f AM) iM'iJMMiKi) injmooj \s j. uH/ir>.... !i Ai{i"(rn i;7:!ji;t Kri:.\{:i »«j i " n Tm: IIOWKI.S or ti;k i:aktii ani> iiiicm! oi’t hiomViV rtvi.nvs (.f IHB .M.M N'IAIVS, .MCTAI.S niUCII \V)I.LI.l,r S•^R^•^r}1•II Til llV|["||ANI.S AM \\i: n?i * :s sja y7’a pi ^ g ;7 ji i-i, " :rr II-CAKOMVA. sLiiijr.rT Al.l. NU t'HK ■»w:,::^r= Jl'SE AM) Pl.KASl:RK. DR. JOHNSON. IHK Miller.'A- ^ l8 printed and publisJicd i very W'cdin'sday morn- , crs of llio I'atont Kight for iisin;r and con ing at rICO VuUaiH anil I'iftij Crnln pur annum, I xtnictin^ ii asliinj; Machine cu!U d the (i’lern'a ifpnidiii advancc; 7'Arff/;«,7«rsiiyfar,ifnol piiid nntil after tlicoviiiratinn of»ix niontliH. Al)\ LIlTiSLMMNTS will bt; inscrttd at Fifty ccniH per square (notexiTeding 20 lines,) (or tin NO. HO. S^SSSKtfjf'TEO.V. i'(‘alityor“piorTi.iii,” am! hi3liptres.sin»' Ihop.p,uinei:dw:.of// it „i,s almost iinimssiblo to lie, timt they have now on hand and w ill contiiniH to kei!() a supply of the aU>ve iMurhinc, v. hich ll.ey . . . . o ./ -- "i^l disiwwu of at the niodcratc price of i»10 each, first iiiderliun, and ‘J-'i cents lor eaeli succeeding aliove Macliiiie has been in use in this iilnci’ .ACi !c—or SI for Ihree weehs, for one tipiaro. *“*' '=* ■i' 'e»sary for us to siicak A lilMTul discount will be made to those „'],o ji*'r".ns wibJiit.K fo purehuse tun ronimmiicated or piibliealion, the number of 'J’he puliscrilicrs alio forewarn all pcr.-oi.s who inHcrtions niupt be noted on the margin of the ' are not authorised, from iisini; or coiisti uetini; said nianiiseript, or they will b«! continued until I l'ft>‘^ril>e‘l hy iuw. All orders from the coiintrr pniictijollv utletidcd to. A’K IKiLS’i, }‘[,*nx ilARlJ. L’mili'Hi' 4 1?. WOLPI.VCiTO.V iV ( O. • Have purchiisfd the House, Shop aliJ l.ot lor the countieBofiMecliknburj^ ai.d I,in- *- inlcie't in the I'ha'loltc ktcirc of 11. A, J. ciosct was rcganktl with an :olit, respectfully iniorm their fricMii.s and the pub. ■ t'ind^ay, will in future rnrry on the M rcantilc | of jealous su.spicion, till at length tlio llarf'’s»'rit'!uif,.tiirinfr ,kfv wii.s Couiiil, wliicli proved n key iiult’f'd Ui las orn i,an,f ,-nr.d . xpr, to keep to ‘tin- complete cliiciduticn of the im sterv is.antly^n hand a t-u ini as*o,t.u. nt ot ■. , .TJ?, „ 2’ forbid, and charged accordingly. •’,* .\11 commuuications to the Kditors niubt coinc free of pnnta^r, or they may not l)c attended to. trade, and the huF'i _ , antly jun baud a tini’ini a»*oitiu nt of , .. .■ *11, B. . |to tiie ciitiiesuli.i(actioii of all, and the eii- 1# fr.TtSCy E>ry C«iO(M|w. ■ tertaiDrnetitdosyd at u late hour iuihcuiofat Hnrihidrr, Croclxrtj, (irvccrka ; . univcTbul huriiionv. J'liiit/x, Dtjc | —— lints, S/ioti>, Bonnrta; SAL}l)Ll]Ry,\ LONDON I’lJIISS. of e\( ry di neription. i t the mo I it .iuced prices-1 ^ pnrliamciitary paper Was published a }’ur.e'iialdLnl(.ricunbm.;ari,i>'f>Ti«ih.ii.iulK.iitc-l(‘w-flays ago, cxhihitine the number ol .