& FARIIEItS’ JOURNAIi. vol.. II. ritlNTKI) AXl>JL’BllSina8[^^^!tY*T^^ BY fllOMAS J, lt01/r0N«...C'l?AltL)T'^, MLt KI.kVbi KG COt.NTY, NOK'fH»C AROLIKA. I WILL TEACH YOU TO PIFACE TIIK BOVVKm OF THK CMHtf TT FRbM THE CAVERNS OF THE MOl'NTAIXS, MKTALS WIIICH WII.I, (.'IVi: ilTnr.NCTirVo Ol'R M.ANUS AND SU»JKCT ALL NATURK TO OUB USE AND TLEASL'RE.—DR. jOHNKONr -BBbi aa^s- TUKSI>AY% AlJUtS r iH, 1832. X>. Ull. THK IliiicrM’ &. Farmers^ J^iii’iial Is printi'd and published every Tuesday mgriiiiie at Tim Dollars and Fifl'if Cents per annum, if^ pnid in advuncu; 7'hrce Dollar* a year, if not paid until ailcr tlio expira|lMx of «ix months. ADVERTISEMENTS will^- inserted at Fifttj ccnta per ifiuarc (not excecdiivfj 20 lines,) for the first insertion, and 25 oci^ for cach succeeditig %'cek—or $1 for three wflcka, f>r onlf square.— A lib|BiJ discount wl[14>c made to those who ^vurfne b^he yoi^. On all advcrtieerfw^s mmmunic^d^tbr publication, tiie nuui^r^of * inscrlionf ftust bo^'iiiied. on the ma(j{inil(pU)c inanus«rip^ # th^^U hq c9iitihuod unlil fifrbid, and ¥ Art tvyi^ Diienhiy to th*%ct Jtr mditTB of the rei).' certain surviving offtcefihnd « olution." iL'Nt 25, 1S32. • . ^id on ine table, and ordt'red that one tliouMnd 7 . ^ditional copies be pripted for the usx ^ of tlie Senate. WAR nMABTMEXT, Jl’XE 1^, 1832. In answer to your letter of thii» have the honor to cbnerve, that the a^r Congress of March 18, ISIW, entitled “ .Ari^act to provide for persi^ns engaged in thw land and naval aervice of the United States in the revolutionary war,” made pro-' vision tor placing upon the pension I'oli uli cominiB-sioned otBcers,. non-cotinniaeioiied vtficers, musicians, and private soldie;s* and all officers in the hospital and medical staff, who served in the war of th*e revolu tion. The construction given to this clause by this department was, that the stpecitic euuinerntion of “ officers of the ho.vpital tHid medical staff,” excluded from the btnietit of the act all other officers of the staff not bolding coninlissioD in the line of the iirinv. ITrrnus(!, if the words “ all coinnuiwior»ed officers,” &LC., exten(J to the whole staff ol tlie army, there was no necessity to insert a particular provision for aiiy branch of the staff. And such a provision, when inserteo, would en»bra-e onjy the particular class descriljed. Ollicers of the linp only, were, jfliil an dt'tailed a slatetrtent, ui^er ®nth, ns! of the said court in the matter of the appli- ni^ can prejjbre, showing the-time, place,! cation of fora penjiioJi. and manner of fii^ cmpK^t'i^^tit, the cor[)3 j Ju teslitiiony whereof, I fiave hereunto to wbicli ]i9 telonged, and such other cir- ‘(jgt ^ly hand and seal of otfice, this cufiistincM connected WStJi t|k-subject, as I j;,,. of &c. lie irfhy h4jkLI«ftftf«coliiEt, an^s will st;rvo I .j. . r .i j . . . jK* J ■ I ■ ■ If, on cxaftiinntion of the proper rcoorn, to t^ide an exammin^^ilcfr in his inves-1,• . ‘ , , tigatio^|^-lheji,,tic*Srhischm.^. To this i ^ appl.c^nnts, makM.g such dec slfould^add^the certftcate, under oa«h\ “‘"y ' ’ detailed^Hi.striictioiis rct|Jp ting tlie r alure hmJ fariivof tho tfstinioiiy they must pro duct fo sccure tlieir being placed on the [■effe'ion roll. As tli?* presumption will, in of at lerfst (wo rcspootal^^'reons, whose characters cliu lie at tjjedepart-. inWt, stafinn;^ the ^frnera^’ lmpVe.swins of the neighiiorhood, the applicjint re sides, OP has rosifi»>4,-thBt he'Wa»c»gag^ in tho r^volirtiotiarjrVar. 1 imagine; tJielnJ Jtre fisw ir none of the stjyv'ivors who.se *,• All communicl6on*totheiiliWr must oonit . , free of ^H^tag,, Of theyW not!.« «tt»«dcd ta. *® thi8.dwracter are not rerogmwd ■—■»» IQ thp-vicinity where tj^y liv^^ This tra- iitiooai-y evidgBce, in "®^b?mceof otli«r Wnf'^rwAorate the staterrifnt of th» honest applii'.^t,«iidjBheclr the ftttemptsh«f those Who arJktiishonest j-arfl it ap[)i*uri^o mr to be as ijr fit it will be safe to go. %'hcfip are inj ^ftpressbns, hastily writ ten, in answrj^^ j,our letter. 