MINERS’ & FARMEItS’ JOURNAL.. rillNTKU AMD iniUl.IiSlfin) EVKRV t;D.M:s!)AV, in .\OiUj: A; IIOI'10>....tHAKL0ri F, mix KLICMkl lU; C OI NTY, JSOUTII-t AKOMNA. YOI.. II. — VOt' TO ftKIKt: THE BOU HI.H OF THK KMITJI AND BIH.V; OI.T KHOM TIIK C'AVKKNS OK TtlK MOINTA!.%■, WHU H Wll-L (ilVK sTl'.i.Nti’l H 'l''l 01)11 AND HI lIJKCT AI.L NATI’Kl*: TO OCR I’SE AND PI.KASURK.—Dh. JOHl^SON. IK*5KrAKY 15, IHlVi. NK 73. Ifliiicrs’ &. Fariiioris^ Journal Is |iriiited and publixhcd every Wfdncsday morn ing at Two Dullars and Fifty Crnts per unnuni, if paid in udvoncc; T/nee Dullars a year, if not paid until after the expiration of six inontlm. ADVKHTISKMKN'I'S will be inserted at Fifty cents per Hquaru (not e.Tceeding iJO lines,) for the first insertion, and 25 cents for each succeniliiifr week—or 81 lor three weeks, fijr one Hfjiiure.— A libf-rnl diseoiint will lie made to those who ndvertifce hy the year. ITj 'On nil advert i.seinentN li'iiaia 'u'UiAi>’aa *'%\t f.'ombinatiott. are, «;!ass, (iiina, aiid Jiookla>^M*s. 'I’lIO.MAS J. tIAKROW A; C O. LVrOKTFKS, AO. (Sfj \\ A TIlR-STtiKilT, NKW-YOUK, HAVIN’t; niadi! cxlleMsive coiinepllons with one of tlic largest and most iipprovcd I’ot- tern ill JOnjrla^id, are eiialiled to olVer one of tlie conmmiiltlT^iirinbii^a^m^riu'nnmi^^ extensive su>ck9 in n«.rl*^t, conMst.nif of , ... . . , ! every varii ly o( LartliPii-wnre, I hinu, l.luss and inscrlK.na niUHt he noti d on thir niar^r,,, ot th.' | |^,nkinc ;ia.sse^ either repacked to ord.-r, or in ’ nianuHi'ript, »ir they will he continued until j the oriiriiinl paiikajje, at iincniiitrwiily liiir ralrt for iorhid, und charged accordinjjiy. j Vtinh w t'lly nccefituiirrg. 'I’lie very lllx ral snji- ■ All omnninieations to the Kditorn must eonie ) '‘•‘/"-''■I" receuid from our Souihern frien.ls, undi r tlio most tryiiij; eireiiinslances, ealla lor our i warnieBt llianka. \Ve liave stir\tved thus far in ! tlie HtriipiiU' wilii n Inidy of men who have coiii- ^ hineil nil their elTortu to elfeet our dtslrnetion, sitnply 1)1 cause we would not join them in eoiii-I hiniiijf to ciiiiipelthe country Ah riiiant to pay an exorbitant profit o»i his purchases in this line. \\ e ; free of {mttage, or they «nay not be nttuided to. WATIIAN UROI^N ANNOI,'NCF.Sinost re?|)i'c(fully to his 1 can only reiterate former assurances of usi;ig: ev friends and the public at i ery exertion to promote the interest of o'lr ni r- ■ large, that he has taken | cantilu friends, iu the extent and variety of oin the well know n ctard of j stock, the lowticss of onr prici.«, and the hkill anil ' Miles 11111,011 the Main '.care of our puckcrn,—de|)rndiii(f ujion a frt'e trado | Btroet, near the Jail, re- I as the only system whieli can give *itul)ility to the ii„ mutual interest of city and country merehanlK. ! T110.MA.' .1. IJAlil.’OW vV CO. W WaUr-sl. l\tw- Vfiik. ! January CtTfi ceiitly occnpii d by A. R. Woltinirtori vV (x>, lie has ou hand a few til^sand iSulkies, and will con- tiniic tu make tn order new work in his line of bu- «iiies'. Ills particular attenlioii will be devoted to Itrfiniring of all descriptions, on short notice I “ and at the lowest possible, prices. 