THE MINERS' AND FAUMERS’ JOURNAL. From the National IntellnfCDcer. THE NORTH AND THE SOinil. Wc do not know fi>r wh«t purpo«c the error is IK) usidtiouKly propagated ami caret'ully cultivated among the inlial.ilaiiU. of Uie Southern Sliito% that Ihe Norll»cm (or Eastern) States are inimical to their inU-rest?. It is even taiiglit in their ichools, and it i« more familiarly inculcated on the court, house greens, at their resti^'O i»joetin{;«, and even in their I^piHktive halls. Yet, nothing, we are satisfied frcMn long and clbse observation, can be and 8p«icilic,.cxteruling to tiio morals, tlio rflii^iot), or inagistrucy of (Iiq country—is a libel. Any publication which lends to degradn, rovijc, and det’anic persons in con- C’OAGRKSS. fOXU R E«S r UN A f, A X A L V SIS. KRO.« Tlie CI.OIIK. nidoruble ^>tu:ttions of power and dignity ill l^ishinpforj, April —In the Semite, foreign couiUrios, is iftkeo to br, and tVca-' ' »otlie act H;iiiia, addressed the Committee, when, ut the umjul tmr for ndjourninf;, the Coniinit t(;e rose and ofctaiucd leavo to sil again.— The then adjourned. April 11.— In the ye.storday, •Mr. (iiiKMiv, front the Com. on the Post- ted as a hlKil; and particuhu ly where it has relief of the wirvivlng ollicyrs and ^ !i tciKionc.y to interrupt the pacitic relations j^^oldiersot the Hevulution, wus taken up,and, :()(tici's and I’ost Konds rejwrted the hill lor bet Wien the two countries. Ifthe * _ more untrue. ‘There'"arT tiiiafVes evorj wli.' rc; •>'>» cuntaii’.s a plain and uianifest incitement -nuwi:, « ............. i„e cn.scoiiimuancc ol others, with many and tliere may be a ft» smh in the North, ^vlio j and pprMimsioii addre.sHod to others to as-' • '*'T " ' j piiblica-luotion ot .Mr. i' ooT, amended, so as to the (■tiiubjjslirm nt of certain |w>st routeKand iicitement .seamen, t>(Iiccrs and nmriiics «>l the |tiie di.scoiitinuancc of others, with many a- ^ -...jrs to as- 'Ir. \Vii.Ki.>s moved nn aui'^nd-i mendnienl would be mi-ehiiV0U8 it they h'ad power e«iual to j sassinate and destroy fin; i)crsons of such the provisions «.f the bHI to : they wf le I^eiririll. Ihit tii;ey»rc over.ruk^^^ u.agistrates, as the te.ulencv is to internii.t' “ 1“*^''"’ Mr. .Makcv moved to a- jation Ihll Lid un the table. Tlie Approprt- was taken up, and Mr. Holmim by the irrcsi8lible Wot-public opinion; and they I v.., a, .... | I""”'* wuld lie by foreo of a diirerent cliuraeter, were ; harmony of the two countries, the libel j ameinlnient, b> adding lKatniLn, ^ conlintied Ins $|m'Cc1i thereon lor two hours they to att€'nii>t to put in practice any of tliiir vain j assumes a still moie criiniiiul intention. I "‘tgoiieris, and e.xpifss-riders; which ino- theories in reference to the partieuUr interest;! of | Kverv gooil citizen must, I think, wish p'^" was, after^sDmo discussion, rejected, the South. NVeavcr,that, h. the whole course of ,ii„t I,. onr experience and intercourse witli the in habitanth of I he Eastern Stales, whether there or at homo, n-e have scarcely ever heard a sentiment seriously bnachcd, by an intelligent man among them, to which any candid and right-uiindedSouthrwii ought Ui takcexceptimi." In corroboration of this remark, we copy from . . n late Boston paper the subjoined extract from a , pipulailon ! ,• _ ,u_ „ c>l t r ~ \|- ' t'harge laU>ly delivered, to a (Jrand Jury, in that | iheir nia.sters, and to involve their lamihes | e.xpeiises of the return ol our .Mims- ' t ■ ‘ ■ *■'" between US and I ****** tab!*?.