iMu.vnu) v.\i> n i sd.av, m ihoiias.i. oi .> rv, akomna. _ * wiu. TKACH YOU '10 i'ii:in;K tut; ;:owri.n oi' 'iiiE kaktii ami bi. so oi t hio.m thk. c.wmiSs riK tmk voi ntains, » wiik m wii !. i;!vK .sTiiKMirii lo oi u hands a.vh «i iijKi r am j.ati'he ro oi kT'sk and ri PASi hk i vcm7.Ti. I'SK AM) I’I fASI UK..—HR. JOII.NSO.N. Tiia->§>vv, bs:j*>. IliiiciV Ai I'ariiitT!-’ Jouriinl Is printed luid publiHlii'd fvrry 'I’uesduy moriiiii)'’ at Twu Oollats and ( i ntH per uniiiiiii, if paid inadvunce; Thte IMlmn a yt.'ir, if not p.iid until ullur tiiu fxpi;utioii oi' :i.( ii.oiitliN. \l)VKK'l l;ji:Mi;M\S will l;f insrrttj ut I'lfiy ( ciits (ler square (not I'xcci iIiuk ii'J liiictj tui tlia *ir»l iiist'rtion, and 25 ccnts fijr ci.cli Micctcdiii^r v.'ftk—or S^l for three Wfck-', lor one xt|iiarL'.—- \ libcrul di:count will be iiiadi !o tiumi' who (idvertisfby tlieyi ar. J Oaulla^lvtrtl.semtIlt^ '•omniuiiicuti d for puMifiilioii, llie number gf ■nhcrlions inu.'.t b' iioltd on ibe niari!iii ot tlx' tnanuscript, ur tl.i y uill bo continued until i-jrliiil, and tliiirjji'd atcordingly. j All coniiiiunicatioiiK to the Kditor must roint ' free of past ape, oi tiiey iniiy not be utli iidrd lo. cnivircK f B »uliHcrii-itr» have jUft rcc* ivrtl from I’lc ■ c'itirN of Nevv-Vork, I liiludelpliia uikI (luiti- more and now opened anio;-! :‘plendid a.•^^lrtnle!ll ot a.pvtnjj CiotEIn.'S ron^istiiijr i>‘ alinrist i \i ry arln Ic eoii^'iii • rl in tiii« srrti.m of country, «hi'h will l»; sold innjHiiallji low for Ca!>h. \ rvasi.nabli time « ill al>) Iw g''-- rn to punctual dtalern. ( hir Store l. in the W bite II Hi't I'ornii rly oreupn d by J. «V K. Spriii"s, nd- jiiiniii>r thfir tiriek buildini;. For the vi ry hhi rul •.'ipjMirt we liavi receivcd we ri turn our mieere tllillK!!. Th, s\ni»n:\.. i!i-i. N I'^SS w ill. iti tuturi, I f c «r- ru'doninfir'MAti nsiw ly fliun hiT( tofure, I a\iii'/ p'liibii' cd a stork of first rat' -nnti ■ rial'.-. .\Hkii'd‘-ol w.'ik wi.'l h mnnutirturet! -.1 tl .• vi ry 'oHcst pritis, ui.d Miiide iii *'ic br^t (.tyb . S Vital tirst rite worknien exix'( l(d i .1 rv d;iv. _r\a,Ute. May 81. 1 "‘ll-.'.-'-Tt;':) Stratn /;>!• Sail’. fD^UOlou prt>»iir' cn.i;ines, 1 iich tu. i.'v-(iv. .1 horM- p'iw r. 'I'Ik y have '-n Um 1; a »bnrt tiiin'; tr .in tbc rare w hieh b.'.' t i n 1 . ;c!i i>i Ihi III 11 H pr siiiiit il Uiey may a(raiii I/) put ii>t>/ o]i r.^lii'O at R lih !. rn't f\,«ii'i. Tbi y .ii ii'w h> .ill d ut t.^iP li' .1'! Cil tht Sdtiti i. ’.umI. at'. I ti\i 'Kill's frmii Till'ill',« hen thi ) iij-h i>i i!, jn .■ipi’li*'ilMii to l!in;. l‘iiiii''ii.’i. M nr llit n ii;i. v>, 'l'h>r' i.i alt If hi d to ■ a li m;:in. ai iW i "ii f'T( in:: p.iiiip V. itli I'•>■'rr r.-.i-1: s; w i^l r ..bou? !i' I hiL'b, „’id v( hieil vMli I -i !il ll.r ent'iiH's or ni l a-. 1 i!i) suit the purtl.u-.r. 1 ur '" i/ifoiiiiutu II .ipi-U to i;a\ i.M,i,,'.'-Ti.vr..vs \ t o. Ch'ir'.tH'.n. ('. (lui.ufuil thf last B 1 aha^lrliinl^l^ato^ 01 till 1' t tr fti Arrli- ri'I iTdlo s.ilJ Cfct.-tv. !o Uiakr, piyiix wt litwcin now midilio .\ugiiHl(,'ourl,«nUthoM huunir el.umn ajraiii'-t 'hid r-iate rr«' riipic.-ted. to prtst nt them pro'>' r|y .mtii* n'ii ati d within the tiiiir prescribed by Irw, ur lliiii nolie" will be pkad in bar. AI.I.X. .lu'mv. Noi’iTTjr nib-erilH'r Iiavinj; taken oe.l I.i Iters of Al .\dinini»trafK)n on tiie r-tat.- u‘ .'lo- W’al- !•«., (I.tM. at .May ’l>rni, l-.'t'.'. -All (>- i-..:i'- bav. ij)i/ (l iiiiib aj;.iin»t ?nid di e’d. are r i]ui.