t f MIWERS’ & FARMERS’ JOlJRNALi. *’* tm:si>ay, hy iiioM vs j. iioj/r«)N....« ir\ui,om i;, .nK uli:mh itc ( »i.\tv, nohth-cakomka. Vi^it 1*I1 n.iii« ni.- t'ktfril *vi» nuivj- - __ ' * "• ' - —2# - '■ - i i ~ . ~ _———■ VOI^ 11. TU nKR_U^«^K,.S_^mK FARIH ,XU nH,_N,MmT n.OM T,,K ^ Tl i:si>AV, MAY 15, NO. H(t. Tin: Ifliiiers’ iki FnrmeiV .loiii'ii.'il In iiriulfd und [iiililislicd ivcry 'riujrday morning at I'loo Ihllijm nnd I'ifly Ciufn |H;r an’iniin, if |>!iid ill advance; Thrte Dn'hiin u yiar, if not paid iinlil after tliu txpiiation of six months. Tli« Co r UtSSOi^t TMO.V. 1 n. to certain o^lifPs,. to Other stocks hvvirfiiP fit'll b, .tit!i“rcv“'r't " "'"’'■'i ‘'“'i ‘" “""" >ii«t ri'^IIK Snl.srril.rr l.nunc piu.l. is.d the rntire /'-“'J > exi.biiutioii in wud ; as [.oHfil.l.', willi instructions to tl.« ca«liittr fli.(,nullv conlers the m.wer to disi.oKO of it. K interei-l in thfi Charlotlc Htorc of H. A- J, i . r u... r . . . . I r.iiHlt-ay, will in fufiiri- tarry on llic .Mercantile triidc, and flio Saddle and Harness nianuractiiriii: 1 of eacli otfice to have every four hiindreil AI)VKI{’]'lS[;.Ml',N'rS tt'!! bf inn-rtj d at J'ifhj Uuhincss, in his own name,—ami e.xpeets to ket|. Ic j On the second "round, the coniinillee will' diiifts in siicces.sion, nnd iis they may be ly j submit docutiient No. H, und its inclosures, I wanted fillotl in the ordfir of some out olfi- c Ills per square (not cxecedinfr iJtl lines,) for tlf first inHerlioii, and '2't cinls for each Hiirceediiif x\eik—or tor tlirre weckp, fur one ^fjiinie.— A lib'.Tul discount will Ik; made to tliosu wlio advertise by tlieycar. I,. Oiialladvcrliieinentb L’uminuniratrd for |tublicatioii, tliK ntiinU-r of insertions mu.-^t be noted on llic niartrin of the manuscript, or thy will bt- continued until forbid, and clmrged aceordinjjh'. All roniinunicationb to the llditor mn«t come tree of pnnhi^r, or they may not In; uttrndi d tr. j j, t„f„ ,„j. thankn to tiie rout iti,.eii in wliici) the can.se and orij^in of brunch cer of the branch, hy whom they must be /i-.ii'j .. 1.,. r..ii Ml. II 1 . 1 .. . .... lral..s will be fnll\ seen. 'I he President ' eiK!or.-;ed len;th\VHe, and about the middle slate.s ‘‘the inui.ility ot lhi“ I'.ijik lo tuini.'>)i | of the drall, ]>aval>le to bearer, before they till! anionut >t circnlatui^ uieJaini, ivhioh it hi* signed by the I’resident and ('ashier.-^ was crealefi to -uj'i.ly, ln.'eaiiie appurent at \\ ln-n com|»leted, they are to be furnished nil early |/»'i umI. In a year a!lcr its or^ait- ' to tiie eiiKtonii'r.s of the Hank, or other |K?r- izilioii, the directors |.re.'ic;!iod a iiieniori;il .st.ii.M who may wish ti) procure them. 'I'fiu !VOTIC'F% IN piirt.naiiec of » Dttd ol 'I’rust from StrplHi. AlcUum, f»ir piirpci.^tcs tlirreiii nii.ntioned, nnd v/hicli liaK tH rii duly rec'irlcd and regiitered, I will sell ul piiblir sale nt llie Ciiurt.lloii^c in ( liar. constantly on hand o )renTal iu'.(ior1ni( nt nf staple A: I'aiu-y JJry lliirdn nrv, I'rorlarij, (Jrociriis ; Pai'iln, /.*i/c i.\r. lints, ShncH, Jiviiiictti; SAl>f) fJ'.H of rv> ry dcNCrii.tioi., lit tin'nio‘t rediitfd pri(' . ruiii'tual drillers eiin liiive n re,I-'.niil.lcindiilr"i’(i i . , , •' J All havinc oprn mntt. und bonds dm , • •**>' •'uimury, l^ls, re- entries re^^|M■ctlng them, both here ntid at II vV J. I.inilsny A Ilo.'diin.s, tlie hiuiic are piiva. | 'I*''''!'''