THE MIXERS’ ANT) FAUMERS’ JOURXAT- TO TUn PEOPLE OF THE STATIC OF NOKTII-C'AIIOI-IN.V, But more fspecially thoff of the County of Jukastoii. (OXGIJKSS^ Froiii thr Nat:oiiul liiti-llijfcncer, -fJlli ull. Oil motion of Mr. W kiistkk, tlm Senate » * I I * j * ' '-'*1 niuiiuii »»i if 11 • »> Kis>ii-.K, ui»* ov.uan; M , >oing gran jure j),;, ^pp,,^. MaR-hlern,ot.heSupcnorConrt or ^ countv of Johnston, alter havin^iltsclurgecl . i ■ ■ i . .u . i ameniiniont roportwi in blank bv thf the duties specially j;iven us in charge, wo , • , . ^ • ’i VI .. . rlivifi Select Coinmillee, and indicated his ik'sirc had our attcntK'n, us an assemblage ot citi-1 ’ 1. 1,. V_ *0 t'ilic he niiPBlion on stnkiii;; out tiie bill zens taken by lot from the dilierent sections of our coiintv, directed to the custom ol treating with Spirituous f.iquors, so common w ith candidates liir public favors aiui otHces in our Slate, and particularly in our county. In giving to this subject our best and most ronsiuerato attention, we do most sincerely believe that it now becomes not only the duty of each of us, but of every friend and iover of freedom in our country, to adopt and strictly pursue a course and practice that will most etfectually and speedily do away this miserable, low and vulgar cuiitom. At this [>eculiur and singular period of po litical atliiirs, we cannot but view with feel ings of horror, bordering on despair, the crisis to which our government and laws are i|nebtion on striking from the House, and insf rtiitg (he bdl of the (.'ornmittee, ii\,order to adopt or rojoct the principle of the ameiuliiu’nt, leaving the question as to numbers to be afterwards de cided. The S nate was then addressed by Mr. Dam,\s, Mr. Ci avton, .Mr. DirKKK- so.^j, and Mr. Hii.L, when the (piostion was taken on the amendment of the cominillee, and decided as follows : YKAS.—IMfdsrs. I?t ll, nnitnn, Buckrirr. rfium- Ihts, ria\li>n, Dickrrson, I'-wiiisr, I'oot, Maviif, fioliiu's, Jolilisloa, Kiiiiflit, iMillrr, .Moorf, I’rcii- tiss, KoWmih, Si'Vinonr, Silsbec, Siiiitli, \ViirCT:im;iii, W f bslcr— Na V:^.—Mi srs. Hrouii, 'Iny, nalla>!, Diu’lty, riliH, ['ors|l!i, Kriliii)rliii}>i-n,(irutniy,n-mirick!i, llill, Kano, Kiii'j, Aliiii;:uiii, Marty, IJohiiijwiii, Tazfwtll, '^0IllliIl^0n, 'i'roup, 'I'ylcr, nl)Qut to be reduccd by the novel and strange ; VMiit.-, Wilkins—Si. proceedings of the day ; and when we couple 1 niimlx;rs being equal, the Vu k- fhe iiitluence that public men have upon the ■' . . .. . Fentiments of a community so destitute ol public intelligence and education as are ours. rKi;.>ini;\T stated that, after having paid the ufniott attention to the debate, he had come to the conclusion that the bill, as it v ith the pra ticc of giving intoxicating j {1,^ ,„)CQ„stitntional, diink to a voter to confuse his mind and bias his judgment in the discharge of one of the mo^t valuable political blessings, we are struck with a force of fourfold power with the train of evils that attends the practice, in a country like this, where Uith the Gov ernment and laws have tor their only foun dation the will and the opinion of the citi and he should therefore feel constrained, under a sen?o of the deep responsibility of his situation, to cive his vr te in favor of the amendment. Tlie ar.iendimnf was fhere- tore decided in the atlirniative by tlic cast ing vote of the Chair. 