MINERS’ & FAMMUMIS’ JOVRNAIi. -491 PlllNTED AIvb ^*lJIILl^a^^il»"Y:VKHY TlTKSUAli , liS 'riHOIAS jrir7>L'n»\r...i^C \ tOLxNT^ NoYi ril-C AttOLINA. VOf^ II. I WIl.L TEACH VOO TO riF.RCt TIIK BOWtLS OF Tim rARTII ANU rilINO OI’T KI'.O.M TMK CAVKKNS OP THK MOU^rAl^H, SII TIIS U HK Il \M1.L 'tlVt. fTKi;Ni i 11 TO Oiril IIANIja AN’D Sl'BJBCT AI.L NATUllK TO Ol/R USB AND PLIASURE.—DR. JOIINW.N tue;vi> 17,18:i2. NO. 82, THE l?Iiner»’ 4c Farmern^ Journal lb printed and publiithcd every Wednesday inorn- iiig at Tiro Dollan anti Fifty Cents per aiiiiuiri, if paid in advance; Three Dollar! a year, if not paid until nller the pxpiratioii of nix months. ADVKRTISEMKNTS will be inncrtid at Fifty List OF j.ktters rcmahiin^in I the I'ost«)fficc, at 'hnrlotif, April Isf, I A—Rev. A. Anderson, fiolit. Alien, Andrew A- lexand'T, Mrs. C. E. Alexander, Dr. Wm. L. Aus- ton, MajiThonrtBB Alexander, ll' nry D. W. Alex- ander, (^yruK Alexander, Kliai Alexander. B—Win. Ilurton, (tunner) il, Chnrleii Brown, A. L. Harry, t'ilns Host, Andrew 1’. Hailey, Win. Uit;- RA1L HOADS. / 4 \ *1., I ham, Wm. Ulnrk, 2, iliieh AI. Barn'H, Win. M. ocntHperBquare(not_excerdinK20lmes,)forth^^ fir«tm.ertion, and 2.. cents for each Biiceeoding [ John Brown, Absalom Black, 'i h.s. (). week—or «1 tor Uircc wteka, for one nquure.— | Black, Alisu Jane Byram, J. 1). Boyd, I’cter M. A liberal discount will be made to those who adv(Tti»c by the year. !l. T On all advertiscinentH communicated tor publication, the number of insertions mu.sl be noted on tl«(' margin of the manuscript, or they will be contiiiued until forbid, and charged accordinply- All r^mmnnications to tije Kiiitors must come free of pontapr, or they may not be attended to. Brown. C—tJilbert Cawder, Andrew Caldwell, David C; %»I'\FT WAKKUOINK ■ >>11'* KUbwribera tako this opportunity of i tbrminff the citizenc of Mecklcnburir and Caruthers, Jainen Cook, John and Wnsliina-loii leilgflicnod train fit'trc.ismi’s, li;i>e Cxcectl- ('raven, Taieb Coke, Margaret Canon, John CoK--n,'d (1^, oxpectJitioil-i of tliC m«iSt Rc iciltilic, Retard Caf. |‘leligl'tcJ tlic sp.'c.iUitiv.', an.i asli.iiisliH all O-JohrZbunlap, Joshua Daniel, Joshua A. ranks and coiiditioi.s wlio have witucascd Dinkinf. E—Wm. D. F.vcrett. 'I'hc earliest iiccniiiit-? \vn liuvn of i Jiil- E~Win.'I'. Flanagan, Andrew Flanagan, Isaac | jg „,• j|,j, \,.^vf-asllc tniniN ; ' G-Mr. Cinkins, Dr. J. Gilmer, Wn.. Glaas, I- , ‘'*^V sane Grier, Sam. Gordon. i to Ijoiliatu tlie work ol lioi'Hes ; llK^nc t? lor- II—Will. Hunter, Thou, J. Holton, Dr. J. B. S. j wnrd tlipv wprr LTiuiiiiilly adopted. In Fip”i liir lY'iJ’-' n/. toiiii' r aiitl I'm^uirer. LlVERruOl. AAD MANCHEt'TKU KAIL- WAY. Thf! perfection to whirli this niiKlo of tranaportation has arrived, considering its recent introduction, is truly surprising, us wnll to tiio tneclitinic, as to tlie casual ob- . i- i » i r. server; for the fi.cil.ly ami power oftltc beautiful iocon.otivc ..titn, enoine, tnoving contemplated in.provcments. Ihe on its almost iVictionlcss piitli, with its not the case , on the contrary, it has gra- (iimlly iiicrt^ased, as Vou will (wrceive from the annexed oHicial statement—from this you may also judge of the permanently ben- clicial results the undertaking promises, not only to the