1 hi\e (Ktf iii«#e cogfclcfitrin them, as they are foil!-? fiid by the optTiion «>f Mr. Edwards, in ulipse experience and judgment I place great reliance. Xnd I think the rotnmiltoe will ajjree, that they pursue a just medium be tween a latitudinous constructiwn, wliicli wouifl throw the doors of the 'I’reaHury o- pen to all who ai'e willing to fahricato docu- nich rases, lie against the applicants, in i^ns(if|ii nce «d’the onrission ol'their 4ian.cs in the mucter rolls, they will l>« required to fiirnisJi, ns near as luuy lie, the same evi- Itiujice a)t liiwijierelotbre lH:en retpii^ by ,lhe c« ftj iug ivlMi&fiHjr oV 'JJaTcli 18, 1S1«; afiJthe act/jsiippltfi^iitft' r.£ thereto ^ with »ueji refaxatii.iis us ha\e iiwn, from time |») time, sanctioned by tlie t^e[.urtinenf, o»i account of the rapid de crease of the bu»viv rs of tlie revolutionary ^niy, and the consequtnt diriiculty ofprotu* nhK direct pusiiiye testmior.y in every ca.s^ \fl ier»‘\cr an (ifiieer or non-coniiin.ssion- edwfl^r is now in the recc'ipkBt u pension, he ilsaold make iipp!icution, if entitled to the benclits t>f this act, by letter merely, settitig forth his rank, and the regiment, Corfis or vessel, in which he served^and his prtxnt place of residence. 11 is pension We, A H, a clergyman, residing in the believe he is of the age he represt nts, and , ^;/C I), residing in I that he is reputed and believed in the ments which wou d tisure hem the benefit . .. , . u i ' , i ,* , certiticate must accompany his letter, ot this act, and such a ricid ttcmini>tration i .i l ,u I . i_ . . . . 7. , In those cases where the applicants have jatory the bemticent pro-' ... '' visions of the low. as Would render nugatory the bemficent pro-' ■ • ' ii i - . . ® ^ ‘ oncc been on the jiension roll, under the 1 have Uie honor to be, air. Very rcs[jectfuily, your ob’t. serv’t. LEU l.S CASS. Hon. ..'^AMUix A. Foot, Cfiainnan of the Cimimittrr on t tmttms in tht Henate, r>KfARTMF..NT Of WaR, J'rnsiim Offer, June iil, The follou ini; regulations have been act of-March 18, 1818, and have Ix'en drop ped therefrom on account of jiroperty, or where uppiication has been made under the act.ol' .May loth, 1828, and the evidence of service is in the department; or, having made application and proof of nervice, and ha\ ing been rejected, instead of tlio above deelaralu n, they will make a statement, (the samp,) hereby ccinl^that we are well acquainted J^itl) , who has siit»xribed*nd sworn to the above declara tion ; that we b?lieve him to be years of age; that he is reputed and bcliev ed, in the neighborhood where he resides, to have been a soldiej»«!’ the revolution, and that wo coficur in that opinion. Sworn, and subsciibed, the day and year albre.naid. And then will follow the certificatc of the court: » And the said court do Iieieby declare their opinion, at'tei the invetitigalion of the matter, nftd uller-putting'the interrogato ries prcst^ifwd hf ih^ Wffr I^partmeftt, tbut.iU^ )^iy> (uiarned uppUconl wHi« a ^vb- ^ition:;jfry-j«^iK«^v4»^^^^w as he eWex. ^nd tho '0«r?fuHlief certifies, that it ap- pear.4 to thein that A B, who has signed the precedin* certificate, is a cler gy man, rtfcidenl in** t)jo , and that C n,.who has idso signed tho same, IS a resident in the , and is a crcdil^n |K>rson, and timt their sta'temcut ia eiUitled to credit. 1, , clerk of the court of , do hfereby certify that the foregoing contains the original pr^CK^dingts (•f the aid court in the matter orthe appli cation of tor a pension. In te^timony whereof, 1 have heifeunto set my hand and seal of ollice, tliifl day of , &c. The form of the prontieflings, and of the certificates, will be eo vuijed us to meet the case, w hen the declaratidl ia niade out of court, bt^fore a judge, aa hereafter provided tor. Kvery applieant will produco tlie best proof in his power. 