4 ilMERl§i’ JOURNAL. AM) IM !.»n I £) \ ^>l^ \ ^ . I’.\ TUiMiVs.l. IIVitI.mTR. inUt KLICMHt RCi tOLNTV, NOHTIM-4lHolJNA. I wi! I, -11 A( H idii I,. (.,► II. I: •! IIK i;fnvi i> i>k i iik kautii .'.mi luii,''. m r i n>-.i -i , i \ h i. \.- oi- i:\'. .v(h \t.\!\s. mi:ta;.i '.viin 'i w if.i. (.'vK sriiKm;tH to our hamw a^i> suisject ah, NAtukk to our use am> PLEASURE.-^hR. joiiNsbft. -®i- VOi„ 81. Xo. to* , , , I if0SSOffjfTS(KV. . Ilic arm h-iiist Iv OIX. ’i’Lc irieinljera had | From the Halcigh Rocistcr. .:TEiiiC‘I> tc l-ariSM'lV .^mirnnr-i-|„-',..pa.(>crslii..r,t //.vVJ.I tnlko'i, «]cl..itcl. r.msidere.i iii!*I »;u'KS'f.'d,; .mv/i(Y.yo/'lVW.;?*g-^on/‘-AirjongKtthe Is |)iiiik(i diiil piil.lisl.iil IVI ly \\ niiu.-iliiy mcni-j r ihi.-. ilny (iis.sohi1 liy nmtii.il i■.ll^cMt. ! anil yet t!i('flccisivcsfcji liiitl not Ijocii tnUori. itiaiiv einisioris wliich the late I'entciinial first iiii rlioii, and i2.» irnls liir cat li succifcHii'; vvi'ok—or fur tliri-c wttUs, lor onr siinari'.— A lilM Tdl dUcMunt will 1k’ In lliii.»o w !»> adv rlisi'by till-j’t ar. 11.i OiialhuhertiitiiiK'nla ciimniuiiictttiii tor piiWicalion, tlio iiuiiibir of iiistrtions must U' noted on tin; iiiaiKin of the maiiuscrii't, or they will be contiutu’d until forbid, and chargcd nccordiiijjly. All iininuuicutious to the Ki.itors iniisf couu' frtv of po$tacf, or they may not U' attcndiiMo. Waslici*. sul'f'rrilicrs having liccoinc t)ic jiun hns- Kt:i)»!e tV I'aiiry ilry Unrdunrc, Crovka-y, (iroceriis; Vaints, Pi/f Hals, IShoi's, lionnct.'i; SADPLI'li^ , «f rvery drsrripticn, f.t 'hr most rcdiirc il pric s. I’uncfimldcali rscan hiivu a reasonableinilul^ri iicr. All tho.-!e liuvin;; open accmiiits niul IkiikIn iIiic II. \ .1. liindxay lloKkiii!, tlii! ijaiiii; arc paya ble to Jiio. (;. Hopkins aloiio. I'or the enooiiru^feMK nt herefof''ri‘ reeeivei!, I riJuru iny siiitcrc tnanid to the j:em ruus citiieiis of-MeekUnburg County hiuI ii^t \ieiniiv. 7.‘. JNM. lliisMNS. Hi tits A' TaiimBietrk fMllli: Siibserib. r wi-liesi to [lurelin'-e a larjre ipianlily of imms, alxi nUint ti\o iiiin- iird; t-rsoF the Patent l«ii;ht tor yiing and con rtrnctir>? a Wa-ihinir Maeliine ealkd the (Quern's M athtr, Ibr tlio counties of Aluckleiiborg; and Liii- fobi. rcs[*cctfully iii.orin lln ir friends iind the pub- j. ordsof'/M/iA', of wiiieli s veiit\ livr lie.Uiat they have now on ha.id and will eontiiiiir j oak v.ill be wantir.p this si--«in. The to keep ;i Fiipply of the al>ovi .Matliinr, whieii they | prices lor eaih will If (jiven. In n:v uh- witl dijn.iwe of at the inorferatc pri(« >f $10 each. I apply to J,io. (;, IJ-wkins, w ho wih r. i> iw As the above Mnehine lias been in use in thin place Hides and Hark, and make payment liir tin lor uome tnno, it is not necessary for us to nauk | ;cm«J8 or Cafrh w ill bi' i,’i\> n, or a p.irt l in their tinur, a.s |if r«ons »isbln;’ to purchase can 1 ,.ii)|(.r^ aj umy «uit thosr m ho have the artii le ?