\ll lliow ha\i — ' - ti'i'ATK OFJiQimi CMWLISA. j :T^hLEN«l»HO roiM V. | Court nf l‘lca« and (iuarUr Sctsiont, Fchniary Tend, 1831. Daniel Harrison » Original attachment, Icvi- | f iL I • / ®'* *'“•' 'Icfendant’n inter- tolhcrt Mennikin. ^ ^ tract of land on which ! \V III. Flinniken lives, adjoiningthe lands of .Marga- I n t '•Iciienalmtt, (icni. Weathers and others; also, . , , on one other tract ot l«ml adjoining the lands ofi'** *'Ir. Na'lian Urown, o[i[k).sI(c the jail, w i.eie John Allen and others. i they will carry on the ufmvc l)ui>iness in ail its va- BT being made op|s »r to the Katibfaetion of the i rioua brancln-s. 'I’hey Iibvc on hand a general as. ''ilher, us may suit iho: c who ha.'th.‘arui ii» to i ; tlic ll riiM witii the Kliglisll (’hrolj- Court, that the lirtendrnt is not an inhabitant sortnient of work of all description and qualities, h- pos(? ol. I.urly applicrilio!) hit eii,;ag iiRi.ti | j (1,,, .Mor:iil)'f Chronicle with (he (>1)- of thi^ State, Orrfirrfi/, (/ifrf/bre, that imblicatioii which they w ill sell on iiecoiniiiodati;)e: terms.— would uit niy\ii.w? beM. ls'CI V('r tVr '1 in”e tlK'rcforo have laCI II i I I '’’7 y:'"‘‘lut-; ^‘i'nips sold, and the acivcrtisenient duty II. iV J. I.iiid: jj A- Itu^kini', tlic ijaaie are imva. i n ,./! |„. I i • ble to .In.., iLkins alone. | ‘ ’ •' J“° *'*’"«>« newspapers lU loril.o iiicouraMenient hen t*jfore received, I lH3t). To copy the first statement re'.iirM my sincere thanks to the gi ii(tous citi/itna 1 stands, would allord our readers very af .'tJttJiUiiUur^f »’«.*uay; li.tl’, iiTn./i111.., vt.n.ii, tiiuiciuic, u f» J'** *' II'' hroiiglit into a more intf lli^nble shape, by rgllli: Snhnrib.r wish.* to pure.hMe a larjre 1 petting the averajje -S fpuntity of IHDJ.s, ubo r.ls.ut two bun-, circulutiuii ol each iitinil>.;r. Hut in many dr>'d eiiids Ilf y/.t/i’A, of wi.ieh f-evri.ty five cords ^ ca.s«'s, two or three pa[X'rs belong to n ofwhii. ouk V ill be winii.ig this Ee;,soii. The ! proprietor, and (he ^tanlps f)r them Ih;I w!;: r::; until lild' K iiu'i Dark, m,>l make |K.,y.„ei,t ti.r th.^ ^ f" nl;.tlon ol each. I he I i or ('.;.‘h w .il lie ing tell what is imc.*; for in- en, or ii piirt of' is Jissociated with the Evening j pasfi'il (ivcr, ntul the following is the aver- ; aao cireiilation ofHoine of (he principal pa i ^ nOl’Si'i (thi risi.fi!>iee) pcrs—lli:it i.s, the a\crnge nmonnt of copies ‘"i*'■ rrint'’dofeach number in I >31): iili’.Mht Cl tlieC curt.n.iiiBf. Ill A, /•, ijiloii, ' Oince, th>- 1th .Monday of I'ebruarv, 1>. IKJ'.’. Totr ISAAC ALEXANDFU.f.w. I’riee adv. (it'l .vr.177; or \(tR7ii.c\fioLiyA, hl.CMIl R« cot:^TV. Cuurt of I hilt nrtd (lumlrr Sidnioiu, rdtruary Trnn, lt^32. Reuben Harrison I IS acuin opeiii i| lor the rcc ption of 'i’liivellrrs iN; i hailv I'APitRS. I iJo;irder.s. 