MINERS’ & FARMEHS? JOURWAIi. I WILL TKAC H voi^ iC rKiNTKi) AND iM.'uusi^Ei) i.vi:k\ u i:i).m:.si)av, in Tii»i\s j. m)f/roN.w.rH vui.orrt:, mkc klkxiujiu; cuM y, norths arol^va. KAC H ywi TO PIKIICE THE BOWEW OF THK KAIIIII AMI) DKIMJ OI T KHOM TllK CAVI HNS OK THI! ^'NTAIN , \'UI^\V)C.L filVK STIlK.Vil ll TO 01 R HANDS ANP Sl'BJKCT Ai ATtOKK TO «.nu iiliV . Tl KSDW, 10, IHii'i. HU THK IWinern’ Sk, Farincrw’ Journal Is [trialed aiid [mbltshcd every VV’cdiiutiday niorn- ing at Two Dollar* and Fifty C'entt per amiuin, if paid in advtutce; Thret Uollan n year, if not paid until afU r the expiration of six nioiitliH. ADVERTISEMKN'rS wiH be inserted at Fifty cenU pr square (not exceeding ‘JO linen,) Ibr the find insertion, and 2o ccnts tor cacli Bucccediiig werk—or 91 for three week*, for one square.— A liberal diacount will lie inu4e to Uioih! wiio •dvertiHC by the year. ID' On all ^vertittenicutu «»niniunicati.'d for publication, the n«nih'r of insrrtionii mubt bt noted on the niarjrin of the manuiicript, or they will be coutiuued until lijrbid, and eharj^rd accordingly. •,* All coinmunications to the Editors niusiteanic free of postagr, oi they ntay not be attended to. i%KW iJpAMILY MFDICINF.:? of every if IX SOM, VTtiKV. The Co-partnership of H. iV J. Lindttuy if is tills dny liiKsolvod by uiutual eunseiit. |B EIL U()A]»S. ilie Kulei^rb Ui'tWcr. .'^ubhcriber havirij; purchused tlic eiitirrt .1. iV So.\, J- iiiterei-t in the Charlotte (toro of H. >.V J. | (irntlnmn ; It) 'iH‘ I riow^ve \0iibucli puitcuiais Kail-ilouil, us i)myaid in form tnist' .’liuricslon a correct eistiniatc ot‘ out' liuil-Koud Tojects. »' i i Mr. Allen, (iip ('liiof Kiig^icor, in liis last !ic*}x.>rt, cvliibils tlio lolldwjiig esliiuate kind are kept cunHtanlly on hand ^Qn & put up in readiness for sale. Also—A large supply of all celebrated ronjudies for iJj.^yptia, Lirtr Cnmplaint, Coiiglit, Rhtu. wtalitm, Ate. wiUi directions for Uke. All orders from families shall receive due atten- lion ; and as tlie Mcdicines arc all genuine, and tha priccs fixed and low, they will be as well fur- nished as whin present to selcct. S.f Physicians and Merchants can at all tiniCK be supplied by wholesale or itail, o«i resoonable C. MUKKISi)N^ € AiTiSeT \VARiriS01>*i:. subscribers take this op|)oitunily ol in- M. forming the ciliicns of Mecklcnbur:; and tlie adjacent counties tliat they have moved their C'abin«t Shop and Warehouse from 'I'rymi to'l'rade •truct, three dotirs west of the C’ourt-llouxe, » here tliev will keep on hand a rejfular assortment of all articlfs m their line of busincs!'. Huvini; pur- ciiamd an elejjant stock ol mahocany, they are f.iiidsay, will in future carry on the Mercantile trade, and the Saddle and llurucHK uiauufaeturii, liusiness, in liis own name,—and ex|KX'tB to constantly on hand a general nNsortnii'nt of A: I'aiivy llrv Ilardirarc, Vrockcnj, Gruccrics ; Paints, Difc Stujf'i*, Jlatu, S/ule.'