'I'hia is thc'original discharge or connmission ; but if neither of , these can be obtRined, the party will so settiiitr Icrth, uiiucr oath, their .uvmii; biifii •. , . i .l ’ ® i state unde r oath, and u III then proiure, it pliico ff the first application was made, therefoi-e, snpposed to be included m the | ,volVt7th7lu'.ras tcTeu-rrbratrcii application un.lrr the act of 1 r.r.i .i/>o>r.r.t,«n It le hnwovsr /.lour t.. . . li, a caso uhere a cluiiiiant nia> make otficerii and soldiers of the revolution. 'I'his law has been constru 'd to extend as lU IIJC lllll.. U9 «U CVt I \ l9fUIJI n ii| UH’ MtllJ first description. It is, however, clear to , me, that, had the kiw contained no particu-1eontin. ntal line,” - Stat. iroop«, lar enumerating clause, the genera provis-, .. ion, ‘‘a l ^mmissiuned otfic-ers, «*ould | have included all the onicers of-the liueaiid stati' uf tlte rsvolutionary army ‘ 1 allude this subject he.^, ••■'' up. , - 1 ; "I*!* us* *"«y tendency to throw light made, or ol their ,i . . f . . , ^ 'upon the transaction. .jiiuav, • j ifsuch surviving witnessc$nnot be found, the terms =« I the applicant u ill .so state tr.his dedaration, personal_a,.plic;itionatth..departmont,a,,d!^,,j,,^^^ produce such s enlisted, ’^ i i evidence or not, jiroc.eed't» relate all tlie and of Ins identity also, at the seat of 0 j bound to military service, but not those who ^ '''« declaration bc- rolutionary army. ■ em,.lflVerf with the army ' ’‘.(T th^ subject here, »hat the ; „ ‘2. 1 he case ol the State troops, volun- re«-«ns of the d.tlerence in theco,«rtru-fion | storekeeper«, &c. team- i^ ' • 1 in the put bv this department upon the act of 1818,; ,1^7 r th,. depa a,)d that w^iich. It Hp^ars to me, should be | J, classes of cases are embra-1 , . , ■ v f;ut iif)on the act of the present session ot . rolls ot tiic militii;, e.vcept those ol *Nuw- Congress, entriied “ An act supplementary to an act for the pfiief of certain surviving offieer« and soldiers of the revulution,” may be apparent. The benefit of the latter act is extended to each of the surviving officers, ^c., «vho shall have served in theciHitmen- tal line or State tfoops, volunteers or militia. 1. The regular troops. 2. The State troops, militia, and vol- Ilampsliire. A|.'|:licaiit'«, who served in the State proceed't^ material fncts which cai> be useful in the iiivestigatioii of his claiin^atrf in the coin-ilyui pi'.rison of his narrafive'\mB*W^'*^T^TS^'WP the peii(hl of Ills alleged service, as they Avery full person will pciu-ahle to a tavorable action upon his cuae. 'I'iie facts stated will atlird one of the principal means of corroborating the declaration of the applicant, if true, oi imia, IS o.ut^rcm. mere are departn;ent. rtnient no rolls of the State .^^eount of the services of each pt those of Virgmia; and no ,h,. j,,,livable to a favorable « I , ' lilt? uci. Id I «i t It^lJ liiw (1 ijwiivati' troops ol yrgm.n, and appliwnts, , ,^0 imposition, if s-irvcd m the n.ilitia ot New-Hampshire, i f . u„|es,. therefore one be nt- untrers. 3. Persons emplored in the naval service. !tempted ; and unless, therefore, these are 4. Iniiian spies. ' | " ^ Pr^ot | fuvorable As rolls of the regular troops in the rev-! P'‘■^cribcd tor th.who served upon j expected All applicants . t .1 - ; application by tiansinitiinit iin: 1 , cnption, are embraced m this proMSion. | ■ 1 rule ol proceeding, W uh respect o the evidence which , ^ should lie reqiured ol the applicants, thei-e i . Kvery applicant who claims a pen.?ion by '■*=! applicant re.side.s. And ever; court having ' of service in the State troops, volun- 18 a inHnilrst dillercnce between the regu- | ^ toiiMdered a court 'V lar troops and the militia. Of tho Ibrmer, , • .. , 11 L ,v , ’ ' ot rf^coru. there are rolls in this othce, more or less cd, will muke and siibacnbe the follou ing declaratit)ii: re,fr.a«J ..hero a is C,„„.t! '’''‘"fS/cZ'fZ ttfm .fiX'l'.?'