'i'lio ttables are i.vt« nsive, rwimy and ! . , 'iienrn. di’y ; grain and provender of (he l.c't, plenliiiil, | and served by goodhovllers. 'I'he lioivi lias ina-IAdvert. .‘idiO ny conuortable riKjms, S'rvcti a griofi ta!;lo und ri - , * • ■ 3I;2(» fn “hine’'.t*: ai d the proprietor r.nd his fimily I - - - - wilt omit nothing ill tiieir p.owxr ta nial.c it most ! V’*''’'*'• ' ■ ■ •'‘'9*^* quiet and agreeable. j ^!“r, - . . . 'JjO U'tf I!. R r;OT’N'PAVM,r,K. i-'IcniingJcmnal, X)0 wrr.KLv rAPEr.s. ireiil'n. J.l?ull,oncc 12000,1770 Atlas, .... .'i.'JUD liell’bMessenger, 117(10 Ai.-e fildO r %1‘KAN ok 1*I1U». hxtraH froi^ . McLean's tulogy nrl the late .Mr. Monrfv \\ heti the ciicurn- ■stanees w hich cau.sed v, from the poHt-olIice (lfiparlfii^[( are rrc ol- lected—the force of this c.xtrucV wiH iully appear. “In the uspof patronage, the most cate and im|)ortant branch of e.vecutivo pow* er, Mr. Monroe was governed Ir, thote '■ti- larged and elevated vievvs, refjuitt'd b^ t'la interests of his country. 'J he uiiiiost de* ference in making appoin1nionl, was pai.l to public Sentiment; whiUt at the snn.a lime irreproachable clmruct^r and liiyh qualification were indi,«pcnsalile ro^ui^il's. Personal motives, even ns they r» ganled tJiC -- *i - I rr * ted, wfirc lost ill higlierconsiiJonitiorusof j«ub- lie duly. “ From the ofTitial relation wliic h I he re to the 1‘resideut, towunis ihe »'lose of his administration, it became my dulj to con- suit him in making certain appointment-..— Hut in no instance did he intimate a pn li r- ence for any one of Ihe canilidatPs, whoso names I laid l«‘fore him. Ilis aii.«w-r ua-s uniformly, “ 'I'he law has given to you (he right to make the np|)oiiituieiit; 1 si.all 1 n satisfied with your decision; do what (ho public inferi'st reipiires.” “ In one ca^e, 1 had every reason to bn- lieve, if [H'rsonal consideralion had Imtii |)ormitted to influence him, there were strong grounds for its exercise. One of the appli cants was a |>articular friend, with whom in early life, he had l»e,en long iissnciiilcd in the public service; and for whom he en- tertained a strong [>ersiinal regard. A di rect appeal to personal friendship was made, und this was enforced by Ihe necessities of ^ State, Ordrrtd, thruforr, that publication wliicli they will sell on lie a'le six weeks in the Miners’and I'urmers’ All new work iiiai.ulaeturt J^iurnal, that the deltndant ap|K-ar at the next twi Ivc nion!l;.-, excepting aeciilcnti) of all kind'. iiiiri ol'ri as and C^'iarter Sessions, to Ix'held for 1 he best ol limber and mnleriulH made tiseof in till' t^uiily oi .Mecklenburg, at the ('ourt llouse their work. KKI'.MKING of all dc.