>.lei1 tn pr. • »ent them » eordiiijf t» law lor st i(!ement inilibt- tdwill Uiike iininediat' pavint-iil J.'.S, A, ’lOllD, ,l'/i;iV. Ifnv •.'»=. 1 '.'(2. and .Ybiii. rjIMH mU-i ril-. r inlmduii; to ironi this Ji. Stall,otUr for sale,on liberal lerins tlie un- Hi»ided halfot ti.e trnit of land win re lie now re- (.111.’!*, rotilaiiiirij a»H)iit 3IKI acrcs, and on w hioh i» the mil known I’ultrrsoii niiiif. The fluintity of ‘iold obtained Iroiu said niiiie 1* a prwif tb,:« not liinK bnl pri.|M r niarbinpry »» wanlmij; to wak. it oin; o( tlio mo*t profitabb' in iht* rtiuiily. Alfto, a trai t ot land on l^n? ('reek, Tilout l.«2 ar.rro, tht-re in on it a d«ellin2 liouir, »Vr. aiiQ on the rrffk a CJoId i:«lahlisliiiirnt, eontainui!: 1-J jioimd. r. n w ly **nHi d, 2 Kole r mills, and a tasi ' iron oin ou a new, Ik IhmiI to he Kiipi-rior to ji.y thin.; no'.v runnir.", and ea|»ablf of ^rindini; from •■II In bn!>bi N ot ore in 'J4 hour!*. On the other ■'ivk of the ihin a saw or trift mill may U tri rt. d w itb VI ly liitlo i \pense. AIm', II tract of l.iitri manr fhnrlotte, on tfV jiali-biirv r(«’d," -’’J aeies, formerly the rroiH. rlv of .lor ithan I lari 11*, dc'*!. ■ C. Jl tJNOT AI:,y .list, Ka*«‘a3. 4 Hul I' til.-iiiii?i:i.'ol', Inst.‘the sub. 1.1 ritxr placed in the b.iiulsofa by the iiiiiM’f.*' Iliiiir:/ /.(.Ii/nlia- Huti-i) !*il- ver Wall It .'or tin 1' of liaMii!: it rallb 1 olV, and i.i-lia'! o' lioiii;; no h trrid.d 'be nateli and ii'iiili iitV willitlie iiii.iiry. lie n uhuiit i>ix lei I, II, lit I omplet ted, ami h. a itov 11 look when #p(.keii to; h- w«.re olf a brtiw 1 elolh eoattie, and vaM .T-imd w ith a larue dirk knili* anil a pistol with ab.iji’i.'t allArhidto it. lie In'* been no di'iibt y'liltv ol'trii'ks of the same kind bi fore. Ill w 111 riake iill.i rfur Knoxsille,'reiin. ot the «01 |Tia tiold Minis. The piibhe will do well to III nil till II "ward. J('ll.\ KOUl.KTS. ■,,I /i.vK 1. i^:v’ 1:. I opinion i.-, thtu tlirc-!: urllis (if ail thi‘| n] it, and tUn.iioliuut Fn^laiid, !Si;(,liaini li ar aiose iVoiii tlie mullitiKlf' ‘ (!riiiif.'5 coriiiiiitli'il in l!iiscu',uitr\ have tiicir anil Ireland, 'lV!ii|K'iaru'c sik'U'Iii m urc ' nunil'i liiit bi.uii a .. 1 ,1 11 I ,1 'V *’ ' ’ ''-•■■r-”—" -K.i n 11.un-1 iiuiiii'ir dl pfrsnns, uurrfiviiiij- lui lintlirr At a iii(>flintJ held 111 W itKhinntun ( ity, ^on;.ni) 111 i(itein|..'fut!( f. i iiave had .‘iciiie : llurncd ;ind tlnuri'^hinij, ami the most tlis- ' dan^rr, tu.-^ln'il to the rescue cl tli.'se in ll;u on the 13ih of .luiiuary Iasi, lor iIk; |nirp(ise of firotnoliii'i tiu! causo iC tfni|ier!iiifi! in th; I nited States, tin; lion. I'eiix (.Jrniuh , of 'I'entiessee, prebentud llic li>llov\ iiig n.n- oiiition: Ilcftilri J, Thiit, as the [irevab nef of Inleriiper- ante is an alarininjr Natiunal e\ il, alilu line all or- derx oftMjeiety, men ofall partien uiii! piir'iiils are op|ii.rt!iiMtv of liiriiiitisr an (ijimion oij tins j litijjiji.-hed incti are forenmii in uroiiiotiiiu ;,li|i. siihj. rt; in;. prnli'sMnri f-r thirty year has then sue. ess. W hat eilizen of the I’niled | Tlie trto di.-ceased females had iiilh n inlo le,id nil f.) iiiionn- into the h.Moiy ol tlnise ^ Stales, while ho aektiowU ii;ies our imlebt- the slip b. tween the pie.- aed the si.,on to ri!i.>-wer at the bar ; i diiess to the parent htate, lor nm. h of i^ir ' and were qiii, klv s.-ized by two ,n. 11, ul'J who hi;\e hei:n eailei ot llii ir eoniitry—llioM! nnlortiiiiat. nu n ,s, inc,., literature and iiislituti..iis, rioesiiot had seareelv eef>de(l ni rais,nr tbr|.