—Mr. the citizens of all the other States. Ihit ‘ Irom the Select Cxjiuinittee on how is this I’nion long to be preserved, if,‘••‘^'"ri'*\‘:"onn)'‘nl of Uepresentativ-i-s, un- those who cnjov its benefits chcrish towards j ^ ^ made re|K)rt thereon, each other mutual hatred ? If publications ' accompanied by a bill. 'I'l.e general Ap- which have a direct tendency to excite the I propr'Jttion Hill was taken up: the tpieslion lion of other States to rise upon ] amendment, uliuwing i^ljrtOtl and H hall', when not having concluded, he gave way tu a motion to adjourn. In the House of Keprcjcnhtlire.'i, Mr. (^LAV, from the (.'ommittec on the I’ublic iiiinds, reported a bill e.stablishi!ig a Laml Ihstrict in tbel’erritory of Arkansas. .Mr. W . K. D.vvis, from the Committee on the .ludiciary, re|K>rted a hill altering ihe time of holding the District Court of iho l.'nited Stales for the District of Indiana. Mr. city, by the presiding Judge of Ihe Court Judfe. This extract, we b.ildlyi-ronounce, shows j laws' If such publications were jiistihed J"'*?vious to the adiourninent, ‘'>r. ihe further con^deration of From the Bmtnn Daily .Xdvrrtis^r I\ci:.\DiAKV I*rBLic.vTio.\.—The (billow- ing evtract from a t’harge at the op5ning Koiieving that the laws of this Common-' '■>' Arkansas, was amended and ordered i of Co k'-- wealth arc noi liable to tl.i.s repro.ich, 1 to l>e engroj-.scd for a third reading. 'Hie j^, ol'j deem it to Ihj mv duly to to you, at ; , Providing for the vaccination of tlii> | serif of .Judge Tliacher, at the request of the G rand Jury to whom it was addressed Gentlemen; To one other subject of a gen eral chnnicter, connected with our domes- hiinbia, which, with one ex- rewrted to the House, whwi Ijourmnoiit took place. . . . , „ . and ordered to be engrossed I ,.l/»r/ny.—In the .S'ain/c, vesterdav, the circulalcd hero and in other Slates of the reading. The House resumed, | bill supi.lemeiitary to the acts tor the relief tiie -Munic.pal Court of the City of Boston,j this time, my oi’tinion, that to puhhsh'hooks, a preventive uf the small pox, in .March, I ^32, is published, with the con-'| |Minphlets, or newspapers, designed to he ! " Union, and having a direct and necessiiry tendency to excite in the minds of our own citiz'iis deadly hatred and hostility n^ tic p?acc, and bf'aring upon our political: tht,lr l>r*’thrcn of other States, and to stimu- in Committee, the consideration of the gen- j „f the officers and soldiers of the Ilevolution, eral pension bill. .Mr. D.wis ot Sf.uth-(.ar- | was taken up, and some discussion took place olina, concluded his remarks against the : Sill, v.Iien, on motion of Mr. Cmovtk, th«‘ | visions »o the olhcers and soldiers who ser- rolations, I a moment's attention, j Inte the slave population there toriseagainst ^ ominittee rose, and the House adjourned, j vcd in the Indian wars, after the Uevolu- Composed as that .society is, to which we i their masters, and to cllect hy firo and I / 7 t i > 1 • ! ^ ^ owe allegiance, of numerous chi-sses, each ' sword their emancipation, is an olfcnce „ ’ " uie * vesterdav, purfKtse of taking up the engaged III its own proper ence shows that we de|>end for a great measure, on every his own place, and mindi nes-i. To attempt toconfound w.>. .... ...w.i,.-, , 1. 1 . . 1 1 of society, is the work of an incendiary.— Southern States, and tliat they have caused i .'I' * The errors and im[)erfeclions of the politi- great alarm and complaint there. It can-1 cal sy«tem, defects iu its laws, and elForts not be d?nied, that 1* -- ' * * ‘ ■’ fvr its improvement, are proper subjects for ; alarm and complaint giL-ai nuriii aiiu coinpiaim mere. i( can- j"'*''" ^ not be dc-nied, that it is just cause both of arrangeimnt. 