-eription in 111(’harlotte, on the 'llh .'Vionday in May nevt, and their lir.c will be e.xctuted with I'uni tua!i'_,' and t'l .1 and there plead or replevy, otherwise j'ldg- - despatch, and on ns rea.-oiialilo ti riii* as any in r.(-it by defiiull will be taken against him. Wit- 'he S^tiste. Tin lilack»milli\ii^ UmincsJ will be ne'.», I.^aao Alexander, ('lerk of our aaid fonrt, at | earriid on in nil its vaiious branchc!*. The snbsenliers resiH i tl'ully solicit a thare of public patronage, hoping by a strict attention to busiiKs.H they will be (iititlcdto and receive tlie :an;e. We n torn our siir.'i rc ibanks tor tlie [«i- tronagc In rOoliire rn eivi d, an) hojie we tlull still iiii-rit a siiiuii shale of the iiu-ii.rts in and about this place. A. 11. \VOI.FlA(i'i’ON A. CO. i Oil'* or tv.-o .* pprer.tieet will be ta.'i.Tti to the a- Ctnrhm. iit Irvi I y^ ars of i.,rp, if well | rc^mnunded ...d of ^kI and .teioly habits. | .1- l,.wl o.. > J /"I'lotlr, Ja„. 1I-..-,'. Ji.itvl I'alitabiP •ySitf *V SVautntion AT rm\ ATI; sam:. U ill lie sold at private sale " *''■‘■'*•■'’^•11. Dwellinir- ll.iuse, Rtore-house, (iin- c?l.\2iJ£i3* hoii«; and Screw, 1 lar^'c ^ |{..rii, .'^laii.i and other iicccssary out-i.uiu.iiigs, strecl. Some timeal'trrlheciim[(Tn} , w hii.'li i in n weekly paper. Of ;ii»,t)()t>,OU(t , UfC disreg.nnled, no Jiiiirnat. that the defendant ap|icar at tlie next i The (irist ?>liil has lately been rebuilt, and is of "'as very Irirge and iwpcctiibl'', Vvf'ie intr^i-i >^'!*U)ps sold m 1*^150, the [jundon j-tlpcrs, |given ot eletatcd Court o'I’l. as and t^uarler Sessions to U'held for a f^uilieien tsize to ndinili)fu!io'.hcr pairnfrnnners. ; df.ct'd, and had lii'foiii*'deeply ;.h.-orlK-d in t-> ii* tiundier, take or nvo-• I‘h’fUi it of soino the C«>|Miy of .Alecklenburg. at theCourt.Il.iuiie \v.-, has two ".vxl Wiingelotbs and all other tji- the nmu^rments of the eveiim-', ;!r.iuid ii' thirds; and tl.e provincial iouriials,(or which i'"'IxTJaiice to record such instances, as S™ r, n»i.k„, . > .l.«o „,c, al„ ,,l --O) ...n. ,1,0 i "««V ,»,t w U,„lr uso ,„ oll.cr m.-ul liy default will be taken against liim. U it. is cotisii'etid by old s.’tt!, fi t.i l>e t'u. bift N-land 1 [il^iilitivc: civ, as ol’ ot.e in ili'-tr'':'’, roinailiing thild. 'I'his slatenietit does not j ** ' r puolic. ne««, Isaac .\!t.';an«!i. r, (.'lerk of our mid otirt, at I !br sjid business in the I'l'itrlet. i Original edonthedt! CoUk ri Hi mnken. ^ , tract of land, on which Will. I'linniUiii lives, adjoining the lands of M/ir- pant .Mel/cna'i«n, nj. Weather-, and others; also, on one othir tract oi land aujoinin? the lands n!' John .\llen anil others; al'o, on his inteie>t in two lots ill the ti'Wii Ol Cliarlotte, Iving on Trade «tnit, known by the locust tree lo!n. "51 T bi I ig mad.; appear to the salist'aetion of the Court, that the detendant is not an inhabitant l^iainiiier, - . .