| by have lii'fjDeiitly called upon n-y hiiinble ta- frid his prile of eoiinlry re^e and expand tl,e Imir to a • mall h* ip|it ah. v ih.. fruifhco leiits lo aiil them in tlie In nr of their peril j when ho reflects that, ue are paying back of i!ie wutc, w !.en the reaction of the wow rt uer.oyHoeie.v,menon.,.parMes.„.ipurMmsare H-C story of| in the man, moral \ es ; and tie- liiMemnn ut the bo«s i;,K-ed tio eallcd upon to unite ill its Mippri s.Miii,, by the 1,11-; **i‘d m notieiii;: flieii-deparliue sir; we are iraktii^' [lavment in a coin, sloop bai k with Mojeiu-e, and iiuni laslar.t ly etfertual ineansi, c/./i/c (Wix/iHff/ri-fn,111 ull Spir- . Il'oill the putii el n litiidf, and tlM'ir stiiise. 1 riiln-r and In Iter lPliti‘*d than : Imlh Wjo crUr'iM-d to deutil a"-iilHt lliQ itoiis h.|uor as u i!riiiii lor rejresbdienl or an uti.x- ' jiieni iiidii|;.;en'-e in vire, niy best ji|ilgni''nl i tjiiit in wliieli til'.* di-bt was' origiliallv cri'a- ' pier ' ! it.' Iliaiy in lab.jr. , . i wniilil be liiat fi In f.llhs of ail lh« entiies te'> e know tlie pr.-jni'iees whicii i One of them, ;i yumft f.-n;;de naiieii In sup|!oi(ing this retiuhitioii, .*!r, irnn- cdinnntti-d, i-an In- hmeti |i 1 I'fn'neruiii-e. in (I'rrat l’.r|f;.in af- in-! e\ery ihino .\ine. j Margaret I'otee, had the two .sidi-.s i f [. p dy reniiuked; . ifwelookto liu! d.'ini-siic eiti Ir, v. bat rii an. 'J'hey :irf siov, ni b-hevin;,f that an | h'-ad hti-railv cnir^ tooctlH i •Mu. : iilu'ti 'I'hi.s lar,'i‘assembly is cot'iposed of in- diviiinals from evi-rv porli"ii ofthis widi-i} Ui;e| i:iut m r; ni-an the li.ail.'ul i-M tided coiiiitrv. I sell lieie ni' ii i.f ail p:;reiit'! !t i> tin'(li--.p.,!ion an ! inti'i:)- 'I'w :i jie;.ii .-I- . f tl;- u- i-l.;|.:i-. iiiilii'ln ’IIS ;,!,il aii.iaie !*!!■ ll.'- II turn I.f h' h.m (1 I !•( I partin'.-, unr' of 1 ver\ vui i !y "f pidil.c.;! > b.i- r.icter. U i,y i il that at a pi'iinil of sin ii liii. h p"lilieal e\ci! II ei.t, \u l.ave a!i !;iid do« n onr parlv lei ini.s and p;e;iioieC', ainl Sji'b.M- - hni;, I'it i have met lii:.elliiT wiili lii-ai!■> .ii d hands ti'iii,'*--ni iis t riiji i- nnited in siijijiort .f eni- l j 1 ’ and | iirpoM“. riiis, -ir, aiisc.-* Ill ni a (-ii'iMctnni, a lliDi ii| cnin lelioi;, tiiat llii’K- I', in *-:;i-iJiv , a eomiiiou rneo v. in tiic n.iu't uf iis luiil aroiMiil i>, wiiieii i-rfiti iMtr (.eMtb and lie. solaleiii !l i"!i. h till-l;.n .. 'i'!i':t eneiiiy i.- Iul> mi t i:.i- yr^at di stri x 'i oi tin S' Ills i-.i, , l"'.ii. '- i f me: . 'I * is IS (iin- ;:i ai national mc-. md a}»*i: -I it «.• n \it- un-. pi'tn :.t onr cO'iii'iMiM II to w.;,.'- a \>ar'.: i'\terii:.. itii'ii. 'I i!'* W!iii :'f wi; [iiopos" IS III t lleit vhii h Ill bii'i'd ai;il li,i-_'e. N. : fir I'thi-rw ise, it pirs. r\e.s lb liies iif men. .■ e l “im's tin ir f-,';' fiurn v- (■'I ‘•Mni! rnin. 'I't.e f-ti'" of b-i'.^l.itt..n h.-■: Im . n 1-:■ d in x u'l. 'I'iic mI st.ll «'\- !.-ts; th ■ iVirn.l-1 f IViiij . ranei-no\. mvul.i a higher power, !le (/(.’ tin ,1,1,1 pnw - . r ot' til ■ eoiii . 11 it\. Ill onlr. ioeh\ali till.' p’.b^i' s> i.tin I lit iiiiil ri.n-^e t • nii'i .d . 11-5 ■ I.f s,,( II ! v illtn .I'-ln !1 llj r.l) II, « -llh- jrf t. Ii. Ill\i r tlhs Is the |;il' 1- ci-de.!, t;-,i' 1 1- ;iri-ii:i;p!:-'.''I. '1 h 'l. t!>i' \ r e. t! t I !' ino.-l at:'] II-- w ■:-l ili.i w ill Is- • iin ;,t. d I’s ll.i' ' :t r.i- rodiii'rs m'.'t mi i-i \ and v, 11 ti l e.J. | .ViiK-riraii tniiid can prutaK O any thini; su- ! siuht too .'ihoekino fo |d,,k at. 'I he .,tl 1 r s' hal IS till- ni. >! I': .'Oil',il arm ?