MINEKS’ & FAMflERS’ JOlJirNAL. i*IU>Ti:U A!S» imtiasllCU every 'll’liSl>AV, IJV I IIO.^IAS .1. HOt,rUN....( llAItI.t)TH;, MIXKLEMltlltt: COLNTY, NOUTH-t'AIKH.I'SA. I WILL TEVII vor TO riKKCK THE BOWKLS OF niE FAHTH AND BIllNfi ODT KHCi.M TIIK I’AVI RNS DK TIIK MfU NTAINS, MKTaI.S WHIl'14 Wll.l. tilVK HI'lltNi.TlI TO Ot'H IIAMK ANU flfBJECT AI.I. NATl'im TO OUR USE AND PLRAStlKR. DR. JOHNHON. vol.. MI. Tri'::siiAV, jma' i«. so. TIIK A: Farim‘iV J !.» piiiiti'd ami puWi’TfcllKiv ry Tuesilaj iiionii^ig ' Qt Two Dollars unrf ®Dfry ("mts paid ill aiivaiicc; tt’ paid until afirr tl(« cxpir AHVKin’ISKMEXTS uill rents per square (n'-'t I'xcecd’ tirst iiisiTli'i'i, aiul 'St cunts week—or il Pir three wrt-ke, \ libernt di count will be made iiivcniti-by till'year. iLj Oniilladvcrri! eoniiiumienletl for iniblicalioii, the nui' inKcriions must Li ^ted on tlic^iiarpin niainiscrifit, or tiny will )>" continued forbid, and charfrfd aceordincly. A DDIMOSS OK HIE UAltnOI K CONVENTION. CLAY iMEE'l 1N(J. | Yoiir coHii’iiittoe du not itijn'O in rtniiioii | Gtycnshoiou^^h, auUford, Jiinc^:^d l^3'2. ' with till'|tr‘si(lent in liis views ivlulivc to | Aijreeably to previous notice, ulitr^e and 1 tlif I'iiili’d Slates’ bank. 'I'liis ins^tilution _ irt'sw'Ctnblo portion of the citizsns ofCuil-i lias, not only bv th; hiolirst coints bcrii , . • .. iVu„ i, . j i %rd Countv. oppose.! re-election ni' decic!.-.i to bo cinstitnt.onar, but tb. frreat- !. t>y ^ ’^neral Jackson, and in favonr-of the elcc- pst ad\antii^e.-, both to tiie "ovi.nnnciit u:id '' rti HI I- . 1 i> . • ■ I ■ I 1 1.- ■ and concert other ni'.usurcs in relation to ^ -^^tion ot llcnry Llay ol Kentucky as I’rt!- to nuiivic.uais, nave Ix'cn exp'Ti'-nced troni ideiil and John fckirgeunl of IVnnsylvania i.jt for a nunib''r rf years. oliicers [s Vice-l*ro>ident of the linited States, as^^wiiich have InMin eni;n;ed in the coii- nibled in the court house. | cerns »)f the governni* nt, have ol’ten d('cl;ir- llie H|i|)roaching elcdionof President und Vi((! I’reH'dent of the l.tiited Sratesi, hns UiOt at (laleigh, and diijchar{;e(J tlie duty to wliich It was called. In sul.niittin^ to \ou motion ot Ral,,h (Jori-cl, Esq. Vbra- that w.tbont at. m.t.tul.on o| that k.nd add a few expla- f ger^,, Ksq. was app.inted cliainnan ; | tt.e mon.ed concerns ot the j;overmnent - 1 being conducted to the chair, called iculd not be n.auatred without luu. l. labour i*rrjident, the present • occ^pent - !and Kreat„.convemrncoai.dre>p.nMbdity.,,,,.,,,^j veneiabb ANDkFw rmcetino: to order. ^- On motion of James T. Morel.e^J, AN | '"'1 «;v;'‘--n*-oee has proven, to . very see .i \ k.( IN, and li.r \ ,ce I*r. s,dent PHIL kdH. Jlanner was apfM.inted Secretary. |;'";’'"ures have ,j, J5\l{|{(MU, of Virginia; and , *.• All coinmun.cations to the Kditor must eon,e , I ever b' en adopted, w |,icl, have ; l odnecd ; ^ frer, ot posta,re, or they nmy not b attended to. | ; so si.lutary an cHect upon the UmI banbs. e.enled t.. VOU. I in the management ol their aliatr.-, and m , , , . ' . , I In ri'"i rd to Axn:KW J4j^( V, it IS un- neco' iry to .