!, KonnctH; SAPDUJtY, ‘'lllit* fo>,t of that lliul-lload : I of every dr.scription, at the most rtduccd prices. . l^^^i .MiJ' S nmv under rontructfor Punctual deuh‘r» can have a reasonuble indulgence, j _ hor Kuil-Uond Iron, - i All tiiotii: having o|)eti accounts and boiidM due Iron ^pikcK, . - , II. &. .1. l.iiulMay iV Hoskins, the sanic are paya- I I'iiiiig Aliiehiiiciy, - j hie to Jno. 1. iloskins nloi:e. I I.difto liiiiJgr, - | For the encoura'reinent heretofore rceeiu?d, i' 'I urn ()iils, . - I return iny sincere tlianks to the gtm rous ( ilizeiis , Inelinid J’Inne aiid Ppulilt Road,_ v of Aleeklenburg county an.j Jin ofeonltrua.ng KJ.V> .Milei rglhK SubserilM-r vri.hes to purchase a large I miln. I5tr. as HlCHIll JL qiiantitv ol llll>h.\ also aliout two hun- ^ i* ,i . n i i i i r . dred co,dsof /i.^«A'. ol-uhieh .ev.ity-fnc eords i «ro use.l on that Ki.id he add. lor of w hifi-ortk V. ill bo WBKtiiig this season, 'j'he j loconiotlvc jKiWer : highest prici * for each w ill Le {,-iv. ii. In iny nb. | to U- slali.nfd on inelinid plane, ? !i,nOO seiice apply to .Irio. ii. Hoskins, who »ill rt04 ivi .Six F,oeoniOti\. s, - - .‘1),0H0 both Hides and l!ark, and make payment lor the j and sixty waut^ons - ••-ame. (Jooils or ( a-li w ill bi'|;iM n, or a p;irt of | WuUr btulwns, ‘ - . a (tOU either, as may suit those who have tlie articles to "vlTruW dispose of. 1-arly applii ution tor engagements ’ wonid suit ni\ vii vvs betl. Fii>.-j:i,\r>:i-i. WM. McW. i.o.vt;. 'I'lie enquiry now what »|unntity of prfiducp, aiid uliat number of puasi'neers, would pa.ss on the road. In the absencc of all certain data, I submit the fdllowing Ks- con.phunce VKh my pro- Mc\eill\s Roporl of ot tlio (^‘oi„[iK^jities (rans|X)rtcd on tho Kiver •Iki- tween rayettnville and ^Vilalington iu tlio year ending 1st June 1631. 14,3IH Hales Cotton supposed ave S3ni,c:7 i3:t,MMi a,7 00 1,700 i.lJOO bi)li),OOU Making the whole cost of lloiid iind Lo- coniotiNe.'i !j;()71,00ll or !5i4,i)0l jicr mile. In conslriK'ting that Koail,alu r ci(;arii'" the ground uikJ i xeax.iliii” wlieie il was ui^ccssir) to attain the proj cr ie\fl, 1‘des aie i!n\en hy niachtuery uito tin; yromid on each side of tlie road, thus fnrmuig two rows of I’iks five li-et apart, and tliu 1‘iies (>i feet apart in each row. 'I'he Piles an; rajre 3001b. eac h 5i2f. IIhd. 'I'olueeo 1200 l.M.V) bush. Wlieat W) 10,!)5'( bU. of flour ‘?(I0 100 half do. 100 l, J.leaskpSerd 200 Uj liiirrels Spirits IlllO I buKliels .Salt jfi 52l».'> Mild. I’nics 1000 barrel:-. 3!i(i •2 jo C o.-'ks Lillie UOU .\rticlef not rnuniernted l'i.'ij;lit - 'I'oll 1,UT-l, too lbs, ti;n,ao« UUl.OOO 2,l!)l,b00 10,000 2:10,HOG 4,»(K» ' .1,G01,.184 !:‘,1!I5.000 7.-.,:io» i'Voto /Ae Maine Journal, iltA ulh The secret 1$ out, and the territory is lost i rt lias been virtually given up to the l’M;9i» dent, to be transferred by him to Great tain. The tact having leaked out by disi» cussing it in party caucusscR, and by variolifl other means, the llou-se on 'I'hursday fcvei ning referred the secret to the Govehiu^ and Council, to be divulged to the publiti when they might think proiHjn Yesterday, before the adjournitient, th‘# Governor sent a message to both llouseS tiiat the injunction of the secrecy was re moved. We were not able yesterday tti procure a copy of these secret procet dirigsi hut understand generally, tliat.resoiulioa'* tli?i"Pre8idehf, to appraise the value of thO territory, and agree upoti an equivalent it» land or money, the proceedings ot the coiii- missioners to before the next Legis- lature. from the Culuinbia /Sentinel, March I.'5. 