'I’he (jiicstion was then taken on filling the blank for the num'm-r ol’ Kepreyjiitatives •\yes 1Noes, 2'2. Tl»e question was tlu'n taken fin filling the blank with 'Jol.and de cided in the arliirmative—.\yes ‘J7, Noes 1-1. Mr. then mo\cd to fill the other blanks, as follows : y.ons, It IS strange above all tilings, that a ; ^yi,|, mid decided m the negative— practice so destructive of the understanding, and 5>o degrading to the character and hon our of boasting iVeeUien, should thus long liave received the sanction or approval of any worthy and considerate man. And we do Iwlieve, that, wlien pro[»erly brought to the notice and applied to the feelings of our countrymen, there will be (i)und but few— very few, who will dilFer from us in condem ning It as richly deserving this kind of pub lic censure. We are well aware of Ihc rigor of pur law against the cujtom, and we deeply de plore that it IS neither enforced nor (scarcely known to exist. That all may l)ecoine inore fimiliir with its provision-^, and we hope it will be enforced, we will here publish two of its '•ection.'^. “ .S;c. I fatty person or persons shall treat witii cither meat or drink, on anv dav .■'lain'' N'orth-C arolina 13 New-lfampshirc K Soutli-(.'arolina 10 !\lasyaehus'.Its l.T (fcorji* !i fifiodi -1 laud 4 Keiitufiiy i:i C'onn''ctieiit G 'rciiiifssee Kt \ eriiioiit Ohio 20 \cw-Vork 10 I.o!ii-.i-(na 1 Nevv-Jtrscy 7 Indiana 7 ri'iiiisvlvaiiia liiS AUbaiiia «; Delaware •> .Missouri 3 .■\Iaryl.ind 9 Mi^'i-t-ippi o Virginia yi llliiiuis 3 The mntioii wj ;;s agreed to. The bill was tlien reported to the .'“>iiate, and onler- ed to be ivad a third time by a vote of 2:5 to ~0. .Mr. PoiNnKMKK introduced a joint - - , resolution authorizing th" President to liave ot election, or any day previous thereto, ■ ^ ^^ash- with an intent to intiuonce the election, | p. cu-ry person so oftlndii.g slmll forleit and if RtprcHcntatircs, Mr. pay one hundred [kjuihIs, the one half for the us? of t!ie county where the same shall Vk! recovered, to be ]>;tid to the (’ounty Tru>^tee, the other half to the use of the Ier>on who shall sue for the same, to be re PonDRinoK reported a bit! to declare the assent of Congre-ij to an act of the Li gislu- ture of .Maryland, passed at their last S(s- sion, to amend the (.’baiter of the C'besa- [M-ake and Oiii" (’anal (’oin|'aiiy ; and, on covered by action of debt in any court of Wni n:. .f Florida, the (’om- record l.avmgc..gnr/.ance thereof, with I,,,Coinmeree was i.istructe.l to in- »- 'c. }. ft shall l)e the dut\ ot the Sherill 1,.^;,^ i„j(, ,[,(> ex[M>dieiHV of extending the in cach and every county m thi. Mate an- | ofdelK^nture to merchandi/e imported i-ually to publish this act, by advertisement : I’lorida, from other foVeisn and readini: the same at the Court-House i entitled, at the time of imwrta- ooor on the tirst and second days of the (to debenture. ( ouhty Court wl.ich shall hap|>en' previous I ^ .SA>ifF». FJofSTON, brought to the annual flection, and also on the dif-' charge of firent days ot elections, under the F>en-11,reach of its privilege, again came on, and alty of twenty pounds for each and -'ery (|,g Previous to the jexamiriatidn of, .Mr. Dgdurihoe ^ I his is the law on the subject, passed in |myi|,Lr moved to postpone the further hear- tne \ear l~01, and we do believe that the , {j,j^ I’nday next, in connec- pewxJ has arrived, tor rea.'