«:iy any ii|incilL Ite lias al- ri’ii!v bci ij oi;r I’lt: Ciiolcl Hin«* and -Hill. ' and Ralph liorrellt I'sqrs. each of w hom i ~ ; discMsscd the relative merits and claims ,f;'i'tfuNn- thmii«!i tho^ comitry u eTiind cir-, ■lHi;subsonl>erintindiiiatoreriovuiromtbi*.,u‘'‘'^ ‘‘*»^u iiit; i^ iumtr nrcnis mi.i . .-i . . ” , . .State, ortcr tor Bale, on liberal ft rinx the un- | the two prominent candidates fitr the presi- j*^ulhting meuiinn. i Ins institution is op- divided hull''!'the tnitt of land wbere he now rc-! Jencv, with iiiucli fuirncbs, pcrspicuity and ' 1“'^’^ **y I’rcsideiit in i sides, ronlninitt" alKiiit r00 acres, and on wliidi is ■ niessacea ; and inj-teud thereof, the wild i _ the well known I’atterson mine. The quantity ti IK A I’ lino * tonnin JH’lieme of a tieasiirv bank is ■T‘'-' "? of (Jold oM.i.r.ed from said mine is a pr«,t ilKit >■» mot.on of Hr. John A. I oulkos, a pr„p..,tuMi vmir ^ not him: hut uiomr inuibinerv 19 wanting to make I committeo, consistin:: ot .lames I . 31oie- t"- ,. . . i .i ' , ran loriiet tl ,t on> of th. nioBt profitable in the county. head, Jeduthan H. Lindsav , V.alph (:..rP 11, '■»">i".Hee lorbear to rema.k ; as it has »n- AUo,a.iaotof lando„^..B(reek,ahoutl.VJ .M'Na.rv, and Jelsee II. J'•'■''''“^nitmn. ot the h.te*; twicer'. ;iTl'Kstabhlhmciu ’ 1‘] npixuntrd, with instruCons to retire ’ , P^'f !>'» “lot.J f)oun.lcrs,ne\vlyerertrd,2 Folfrer iniil?, and a east immediately ar.ii draft a (iroamble anI re^o- | are oppo^od to fho re-T,^^. coming— iron one on a new pUn, bt li> vtd to bv •^uiK-rior to hitions, expre.s^ne of the si'iis«‘ of the meet- ot nMi. .luclvson tnmi the lurttmr any tliinj; now runrriiijr, and capable ot grindini; in.r. After retirini: a short time, th.-. ro- 'f'- " •" i^s^«'>ll"lion mto ofi.ce,, iVonUIU torO bu.heUo!^^^^^^^^ ,;,|l.uuhg-wliirh were unani-;V'i ernmeiit, and alul "ir. ;ml e e, ■." ^ -nou^h adopted. f rorr.;;n mi.nMers, to t.o e.it | ^rcctt’ti witti vti'v little _ iiv'« ^ AIrs a tract of land nt ar: r Charlottr, on tho Yeur cotniiiiiteo, to whom w.as ref titq ? '‘'' I j great ItoJy oO(P&'Souther?l j»fep!e,'lie coin- Salisbury road, eontaininir ~J ucres, twmcrly the gubiect of drallm'T a iir» amble and le- i iulert st (T the couiiO \ ; tlijit hi ^ whole I ^ n*}iHif‘than any oth- 'solution.,. ^ct.mK forth the sentiments of this f individual wc could tyw ^^lect. We . meetiirs ue^ leave to submit the follow,njr: ["“t* ' ' */“ i lake jjreat pleasure, therefoff ... recom- ° . ,iri-i,t:-e 1 nK.n.iing l.in. to what we are confident he ■^ our committ. e eannot f»isrrui«e the tlict, I li“" i " unanimous support, that they have ben much disapiKimted and mortitied al tlie administration ol the propertv of Jonathan Hums, dcc’d. c. ji-(;Nc r. Maj^.TI I, l^3C. ^ STATE or M)RTH ('.\liULL\A, ME( KI.KNBl Ri: CfilNTY. Court of I'l'-iis and iiuiirh r Sessions, Mny Ti:m. A?fc.