f THE Ml.NEnS' AND FAUMEHS' JOURNAI-. LA'Ii; FROM THE llIOLEltA. New- York, June 25. The Ciioi.En.v is slill, we are liappv to At Flalts- •bjertums which have been urged n-ainst entitled to ct.joy what Ocxl. at.d naturo,mid | f II turtUtf^dlf . Mr. Van Buren’s pohtical character. their own industry nnd sagacity shall place i^atEST FROM LNliI.AXD. tom to the more grateful part of our task, in thv^^r pc>wer. W e have not adverted to, _ that ofotrennc in brief review the reasons nor shall we dilate upon the peculiar iKar-1 Sarah, Caplaui Cortier, from T.iv- j say, u strmijier tooiir terntoricH which have governed us in the nomination ■ inj? of this TuiiH’Svstein upon the Houthorn I ^ pti,, arrived at New-Vork on ; burg, Whitehall and Rurlii.>ton, there are Mr Barbour. States—upon the millions of which it hasj | no cases, nor at any other place within the already stripped you—upon its disiistrous | London Herald of the Ifith, Kiys I American lines; and such is the vigilance and paralzing effects U|M>n your '"‘•ustrV ' l^. ^in.Mt declared distinctly on tiie 1 exerciscd in shutting out emi^'rants, that In purity of private life, in talents of a high ontfer, in an o[)en, candid and disin- tewted fuind, in the absence of all selfish ! and pro8(.enty. it we admit the constitu-; p,,,.VK>us evcniof;, in the llouso, that the cf- i we may trust with confidence the pestilence - fi.«hnT, of «11 inordinate ambition and of all; tionality of the system, tho greater or les^ j arranfieineiils for the formation of may he averted, the pc'tty arts to subserve personal purposes,'degree of cxaction to which we are sub-[ ^ „eie at an end. As U still followed however the course of in a long course of distinguished public jected must depend solely upon ‘“e discre-] therefore, cannot carry on emigration in (’pper Canada, and accord- jervice, we nught find sufficient arguments'tion of the interested majority who govern us. ■ (Joveinment, Karl (.Jutv may make ing to the Rochester Daily Advertiser, for the »*»fert'iKe of Mr. Barbour, if we . " e ha\e thus free communicated, in a] ,i,g Nothing which derives its accounts from vessels ar- chose toMMl \hat preference upon mere ; rapid sketch, our sentiments upon a (['.les-1 Houses rived at the mouth of the (lennessee riv persona^^i^ten^iions. But we came not tion which now agitates the country. W e aJj.,unitd to give time for the arrange-, from York, U. C., the disease had made here to indulge our private predilections,' are impressed with a solemn conviction , appearance there and at t’oiairg; and » atxl we desire to appeal in his behalf to its vital importance, and usk h)r it ji'ffyrtithef-onilnnMominfrllrraldofJuiieliL}. | leiirn liDni the same |mperol Friday,i hicher motives than any ofthese can furnish. I most serious attention. e believe thatj ,i^ House of Lords, last night, after also reached Niagara, in U. (’ai|ada. We ask you to supiwt him because he is; upon a Hrin and united resistance to thc^ • - • a candidate of the true political fuith. j sy«'em wx have condemned .lef^nds tne M..VC ,h,t»cri.„ .3 ,ppro.chi„g,' cfliz^l^s State must take their stand i patnotic devotion. Nay, more, we l«- vhSBImust lot their voice be heard j lie'c avo^^f snsoliltatcd (Jeneral Govern. | preservation ..t our liberty. W iH vou not, ned by no fixed rules, subject | •If*'", resist by every constitutional n.caiiN but their own discretion : or. ‘ "hile these ^all ji'ail yon . i yo , iH>n to present itsell Dtimiv some e|H“tition9 had b*-en preseiited, Karl (iRKV innvcd the adjournment of the House Ffom the Canadian Courant, Jufit, 2l] Cholkka at .Moathkal.