7.tG-J tons at 10 cis. per mile. i.Ml^fO 00 Mchmrhaly Occurrmce.-On Tuesday, ' $sf.,284 f.4 ; at 12 o’clK:4i, A. .M. the ice in the Hudson Add for carryin; I’. States .Mail and ^ ^ I river, at Ituy vesant landing, bcgoii to givo riitibciigt rs - - - 1 river had at that tune risen to Total amount of r. eeipts - - 8110,000, 00 ' an unusual height, the water being twelvo From this .unoant de.lu, t v. ar 1 ■ H>et uljovc low water marA, covermg the \ ti tr ol l,,eoinotives’J.') pr. et. 1 ^ I doeks to the depth oi tour leet, and making Wear i\ teal ot'Uoad ui 10 pr. cl. 10,000 000 j ciitraiicc into most of the houses on the Supe. iniem!. nee, wood and oil I ' wliarves. tserious aiid wpll-grc.unded ap- lor I.'Ajn.uti'.i J - - j prehensions were entertained that every $05,000 I building along the margin of the river wouUl The art of incorporation allows the com-1 l>e swept away; but happily those tear* pai.v to cl.argc 4 cents for toll and 8 cents were not realized, the huildmgs for carna-e of a ton per mile, 'i’he above | tamed only a tr.lhnij damage. Iho ite 11,737,881 73C9ton*. 11,11!) I,I U 0»i I?. WOLI'I\C/r).y tV CO. theneutto the |iro[f*r height to pre'^erve m . Hjyr p.irel.aH d the llousr Shop and I,ot „ - r. . - . - . .wi’.Mr. Natlian nrown, opiK)-»ilc Uic jail, where i , . ** . i • i k • I yre|*red to execute .11 and every order that they iend. A picce ‘J leet long 0 h> 9 inches iuav Ik: fuvored with. 1 hanklul for the |mtron. ; brandies. 'I'hey have on hand a ger.er.1l as- with a mortice in each cud to lit the tenon Mirlmentof ttfiik of all description and qualities, | of tllC l‘lles, is tllOll placed Oil the l*ilcs a- «hih th. y will sell on aeeoinniodating terms.—I t|,g .^,,,1 |,i„[,cd fast. These \llnrwworkn;anufaeturcdl.ythe.nisv.arrur.t.d' ^ tvveUe months, excepting aecicli nts of all kmi'p. r o - I The 1m St ol' lir'ilx r and niati'rills made useof in . centre, there arc III a lliliG t’l.-, sup|)0rteu iuay age tiwy bare received, Iiope that by industry, low prices, and lupcriority of work they will merit a coDtinuanee. PR ITCH A KD A. NK HOl-S. Charlotle, Mar. h 20, l^^l. N.H. Two or tliree first rate workmen would meet witli conslatit niiploynicnt, if application he mrde soon. \n apprentice will siso b' tLlvcn to Ihi' above business, if well rceomm nded. i.'teud i continued to move for about two hours, and xoric’K. 1IIII: Subserib«'r will sill to llie hiirhe^t Md . dcr, in C'hwbtlc, on Tuesday of tht 6uj>c rior C«uit in M»y next, One Ifiindrid \rrcs of Lanil, cent, profit, after paying the annual expense and providing tor renewing the road every ten jears and the locomotives every live tluirwork. in:i*AlI!lN: of all description in ' hy l'i^4 Piles (or Posts as Ihey wi.iild be , lilt ir line will be ex outcd with punctuality and j culled in the coiiiinon language of the coitli- j ^ ^ ,l . de^pate)., aai on as rea>onsl.!e tcrnis as any in ■ v TheUail^ are tiliiced on thesi: tians- the State. 