‘IMHI obbett’sKcgi.iter, j "J tiyi i ■-”i Court,. . . . i>7;>0 IHut even in llns case, this Sjieetator,. . . 1: (iO niorp than Uoman |.atriot gave not Iho The Ti.nies puts out six piiMications week- intimation ofa preference; and a- ly. Kiul the i:\e..ii!g Mail three; the stamps I ""!''iJual was appointed, because f a ; coiisun.eJ l)v botii were ; and ,fj Sieved him to he iK tter iiiialilied to dis- of thi'i Slate, D/dncd, thrrrfore, that piihlicatibii '»iviral good Springsofwatir, and -.j.') acres fresh h • made six vveika in the .Miners’ and t'armeis’ ' land,iiinreor less,part of vvhicli is under go.d fence. i'oi)KiUtt!io» of •Vo. AM> Ol’ Tin; I V»1 I,!) M' VIT.S. B.j*iOR ,‘;i!e at this (J,V\C', a llv.- en;.ics r .Cndthc Jhrluivtiiin..fir.!,: I mUlff,. fiiee,2.Set.-. I'nritrd ol each nniiil.-r ol the former as ot i J ho^ re latioii of this mcidtnt will l>o — _■■■ the latt.T, the circulation of the 'J'imes Pardoned on the ground that such cases ol- IVoni Ihf I liiludiliiu., L.n.y Cu.ui.kU. i w 'tild he abotit 'J,(I00, which, when allow- I '‘•u^idale chaiacler lhaa V, n!riloii.isni.—vrry auinsiiiganJ in- auce is made for tiie sup'Tior \«ealtli and •'"aiisnclifins. \V hen thoso lerestiiig occurrence took place a fi'.w eve- I station of the readers ot' daily papers, niav ! feelings to which VA’e are nil more or liin^s since, at a s»'!cct j arly in j he considered eipinl to a circtilation (,f;{(),- lircctly in Oonlact with cfiite, lie till .Mi iidnv of IMiruary, A. U Isj J. T.-t: ISA.U' Al,i;\AMH:it,r.»ri.c. Priei'adv. T',’1 (lit'I s'j'A Ji: or .^oiirif i'\iioLi\A, Mi:i KI.IM!! lit; ( OIM V. C-i.icf I'i jn and (iuiiitrr .Snjiun", I'dntmy de>irable; tl.e st.ind a .1, and th.iCM-lit to !• I'l'itrlet. Tile >iii!aii,)n I was heaid iip'eiretitly to proceed (roni tl.i; inelnde ilie Iri.-h paficrs. As th a S',-,-.' \ .Mifli-1 chiiMtK'V. 'I'h'.' r'Jtii|ianv all r .-e on I lie in- :iin-e ot'the mails i. acnelejated. i ( arolina line. I 'i vv I iae, Our RdU-Rixit!.—^Ve rep.ic" to find that j a spirit is abroad ii the subjfct of the I'en- Itral Kail-Hoad, that must eventually tri- iumph over the apathy that h.ii^ mi long held , . II 1 J..; us in bondage, 'i’he liict caiiin;t be hidden, *• i’i:t out tiie fire Mhlefi m liritain, and ol t nsiv ■ i .i i I,. ’ 1. that a crusts in oui afiairs IS nearh at hand. , am t.i.ia'r.it to l e in!, ri,,.- to nom in this m, - . staiit, and ’’.r/.ci] upon imi h utiii r in bM atli- l««’ture of newsp:uTS lends inoro and more linn ol kiuM.-v. I lie aUi.e pr,>.~ i!v I.- Mtii.t:. d I , ' ' . . , . . . i.-• i i ■U U irri.bur-;-athcwatrr- oi 'u:^..rand M Al.:'‘-“"-' toe v i-v.a^ heani, lo ei.n-ontrale itsell in the large low ns. in liiir.