-ul-i pci-i.,r to !ii:ii own ih\« i;!ii'iis and imprii\e. I n.iiiii (i fj.iiiy Cohen, bad hf-r huh, tieoi' lo'-nt—\.-t no sonii'-r was this- remei'v tin the In an V 111 I'iK I all'... I I ^'l|.r h(” : : .11. I - ^'1 ||S|'>', 111 ll ' I jis ll -liii) u 'j 111- I'-i -i r;i'i .1 n t ...i so t’li. -.‘.i- il.i pi'a -!i ti;is (':i' III.I I. 1,11 a'lu tb ■ 11';: I II' 11.a.’.. n( U|l!l W 111' !l i ..I'llljll-lil! .-!' I In til- laounu. I- > I tli ■ M ■!■• u'arii'in... I t.i 'I'i.i re |s ; tliv- pio n, !i. n I 11 t'i s will ('111 i t -1 HI 111 tl 1 111 * t-; .1 p.-i-„ ’la I-. iri !i.i II 1} . II,.I ill. in, ■li' III a..;, > I'l- j.v.- a.d . 1 a- 1st.II,I'l', or * v 1, I'lii. c iiii'.i 1:;; , - 1- !r !t I. ,!l I; 1 :.r .11 !i. U. ;l. - '. Ill- I bill V.' w -. 1 hl'.il 1:.:s ,;..,l..-t lUl ,..J 1. . ll . -.I'l. I 1 I, 1 1 ; ' ;l,e 11 ( lea tl . ll i -laiv 'I i.i'-- -. 1 a s: i.-i ,s 1 -1 V 1"W of 1 , ,' V ■laste 1 ;' I,;'- .Ii.n !;C,1-II||' V,.' h i. ;i ur IS aiaaia. !\ • a;i'" ‘ i'\ 1 !;,i'>it.. nf 0.: .1: |H;raoC^ . ’ I. ri' '.V'11 1. it permit It, a:.(' . t 1 w!ial '. e, (^i;: ", W r i!_\ s I' as wo ap- i.i"! In lalii ity . aa ) I. tl. la ' '1;- It-, Meiiias 1C' litin I. tin' e II I,'I r- mi'dy ' f 'l'f :i'| i..“aiii-'- ... 'I'ils l.s t ii,i“ tboi.i V (if vi.s|i-[ ai \ men : an; h’ ■ \|-' ; 1- iii' i.ts bale bi'i II II,a :r, ai d il has I f-en drtin'ti'-tr:;;. i o'.i-r atid i'\"r il'j-iiii t!i;it thi's*' _'ri ill mi.ral e:ioiiiis will pi ,i ikn-ail the i-lii-it 1 d» -liini d t.ii" ir n.\.'-i ' IS ; an-.! I I'.Ti' are :it tlii--o'a'. ihoii .in-.. . i ..are. a:,- ti\ii'en. i.'.liis iner anti ii:d i-tiioiis citi w-|i*i ail- 11 ans to bi-:;r lestniMi,;. tiiat !iii\ are llii n;e,.i.s l._\ wi., ii t./y \.ci'c r,-'i I' ■ i I'l oiii 1; '-'iii,f ;i,iii s iircf'-d last ;h'so So- '■;i!,'-s ill't :h '. an- nrm-i-‘'".iiy, bi'ea'i---e, ■ V I .11 h f-1-n., ii.s,i." Ins iiif-1'III-*', t! e same i’r,ii!'l i.i- pri,diii'i'd, a’, l eoiab'riata'lis :, ;i !• i.'ii'-I’:. iji t It III! ri'ni''Miber: ll ";.iii ^iM's pi.v'er a-.i.j .stn-.i.;r.i—.ill ,:.'i i.t |s iniii,.:c;l on this pi nil q le. and ■a' ^"ViTiaiii'i.i ( f uiir ow ll i.’i'iniiry -l.lkl'U liUl'tl-.iti 'll I'fit—lh» -e tweiil). irr ni'.tid toeeti.i-r I'la- tiie piK- im III t" ..,.1 Wil'ii mo|-0 cf- t wJ.M 1' "i.r n;i '^i-.' >n .-iiuh *' iinire il., erti.she(l in ine san e manner, erani-'.- pr's- i ti-d than it wusa,i*,pted \‘. e li-irn that .Margaret |-’oiee was only d praetisod. S:r. this is-ti.Jii;; evi'lc-ni'e | 17 uf u^, , i;,r. anu,;!*!, ■ • r .,r,|«vio- i.l'it ot.btv. \‘, Ini' poitions ot'tiii-I 1'e parents who reside wilinii a li-w miles svi.ild are j r fitini; by this iaii'iition, shall 'of .Ne-w-ark, \, ami eaiiiC (o ihi.i w ai't so uaw isi'iy as ni.t to eiij..'y its full j I'ity to \isit her iiiu it'. .\|r. \\ ilsi n, of benebi.-. ’ iCii.itbain ‘street. Mr. \\ ilsnn liaJ ;ic-,;iii. li is tin,' especial duty o'f the n.ini't'TS of | i ;inii-d his niece lo .s r th'' laiiia !i, and \vn;9 -A !ii-.:s, vonr *'’in'!i> ly ri li; i n to reclaim men I'tiim all liiC-persoii, w. ate toM, n ;;,i lai-'i d in r w lien > the \t 1 al '. lit nnsb.ilirl .' till- I ul lliat I ;i aidi n! spin'.s sm in'l imiiiorahtv. lo, .«iiiel\ .'!■ who w:ai ltn' public hoLiors, fill liiiih , st ai;.. the eoi.fideiK e id'Iheir Cl a: Ir i.:.-n, ,irt tinder tlie slronu«’s| obh^a- tl' l.s t iiid 111 tiiis i;aiMi w(uk. And in mv h•lllnl-^• bnl (ii'nber.ite iu.'^meiil, il' all our I .