? that an alter.ilii.n might he made the branches, are intended for conrenMitcr- lilr to .Ino. (i. llo..kiiis uloiie. ' | m the rharler, so as to antliori'-e the/)rc.«-] wiAr, to be aimlojjous to those of fcra/ifA lor !li(! eneo'nd>ren,nit li.reto^.re reeciv. d, I ,luit unit ru.i/utrx if the }«irr,,l Iminchi ^ to notex. 'I’heir receTi.t under the deiiominu- Of Ab eklVnburgcounl/.i'iViL' fi,'iii-tT tho-e biacu he.s/’; tioii of l.ranch drafts, is to be similnrly ac 75 .f \(». Ill isKIN'p: ; ‘ nii iiioi lal maikeU A, in kr.owledgcd b\ tlie cashier, and in duplicate ^ •''‘■■I'f'J “ that, ina imich as the I tiiioiinh the resiHJOtive I’residenls. 'I'liev ^aVm’''*>!?serThfr*l'l-l lo in ..r|»..iale the Siih-c iiber.s to ti,e are In^side.s to be reported on the weekly 1 .pi'al.titv of ////)/;.v, aNr. aliL.Viv'ohunV ' '"‘'‘^1 •’•■‘"'s’ reipiirei that state of the ortice, a:3 brunch draft paper, - • - -,a\ be is.sucd by ' received, n.sed, und on hand. Ltlr. on tlie li^tli day of .Mav'nc.M; beiu^ -Vlo.iuay I 1> d eo:dsol /M WA, of wlmb ...v, nty-fn. . or.'. “‘C b.lN oi md.^s wliicli ma> be is.sued by | rec..>ived, n.sed, und on hand, of the County (.'ourt, the ’ I of «Int.-..ak will lie «aiiiiii|T i;.im s.a-wi. 'J lio ''"''ler ol lli‘snid I'orporaij.iii sh.dl be sijjiied | And whenever they may be in transitu Trm-t of hiruf I'"’ '"»> ct.nhl. i si^rn.td bv the between the .ilficos, inu^t be so noticed at the Apnt 16, !W-’. VaUuthU' • fUlt A' i*taHtatiou ,\r PHIV A’lK SAI.K. Illlf‘419 Store houJT, (Jin. h(.u«e and Srre'.v, I lar^'c lJuin, .''laiiie?, and otiier nccv.'sary oul.t. :uiii);i seviral co.jd Springs of water, tad :i.)5 arres t'rrsli , ']nit I and ajjrccablc. I itf II. n. RfU'XHWiLi.i:. land, more or l(>s part of which ik under jfo^Hllenpi' The irivl .Mill has lately been ribnilt. and is of a'ulf;rien ttizr to udinit of another pairof runiirrs, Ar.; hiih two ^>ok1 iHjItinir cloths nnd all other »p- aralus in ;rood order for mannfuctiirin,T I lour in the bet manner; has a po.id run of basiii''!», and is considered hy old H ttl. rs to be the Ix st .-land ,,ro eidin-« of the Bank of the rniU-d SUtes, to ' ‘r i p.jrilCUiai IV .\ merieail COin. 1 fie attention £>r Kiid busiiiesd in the District. The sitii.iiinn reioirt ihcr. on, and to report whether the provisions i ‘ ueiloniliiutioiis, which the pub- 11.| the coinniittoe was drawn b’ this subject i> dctirable; the s'jind as a Store is well i v:.ti!i>h. ,.f its tharUr li»vo been vi-.Uted or not; ihat the , hr must want, and w hicli are ly.st calcuhit- , by tlie fact fliat the General OoverniTient .... ..1 ^ ....Ia. .A I T. ’> I M 1 i;i) STAi lV IJA.Mi. lIor;-i; ..i iii.i’REst.MATiviai, .VIab. ii 14, 1«3’’. lOmtli rd, That a Select Committee be apiK.int- ed to ii'spect tho books, nnd to exaioinr into th. •Idin;;# of the Bank of the I’nitc'd State; , ...fi.uy the r.fluinite clerk*.the e.vpennc ol whi(iin'-Mininei u«*iiominauons, m N)uth .■\merica. lo an internigatory K« w placts can be found iu tlii? roinitry oiT. r. j *|,al| lie audited and allowd bv the (^oniiniit. e oi i w lii'- ii w us not ucti d upon. j |,„t to the President Oil this subject he re Alciintilc I.im: and .Millinfr Unsiness art. imited j , ! apniii i neweil, and u sc lectcomuiilteeol tl*e [ iHilhon. It buys and sells bullion. All for te call ai>d view tlie prcmi«d. I fll’I'OKT OF Tirfi MA.ToPITY. ; llmise of K.