community hut to the share holders. The Bharcholdcrs have only di vided 4j percent, for the last half year’s for tho contemplated improvements lOOi. shares ar« now at 5i09/. Tons of Goods During the hnlf.yenr ending^ 30th Jiiiio lu!it, there were eonveved In tween .ilanchester and (.iver- pi.ol I)uring’ the half-year ending 3lst December last, sent IiicrcaJie Goods tor nollun and other parts ot till KiHd during Ihe iiull-ytar ciidiii;r .'iOlh June Ditt'jdilto foi the lialf-year ending Iiicrcaso for the half, ar .-iidinp .'tOMi June (iding tJie 31kt Du. made m>on. An appre lie al'ove bu»ine»«, if well recommended. NOTICK. 11IIK Suhncriber will sell to the hi?h» Bt bid. . der, in Charlotte, on 'I'ucsduy of the Suj>«- lior Court in May next. One Hundred .‘Im.t of Land, emhracinp a rich vein of .Auriferous Ore, of more Increase 35,833 50J>34 I4,3eu tons. 6,1 lU tons. 5,.{OS tons. rhasrd «n d«i;ant stock of mahogany, th-y »rc , J—David JinkinR, Charles Jones, Dr. Thos. J. j of railway under jjroiirid. I’ut now in the i ’'"j 'P • pr.paredtoexecutc aU audever»wder that they iJoiinfKin. rilma^^ | dltll rcnt parts of Walt s Olllv, th. re are may be favored «ith. riiankful for tho patron- K—John Karr, 2, James Karr, John W. King,' r,,,. i r i . ■ c . ctiubt-r ./they have received, bo^ that by industry, low Edward Kean, Janii.s Koneir. j pOO tmlesol railway ; a gicut many in bcot- priers, and supe/iority of work they will merit a I,—John I.aWaori, Daniel Ledwell, Jacob Ltni- land nild in l‘jnfluiid also. | _ . ^ - eontmuancc. ly, .Sam. E mly, Miss Elir.a B. Eowrie. ' Steam was fii.'^t sii'irestcd as a niovinc j ’ rRITCHARD i NICHOLS. M-lx.renzo Mcriiman, Harriett;. M’Ginn, El- ^^^er i\>r curriaires in tlio ye.ur 175‘), but Ch..rloMe, March 20, Is31. 6itftJ |e„er •'lontKomerv, Jo«euh 'l.: omK jras ‘Me lf-(14-and how >^on. entered in the comna. N. I!. Two or three tirst rate workmen would i Eure, Hugh »McI,auijhhn, Mujh McDowell, 2, i , iuhowii trs enii,r( u m uit comp*, me. t will, constant employment, if application be ' (Jen. Mieha.I .McLcarv, John .Mrl.auchlin, Cas.; dei ully it lias siu.cee.inl ' n) s bo;ks .mni - tl«; hult-yeur uentice «ill alfo be taken to per Miller, John McKullen, James 11. AlcColloch,; 1 he Liv. rjiool and M.lUchcMcr railway, Wlh June David .Mcakdean. I is un.iucstional.ly the finest work of the kind •||t'o’'-di>ig Jl»t Dtcuniber N—I,aban Norwood, Mr.Xeel, Nat. H Nelson,' j|,yj j,,,y j.xecuto«l ; but in consc- O—Rev. James Ohborne' Dr. .M. O’Reilly, Jas. Mr.. E.Norment, John Neely, Esq.. A.B.Nosthrop. ofihc ma;,mificcnt scale it is wronoht Orr. 1’—Dr. Wm. Parham, 3, l^'vi Parks, James Peoploa, Mike Poke, Pu>tor or Deacon at Wilbon Creek. R—JoH. W. Ross, 3, Thos. Rutherford, BiTiliifn than a Muartrr of a mile in length. The vein has 1 R—'oh. Ross .t, Tlos. KuttiertorU, l. r.,iifn - Increase C',5;)5 upon, and the iiiiprovenients ;ont(*nip!ated, ; Bcinjr upw.irds oi 33 j«r cent. Increase for the last If,' Its cost will prove to Le mo-t enormous.— i '"ouths Itryond the first six months of the year, ■>'*'Yet, notwitlistaiKlin- that lieioht of 1 * I- i‘ II I ' u rs rulwecii the two tow IIS ilunng thu correspond- aiKi outlay, its prohts> ol relurnwill Lh? vitv hy(» luoathsprcviiMj.Kly tno|K’uiii^thtmil-wiiy. As rt spi Lts Uif revenue, thid hus iucr«a§ed of’ uaimprov •triet, with a lot of land of twenty-five aerts, ad- .'itephens, Hiiph Smith, .Alro. Susan Smart). i t joinint; the town; and six or eight likely Negroes, i 'I';—S;im. '1 ay lor, 2, Sam. 11.