\-,-en’. ve liiici r~, 1 nr juil;:i‘s, and our la'.v- .,'iv-is'.s.iiiid iiiiiie Inailily. bid'i b\ jin- aij.l t xuniyh , in pn iiii'tiii}' th'-cause I.f'i''-aiferaiief. they wi-iild cn-iile a nii.ral 1 atiii-- '.If I ' ;!iron_li.-'!t the land m wiuci) iri linii;!, .r ' ei nhi h«e. slif was I tn«lie.l to lii utli ni his i.-ind.s ’ Mis. ( 1,’k-., (bo ether lady, ap* jiaied ! 'tl nil 1,1 .‘t;i\( t.i ,^e, arid hr.d ii;i\ 'i in th:.^ i-;!y lioni .\i >i leans a- b lit :mnnibs since. Siie l-i-;iided in tlio t.i 1.1 If.-/ (/' J h ll ■ I ^!^s. !)■ \ I iin',r, in ('i I'al Ktreel, muir I’ln; stn- ;t. S'lo uu, a w a. wed lady, ami was --.(1. ;.,i inn-d |o the hiuni h I y her youngest sf I, ;i_((I al,i 1,1 In \eais. This l)(-y, with li.s bmt’ci, who is u;ied ablut 11 years, arc now le.t rpiians n;,on tl.n wf'iid. "rwa,s pili-'ius, inileed, to In-ar iho (,oi.r hoys wad nvi r tin bn .y ut'ilieir dead rf ll.r fitirslurc nmlln r. 'i'hey wen , wi- behav tii!;i.'n ill- i,hu,,iiouji tl. the ( arc of a }i-ntkniun named SoUanuui.', ho wus cn thi .fury. W.l.-- ' .’'ul.-. \. ,.;,!N(i:oN( nv.MAvO,'-., 1 *■ I 1ki\o iu •!, I'l.i 111* fiist lime, li'ti-neii to I ,, . t}..,' s-u: Manual rea.i.mi.f; a„.i soiiii J /^ st.itH a lew dav^^ sm cpr',.:*-.:'ui..iiis!m::m-li.': S-natot-, ; Ih.'anlhor,l> of u .M„bil - papi that twvi li-nu-uiT. Hi'-snnp-el was,beprop,-io.i‘‘‘‘^"’7;i;-^';’^‘ I'"/ tv Ilf ri'.i. wm;r the cf art-r of the I'niu-d I'’'"''' ">• , i.certaiM d bava Si., U. waM.i.t prepared toniaki 1"'"“ a speech i.n itii' da\. bat nu one cjse beini; disniwc/i ti> :-|..ldie-s tm- Soiiatf, he niridc a “tt-n:»S''W-’'tr isptfer donft »»v m'.iers vvhosx! j ot‘tnen'Ma tnrr^Trry rn; nnr--' writiii- s iiri' befori iln; public. To them | i,i(|,.|-,-d t-,-!.ynri able w lii-n tliei.-i.b;'-'. t i: i.'ii- I Id n tiiai projectile Ijiii ‘ iii i_t-eat or nd in tlii' p 'liti, al or inorid lai'iii with iiK'H' sw Cl PS, iny answer is, «,,iii Imsi k'cn achieved by eombii.i d el- that n.en in^iividu.iHy. and in tlieir colleoi-s, bn\c e.vondiied. Hiscn-sed and ile- ho malerate drinker of A Viit s| iri;i ■ . , • .1 1...'I,,.-. - ■ • '' Iriiin M'wieo, and h.*;\iii^r on I, :.i;d a I'oa- 'ii'er.ibli! .Slim in specie', hod lariili-il at ,\pa- laebii Hay, in a lioat, under :iispn-|,u.s circnm.-.tani'es. Ue now learn fi m tho (' •li nJittK Kniiuinr x\\>' '..M i'nsl. tb..t theso .a ii had ciune up tn that place, fioni tha Ila\, in a steam l»,at—that tiny had in M‘ ii- po>.M'S(iioit a lai^e yurn of money m old. and a cor.tidt'rablc quuntitv of lino I"* li’ I a-'' I'l V' - =ib?Tfu'iV^possessn tiMm nV.i .*• i '-n!> infmnj ne,;i|ay oi n.i i!imtiiis|:,-d merit and an ar- I'lllii*^ lit I.f ei.|i\ II.' ri'liey. I will Hi it (/'((/(/-.'(Ilo tiaiislnsi iht* elii’ct of hisehi- ipn nt-e ; 1 sb ,nld fail and do liini ii jiistiee ; ratlrr b-t me du him the jil.-lice to s;iy, t' at his ar;:'ji;.i.iil '.\as not crrfiit.ible t>i iiis !,eait li.aii to hi' h'-ad—it wastbe ar^umi-iit |i-r. Sh'idd iin> ji.rt.ou «f rny comi- vicioiw—|.n» wh»'n ttio obji cl is to siiju.-sti,.!,-- w iucb'•(.■le ibn w a n Mill fiiK Main tti'j ori .ii'-c us rtpini-»n ■ proniotr tl.o cans" of \ irtn.;* imi!;., j;.| ■,::,;rat|i n ' f the S th.'Jt thr Usi; of -il ini' !)s liqU'irs i.s m'ees,>'n-^ (lify tl,.-,-rve prai>-'’. n .1 ceii-^ i'’-. rv lo enal.le tli. iabircr lo projecnic liw is 1 re;it ..r g nd in the p ' nal' ti.,:i. cid-d oil tli'' subj.ft, uii.i tlie\, vvho'bi'st t>,;|s iiim-alf i;i in daiiaer, and 1 iMi'i'ni nntfersland the hum.iii s\aleni. its Ciipabiij-: unwilliiiii to aiii'i'f til ' inle i-l lut.d a:,-ti tles and p*»wers, tiiive with one voicedeclar-, neiice us reci inmcnUfd in tlie last ck'.i -l- nl rd that additmnal bolily stn*iif;lh is not to ■ the resohilii'ii. Me shi'iild .