MINERS’ & FARMERS’ JOURNAL. PUIMTKU AM> PLUL.I!«lli:u KVKUY TM>1)AV, I?V TH«)i*I \S J. IIOI/rO!N....CHAIlL»'lTi:, MIX fOl'NTY, ISORTIIH AROLINA. vol.. II. I WILL TEACH TOO TO PIF.RCP. THK noWFL* OP THE fcARTH^ANI) IIIimG OI'T FIIOM Tllk OP THF IMKTAI ^ Win. M WU.I. (JIVK K'l'l!KN«TH TO OCR HANDS A.IIt MIIIJtX'T ALL .NATl'HE TO OUR VST. ANI) VlEASUrV—dF~JOIIN!ION— THE MiiierM^ &, Farmers’ Journal Is pi'inled and published every Tuesday nioriiiii);' at 'J\co DoUars and Fifty Cfnls per anni.m, if „.eo:„„,eud to Ihc adoptiou paid ill advance; Thet Dollars a year, i( not tiie follouiiijr rc-folulioiiK; paid until after Ihe expiration of six tnontliH. Ilefulvtd, TJiat cralcful for the eminent Rorvi- ADVKRTISEMEN'I'S will be inserted at Fifty r'-"‘i'ucial ANDKFAV JACK-SONIi.is rendered cents per square (not exceeding 20 lines,) for the ^ believing tlmt his politieal prl.u i- lor . r 1 I- coincide more nearly with the priiieiplts «,f hratiustrtion, wid 2o cents for e«chsuceeed..ip state than (hose of any other eai.didnle wc week—or ?1 for three weeks, for one s«iuare.— | could Heieet; and eontimiin'^to rciwse tliat eonfi. \ liberal discount will bo made to thosi' vvl;o | dcncc in his integrity, piirily of purpoiio nnd pu- ndvertisebytheyear. (irrOncIladverliseiiieiit.s ‘ Ir'fi'' sentiments wiiieh we have lierrtolbre ninii- rommuniealed for publication, the iluinhcr of i him to the people of ll.is . , . , to be supported at the next election for llie iDHcrtiuns mast be noted on the uiargm ol the I oificc of I’ri'sident nianuHcript, or they w ill be continued until forbid, and charged accordingly. *,*’ All communications to the Kditor must come free of postage, or they may not be attended to. POLITICAL. Frum Ike Raleigh Star of the 'iiil ult. I'rsutcid, 'I'hat lliis Tonvrntion repards the pren nt larilfHs di'slructivo oi’tlie intere^l^ ofth(ir onnHtitueiilK, snlivcrsivc of the principlcB of the ConhtitMtiuu, and odious for the iiirqi.’ility of the burdens whicli it iiniiuses on the planting Slates of our country. Ucpolred, 'I'iiat we conkider this fiindati'eiital question iis the proniiticnt test to guide u« in tiii- ^election of a candidate for the V’icf.rresideiicy. 'i'hat we are prr»uadrd, fiom sudlciontovidcnec, that Air. Ser^'eanl, Mr. W irdns, and Mr. Van Duren, wlio have been iiomini.ted l>y their respc- live friends tor the office of Vice-Prefiili nt, are all decidrdly in favour of eontinuiiijj Ihe (hIious sys- tern of taxation under which vvc oresuflerinsr, iind that the Soulherii States cannot exi.eet fri>in tin iii ci'-nt support whieh th. prineiples v c advorati ; ih,. KUpiwrl of Avimirw .U. krr.N as 1 risiil. nt, and have rcciktd *roni I'UILII* f’EN )N fint.ii'lUiitoitR a.** \ ire I'rt'•hii nt; .n.d lliiit t It\KI OI.’I{, of \ir"iniB, and in Ihr gi-ni r.'i! in tegrity and ability of his piTKonsI and poli’loal ! character, wo nominate and rrconuieiui iiiin to STATE CONVKNTION. At a Convention of Delegates, assenibled for the purpose of making a iiomirmtion for F’rp«i(icttt and Vice-l’n sident of tlie United i5tute», began and licld, (jursuaut to previ- DUS notico, at the city oi Uuleigh, on the I any thing but unilonn and encrgetic attemptit to If'th day of June, 1h:J2. 