-|.resentativ>s re/M)i ted in favor I eign coins are bullion. Their beirfg a la- ' I mm lurmmtmtt » »» i ; , . . , 110 ;iru(»n oil I iM* ^UU t ii ina\. I ihc triidt riiniiMijr iwrcn ('harlrstni and the oxaniir.alidn ot the pio:o**u!p;;'j ol tuo ^_ , , _— Cheraw, rillinj: at .’ts>r(;t town on Ik r way iij> |{;uik, oil the VJ'Jd of .March la.st : iitid allei andd..wn, willrw.m.e W tripsin thcer,.u--.. ..i |j,j^, and Inliorious inv.-Miira- „ -j „ a t. w dayy, and IS irfrnded tn be cnntinii* d 111 III. I . ,. , . i . i.i on the nflice-). rv.e (K.cttll). lit .1, C. -- [Kmer to disjioKO c. ... In two im[.ortant lotiiis obtained from tha government since the charter was jrranterf, the bank has parted with a valuable stock} and these ca.^ses will illustrate the point now submitted t*.C’onjrres8. While tho commit* tee refer to the transactions of the bonk in the funded debt of the United Biates, for the purpose above mentioned, they also have, nt view tho presentation pf tfie subject, to show not only the manner of disposing of that stock, but whether it was not contrary to the express ui.derstanding with the govern. iTient at tlie time of obtaining the ;?tocks.-*-* For the loan of l|4,000,0(li) of r> per cent, made in and the 1^5,000,000 of -Ij per cents, made if! December, Jy‘^4, (heio was strong individiiai competition, at n pre mium for a part or the whole, ajfainsi tii!j bank ; yet the Imnk had n preference over the individual oilers,upon the principle that it Would be more advanfuf>eou8 to give it to the bunk at a reduced rate, and parlicipalo .xs a partner, than to give it to individuals at a pr niiuni. This wad continiicd ut thu Treasury. Tiie president of the bank, in a letter da ted l.'itli December, l!524, which will Ikj found among tho documentiiry testimony, after saying he had taken the whole of tho 8-'>,000,0()ti loan at par, sajs, “and .sinro we have taken the loan at par, on the dis- tiiict ground of onr having th” tneaiisof do ing if, it would be advisable, in eveiy point of view, not to sell any of tho Ftoritla loon III Boston.” Hy a statement of the ann.iiiit of funded debt sold by the bank, marked by the j.ronh iit, and toutitersigm 1 by th» ^ 'J’he f.>regoing is a .succinct history of the 0, it w ill 1k> seen that, as early as .fuiio cashier. 1 he Inl.or und time m .;cssary to ' ismc of hr inc.ti drafts. Whi ther it can he | ‘>'*d .luly, ISiif), tho year after it was taken, sijiii notes l'»r the P.aiik und all its branch- jiiMiti' d iimler llie charier wf tiie Hank, the | the bank began to sell this stock, and con- e.s, ar.* iniH'h gieatev thioi eitlier of tho.se icommittce wdl leave to the better judgment , tinned to do so, sometimes at a premium otlicers uii bestow np.iii th.it ol.ject; and of C'oiigre.ss. " | and sonii'timcs at a hiss, up to tho •J'th day hence tin Hank ha? ueen unable to put in j The lliird case is the selling coin, and ; ^'f 1H2!>, on which day they hai rirchlatioii a sufliciiMit amount of notes of: p;;rticulai Iv American coin. The attention | dispo.sed of all hut {Cj, and that loo at a loss of 4,4413 34, notwilhstanding oller.q w ere made by individuals for a large amount, at a preniium, and rt jected by the govern ment, upon the principle before staled. The same document shows that there was, be tween February, 1829, and October of the same year, sold of the $5,000,000 Florida loan, ^1,742,‘261, at a loss of 817,001 Oil. Ft.r this Itian, the cominittee arc not aware uf there being any offerti by indiviiluals at a premium. The same document ln6 wnuiFth til 6 per cents, of 1^21, has Itecii dispos«'d of at a premium of 8136,78!) 