(' to him :uh1 tiiii!, *• M Imt is TifANii;t Mac(i.'«,) delivered at Worrenton the lo|>i(’wiili y.)ii this iiiorniii*, C.ujsin f” on the occitsioii. The v*unp Ohitor first Wi.llllS. Cilll MMi, till' army, lh«! army |-( plicil ... - V cull and .‘iCC the Mac liinc and cnquirt ol those «ho : „)•. Karly appli«iitioii lor fiiga^*'mints. ; Jiavc N't n ii'iiiit: them as to thur nseiulni'ss. ■ would tuit Hiy view? bc»t. 'I'lie siibscriberH abo forewarn :ill |>« r';(inR who ' WAI. McW. I.ONG. an-not authorised, fronmsiii^r or con-triietin;: said . f,}, 1K32. 7,'i M^elaiu H under the (M'ualty prcferibcd by law. Ml ordelB froai the country puictunlly attein’cd ISTAJ'!'^ 01'' ^ OH'I'U-C AIH >1,1}^ A, to. NK IIOJ.S ..V I’Krrt llAl;J>. >U.tKLK\iaUG cot .NTY. nnrU,„,Vch.^X,m-i. ‘M I I,,., „„,,u.cr. . . , , . R. An apprentice to the ('Mnrt Vakini: /?i(- p, f ( oiirt ■/ /'.yi/i/ will U t;ikin, if early upplication Ih- niade j Hri. r and olh r^. ^ tr.mitr ’fi rm, 1.-'31. IN thi-* ca'-e, it ms Oiihrnl by tin fou't, that publication bo made t.i.x wei lis in the \lii.ers’ \ Farineri’ Journal, to rcliibalil liite and hi» tu the siilj.-crlbers. ^vDiA-Uil”AdAX.:iilvU.' 4R. U Ol.l'INiiTOX & CO. • llavf purclia^t’d llie Houti*', Slio|> anu lot ol ,\Ir. Ndthan Urown, opposite the jail, where they will carry on the alwvo IJusiness in all its va- riouB brani lies. They have on hand a ^.eneral iortnient of work of all tlescriptiun and qiialitirs wbiiJi th> y will sell on aocomniodatine terms.— All new woik mai.Btacturt d by them i.-i vT!»rrauted takes n view of some of the leading events "I ;-.tn (l-terMiiiitMl wh!>tto(!..al)(-iJl tiuMU* [{evohitiouary War, in which our my at C.iiiif.ri;lje, 'h si;,niali/.ml himself, und then gives a li.-li'i niiai'U to 0(1 iiitd (lie li:ill thiN tiioriMiiK, i • i r T • a.iil o„t.T on II lull (Irtail ol ti..' slate .if the Hiouruplncal feketch o» his life, shew.ng Colt.nius in onlfrt'i'hfvN th* ali^olute nc d thnt hn was e(]u;dly (rrcat in the Field and ol lakm:; some tliri.-ise «.tl■|l^. M\ wlmle tlie Cabinet, and that his conduct evinced ai:n «iil ’>e to imlucf (i.mifrfxs In a|i[ioiiit a allAJCcasione tlie most elevated Patriot- liny liira;!ojitin^llie ainn :! ln' ii j^ri;!atrny . devotednesa to his of'li''s»‘I titled (,i)loiiies ol Noilh-Atiii iK-a, , , . , , . , . , I . . 1- , ( otinlrv. Ill conclusion said he: anil lli;'ii to liiiil at an eh rti iii ul a ( (iiii- ] iiii.ialcr in el.i.l.” “Will," a|il S: inii-l j “ a-ihncto.n fmdH no pa m He 1 on the \ilam«, “ 1 like Ilia! oniin .!'lui ; hut un of in-b-iy ; tliei-e never was In-fore wiiom have \nn nv ti a> t!a.s ci i ii.iaii.! : ' ’ | •""eh a .•oniliim.tion of {jreat ;uid g.Hxl tjual- I'll ti l!