'I'he nieetinir was | *'* forever as the settled policy of ti.i. railed to order by Edward 15. Dudley, of 1. r .. ,, 1 .1 r-. .• , T (••!( we rcjard all eonftilntifinal cf- New Hanover, and the Conventir.n «'rga-, ^ ni/.t‘d l)y the api)OUitn»cnl of the following ty we owe to ourselves, to onr country, and to our oflicers': : posterity. .Toifs InrnEi-L, of Raleigh, rrcsidrnt, | . Jhat in conformity with thc.e -icn. Willis Alston, of Hahfax, i ; timents, and confiding m the uniiorni and ni!,- Kdward H. Dudley, ofN. Hanover, > V. I’rcs’ts. Villiam A. Blount of Beaufort, ) Charlej Manly, of Wake, ^ Kenneth Uayncr, of Hertford. > SccretwicB. Warren Winslow, Cumberlsnd, \ i, r.t .■ i , „ . .. , the su|)|ioit of tlie Ireenicn ol North-Carohiia l»r Ou motion ol U iliis AUon, the names ^ „cu Vicc-l’r.sidcnt. of tlie counties represented were called over,; ,1,^ J>oi„g takrn on tlip^-c when the lollowing Dologutes appeared and ■ rpwii.iti.Mis s*-par.itely, the same were uiiaii- took their seats: ■ iinotisly adnptrd. Bertie—JamesG. Mhoon ] lyip, Alston, one of the Vic*».l*i-esidcrit.«, '-"'s >r- Cumbtrland-Alrxander M’.\ ill, Edward J. taiiio oii:inittoe, re})o**-d an addivss Hale, Warnn Winslow to the citizens of Noi th-Carolina, which fyjecniiib—Jokeph R. I.loyd unaniiiioii.>ly adopted. t;rauville-Ko»« rt }U:illiain,.V | )„ „f‘ .Mr. lijount. L (*. U runstora A. I'a^chal ^ u , , »,>, lleliOx—Willis Al.*tan» Ehiilia 11. Eurc, Majon : I hat the fullowtne p^ rponn roinjK.sr L Win-Jins 1*^ tAutrol CoTfSiwndinff ( oii.tiiilite : U illiain llcrtlord-K..nnrth Raynrr I ‘'".•'fl*;* Hxdc—l^njaniin .Sanderaon | I.'nuir—lhaac (room Martin—Jon ph J. Williams New Hanover—Ltlward li. Pudlcy ^ _ Northaiopton—Roderick H. (iur), Herod I'al- ' 'I'hc President presf nted to the Convcn- •on » , I folli>wiii2 cotninuiiication from Or.nt--Huf a V. addell. \\ alLer Anderson Mitcl.ell, William I*. W atiph i awiuotank—John 11. .Mu.sc i o l- h .. r vi n i i iVrM.ii...on_Jes£c WiUm I ^' J’attcrson, of W ilkcs ; which was Warren—John H. Crcen, Richard Pavison, So-' read and ordered to be entered on Ihe lomon (i. Ward, Na'Jianiel T. tircen jituiiials : WaVe--Theophilus llunt.-r, James Iredell, j w,Hr*boro\ IViMr.ro., 13f^ Jun., \^X>. Charles Manly. Johnson BusW.e, \\ illi.im H. Hin- IVe.ident and n.e.nlM-rs of tho Slate Con- ton..ecrge\\ Haywood.Alexander JJ..iwrence. Mr. IJIount presrntcd to the (convention ; i>ii, Jnstant; the followinR conimnniration from John Inasmucli as no demonitratitm of public * iorhain,a Dclejiatefrointhe county of Pitt;' Tlfl- mDEMU-^S paragraph concernihg it, as I find it in a fl l. E. 1DL.IHU CHOLERA. Birmingham pa|>er of the 12lh May. If Me collect it> ntir columns to-day all the you agree with me as to ita value, picaw mIormatK n we can lay o.ir l.andH upon re- p„|,l„,. u forthwith . tor it becomes mem^ reason to doiiht. latirifr to the dreadful malady whotx; appear- btrs of the m. dical . rofession to bf‘ before^ In the hope taat your deliliorntions miiy tn ca may now l)c daily expected among us. hand prepared to encountei th« i estilenco, Ije harnioiiious, and prpductive of inncti j'l’ho prr.ventive means, it will lie oh.ierved,' not to wait until its fatality has tau) t.t ex- good to tiie country, uic far m«.re satislhctorj- in thoir adoption I perience; and above all, to iMissej^B more We remain, \\itli coric;(ioratio>i«i of the |ihnn the (urative. About tlie first, there 'than one ineth(id of treatment to resort to • •'"•c ‘li-^piite : rcMrardin-r the | i„ case of failure and disapiiointnient. ’ l.ivt, tliere is the w idcst disa^^reement, even for THE CHOLERA ainr.n^rihosc l)est iiilorincd. 