^ns alxive notic- „,otion lor printing the testimo- ed, wl.!.r It ouui.t to be enforced, without .SrAMtruv t.xik occa.^on to state ti>crinnnation, against a:i who may be found . there was testiuion\, mateiial to Ins xiolatuig It. We are not to be undci-stot>d | d.aracter, vet lyliind ;’t ■^limonv which as disapproving the practice of candidates ! „ould go to contradict the tc.tiinoni aln-adv MMtin-.-LS-^eii.bhgps lor the various I |>, . k.nkk, in ail the circmn- «.f mnkm- known th.-ir sentimer.ti ui^iii pub- j ...alcnlated to injure lie inea'urcs, or ol becoming more fiimi'' is (-haracter or cast ridicule upon him ; and hanzed v.itb the public wants and 'vi>hes ,j,3t te.>timonv he was prepared now to in- cf iho.r fellow-citizens, or of prestuting ' •vj^. Doi.i.ninci: th-ms-lves and their talents ni fair compa- .vithdrew f.,r the present bis motion for Tis .n will, ot lh.-ir ronqiclitors lor ■ Mr. .Ionatiian Hi.liot, Jr. ch-K-e an.l - leetion. On the cntrary, we rf.„contre, was then exam.n-d, fun'v tl.H prart.ce ident.f.-d and woven m- Member of that to the Ir-. .4 onr bovernment, 'iVnne.s.-^*. Mr. SrAMiKiiv :.nd we wMi'.d h> no means have it discon- ,i,e„ called to the stand as a witne.^s Mr. tm.i.-!: Lot we no nec»-ssary connection ofthisciiv. who being sworn, b' t\ve n t.ii' practice and the other annoy- ; Si vnhi.kv proposed to tho witness the ni- *.,m w! delu-uig the land with ardent inlerrogatorv : » W hat knowl- f oiJ. ie.l t,buvupthegofjd s.Tetarv of t.ik'.r and V'.te of a In-eman : for. strip it of ' ' nil It' I'l'hi'inatjlf' hubilaments, and this is jl- !• h1 and trije intent and mearnii^. V‘* ‘ an- ! >t fDiimcted by ties ot'as.socia- tion :r,a .,'.ri-ty, but we are neverthe- ! to a w'ide'di’l^it^’ le^s not I. - - riMi.l. to the deva^tatl>,g and , S, AM.nin then mod,lied it so as to d. nv.ra, /', - c , ol the imn.o.Jen,le use | » J)o you know of an attempt on the ol Li.jijors, and we are ,p^,, Houston fraudalenlK U. ob- toev. rv m. an^ihalma;, t-nd to le-en their ■„ H.,,rf.tHrv of'War a ‘ ar attr'inpting to give to (iovernor ‘ Houston a cfintract for the supply of In- ‘ dian rations in 1 *•:{(> This iju(stion, licing objected to, gave ii-e. V\ e liy tii-i' tore unaninioii'lv ! “ contract, (V'- 'I'he |iii>tion on [Hitting K-f'i'rf, N.,t to •, )ii to fir!li> r or af.'v.inor tlic | ||,j^ internigatorv was finally deterinni d w,;o,,:ay rtit»: rin k-ra-- ; e/,,y ti : f f'MOU lo I 1':tioii5 to tli( lori S' Titl- . ... ® ^ [ f'Mou lo 11':tioii5 to tli( lori si riti- ri' n*'. That lli'r fijri '; !« iiubllblitd i.i tilt r.i rs print'd at 1;..1‘ to in. -Mr. Sr\M(i:nv then said he considered ' this vote a.-an nalicatioii of the indisposition ofUie iloii>;c to pursue; any further the en- (piiry into the alleged alt* nipted fraud, and the .slionld theroflire put no further questions to this witne>.', and desired the sub|Ki iia.s I w inch he had asked forto lyjcounterinandeii. Some f'u/tliT examinations took place; I when, al'i'-r ') o'clock, the further hciirmg loftfie ca'c was postponed to this day at ; 11 o'h«:k. — ' In the y/ow.