\i II, I ..ro'- \v a. Iiii;;.'!-'!!. 1 Vir- iti'-x, of rare tal'i‘t.i and exalted virtues.— ^ ^ -a- "itiia, a iiiemlx r nf I'li-; l.., i —“Oli,” l''Mraoilin iry ubililit.s liavc lieen loo often ;ga,„y(.| Worcester, in maniM^g'judi’ct. rrplii.i A. .jtiicklv.'• tiial v.ill II ver ihi,'a;is.«iat..'l With moral guilt. M any of the • • III VI r ii'M'i .” •'It AV'i. / ilii, ii .s/,u,7 ill.," riiof t di>tiiigiii.>lie,i waitiors of Ancient or >;i'i|.l>lin •• aiai f.ir il|. leasu,;'.; lln- 'lonlini iiiius, won tlifir laurels at the cx- _ t.ili > a-r- |. Ih t'. II- |«'"«‘ '-f country, and desolated pop- j ,„pnt ly ,k.e ler li.'aiiiU ml.. lii.- .... . . au.i tli. ir ui-ii t. rritoiics nnd ll.-uiisiiing kingdoms, L„j^ ot Gwinnett, »» men ly to satnte a eriininal ambition. They la^ before which the saia i li..'.e heeii in fieqneiit instHiices, tyrant/||;Ti pending and tried ; and that ti ui| ' r-i, acting with uo view bg/(lie dust in the said Superior Court o a.:;;raiii!i>;ement, wading tw'couiilry. Not oic.iiis of bl(MKl, any „^i|,nijton. AAer THE CHEROKEE CASE. The following is a copy of the Mandate of the Supreme Court in the Cherokee case* which we have obtained, and now puhli»h« for the further information o* our readers on this subject.'—National l>UeUigcncer> SlTPttENE COl'RT tllE rNITEQ 8TAE«, JAN* I’AKV TKHM, 1882e III'iiU arr |i. |ri ‘; tin ', 'ii-llial N. w-Lii;;- land li>'lii'lie ini'.'i> ai , i!. I.. r liaml-. aixl liiey ft ai till u.'ill. N vki^i^l.iiiiJ ariav, a N'".'• I/ ;.l. i.d "iiiuiaiid i, wiiii Ni-w • I'i.^la:nl |)i r^' w r ![ici', all luiited a|i- |ial tlii'Mi. I l l tiii.-i I ail-• lli. y liiiiiij h.ii!.. Now tlieciit . way i'- I'» alia;, tin ii li'ui', an ! i:i\f tlii iii n.'tliiiii; r. '..'njil.iiii oi ; and tli.s ( an 1'“ o''jiif ill ii'i 1 ilii'T wiiN bill l.v , pi.iiilmg a S .iilii. Ill ( III. f i ! II. ''"'““IL'iecr as eomniander of the "iili o-j ." closed, he tendered •Sami'EL a. WoRrssTEK, Vlainliff^ti Error, t*. TiiJt State of Georuiai^ In error to the Superb Cmirt for the CoUAty of Gwinnett in the Slate of Grorf^. This cause came on to be heard on th*» transcrifit of the record from the Suprribr Court for the County of Ciwinnettj in the State of Georgia, and was argued by coun* sel j'on consideration .whereof, it is the o pinion of this Court, that the act of the f^egislature of the State of Georgia, upon w hich the indictment in this ease is founded, is contrary to the Cotistitution, Treaties and Laws of the United States'; and thu.t the special plea in bar pleaded by Samuel A. Worcester, in maniM^g 'j„(iict. and felyitig ti|)on the Contij^- (vorceKtcr; and Laws of the yu^;;'j,een allowed aivl indictment wad tha ror in the said Superior of Georgia, tn over-ruling tl.e plea so plead ed as aforesaid. It is therclore ordered and 111.' sw i.aii armies was ,„.l to the tiutiiorily that gave it, aiul i d ti> tiie |K a. eful pursuits ot a pri ll i- wnsiiot tob- stduced b) I „ife i'^us-Bii, two of th ih'.i.'Unl#, v.Im r.Kiii , _ _ : vate « m/.