25. The premium paid for which, at the tinie it was taken, was provided for in a semi-annual appropria tion of »>0,000 dollars, in tlie report of tho 1st of .lidy, 1821, Ixjfore adverted to. Hy • y "15 1 (tliel’o'^t.or.ir.' i'-*"""-' '‘"i* oms. inenppii- iias n.. small n-.tes ol its own. i lie pape •LJjL-*" on th. I io-s ^ticii, a few yar.i-'cati.iii w;is riot granted. Tln' president marked (i, I', contains a statement of the a- norai.wc^io) th. Coun.lt..uv.-, in Uxmau.u .\.v stat> “ il..' sul.j.vt was resumed by an.-ther , inomit ..f branch drafiK issued, on hand, in ' rjirdlrs?'"'!!!'. .!lllX. arTcx^nsive.^cim^^nnd . ''."I' '' ^"veM.l«?r ‘Jltli, cir. uialioii, and tlie tiftice:. from whence is- Willb-s.ldatpriia'PFalc j'try: I’lnin aed proxen.ler of the l.. »i, plciitniil,,‘M’>’"• the m'inoi ial marked d, b, in sued. l!y this table it will Imj percciv.-d a (•rist-Mill, l>wellini'. i nnd siried bv {riK)d ho»th:rs. The house has ma- w lilch it is stated, “ under the oliurter it has tliat 10,7'> I dollars have issued : 3,371,- . ., _ „ 1 ,1.1. I I,. 1 ..1.,, I I .1 _. I _ f t > • - . ... . ..... ny eonifurial'ler.«.mF, M rve# a pood tulde and re. been d.jubled wh':tlier tlic bank has pfiwer • A14 dollais aif on hand; and 0,110,090 _ I fi. ..hn..;i i.s; wid the proi.nUor and hi. laiaily to anthoriM' the isMiing of notes n..t signed ' -Wlars are in ciieuhition. Will oinn lu liu If jiower t> make il inoKl - . - ^ ai U' woiili the ditl-'-rcnce in specie, uiul tlinre l--*rcrice III specie, und ihf^re > .1 w hv the Hni.k should sell Its lllif'-^e o,Mirations it wi I be obv,..,is|y ,K>r- ."iV.M ! Ii>» tlr. ir liiiiilcd tinm wouUl allow, ' . .1 ! I —.,1 *U.» 4* tL timt .-^.ssi.m of ('..n.;r. s.s and.'accordingly, i Hee'n.mi.. r.'asoii i ceived,‘that, if the bank i.s allowed to sell the malter w;m ret. rred to thf ( ommiltec bullion any iii.uc ! Mocks ac,jired by special anree.nei.ts with i le.ss than tin ir \aliie.” the opinion of .Mr. Hiniiey,: .•on.isiitteetoaconefpon.ienccma Ho n.ld The e.xc tile til rl.rrn^:, T mori^ls^jriirin i as a‘;:ommlluy, .s'calculat.Hi’ to disturb its *-”rr?»port,..ned and aUnt f.v.^ .. ■ i I. n ..r ,1,,^, havrbern anv ircnm^.anecs the southe rn and western section, there is a legal value, and render at least that portion ,b•^. nlm ne!. hi-li, his cUh.so far a^ r. c..l.. rt. airai-ut whuh fiif.ir, Ic-isla- r()nsta:it and upcea.sin,!' deuKiud at the olfi- ot the metallic currency uncertain and lluc- ..1, W.U. uf ia,n' ie'.";.l'’uuard, ..r which should destroy its , HenoillinatioJIs of notes, tlialing. ::;.:Ml?,:ii;:w"i/d haT::^^^^ eIa.mMofur.herconf,.l.n.c i „,,,e to supplv.” The;. If, however, the committee l.ave taken a rir'ii.in h. will t ike: he wn» li. ar.l to kim ak of«i. On the first p.iinf, toll-jwing t!ie e'.ample I suggest that the “ discount olViei > wrong view ot this subject, so tar n.- tori ign utid will jT.ibably make lor sr.me nf «h.it 1, of a loriiier conimillee making a Mlliilar 111-i coin.nonly ve.-ti-ation, they will submit t.. the House, | of the Hank for smaller n'C wilheu' evpressing any opinion, .Mieh Cases I,pp,, j,, ,1„. h..