MIXERI§I’ & FARMERl§i’ JOVRNAIi. PRl.VrED AND pruiasilkl) KVKRY TI ESD.VV, IJY THOMAS J. IIA HI.OTTE, M W HIiFNBURCJ COUNTY, >ORTtI-l AROI.INA. •fm I W1I.I, TKACH VOIT TO PirRCK TllK ROWKI.S OP TIIK KARTII ANO BBINCi OUT KRO.H TIIK I'AVKRNS OF THE »: >• VTAI\H, MKTAI.S WIIK II W II.I, CIVK STRKXfiTH TO Ol'R HANDS ANII 8I'BJE«T AI.L NATIIRK TO OUR I'SE AND D.EAHrRE.—DR. JOIINNO.N. vol.. II. TIIESI>AV, Si:FTi:>IKKR 11, 1H32. NO. 103. TIIK &, FnriiirrN’ Journal Is printed and publiHlicd i-very Tuesday moriiin)^ at Tiro Dollars and Fifty Cents per annum, if paid In advance; Three Dollars a year, if not paid until after the expiration of nix months. ADVERTISKMENTS will be inserted at Fifty eents per n^uare (not exceeding 20 lines,) for the first insertion, and 25 cents for each succeeding Week—or $1 for three weeks, for one square.— A lil>eral discount will be made to those who advertise by the year. CT On all advertisements communicated for publication, the number of insertions muHt br noted on the margin of the manuscript, or they will be continued until forbid, and chargcd accordingly. *,* .Ml comnnmications to the Editor must comc free of pnglagt, or they may not be attended to. TCII* • lOt i?l€(ii€iiie and Drii[( ^lore, iifyposile Boyd's Hotel. ACGMPIiKTE assortment are offered to the public by wholetaie or retail, consisting of a variety of new arti. clcs for the use of Phy- sicians, and every de- seriplion of F'A.MILY MEDICINES which may be relied ujioii genuine; late iniprovril Surpcon't Sf Drntift'f ln$lrvmentn,Shop Fur niture, a handsome sr- leetion of fine Paints, and i lar e p,uantity of the common coarse kinds, ifmalls, aiding, \arnish, Dyrli'tufi's, t'rpprr, Cin. ^er, anil the vario'ie which are in common use, Superior ll inM, Windsor and Fancy Soup, Cnsmetics, I’erfiimrry, Lorilll/ird'i, Scotch Vac. raboi/ ynujf'andall the Stationary articles [H riain- ing to the Apothecary line. The warranted puri ty of the above, tl.o low prices and the eonstant at. tcntiim ot' the proprietor, it is hoped, will jjivc sat- isfattion to all who wish to purciiase. The preMiriptions of Physicians shall be care- full\ roinpounded, and all orders proinptlv attend ed to. fOLUMUUS MORKISON. _ (•harlottr.Jiily,183j. j\i:u KNTABLfl«iini:AT. From the Western Carolinian. STATE OF NOli'l'll. AROI.INA, i JtedvU County. ^ In ptirsunnsc of n public ii»tice, a iiiiiii- bcrof the citizens of Irt-dcll Comity friend ly lo tlie re-election of Gen. .\.M)Ki;w Jackson to the next prrsiiieiicy ns.s«>nil)!t d in the Court House, in tlie 'I'owii of Slates- ville, on W ediiesday the 22d of .\up. I":!*,*. To which meeting (Jen. (!eo. I>. Da vidson was railed to thccluiir. And Juliii Monn, William Flnynis, and Janies'I'hoinp- son were appdiiiH’d i^ccretari*-s. The oliject of this nieetiti" having lieen briefly and eloquently explained by John .Mui^hut and Sj^aninel Kin moved and setcndcd to appoint ble persons to draft nsolulions fur said ineetinj;, wli(*reupnn, John .Miishat, Sainl. King, and William K. Cowan, l>(|rs., were ap|)ointed; who retired for a lew miniiles, and relumed the following pre amble and resolutions : W'htrenit, it is the right and pnvilepe of the citizens of our free and happy coun try lo assemble tonetb.er and fearlessly In express their opiiiions t>n those great and important subji^ctt:, s\ln'tli»‘r they relale to the choice «.f the ollieers cif the (loverniiient or the principles upon wiiiih it is aihnm- istered, and whereas the pres nt time ap pears loudly to call upon the friends of our Republican institutions, to shew them- se!v.?s, and boldly to -oine forward and vindicate their institution-^, and the char acter and conduct of those who are faithful and honest ill maintiiining their purity and duration, and whereas the iiiaiiitenaiice of the purity and duration of our K [mblicaii [iiv RWii'F‘T. I tion was in a state of gangrene or tnortifi- Foim the Arkansas ClazMe. cation, and rapidly cotniBunicating disease DENTAL Sl'IUJl'.KY.