7 ( Uliirltintttiiii'’ HutiiUDi Will Ix i • ' . , ‘.•.11 1 , ; ‘a». i ^ y,,rv.e pieeen, and niaue ast Lv being let in- (:irric d on in all Its various branoiie*. | , 1 " 1 1 Tl, ■ sulweribert r. spteftully soiieit a pliite of 11'» them alx)Ut c inches and wuiofd jjocure- pulill.- (lairnnaire, hoping by a ttrici attention to | |y. 'I'he Rails are U by 10 inches, and as liii-iiips> Iht-y will be ei.liticd to and rec«-ive the 1 |y„j, obtained, not Icsti thlUl We r. turn our s.uecrc thanks l^jj; feel. The bars of Iron are pUu-ed .«> the inner edge of the UnU« and n^atk: fast by iron spike.?. T'ho whceU ww'd Wi tl»e estimate is made at onlv ten cents m Kail-Uoutl arc all of costjriHi, \w'h Ute in* trons^c heretofore reeeivtd, and hope we ^l-racing s rieh vein of Aurifc rous «)r.. of ,nor. nu r.t’a small sha. e ol the busi,.e« thanaqulrlerofamilcinl.ngth. The v, m has ; this place. A. If. W I ON & ( O. keen cx{>o« d at various places, and apjs'ars to Ix- j lint or two Apprentices will l>e lak n to the a- ■nilurinly rich. 1 shall inelinic in th« sale iny j Iwvc ISisim'ss, from 16 to 18 yearsot sge, if well I,n.^ edgO it the riui PI «»>ld Mill, slioutonc nillc and tliru* quurlris iVom j reeoininended aud of g»ol and steady ,, | (|i>|||iw> ■ |»tinTirC^|l|l' irJTfiTl I f j 't l'iii II prC. JI.0 Mute. Tl.» lan«l li« al^^fixc uules from \ U. It tHcTsme Ume and p!«ee, i lUlllUlMf •ItiU A' and keeps them on the bar Of iron. |br«e miimproved front and bsek l^tH, on Trade j ^ ^ AT IMtU V 11. SVI.K. ^ j{oad do«‘s not vary from a perfect ‘ level more than thirl J leet in a mile, except 10 per cent. P.ut will the bu-siness of the country furnish as much to trans[>ort on each of the i.oiiteinplatcd rail-road.s as was trans- j)orted on t.’a|)e. l'’ear river between Faj- elteville and SVilmington in th*t year? IxMik at tliC gen^raphy of the . 'tato; con-^ tiider the Ibrlility of the soil, the quuutity of produce now canied to other markets, tlic reat incremw^vf trade aud ot |>roduciioiMn and a Imlf above the lundinj[ sloiie Iniilding WO by 31 feet, and two sto nes high, with a mole surrounding it, four feet ill height. The water had risen to tho top of the mole liefore the ice began to move, which rendered the situation ol the inmates truly alarming. Soon the immense field of ico above was saen to swing from its moorings, and coining down with irresistible S>rce, struck the Light House, which in a moment was made a neap of ruins. here \v*»rej at the time, ten individuals in the building*^ four of whom, melaueholy to relate, were buried under the crumbling fmrtioa would necessarily OT the Tjigttt House, his wife, the daughter of Mrs. ^ an ;.ccuBio»-^pttrlkulariy of wheat. Cun.^ider Hoesen, and three other individuals, escaf^d how louch rke, full, tar and turi.eiiline trom the hilhng edifice, barely .11 time to would be eirricd from the lower to the up- save their lives. per CO,...try, ani] how miicli (lour, tobacco,! two daughters of .Mr. 