^1 odd, Uobt. Fodd., uf different dcucriptions. A liberal credit will b’, —‘^‘o. U m...ton, Robt. P. 'J‘ley, Andrew liandsoine tilillicl, is thereloie «lk..ved on the land and lots. Bond* and approv- J" ' aU-Ut to l,odrucn to the centre of the town, ed securitiea »ill be required in every case. Waiishtn, A Jo.in \\ ilson, (^tnsn,; Joiiainan -i'- , . . , , , bTEN. FOX. Wrights, John E. Walker. j that is, to the present hay market, which ,lf«reAJI6,1^9. Twentv-li»* Ki'ward. UANaWa Y from lh- subscriber, on the 3Ut .Mircl^ his appn ntico boy by the name ot Mrdt'l, now bi tween 19 and 20 years of ope, and was hound to me until he would be 21 by liia father, Neill MeiidhreKtding in Cuiubi'rland conn- Ir, wbcve it isci|Hctcd he Mill aim to {ro; he lad on when lie U-lY me a ((rccD bronlclotli coat, light j they were taK»-ii down into (ho town by ' Onuiibit^se., wiiich wrn* Ibiind verj incon- fbri^rehan- A tniuicl, is thprcioio iJise J'or halt-y«ar ending .‘tOth Juno was Ditto ibr last half-year 1A1 WM. SMITH, P. .If. I siiall iiave an easy inclination, be well ligh- j Inere.ise r«/imw7 .?//// A' ion ‘“'y® its ■tcniK rature at all times |r,,e revenue fro'reoal for AT l*KI\ATI; NAEE. j equal to the atmosphere tor the iise and j half-yearendingSOtli June Willbesoldatprivatc^ale purposes of the pa,s-..ngcrs only ; and this a Grist-Mill, D»eliinc-i it is calculated may Ije eH cted lur a princi- Housi!, Store-house, (Jin. 1 pjc sum e(]iial to that whose intore^t is now lioust; and Screw, 1 large I annually cuii'-utiied by the cost of the in convenient and dilator^ omnibuss»'s. w as i l^ittu ditto for la^t hulf-year 14,G^a 17 7 f?l,875 0 1 31,I)b5 18 4 U.210 Id 3 218 6 0 6'ta 10 7 Increase MaVin" a total increase up- on this lb.st half-year, aa coniparixlwith the preced. ing, of 474 4 7 31,314, 0 5 llnrn, Muiii.«, and other neeeftHary out-uuiuiinus, on wiieii IK-M il nil n ((iiJtu V.MUI., i.i-... several (food Spring* of watiT, and 2o5 acres fresh j . cMlored Futtiuet pantaloons and a fin* fur hat; lie | land, more or leut, part of which is under c^ood fence. | A ho “locomotives, or steam engines, is sIm.uI feet 7 inches high, dark hair and eye?, i The Grist .Mill h.is lately been rebuilt, and is of' employed on the way. are increasing in Tho almve reward will be paid to any person »uUican tuixe tq adniit of another pair of runnerst^i number and domanil; the c'jachcs and wag- . trillfcringbimionk‘,biitnochar^. All wrsws .'p. |‘ ^ j„ jp,, j„g I luiprorrnii nf.—It has be^en many years ari hereby forcnarned from ^ploying « barbOr- j ,ralus in good Older lor nianufaetnriflg Flour in . •i,iii7lie efli'ct of tiieir swiHIv mov- ■ siuce there has existed Siicll a feeling in re. i„K . id ap,.renli.e, as I am determin.-d to entorce | , good run ol Uusines*, anl ! »'«rous—anu tl t . tkct o Uieir s.Mtly mo> . . the Inv. aguinst any one that will do mo. 1 j, considered by old s.ltlrrs to be the best stand I'lg '"otion, and rorularity is trigst pleasant I guiil to M.il e^,tdte in tins town as is now A. G. \V IEMNSr)N. j j,u.i„es.H in h'lc District. Tho Mtuatioii to tiie pas.scn"er, now, a.s the rattling wheels j echo through the chasms of Ihe deep cut CkmrlMte, April 3, le?32. 