‘‘ii. ii. of the limit'* of this .Slate, Hint iml.>H'iiey iippar j'JM,,.,, .,11 „ ,1; f,.t! s-. ii.,-^lii.> .*lll ‘ , i..,, l,,, r,,> ultv. In fetUslHg « Crown, I H the ncAt fourt of h>’:iV lo 1 (., ||,.' .staiai. f,li tiiat irsi!-> u lU 1« i« mI. . , '*« 'i' ^ ' | • - ] ^^3,, uinbltion, he M.iiburs ci.iiiity, at Chai !■(»-', on the ith M-mliiv . li . ! . ll' iiio\ il.— , al*.i r ibe 1th M-nday in Marth n. .t, there to an- o;).'.i*M„i,..| V. s r'.i- li '■ fw.ror plead, the bill will Ik' tak-11 pro otiie.-.*i iVt'V l.ilk‘ii "'‘r t!i’ pi' timi i't'.' ' tin iLiZ/.ling OlljI'tl 01 ouiuau “ a.!,,. .0.1 u pre.mses by the said Su|)erior t ..iirt o Georgia u\^a the verdict upou the plea o Not Guilty atkrwards pleaded by the said imuel A Worcester; whereby the said katnuel A. Worcester is Ihe petiitentiaryof tl - labor iipared w im wnicn CJeorgia, ought to be reversed ;T.;. ^ u t'.rv of W aterloo and trophies of Lo- .y,d ,h.s of the ' , I . btKU eii«a!;.d t K .ast kuii.- r (wiw« ell ( h r.i »tim aii'l nior in the trr'o n on I cr wav up " ill t!ic course ol twelve months, oxceptinT actidentu of all kinds, moi TIh! U-Ht of timbe r «.,d mat. rialfi maii.^ use of lu h. raw, j,„ trijw m tac cour- o. , ■ - . tl.eir W'.rk. KF.VAIRING of all .JcsciipCon 111 ' and down, wd . ,j i* Uecontinued 111 the w ith U.' ir line wi'l bu fiecuted wilh punetuality and » few dayK, an C-tcc. cii.g Ji£!>}i^uL dc »;».■' U;«-r' !(• Iii'.rc inUHwmir ,, »..(e siii.ph.'S and pro.-•. .1 to lm^wiL> . At- or the diadem that sparkles llis waiiiitli ni'.iiiitid '«'« "I'* ' ■ s„n.c l.-an il. ths N\au..m ‘ ,,o'.vtr have th.'.«-.;aM"t., and t.. all ll-"" J. ^ notliiiig to bi!.-tow up- VViM^Uwr w« T«cw W ashmtlon whi n presiding with , t’lii. f .Maoislrate of the I nited iuiiN,U- «;li n-.t ail.'pl the JlKTlt tCt'unV‘^^diigs on .he^^^^ uulictment do forever surcease, said Samuel A. orcester l«, and he htje- bv is, henceforth dismissed iherelroin, and that he go thereof quit without day. And that a siRcial mandate do go from this t otirt to the said Su|>erior Court, to carry this judgment into e.xecution. March 5, *^lril?ird^and of ^o>d and steai.y h.ibits. ^ iii' iidaand ciislomeri. tb..' he lu«» rcii.o 1.. ^ j (Joor, lirge.'l the n.' a.-iin , 't-i j ,jjj..j{jve arts will pay •'Hill ^ v!i,cre l* will k’ecpci.iutiatly on h»nd every «a - ‘i to bn'atliing niaible, those p i: ci -.table for Uii back count. vt.i.Ie. „ ; f..! ..rfiv, >Ulh - ippli. • A;1 1-.. 11^ ^.U e arts will pay a tribute to hts ted bust and the proud memorials FatVI, Tkmekitv.