { assortment of French Cordials; speech thiee hour7loiiV, aud^ was opixi^'d ' "'C government of Uie Naval ly shut up; and, until wc have a change of Philadelphia Berr. Porter on drait and in Bottleij bv Messrs. 1)ali vs iIixk.nkk Wkhstek I service, was/««.%■(/. The House resumed, ’ wind and plenty of rain, I am afraid the : Newark double boiled Cider; Wii KIN* Bihh Ch vMHKRsand SniTu • and Commitiee, tho consideration of tlie Ap- cholera will continue. A choice and fr^^h aswrtment of Candie.; Lt;R,KA.NE, Maui vandTvLKH. Tlieques-1 proposed to strike out 4^ and insert 4J,000 aO Gr^-ks, lo Armeman.s ami I., Jews; Sp.„,«h and commo,. C.s»r.: tiou beintr taken leave to introduce the res-' *he ratio; the general merits of the bill in all iJoO lu one day. —lioston LirUtnel. Uumonfs Virpima Smokinn ToUrco; olution was refused as follows: Yeas—Messrs. Benton, Dudley, Ellis, For»yth, i was further di.scussed by .Messrs. M av>e, , Ht NT, Bkll, Patton and Poi.k. 'fhe ques-1 The poptilafion of Lyons—now particu- Gr^ndTC? iLrK-r" i tion was taken upon the amendmenl and lost larly in the public eye, on account of the .Miller, Moore, Tazewell, Troup, Tyltr,Whiie-lG. I—Yeas81,Nays 105. Mr. HowAKuthen recent commotion m that tpiarlcr—is over Nays—Messrs. B 11, Hibb, Buckner, Chambers, I moved lo strike out “ 3d March” and insert j 200,000. 'i’he major portion of the laber- nayton,I)ailay,Kwinj, toot, trelin;;huys(.n,Hen-1 u Qtj, >Iarch,” on the ground that these res-1 ing classes, ot' this population, arc nilk wea- drick.,nolmes Johnston, king Knight, Naudaii., , . ™^riol., in tho bdl determined the vers, and from low orices. ^ Small .Northern Tw itt Chewing do. common da Scotcli and .Macaboy Snuff. ALSO, A FRESH ARRIVAL O* .SWKKT ORAiX.iK!ii, OffMtcrs A* Butter Vrackern* -TOOfmir.ll WITH- ^ I elation, or that whicli may be given to each ReM, 1 hat the Secretary of the I reasury : , r. . . . . ^ . 1 A norclm(vle if indulinnfttrritf.—.\ no- 31ih of May, 1^2l, or upon any other act ot’Con- i anorued by the luct, that iiieinonals have [^jy lately at leaving a nin- , I . L 1 r .1 ,. n . .1. , , . ,, nasty c , The Senate, aft^'r a sitting of five hours, 1 nia, praying for a renewal of its charter.— (,‘harles X. from Chcrlnnirg, she never fpiit-! AMo.sf; which adjourned over to Monday next. | The Bank of Delaware is one of the oldest (,.,1 i,cr apartmnit, which she had caused to Cabbage In the House rf RepreseiUatives, .Mr. ‘ in the 11. Stales—having been incorjiorated 1k» hun-'with black cloth, ornamented with - constantly given the same answer, namely, [tion relative to ihe 'fariff, and Mr. Davis that he does not want money; and that if he amendmenl thereto, was again taken up, did, those who offer him the most liberal | and discus.-ied by Mr. .Mitchkll, of South- terriw, know best that he could take out of j Carolina, until the expiration of the hour hia mine double the amount of any thiny ]alloltcl to morning business. A number of they could give in less time than they would [ private the*m.selves require to raise the money.” presented land Directors dog, and fHJt into a pill box, in a few day produced hairy caterpillars—which were fed with dead riies, and which the caterpil lars ate in a very voracious manrH;r. It ■was observed, «x;casioiially, that they cast their ikins: and in al»jul ten days alt r their exclusion from tlie egg, they spun and Wove themstlvcs little ca» s alter the man ner of silk worms, in which they rcmaiu-l endo^jd iii the chrysalis state about uiue Cinnainon, Nutine||!:s and Cloves; ^ ^ . . .. w . The rei)orl of an in.'urrection at Lisbon, ;('jlorne Water and I’crfumcd Hair Oil; be directed to coininunicaU to llio tienale any cor- J . ^ 1 ‘ . . . ■ ii, .. i 11 • respondencc, which may have passed between the question was taken, the Committee rose,, and flight of Don .Migm.