.'*'M, «, .f.h, j,,„„ ll,c.„ .iq olhcr .s ..r .l.ould ^ „» „ui„ci'“2. b«> required. « here thonnnie is not thus coi ntv of / «.?• statk, TKKiMTor.v,ou distkict of found, the, prepumption is, that the applicant ^ i r coiM v of . i the year , with served in the regiment of the liiH‘, under the fitHowing named officers: (Ilcrr set (brth the nanirn and rank of tlip fii ld did not render the service stated, and the defect must b*i supplied by other tcstiinony. 1’he certificate ot' a commissioned ollicer. . if on- can b^ obtained, is requiretl. Hut if | eoimty ol it cannot, then the corroborating statement i * * 'strict of of two crahble w itn^'sses must lie produced. Not that these wifne.sses should l>oth certi fy /rorn thei;- |>ersonal knoi^^ledge to the ac tual service of llie applicant; but that the^y tihould, by direct or indirect circumstantial evidence, confirm the account given by Inm- eelf. These principles have regulated the department heretofore, and they appear to me to b«' founded in reason and in justice. V hen, however, the rolls are known to Ik- ini[>erf'ct,coni.iderahle relaxation should lie nllowfid; and, under thf.se circumstances, and as the difUculty of procuring testimony pridually increases, the regulations have H'cently been relaxed, particularly with re- i»{)ect to the nature of the circumstances re quired to l>e shown. 'I'hc raie of militia -service is, however, difli rent. There are no rolls of the militia ill this de|mrtment, except those of the i^iate of New-llamp.-ihire. There can, ll)ere()re, arise no presumption against tl.e upplieant, to be met by stronger evi- d'lice than, iiiHler other cir'umstances wculd be required ; and time has so reduc ed the numlier of tliose veterans, and of the witnesses of their services and .sufferings, that to deiiKind of them positive proof inde- pcndeiitly if their own f.tatenients, would be to deprave many of them of the benefit of the act. My impression is, that the appli cant should produce the best evidence in hLs power. If he has no living nor docunien- On this day of , personal ly ap[>enred biMore the of the , A IJ, a resident of , and State, Ter- years, who being first duly sworn, Vy . , f according to law, doth, on his oath, make ” the tollowing declaration, in order to obtain On this day of r , personally I'he court will propound the followinc interrogatories to all applicants for a pen sion on account of service in the militia. State troi»p.«, or volunteers, except the nn- lit ia of New- Hampshire and the yiutc troops of Virginia : 1. U here, and in what year were you bf»rn? 12. Have you any record of your age ; and if so, where is it ? 3. Where were you living when calle3 into service; where have you lived since npjH'ared in open court, before the court of , now sittine, A , , , , , H, a resident of , in the county i ^'’volutionary war, and wheie do j ou of , and State, Territory, or , a::ed \ears, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth, on his oath, make the following do. the Ix nefit of the provision made bv the act 7"’’ "'’ uie ioiio« mg ne- of (on. rcs-s pa.ssed June 7, 1«3-. 'ThaV he ? evihste,! in tho army ..f the l.mted States in ^ ^ ingress ,«ssed Juih. , 1. 3,>. .kr. , .. .u J i hat he entered the service ot tho I ni- the year , with , and . .i,. „ ..,r. ted States under the following named offi cers, and served as herein stated. [Here Pt’l forth the names and rar>k of the field . and conip;Miy oflircrs ; llie day (if poFFible) anti ... . - - , and cimipanv otticiTs, thctinichr lert the s.ervirB; (j,e month and year when the cl.iiniant entered | o di.schartfc froni the servico; and-, if so, (and 11 he Fr, v.d under more thun one term of in- ,J,r Mrvire. and ttie lime when he Ml the same ; | uhomV.s it oiveii md vliat has be- listuu'iil, hrinust spt'citytlic particular pfcriod, and (and, il undcrinore than one eng:apft*nu'ut, ho must - ‘ * now live ? 