3t*2 I ,>c,jrabl«-; tlie stand as a Score is well cstablish- • The Editor of the Fayettexille Obsr\'rr will ! rd, and thought to Ih3 inferior to uone in this see- pli.iM' insert Ihe above three weeks and forward bis arcnnnt to this ortie\ ^CliarleHloii and I’lKTaw. I1HE STEAM BOAT , rocks, or, as they swiftiv glide over the pic- pin’s Creek, in Lancaster Diktrict, near the North . undulate m e\on velotity oxer the level Carolina line. I mosses, (ioinls are frequently forwarded Few places can be fonnd in this co'jntry ofl'er-! }jy niirht when the “ pilot engine” going . T r r hnvin. I"" '"'’“v' '’’T' I b^'f'>'. ^:*» gl'c light, atid coiiduct jCapt. J. C . tirahniiu ha%ini5 lorr lo invu5t fhuir moiicy in the ) . . * t • I been rnjfagtd thi* hbt mim- i Mercnntilu Lim ttiid .Millinjr Hu^incss are invitctl , saJrt} , nur in the trade, running between Chorleston and call and view the prf mise*. I Tiie .soims or frosts in winter, are found prices have taken place. Among those m:ide, we mention the tlillowmg as ample evidence of the above assertion. Dwelling house and lot on Green-street, near the Coint-flousi*, formerly known as the Ingram house, for vt hichayear ago could not have been sold for ^lUOO. Dwelling house and small lot on ILimsay Ik raw, eullitig at «orgelown on her way up and ilown, will resume her trijw in the eour»' ol a w days, and is intended tei be eontiiiiieil in the ti,u)e the ensuing season. 'Fhe exeeeding liL'ht rirstt oi‘ water, drawing only four and a half fi i t nli. i. loadt.l, will riiable her to reach Cheraw at a:l times, except u|kiii an uncommon iow river, whi ii li r cargo will be li;;htencd at tlio expen.se '"comfortable aecommodations for a few pusscn. j B- interest in the Charlotte store of II. & J. j To the iron rail.-!, on enibanktnents and on grr.', »ith all due atlentiou. i Lindsay, will in future carry on the Men antilc —.s»*lt'.nctinc “breakers'’ are to be J. B. CE()1';H. trade, and the Saddle und Harness n.anufaetnrh.g , precaution tak- r»ar/«Mn. 5.V;rf, 26. lt31. Sblf | Business, in his own name,—and exprets to keep; I I «- I constantly on hand a general assortment of j eii to prevent any sad tx;cui renco. I i IIOUSK {the Po.-i.oflice) ^ Fiiiifv 1>1*V liOOlN. ! It has bt'on before mentioned, that sever. Lai iVfl- on the Cross Htrcet, a few ysrds , ‘ i • i al brani'h railways from other places join in..in.«tsiofiheCo»irt-House, inA.t. j •roicnts, I this, and it has recently been determined, IS again o,K ,.ed for t^hcreception^^^^^ . nn / V ' that the one intended to be formed from Ihe stablo are extensive, rowiiy anil j SItOfX, Bonrutu; SADDJ.FAll, For terms, (which will be made easy’; apply to to have no n;tarding c|]iTt, and this is a tl» sub.eriber living on | great triumph gained over the ice clad slow rri»THury 2Uf. 1''32. 'TAf caiiai. Accid nts, us on all roads, will oc- — occasionally, hut in this way the avur- „ _ . . r / , ir I 1 ago, consuieriiig the numlier travelling is Tlie Co-tmrtnorship ofJ. / in(/.iny‘V 1 .• ii .i .i . i- .i i i i is ihis day dissolvod by mutual cUent. !i r a^iibscriber having: purchastd ihv rntirr gtiurd rails arc ho\ve\cr to lio (jlaccd close Hoardtrs. 