\ander (Jraham » Ori^'inal attachment,levi- ' rt. rdon a tract of land belon:;- . Coibert t>nnikin^ \ ,n^ to the defendant, adjoin, rilglthf lu.iu ol Will. oi>per and ethers aiso^ ' iittcrt;,! j.!iid l ltnnikir. has in a tract of lanilip n which Wni. i'knuikin now re-ii*lt •^, iiiljoitiine .I’C ^ irencral government in;iler Andrc.v Jack-^on. L'pon the result of the presidential electinn 1.1 allhou"!. yo.ir committee were dis appointed It. oblaiiii:ig the object of their i some other citizen cppo»"Jd to Mr. (.'lay’s “ American System,” would h^ve been se- lerted. In any event General Jacks^g is placed too liir above,4he rear.h of competi tion to be alTected by tiny diflference of opiii'> .0.1 as to the V.ce-l'residcncyj|M Iw COuH be aHected at all, ..ijury 'to oc», cur from the nomination ut'Mf^ln BureD,'.' whcxie principles are so obnoxious ty tbe \ South, than from that ti^any other individ* ' ual not pos.sc‘«sinp those principles. It is said that the el|ction of Vice-I’rc« sident may be thrown ijpon the Srnnto.— *' Such a result may huji|>pn if .Mr. Vau reur's friends pertiist in his gaiiLst the known wishes of portion of (leneral^ayksorT^^Bcters.— Dut upon tfiem, not^Ki sin, .f there be pin. If this catastrophe is to lio deprecHted, it n;a\ chs.ly Iw averted by their witbdrawin*; -Mr. Van Buren’.s name, Und voting tor Mr. Harbour. But if isoiio argument in our favour, that if, in tho chances arising t'rirfn the contest for tho ice-Presidency, the election should de* volve%n the Senute, the candidate we pro- ill certuiidy receive a majority of voted, while Mr. Van Buren will as [fuoly be doteatcd b‘fore that bod\ , jilac- in competition with almifst any other petson who has been named tbr the otlice. . ' k 1$ p^tly insinuated in a public addiess w# b»vo®f‘n, and has lH‘en more {j'nerally ^nd confidi.itlj stated in private circles, ihat !VIr. \ an Buren's scyitiments and feel ings are in unison with thost? of the Snuth. V\e would ask, when and where ^*h"is trait in his character has l>ojn developed in hi.** arts? We do not ret'er to, nor do we rely u[>on private declarations or assurances.— NVe ask for ins public acts. As far us wo have been able to ascertain his political \ choice, vet they e.ite'rtained b.^^h hepe., ;"l'"*‘‘'« «•"« «■ and U.S they exixTted, wel ®f r btir.if made appear to the satistai lion rf tl;: ripatiuns, that the national his (dlir.;; and plat mider hu adii.ii.i^tf-i- , „ratiliedVf we could tion, the wiia.itnfiKjiMs in a stute 1 e\. iie- ourselves that the same ii.ianimi- ment, wcU cal^i.aied to a.u.m the fcu.d oil supporters of . . o . . .V. -y .i^..rt.al mind. ^ j t'.yicral Jack.on, in ii)« election «f a V.cx-.nthee- r.i#tu the.««iToa;iderttlion^ your con.iint- |iueiit. ’This we know to be imf>os.'-ible. tre ^iiiiik, that t?ic‘.e m.obt ti* If ligt oiit^^ jn^^ subject ditfijrences irrecuiicilea • ’ ■ ■ - -> ■• lal alfiirs would be ^,rer.tjirob.ibilit) ot ai lection of Mr. Madison as the successor of ■Mr. .Monroe—he was opposed to the South Remtbeir natun-, l.ecaus. they are di'i. j memo.able Missouri que-tion, ia terei,ce.s u,.... ,s..ne of the tiii.uamental involved the r.ght ot l.ongress ijut diktiii^ui^I.iH CTiitijcliv .