1 he recoriinien-1 An c(R>ctual cure for the (’holeia has it ^ dations ot the Kdmhi.rgh Bourd of Ileulth | appears, been discovered. Mr. Wakefield "C"''! next week,) will be ' i,u,geon to Coldbathtields, says—“ It jj • r by the Strr. ii.ry, iin.i that the 1). kjjaies 1 pmticiilarly to attention, and needless now to enter on the theory of this Iroin (af:li I wliirli is r;u»hrnted in i\,n. ’ "01 a lunnly to ciit them practice, which, on Rouud (lata, has l>een vention l ainc the inrinidual agrctd uj-oa i'or E-, out and jiresfi've them for future reference. Icct.>r for (iscir dlstriet. | 'i'h,, duties they eiijoiii should lie at once at- \> herf-iipori the killo'.vi.ig pert^or.s wore ^ by every one. Kvcry jnissible ' ' '" prtrautiim should he taken again.st Ihe dis ease, and then we should go on quietly with our daily jiursuits, with perfect cunlidence hi{;hci>t re.vpcct, your oht. sri vt.s. A. MUX'In;i,T,, WM j>. W.AM.H, S. r. i- \'r'rEi;so.N’. On motion ef Mr. M’Xeill, R(S>ihei!, Tliiittlie Eli etorul I>l^trirt. 1)0 eiil'cd iirimed and afiprovcd : 7t.h di:4riet Areliibuli] .M’Riyde, of Meorc !t " Willi.iin It. llii.tf.n, of 10 “ Willirt Alslon, o!'ll-jliCrix 11 “ til nige l>. *ntla\v, of Hi rtic Iii “ rhurles I'.. Johnson, i)t'( hov, in !• “ J.iiii's W. (:iaris. of LdgecoiiiJ I t “ Isaae Cfoimi, 1,1 I.i-Doir !;> “ John Oivui, of Jiliideii. .Mr. Lloyd iiitroi!iir-».'d Ihi- fnilowiiifj pre- r.inblc and resouliitiouH, whicli were uiiaiii- mou'ly adopted : W herei's, owing to thr .“hortnfss of llej imlien for the meeting of this eonviMitioiij nmtiy of the eoiintic s are not represriited • suggested by Dr. Stevens; but sulKcc it to say, that experience has assured li.e of its ellicacy and value. After premising that upwards of 0^E lk'M)nKD I'aseh, more or less malignant, have occurred in that pris on, with the j.oss oklY of Seven, (the tirst in their siicces.. In utter ti-arles.snes8 of. f„„r prior to the adoption of the treatment,) l .'hiilera is almost certain security iroin its j s],,,]! qi once descrilje it: attacks, while, by timidity and apprehen-1 ..'I'he usual care must "he taken to pro- sion, their accession 15 invited, and their vi- j mote warmth by friction—hot dry fliinnelr, oh'iicu much aggravated. j ^vater Uittles to the feet, mustard poul- Prrcauliuns againat Chohra.—-'Yhe fol-1 tices to the chest, and other parts ol the lowing plain niul sen»il>li* recommendations are from the Courier and Kiuiuirer; .Send lo Jloxlon'fi, in V» all street, for thu dilvrinr :>f >Wn, whicli the late invcstiga- AVWiW, 'I’hat il he r.eoinmrnd. d to ll.e Elee. i t,ou at thL (’ily ll.ill has demonstrated to tor;. J»..,tnefs not r. pu.ent. d to ha.e jnulingo 1 ^ for !lio purrxise of lioiiiiualwitr p!cltfC.d to , , • / - , ^ , ger tiian ai:y otiior, and li;t il he lieiuy ap- plied U> every place where the least noxious air exists. Let no time be lost, and let no person L lifve that liix phituxcn da not re the «'n1ral (V>n. Hjioudinff ('■iini:iltl(t he requts- tcd to enrri spond w ith such eounlii'S, Riid '.o y^ivi Mjeh aid as inav be di cnv d nce ssai^ incoiiipli-tiiij,' the l'!!ertr,ral Tic ket. hffuhrd, fiiilhfr, 'I'iint said eomniitt.c l.c re- fiuc.sti'd lo piililisli in all the pn[)er.