-.t IM k, ill I.i;nustcr Disinei, near tin Nuriii j i‘‘iT >!i! help i:.e ! h(.lp me ! or Til 1 til'' duty on newspajicr advertisements m Cl .;n be fcui’.d in tl;i on’itrv- ofii r lit out l!ie Ii f.vii lilts ia till town of Charlotte, lying (ii I'lad :,trc(t, knoAii by the l,»eu«t tre'. lots. ■*T T hi-i'ig m ule appear to the saliiiiction ef the li 'o'lrt, that the di lenriuiit i; not an inhabitant o' tills S.;ili, Ordi d, thru fore, that pnlillcation N iiinde tix «ieks in the .Miners’ and I’arnHTs’ “i*.'.or^ !o!Kiw •’ M h'ed 'i^hmcs of all the .iillt.rerit lire enaines and ‘‘till her blessihos are so 1 ...jr ii.iov., ''iiimeroiis, that with reasonable e.vonfion oil )ur part, a boundless field of succcssf\»l eii- tert>rise cpens before us. As soon as liie subscri[ttion authorisR the nlteinpl, we would ^up th' chinm. v isoaT ,1„. ia,lies, “oil! help him oi!(.'’ “ J low-' '■‘""l'‘"'i‘'s >” and Districts . . , ,, c 11 «• ^i l>nveyi.„l:oen up there, tr,v ocar til- nf Philadelphia, vvas given b>\Mr. A Hutler, i.i,Tn.r,.H til.. : low a^ki (I 1110 c'i11Iviiiau. "Neailv a W’llUarn Penn ! he embarked with a n ( harleston and W‘ ^ ‘“(Ml 111’.' graciOus, iH' r in the trade runiiin:; lit tv whole project, like two manv other usefid sr vrr. or Mmrn.cARoLiy.\, 'li:i M.KVIII R(i tOI NTV. Court rf I’ll us nml Quiirt'r .Stssioiif, rthniari/ 'linn, ls:!-->. Samuel MtCombH ^ OriBmaUttaohment. levi. „ , rdonllii ilefcndnnt’sinlcn »t rolherl M^nnikin.^ ^ genth t'rom his station itito a side ciiiihoard, "ho always n^ady to allord/ic-| ,i',"i ' i , o i ' limit against the , himney-wav, wli'.-h for! /"./"ont /AtW y/„m/with a firm AV/f-^ tiinatelv wax locked, and siill mote fortunate-I to show the nr^tln'rr »' Jv, the'kev not to be found ! (>li murder ! ' "hole (,'lohc that A>„rrica would br free, «"•, ■.•re rea ly ,iu -d..r' m-u-r-d-c-r- sl .mted »>'='• the .Sons of umler a d^s'rous that our State should on, in t in ” • . Ill u I u ^ I. II fi » I til* ir r!»nr»«infl 1- jlir.iil*? “|Kx>r 'i'om,” in the uptioan!—“give me ‘•f'U'^titution,.siiould enjoy Unnno- i,. -..1 , •' ■■ something lo eat, or I'll starve ontrinht1 tlieir Mt// V III. H'linikin live?, niljeming the lam.s ol .Mar- K. C. llattaw.iv, lorimrU- oei npied by .1. Ifeers, 'i', , • .• ,• i i '-inil I'lilr vm.nk (Iia \nrth^-rn llh ,-art .MeU imban, R nj. Wiathers and others; vvhere he will keep eonstLlv on hand every aiti. i •*"' ^>nu::s ol every reticule m the romn -‘nd 7 11/- .WcW su| ,.h ^t 1^ aijo, on one other trai t oi land adjoining the lands ! ell suitable tor the back eountrv trade. ‘ I gavewav to the Word, mid halt lh( ir rich * ‘t»u .>c'»///i;/■;/A w it.1 waUT equal lo | passe II "crs, vvilh all due atti nlimi. J. It. Cl,f)I (.11, f'hiirli Ktiiii, Sri>t. •?(;, IS.'tl. .'iCtf Jv rH’IJi; Sl HSt KIlir,It respeetfully informs his ; II U.—( . _ ■ friends and eiistomers. Ilial he has removi d “ |KX>r'i'oill,” ill the i iiptioan! “ give me «‘ollstltUtlon, .should enjoy //.