4. How were you called into service; were you dialled, did you volunteer, or were ycu a substitute ? And if a substitute, for whom ! ■). State tho names of some of the regu lar officers who were with the troops where you served; such continental and militia regiments aa you can recoiled, and the general circumstances of yi.ur service. 6. 'Jo a Solt/iir,—Dui you ever receive rank and naiiirsot hiB ofHeers;) the town, or coun- specify the particular periods, and the rank and ty, and .''talc in which he resided when he entered nanitH ol' his ollieers ;) the town, and countv, or the serviee; the l.attles, u any, in which he was State, in w hich he resided, when he entered the eniracrd. and the country through which he dt-rviee; whollur ho was drafted, was a volunteer, niarrht d.J ^ pul)Btitute ; tlie battles, if any, in «hieh he He hereby relinquishe.1 every claim what- "as rnjaijid; the country thronph wl.ieh he ever to a pension or an annuitV, except the ront.neniul r.piments or eom,M.nie, I L 11 .1 .’i • With which ht‘served; and iht* nai»»cs ot Bonicof p r and he uecuirey that his name is the ngnlar otticrrs whom ht-knew» top-other with not on the |>ensipn roll of any ngeiicy in the such luriher particulars a« may be ureful in the Slate, or (if any,) only on that of tlie agen- invi stipation of his claim ; and, also, if the facts cv in the State of »^0i diat he ha» no documentary evidence, and ■ Sworn to, and subscrilK>d, the dav and '«‘i>»ony he .. .. u«iii«-u, O.iv «I1U can procure, who can testifv to hu service.] year aK>resaid. A 15. li i , i ’ i i ■ He hereby relinquishes every eluim whiitever to a pen.sion or annuity except tiio present, and declares that his name is And the said court do hereby declare not on the pension roll of the agency of any their opinion that the above named appli- Slate, or (ifnny) only on that of the ageii- cant was a revolutionary soldier, and ser-, ey of the State of ved as he states. i Sw orn to, and subscribed, the day and I, of the court of ^ year aforesaid. t' D. ,do hereby certify that the And then will be annexed the followipg And then will follow the certifnate of the court; tary evidence of hi.s services, he should traus- ' foregoing contains the original proceedings . certificate : come of it ? 7o un Officer.—Did you ever receive a commission ; and, if so, by whoiti was it signed, and what has become of it ? 7. State the names of persons to whom you aie known in your present neighbor hood, and who can testify as to your char acter for veracity, and their belief of your services as a soldier of the rcvoluiion. 'I'he court will see that the answers to these questions are embotlied in the deelaia- tion, and they a'-e requested to annex their opinions of the truth of the statement of the applicant. The applicant will further produce in court, if the same can be done, in the opin ion of court, without too n!Uch exp’nse and inconvenience to him, two respectable pcr- poiis-rone of whom should Ix* the nearest clergyman, if one lives in the immediate viciiiity of t-uch applicant, who can testily, i I iVoin tiivii acquaiiitaticj with him, that they J mental derangement. neighborhooi to have bi’en u revolutionary soldier, and that they concur in that o|iini'on. If ore of theSe persons is a clergyman, tho court will so certify, and they will al.-^o cer* tify to the character and standing of other persons giving such certificates. The traditionary evidence of service is deemed very imfiortant in the absence of any direct proof except the declaration of the party. And the courts are requested to be very particular in the inquiry^wlieth- er the b«;!ief is general, and whetfi* r any doubts have ever existed upon the subject. To require from the applicants positive proof of service from a tontemporary sur* vivor, wf.uld, after the l^e of so iiiiaiy tw.^prjve anoy^ of ibeui . of the w-ti6fit of thcmw. Aihl a.