- o! tiil.-i citv t'lC lie'i'f t of Electors, as w«;i .IS tlie !-aKic niiiv In- . v. con pleUd; un.l said c .n.mitKe have jiovver to 1,11 i I';;!; “"un,^ured m th^ Coun- \arnncu'^ on FunJ iJcKcl Ih^l iJiay occur III'ucdth • rti i i • i i-..i or nthi r vi-r. ilcleti I ;oue> arliclea—dniik little or ():i motion of .Mr. Croom, ii'-ius—* at lew, if any, raw greens, un- H.ff.Ire,!, Th.1t Ihe (Vntral (’ommilt. e hr in. i' '1>« t' U.i, radiliheS, or aii> thing cold for thc stniitid to eol r. >[K)!id uith th> -i.v;ra! ntlen.rin Storiiach—taiie c,n »■ of i —eat plain, rccommcndid to(iiisConv.,nr;on, and such n« may | well cookcd victUall) , sou|)S, boiled beef— he lu rea'ier reporte|d to us Klectors, lo ai. I f.-nneittod liouors and cidcr are not adviaa- corliJin il they will pK*df^t* thcni.«( i\es (i» voltj for I , i i t * i j Andrew Jaekion foi P.eMdent, and Philip j-,! l>I-—«lnnk \ t ry moderately good souiiu wiiie HnrUiiir ai» Vic*‘-l*rcHi(Ieiit; ai.u ifanj on*- tir !;.* ic i brand\ utid water, ^tvtrgft into apoa~ of III. in refuse lo do so, tliat said com.n:ittee have } stun, for that w ill bring on the disease, as it body artected by cramp; but the main reli ance is upon the following Powder. ti> be administered every hour) in half a tumbler of cold water, naniely :_C'arbonate of So da, half a drachm; con.mon Salt, fnrnty grains jOxyiiiuriate 'if Potash,seven ;*raiiis. “ However irritable 'lie st miarh n'Jiy be, the common Scidlitz [lowder, or ilfei vcs- cent sofia dniujht, will in iiioiit ( (jiiict it; but w!,i'!i il will retain loliiic.g in (|uan- sontiniont in this part of thc Stale on tin* subject of Ihe C'onventi»ri to be hohi at Ua. leigh for the selection of a candidate fir the Vice-Presidency of the U. S. has been n.ade in regular meetings of the people ; ue have quire Uai;sing. Kvcry coilar and cisjxiol tity, a Icasptwiniu! of thc cai lKunte of soda 111 till' city sin uid be i;tt*:n(led to. Keep oii' should be dissolved in half a tuiiibler cf \va- your lljiiiiel—keep your leet warm—avoid | ter, and given in such quantiti.'s ..1 tlio iinii' cc war) exposures—do not drink a par-' stomach «.f the patient can retain, from 11 teaspoeinful upwards, until thv sstoinach is sutficiotitly st'tled to receive the ju.w 'ers. “ riie su:cens of this treatment, vluch, in many insi.iuces, wa.- ptjrfectiv surprising, induces me to Iiojm* it may l>e ext‘ nsively adopted. In cases ofcholera, however, tho most uiiccasing watchfulness and attentioii to tiie patients are required. “'I'he extreme thirst of tlie patient while suflering under the malignant form of the disease, was relieved, and great benefit ex perienced by soda water or Seltzer water as a common drii.k, in quantities not ex- ir:-hteiiud, but take every thing tiw.lly and : ceeding a wineglassful at a time. 7’(/rs(/ov o///rr:o9n, June