■'•'(.•i,r,e, I ili;: he a -quircd in this win ; adil to this that | no man can beconr.* a e!|-ui,kai i all at ' nei-, e\[)«'nence hasder/ions-trilod tliat the wiiiie moderate Hi.nkm;r mIi.iI*-s ta*' la,-le quantity of labor cuu Ik' -perforA.od by the j and ih\str.ns the natiijai and In altiifai h,iiiiC personts both bi-ltei-.Hnd in a shorter I of each,—tiiat iJI dnii.kaids wcr.' nmdei- limo wlii-n S[iirilous hqiior is not ii!>ud ; tor ■ ate drinkers at some p'rmn ,| n- l,x ;.s, the tiiith of this we do lint rely on a single ' a,ui that be is now tra\.-iiiii;r in tin .'ame case in whn h the trial h is been in:'de, we | in which they b'lV' umih i-.i'f-'re Inm. havt* the coricurnnf; Ir.slimoiiy ot whole,;'I’iipy too vsere iiticoii.seinns o' tin ir'i:( r ui i^hlKirhb'-ds nnij 'di^lricis of coiiritn until tlicy wit« overwheiin^d withuns -iy where fiill and fair cxpeiuiieiita have tak«'H | ntid ruin, and this ii>ay Uki'Kis lio bi- U t; place. i ImiI shenld be escape, is he j V\'hat cun he iradi^ in bi'iialf of | who have hi'cii cneoiiiagoil men who live by nit' llectiial labor for tlie will experience the like gc use nfard- m ? C'«;i that ileranpe-1 t)nc Irulh i« eettai^]^ inent of niiild w^rli it pn>riiiCes, supply | dnnks that .which the place trf'soU-r iiiti.'llei.l • Can the iiia* I bei'uipe a drunkiml, li^rotol mac n'asoh^B Jnn’thf* driink»rd jnd^e ?{ safe rule is “ te.H*h not. Iasi Can that wiitw deUiroii'^t' .ind desffojs rea and the ' : nad wiiu b. 1 timi'i, are ir.caknl.-T- iiKjlil". and wnriby of nil commi i.da- lie s.i-.s lha i:i I‘||' ( m;i'd Si I.-S . i’v’T i'; rsti:iii!l> d t ,1) ili;.!), anii loo low un I '!!-i:;.'.-' I' !-l:ice,i 1,11 —that a recon- ci';:'.’i-n i f ll.*; n hiti\ v.i ue uf ;;',ld .iin. -i!\er. wiii;il the ci.i ii':!i-_\ nf the Cu’.l!;- ir\ a ; nil. r ba'i-;, b\ inoi iiiiii^ ti.e n,lr- • iliicli. ,1 f iin re :.;oi.' t!:,n. ii .-.v in riri u- lafion. Ile me i.u i, that tn*' .•■■jHfii I t'tll'-^ \::st jiape.- ci:i :eli''y 1 1 tin- ci'll !- tr\,isnn| bir;;e (iii.ii:,!i. I'be 1. tin' Cl mi!r\ is in :!’i.i unt ahi 'Jt imllioi;', and the p:i;-i.‘i iiK !:es ami'iii.;.s to nmre ltn*:. 7") miiin iis. ili-w |s till' ,1's,.x-ratnni to be j 11 lined and ri taim . Ni t b\ tin-«.'■ nacltni-i.t oflau-s'n eiiercf ti.e in lu.nril ,s-,.e(-ii , nnr bv 'I'roliibiliii'i tin- ixp -itatiun ofspi-. ll.'; I.iit iiv withdraw 111;: fnai I'licu- lati 'II. a d foil 1:1. t .e issue. b\ I • I in ||.-.l Si.lie- hank \M-il:.siir ISaii.vs ot till' ! .St iti all notes nndiT tin' i;ciiomi;iatH'n •! f.v>-,or evni of |i II d-,il:irs : and the ci'ii' • ,coi iC'siHind with their naiiics. 'I la i.'i-lory \ on t on or .vo j ^ were on their wav iVoiii .Mo wn out \ I lijj.. j ijjii.ii-.f,.,!, 'Ilipy l U'-li had a pro- for tnatali tilo^'»' IV his ex iiiipli fortune. *4i«' who n.^’vcr s Will never ipi.-tir' is c. rtain t!iat s;.!-. i" will come in, the siiri- an.l | ,1:11! siippK the placf ol tii''sr small notos )t, haiiule not w ii.eb le-w ('oiist'.tute one sixth ol t'lepi 2'. [ (>0T^ni ni-y in ciiculatieM in the I mil I the charter of th'‘ I '- the iinvlean thin son, enable il tt)i(C(^witb inun> aciuracy j Mr. Chairrnun, yen will indnlji'''inf' and power C Siiirty not. I will say no iiKire ; Kulijo^f-ituiiter of the | “ I br* rent wal ihi* branch of the subp-et, but takinp ; ,-tM*lulion.