'I'hc 8tabl«w are i;\ton:»»vc, rooniy and j »VAofX, BonmtiS; SADDhFAlM^l..' . , i n i * dry; grain and provender of the lK..t, plentiful, description, al the most reduced prices. «'•/'"‘"Khaui, shall Join tins one by way o a,Id M-rved by go«l hoMh rs. 11" hou.e has m,- ^ reas.mablc indulgence. I " arrilig on, whence to Liverpool it wi I |H)wcr JR. D. ROI’N'SAVIEEn. STATE OF MniTIl CAROLiyA, MK.( Ki-r>ni Bi; cotvPY. j ^ Cnurt of I'lrat and Qnurtrr Settiout, riliuary ^ ggjfff.ff 'JTaHmUark llVfil/f’rf. 1...-reasonable indulge...V. All thobo having open accounts and bonds due ' be 19 miles, or to ,'ianchesti r it Will be 24, ny coinfortable r^rns, rerves a g.sxl Ubie ajid re^ , _ fn shincMts; and the proprutor and his family jj J. Lindsay &, IJoskius, thu same arc pnya-j and from Warrington to Birtninghnm will omit nothing in their iKiwer tomakcU iiiost , *•' ( ,, r,., , ? r,uict ai;d agreeable, littt blc to Jiio. G. Hoskins alone. I miles. I'liis latter railway at an estimated For the eneoura^pmient heretofore received, I ^ „f 1,100,000 is cal. u'late.l to I,ay 14 return inv sinccre tlianks to tho generous cituens; , .i i ■ . it of Mecklenburg county and its vieinity. 1 ''Usmess is expected to Ik‘ 7,', J NO. G. HOSKINS. I priHMgious, ior fhe iron manulactnrcd in Staflbrdshire and the neighborhood is said Vacant lot on Union street and Maiden- liane, called the Chamber’s hit, for SlVJOO. riiis lot was sold a few week’s previous to the fire, with a hrge two story dwelling house and all necessary out-hoiMes upon it, for S1050. 'I'he houses having beoa burnt olT, the naked lot has sold for -Sl-OO. Vacant Store lot, 20 feet front, an Green street, near Market Square, for ^l‘JOO. Vacant Store lot, ^0 feet front, in thtrjam next to Mr. Kyle’s store on Market Square, for S1700. V'acant lot on Hay street, formerly the U. States Banking House lot, 103 feet front, for S1000. Vacant lot, nearly opposite the aiiove, 42 feet front, for f^JJOO. Vacant one acre lot on the comer of Bur gess and Old streets, purchased for the pur pose of erecting a uew brick ftlethodist rhiirch.f.ir^JlOOO. Vacant lot, corner of l’iurges.» and Hay ,;trcet.s, 3G feet tront, lor .?1200. Vacant lot ou (Jillcspic street, feet front, for -$:00. I’pon all of tho above vacant lots, prcp- The Ucform.—One of the greatest ob* jeets of the Reformers who combined to put down Ihe lato pure and ptriotic Adminis* tration, w as avowed to be a rt^ducti^n of th* expenses if Diplomatic Intercourse. IIom^ fur they have succcedtKl in this interesting and laudable purpose is seen very clearly it) a few simple facts stated by Mr. Clnyton, in a ilebate in the Semite on Wednesday last* We quote them asfollows, without commcnti The ekpense of Diplomatic Intercourse, For 1828, 5d For 1B29, 137,.'itiO Two ycara of Mr. Adanis, $286,500 For 1H30, I214..'i0() For 1831, 210,000 Two years of Gen. Jackson, Exces* in 1830 and 1^'3I, The appropriation now proposed for iho same ex|)enditurcs, in the year 1?«32, is Si‘.'30,1.50, wanting but fifty thousand doU lursoftlie whole sum appropriated for sim» ilar purposes in Ivith the years 1828 and ISUO.