'I'he »ub«erilx'r also, has on hand 6 or 7 dozen c" well made \V/M)iiOK t7/,l//f.V, and ivill fur nish nueli as stand in need of such furniture on ac- coi:iiuodaling terms, lie fceU a desire tulx'^riite. iul ‘.uT pa>t favors, and bo{>«s by attention to busi ness to iiu ril a contiiiuunre for the t'utiiri'. naihan hkown. ( ivr/ottr, Jan. i22, 4il7: til. woLFi.vc; T(>.\ rn. • lln\e piircliasi d tlic I louse. Shop and i.ot © KIO^IOVAIm rBlMK SI,'I{SC'^hhK re»i«-etfully informs his j of .Mr. Nathan Krown, opjiosite the jail, where! Ji tricnd* «nd eustoiner.s that he has removed j they will carry on the above l>fi:intss in ali its va- i from his olil stand to the Store nearly «p|H)hite j rious branches'. 'I’hcy have on hand a fnienil as. | k. Ilatt.iw.'iy, t'uriiierly occupied by Heers, sortinrst of work of all de*ription and ipialitieB,' wlurc he will keej.ooiistaiitly on hand c\ery arti- ; which they will sell ou aeeomniodatini; terins.-^ i cli; s'iit.tlile tiir the back country trade. j All ni'W work niaiiufarturid by tlieiii is warrant cl ‘ iitalile tiir the back country trade. hanVis vvii,sj\. 7'C(otp, 0-/. 1**, H7 > N tiie 17th day ot' I’obruary, I'3-i, Rooks „ «ill be op'iied in the town of (.'harlotti, \. i ('|'|Q'!;(at'(' twelve months, extieptiiijT aeciilents of all kinds. 'I'he iH-tt of timbiT and niiitcrials made use of in their work. liKl'AIKI.Nt; of all des, •ription ill till ir liuc w ill bi- i-xecuted with punr.lualitv and lesjMilch, a!id on as reasonable terms as any in 7'h liliicksmitldnn linsinrss ttill b>. ,, , ' , . . . , 7, ■ 1 'tlic >talc. J/II itlitcksitnllnus lliisinrss ttiU bo ( ..rouu ., to r. ceive subscri,. ions tor the ( apita | l,r„7iehes. ul die f and subserikr.s rrsin.etaillv solicit a shar.- of »lU l.ckeiKoi.eu for nin.ty days hence cn^iing. ,,atrona;n., l.opii'g l.y a strie* alt.ntion to iv I \ l V'V business they will be entitied to and receive the W .1. ai.kxa.nkkk, I’. rvi,i>vvi;i,i.. I i-aine. W'e return our sineerc' thanks lor the p,i. I lroli:i!;( heretolbro receivt d, and lioi>e we slialUtlll 1\ \^|| V'l'illCI' I niorit a small bliaie of the buMiness in ai.d al>out lci>. ^ jthii place. A. I>. W i II.KlNCj !'• V\ \ CO. f .''iiliseriUrH respretlully inform the pub- I One or two Apprentices will Ik’ taken to the a- -B Ik tliMt they have removed to thi. Siorehouse j bove Husiiie-.*, Iroiii Iti to 1':* yiars of a^e, it Well «^»neL by VVillinm t'arson, rceently occupied by , recommended and ol'grxidand steady luibits. II. J. I.iiidsuy Ai Hoskins, one door south of | i'hnrUiIlf, Jav. 17, l~:>i. 3lIlt^l K. I. Ilinkiiis. 'I'iiey take thi* opjiorluuity >t're- | tiinim)' their sineerc thanks to tlie public for the { hln-ral putronafe thoy hu\L- n eeived, and re»p et. t fiilly mvito their friends and tho public to cull and ! r\i4iiiiue/JiLir preM iit stock, whicii consists of a I larje .iiid neral assirtnii iit. \'l illi.'iiii Iliiiil4‘r ^ o. NOW FOR SAI.K AT TilKIR imrorerif ttm! Spirit Slore^ (M)i; rii OF Tin; ( oi nT-iiors);) N. H. Ua'ily ex|)ected, a lar^c supply of CofTee. | Sugar and (.'ofl’ee. Tea and Chocolate, Leaf Su^ar J. At J. \S 0 tOKl'l 1’. Co};nac llraiidy (first and sccond quality.) Cli.irlotte, .fan. 10, IbiJ. ii'i . Holland liin, northern do. Jainaiea A N.lI. Hum; C hnnipaij^nc, h'ronti;;nac, Claret, f wivi. j iMdd‘ira, Teneritle »V .Malaga, ^ I \ gwji\ assorliiiunt of French I'ordiah: I I’hiladi Ipliia Hcit, Porter on dral't und lu Ik'ttles; Newark double b«>iled (.'ider ; •A choice and fresh assortiiieiit of Candies ; 1 Kai.sins, .Mmoiids, I’ljr^, 1‘i'unes, 'i'amaiimfs ‘"t Verniacelli, .Mutkoroni, I‘i arl Ikirlcy and Kiee ; %\ aiif‘«l, Ill'SIIKI..''ol lorn, for which the hiL'hest market pncc w ill be paid in (iunds, at cash i>rices. J. Ai J. WOODfU FF. .Ian. UM«.ri l.