-I, proved to b.- pre- ‘‘"“f* Vi;,’ , Treasury D [>artinent an^ the Collectors of the 1 and the House adjourned. I mature. later and iimre dircct accounts | mrnt of STO.N’^T WXItF* ■“•°r Customs, or either of them, shewing tlie construc-1 are silent UI>on the subject. I , u tion which h:ia been placed by that Departinunt Thp IT S' Hunk Oiip if the c;troinrest I .. V All tiie abovf articles arc warranted (;ool, and will upon the act entitled “ an aet to amend the sever-1 . , ^ , . ! ? '‘ I ^ I "old « *°w “ny other store in Charlotte, al acts imposing duties o„ i.n,K,r.s,” approved the | 'alue of this Iiusti.utioii IS | 4 ,f i,„luii^nfrt:rief.-k no- ( A«rc also reeciral an .UsortmerU of 21, or upon any other act ot Con- j afforded by the fact, that memorials have ia,jy lately at I’aris, hiuviiig a sin- ■ «, •!> jress, iinposinIT duties on inij>ort«, passed since been presented to Congress from the Haiik .rular examnle of attachment to llie falkn faflllMK'll that day includin- the act of the l!)th May, 1b30. | Delaware, and the Bank of I'ennsylva-; iiynasty of France. Alter the departure of' "'ARRAXTKD f>F TIIF. t.KOWTII OF 1631. ■ ■ ARE Tlir roLLOWIN'C ; Grcrn Cucumber Karfy do. do. Whito do. (a very prolific kind.) Sli)ash Pepper (tine for pickisn.) Orange Carrot Blood R«d do. I^iijr blk. w int'r RaJiah Fine .Salmon do. I,on^ .Starlet do. Scarlet short top do. I^arlycurl h'ad Lettiica Ciibhage fiead do. 'Vhitc do. •Mnpnuin bonum do. (a clioiee kind.) F.irly Charlloit I’caa do. June do. do. \Va.shin)jton do. Wliitr .Marrowfat do. .Straw U'ry or prolific do ( liina Hunrh Beans Vcllow Dwarf do. W hiti' kidny pole do. tilove Arliflioke Winti r 'olcworts I’rickly (•lierkin, (fma l(>r piekk-s, and will flourish ill dry v/ca. ther, and bear till frost.) Root, from the Coinmitteo on .\griculture, j in 17!)0. 'I'he Delaware Journal saysof it, tj^ars and fleurs-de-lis of tin. rejKjrted a bill for promotirig the growth and j “ It has ever been distinguished for the fid manufacture of Silk in the United States. ■ ppjjicnce and correctness of its muiiage- room .Mr. Dkavton, from the Committee on Mil- j its extensive and uniform credit, and : .\ll tl itary .\llairs, reported a bill to increase the j bucccss and pros(>erity which has at-1 black, and those which couhl numl»er of Surgeons and .Assistant Surgeons career from the period of its first I brush were covered w ith bla Karly D'rtch do. 'I’his mourn- 1 Savoy (new kind) do. arrangement was the same in evurv Drumhead do. n, from the ante.chamber to the kitchen.. All the furniture and utensils were painted ; Knglish Savjy. not bear the ; .Scotch Kale It ^ Trickly Spinnajje black crajw;. working it, even for a liniitfd time, he has in the I. S. Army. Mr. lioi i.niN’s resolu- establishment. 'I'his institution now comes was not until the auction of the hiily’s ef- Bound .Spinnace ‘ I-.--.