—.Var. Jiitrl. fiOth xdt. The London Morning Chronicle of th« 21st has this editorial notice of the case of -Mr. Van Huron: “ A great ferment has been caused in Americi by a vote of the Senate, refusing to countenHneo the apjiointment of Martin Van Bnren to be Min* ifitcr Pb niiKitcntiary totheC-ourt of Great Britsin and Ireland. The ground of the hostility of th» Senate i^, that Mr. Van Buren, when Secretary of State, in his instruction to .Mr. McEaiie—late Ain» bassador at Uie Court of England—in order to in. duce the English Ministry to relax the laws rcla. tive to intercourse with the English Colonicis, stoop* ed to a deeradinp humiliation to Lord Aberdeen. “The whole temper and tone of the despatches,’' Says Air Chambers, “breathe an air of huinilltf and concession, and conviction of error, and a sup pliant entreaty of favor and roticc, wliich no Ai> inerican citizen who thinks and (cels as 1 think an American freeman should do, can regard as lh» appropriate language of this Government, pledged as it is ‘to ask nothing but what is right, and to submit to nothing that is wrong.’ ’’ The follow, ing passage from the speech will ahow iu what manner the pride of the Auiericana has been hurt by Mr. Van Bureo,” &c. Bank of the United States.—Tlie treas. ury of the Union, it seems, was a short time ago entirely empty—not a shot in the lock er—and the wheels of government would have stopped, but for the Bunk of tho I ni« ted States—that “ infernal institution,” as% writer in the (Jovernnient pajter, the tilobo, recently called it. During the debate oti the General Ajipmpriatioii Bill, Mr. Me. Diiflie informed the House, that the fund* in the Treasury being exhausted, the mein- Iters would have been starved out, but for the courteous accommodation of the Bank, in making Ihe necessary advanc(:s, on its own responsibility, for |Kiymenl of tlieir per diem allowance. It is a very fortunate cir cumstance, that the Bunk did not stop pay ment as well as the government. Delaware Journal, A gentleman w ho has just returned from Constaiitino|)le, inlbrms the Editors of the New-York I’ost that civilization is making evident ami rapid progress among the Ot* toman Nation. 'Fhe 'J’urks of the present day, are not the 1'urlt« of the last centiirj’. They are kind, courteous and mild in their manners; and the bigotry of Islamism na longer exhibits itself in rudo epithets, appli- ed to those of another faith. 'I'he term “ Christian dog” is out of tushion. The ra zor has been intnMliiced, and though the old men still retain and cherish the venerable incumbrniice of their beards, the younger Turks have shaved away all but a pair of nnistachioson their upper lip, retaining not even so much as {\\e fivorite worn by some of the exquisites in this country. On all public occasions, at parades and s|)cctacle3 of all kinds, the women make their appear ance in great numbers, wearing, however, the oriental veil, which covers only the chin, the up|K*r edge of the forehead, and a small part of each side of the liice. 'I 'he late in troduction of a press, and the establishment of a nev\s|iaper, form an important era iu the hi-story of Turkish civilization. Should the progress of improvement conliiiuo as it has begun, we may yet see the Of tomaii Kni- pirc outstripping their Russian neighbors in every thing which makes a cultivated nation. ■ ed on tlic dcfendunt’s inter- i dred cords ( J. Court7lhat the defendant is not an inhabitant ol this SImIc, Oiilfinl, Ihen-Joir, that publication b.' madi! ri« wn.ks, iu the .Miners’ and Farmers’ Jnuriiii!, that the deti iidanl .ipiHsar at the next f.iiirt ol f’li MM and tliiarter .'