1 he bciuite Some time since, a I ='-J‘«‘nied to Monday. ered, and sevLMal of them disposed of. In tiie House of lieprimntatircs, Mr. SroKRs resumed Ins n.-niarks in opposition to the UeiH>rt uf the Committee on the Ju- I'.r us improvement, are proper subjects tor : aiarm aim complaint. f?ome tune since, a • . to Ibe lle[K)rt ol the Committee on the Ju- prive and decent dis'ussion. But society ' pimphlet wiis put into my hands, the author , , .Tt// nt .in ear- j ,hscharc* d from the miKtnot surtlr the pasMons of men to hi; | of which, I am informed, has smcedc-ceased, ^ "hole,.. .. . .*> . .. ^ its legislator'. ’ ;on the state of the I'nion, upon the bill mak- If defects exist in the iKili-' which contained, as I thought, enough in j lurther consideration of the charges made iig-iinst the Collector of the Customs for tlie port of \ViscassM. Before h« concluded, the hour allotted to thr dis« us.sion, expired. The several bills in relation to the District of Columbia, reported to the House from the Committee of the NN hole, on Tuu*djy, to mete to tiiem the same measure. We know that sla\er> exists in many of these State?—unhappily entailed u(>on them hy thetr ancesu>rs, while they were Colonies of (.ireat Britain. Their eminent citizens and statesmen, perceiving with just alarm the growing evil, in all itsinagmtude have be^iii to consult for its removal. It In this (.'ommonwealth, the great princi-1 llw brand. Nor can any civi! or servile j ^ 9 Senate did not sit on Sa-' “P '1'*'^ pie of equality ainouii the citizens exi.sts le-j war rage in any other State of this Union,' j House n luscd a^ain to cun^ider in Com- pally and practically. Hut we are one of I without affocting, in some degree, our own | l„'t'iie Ilmtxe of Repre^cntatires Mr. bole, the bill to incorpo- several States, umte.i under a national bond. | rv-ace—since we may be comi.ellcd, by our ' re.sumed aiid concluded the remarks ' '‘a‘e iIk’ trustees of the .Methodist I'rotes- If mdivi.iuals in pr. vi.te life must use their 1 IH)htical relation, to bear a jmrt in the con-; commenced on Thursday and cun- i‘ ^f^orgrtown. \ anous bills hlieny so as not to do wrong to others, sure- | thct. 1 cannot hut hope, therefore, that our J ’nday, afrainst the rew-rt of the the District of Columbia, were ly each St^le, in the exercise and enjowncnt .citizens, if any of them are so inclined, will (;o„„„ittee on the Judiciary, askm« to be ' -"'‘nmiittec of the Whole of Its political rights, is bound to respect 1 rcfram, in future, trom such pub-1 ju,,|,'.r ,.y,,s,,jeration 1ou 'he of evtrv other Stat? in the f nion, ^ lications—that tiiey will leave to who , atfidavit of a Mr .McClintiK'h a re- ' ^^ei'ate to alter the draw in the and to io nothing, anrf .0 ^jiLr nothing to feel ami sutler l^^rom the calamity, to find a | ins-,x^ctor, alK'>"« charges agamsi i «'er the I'otomac, tr-lween W ash- he done by its cituens, to iheir prejudice :. rcdr-sstor t\«. wrongs of slave-' Collector of the (\isioms ibr ihe m>n of "'g"'" Alexandria. Mr. l)oi.i,;r, H h* we c»p.