—Ao. y/. to the parts contiguous, every bwly would At an early |)erii)d of infancy, indications | say remove it—not because it is illy shn[ied, are given by the appearance of teeth in the but because it will destroy parts which are jaws, of the ncces,sity of a substitution of useful. So with the teetL It is neces.sa- solid food, ill the place of that which has x\ to retnove the diseased portions to pre- previously nourished the child from the mother's breusti It were well, if the indi- cations which nature nliords us in this and in many' similar instances, were regarded with a degree of interest coiiiinensunite with their iinportance. The absolute ab sence of te.ttli for the first six or seven vent the loss of the whole tooth. PinLAN'IIIROriST. FROM Tlin l.’^^r^•'’ STATrS OA7.rTTE. TO 'J’HE PL1!I,IC. , Tar from b-ing an alarnnst, I venture to say, that your salety depend.s mainly, upon months, clrarly points out the improprietv! . , , , , , , . of intnKiiicing anv solid f.K>d duLig th.it |,. ‘ ‘T whoever is iiardy enough to laugh at ,, . i|>eriod ; and bN those «bo take nature as complains ot those , Ksqrs., It 'v^us l appcarance of the teeth 1symptom.s which so commonly loint three su.tu- ‘ |.e fir.t indication for attack of Clio era will be u. their reqmriiip solid Ibod. At the age of f suffiainp the disease to fix from SIX to nn|,t months, children coni-:f>>m belore he applies for tned- mence cuitiug their teeth. The inferior. . i » central ii.cisors generally first make their J lie grade of fear, then, w ic c ps a the su^rior central inci- guard aguii.st the exciting sors-lh. n ll.e interior lateial incisors-iti'** complaint, and induces him tlien the iijiper or superior—then the lower cuspidate—then the u[)i>er—tiic-n the in ferior nialares, Scc., nntil they have their coinpliment, '.il) in numt>cr. to resort lo the pro|»er remedies early, when attacked by it, will pri)ve the most edi'ctual .saleguard against the prevailing malady. Hut beware of that groundless fear, which I he first prmanent nialares usurillv i..,..,ii,or , , ' I .1 1 .• i' Roes/x.s7i/(7UT m every covered hanu-bar- miiKe llieir app aiance bi-lore tli*‘loss of the I ' , , • „ ■ * I row, aii4 vimto^ton in every secona tleatli GIDEON OLMSTF.AD ^'OL'LD Respcctful- * ly inlbrm the inha bitants uf.Mecklenburg Hid the surrouding counties, that he has conimcnced the Clock and Watch .Making ^ bu:;sinrsK in Charloltt", one | Door South gi'Dr.Caldwcll’s •hop. where be ii» prffwfcd lo exccute ill orders in liis line. He hcjxai by strict attentif>n t« biici- n>-ss and itoiiig hiJ work well, together with ino- di.rafe cliurgi's, to merit a share of public Pa- tronajTC. X. U. A good asso'tment of JcweUery always on huid. Ju,.e IS 1ST3. ^ rC^r.'i; Ccpartncr»hip of J. \ J. Woo!n\lf, is .* this day dibcolvcd hy niufiial consent. A'l pii 'iiiis havmj un«^-tiU-H are.ounts with the lat(» t\: ir', V. i!I [•Ica^'e malo- ^etlIeulellt with John Wood, rnti'. Ill t'Uii1-p the hui!Deis will be carrlcd on by ♦»n- siib-cribers, at thrir old stand, one door south oflJ. I. Dinkins'. For the eneoura;;emnit hiie- toiure recfivt'd, wr rct'irn our sincere thanlts. JOHN WOODUl TFi ro. rJune l/>f. l'«r ^alc, .1 r.fff.TJ, Sitirited v.ithin SAtnilc' of thi; thriving town oi t'harlotte. Oa this farm f.orinry c.i.tral inci.sors, and are sup- j poM-d to be .Icciduous; hence ue a.