— I'lie t^ric Observer states,'that on Wedne«lay, ^-Jd ult. while the salutes were being fired at ttiat place, a negro attemj ro.ii. feats ofagihty.iu j)f,v ioin to wriH'tu- of a six jM.under, Hi’ takeji , v. ■ i 1^. hisLe. tofire. Sle had bec'n freqiAntly a^dmonish- ed to keep awav, Init to little puriwse, as his fate has exhibited. W hen preiwrationa were made for firing the evening «ilute, he stationed himself near the muzzle ol the gun, b*.asting that he could pass it between the flash and explosion. A jK-rson standing near him caught his coat to hold him, but as the order was given to fire he made a •spring, broke loose fn>m the hold, anti was tirrore the mouth of the gun just as it went otf. Ilis body was literally cut m two—the legs and abou't six inches of the chest re maining together r .«.rt.consist- (ted to exhibit silly l'KAM I-_NWI.x>N. I I e iMoii; anil i.e v\.ij tl.M.r. aii.l ''•’'‘I i.f Ih'- ( liarai trr Willt.esiildal prkatosalr t;ri.st.Mill, l)^^^lbnt> Chnair, Ort. 18, ltr31. l)f the *-iil'iiei'n t“i/' to admit of aiKithi'/pair b..^iwoi;.K.i bi.ltinKflotl‘«o'‘'l "l> nil' lii> \irtue.s uti'l iinmort ,, (»f him we inav say, in the language ol ■ ■ Hucnt “ Kecorded 1 iiioiiunient and wilid fabric and adorn it.” , A negro was kill- command.r in rh."l\ ^aeii was ,.piire.l Long-l.latid, one nig W.\SIIIN«;'1' >*N mail. The upper part, consist- I,:, «> h.aiiy 1"^-' “■* - • I 1-,- if.ff stll)^.tane*! ii.'( tiillows : in"ton. It "as in "rhearmv assenibl. 1 at ambridge, Mass. (Jen.'Waid, and Congress was sitting r”' ''“';i;!;:h irmade «..y) «n-ly to «t l*h,ladelpl.ia. Kvery _ day arrival new J:2::^^/hv.n,onthep.mi..^,,^^,^^ Jllirshill iU*. IW->. - I the army ,■ for until tl..-y had, it must MHICI-* ... bo c.Hisiiloreil an.l wa.-^ Ill law e.(.nMdoru iiiff ipialifed as adniiai:i. i j ot nniied relM'ls.— aie, th.-v rr«ulein on.-of onr own l.ooy, and he IS the person whom 1 now iioii.iiiate, ;i; \\ A-iii>f;n.\, of 1 It was prolMihle the negro «ds alter it. The .loo was in the riK.iii with the wile of ' " waked her by his growl- (;i.ii«;i; Wamiinoton, or ^ ^ vva-gonor, an.lwaKeu ner . > • \\ aslim!il'>ii. who sat on Mr. Ailanis j|e ,|i,I „..t stir towanls the black un- right hanii, was looking him int.iitK .ii the tj.e woman- faee to eau h the name ho was ab.iut t.» an- —•— „o„u.-e; and not ex|«H Unt: it w-mhl U-his own, hi- sprun- ffm he heard it. and ruslii'd mio an adj-.nniig lliuu^li nio\cii l>y u Tl.ere is a singular society I.incoln b% af.'wyontig men called ‘ Ihe 1-wi ,nan,’’'embraeiiig the lollowing regula- \ iHjttle of wine ttealrd up m a neat ,y Court. r. .ine.ts all |--rs..ns in. lo romc- forward ami im t.cK.it; and all l.a'n.2 ,,yiaw U.picM nt tiM in w .Him me lone pn -ermtd l.y u „rth.yw.ll Admv. Ii7!tii - - .kcd lli^ i.t a i, and at a particular i>eri.Kl r:r.: rnnilK .ubHcrtber “r, '' 1 T I only as a in"l>,a t.m.i oi nr.uc-u i„,„ril it. ana rus. I ir.itoi ontiK . .V*''; ! •' ro,,,,’ t '|'he cnuiitrv was placed in circnnistaiict s 11 ,iiii, «ly ai r M. a. th. r. l.ruary t..rm. oi Mtrkh nuu K ^ , l.e struggle | ..l.etri. ,t v. ak.' .mm. oi.it.!m t-ii,j„|i„.j,„„, and yet every thing was at oost I Mr. A.iain.