« .ins Imm ,bc,r rv-lo » „ci, , T ,1." LS™ 'I'- ‘ ™ '!» "■'I-':- of CV on otir part, are hound by the golden rule, —to the enlightened iind humane spirit r,t j ^ ^ ^ ^„„,iidmeni proi>osiiig to benign *>*tluences ol >lr. How mid,from the liu-iulcrest of the present Bridffe ( nn-,tiamty. [Committee on Commerce, reported a bill l^'otripany, and to rebuild a tiri.r^,. ir^Zu ; - I to enlorce quarantine regiilation«, which toji, which was eventually ogrwd to, jcas I The WasliingtcHi Correspondent of the j r/. Numerous private bills were"''y**'*'*• The Coinmitteo then rose— ! Ncw-Vork Cazette says— | considered in Committee of the W hole, rc- ! reporte.l, and the House ad- “ A trifling incident occurred in thn Son-' fKirted to the Hou.s‘, and, with one excep- j*'''Ji’iied. ate a day or two ago, which shews tlie got.d tion, directed to be engrossed. ' feelinjr which may exist l)0twi,en opjMtsing -- >'*irindler ('uiight.—.\ young man of cannot l»*> proper or lawful tor those who | politicians, notwithstanding an occasional j 10,— in the .SV wu/c, yostenlay, the J quite genteel manners, *JI years of age, a,-e happily fr*;e from this great calamity, . display of acriinoniousnrss iu debate. Mr. 1 supplementary to the acts lor the reh*-f was a|>prehi i*!cil on .Moiiilay, charged with to do any thing to add to its dirficulty. W e Clay hav ing goiK? to tlie (.'lerk’sdesk to note ! *he surviving tdVicers and soldiers of the j the commission of various felonies in dirttT- ou2:ht rather, as brethren of the same fami- an amendnient in a bill he had prew.-nted,, ^'^"'lulion was taken up, and an ame.idinent | cut hotels ami bjnrdiiig houses when; he ly. and bf>und to culti\ate the tics ol brother- found that he had left hi.s sj^'ctacles behind , •^'*'1 diM'us_-ed, extending the ' had taken tfiiijxtrarv lodgings, it ap|>ear- hoiid, to aid them w ith our wisdom and be. | Jijm m his s«?at. Asking some one to lend 1 provi.-,i(jns of the hill to those olliciTs and 1 eil t'rom the stateinehtf: of the complaiiiunts, nevolfnce, and to encounige tL.;ui to com- 1 him a pair, Mr. Sn.illi, of .Md. i'.*!(o wj,.^ i.i s-,ldiers wh j fought under (li i»eral U'uyne, ' that sometime in S-ptemlKT last the accus- jilcte th'rreat work. But whiltt it is re-| the Chair and is a violent opjmser of hi-; Clarke, Harmar, flamtrainck, ami St. ('lair, ed siole a I'nitrd .^tatc.-’umlbnii in .M.idi- collected that this evil has Ijecm rivettcd took off his own, anil politely baii'led them Indian war^, in the Noithwesiorn i son strert, iu wliii h arraying hims/'lf, and upon their sjci«‘Iy hy a course of ages, it to him. Mr. C. of course readily availed lerritory, alter the revilution. .\t oue as.-'uming the popular name of Dcs-atur, he himself of the favor. A wag near me ra- ” •''l^'ck the hill was laid on the table, and | commenced bi* carter of villainy. He lirst ther pleasantly remaiked that it wa« not of- *1"^ general appropriation bill was taken U[». pnjceedcd to the Hotel in Broad- ten th''.-r two jjentlriiK’ti hxiked at tiungs ■ K\m: spoke two hours in eoiudusion of j way, his dress an»l ap|M“araiice *'ii'unng ihrotiL'h the same medium. ! '*>'■ remarks upon the r.ritish ('olonial 'i'rado | him a courteous reception, w here h«' found “1 .aw to-day iu the .See nfary of State's arrangement, and .Mr.^s followed jan opportunity to purloin from .Mr. Uayner, ofliee, some of the originals ol'Tn-aties with aiwl sjwjke without concluding, till th! ' one of the boanlers, a valuable »old watch, forei:rn ffovermnents; many 'd'till in are cu-1 *‘■■''*■‘11'oiir ot adjournment. Mr. U i;n.vrr.i{ ^itli wliid, he ilecamf*‘d. (banging his rious indeed, 'i’hose with i’raiice anil I'n- notict; that ho should call up tt:e Ap- ^land have enormous '-eaN, a.s large a- the ■ lx>rtionmenl Bdl on W edne?da\, it the St:- top of a ma’.i'h hat, with covers as large as should then Ix; full. In the House«f Hejircsentatirt.1, Mr. K From the Georgia Cturier, Towards the close of