—lii' elcctioiiot t -tlfc IV' in Charlotte ■ nil- nt by fit ^iBi lor tMFdii Minty of M-rUvi.b.ir.r, at the I'onrt lloiiKr tnmed their e\|.rctalion8 frrmi the fact that "ftlsc duties oi »»ix>^dcnt. 11.^^ rlot.e.n:, tho Itli M ,nd.y e, AugiMt m .t , j minded a.id open m Ins I principles ol' our jfovernment, have inan.- • I tested lhem*w lves m a manner not to l>c thci linrcc^ n| j We had reason to ex^ct tms tnj.iy Ji^rsitv m itiiMe Stjtes which hold (>filiti' f 'u’fac ArT.inder.r!erkofo;ir''-ai(lCouti, I cuinstance.s than any other indincual s.ncc f‘‘?bng or private ;,ho 4th M....day of May. V lV3.>. I i|,e time of (iii.ierarWa-hinrton; that st.ch ' connecie.l «nh evr-f „n,H^ mecki.i’nhi n- xr... T,,™ ^...1,. ....iividual who was national in h.s _ ^ _ j^>oli iii^.-MiirLctly niher^o to ours. But uwl *fkjK t, and we j'cel j»eculuir ratiOti n( parceiv ini' At|^njU|i iiakiiij^ own (f'oiiDunity, t|l««trty of ^'^rept,'and no[>e.i ■ tiii^ liid to interli*re with our slave fwpulation—ho was oppo!>cd to the Soiilb on the yreat Ta- riti'question which cawc U'li/1-i' the S» nato in voting tor the n.iA >bnoxuHis a- riiendments, and rtnally for llte bdl itpclf, a bill \vhich, by one of .Is advocates, waa styhJd the “bill ofabom«^ions”—he was op|K>9ed taa Inr^e majority of the South in the tirsi election ot'(itneral Jackson. It la t(U« kt-. has gcm^lly vS#g4«i^ai«W ►tne^»«'«ut:tKvAn.K ‘i "cormt^^^ wr.tieii in fKiry; wtitod to ven tf-nt five frent’emW, pro- uccoi .vi*- i.w the i.an.e of t’l .w ; ai.d tins fa. t a- to n pr'-. nt the jk iies of .^o^Ih- ''' *■ , JuarHrSe,igtons, .>!«'/ Tirm, purely, no .milvidual who was iwi •’ . . i,j„c, bcar'i aini'lc cMdeiice u' his laleni' '^^ph i, hav bit-lyrat.a Convention of I 1-3J. |,|3 feelings and loyal .n 1..S pa r.II ■> ’ ^ aiiJ oatnilism. I'nm him w have much . >f^Van li.inii" I'l ends at r.:illiii(inv, uu- fwini-m Smith i Oi-inal attachment, levied r,.j,ardcd h.ui in any other pom O'i„ h'';e anj.>,ui |,u;,. tol'eur. I i-. tuerot-ic ,!ert il" u to p|.iL'; the vnte ef tin-k.ite tor r,. ^.natfictnnandbclon,:m?to your comni.lteet,ink nat.o.. has lM;f u luuch , iLl li^o Will ' _ -daho.'tl. ^ tl.e nat.::;has been much deceived, thej li solrrti, I li'.l lf«, nirrliiK' diilpnrrvc o;'tin AdMiini'-l'al*^'" o!’ ‘ n.lr- .r J„, , ; „:.J ,,l hir . it, !i..ii I'l the ft' ii'I.iK V for a i V,l •• ri, . U,.,.lrrl, Th-k ill-. I!,*-. o; :i, I',. >^i.naban ;.d oth- whi^^order to ride uito j.pulnr ^ RT b. ir. made api^ ar to th-; the toW and credit ot the of-N. ' • s.r.rant.^ IVm,syhani i,.>s-, , am ...al, f oin.rtbal defendant is no. a. ‘ ^.houl toT the ch.ettam ot an> , frr.i.U.rv ; ;„.d tl.,,i u ..HMa all tbi-!!'Karinerb i-l-m morder to sccureinclividuaitriuiiipti. ‘r i;,ir ai.d b .n >iinh'.e , t||^„ , j, — porti ,n C-the V.i.eriean of tbi rourt of ,0.1. f rlb. °-.L i,h Monday in A i.u4 i.txl f' V-v,' N^tie on tht lib Monday in A i„u^’i nt''- _ !. „l,o have ear- lo hear u-vl lic.irt^ t.. '"n.l thrn «'“> laSn’ae/ili‘t'hi'c. undcrstaii-i”—" I'o havc 1 .Um of t.'C .u.^ ' ,M V (•%:r:.o-,o„r-a..; -.ur., i,..,,, t^.yond the hK'al prejudices a.iu - Mav. V. ' ,t, ,.