-c «/■ Jic/trrnfnltilii'fs, f>n An .rv:ii- r,t,;i.i, \shIV of MI.,souri, submitted the tl.a-t tt)': iini' H o! V. (,iti i,;.tf!f ar*: :.irf,iii" r in (iLin follow ing rfsohilifin for adoptiiii ; ;.■.(] n.-,r. ron;rK..'t:,..II ;)i*rl..Ju 01 t,litJ(ur.m.als . a ,M. m,1„ r of tl>- llo.,.,; Itiir.'j ti.'- L'.ir u’..'.:. i.'t ai Ul>, 01 Uiuv, hiVi!.;;,0.' v( "l r'Jay., 'vin.-ii •lohii r'liin. .tofiii \l ( (Jj-r-. David I.iin-l'iril. ).’>.(10111 J;..-. K-rr'. . , lli^oil '•:ii'.y, Kit (loi;.. Ill, '/ ij, nri.lLTs. II \J. S' pi (iit-, iSriit'iJiftd, JiiniKtu., C'tuu'ia'- 'f'artt, K. 1’. .•'•i fiiiffi.', •A a r.irnur, .1.1^. St.iliiiiKS l(Mli.Ml WilM r, U :ll. II. Wat-M:, .I jIiM W/iillr V, •A mIv Saiii;'T-, .Imo.'Ki-- I.,'. . M'in h. 1 not jriyirg cvideiico,) ilcolarcil to thi.s llou!e lliut the most of the ti stimony jrivi'ii l»y tiio Hon. Ai.fx- ANDKii 111 CKNi-R, Senator Irom .Miasoari, (wko liad fivi n ti'.slinioiiy id ll«' east- of the tri^l iigainst ."^niuel lloiistoii,) WHS dostitiito of tnitli, and iiitii- iiious; wliicfi declaration of said i^TAMtrKV is in- dei'oti)ns, and di»ri's|M'ctfii! to this lloiiNe, the wit ness, and tlic Si iiute, of \vliicli lie isii Meiiilx r; *• Ti'itrrfurr, linmh-iif, 'I'iiat the Sjii'akiT of this House call uixm tlie saiil St.vmikry in Ion |daee, to retract llie iudifrnity and di..iiesi« ft wliieli he lias oflcrcd, liy an aptdo^y to lhi>i I louse: and liiutlio j bii repriiiiandeii t>y tlie S|K'alver.” I 111 explaining the object of the ropolntion, j Mr. ,\siii.r.v oh.s*rved, that in oHering this I resolution to the House of Kepi-esentative.s, i he did it in no spirit of unkind feeling to- j vvards .Mr.STAXiiKKv. His feeling towards I him and towards the nccuscd in this unfor- I tuimte trial, were the same. The object he I had in view was to do justice, not to the char- jacter of the Senator from Missouri merely, but also to the State. 'I’he remarks of Mr. Si'AMiKitv, as he appi-ehended, in striking at the St'iialor, struck at the chaructcr of the State of .Missouri. .>lr. Tavlok, of New-York, demande*l the (luestion of which, on the motion of .Mr. Spkioht, was decided by \ eas anil Na\s; and the House determiiHMl now to consider the same, by a large iiuijonl> — 117 to 11. Mr. .1. Q. .\nvMS said, that he wished to ask a question of the S|H;ak,'r relating to a point ol‘Older, viz.: W h' tlier, according to parliamentary usage, words spoken by a I Mcinbr in l>ebate can be made Mibject to I the action of the Hoii>e after one d.iy shall i have ehqi.sed since they were spoken. The Si*KAKi:i{ said that, whalevt-r might l)e the precedent in the case, th.»t was a 1 jxiint for the Hou:a? to determine; and the I House had just voted that it would noic con- jsider the suhjcct of the resolution. I Mr. Sr\MiEHV having obtained the floor, ; .said, that he wished to gf t the floor to sa\ ! that no member of the cr*u!d possi- I bly be more sensible than he himself was I of’ the indecorum, in a parliamentary view, lof the expressions which he had ye.sttrda\ used in reference to Mr. Bitknkh. Ami, even U'fon- he had consulted with his friends ! on the subject, he had of himsclfdetermined, jon reflection, to apologize to the House tor i that indecorum, committed under the influ- j ence of highly excited feelings. He might lie allowed, he presumed, to state some of i the circumstances of proviK;ation vvhich in- jduced him to believe that .Mr. Illcknuueii- I tertained a prejudiced feeling against him. !’rii('y were, that .Mr. I>i i k.veh was, as ap- [pearcd by his own evidence, pres«.