n, Ih:3. | coilectivelv—use the necessary precautions 1 The Times says—“ We ins!rt this ac- 1 he l onventioii im.t puisuaiil lo iioj.,urn- ,prevent the inljtsluction ot* the malady • count, because we have made inquiries into —be prepared lor il as if il was at our slatements which it contains, and Hiid On motion ol .Mr. Croom, d^urs, and rely iqion the protection of ' that there i. no (xagffcratiun- T:,a» the Cfi.'ral (^oininiitec have 11 ),y„„. [>f,,yijcuce, with cheerlul conlidciice. “'I'he acccount of thc successful applica* copies ol the proe.cdiiig and aodrtss ol this | ^ ,ranquil mind, good spirits, cleaiilv hab- ‘ tion of the .saline treatment has been olfi- ( onvenlion pub'.isiiid uiid uistriuuteu umong the , 'P . , • .in. .. j . • '» counties ot this .Sia'e. ] it.s,andtemi)«rateliviiig,areexcelleiitguards ^ cially transmitted to 1 aris. against the progress of this disorder. ’tM excites the nerves. Keep camphor and renee, Johnslon Alkn liOgers, jr. I i.'oma? otlicf i.i^rj,ou or porsei.s as tiiey may Ji'eni i'iui;r. m 1 > . 1 .1 , 1 J. I.i'niay. William R. Hinton, Hurrell Roffr?, I ■ , i-' 1 1. j laudanum, at: o comiiionill** llowers and pep- V\ illiam R. Pool, Robrt t:.innon, John Bell.'’ J ho Convention then adjourned till *1 |.ermiiil, in yuur lious?. We must not be 'I'l.n tl.« clock. ! I r' I it H ni‘(l. I'.iit t;iki‘ (Aerv tliili.r eiu.llv nrid Oil motion (>f Mr. Pdonnt, Among the passengers in the packet .ship •.vhich wa.s read, and ordered to be entered on the journal; GrtinrtlU, l.'itA June, l~32. Trtsident of the Conveniion : I'lAsSiR,—1 reerrt that Ihc extreme ill henlth j .1 . ' ■ ' 'r 11 mv fainily ha. prev. nted niy attending vour ■ that an expression of our iiidivid. m-vnng, »nd refjufkt (if it is consistent with the ual opinions m rrU rence to the obiect of rnl-sby which you may b.- regulated) that my | your meeting might not lie tmacceptable. vole be recorded lor Philip Pendleton Barbour, of We believe that the peoiile h«“re have tiie Airgana.as Vic, President of the United Statescoilfldcncc in the integrity, ability a nn;i. whose polilies, tslents and integrity seems .• 1,1 i, i. , , particul.irlv to prepare him for the duties of so re. ■«"‘l’Xpcrieiice ot Philip P. I.arbonr, and sponMble a situation. In short, the hopes of the ’ that his purity of character tiiid noble zeal Sntiih rest ii(x,n him. and the fiojer of Providence , in v(i|>pit)t of tho favourite |ioIilicaI doctrines poinutohim as thc individual de.«tined to save I j|„, attractea their warmesl our distracted co'intrv from anarehy and rum. 1 1 • . ■■ .■ ,• «■ Very resp, ctlully, vours, \c^ ndmiralion. Mis nomiimtion lor the \ ice- JOHN (iORII.XM ' I rc'^idcnry would meet uitn the hearty On motion of Walker Anderson, of Or- concurrcncp of the friends of the admini;. an 'p it was ' 'ration, and his is the only name we think l‘,hlrfd' That a eommitU’e of five persons 1«! 1 ^aii bind the party (irmly together.