Mr. JeHerson’s ad. ministration, Pennsylvania, it may be re- collectod, undertook to disregard a mandate of the Supreme Court, anil ordered a bri- g.ido of militia to resist the marshal. But President Jefl'eraon was unyielding, and the state submitted—having lone sincc becomea- shamed of the transaction, in the heat of her [K«ssion, however, the legislature of Pena- sy Ivania pa.sscd the following resolution:— ‘ Resnlted, 1’hat our S«-natnrs in ('ongress bo iu. strueted, and our Representatives be requfKted, to use their inlluenee to procure an aniendiiient to tLc (.Vxistitutionofthe L'nited States, that an impartial tiiliunul may be cMablifhed to dKermine disfiutcs between the General and State CjovernmenU.” This Rusoluliop. was promptly rejected hy every State in the Union—and by nono more rcudily and decisively than by Geor gia as the Ibllowing extract from the Legts- Utivc journals of the Stale will prove: Statk or (Jkorou, f In Senate, ’JiiA Kovemlxr, 1S09. ^ ^ “ R*folr*d, That iho aniendinent proposi d to th« (’onstilulion of the L'nited States, by a Re.-olution of Ihe IJcneial .\ssembly of I'eiinsy Ivania, and ap. proTed by Ihe O’oTcrnorof Unit .State the 3d day of ■\pril, 1M0!>, in the words following. Be and the same is hereby DIS\HI*H()V'EI> by tlie IjegiHla- turc of this Siale, and tiiat the Senators and Rep. resrntatives in Congress, be requested to Ol’I’t>SB the said alteration.” Tlie following remarks from the Cincinnati C*. U'tte on tlie present aspect of what ii called iho Cherokee case, derive particular interest froui tiw fact that the editor of that journal is one of tho soundest lawyers in the country.—Aa/. InieL “ (Jeorgia may continue tire imprisonment of Worcester and Butler. Possi Wy she may do this with impunity. But that iniprunMv ment cannot strungtlK'n her tide to the lands she seeks to obtain. 'I'he decision of tliA Court settlcB tliat qtie.'slion. N,ne dxiht the jurisdiction of the I'etleral C'ourts, in a pro|M'r, u[)on a que.stion of projierty. Until the Indian title is extinguished by the (Jovcrnmeut of the United States, no iiidi- vidtial cun obtain a title to the lands, n|xfl which he can rely. iNopcnnanent improve- ments or settlements can be made-. It is im|Kiosible that tlie excitement and p.irty iiiclmations licit now Civor (Jeorgia can en- dui J. They arc es.sentially temporarv, and without foundation in justice. W hen they subside, as a;ssuredly they must, those who have acted u|K>n th*‘ir inHiiences, w ill won der that they could liave been so delu>led. The law will again re.ume its effective and protective force. I'he agencies hy whi h It was suspended will appear, m tlie retro spet l, as the fatuities which put old women to death for witchcraft, or lighted the lire to consume them f>r hen^sy. must nut be fori;otttn that it will require much timf to etfect its removal. ^ iolence may ^re.itly rrtard, but cannot expedite, that desirable event. N'ow, g;ntli-'inen, it is undoubtejly a mis demeanor, and iiidi.'tiible as such at corn- m n law, lor one to attempt to persuade a- nc'tlier to commit murder, rnhl)cry, perjury, nr any otiier criiiie, wlicilir.r sueh persiia- t-; p;i ho verbal or written; and whttlier tlie ■ of V\ ales; it 1 xnaui; presented .snndry des|iositions nega- e are Iwosjgti- living the -!mrges lirou;;ht by .^Ir. .^l( ( .