'J >; » Ivc. wou!uV«3 carried from the upiK.r to the I years, and a son ot Mrs. \ -^s > lower coimtr , for home, coiisun.ptiun, and ; a^ed 11 and her intant c^iW. All must * ... . -I .1 I. icw 11-1 Kl t' nn\’r« liilitifi n llf?rfn?)l ifreet, with a lot of land of twcntr-Gve n-res, ad- W ill In-told ut pri% atesale wn; and six oreighl likelv Ni "i« s I “ '■^>'*■^1*11, ^RC ;*cri|-»!onJ. A llbeml ,rcdit will U | Mouse, Store.lio'.ite, t.iii- land and hrt-*. I5*ind» and apprcv- ' lioum and S rnv, 1 Inrue the (own to the vtillev of the Savantiali in dcsceiidm «f dilu-rrnt descrii allowed ad sccuriUcs .VrrcA .N’AVVAY irointhe subseriNr.on the:il>t ha.twog.KKl b.ltin;; loll.s and all oll.'rup-: are long enollgll to pn.-(er\e me level, so Moreh, his Bppn nliee bov by the n«m- ot I m pr*n1 nrdfr lor nwiiiutai lurin:: 1 !our in ttial III soim; ].aits ot the Hoad now ill Use, Mcdill, now liefwetn 1;) and M years ol age, ; „m„ner; li:is ,■» ;.''>od run o!'I)ti..ii/>s, and ' j|jy .jf,. joui leell feet ubovc the surface and was bound to me until he would Ik by bin ' (n.niiHered by s. IUi tk Ik bi lln' bf^t stand .• j, j father, N'ill .MeCtil’. re.‘idin;r inl iiml>erlaiid oun-j (-^,r „,„1 in l!„. Hisliif I. The Mtiniliun 11 ty, «hei.- it isrxp^’et. d h- will aim to c->; hi'had drsira'de; th' -t.ind as a Store is«. II -^l;ibli.-h- j U is liupossible to asreitain preci.sely llie o.t'when lie b rt me a green broadi loth eoat. light m„i to b.' inf. nor to non.'in tlii:'sir. 1 ^ost of ooliMnicting a Kail-linad utl any C'jiored sattini t pantaloons and a tine tur hi*; lie , jj,,,, „f rountrv. 'I he aUjVi' [irn|>t rty is situiitcd particular route, till aci'lirate iJ-urveN s Ullil IV aboutlcl 7 inches high, .lark hair and e)es. I |larnsburc, on the wal. r. ..fSugar ami Me \1- ,,,,,,e, . i,„. ,„,rhui>s tlie fol- ■1'!,.. slK,ve leward «ill !«• pnid to i.ay ,H rson that I , n ek, in L.uieaster iJ.btrict, n. ar th- .Nortli J '"'W' ’ I" » ill bring him Ui nu\ but i.* ehnr'jcs. All p r^ms n,i lim-. »ri- her. by lbre«arned from employin;r or (litrbor. j | , pl.ovs eiin l^e found in t!.i> eonntry oilVr iiig said apprentice, as I am determined loen.orte ! j,,, ni.inv local ndvaiita''. s tin aliove, there- f.irc |M r; ii’s \nshin;,’to i-iv. .| their im.'uy in the M«r( ;inlili I.inr .M.d Millini: l;llsl^le^s ari, invili d to e.ill and vii w tin’ prrmisi *. l or t'.Tm'. rthi-Il will !"■ niuile ea.-y) api'ly to the subscriber li'iing on the |irhum s. D.VN. c. ( I.AKK. . »/aii/2UM=:i'.V I lowing I'stimate, ly giving some general power each. Suppo^e the v were to trav el, 1-s lamily trom their |K^ri ou.. situation, St the moderate rate of 10 miles an hour ! but, ow mg to some lurniture, cVc. they were and c.irrv tilty toi.scacli, they would traiis- 1'»>« prepared to leave the huildiiiL' until it .,r,t l.^o'tote.' 101) miles 111 ten hours! The ' «•> l.iH-uiid then loo late lor soaieoi limount to be transporled according t.. the ‘1*^= unlorlunate inmnt.-s. _ aiiova e.'timate is ^,01.'