—This di till '1 hursfJay next, stating that he did bo in > continues its ravages among u? w:ih fatW consequeike of a communication he had Saturday, the Board in favor inent, restrained to no limits but their own discretion; or,' as we fervently hojic they will do, when; they must sjieak in the determined tone ofi freetiien—when they must proclaim that this I'nion, which w e cherish with thfl ft est affection, is but a confederacy ol" sovc reign States; that t>eyond the limits w"^' ' have been prescribed in the C'onsti by tho assent of all, none cun go; ihat ther d majority nor a minority has a to tninsrend those limits; and that a act of rur agents in the (ieneral (tovefn^” inenf, however clothed with tt^ forms of law, whirli is not warrante»l b^the gnat, - ^ ^ charter granted bv the Slates, is purelvi -5oid. ^Ve have no hesitation in savinf j^ast to that fiith, wecouNT-ftot consi that inour Wiefthis Constitution has al-1 ad'ise you^ select a here ic minister ready Ikcii violated bv Congress m Ibeir; at nltars. U c know wc oj assmnp?ion of the power to regulate the in. >ou a true be .ever when we rccommer^ dustrv and occupations of individuals by P- B-'HBoyn, and we theretore tHXin'ir one portion of the Union for the be- ’ prestut him to vou lor your sullragcs. had the honor to receive trom his Majtsty. Lord Kj:SYON inquired what was the na ture of that comiuunicati4>D ? TI«5 Lokd Cham observed that, although the noble. Earl had tendered his resignation to the Crown, his I^ordship still stood in the -President,give}our, every one ?uren, one ot tpretty well understand that the com- of inis destrut i>e could Have reference to the state we can liave no atliiirs onlv, and thecliaiigc in his j "ill..V^”^'V' AUieMv’s Ministry. He could only add nation not oUjjJjk ^ knew, the comiuunicatmn ^ ” ■ *^wn»^not vet led to any result, and that it j Hier ol oiiH i^j^lit 1^.^! to none. ' j ©ur cause,] Lordships then adjourned till i )f Health ift.'tiied the following bulletin:— Bmrd «/ Health, 'ij P M. IC//. Junr. Niimtirr of ciui'* since the la«t roport, at half past J o'clock, 1’. M. I5th Jniic, inakiny ho»ir», i!)flu(iiiig inildi r rast’s ofcholtra, 4.U I)cal/i» as aKCcrtaiiipd, itctovtred or nmaiiiinc, 3 If* J. (il'i iiRrE sco'rr. Sic. Mr. Applkton, of Massachusetts, tn his reply to Mr. McUufTie, in Committee of the W hole, May 30, 1832, on the bill to reduce the duty on im[K>rts to 12 J per cent, said— And now, sir, appealed to as 1 am, let me ask South-Carolina, in the name of that justice which she invokes, will she prostrate those interests which she herself calleii in> to existence 1 The Tarifl’of 181C was a South-Carolina measujf, introduced and advoca^^y the mo^ eminent of her sons. All J^^^stmcnts^Massachusetts in the ave been made since the strength of that po- South-Carolina call on make this sacrifice, in the ^ jugtii'€ ? May I not siiy, 'uage of the geiitleiiian himself, css sei7.cd no” South-Carolhia? here, Mr. Chairman, 1 avail myself op|)ortunity to answer a remark made ic guntleman trom S«>iilh-Carolma, at ^'^arly period of the session, that the mi- nimuni duty of six and a quarter cents tlie square yard »>n cottons, established by the tariff of 1816, was not intended as a protec tion of niRinifactures, since it imp«)sed mere ly n refenue duty of twenty live |X‘r cent, ad valorem, twenty-five cents the square yard f^ing at that time the cost of the low est »lesri|jl ions of cottons im|H)rt'-d. 'I'his On MoiKiav, the following bulletin was idea is altogether erroneous. 