•ostnuK', be rf'paired no\t to the Clinton Hotel, and remained there one night, in the coiirw; of which sundry article.s, dviiomma- ted bfKifs and slioex, iiriaeeountablv di^ap- peared from th^ir ri^htfnl owners. He uhsequently present!d hiin^elf at the Ux- fjlT.'iice be pfr|H-t rated m consff|uence of j iVyin^-pans; one has the .signature of tin Mich perrua«r)n or not. S> it is a misde- la’t‘ (Jeorye IV. when I’linrr of V\ al meaiior to attempt to commit any crime, ! is the treaty of peace. 'I'liert: where the unlaw ml intent is manifested by j cd hy f5oiiaparte—one v. ritt n plainly and n»r 11, the di.-.nii»'-ed Inspector, again.'t the 'cluinice Hotel in l'>rr>Jid stre-l, staling that an overt act, whi' h indicates such intent. I distinctly, tlie other u mere scrawl, In'iiig (-’olleetor of tiie I'ort of W iscass«*t, .Maine, ! he intended to pass a few days in the city, It is not material whetlicr the crime is to ; scarcely legible. Na[)o|con, it is said, ne\-1 whicli were read. .Mr. Dk wton, from the 'md complaining of fatigue, asked to be con- er wrote his signature twice alike. 'i'h‘I Conimittee on .Military Alliiirs, re|Mirted a 'hicled to hi." room. .Not long after, two greatest curiosity is the late treaty w ith bill for the otablishment ol a Miiitary Board j valuable snrloiit cosits could not l)C f)unrl, the Sublime Porte. It is writt' n in Arabic,, for the admim>tration ami government of and the acen.sed was also missing. He took (jn a very stout sheet of pap(*r, about thirty the ()rdiiaiice Departni'’nt, whieli was read ' lolgings after this at several boardinghouses hy forty inches in siz-‘. 'I’he seal is im- twi>'e. Mr. .\ri iii:h, from the Committee successively, from ull of which he decamp- pr«;:.jcd on an enornous ball of red wax, and i on foreign Alliiii-s, reported a bill providing i ed with c()iisileiabl» booty. 'J’hj names by to (K r'liade one or more |>ers)ns there to j m !iltaeh*d, not V) the treaty its''lf, but to a l>r ndclicit of appropriation therein iiauiech , 'vhieh he pass*d were David Birdsall, .lames ( ommit murd'-r, or trr- I'-on, the law regird«; large [iiece of silver-silk, which is used as a , Mr. \\'AMfiM;To\, from tli‘ (,'ommiltee on I-. Decatur, .l.iines Barron, and .lames W’jj. sort ol envelope for tiie docuuicnt. ] ihi' Di.itriet of (,'oiunibi.i, refiorted a bill sup- liainson. He was fully committed for trial —I plein(;nlary to an ai I to int:orporale the li.vLTinoHK, AVHih'i.—I'nparaJh If 1 ra-' I'rustee.s of the (Georgetown I'emalcOrphan \sylurn. 'I'lie bill li)r lh(! postponement of bf“ pf'rprtrated here, or in some other place. It is ‘iulTici' nt, if it l»e shown that the un- l iw ful mtfiit \istffl here, and liiat the deed which manilested that intfiit was done in this country. 'I'o pnl>Iis!i a paper here, with th" ir.irril to i«tii.l it to anotn* r .Stale, as a IiIh’1 ot’ peculiar atrocit\, and no sup- j)OV'd fiecdoin of tiif ['n will '■ereen tlif author or th«' pii*-Ii“ie‘r from the jienal cun- finquences of the tlecd. In that f:juntr\’ fri'in which we drew onr [lidity,— riie Union ('ili/.ens' line steam l>oat . .... I certain trials in the Su[X’rior Court of Ar- priii. iph s of juri^.niden. r-, ,t is laid down Philadelphia yest-rday morning, at ten T.untory ; the bill to provide for the ' I -■ * -I ■ - - - -'1.1 1 1 1 va. cui ition of till' Indian trilx s as a pre- by Justice Lownds.—A. Y. Jottr. of Cum, •Uh inat. bv tliH bighe'-l i'l hfial autiiority , tb it c\e. jy piihhcalion wiiicli lia a tendency to pro. jiirilo pnbli'' nii-'eliicf, wh' tlier by c iu -m;: liritntion in tl: iniitds of th- pi.-opjc, lliat mav indiiro tin-n. t it o rimit a lir'-acii of the puhiir 1'0‘ace, or w;i'jtKcr it l.