>ll»OllTAXT S.VLt:. ri^llFKi: will Ik,' sold at the r. sidcnce of the I comiiion (. ijjars ; 1 subserilx r. on Friday, the 2-lth day of Feb- 1 iJuniont’j > iiffinia Sinokinjr 1 obacco; riiary ik xf. a ^r. .t variet»'of property, cons.sting Northern '1 Cliew ing do. o ill part of'the t'ollow inp, viz : A rimsiilerulilf ymi'tiliii ol C()H.\anil FODDI'H; A tiHuiUrnf Ihtntcf, Coirs, lhi;»,and Shtrji; A iitinnnil tiift nitr lluiiii Waizon; Isiiiiif ellrnt llimsi-hold FI US FiL'RF ; hitrhrn da. FAI{MI.\(;lTi:.\Sll.S,»f,rrryJ,iirrij>l,vn; , and a ^^reaf variety of otlirr articles, t.s, tedious |Nntui.-Hs amU'loves; liMmntioii ' Wufrrnud IVTtunuii lluirOil;' Al-'o, will l>c sold, n nunilx’r''f valuable AV^rof.t. j |J"”''' Hafoii, I,.iil, Uiiltir, .‘^oap, • - I W niter SiraiiH'd Sperm Ml,; with a goolassort- coiiinmn do. 'cotch and .Macal>o} Snull'. -TiJiKrHKR wirii- Xo. \ ^ Macki rel, by wholesale or retail, (in- S|Hcted 111 .''ept. ISU.) I’icklLtl .Suliiioli, I Icrrinjr, Cheese and Cracki'rs ; 'J’alilf and coinniou Salt; \Ve>t-lndia I’lekles: Ourliani .Mll^t;lld, Ca)enin; l’ep|H.r, in bottlis; ’!’(rin« made know ii on the day of sab’, .lOHN S. HAIJM'.'i T IfTrrUrnUirq:, Jtin. 17, 1 s:i‘>. .‘.t? I i\ u a\tf:i>— 10 to •-!.■> years of ape. 'I'liey must be likely. For sui li, casli will lie piven by the suhseribcr.— })l.n;!;i,initJis or other iiicch.inieB would be desira- bli-. KOliKUT WATSON. J.l/1. IKlJ. 7(1 iVloiiry Wan led. A LI, those indebiid to the subserilHT, are re- i]Ufst(d III settle their aecoinpts, \e. with Wr. I!. (t.iU, w lio is aiitliorisi d to n ei ive and ijive receipts until r'i briii;ry Court, at which time such i i ^ «s remain iinsellhd will be put into the hands ot : |j'’ | »ny olilcer fiir colleetion. I». |{. MUNI.Al’. Janimiy tl, IKIJ. (il7M f I 11 V I lOrS I-:, (tin I’oM-offiee) . on th*' Cr»ss stret, a tiw yards]* I •‘'"sely iiiii th-w rst of thi t 'oiirt-Himsr, jii /,' j .'V. C. Vspara^us IS opnii d li)r the reception ot' 'rum lb rs \ it'ardi rs. 'I'he stables are extensive, roomy and ' nieut of .S'l'ON K WAKi :. Ml the above articles arc warranted pood, and will i be Kild as low as ut uiiy oilier store in Charlotte, j U t harr itlso jrrvici'd iu A.'^Korlmcnt oj' '• I'i’I'mIi liiardoii \vAUHA.N'ri:i) «>r 'i’iii: (iijowrii of I'^si.l ASIOMJ WIlH II ARf: TIIK lOI.I.OW I.NG : j l.oni; (irceu Cucumber Farly ilo. •do. Whito ilo. (a ' Farly York Cubba^fc Sugar Loaf do. Farly iJiihdi do. Savoy ;new kind) lo. Mrimiliead «lo. Late Dutch ilo. do. Larije Knclish Savoy. Seiileh Kale I’liekly Spiiiiia[;o Summer Hush Sniash Manininth ilo. Cronked-nrek Ciishaw. (superior toiuiy of'tli ' sipiash kind for table use. iV. will krej> good diirinif the winter. Karly Sprinjr Turnip N'ellov Kus.siaii do. ^IWKI‘'\ 1^1* Unta Ita;ra dn, And eoimnilteif til the .liiil In Cuneord. nnjthe ,|o. IlMh inst. a m jrro l>oy naiiii d J U'Olt, live ' |,.,rp,, ,\„i folk fii-Id do. fe t six inc lii H hi;'h, about thirty ycHrs old, stoiil , sjjf .Sinclair’s do. built and dark eoinpleetid, ami says tlmt he belonjrs j superior kind.) to Hiinstoii Hanks in the .State of (o oruia. \V. O’MAHAN, ./(jiiHaii/VI, I'i.'iJ. (it7.'i dry; ;;raili ami pro\end«'t of the bes!, ple’itiful, and servrd by );iKid hostlers. The housi' has ma ny eoiufort.ibh- riMiTiis, rves a (tishI tablo anil re- fr>-'hm nts; and the jiroprirtor and Ins fiimily will omit nofliin;^ in their ]>owi.r tti make it most t)uic 1 and ii;;rei ablt . I'ltf l(. I). KOFNSAX ILLK. 0'oiisfffulioii ot' ,\h. i'urofiini, AM) «M' 'I iii; nM'i i;i> si'A'i'i:s. I^'^OU Sale at tliis OfUce, a fi w copies of a ] \. It. Orders from 111.-country w I’amphlel eontaniinir the Ciiiis/iVhNiih ()/'f/ir j ally •tfi-iideil fii. and earc taken to 1'nilid the CiiiiDtitiilinn uf Sarth.i'tiiiilivu, ■ seiils aeeordiiij; to ord» r. tjuilhc Vcclarutiunof ludijnniitiict. i’rii:e,‘Jjcts. ‘ L'huiiuttf, Jan.'.il, Lto'i. 3i Marly Turnip Heet lilood Hed lo. Fri in Ii or Siijrar do. .Swelling: I’arMiip (iU'TllMy do. \. It. Orders from the country w ill hr punetii. to p:n;K up the very prolific kind.) .Siiuasli l’ piHjr (tine for [liekles.) Orange Carrot lil.H’d Ked do. Iioiij; blk. wiiit'r Radish Fine Salmon do. Lon^ Seurlet do. SearN’t short top do. Farly curl h’ad Lettuce C.ibbaj^c In ud do. White do. .Magnum lionuni do. (a elioieii kind.) Farly Charlton Teas do. .Iiine dll. ilo. Wasliinjjion do. White Marrowfat do. Straw liery or prolific do ( hina Ihineh ItiaiiH Vi llow Dwarf' do. W lute kidny pole do. (ilove .ArtleliciUc W inter 'fileworts I’rii kly * •hi rkin, (fine for pickles, and will floun-h 111 di v wea- tlirr, .Tiid bear till frost.) 'I'iio follow injr ap[M-ared iis orijriiial, in tie- I'rov. idi;!ico Journal, sonic vnruiaiit number of years “tT'J: 1 o;:trv Ki'x .mad. L There’s sotni tliing very curious in the manner In which yon eaii twi»t rtoius into rhymes Sinjrie and double ; To set! Jiow oiii tbiiifr wllli another chiincs; That is, il yon'se not wit lo plan a Storys or souitthing else to write about, VV ithoiit .Much trouble. n. Sup[iosc we try it now.—«)ue .4s« Stukrs, Oin: of those men whom every thiii^' provokes, r\ Rurly-tfinpcred, evil iiiinded, hturibli, Ill-natured kind of beint' ; Hi was tho l»ea> ou of tiie parish. And li..d the oveis*eing »)' some }mall matters, such as the ringing »If the ehiireb bell, antf “ tonk the had" ui singing. 111. U’l II: IV'flcou Stokes had yone to tied, one night, Atsdit e/i 11 :i ■ ’Twas in !>• ctinber, if my meuiory’b rij^ht, In *!)7, • ’Twas cold enough to aiaUc a Uus..iaii shiver. I tiiink, I nevi r Kimw one Colder tliaii this: in faith it waq .1 Uut one .\s by th( Vlinunaeli, foretold’t as, A real Lapland nil, !it. (>oodLordl how cold’twas. IV. There was a chap iiIkiuI there, named Ezrkiil, .1 chrrt.^iiikl.fiii iiiiihiiii/ f,!hiu>, Win, very oln n, used to ;;et quite mellow ; Ot' wiioni, till 111 aeon always used to sjieak ill; For he wai fond of cracking Jokes In Fcacon iSteke.s; 'I'o shew, on \Miat terms he stood, among tJie wiiniun folks, .And so on. V. II came to pass that on the night 1 spake of, K« kiel le!l the taxerii bar-room w l.ere He'd -pent the evening fi>r the sake of Drowning his cKre, Hy partaMiig Of the nil rry-niakin^. And i iijoyiiieiit (If sonic iTiHid I'rlloirs there, w hofte sole cnnploymcnt Was, in all kinds of weather, In e\ ry ni'^dit, “ I5y early caurilc-nigh;,'’ To tri t to^i'ther, I’l ading the /w/xrs, sinoking pipe>and fhrinnir, 'I'l lling 'loni! yarns,' and [xjuring down Ulir mix.’ • VI- “ I’retty well corned,” and “up to any thing Driiiik us a ioril, and happy as a king, “ Hlue aji a razor,” fiom his iiiidniulit revcl, •Not !'• .iiiiig niuskt'Vs, women, or the devil; \'» ith 11 li^ht III nit, •Miiidi li^riiti r than a feather; \\ itli a li-'ht eoal, 'I'liaf spuriied the frecxiiig weather ; .\r,d with a hiud 'I'eii tiiiii's RS light as cither; And a i>iirsf, |h rhaps as lif.'ht as all tojrcthcr; On went Iv^^ekiel, with a ^reut expansion I )f thoughL, I litil lie brought I p, at a piiat Is luie the Deitriiii’a mansion. VII. With one arm 'round the pust, a while he stood. In tliouvlitriil iiii«>d ; W itii one e\e turn’d I p tov.iird- t*ie window where, .\ candle Ifuriieii; 'I hen, with a si nous I'lce. and a ffrave mysterious Sh:»ke of If head, F.'f ki'-I said ; His ri;rht l ye, once more, thrown I'lHm the hcneon 'I’iiat iro.-u the wi.idow shone;) “ i'll Hlait the dmcuu." VIII. R in, rap, rap. rap, went Di acon Stokes’ knocker, Put no one .'irred.—Hr.p, rap, il went again.— " lly (Jeorgi-!—it must be alter ten o’l-loek, or 'I’bi y take an early hour iijr turning in." I\. Rap, rap, rap, rap,—“my eonscieiice ! how they keip A fellow waiting! Lord! f-ord! l.ow sound tliey X. The Deacon then be(ran to be alarmed ; \nd III am.i/.eiiient, Threw u.i the eiisi iiu ni; And w itii cii(> on head. Of f’ery red. Demanded w hat the cause- was, of tlie not That, thus, disturbed his qiiiit. M. “tiuito coed tliis evening, D aeon Stokes,” replii d The voice Im'Iow. “Well, well, sir! what’s the nialt(-r “(iiiife chilly, Diacon; hov.- your ti-eth do chatter 1” “ Vou vagabond : a pretty lime you've elioscu 'I'o show your w it—for 1 am almost t'ro.’en. Itr ofi'; or I’ll come down and put the lash on.” “ U by, bless you. Deacon—don't be in a passion.” ’'Pwas all in vain 'I'o speak again— For, with tliu Di-iieon’s threat about the lash. Down wi'iit the sa.'h. XII. Ilap, rap, rap, rap, the knocker went again : And neither of ’em was u very light rap, Thump, tliunip, again-t the i!r"r w-i!i '/vliitI’s eane, [cap- .\nd that, once more brous-hf Deacon .Stokes’ night XIII. " Very cold weather. Deacon Stokes, to night”— “ He gone vou vile ln>^oItntdog—or I’ll ;iveyou a ii'aniiiiit:—and slmiild serve you right, Vou villain, it is time to cud your hoa.x.”— “ NVhv, birss voiir soul and body. Deacon Stokes; Diin't be so cross ; \V heu I've cuiiie hcrr, In this sexeie Niglit, V.hirli is cold enough to kill a horse; I'or your advice F|ion a very ditliculf and nice t^ui-stion:—now, l.urd bits.- you Deatoii, do make ha."-te and diess you.” MV. “ 'N'cll, well, out w ith il; if it must be so, l!c (piick about it, I'm very cold.” “ W. lh 'Dc. on, I don’t doubt it.— In a few words the matter lan be told. D'-aeoii, II-.,' ea-e is this. I want to know. If ihiN iiild imal/ii'r Aii.'i/.-i till .'iimiiiir heir, tVAwf lime gretu peas will be aloni; mxt ijmi' F! M-; AR’1'15. “ 7'hr vi.non of iht bloodi/ hnml."—A splciulicj |>i('ture by W. A. Allston is now pxhibitino in tins city. It H!