— appniited todralt und report resolutions, ex pres- It is strongly impressed upon our feilow ci- sue of the sense of this Convention ui>on the no- tizeiis that the adoption of a candidate nho luinalionol individuals to the otfiees rtt President j.ppoped (o the Tarill’would be a iKil- and V.cc.President of tlr I’nited .States. retraction of the just reprrseutatioiis And, on motion of Joseph U. Lloyd, of „f Southern opposition to that measure, and i:.igeromb,it was ordered that the Prosi- ,..nlo,dated to thwart thc ii.nuene.e of their dent loim an additional tneuil.er ol t‘'a‘, „„,,ed exertion to remove that incubus up rommiltre. U hcr( upon thc following iK.-r- pr„sprity. M)iis uerc appointed: s;i,.„cii of the [wojile in the Western Walker y\ndi rson, of Orange I counties Oil this siiljeet has not Ix'eii orca- Riehard l*avis..n, ofW arren ' sioiicil bv tiieir approbation of the de.sign ^\ llluin A. Ulnmil. ot 1:. aulort ' Uward li. liudl-y.of.New Hanover ! the Haltimore t oiivention, and is no evi- l~aH( Croom, of l.enoir denco of tlicir acquiescence in the proceed- Mr. Prisid'-nt Iredell ings of that body. It is belicvcd by ns that 0:i motion of Mr. f.loyd, the committee , uothing but thc want of an alteniati\e will appointed to draft resolutions were ordered j prevent among us a general and decided op- Hrsnlred, 'I'hat it be recoiijiiiriided to thc dilTer- iling instant relief to the I U. S. Army. Uen. U . goes s 'I’hc Preside.nt presented to the (.'onven-1 patient, viz:—1 oz. cinuumon water, 35 direction of the government; and for piir- tioii the proceedings and address of the (’on- ' dro|)s tincture of opium, 1 drachm spirits of, poses of iuformation connccted with his de- \cnlion held at Cliarlottcsvillc, in Virginia, | bvcader, and '-I drachms tine, of rhubarb.” partmcnt, and with military science, lac- for the purpose of nominating a condidate j J tics, and improverneiit generally. For this for the Vicc-Pi(sidcnc'\ ; which was read, Antidote to Chohra.—The Hoard ol duty, probably no otiicer in thc country i.>4 and, upon mntioii of Mr. Lluvd, | Health of Uuebec recommend to every cit-j better qualilied than Gen. W. 'I’o hia ItrfoUcd, I h. i th. thank.- of this Convention I iz"» to provide liiiiiself w ith a phial ot lau-; ra„k jn the army, the reward of capacity be retunu'ii to the Pusiddit and iiiembtis of Ihe Idanuiii and ciie ol |»cp|M.'rminl, to be earn- opfj service, and to the able, arduous, and Virginia Cliarloticsville i oi.ventii.ii lor tn. ir po- L-d ab»)ut the [HMson, and resorted to inuiie-1 eflicient discharge of the duties of Iiisiht- 1”';,“,'';'':^;“? r S':;,“p"' i,. -.dd,. ,w ... . ' gallant conduct during the late war. He The following communiciition Irom an in- the country with the best wishes of telligent young plusician, is peculiarly op- j^jg f,uf,,er„ug personal friends for tho suc- ,, ,. ; poi time al fins riofiii'iit. Is 1“'’‘‘"‘‘''e, how- y,-[jjg Andrew J.ickson and to 1 hilip 1. baiUjur, ot \ ir- ,i,g exhibition ot .saline remedies Jjijj return in good health. hteiu ss in forwarding a coi-y 01 tlKirpr.K^um^^^^^ jdiatelj upon 'the allack of the malady. VI ntion be li.rwarded in return lo the President and V lc(-Pre.'-idi nt tln rto:. liisiitrrd, Juithir, 'J'hat tojiits of ll.e iirocecd- iii"s of ihij Cunvriiliuii he furKard. d Id (imcral to pr.'parc and ri port to thc Convention an addv's'i to tlio. citizens of Nortli-l’arolina; ,ind. u|>on motion, thc following gentleman were added to that committee: Jo.