-^ tons |ier annum. | (itor^ui in relation to the (iohl Mines, ,\t i;M> tons per day, it would take only Ol i j—i^ve latelv had the plea.sure of ex- davstodothe w hole year’s work. Ue?ults | ,nany curious and interesting me- liic law amiuot any one tint w ill do po. A. I.’. \MI.MNSl)N. Cha l-tle, April .1, 1*^32. The IMitorofdic Fay'lt villr rv r ill jlrvst insert the above tliret weeks and I'oruard 1.4s sccounl to this othee. , !• i . (• I uavs 10 uo nil- «iiuii; >1.11 3 I ammiiii many curious anu iiueresimg mc- id. a ol the cost, may atlord-soine saUslac-, startle the mind and dispose ; ,„i,;oral smicimens trom the mines 1,0,1 to Uio.0 who oesire iiilormalioii 011 t.ie .lulity. Notl.iiig short of actual | ,,f n,,iH,.rsham and its neighborhood. Iron J'"’' * ■ exiK'rieiice can satisty us that it is possible. I oro,lVoma verv extensive mine near Clarks- 17 Tons of Iron may 1h’insert, d aial d.livered exporiencc we shall soon liavc, whetli-j exh'ibitod. A foundry is tlicro 1-^w'l’nmsXs lb. »:>^>sfuct our raiUroads or not. Uur ' p.,tahlished, which if supported by capital. f V. Y IIDI’SH (tin Post.oTiee) (m tin- I'rossstrM t, a I. w yards r.i.itli-westol theCourt-Iloiife, in Lijrninluii, .N. C. I - atrain o|s ned lol the reeeptmn of Triivelli rs iV U.iarders. The stables are extensiv*', r smiy nnd dry; guin and pio\i ni!er of the best, phntiiul, mill served bv g'snl hostlrrs. The housf has ma ny coml'oitalile rooms, senes a gisid table and re. t'rrsJiinent:!; and ill- proprirtor and his fimily | will omit nolliing in tluir |»>wer to m ike it most qiin t nnd agreeable. I ivtf IV n. Kor.\sAM!,i,i;. "r/’i iiToFlstturiit'A iioLi,\ .1, Ml.f Kl.KMiriti; « Ol NTV. fsSttc I’rice and othir.s » J.J f t Diiil nf I (/Hi/y, All- r.ionias Crier and oth.Ts. ^ •'•'"‘f"' 7.«i, i?:U. N this cave, it was Oidirrit hy the Court, that (Mlbliealion Is- made sijt wreks in tin .Miners’ A 1 armers’ Juurmil, to An liibald >Vhito and his r, ill' SiiMn, two of the d ronilantu, who n snle out ..r the limits of this Stair, lhal oidesstliey apis ar at tho next Court of Fqiiity to be held lor .Merk- IrnleirK eountv, ut Charbilie, on the 7th Monday alter the Ith !V1onda\ in March m xl, thrre to an- SHir or pbad, the bill will hi taken pro eonfesso spaiiibt them ai.d be beard 1 \ parte. Ity ordi r, 1). If Df.M.Al*, f. HI. e. Alareh 2, IS:«. "'I aisl C'licraw. I ri^iii; sri:\M r.o.vT I 3IA(’t)\. 1 , 'npt J. ((iraliani. tiavin,: j ixfu 'ngau'id th- hit sum- | ' mi r 111 the trade ruMiin;; b-tuei ii ( barb .‘ton and j ICheraw, calling at (..orgetowii on her *-.iiyu|ii I and down, w ill t' sume her tiips in the eoiirse n! I I a low days, nnd i.s iiitt nded to be eonlinu-d in tin Ilni(letlic I nsuiiig .reason. The e.\-i eding li^'lit I dralt of watiT, draw iiiL' onlv tijur and a half li'et ' wh n l.iaih d, will I iiabli lier lo reai h ( her.iw iit all tiin-s, except u|s.n an une..mmon biw river, will a 111 r cargo \wii Ik light*ned at the I of the Hoat. ( omforlable aeinmnioilatiolis ibr a few piir-.M'ii. ^ers, witli all due utlention. J. i;. ci.oi iiii. at eur wharve.