^ no prestiii.plion is raised against the militia by the exintericd of rolls m,,the departnient, fhere is nd good K'asoy why thijrJ requisitiorr should be extwidod to them. On.4be otli»r hand, to receive the Ajclu/ation of* the pirrties, as a •ulligieht croiind for plac'ijpg them upon tho pension 4|jt, witl^out corroborating circuin* ■stances, would be to optoi the Treasury to gr^t frauds. A just inediuni s;ems to present the,^*st rule tor carrying into ef fect the objects olH'ongr«ms. If the two persons yvh«iec certificate is reqtiirtd, icannot be produced in court, withrmt too much inconvenience and ex pense to Uie opjilicant, then the siHti ineiit uf the facts ^nd opinions abovementioned will be mad#Tinder oafh before ^omo judge «>r justice of tho peace, and ^lo certilicati* of the court to the situation aodtcrcdibihty of the persons making the statemwit will be given. ApplieantH unable to appear in Court hy reason of bodily infirmity, may make the de claration before required, and subtiiit l|i the examination, before a judge or justice of a couit of record of the proper coijiity ; and the judge or justice w ill execute the duties which the court is heroin requested to per form, and will also certify that th‘ appli- cant cannot, from bodily infirmity, uttciul the court. Whenever any official act is required ta be done by a judge or jiistij^^ a Ci.uit of rccord, or by' a justice »f IBBpcn. e, tho certificate of the Secretary ofwatfi, or Ter- ritoi^-, or of the prof- r clertt.of th^e court or county, under his seal of office, wili be, lyinext^s^t^ Ua fure annexed is his genuine signature." 3. Persons .serving in tlie marine forccs. 4. Indian spies. E-ich of these two latter classes ofca.seg will produce proof, as nearly as may be, conlbrmubly to the preceding regulation.®, and authenticated in a similar manner, with such variations as the diflcrent nature of the service may require. No puymentscan be made on acccmt of the services of any person w ho may havo died before the .taking cflect of the act of June 7, 1S8:J ; and m case of death mhse- quent thereto, and before the declaiatiou herein required is made, the parties inter ested w ill transmit such evidence as thf y can procure, taken and authenticated Ix'foio a court of reconl, showing the services of the deceased, the period f>f his death, the opinion ol'the m‘ighborhood respcctiii” ;ucU service.s, the title of the claimant, and tho o|)inion of the court upon the whole matter. A rwffrom Carroll!!—The last sur- Tiviiifi; signer of tho Declaration of Inde pendence, Charles Carroll of Carrollton, ha:3 riiisd his warninii voice, ('ould (ieorgo Washington spenk from his grave, his coun try men would receive the same admonition in the present perilous crisis ot our Irec lle- pubhcan institutions. The Nortolk Herald says,—'I'his venerable patriot, we learn, has declared, that “iftJrn. .lackson continues the course that he is now pursuing he will ruin the country.”—/Vor. Jour. A physician at Warsaw, w ishing to mako an cx|)eriment proposed to a very robust man to lie in the beil where a fierson had died of the Cholera. As a considerable re ward was otlered him for so doing, he a- greed to the proposal; but tho niaii was scarcely in bod when his imagination began to work, and made him uneasy, he lelt all the symptoms ot'cholera, andlied, notwith standing the medical as.sistance that wa^ afforded him. Tho physician afterwards declared that no one who had died of tli*» Cholera had previously slept in tlie bed. This fact proves that the fear pro]iicod by the imagination has a share in proincting the disease.—Paria paper. Sviride.—The rennsylvania Inquirer of yesterday saysW’e learn with deep re gret that .Mr. Thomas !M. Tybout, but a few years since one of the mo.st promising young men of J’liiladelphia, committed suicnlc on Friday mi-hf last, by jumping into tl.e Del- aware and CheH|>eake Canal and drouning himself. He was at one tin>e in a state ot