■icHHions, to Ix- held for the County of Meckl nburg, at ihc Court-House ill Chiirlc.n.', on tlu' 4th Mond,>y in May ne*.t, and lb n and tlii-rc jili ad or re['levy, otherwise judir- nienl by d :;iiilt will be taken aguiiist him. \N it- 1^ ness, Isiuir AlrxandLr, Cl«rk of our said Court, al vote ot otiicc-, lh- 4tli Miindav of February. A. 1). I83‘J. Test; ISAAC AM’X\M>IOIl, e. >11. r. reotion of dwellings or stores. In addition learn that a coni- treat}- tor a lot extensive Hotel on the Tow n House. dispose of. Early would suit my view Feb. as, pplication for engagements I best. WM. McW. EI^NG. from the experience of only the present \ey, “ the bravest of the brave,” fought limited niinilier of engines, and tho average live hundred battles for France, but never ^ of having only hitherto pas.xcd 500 tons of against her. He was condemned for a sin- i goKls, and one thousand passengers daily, gle error, in Ihe ('haml)or of Peers, by a ^ that he will on the completion of Ihe new r one hundrel and sixty, to s«!vcnt('en, j pa.s.si’nger's tunnel, and other arrangements, to die tho death of a traitor. His widow l>e enabled with ease, to take by this rail receives a jiensioii of 20,000 francs. W hat to ;;:;h i, ih, ;; ^ i „.-c„„v„a„co, I* Biiltimorc, March 27.—A few days since a party of twenty-six young men, from tho Eiixt, arrived in this city on their way to Columbia river, (the Oregon) in the ex treme Vrt« of our countrj . Their travel, ling wagons, three in number, were pecu* liarly constructed, to be nseful in their con templated journey ; the body of the wagon was calcidated to be nstul us a lK>at, in cross ing or passing river;', fhe wheels being de- Diinl- for Horses.—Some of the Inn- tached and put into it. IHiring their stay here they encamped every night in a field snKiuri'S’ i)Ki:i>s, I.ands Wild for Tiivts; for Emids so!l under a Writof Fieri F.ui.ns; und for l,..nd> Ko’d imt'er a Writof N’euditiijiii Exjsmar—lur -sale •V tliit OlUcc. a lesson! At a public maski'd IwII given at St. Pe tersburg on New Year’s Day, no less than 22,1*^4 [KTswus arc said to huvc been pres.wit. keepers on the western road have adopted the pruetice, of boiling the corn given to horses, and giving them tha water to drink, wav 10,(lOO funs of goods, and 10,000 pas- It is most satisfactorily ascertained that SI iigcrs daily. I three bushels of oats, barley, &c. so prr(»ar- It U.s exacted that when the novelty | ^ of travelling by this conveyance was worn , . j , , i awav, a fallin^ otf in the 'number of Tra-1 "WK'n? than dixible that quantity in a t|,o sole c.ui.lition that thf principle is not near the Baltimore and Ohio Kuil-Road depot. It is stated in a German pajier, published in this city that the cuiiitalists of Kurope have oiler* d to make a l.'un, to the State of Peiwylvania, at an interest tA' two pr cent. ycllcrs would lake place—this Uowevcr i» i crude state,.—^a^tr^ tob« riipaidfor »i!iy years.—i'Ai/. Et. P vt.

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