‘nt during the whole time of the as,saull upon him: that be knew that an a'-sault would take place, I iK'lore It did ; that he was silent during the I whole transaction ; ami, though he thought that he (.^Ir. S.) was killed, or n» :irlyso, ' perniitteci Houston to proceed with the as- : .saiilt. 'I’liat it had been told to him {.Mr. S.) that iinmediati ly after the a.-sault, he j (.\lr. It.) had seized every opportunity lo re- I late the o-currence, with such coloring as I toca.-«t ridicule or retleet dl^credlt u[Mjn him ; 'that he had ol>served, yesterday, that .Mr. ' r>rrKM;R seemed to take pleasure in adding i circumstances and ex|ireHsions itill further I tending that way. In what he said \e»ter- day, he ( M r. .S.) had not mtended to den\ the truth of the greater part of the facts and 'circumstances narrated by .Mr. IS. tor iIh-) coincided with his own, and even made the ias.sanlt more violent than he (.Mr. S.) hail ; siippo-^d it. I!ut, as tic was a .MemlMir of’ I the Senate, .Mr. S. no*v regretted that lu. I had used the express).ms which he did to- , wards .Mr. Ui ck.nkk; and li lt it to b«! hi.*^ duty to apologize to the House, to the gen tleman from .Missouri, to the Senate, and , even to Mr. Bk knkk himself, for having used them. I'pon this Mr. .\-nF,r.v, apparently con- sid'iring the, apology as suflicieiit, withdrew the resolution. ’J'iie evidence then was cIostmI. 1’. S. Ki;v. Kq. the f’ounscl for the ac- cus».-d, o]K ned the delence in an eloipient and impressive maii.irr, and s[»oke about two hours, when he siis()cnded his argument, at the reipiest of Mr. I’.vnox, on whosf; motion further proceedings were [xistponed to to-morrow; and the House adjourned. In the .Senate, on the :.’7th, the resolution oflereil by Mr. I'rki.i.m.iii v.^^;.^, instriisling the Committee on the Library to purchase Kcmbrandt I'eale's original [lortrait ofCen- leral \\'a>him,to.n, was moiiitied so f’ar as to make it an instruction to inquire into the expediency of making the purchase ; and in this moddied form was agreed to. 'I'he joint resolution intrf»luced b\ Mr. 1’oindi:\- ri:i(, aiithori/.ing the I’resiilent to employ an artist to con-itrnct a pedestrian tiill length statue, in marble, of (iein ral W asiiim; ro.\, was read a second time, and referred to the T'omnuttee on the i.ibrary. .^Ir. (’lav presented the petition of the citizens of Nel.son county, Kentucky, pra)ing, that m any adjustment of the 'I'aritr, the [irotective princi]jle may Ik; preserved. Mr. pre.sented a memorial from the 'I’erritorial Le^aslature of i 'lorida, relative to a junction of waters. Mr. I’m.i.i m.iii vskv, from the Committee on the .liidiciary, reported the bill su|iplementary to the act lor the punish ment of crimes, with an amendment. Mr. Kim., from the Coiiiiiiitiet; on I’ublic Ijand.', leported a bill for tiie relief of certain friend ly f’reek