—that only'-it4a^s t'» .spiritiiiisj niled States I'.ai.k, wnl i-nroiiati.r :.n ..cU\ il f.T jjraMtftl that nn beneti.-ial Ptl’erts are , |if|,„>r,s—wines arjn« ijiftiiited. I wi.iild ! and able and enerceii.' nppositmn ; m spue priKlm'.«Hl by the n.«.' of ardent .spii its. pro-j recommend lotij a'Dslimjrire from these. .a winch, howev r, I f'.ii.k the Iriends ot ce d trt s,ty'!\ tew words u,.on itj»4r^nri‘nis ^vho-ie'i.i-art is in Ibis thm^': the m.-asiiie will be siu-ci-sslii!. con'^''H^nc«s. If ipen i^l expert- i,jhoult! refrain tVoiii tlwir U'*r, if for no nlli- ence wcto asked, wbal has dest!\»yej morfv^p,. ^Wy stn'n^'then his in Sin liinc Oi’d.rri tin •—The N*'W-^ i rk tbe fnlii'Wll)^ property ami forlu.ies thn^ afljfjj^hntu, and th**"*ilflhoiily-d'bis counsel.— ! * ouner and l-.nijuirer >ae Inlii-wing the answer would be/n^7^/«r«nc»?^ •'^Vban | \Vlfcn the wine {Irinker nd\ises the poor acci.nni ofa le-rnbli' wliicb occiii- w«* survey llmt'ifUt'hty'tbavoe. nf Hitellect t„ h|,sinin J'ru^ spirits, may not the ^ n-d at the lauin h 1 1 the ship .'^.iratoeii, m wIiTch wc huve alf 'iflfHi^f^sc'i, what patriot, wbrtni lueaddrcs^eii rcj.'v, that runli«r,on thr Olh msianl. ^ tecti in. One was is-iieil at Nt"v-'. (';iA!,':r.s T. f).U !s, i.f Lon^ I'l 'id. ami till' ntlii-r (iir lioiiI'M I>.V. Ij, if ll illi'sliiti. 'i'lie\ had al.-o a (i.olu lion fni \.ir.ll.V'I l)iiii.iM;. t'l'cii al tl.i> i.'istrict td' I’ litl.iriil :ii.-. i ai i,.'i;th, line. 'I'liey nl.ilci! that ifviuiNi. ha left tln'iii and gem* up tho 'd,s-H i| I'l riv( r. ’I'lif re oanriot be a di iihi that these men -nil.posed I part « f Iheriew of tin- above -laii ed vessel, jind that lliey h.ive lieti re tl is iKi'i !" iliiir wa\ ll) Savaii'iab. or t'as ■ .iy. e ini't that oiir pnlii-e wi!l be nn t'u- «'i;i:,-.ii,d that nocxi rlioiis wiil bawan- tiii^ lo ,ii I -I them. 'I’lie 1/ ')i!t ]\l:rigf^r^li' the •J'^tli nit. I ni,t.,.i .s fi ll. tl- nal parlirnl.irs of tin' loss of l ie AJdJC. V h.(-l' (.sa\s ti.e ( dilnr) leaves •ll) r .0111 to li .if,I that oiii' wi rsi ujiprehen- si'.tis in ie :;^.rd to the fate nf ('apt. 'I'KSitrw . 1 i-rew iiavo I ce.i r .ill/.'‘1. In adilition .1 t '■' ciri-uii'sta (-es ah''.I'iv dflail'-J, we • ai-n rr.iii! a i;'!'ntlei. in wl. las ti' Main- whcnlln- s^iijoii, ibat Il.wis and Si i:m, bad bet n c' t'-i i' * m a lhf*lt ol prnperlv or n,. iioy li m 'l’ .''ax; I 'e\ were .sent on bi.aid with l!n ;r bands til'd, and (’apt. 'I'r-iii.-.v (‘Vi,re"i-il Ins ap- preheiiMon of Iriiiibit; '.i illi tin'ii' nn tl.e vny. n;:e. e learn alsi, :li;il tiiink wiis fnii.iJ, V. i-ht ii nsliure, ,i lew d iya_:'>, abi ut Iniir- ii'i-n miles to tbe Kas|iv;ird of ^loblle Point, I'l iilninin^f in;;n\ oftlie papers nfibe Ajnr, and a number nf h-ttcrs luhlri sseii l.» j^en- llf'iiicn III .New-Orle.ins, .New-^ ork, Hostim, iVc. 'I'bev were tnn.-li delaced, but iho.sii hnso diri'i-lions; were b'^rible, hav' been ea jujsiled III the I’o.-t OlVn-i in tins city.'* Cluirlrstou Courur, 'I'iie M'ss; 1 was laiiticheii into the .sli| Ivinj on tln'cnst siilt' ul pu r -No. .ili. Oi ^■^lyiM the Siihseribt r, on Tupb. day Ilf the .•Si.p, rior Courl, un •'■on f-ri-k Hum, two years obi. _ iHiiit 1-1 hands hiyli, with part of his « hile. 'I'herc w ax a taddU- and hi idle on the horse. Also, on Ibe la!t of "M ireli, fne bf-ad i^ri. altle—three of Ihi 111 w en (it a biindlr rolor and two led.