//•WO- 'l'." ."I’j;'’-"**'' something lo eatj or I'll starve onrright ?” i contents were (luickly at his ^e^vice; and and sullicient to overflow the had “poor'I'om” ihen artnailv apjx'ared, U e //o/ic the I'hfrnix wiW ho would doul'tless have Iieen greeted with :u"l Hy to Jliticniia, to a more “ pitdc.ss stonn” of almonds, mint- M^nluiit ellorls lo assert her free- lefemlant apfs'ar at the ni \t Cmirt iif I’hi;a unil iiunrtrr 1 and pi'illld-cake, than his siK.tv sweep- 7'fim, ls;)->. ship I'Vf'r beliire experienced. Of course ^ That, by /Vr'frfrnnre we have gained, none knew .f tiie construction of (he place ^ sound her name. sue tir- hipti ss and her lamily, who had “Voceacoe was the Indian name to that part Ill'll the lieUi in se;uv!i ol the key, upon tlieiof Sonlhw.irk, whe re the Svvedes’ Chun h and first ilitiliuition ot the change tlie enemv Navy Yard are sUuattd.— li.iladfljihia imjjtr, had made in his |)ositi(in, bet'ori^ a .second — thou;:hl told them ol the utfi'r impossihility ' “There are three tliing.!, yea, four,” as of any mortal transferring himself from the the \\ ise .Man .says, which w’e like lo .see. chiinnev to t!ie clo--^ t. l. Wo like tosei' a person enter a i'nnlinsr- ol Jiihii .\lleii and olh, rs. I r Is ing made upjs nr to the salisfaetinn of the Court, that the ilelendant is not an inhaliilant of this Slate, Oiih rd, ihrrrfnrr, that pitblieatii.il ?!.• made sit weeks in the .^liners’ and l aniiers’ Jtiit.'ial, that the C .ml ol' rieas and (^larler .Si ssions, lo be held for thr County of .Mecklenburg, at the Courf-Ilouse in C'l.irliiUe, (in the'-llh .Monday in .May next, and tin.I mid there pb-ad nr repleVT, othern i»e jiuh^ r.ent by di finlt will be t.iken ai;ainst bini. \V il- 1 UA.\( IS w n„-sON. r’/ifniie. Or/. I."', I^-.ll. statj: i)r .\ortii.cARouyA, ■'iiu ht.K.vnt i.m; ( oiMv. T!io.s. X. Mexandcr . , ,^,^,1,,.,, a„ac;,nicnt. levi. ,, ,, , ■ eil nil the d' lendant’s inti r- ( olbrrt l knnik;in. ^ i„ alraetoflundon wlm h U III. I iennikin lives, adji'iniiig the lands of .Mar. MSS. Isaa,. Ale.v:,iiiler, Cletk ofm.r said ( i„rt al ^ ioes a.go.nmg Me Ian,Is o Mar. ofiiiv, the llh .Monday of Ci'iniary, |). " “.thers and olhers ; '1 «. Kvvi’ niviv'iw.i alfo, on one othcrtraet ol land adimniiig the lands I' I l.^.\.\i .\l.i..\.\,s Dl.li, f, HI, r. .• I 1 1,1 I .1 f’riec idv SM Cji-l I ,, ' .'ohn Allen and others. __ ‘ ' I B appear lo ibe satisfaction of tlie rf. 1/11. > /1 It'111 I I f 1,. . . n Com t. that Ihe dell'iidaiil is not an iiibi.bilaiil sT\rr or \orth ('\rou.\a, Mi: KM VI I I!; roi .\TV. I: a."