>c more public minutijs past six o'chjck, and urriveil here it t''n minutes past H, making the whole , p:t«sage in nine hours, and put in in posses, sion of the mornini' pa[»ers of that city at liftcen minutes j.a^l !i o'clock. /'nprr fnm lU-W.—If bas lately been di«:ovei-*-d, says an r.n:;!!*-!! journarix.'lhre H«i, that the h.’^t |aper tor wrap|H.rrs, w rit- vt;niiv(r of small pox, and fourti'i n |»rurite i mg and printmjr, may !.■ from lulls wi-ii- p:i.y.ii(t. 'I'lif House resumed, in wood shavings boib'd m nnijcral or vcgcf;. ('omimlte#-, th'-(nn-id'Mation of the jrriicral hie alkali. One liundHd |ionn(U- >' "ood, pnision bill. .Mf'srs. ('iio\I i:, Di: Miitoij'i, j and twelve [k.uiiiI ! of alk '''> ‘"'I prodii-e a .Si nil Ki.\.M), Blli. and .lol!^ ol'\ ii ream of pripci. - '• Adrirtisrr. Tht Creek indiaiia.—We pnhlish on cur first [Kige th*‘ 'I'n'aty reciutly concluded and riilitied at Washington, by which i1k> C^^*■k liMhaiis. through their Cummissioners. c«>le to the I mled States all Iheii lands Ka^t of tlie .Mississippi River. The ooinp; n>aiiua they are to rrceivo, appears to lie e.ju .• to al>out i^H->0,0(M), (nearly half in annuitir?s,) besides certain reservations msik; I.) !l> chiets and other heads of families. The-« rc^rvations they are |termitled to sell “ for u fair considenition,” to any other persoiw, in such a manner as tho President may di- reel. At the end of tive years, so many of them as chous* to remain, will receive pa- terns ivr simple, from llie I 'nited States. It is sxpressjv provi.1^ they “ shall be free to go or slay, as they,” and thisprovisuxi appears to extend to the whole Tribe, whether posses.smg res ervations or not. As fast as they are pre- (fared to emigrate, they are to bo removed at the expense of the L nited States, receiv. ingHubsisltMice from the siuih; whik-on their lourney, and I'iat one year after their arriv al at their new homes. On the whole, we have little fiult to find v.ith this Treaty. So far as we can see, it is as fri« from fault as most other IihIihii 1 reatif sof'e.?3ion; andtajppo.^ngtheCom- niisj,iouerslob*-didyaiilhorizedby the Tribe, much more so than .some of them. M o hav' never bef'n oppotiod to the removal of the Indians, provided it is done with Ibeir full coii«ent, without any coercion, over reaching, or evasion. We should not be oppos (i to the removal of the ('bertikees, if It could Ik) etllcted under these conditions. What we have objected to, and always ishall object to, is conqielling them to abaixJim their fKj.s.sessi»ns, contrary to their wishes, by a .system of fM^rhecution, tho .sanic in its elfects, almost as revolting to humanity, as the employment of downright force. 'I’ho Cherokees, we believe, arc now the only 'I’ribe of Indians in the .Soulhern Slates, w ho have not consented to remove. Jour, of Commerrc. A xfrikinf' dijfirenee.—'I'he following eom[)arison of the prices of advertising in I'.nglish and American news[)apers, furnish es the Im.'sI commentary that can be ollered, iip(»n the advantages arising from a heredi tary nobility, privileged, pension.s, sinecun>s, an enormous nationni debt, and oppressive taxation. Vet there arc .some, (we would fain hope they snefeu-,) w ho would reduce this fair tiihric of ours to a .slate ol' anarchy, blofidshed and ruin.—(\>l “'Ihe twelve Daily Pape'^ publi^heil m ■N. \ ork, contain iiio*'*'’•‘^'''‘ttiM'inents (haii all the newspiipers of Dnglaiul and Ireland. Advertisements wbw*h in Ungland co^l tijr an insertion, co^ in Americ.i al«)iit *1. An annual ad»Tti*ement wtiicli Wiwdd cost S:i' in till? //lilted Slat- -, would be ‘;ub- J'*et to a ( k-'gf' in Ungl'ind urNWlO."