- .u„'r....a- „...i M- testimony in favor of the feels, that her neighbors were enabled | Asparainw ^ .National Bank—a circumstance which, if; awertain the extent of her grief. A mongst 1 Sn^r,,. prop'rly appreciated, cannot fail to have a the various objects w hich e.xcited curiosity j Summer Hush Sijuoj^h sfdutarv influence on the public mind, 'i’he was a cage con deep mourning Sfdutarv influence on the public Bank of the United States has been de- !• bilU were acted on. The Si-eaki:k de,„agogu;s as a .Moninioth, ited the memorial of the President 1 crushing under its weight the Stale Banks, irectors of the Banl^_ lVj,nsylvania,: ...onopolizing the Banking privileges of ^ ; ' ^ •; y auu inonopon/.iii^ iiiu pi »/i PROP \GATI)N OF n.HAS. I ^ re-charter ot the Lank ol the \ - Country- Hut the iiilerence IVoiii the Their muscular strength.—YWixs breed Ifact now l,^fore us is, that it is a terror 011- i/Mir O b lifi k. It wa.s referred to the (-ommitlre of . ■ • ■ - -■ and undergo their metaniorphosis in a man-1, with the following in ner soioewhat simi.^.r to the silk worm.- | ^ Committee: A number of eggs being collected from a was a cage containing a parrot, dres.H:d in | Miiminoth ilrnn m.uiini.KT I 1 Ciooked-neck Cubhaw, “ To enquire into the expediency of reportinj; a bill to lnajr[H)rate a new Bankin;; Company, lo take effect and go into op#-ration alter the expira tion of the charter of the Bank of the L'. States, reservinj^ on -third of tlte Capital in said Bank lor the L'liited Sutes, together w ith a sufficient l>oim» on the charter ; on.j-third to Us subscritHd for by such of the stickholders in the present Bank, as may lie citizens of the United Stat.*, the other [ireserMiig a liealtlilul currency in advancing the iHiblic prosperity; w liilc It cures, checks and prevents the excesses of iii'prudent and ill-governed iiislitulioiis, and shuts the door to speculalors and gam blers.” 'I’he Bank of Pennsylvania advocates the Ihirdt.. be taken by such citiwns of the U. Slates, 1'■'»ew!il on the ground of “an intimate d» may desire «o tu invest their snrplui capital; 1 knowledge of the institution, a high appre- "'I'liiit tliey uIm) trminirc iuto til? cxp'.diency of! ciiitiou Ot its Utility ntid valuP) oiid u de'p (superior to any of the Aorel /Juello.-.\ Paris paper relates as j illu'epl;td a fact, that two students m herlin, having | during tlie winti r. quarrelled, agreed to kiss the lips of a fier- Farly Sprin^r Turnip IK-Iore us is, mat It IS a terror on- srni mortally alRled with the Cholera, Iv to evil d.Kirs-that to the prudent, useful ‘1*:“ dispute should lerniinafe with ^ and meritorious State Banks, it is a friend death of either. Lach of them kisst-d .Norfolk fi. Id do. und valuable helpmate, co-oiierating with •>“- stage of the: Sir John Sinclair's do. them in preserving a healthful currency, and, but neither dying wilhm -J 1 hours . (“ superior kiml.) afterwards, their “ mutual friend.s” dcclar-' ,^ .d .ha, they .ho„MJ« rcconakj. ' s.,,„ t. ■ ■ I Swifline I’arsiiip A Kentuckian who had just witnessed an j B. Orders from the country will be punctu- act of exceeding meanness, thug gave way n ,1 rders irom tiie . . ” ® ’ ■ ally attended to, and eare taken lo pack up tho to his feelings:—'I’en thousand such souls seeds aeeordinjt to urder. as this, he .said, might live in the sh*ll of a | J ( ‘harlii'li’, Jan. ‘.il, IHW. tobacco seed,—and have rooms to let' Warrantee J)erJ.t fr s'\k of this Offtcv..