|)n‘s;iits “ Spa- IhIi'o’s vjsiiHl (if llie IJloiuiy Haiiil,” as do- scribt;iJ 111 -Ml'S. lludclilii;'s Uuiu'diicc, “ 'I'lie iluliiiiw” “S|.a!iitPo was ein] lojBd by Schciloni to iniiriler Ellena, the lieroiiiu of the .story.— The time fixed for this deed is in the niglit, wiiiie tlie victim is aslec|); but on their way to her cliatnlier the assa.ssin’s hoart fails him i he refuses to do the dml: ut tliat iiioinciit of coin|uiiiction his loriner crimes orowd thick u|)on his meiniiry, and u bloody IihikI Nctm.i to hi cicon him in the air. ‘(iive me that da^ycr,’ said Schedoni.— S|mlatro now grasjied the arm of the Con- li.’.ssor, will), lookiiio at him for an e.v|>lana- tiun of thi.-? exiraordinary action, was still moie uurjii'iscd to obsi:rve tho paleness and horror of his cnuiitcnance. His staring eyes seemed lo luliow some object along tlie |i!i.ssiioo. Schedoni looked forward to dis- ciiver what occasioned this dismay, but could (MTceive nothing. “ What Is it you li-ar !” said he, :it length. Spalatro’s eyes were still moving in horror, “ JJo you see nofh- itio?” said he, pomtino—“Dotard! what did you sec !” ini|iiircd the Confe.ssor. “ It came heforo my eyes in a moment, a;id shew ed itself distinctly and even spread—and then it beckoned—yes, it hcckoned me, with that blmnl-staineil (int;er !” “'I his is very frenzy,” said Schwloni. “Arouse yonrself, and bo a inan !” “ Frenzy t would it w ere, seionior. I saw that dreadful hand — I see it now—it is there again!—there !” 'J'his scene Air. Allston has embodied on his canvass with an ellijct, that cannot be realised from mere description. His picture tiiust be seen, to feel its power, or to appre ciate the freniits of the Arti.st. On looking at it, yoti may almost imagine, that it is life itself; you can see the tremors of the conscience-stricken assassin;—his eyes al most starting from their sockets;—the re laxation ol his muscular strength ;—the pros tration of his intellectual power—you see him timid, unmanned and horritied; and this too, in immediate contrast with the cold, cult (dating and unblemishing hardihood of the nmro consnmniate villain, who is urg ing him on to the deed of blood. The scene is strikingly terrible uiul sublime. It well deservi's an hour’s study iind admiration from every fi ieiid to the ,\rts. 'I'iie “ vision of the bloody hand” is alone f-niiugli to establish .Mr. .■Vllston’s claim to tlie tirst place in his .\rt. Mr. Allston is an honor to his country. Let that country, which he loves so well, properly cherish him. If there uny one thing that makes wealth truly enviaitlc, it is the power it gives to employ such a pencil as Allston’s Htid to call on his udiius Ibr works of Art, that vvill Ix; admired as long as they endure I{o.sfon Daily Adc. AlKIN'i; NOHILITy. \Yc were struck, whilst looking over the Loudon (’iiiirt .lonrnal, with the apparently mu^ty state of the Kuglish nobility, and the coiihcqiifiit ll(*ce^sily (d’ Ircijuent exposure ^ to atmospheric pnrilication. 