-ph R. I.lovd, of Mdgeconih SiH-nei r I'Hrien, of (Jranvillo U illis Alston, ol llaliliix Fliiward J- Hale, of CimilK'.rland U lierenpon the ('onvention adjourned to .1 morrow, 1) o’clock. . Tuixt lay,.fnnc 10/A, 'Phc Convention nu t persuant to adjourn- UUiit. 'I'he fuilowiiig additional Delegates ap- [icari'd and look their s«!nts : Iew IS 'rhoni|noii, of Bertie Joseph Si. Jones, of Warren William I). Amis, of Northampton Mr. Anderson, from the committee ap pointed for that purpose, re|>orted the fol lowing preamble and resolutions: Believing that the great political crisis at which we hiivo arriv.-d, rend'Ts It e.vpedieiit ihut the ci tizens of N'T'!' f’arf'iiiia should proclaim to the |K)sition to the election of .M r. Van Huron to thc Vice-Presidency. The friends of the present administration here are not in- .sensible to the contest that ambitious ]>ar- tizaris are waging against the character, the interests, the policy and favorite prin ciples of th« South. When the option is lietwcen one who has contributed to accu mulate oppressions and rivet an ixlious mea sure upon the South, who is reputed to w icid the influence of ollicial |)atronage with the exclusive view of [>ersonal aggrandizement, v\hoso .s«‘ctioniil lisolings are Iwstile to Ihe just claims of our sulli'ring fellow citizens, anil one whose political life is eminently characterized by consistency, frankness and devotion to those princi|)les for which we contend, and upon thc success of which the prosperity of this State, and the p«'r|>etuity of the I’nion is believed lo depend, wo can not for a moment hesitate. In taking the liberty of addre.'-sing you, ginia, On motion of .Mr. Hale, Itisolrrd, 'I'hat the thanks of this Convention Is- tendered to his i .xeelleiicy t;o\eriior Siukes for the use of the Hall ol tlii ;ovirnim nt House dur- iiig tiie sitting of this C’oiivenliiiii. On motion of Kdward P. Dudley, Kesolrrd iinaiiimously, 'J’hat the thanks of this Cfliivi-ntion Is' l. ndi n d to ihc Prcsiii( nt tor thc •lignily and ability witii whicii h(^ has presided OMT its deliberations. On motion of Wiilis Alston. /{fso/ci(/, '1 hat Ihe thanks oflliis Convention be tendered to the Seeretaries for their services during the stssion thereof. On motion »)f .Mr. O'Hrien, Uf.nolvrd, 'I'hat when liiis Convention adjourn, It adjourn subj(et to ihc call oftheCliair. Mr. President Iredell having returned his thanks, on motion of I\Ir. M'NedI, the (.’onvention adjouriu'd. JAAIKS IREDKLL, Chr. CH Vh’LP'.S M.AM.KV, i ^ Secretaries. Albany Argils. I LATI>«T 1 R*1 MEXICO. E.ttract of * letter from a respectable American in cholera has been condemned by some of the b!.st authorities] To the F.dilor of the A «■- York Amniran : SiK : As the dreaded cholera has at length entered our bouiiJai les, and we know not , . • r • j • xt /, i i . i , 1 J •. 1 merchant to his friend in New-Orleans, dated where Its next aiibcaruncc may 1r‘made, Il; . becomes so much a matter of national un- i ^ “ ^Mfiro, Mav 1832. portance and philr.nthiopic interest, that , “ Times brighten on us. flie invading aiiv plan of treatment emanating from a res-, army at \ era ( ruz has raised the siego pcct'il.le source is «orthv of general publici-; retreated; Santa Amia is in lull pursuit, ly. The following, whi'ch is novel and sun-! On the receipt ol the news here, we fired a pie, is reconimciKUd by Dr. Stevens, of San-! salute Irom all the forts tuid vessels of war; ta Cruz, «ho, you nmy remember, passed and Teran, on hearing the noise, ran away through this city some inunths ago on his “''il 1'“® since been heard of. Ilis wav to Lngland. 