liidian.s. Mr. K(\c also intro duced 3 rcsolutii'n, authorizing the payment , to the State of Mabaina of two [lercent. on . the sales of public lands m that State. A SiioUon vvaa made by .Mr. (Iiilmjv, that the Seiiate proceed to the considtfrafion of R.xecutive business; mid another by Mr. Koor, to take up the bill supplementary to the act for the relief of the surviving ofli iiHeltigefire, Si;VKN DAYS IiATER I'KO.M Kl'KOrE. Ni:w-voRK, APRIL —By the packet ship Hibernia, Captain Allen, we have re- cers and soldiers id the revidution. 1 he ^ejyed London paptTS to the 27th March, motion to go into Kxeciitive business was ],jverpool to tlie 28th, both inclusive, lost, the voto beiii^~a> ed no»-a 11).— j 'i'|,p Reform Hill has pjussed the House ot' The I’ension bill was then discu.s.scd, hut j i,y ^ majority of 11«. there was no question taken, when » »'*»• The Cholera is extending in London. It tiou to adjour.i was pul and carried. 'I'lio ^ appearance in Belfast and Senate then adjourned to Monday. Dublin. Total cases in l.ondon from the In the Uou.'ie of llcpirscntativrx, ’Mr. 1*01.K, after leave being given, moved that the Apportionment Bill, with the several nineiidnients of the Senate, should be refer red to u select commitlee, with a view thut they wouhl ex(K!dite the |Mssing of the bill, and examine into the several changes made therein by the anieridmeiits of the Senate. cominenceinent of the disease l,3(5r», deaths 74‘J; or more than half. In other parts of the kingdom where the «li.sease still exists, total cases 18u:i; deaths 090. Where tlie disease has ceased, total cases 5,08H, deaths 1,A17. Grand total castes ; deaths 2213. A Berlin pai>er states that our fellow-ci- After some discussion, and a motion of Mr. Dot.,or Howe, when arrested in tliat Ai)A.Ms,to postjMme the motion uiiti! Monday | capital, had a letter of credit for 100,0(tf> ne.M,also amotion, made by Mr. Speic.iit, | Dautzic and Klbing, for the to refer the bill to the Coinmittee ol the j of the uolish fugitives in thut neigh- Whole on the state if the I'nion, were sc- ■ bourhood. verally lost, the mution of 1'olk prevailed, | ;vjr. Van Buren had audience of leave of and a (Jomuiittee of seven was appointed, to, 1,;^ Majesty, on the 22d. On the 24th he whom the bill was referred. [arrived at Windsor, and, in cotnpany with 1 lie SiTAKTR direcloJ (i*>v. Hoi to j other i>>iiagcs, was to diue with l»o brought to ihr Har ot' tlio llou^^f'. At-; Kiri^. ter which, he lufornied tin! I louse that he | (Jtsohs lost their li%es at Manches- had received a letter from Mr. Ki:v, ‘he ' O'Jd, bv the explosion of a steam- Couiiscl for the accused, in which he state.l » J,tcnsivo calender hwjse” tlmt lie was pif vented by serious indispoM- i ,,p ,\ie«srs. (Joodier ('o. Several others lion Irom comdudmg the arguments he had badlv scalded. intended to urge in his behalf. Mr. (-avi; j ^ Liveipoul pajH^rsavs, ‘ LordCoi^hrane .luiir.soN thereupon move,] that the lurther | i„„nediately restored to his rank m (•riK.e»dings in the caf^i; should bt'post pin led [ .nitil 11 oVU k, A. M. [Ihis day ;| which j 1.,^.^..;^,;^ OF TIIK IfKFORM BII.L. w.ns .i;;r ed to. j lArnrpoo/, Murrh 21.—We have at .Vppropriation bill, with the several amend niciits returned therewith by the Senate.