1 have m my . ' ® I huud two invoices ot l aMuitta c*»(tunH, mi- Hoard„meal,h. | ^te.l m 1«1«, With the custom house rer- Number of caf-rs fro,,. Saturday Itiih, -> V .M. j tificatc u|X'n them, I find, onexainin.;tion, to Siiiuiay Kth, 2 I’. M. -I' * I that the duty of six and a quarler cents tlie Ikatlis, same jx riuil j''‘1’^***^'-' >“rd, amounted to at least ses'.Tity- o ' (ive per cent, on the average, and in some Nmnlxr of rasM-i from SiiKf’av l.th a r ' , " ’ - \1. IB Mon.ia>- iMh, i! I*. M. 313 | nses to ninety. I may also refer to thf> ;crestandm T^ , ■ ' [ ii’,;" ,„e perio.! ^ , ^ I In the Commons,almnsfas.^g«» there I ,*,ih mi, h eeriumtv as t. authcnt.r re(. rt thereofbut on I^ by friends oftn-e trade nefit of another—by adopting a protecting tariff, or as it is more speciously, but false- j ly called “ tlie American System.” Can j wc conccal from ourselves the fact that the j most powerfii! exertions are now making j to lasten this system on us as the perina-; nent |x>licy of the country ! Is it not a du- j ty which we owe to ourselves and our pi»-; terity, to our reverence for the liberty in- j herited front our fathers, to our deep tht Chajlffton Courier. tachment to |||^ I'nion of these Slates, tfj „ ji’ne resist this cilcroachment on our rights by j ^ business of Conjre^’bcco. JAMES IREDEI.U AVAI.KKR ANOEn^ON, Kit HARD DaVIsON, \V1IJ,IA.M a. m.Ol’NT, EinVAKU U. DUDLEY, ^A AC CR(X»I, JfKLPH R. Ll.OYD, fiPENCEU O BKIEN, Ull.LIfS AI.STON, EDWARD J. HALE. ncniaiiiini; audience of tlw King; and that with th view of avoiding any angry delwt*-, or of j throwing obstacles in the way of couciliato- ry arrangements, he proposed that the I IIous« should apin abstain front all fprlliei j p. „„t. proceedings with busiccss. He had 14 ■ ' • ^titions to present, but, to avoid the risk ^increaSA^ irritation, he would lake on *n8fH’l^^«M[)onsibility of abstaining for the prciM^^lini presenimg them. Miv Faring comniuuii ated that the f- 16(l> It>ib )7th l»Ut I5ih IGih 17th Itn! lith,n»icluru 43 aid, !—in which it is slated, that this duty on |j.^^ithe coarse cotton* of India amounted ta I eighty three and oik- half per cent, on tho javt rage. My colleague, (Mr. Ueko) also inforins me that «imilar invoices were ex- hihited on this floor at the time of discuss ing the bill, with the express declaration that the duty would amount to eighty per cent., aiid would prove, as it did, an entire prohibition; to that there could have been no mistake in the matter. Uuiifcr the*e circMnisfances, let me ask, Is South.Cnrolma prepared to abundon the I nion, and meet hurrorn of • civil cver^ means ^ur power ? Should we, arduous, and almost am not, more es^.a ly. on eveiy occasion , ^ crowded assemblag when we are calW to the bdllo box mam-1 .n.ventilltwl *»»mber, while the fcst our utter abhorrence of this and our deiermu«ti«i to hc^or^ ,Hir suf-, ,egu.«t^ctH,lness, a ’ ' . ■ fragga none wha ^U£SSCk^ t. n n.'U*, 4316 ' on th« strength of tfie theory of tfie gentle- Total cwe», . .' man from Sonth-Carohna ? for a iioiirntity .. This melancholy statement falls Short of I „,u lor}|4pd arrangcniCiits tor the foriDatioii u\ , mortality, as it coniains | , a«*.dmin.slrat,onwere*-ataneLd or Tue«lay. excitement of Sonth- cori^mication that was oti.lly chcercd.— judge «rom!^._ _ ,..,«.Ler%. 1 «L're« with mematrm am l ^ by the f'JIowing 5^^np.ioadji-uin to Thursday. Thiscom J •» uncon-tiiu*.-^* Wfeh^o’Sces'ki fht i not be taken up by th^k)«', rwcived with great chwr- j there «lU U- ;,lcr a short conversation was «• | \ of its beiMii pontpfned, which ® „rml t«', aid the ll-.use furlhwi*^* ^fj«urn- j 1 .4l. it 1 ^ aiier btisiness t elevate to '"'v^oTS of tUis measure country on ..Ajate for the sanie otfice dioice wh.