1 le is a surgeon of great troops were all .leserting him-of our frienos cminencc, and has distinguished himself No. 11, a great number has already come lately very tnuch by his investigations ofim.and the whole division is to march 0:1 ki;n.m:i'ii kaynkr, wakrkn winsi.ow. the chutigc.s of blood, especially in fevers, read before the College of Physicians in London, and by a work on tho sanio subject recently jiublislied. It consists of the ad' Monday up the country. Santa Anna saxs in his letter to Col. S. that he will be iti Mexico in eight days from this date. Ja- lapa, Puebla, Perote, kc. have pronounced Spontnnrovn ('oinhnxtion.—Thc large Bal loon which Mr. Durant has been construct in'' tor an a rial experiment, was destroyed by spontaneous combustion, at .Icrscy City, Ik tween the hours of 8 P. M. on Saturday, and A. M. on Sunday. On Saturday, 0 .M. it was dipped in varnish, and suspen ded in the air to dry till 8 P. M. when it was removed to a riwin where it lay ou four chairs,covering a surlac«*of 14 or 15 square fM't. 'J'hf following morning il was almost entirely rcduccd to a cinder. j\. y. Jour, of Com. When are Tommy Moorr’s moments of inspi- ration? When he is in a tiate of nudity (new dit- wo have been prompted by r.o other motive' ty.) liless us! then his h.v.e ideas are in& liest. mini.stration of saline remedies; a practice' in lavor of Santa Anna, atid rumors aro similar to that which he has adopted with afloat that Mexico is also in his favor. All tho inoM fortunate result in thc yellow fe- goes well. Mi^m is kicked out, and 1 ri ver, founded on his peculiar views of the , eto is administrator in his stead, saline matter, in the blood, which he con-1 — ceives occurs under these circumstances, in-' Re-nppcarance of thc Sea S,rpent.-Capt. diicin-r dissolution and causing fever. He ' Ferguson, of the sloop Meridian, al New- savs il has stood the test in .Kvcral hvndnd Y«>rk, from Charleston, declares that he saw eases of the West India fevers by himself the Sea Ser()ent on tho 7tli instant, of! the andothers.withscarcely a single loss, when Capes of Virgini.i, and reprosonts the ap- early applied. i poarance of the monster as hitherto descnb- \V hen this surpri.'iinp .success, so little to ed.—iNa/. Intel. have U'cn anticipated, is considered, it may | • not III'amiss to give the plan a fair trial in ; Tho writers of unreadable hands, ar» this hitherto intractablo afi'cction ; and as kept not a little in countenance by the fact, It has already bt;en practised, as will be seen, that N Al'oLl^o^ !>u > m’.vktk and Richard with considerable success in I'.ngland, it is I5nt\'i kv Siikkiuan, not only wrote bad doubly tlfst'rving of notice. I have not seen hands, but, what i** worse, iinvariablv’ ini'.- Ut adverted *0. and thrrefori,' s( n! yo’.i tiie 'iw It tiiany r-\ tlM'ir words'.

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