„,.:rne.s .tie day. l- the »tol..tc.tb Ai,i;X ,,f oiir L'overiw. lit, !•> I'l* •rr ‘^ndrn -I ii,|. d, roiifii.-ti. ,i.v ;,( r-oris, yho'i tlu- :iU Ih , to ei'rr \„^,j „,|f, (|„. , n,y,. ol aii'l ! ha'l.rt!! p;ir':cii' r, tii n Isliiiii I .[..ili.liii' nt ofil .i, ,t„r i:,r tin* t iee|..ral iiie }Smm ofa t'airly inter that his opp9K(ian to internal improvements has not be^^ounded ufwn any constitutioual ba8is,>^^yon the ct.n- l.l. d'.' lhev,de..fthi k:..tetor!«'‘^«'’‘*>''‘» ^'nt^^.'rcpresente.I Mmiiis Van ;:.n, of NeA.\oik, as '‘'»'J it* tiiost ,„,prov e. \ i. ■l'ri.M.l''!it —I'.r .Maitiu \ an Burcn.onc '"'•''^^■n.H.dea ,.f the autV.r- .r the tanlfl.-.w of l.vils— ‘he aid ol the (.fiierJ . \\ ■ sa\ a t oi.\rnt! n f ^Ir. Van Buren's | J* I'us b»"en said, too, (wi^( (he author I'riemis, l/ec.iiio’ no one nt all ac.]Uainted ■ ^>1 the address to which we have advert«*d, with t!ie lIlll\ellll•l:t^ of [arlv,or at all p.s- the ju'tuc to inentii.n that it is not to In# ..f t!;e iea^l -a-iac.ty,'c;ui doubt that there,) but it has w n^A| that G*«rt- th'' ( iiiueution w as eon>iituteil for liie pur-|‘^_‘'l prelers 'W. ^Hkj^iren li>r . /• 1 . ,„.„t duration of our ooveri! .,„ritv ..four m.titutiuiis.aniltotl,. . w. lf^re of the ll K'.Wl^ tl.inU that tlie pic- :,l til h lif:ie :'nd ri''"' ,,i , ,.rr. -.pt.nd. I.e., \ g, . Ill tor for till' lU ■itil the r.e/.' ' J'/ ' ' i7/: o/' ,\)irrin -c) I'MM Iti. iMtl.m, Vf'ur e.iliiinlttei aud U:cu., S,xswv., Ferm. ^,l„,iii.^tralin.i has laheii ,ar Miort. l-:u. . "scateel-. ha.5;u.eral.Iack-:..n aM-e.i,e.l i’-,v 1 1 ■ . ■'iitiaehmen*. 1''I'” 0^ ii-nii il cliair betcrt-tl.e ct.ri op''‘'r ^ ,1. f. n.lo.'' in'' >'> tlie^prc-M „„r,i-hui•'nts'’ N'a, m.am.m.ii-lv n.W.p!.... S vvl. non NVin. I lini.il"i bv..-. on ;^\>..c.iloi • f,/,» ,v alniil'i In ..bedi.'ii'- In ihe tl* ^ lots H. f .. 1-'" of i.an.lnced. Honr,ly.Jntl.f ^ j J_ I- ' an-1...7-n-/rr, wereiio . fn STmf. b-. f.'inie. tioii, we s!;i i.iit, willieiit The report «.f the ^rtre t if the ali"\e pt. a:n!.!e v.a> '''• '*^1 ' ihein to ad' ’iitinn, H I - ■ ■ III .I eomm.tiieiil (.(.rre-.j'.jiileri(X I i!)puU;ted Uialmii th^ but In e..ii-i'’iti^ "f the followiiiji p«.J : U\i.ni I'vij. I 'r. n^ \. fc, K.', John \. (.ii.M'iii, 1!-;.'.Ii; -i I ^Limuw, ^.oj-e of proiii'ilmi; Mr. ^ an I’lin n’s pros- | ^ ice-l rcstdool, and that \o lifct«, ho'vevfr a li.'w (I'tli.' memlf .s ini'^ht | '1'“'^ hi* *i*hc8 ii. selccAinj' o.ne (h-x. i,tvd tVi.n Its real ehj.'cis. ■ W« nhn«!dfwldrepl) huiml.i^ Bv uliat pri''" liu' prrv.ii!-, i"present-,'‘Z«0 of i.io ..s It anv di'tr.f-!- in this .'■late, eould i I'cwJ to W m.ch n^in;^.,,|^^’j ^ npioiiu-.irrorn t.iultipi> the:j,.s«'!\I. ii.to liil«4,y, and t lieA re »„r pnocipleB r .s Ik a(- t>y, cv ii if tiies truly rej»re.-»?iited the pt eleclien, to pratify Uie 'iTlukfi.lBf *■** ^ iiian? Are \rf io K. lectmnour atieiitsin the ( i;, . .Ii f'l, 'i bat ‘'"tir d.V„,, 1 thi. L..i:i:'>. ' • *' -..1 ti.: in ibr (Mti.iiii 'l „.,. ,f, or I’h.iiiiaiu, fr.jtii wiiii'h tliey catii«, undertukfi IB r»l''--"'' for those v: ,\,,,riu.b. -if.