«ie a.ost as injurious as a defeat is presume p.r- our p that tlie po!, str —th^f it arrj'/d-^ od withoiittransacting aii> JfS!” i “ •ni' *. •’r; ua Twt«iy- stem, of which we the l;ilmn fr.n^, 1 am told, vvdl be made' bi.,« .t ou, l,terti» I „ from a principle whith, it j ,, . It will set forth the 1 an,ouiiccment la-t fcvenmg oi me I had consid. ra!.iv abiited “I'' >'Im tan have ecn elicited during » L-rd C.rey a.id ms coUeagnes ' amoni; the ('•anadiaiis >H"? >'»*lliug of his manner, when ■ave the public to make ^ ^ r. cciv* d ky the public witn | ^j. extraction. ' ! ' >= r.Bn.i.io.x ; his s. ,1... l.velesl denioiwstrat-** of joy. I he (;,llowinr ,s fr.m onr correspondents, ! pr*>sp«'nly of S. i.th-( arolu;r» unof Mr. Vv> Birkn! ,,,i„cul cotcries i- »he streets (Jates At Co., dated Montreal, June ‘^ *'>»'«lorious har- l^^ii If't l-OtiJm Timet, JCth. The amounccment la-t evening of the | >|viiby. Catholic 30 Prott«taut .1 'I’ufMiiy, '•*! •*! The iiiti rmcnts of ywlcrday wrre ; St. Aiitor\le burial place (Cathdlic) ( Mrl and new Imrying gruumls, C'oiiinioii of St. Anil, Total, The di-^asc sincere, he is oven fn-yond enlhuMasm. I iran attribute to him on this snlject nothing I short of downright fanaticism. I apply 91^ j this word in the coiniction of its truth, anil ' in the spirit of charity. j V\ ho tan have uttcniiej to tho spirit ol' 14!) I his whole uddiess, with,>ut [XTcening thi^t considcral.lv abated '* “I' • " 1'“'* lot only sets at nought al the , ipjve satl-'Uards provided by tiic 1 own coinincnts but wi'UPtiViject us loa desj^tisui as ga in^ nogociatiun «,das perlHC.ot-=* «ith « ;reat lintain, by which a portion of the w.« oi^' c*uld ;V General G-vernnient Has taxa/ion—that tl»e Mn yo.. not only rfiorr"^ ««''«• -'n«jt, (a p«wer lot'ier IK?" of ®®** 'v'ninf of capital »v mto (iuais. and of distribuiiV^it'S 'nk pr(4,-r the fruits of ev^1^“ >try—ol -.ay ing, fur example, the you shall Ih« taxed filty or hundred percent! or a.iy other amount the majority shall pre' hcii’ip. I ) enable the inaiiutiiclurer to real ize a p .lit from his investments—m shoj|. I vest which free tmtle wotild furnish her; and not p>eireivH that nothing ».hort of tho influence of I'.inaticiMii would have so wrought u|M>ii him—iinle«a oi.e would at tribute to hill the unholicr motive of a cri- i la,t weik, ui secret session, and ^ the evening ma " j;, L ■ the business has not been entirely disposed | iTVtmth I S- ihe Commute. «. I'ore.s.i o, fou, that the treaty or by a considerable V be sent I \\> ar«> liapty to say lliat th» dwri.^c w asiiim- ing a iiiilricr t/iaracti r, uiid thr nuiiilicr of attack* iiiiK'h riwiii'ixh) li V itliiii the lut two day^. In- (lu fl, tii« rfav all our physifiaiiM apric that the niTn.l«;' of tabCK 18 m> risilily .llmitii»h d, and )i !«l ■ ,„jr,nl ambition ? tiKiff ri adlly to ineilicallrtHtiiM nt than IIk-v Hid. u .i /’ i probably o., th:.t ih. vu t.n.s ,noM »uu I uro ina prosperous ■« panted from >1 »tvi re attack nu.iii the drunkards j*"*- * nion i|fr population donhled m ten ;.!( r-. liiioii whom it aI:no»t invariably ) ears* ^Wiat but infiitiiutiiin r:in think so 7 ;i.rov.-«Vatal) have U( IIpt oft; an.1 tii.- ‘ \V iiat w ill free trade do for her’ Ml tho lans, .... donht. und.r»lun,i ih. disrane i« tlcr 1 I’nited States are as free now fy Opp^ the III A VVarrj 'r’i'*'***'”' ih;m lh> v dni. \Vr I,ri;i;uinf to sav, lhat wp do , i i - 1 w.n(T is iinr‘‘ “ i >%crr.a.- tlic diuthi al an averagr of 100 p. r | ‘Kv W-“ tor foreign trade. |-,v ^ , '' ° .