^e l’ji-e and otJiers j f ' ing made aji omt, that Ihe deilndaiil is not an inhiibitant of this State, 1)ri!''n tl, iLi'n fun, tliat publication 111' made six vvteks, in the .Minirs' and I’armers' , . >. .hiiiriial, that the defendant apprar at the iic.xt 'If f Ao- MViiirl ol I'ieiis and tiuarter Si'ssiuns, to be he’d for Thimi« Orii-r and iill.ers, ^ -.mnly of .Mi'eklenbiirg, at Ihe Conrl-I louse B\ Ibis ea-e, it w as Oii/i iri/by Ihe Court, lhat |‘{‘^'•‘■•'■I;H"’ Uh .Mmiday in M«y n. xt, ami pnt.lieaimn 1«. made six wieUs in the .Min. rs’ I replevy, olhi rwise jnds. K l arm.Ts’ .lonrnal, to An hibald W hili and hi. , ' " ‘ " "■ w lie Susan, two of the d, f, ndanls, who reside onl ' ‘ "I ‘ of Ihr limits of this Siati, that imlesr they app.ar .''''''•y'*• ot tl;e neM Court of Cipiily to be held for .M,. k- ' : ^A > II..U, e. m.c. Ii'iiburir eou.itv, at Chi'rlnlle, on the 7tli .Moml.iy . .n.v. -, .j |,i. Hiter the Itli .Mmiday m .Mareh n \t, thi re to an- fv,er or plrad, Ihe bill will lie taken pro i otife‘so against Ibein and U' heard ex parte. I!y order, j 1>. K. Ml'NI.AI’.'f. ,a. (. i March 2. l^-S:?. Uirl w AUUA\ri-:i': ukkds Kill s\i i; VT rins orrii;i:. H nrn’iiliK ihahjW m!c at this Ojjirc. race of improvement and pros|wri(y, should, for their own sakes, step forward and set nil e.xainplc so worthy of imitation. 'I'liej' cannotlo.se by it; fiir if the work should •lot cemrnence, they will not Ik* rcijuired to pay iheir subscription ; and (he prohalnlity is, that (hey will 1m' grea( gainers in thu end. 'I’he undertaking, if [x rscvered in, mn.'-t lie profitable; and besides the advan tages of this nature, they will ha\e the jileas- mg satisfactioii of having patriotically en deavoured to arre^it our downward course, and stem the enervating torrent of emigra tion, which is now robbing us ofa valuable portion of our pupniatioii—ycirhtrn The author of “'t’he (’ivil Wars of Ire- kind,” just published, illuslrales (he ignor- yi'img man was i.iduccd toexcliiiiii, “ ladies compositor, and examine tho hand writing, orihogranhy was i,mwziii/i. w hen some remarks iiiid gents have you never heard ot’ ventrilo- IK W e like to see a person thrust his phiz ' " ''f'' made on similar li ais, he averred that ‘ iiolw. t|iiism A roiir .f lauL’hter from a ii aj .r-! into tiie ‘editor's closet’ and [.eop over his j spHI/'Uli pens made tiom the quills of Iri'ih geciie I' ” . - - it\ ot t!io rompany IlilK.wi'd the pi stum, slu.uider. 1. VN’e hke lo see ‘every man as the l oiiviction of the truth Ha'^lictl iipr.n woman and ciiild,’ give an editor advice, the si'iises, that oni; of' the companv ua>j ('nra(iii!i' of cour."e) and kindly tell him hi.;hly giltcd with the rare end ii*-tonl-huig ii'lie.i !• not pni'uea pa:ticnlar course, he . power oi' ventrilivjiiisiii! Vet :^o iliciil, A'l'! '''’I ‘ ' ‘I*''!''und |tiissibly I(,ose I, , I' wcr; some I'lipress'.! with the f in th' a • "i.; i Jvi.'t yo'i r' ader .’ l ii.,. ■ t.i; .. SlIKIin-'I'S DKKhS, ION l.'.;id.; --Id Tave--; (or Lands i^oM r :i \\ lit o' I I II I'ai las ; and ,br l- .iii.'^ V'n.ililMi.i 1 ' ,'omis—for e

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