-.'' lieuiii. 1>. ' I ' , ,1ns prm- \. (.ii'i'in. 1 .-l. -n; -. i. /.‘"id some caimau«jno=». - | fellow citiZcMis, though we know not lah.ve thit Mia:iv Ur. AiiwM.i;!! " -Ml.j. Kou/nppo^^'d to thd TaW System, and that ^ ('h lTl..'' . . , I‘,rn nt '■ ■\\ Itlr i- -. r. pi. vy. .lii'.r vi~e , II ii'rain?l biin I. 'il.orL', M.jii.; Vi' ‘.'„,i..r.t'i' rkoroiir -aidfourt I \i.. ii:. . .n M i; . V \ \i AI.IA Kn-Mutio ‘I" i: I m m, the re., lection ol (.elie.at .lael.M, • at t‘,.s tlUl-, is to i.e pecuha.ly ' " I ‘I;.,, r.,.twell known t.-ev.ryiudivi 1.1 •ofthnsmuUrst f-.llowin;: 1-n ^ ' N.ir/mce in thy suppoit «d >‘r- X. • ‘'''I- " V, I \ Sit>e l„1zard«^dthucKtionotOenerulJ..ck. ,„l i»r. W vMiiM.ro^ Ib^.MV J, evident that a majnritv ot din'^of'.is t.Aui'I ii^icoates preferred .Mr. Nan Bu- tKd m:i!, 1*'" U,.o:vr'i, T!i M th; hr O'-Ill’d by a (ju' ,ti.'ii o! vital iiiipoitaiico ■ «..i iM .li.iiii, Ih' . 'l-i'Tsf tin; NJ , yntes »ere given lor „ Dt'lll.. O'' Barbour. - - U r ef the I I..M'b l!nn>-''r, tl,.. If'W,„ro.a;t. 1{ order. I) ^ uratiticd ..1 the selcclioii of declined , are M\ known f.voii, an- Ir/' Mr. Wa niN'.n r to th.. satiita. lioii ol me and 111 Violation ot ""V.. '.I, r, nd!.nl lhat P'>l;l>“ ;i -,r V. Hi;.t til- -..:winns. to be held for riintiiio; but they «utertaiu th? >pmn'n. 1-!.^ j I . u ma .!,» l~'“- ‘•■''“f'”' I',;,1 Jarl.-'"' the Kmil , Jovrenmont, wv are to y.eld i.npi ■ncdiei.ce to tho lACCutive will ' ni(i as we venerate (Jenerul Jackson, il he coul occupving the station be dH?s attempt t» inllu. nce our su!lni"es, we should, as honest ip.1 indppHudent Irecmen—aye .t then- w a H^p.ifthe revolutionary bUMnl of our tath- ers still cour»itio m our veins, we should t inilii/iiantlv reiK*l such inteiterotiee. But, l‘::r;..r"!!irihat l f^now cit.i.ns, though we them upon government in any elcctio.i. iiuicpLiuii-iiv >t our conti- dence in his republican principles, we know that when be came into office, be gave the most emphatic pledpe that no K.xccutivc oflicer should exern-e tho ii.nueiice of h.s stutioi. lo co.itrol in auy manner the freq- , dom of elections by the people. v Lastly, it has l»een said jj^t out object is to defeat the election^ hv dividing hH pnrtf»» denj that wc divide the party. 'nft"ivi.«ion is al- readv made by. ditibrrilcc \vi»icli pre- vail.s'amonc tlio party on ^rpat and funda- mental princi|>les—a divtsijtfi which niu!t aflect tlu'ir action upon every (fiestion but that of the election of tleneral Jack.-ion him:^-lf. In further answer to this charrre, wo apii'-al to the nomination we unanimous ly make of the vry |H>rson whose electio.i [ wc are accused ol wisliini; to leal. e o^floflheM.pporters ,ipp. al to the course which it is known to ho. But tho Tarilf III of teel- ■ - ■ ■ m . ir.:-r rupti.,n ; but ihey • ulertaui - _ ^ ^ ^ , d.lmc^ro. nra.u ■ .WrouJi-.it the •Muon | vou a l-iroe ■ V ,' 1 11.. “rl',,'.' ■ ™, .i,;... ..iJ. rt .mll.« l..^.'-nlia' a u«.". > r | ,|,j.,ly m Im-: i „.a.k. a, l.ut ol' ral- w -■ ’'l' I ■ ir'.a'y mu.Vw.