- at s.)l pi r Ton 12(HI li'in Spikes will eo>t M ^t^. per lb. IGJ4 riles ol'dili'erent lengihs not hewtd ut Cl Ills . . - . -1'} TransviTse I’leres '.t iVet loi;'; |. by II iiielies coiinlini siik amiidge lUli.ill 10..'iiii) Kiinning li tof i’ails (i by 10 iiithrs do do do 1 lO'-ll It. 2ii:i ft. J*.’0 per UIOO It. !t;i,;io i cr we construct our rail-roads or not. ^*ur ' which if supported by capital, n-ighbors on each side are engaged in siiii- , u is thought, an ahundaiit siip- ilar works, which w ill be iu oi>e‘ralion in the ' for almost any demand. A yel- coiirse of next year. e can then sec the „ among the collection, ta- erti'Cts ; and as> ours «ill not bo well under fi-om a very large bank ^^hlch r-llltr.^ way by that tune, we may profit by their j|,e application of fire ; with a bluo llaine, and the sudden explosion of jx.wder. It is doubtless from its smell, when burning, a sulphurous mineral, which might Ik! ap- Ani't. of cost of materials to one mile Curjieiiters work, ?'.'jO. l>ri\ mg I’ilea :!;.o Clearing fjiound and i «ntini;eiH'ie3 I The co“t pi r mile on t!ie most t’avi?rablc ground, .... S-2.-.()0,n0 To this sum, add for I'.ngineering, sujM’r Bn this cave, it WHS ^hd,rnl hy tlie Court, lliat _ Charleston, Srpl. 2fi, •'■>'■1 IMibliealionlK-madesijt xvieUinthi .Miners’ ()/.' OUTHl' i HO LL\ A, Mi:i tvMiMsi in; eol > rv. ('iiiirl Ilf riciis anil Quiirl'i Stsmuns, I'llruiinj 'i'nm, I Thos. N. Alexander . o, i-iual attaclunent. levi. j, ,.„s, e.i()()u p.-r inilo on the most (■(! on the deienilanl s inlet- l,-,i u ColbeM^JJennil^in. ^,,^1 ,„l'l,„„]ouwhieli laVOUIilbli- hKMlloll. It till. Kout W m:Vb nnikin loes, adjoiniu- the lands of .Mar- require extensive excavations, the cost Would irarct Mel.eiiahaii, llenj. W lathers and others; irreatU exceed this amount. ^\ ages and also,on one otln r tract of land ad joining the lands pr,,v|viuns lieiiioeheaper hOH! than ill SiUth- - ~ '>'■ J;‘l‘'’' All- >“‘';'l''hers. (V,,„liii.i, wc could construct a P.oad for le.-s 4'oiisnfnliou CourMbuM‘hel"l;n.hnt1s1?oM^ than it wotil.l co^t there, and l.y availing VM> OF Tin: I MTr.l) M M l.N. J'l)|{ Sale ut this Olbi e, a (• w eopii s of a , ^iv w eks, in Ih- .Miners' uiid Faniie I’aniphlet lonlaining Il.t' Ciiir Mn//oi(i iij We I u|,|,iar at the nevt exjieiietice. In conclusion, p'rinit me to observe, that I "Il " having paid any very particular at- ^ —I' ; teiitioii to the sulip'ct, 1 voted against the i,y ehemieal process to very useful !slbl-.>,:iO I for i'liaking the surveys, lie- j pyrpose's. iUock tin is also found in great (;no jcausi' 1 had scarcely a hope that either tho ■ ,juj|,tities in these regions. 'I'he silver oro ‘J.m,7o i Legislature or any incoriKirated eonipany 1 .j jjjir specimen, and from abundanco ' w ould engage in a work so costly ; and 1 ' j,roves the riches of the mine from which it doubled the ultimate success of tlie woik, iai^(.„. Hut tho “Gold blossoms” ot even if it were undertaken, t^ince then, I .course attracted our att*‘ntion most, the/ inteiidinir, excavaling, whVn nece-saiy to have oxamined the sul.|,‘ct more attentively, 1 various, (.enerally speaking, tho preserve tlie level, and the additionarco.