— 'I’hi; anieiiduienls making iiicreasi^ appro priations for pay and coin[)en.satioii, \c. to majority 11 •). This took jilace ou I'hursday evening, .March 2‘.’d. In IIk; Lord.-?, Minister.^ had also a tri umph. On a ilivisioji on the motion of Ix>rd the CleHcsm the Lun.U)lhcMhe surveyor 1 condemnatory of the plan of General s Odice, and ui the 1 reasury, were . 1,^1^,^!, ,i^. ..un.k-rs wure- severalU rejected. | Non-contents, pr.-s-nt TV.), proxies r,6—125: I he appropriation S9,0(H) for the I>i.s- 27.-Majon- ict Attorney of the lerritory of Florida, . >i,n,.tcrs, 1 - I wap, after soiiie explanation from Mr. I V\ HITE, rediiceil to .^i7,.‘>00. j Tlie aincodmeiit ificren^iiig the amount LovnoN, March 27.—The rccf'ption of , the Keforin Bill by the l’e«;rs, last night, was iK>t very ditHTent from what many jii'o- ;ition was made leie were new , . . provisions in the present iidl, which ho con- appropriation ol .^.4,1UI0 for an outfit of a, „„proveinents up.xi the last; that, >liui.slert.tnmce,anaiun.atedand le.igth-1 „ w„ “a dem»- j to k> |Mid for the bust ol .lellers*.n from | ,,^jevp«xled. A derlarat .■s4,(H.O to 000, was tu-i co.R-.irml ,n. ,|arrowby, that the (.}KM tbe anien.hiK-nt to strike out i 'oy.sions in the nresent ndl. v cneil diseu.ssion arose, in which .Messrs. , cratical tendency ;” and, if en^' tod into a i M. D.-. i i.:, .\i.enKK, W n i.e, I!. Hvnu i r,! I 1.m:eh.som„ Hvi(i:i%cr.n, W av.xk, Ai.ams, , ,„stitutions. that he di.l not con. 'o the aiiieiidmeni was not coiicur- lordship’s candor, viz., that after all tlie , time allowed to the people of the I'nited r.Ai.rivioi!K,.VFHiL21.—•'"'^dom for a soln-r con.Mderation of the I/NC/.S—'I’he piobabihtv IS, that the amHiiit subject, owing to the rejection of the for I of busii>ess done in this'city during the pre- ""'f Harrowby, felt him.>«'lf j srnt spnhr. u i!l, uitfi the r.\r«*|jiioii of tin to at kiiou ledffc tliat (fiepiiMH* ca^^T- hi t, exceed that of aii% previotis .vpriiig, for pniK-iples of the mea.sure man\ vcars pst. 'riio IJ.iil-Koad „ovv '"'"'‘S''' readies nearly to President street, thus pass- » »na‘enal ch.iiige mg from the extieme W estern to the Fas- j "* "'"■ representative system was altogether t*rn section of the citv. .\9 an evidence iHis Lord'.hip annomicel his of the imintnse trade already carried on .for a s.s;ond reading. U tween llaltiniore and the, we men-1 U harnclille spoke pretty much m tlie tioij the fac t, that tli»* su|H‘niitriMJents arul; that in iIhmt n-- clorksuflh*^ Uail*Kral co!i)()any U cu Jt the forrniT Itiil ofi ihc srcoiul so closely engaged in the busiiies;c«)tiiiecleil, *1"^ House of Lords had not l>ecii with the traii.sportution of’ gowls, for stuiie **"y the country— weeks pa.M, as to render it ini|.osmble for wi^uhl not all-jmpt to re. tfiemto furnish us with the dailv refK.rts '"’»jld vote which we have fx en publishing.—'"'Dmittee. It was, however, sufficiently obvious, from the ()ne of the Kiiglish journals bv vpsier-i of both these noble lords, that the da}'s arrival, mentions the di.scoverv of an-j resolute and uiM'ompromisiii^ resis-’ other ovei w helmed city near the Lise of , t»uce will fie lufide b\ them to tiio.