'I'he editor of | the vt-r\ amusing journal wo have quoted I infiirms its readers, with praiseworthy min- nleness, of the day and hour when each in dividual is submitted to the reviving in- llu'n(-* ofan air bath, 'rims, wu are told that on .Salurda\ the princ(!ss Augusta en- jo\i'd a carriage airing, and kindly condes cended to give Lady .Mary Taylor an op portunity to air herself also. On Sunday, the “Court Circle” attended divine worship, after which his .Majesty tK)k an airing of two hours. On Alimday, the iKitchessof llloiicester took her turn, and indulged in a carriage airing; on 'i’liesday. Lord and La dy IV-trr, Lady Julia IVtre, and .Miss I’ctre, mriile a juli of it, and were all aired togeth er. On \\ ednesday, the King, with the Hutches of tiloncester, took a carriage air ing; and the Princes^ .\ugusta drove out in a policy |ilia ton. On Thur.sday, Her Roy al Hi'jliness the l)ulche.«s of Kent is chron icled as lun ing inhaled the fresh air in com- patiy with Lady (’harlotte St. Maur. On I’rula)—lieie the record is defective. llo.'itoii Triiiuicript. FARonV ON TUP. UtrriNU OF 1HE WVTERS. There is i;ot in this wide world a morsel so sweet, '.As that slice ot' a iiuiu where iiiy kiiifb and fork meet I Oh ! llie last rays of feeling and life must depart, Lre the bloom of that bacon shall pass from iny heart. I t was not that the farmer had spread o’er the chine. The fliK^st of salt, und the purest of brilio ; ’Twa?* not the sweet odour of venison or hare, (Ih I 4io, there was something more e.\quisile there. 'Twus tli.it friends, the beloved of iny bosom was near. Which made each sweet ham of good bacon more di ar, Aiid who f'elt how the blest charms of bacon ini- pr.ive, W hen wo !’ee it extended on plates that wc move. Sweet l;r>m of good bacon, how calm will 1 re: t. lu the boEom of piuee with tin- I'rit nils I love best ; SVIn.li tin- storins winch we feel in this cold world ar. past, Andoui li.u,it-,!il.e ijooJ bacon me fiim to thelu.-!t Ttmiwrance Anecdote.—Joe L. is a wag in his own way, and is always reeling otT the odd Olid ofs«ime amtlsingyurn or other. Joe earns his bread by vending drops ot* “ creature comfort; or, in other words, he keeps u small grocery store. A short tima since we called at Joe’s store to taste somo of his ru'w invented, double distilled Bun innpof}(er Li monade, when, after expressin^J our adniiration of its flavor, he aiiuised u:? with the following fact. “ One hot day last summer,” said Joe, thursting his hands into his breeches pockets und giving his right eye a leeward lurch, while his let\ looke d straight forward, as if to attend to all tho business of his shop at once, “ a conjile of good looking chaps, hut rather hard iiivored, and dry withal, whom I knew to be influen tial members of a Temperanco Society, in a neighlioring town, called in to moisten their tongues with iny Burumpooter. 1'.- gad ! saysl to niyseltinitryycuir judgment touching matters of n sfiiritual nature; 5o I added a gill ot] clear Brandy to the dos«-, w hich they swallowed with enormous satis- faction. About half an hour after, incarno otiO of my gentlemen, pulling and blow ing lilie a (Julf Stream I’orpoise, and sweating like ^L Chaubertartcr an oven experiment. I dinlged liehind a cotton bale, ex|»-cting to have my brains hcRt out for the trick. 