^ i and am now pertcetly satisfied Uiat nothing ! |„,re white chrystal aud the yellow quarts ‘ is wanting to insure the success ol at least —j„ ^vhicli the gold is most trequeiitly ein- ono of the rail-roads, but for the coinmiinity , are considered the surest tests for loallend to the subject and obtain siitlicient !., information from correct calculntioiis.— 1 'i'|,e s|Keitneiis were exhibited l»y .Major 'I’he aboitive attempts at Internal Improve- j Heath from IJaltiuiore, w ho has lately ex- ment 111 otir State, and the lienvv losses | (i,e jrold region. His stateinent^»^ sustained by tluwo who iulvenliired tlieir j ,.„r, oborated the reports and s[ieculations of lould I nioiiev, has produced a prejudn e against „ho have turned their attention la ever) attempt (4'the kind. It would Ix- this siihjiHrt. From him we learn that tho easy to show why each of those attempts |laber-!u‘Ui mines are immensely valuablo failed, and that the caires whicli produced j—1,^ Jyubts not that the mines ot tlm those lliiluif's would not operati* to ilcleal i('|u>rokee country will bo found on taither the rail-fo.id .scheme ; but huving been al- j examination, rieh aluiost beyond calculation ill the precious metals, hut in minerals and curiosities ol the I most choice cabinet, robber who was seized for stealing _ it e.xcite .speculating aMrice to of Piling in places which require the road to tie raised much above the surt'uce to pre serve the h'vel, and it would probably swell tho cost to .'jH.'iOO |K-r mile. This might Ih! sull’ieieiil to construct a Kail-Uoad over !i level count rs ; but over a broken country 01 this Stale, ()riIiiiil,tlicn foir, that piiblientioii 'oiirselves of their exjierieiice, avoid many 1 ready sutliciently j ii»l I'uly in ■ of the errors and disam.ointments incident \ ours,\c. J A.Ml..s U I Cl.i.. | the various m I „iUd Slatcs,'Wu (■o,:::!Uutwn i.J ^otll.t V/..,j*','‘,‘,1 h','.'" ami tiiiart" r S. ssioii's! to beiichiVJr "udertaklllgs. »iidthe/>fr/iiro/i»Ho/ ln,lii>niJi uri. I rn e,~’.-el>. | (\,„„ty of ,M. el.lenbuig, at ih- (curt-1 louse Supi»osc then that we could e.on>. ITTiTiVV I I'.^11 ivi'l'l'ikJ I ill Cli.iilolti, on th- !tli Monday ill May 111 At, ai.d Ifail.luiaii tor - l^llr.ilvll' 1*^ I ) I’i I I tin n and tin re pb ad or lepb v\, olhi r»vis- jiid;;- Three 1.111 «iooli\i s at ^r.i,000 - 1>OU I.ands sold lor Taviv under a \Vi it of I 11 ri I'11 iobl uiidi r .1 V. til uf Vi.iidui nt 'hi' Utlktf. ; liir t.ands told ills ; end ;i r I...nds for sail jiid j im 111 liy d-liiult will be taken r.'^ainst hiin. il- I'.i^hty W ai:i,ous m s^ If’aae Alevand 'r, Clerk ol'oiir .said I 'oiirt, al Water stations ot’icf, Ih- llh Mmi'i.iv of Fi bniarv, I*. l'-;f2. 1 I'.a; li.VAC ALI.XAM»i:i!. e. m. f. Ti-taJ cost of 100 uilv'’. • truet lUO mi'es of I.'.,(100 ]„,„U0; oi exc..-...^ ^ ‘’,IMI(I il „ ii; >h \irbadc a ma-i i.r-i ef the s'lbject. '' " .NVtJ. vnutV in tiie shop of a lohai^coniM, hy wa\ j adventure, that we lum; Jiiveii this short •UM.ig hiniM-lf cxelaimed, that he had :-o lo draw the at- far more noblf * to tiihr ,'yij,.

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