>o |iro- Vesuvius and beiACfu that mountain and ; ' "I the llill 1” which the couii'.ry gen- Hompeii, at a pi .ce calh'd //(MT((./rr-C«.« . ^ ^f^lly fus attached ilie highest value and Here I'rofeB.-^ir Zalm has caused several ex- j importance ; and that, if, in an\ ministerial cavations to l,e made, which .scarcely leave ' quarter, a crisluloiis hope of a majority for a doubt lhat a city v»as buried there, .--up- Beforni in thr l,rtnl»' Comii illn ^h'>uld Iw posed by the discovcier to have been called founded on what fidl f’rom e>tiier of the a- 'IVso, and which with I'ompeii, llcrciilane-; hove noblemen, nsix'ctmg their desire to iim and Stabia, makes the fourth of the ci-j niolhfy the national irritation ujhhi the sc. ties sulimerged by the .same terrible eru|)-;‘-''••d reading, such a ilelusioii can lead to tion. One of the excavation.s is ui icrilx d , other than the most disastrous coikiu- as fiillow s :— quences. \ ou descend thirty ptilms [KTpfuidicular . —Thursday afternoon,forty- into a dcc[) hollow, into a peri'tyle siirrounil- three mdividuals, men. women, itiid children, ed with pillars, 'i’hence four --ubti rranean natives of this town aiul neighborhocMl, eni- galleries have lK;eii e.xcavated, III the direc-' barked on f>o;ird a barge at (,'aversham- tion of Na|>les, Sarno ami \ er,inlus. In the! bridge for Liverpool, to lake their puasago first, some chamlKTs have been discovered,' for .New-\ ork. containii.g paintings and many luih-reliels. i .Manford \ott informs Ub that such These chamlxTs vviuch have t>een only par-1 numlxTs are fItKikmg to Liverpool to em- tially e.xcavatrd, give the promise of a rich j hark for .Vmerica, that the ships are all full harvest. In th(> gallery li'ading to I’onqx'ii, lor the next voyage. an ancient road has been traced, in the di-1 Loxno.v, Marcli 24.— \Ve fwl the sin- lection from Naples to .'^ariio. In the two eerest pleasure in stating that je^terday other gallerie.s, there are various fi-mmenis (appointed by the (Jovernmcnt to Ix; lu ld of lieautiful paintings, t»rra-colla, iruii and ='s a day of humiliation and prayer,) was Ijronze. Some hiiiuan skeletons and oikmiI obsi rved w ith the greatest solemnity ihro’. a hog, have fxen l)und there; likewise ihe whole of the metropolis, e.vcept by much carboiuzad wood.—1\. 1. 7J. Punt. a li'vv iillrns of all chis.scs. Almost every —•— shop was closed ; llii' i hurches and chawls, fhi^rin of A(;;/i.s.—'I’he Brabant .Man- so fiir as we have heard, were not t^ilv re! ufacturi r, Ilaiik.t, gave his naiiK- to the spectfully attended, but, in many insta'ncciJ, skein of worsteil, which still irtams it: and c.rowded ; the sc' of the day were so! I'lioman Hlunla t, a vviavcr, in Bristol, has lemn and impressive, and the collections for given a bed-felluvv liotli to ladies and gen- the poor both general and lilieial ; and we _ j cannot but hope that tfie threatened judg- Unent of the (Jod of Nations will be averted 1 here are seven daily now.spaper piihlibh- [ us he 1ms promised they sh:dl b>, when the ed 111 Boston, tvvi Ive in New-'i ork, .seven in guilty People fxnv lielore hi; fe.ntstool ac- riuladelphia, five in lialtimore, and five in kiiow'ledgmg tlieir and di-|i;rcatiii« his 1 Charleston.—C/t««. CvKntT. i wuUi.

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