„ . , tul m' lrl b-.rhood ibr soine iMi.e, and with whom as ha\e U cii >ahjects ot imputation against , I„ „rd-r to save the labor of pre- bullion, and, iherctore, does not come witli- ' paring sueh checks at tlie olfiees. as well in the objech of trade allowed the bank by I for the -reater seeuntv of the Hank and th.' , the Olh fundaii.ental rule ol the charter.— ■ . . . reference to tlie statefiii'nt ol specie solu tlierelore suggest inai me •oisi .iiiiin'iiK ^ . o "■'-hould be instructed to draw checks on the com is ci«u«u'rncd, it seems by the .slate- ■'’> 1 cashier of the Hank for smaller sums than ment of th.' Presi.ient .,f the bank, lo be M‘ habit of fur- virtually admitted that our own com is not it IS believed the hI .ivc f. Ilow wai too intiin.iU. Hank, and .•.mjninlK'w iih whom It IK belu.Tisl .1 Klorc in 'j'j,e>se l ase-^ the\ consider to be six in n,arl..tl. was brok.n into ami Mindry thin-.s sto. l ,,r,. ;,;,blloWS : li n» ii:um * liatcly aft. r ' hiehthis felli'-.v and w.mrin di-app’an d. 'I’le p'lblu- an-r. quest.d to Is on ^ till it ^ward. I will j;ivr the iibove r.'war.l for \\ illev, and piiy all e\p>':i»es if brfiurht home or ronfiti. '1 in .iny jail s.i that I can c. l him. 1 will ] also r>''' a further rewar.1 .if Iwenly dollars for the woiii.ni if lonn.l in eonipuity with ihe s.iid '■•llo«, 8J th.it kIip may be eunMtl. d lc>r Ihe olb in’e. \VM. l»AMl»SO\. s. r. ,\ynl G, IsVj. Mtf comrnunitv, it has been deemt'd best to pre- 1st. In rilation to usiirv. ! pare the blank forms of n uniform af>i>iar- | by the bank, mnrkcd iSj>. -4, it ‘2.1. In relation to tiij i.- aiy branch orders-, as I 1tlie, I’,.„in the parent that lli« sum ot •'>‘'4,.J4 44 ot Amtrican aeir. ulation. , , . H ink. Swell forms have been acconlitiglv ' gold coiii has been parted With. ^ |td. The sedinscoin.and ;,urtieularly .American | ,„i„.„,,ed to th.- b-ard I The 4th case is, sellng st.K k obtained 'I'lh. The sale of 8tor\ obtained from (iovcrn- | with the recomi!iendati..n of the committee, j from g()\emn'‘'m special acts ot C’oii- ' that the e\|K'rinieiit be tried, and it tuund and canals,. coimiiunitv, be pirmarufUly a- Hank reliirs us to a stntrniciil. marked (i 1.1 EM)II:ii'm IC‘uar«l II,Il be (.'iv. .1 to any |H-rBon ▼ * for th.' apprehension and .le- liveryofmy lioyMA/M.or.'^oi’on. j, j, n,.xphim the onlv Cases to fining him in jail ihni I may C t • ... ' i . him acnin, li taken w ithin, or twen- I) dollar;, if token v. ithont th. li'mis - - ^ot Uie -ounty. lb is JHor 'J iyiars t)ie board repaid the a;-e, 1 |.ri(.'ht muKitto, iib'int five t.s t HI or II |\ercbnrged; ami Iiirli’e hit'll. W. 11 nni.I.^ and stont, and of a lordly in the form of the ori iiient under speeinl nets of Conf;i rilli. wMakiii" donalions Ibr road:. ’ ' usi '^'Tllh!* Itiiil.iini; lir.use,-. »o r. nt or m-II, and crecl. dopted. See P.K-. 