1 was not a little relieved to hear iny tempec- ate frientl in a voice in which I could dis tinguish the rich qvarero^ his former |K>li(m eagerly deiimnding another glass of niy Le monade, and “ be careful,” says he, “ to fix it just as you did the ofh?r,/or that siiiiiiick- ed my thirst 7host prodigiourh) Dover, zV. H. Gaz. The kind of va.ssalage known'by the namn of' Seiheigcnsehaft, or body-ow-ncrship, which still prevails in several of fhe (ler- man states, consists in compulsory services and dues, yielded by the peasant to his land lord who.se security is the body of the pea sant; and this security dies not with the man, but is entailed upon his children. N.U’oi,- r.o\ abolished the SeihcigcnHehaft in Han over, where, however, it has since been re vived. Much of this oppreivsion, which is deemed of remote origin, is in fact of recent growth, to the intlnitu scundul of modern citilited Europe. The Count df, Possk, said to lie the friend, kinsman, and Companion in arms of Kapoi,- EON, who has lieen for two or three years a wanderer iu North-America, and who du ring the past summer found his way to Texas; while on his way from Urazoria to .Me.vico, put a period tu his exiistence at Hexan, some time in Octoljcr last. Tho account states, that just before the fatal nio- irnent, and^while he stood;On the 4j3flK*f the San .\ntonio prerri^^ditating the last ' desperate act of his sad life, ho called to him a .shepherd boy who happened to be near, and giving him his splendid watdi, his rings and trinkets, (keep-sakes and r«’- lics of happier days !) hade him carry them to the Alcade, in order, it is supposed, to sati.sfy tho demands against him. 'I’his last duty [Terfiirined—his accounts with this world thus closed—he applied the filial pi.s- to!s—one to eat-h car—as he stood with his back lo the stream, ititcnding, probably, that his body should fall in, and thus further trouble about him he saved. Charleston Courier. To nutle artifeial Cider.—'Fake of wa fer'J;") gallons, moist sugar 11 lbs., tartaric, acid 8 oz., spirits of w ine (at 0 degrees) two quarts, elder flowers 4 oz.; mix and firew them in the regular way. When the fer mentation is over, bung up tlie cask, and leave it quiet for ten days, then line and bot- tl(' olf. This production is very agreeablo in winter, and is superior to real eider.— Lach buttle w ill co.*>t about three pence. Jour, dfs Cunnuissiiiiets t'sucUtu, March, lb31. Brotizi)!!'.—The art of bronzing is known only to a li'w persons iu this countrj, and they make the most of their secret. 'I'lio follow ing method, w hich is simple, and may fie useful to soi.ie of our readers, has becti furnished us by a corrrspoiident: “ .\l‘ter having covered the article with a coat of gum water, mixed with u little min ium, take a little isinglass, dis.solvcd in spi rits of wine by exposmg thiMii to a gentio heat, and add to it some saflVon; then tako the filings or fine dust of any metal w hicli it is desired to imitate, and ap|)ly this, when mixed with tlie isiiiglasis, to the article with a hair pencil.” Quicksilver applied to the surfltce of tlio body in phials, is said, upon the authority of the (Gazette ot Practical Medicine, to Ixj a cure for Kheuinatism—the phials are [Kirous, being of cast glass. Re studious iu vour profession, and yon will be learned, ile industrious and frugal and you will be ri.-h. He .sober and tem perate, and you will bi- healthy. lie in gen eral virtuous, aiui you will l e happy. [/•r. Frunklin. 1‘ro.y ii-iti/.—.V long prosjM>rity is ever auf=pecte«l; that v\ hicli hath its interruptions, is al\>nvs t!ic surer.

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