^leon. It is from nil answer i:.iv for thi li-t ti ii dnj., «liich is :i frigUfui inor-j•‘''ticlcofloreign merchandisirr.in l>e bought tfjre the! T „ ; taUty for a i«jpulation oi :W or :i:i,0UO. ind sold in them for exiwrtation. Iret: of •There are ; of Loiii# B/I ' Iduty. enthusiastic and tnaf t:ie o.inority hold their property at tlfe Tb wiiir.f tiK-, maj.T.ty-arid shall enjoy its Still . fruits ordy to such extent as tiiese may gra- j ,„uch Can it be pyssibje thal ciously pennit. ctedingly hot w [Kirtation, I'ret: of iiere are, oi . i r i v x' / r oe i''"'.'. In the language of the gentleman 1,^,1 .I- ( 1 havr enthusiastic and j.,) hd as A.t- .fur,r 2fi. [ i„ whom' anv one Dlfa victory ; but 1 als.. conlcs«,, The Cholera accounts to-day nre more ^ Heaven’s sake pau«e ' ichable. (1,^1 the> A of a batik field has not only ronsolmg. I here arc no cases wirhin onr ^ Mjance-i struck ifnth horror, but turned me sii k ; ‘ bordcTs, and at Montreal the cases and the ' V, so' aijJ no^t I ;iin ailvaiiced in liii-, I ( an- , morlalily had verv nda^Ltl"‘^'^-U>'>t mitand any n*,re than I c.nld at: rro.n'l seiisihiv diminished. such a principle is to be found in our Cod- t yond the middle of the next month.” Tfu; SENATE AND THE BfU NDARY. 'I’lie llallowell, (Maine,) Advwate of ail the power which the must despotic »ov- crnmer.t cou! 1 wish. If you are prepared to s,ui lion '•uch a construi oi ( ni m, you are no lont'C iiat, on the other pri! fre.. thei fuil tl . I ,, I, , convalcsci lit iJl, (lendrriiiaiiiintf til. U ^at 1 Ihongiit al hiteen yi-ars ; „f adim-sions Cu'X lotdl of d.-atbs 330. i//ij ni|i(ily of age, litjll think—“ Wars, with the pam | upon Itself, • 1 you are prepared ; Choice of a nroftnxum _Tt,« v . v i '' istruction of our bond .Standard rel-itf^«-n n ' ii ' doathwhich society draws .n«, r,oc,„on. ; irl.t r Uiicb.'.(:az-lte of Wednesday, ,, , .x.iv.xate ol tract the latest report: , ' ‘ lant inlelhgeiico from W ashington : We learn lhat on the Hitli in-^taiit, tnr> votes «ere taken in the Lnited Slates .S'- nate on the subject of our N. 1'. Hounchiry. In order that our readers may fully under stand the efli.'Ct of them, the slate of thr T. A. YoeN;,s.cr. lary IWrd of I Icalth. j piestion before the Senate, should be first hnltM from Mon’reitl.—Mr. Hart, a !• an inheritaiK-e gpiitlenian of rest).« lability cf the city of Prosidenf had expressed a wish to chaii-e, 111 ^the best market, what he pro- duns, lor what he has occasion to le |)lttce. , : ifom riiiseralje lieings, c^ivcred with ctav,-,,S,, ,l„, U,e , 'I 1-oi.bar,), of >1.0 In.. | «»*ly >n.™l»rtnj Ir.i.n a cool d,. government may fall equally on all-that “''^'ved at New- ■ * ’■^■^reshm- sea almov>here, into nan- shall look'for legislative aid to m- '*'■*« hrought out a l.ion, 8 mouths Ifoot of hieh grounds, expjsed crease th- of^r fK.Tin,ar or, ,p;,. old, as docile as a lamb, ami plavs w.th the' tioiiS ; buttluit a!l award,”' iVc. On tin: I Jlli the ll' so- lution was taken up and deln.(e,l m Kvecn- livc s*sMion, when Mr. ('la\, it is s.ud. made a most abh; elfoit in onr Ix half, ami m opposition ti the Kesohilion. Souk; oth er S-iMi()rs (our ovMi of c.iiirv; iix hided) look the same ;Mde. On the ifith the sub ject was called u[> a^^ain. Mr. llolmeH movedto ainen.l the resohi- On luesjfay last a piece of f resh beef was tion by ins«,-rlmg “two-lhirds of the Sena- Thuspasinodic chi)lera is in Kingston. Tlicrc were 14 casts in lhat villajrc yr-tmi.iy, i,,„) diathb : tiul tliCMi vvcie ruHiilc ntu uud 2 uiitif^ruuts." w With til*; itmoccnce of u kitten. I . . placed upon the highest sleepli! in Moiitre-1 tors con urriiig,” so that it could not Ih' ii- I U‘l cotfiriiin reflection answer the query. : al, which Iwcame decidedly and ottenmvely jdopted without thal .lumber. This wa-i A. y. CfaziUt. i putrid in 3U minute* ' ■ cahihi-.d, and hence the advico to ncc/.t