— Koiir of them wore tniuked wilb a , , , ulit 111 I arh car and an under bit out 1,1 Hit letl— then- was a vi'arlui)' Hull ulon;; but not nnirkrd. ;\ n ii‘*onablp r»waid will In'(jiveii li>r thrif d"liv- cr\ to me, or lo liodi 1 lek MK'iiuioy, li\ inj; on tiie wall ra of's eni k, in ar llio I’lilt.'r r.iad. • ’/, \t II.XKI Ml Mi-r.M Li;y. person to or |ilnlaiithropiS(t is to oxclaiiii ^yhile you regale yourself with wim- which I “surely the liind wwcciiwcd bj nwisoh ot I'nni unable to purchase, I slmiild In* m-1 , ^ ^ this flmijs.” YiUhav.^ j diilL'ed in tho list* of-4hat which 1 am able j tbe west ■^I'b' !;•> tbeslo.ip K .se, laoen w I'h wTio 111 ijie mornitiM^^li' pf^ve. tiiir j>ro. i riglu to evailarate yonr | st.u-.e. 'I'lie pier it'. It i- very lung and mimi ot'lut»r«« %iiiimWe jjnd renown, 1 spirits, it cannot be wroti" to exbi’aiate 1 low ...aiKl was cuinpli'tel . cnM'ri'd with sp.-i • whose bro'rt'!* inleHigdiice il«elt seemed to , It i,| vain tojirf;iie \\ tlli hini that hiivt' taken itu "'■'re tlu^ delight ivom- drink is not as imrniciinis as his; he and joy of friends, to whoii|,p^.,|[ bt'able clearly to disci rn the dil- Ibeir ajffs! pai-eafs k, 'iimj!f”fllHy look*d, a«i j fpp,-nee, anil hi's applile will supply ihe de- (If the-ca birire inimber wci Nosoi.rti r had the shij- olunied inlo tin. slip, lhan her Udk swel!--d the waves tn ; irreat heijhl. ami caused th'-in to rush wit so niindl fni'Cf afios^j tho pier that iht'V br.ike the tast.->nin;;s wlin'b held the sloop'- sti'in, wliilst tiii'Sf- i'V will 'll ncrboivs were secured remaiin'd tiiin. -\ll who stoiJ on now ? lh, Jsir. they join-1 —'|’|ii,s i.y a subject upon which I tin-(uer wcie- i-oi.chi-d, several were thrown led tho iiiK in[>eriite Ihron;;, they „|,j-K'al not onlv to the ptrioti'in. but to the dnwn by tin'v a cs. n,aii\ were pretip sunk, they feutmiower Uiid lower, and luc . nal prideof the .'\niericati public. It is itafi'd into tiie s ip In w hich the slot.p lav. lost tbrevM. . ' tbe invention of onr country. It is not iin-. .Vmon^' the latter were the two fcm.ilc i Thi»V.ip® i^ lii*rniKfid parent offrnmor- 1 pm ted from a forcij;n land. It had its mi-. whose melaii'-holy tato we have to recon ty anttiifiine. Tho coaiaioulv rcceivtid ijiii wilh us. CirMit Britain Irad ir Lrrnirs.—The editor of an eastern pa- eradverlises for two Imi.drcd l-'eches, sonic ■l’ wiiith he desiiriis to applv to the iKK'krta d’delnupient subscribers, and the rest ru , • , , , ’ 'V' * j.iewspaner horrtiicrm. have, we ro- l-.loi-s -is w-|i a so t le !• ck ol tbe slooji.— '11 , ^1 ' fi-miks ' ’ iiivfilerate patrons vvho , llio stnfl’nnil stt^ of their dt'chniiig years, j )j(.i(i«oy of his argument. Hat shew an ex 'who dittiiHTd plehsiiri' ,iril nroniMl •them, 1 ample of t.,lal abstinence tVoin all mloxic;it. whose e^iuiitryi^i^ u'Crff ohumied and eb?c- ; j„g Hqnors, y!tu then have vwir own exam- Iriliod when lUfy tafj^ed *1 their country yon may do iniich gootl. 1 may si and their con^-v’s riiihi^and tif';ir vvrmi^s. t-i,p tboiiolit loo zealous ; but 1 practii-e as 1 si \\ hi're arw tlA now ? Oh, ^^ir. they join-1 jy subject upon which I il aiity nt(|,i;?iine. intrcdiic. 'riiv nicment wa'* alarming, and 1 cry i-i i lo nei'd till' applii'atiori r f leeeh- s tor our l eiie.* lit. Th.-y are w dlni'r, and iM i liaps think I homst 'to liirh Ilie pnnUr, vear after vear. Ke.ider, do ^ou owe the printer’’ {fCr'Doii't all sj'fiik lit vncr. \ IWtor of Ilaml^tiro is said lo have in- vented a surgical in^lrmiient, with vvhiih.T lisf-ased 1"!,' mav b.‘ainpiilaled m than :i second. 'I'he pies.sure e\«'rcis''d. S') c( i:: -i!* t-iy bi'i,limbs tl.e par!, that Ihe p:,!icnt s- JL'i -; I t'b- or .ilua^wud 'r tljeopor'itio' -