3, c. iiiL' other I.tru. tun s m aid ol tlut objeii. I I he diKMiinent markcil 4, d, IS ac(Yre.spon- ()n the first ..round, the IVesulent of the denee betw.vn the President ot the Hunk and - r. 1 ilio Srrrrtarv ot tlie Irtasury, *>ii tl*e cl»a- U rai’ler of thest bank drafts, which hasalrea- gress. I'lit y have thouobt it their duty to present tiie subject to the consideration ot CVingress. It IS necessarv here to observe, that the charter inu.st haVff intemled some mpuning ,.f m «'I'l,,. l.a,-r in.rk. d K. conU,i.» ...struc , ll,.c u.,.,„s «,ul “ "> ' inprohibitingthebanklVomdealingiiistocks. I There is, perhaps, no subject so truillul in ' speculations as stocks, and mme which is so J . . I . I _ -.11 A I... »1.. rkeilNo.4. ! government, it can secure, by specula- ti.iiis, all the advantage which the t-overn- nieut might pos.sess, in pulling up its loans to the highe>t bidder. It not only destroys comiKMition, but takes the loan of the gov- ermnent from other individuals, who wftiild have given a premium t’or it, and which the government refuses, because it expects to derive a greater protit in another way, but in which it may be defeated, hy an immedi ate sale of the loan, and which, if the right lo sell by the bank is acknowledged, miuht have been made directly to thos^- very iinli- vidiials who had just ofii^red a premium. In relation to the 4,000,000 loan of 5 per cents, of 1^21, Mr. Clieves, in bis report on tlu! 1st (^ct. 1''22, says: “ The 4,000,(U)0 loan of 5 per cents, are longer irredeematile than any other stock of tho government of tho I nited Stales, and hence probably this stock is more valuable than any oilier stock of tho I'nited States.” He al.so says, “the more the bank can retain of this st(K.’k, the In'tter tor the institution.” In the w Ixde of w hich, the comniitiee most fully concur ; for. it may be mentioned with ti'clings of pride, lhat such is the high credit of the government. Its stock is better than speci*?, and would Ikj to the bank, in any otiiergencj-, j.recistdy the same. The committee proceed to montion tho fifth case, which is making donations Ibr roads, canals, and other objects, the amount of which is, S4,020,as will appear by doe- ument .No. 7. Two of the largest ol these items, amounting to §>^,000, are for lurn- pike roads, made, loo, after the (leneral Go- vernnieiit had declined to make appropria- L J ^^1 ^ ap|)liealion has bee: , with lur;!- pray eyes; had on when r'., ^ applicable, two of ihcin being ca.«e.s in which .1 .irnTir ^ |,„,„vU dge of the parent lumk, in which the and thence distributed to such oi the south-! one ; hKely I.JW1 i.inK iin nain ^ | l,ranches hinl received u.surit.iis interest ? lie j ern and western cilices Mr-Unihitn’ roinit,/, .ip,,I |H, >'-’if ' replied he had never heard (.f any, but made j most in ne.‘d ol them ^ —- .(I,,., slaletnent, marked No. 2, in which ! employ them uselully IM.AMvS, _ h- ' - ' " (tf nirious kinil.'-', for sitk at thix Offirc. I upyii c tions tor similar objects.* The question would naturally arise, who- ther the public funds in the Hank, (for that institution is expressly founded u^m tlio principle that it is necessary to, and consti tutes a part .f the Treasury of the I mted States,) can be appropriated to objects indi- rectlv, by the officers of lhat iiisfilution, when the (lovernuient directly refuses to expend its revenues on the very saineobj.'cts. The committee have looked in vain for any lii muiiiiv .Tv»i J f ^ « 1 It must be done hy virtm; of a law of • The Prrssident furnished this statement witti- t.^itf valw. of till real estate ,o states that the tisual custom is to charge a specimen of the and » 0 blank clra.ts "'f;: ^ , "V ipyu donicblic bills wfc.xchange the rate of 1 adopted. After b;ing numLored, register- comniitlet ug^.

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