-nad askt ar'ii'"' 'I'V ■ ,;„ds. 'I he greater trial now seemed to ue adjournni.... .. ^ ^ determine in this question—who should l>c commaii-, „r.iir t-i u„d that |M!rson at Christmas is der in chief? It wasexceedingly important, I ,k'!i Urate m !>'•'*' : |„„,„d to «-ivo eithor a dinner or a supi«r to and was lelt to be the hinge on which the , ,.,.|,lKMate, and the le.-'ii.l i.. b- loit The bt)ttle ol ; whole miKht_tur.ilj.r^.r a^nnstj.^^ wnio to Ik. kept seaM up so l^g uitr of the head, arms, and breast, was thrown thirty or forty fi-et in the air, and struck tho ground about thirty feet Iroin the other por tion. A letter from Cincinnati, of Feb. 21, to the editor of the Journal of Commerce, says: » An infant alive in its cradle was taken up opposite Cincinnati, and a few days after. Its mother, hearing of one being pick, d up, came and claimed her child. I hree chil- dren were taken out of a house that was go ing down the current, and a large house • in who.se care the case shall -h 1. I'■3'? ,,„priitor and ^ |le wasaseholarnndag. n. ,i.,,rM.w.riomukc.t.no..t^withl..ur ;e. n,'d to i “ tI::. i:, -.'4 -'"'y i ^' Alii! nnti.;k I.I'.ICDS It, 1, iK-r l)KI''J>S. tleman. - . duster in him; un.l it «a. nmli lievod th.- army woul.l not r-n no .any .a.m- ,;„,„l«..v.r Wl„„,.l.n, iilh he- (a.in to be chains l-.ag »non leaelt ari'imd th'.'se slat ..h and strono enouijh to riaiv in the Stamford n . :.. is lcaf !-her glory is leparted I oun- ,lrUhre tnU. ike had ! ! .'-On luesday, Ja„;-Ji, |-;vj, Mr. Uiifus Moyt madesij- 'l'h liocl.- of ^/iin/.—If we lii lge ‘ ’ j- i\’,.,t.rate cowhide boots.” .,.;rv, of what i, Ih.-- luK.k of ^!oi> eoiii-j'“" V with several men and women in the garret, went past the city. Whether they have been saved or not, I have not heard. ALriNF. Farmers.—The farmers of tho I’nper Alps, though by no means wealthy, live like lords in their houses; while tho heaviest portion of their labor which is per- formed, devolves upon the wile. It is no common thing to see a woman yoked to the plough with an Ass, while the ImsbanJ auides it. He accounts it an act ot (whte- ness to lend his wife to his neighlK>r wh. is oppressed with work, and the neighbor re- ciprocates the favor when needed. \ Quaker la.lv having been provoked by the d.sl>.lienceof one of her children a,id the fdsohool he made use to screen him self was unable to restrain her ebullient • the followingcxcla- >.1.1; \ r Till' Oi 11' I ■

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