-, no exist- trriinrjitlv sav tln*v iiPV(‘r hhuu, • , 1 I *f> li i- . .t I I crico in Irulh. the.r J..W tcHh. lint the b.n they shed , I a I, but th. s.> lust, aud they never give ; |n,s thL u d-./.m pb\sieiat,s have died ■ pace tool i rs. |^j. within a At what |« riod shciild deciduous teeth The explui.atlon is casv; l■h^- l 1h> . xtract.d ? should we wait lor iheni lo | pri»c- .,,.1^.,,^^ ,,g as you are—and institutions does m our opinion iiiucli de-inii>oM.ince and deserve a juilicioiis ji^py have ( holira, I explain thus: pend on the ensuing I'.esillential Kleciion; •, peri.mnei.t \vhoever is exposed to the fjreatest number be It therefore resoU>d as the expnssioii ' of debilitating cases, will be most liable to of the sentiments of this m--ei„.g. j.hs.-.n|HMr. I he latter arc removed by the whenever an epi- I t» >Mirc of thr l*irim*r, as IS \ulLanv tup- Jonii/- r^PMvailu il.i* imiurpd will br Timt the wiHdonu fMld^ I posr d; hut iheir fangs are al>s)rbo(l, and ils urpvailiiiir Ivpe no inalter inUvnty of Cten. Andrku Ju’KSf)\, whiclMlurint I \ pariaKe ni iii» prr\ciiung ivpCi no nmiitr the throe past ypars his admuiiftrition, has, *''•'> Iikjs? and drop out. j u jiat niny hnvp been its existini; caust*, marked the dischaigeof the hiyh and iin|ioriai.t we ^ay. they sli' uld not generally be exirac-; attendtiiice on ii caw of Dvsenlarv, duiKs. of chici njasistrute not only entiile him fd till th.-y liecome |K rfeclly lo««^-. 'I'hc , H arlatina or Cholera; and to our confidence, but place him belorelh.- niiz.ns for their extraction befoP; ! d,.l,ii.,atin„ than constant la- of the l’nitci Stales as a SlaU.man, steady ami ' *■ , i .1 i W liat is more d( tlllilating man consiani la- successful m maintan.inK the princ.pl. s of „„r i • " 'f" bour of body and mind, by day and l.y night, ten.pt_. made prtvinns tn the year kT>, and more | gum.blles, e»]iccully tho-e made since that time, lo Muk the;' . . rrput.ition ol A>nRtw ally the man of the from uiy|iosition« ho»til ive lorin oi (■o\rmnient 3d. Uesrdted, That we consider the successful n’goti .I'lins entered In’", «i:d «d'.iiil«i;'ou« lrt »- lirs made with I'ranee, IV'iiniark, Nap|i-«, \lr\ieo. New YoRk, ,^ug. 27. Return to the City.—I'he circular of many of our most respectable citizens, which we publish to day, inviting the re turn home of their townsmen, and the visits of Ktrangers bt>nl upon business) will be re ceived with plea.suee by our distant readers A voucher like this is all that has been wanting to inspire confidence in those who generally resort to the city at this season, to attract the usual concour.se of strangers hither. The cholera is now so little re* garded here as hardly longer to form a sub* ject of conversation. With some melan choly and much regretted exceptions, it has been found, 8u far as this city is concerned, to be a disease which is only fatal with the intem|)crate and the jirofligate, or Ihoso who, having rashly exposed themselves to an attack by an indiscreet indulgence of their appetites, add carlessness to impru dence, and oeglecl precautionary mea.“urc9 until too late. This at present is, we fear, the largest class. We have already men tioned the quantities of fruit of every de scription which are exposed for sale in the streets, and published the fresh warning r>( the President of the Medical council a- gainst it: his cautifin, however, though re peated in all the papers, and backed by in stances given of the snd coiisequcnces of such folly, does not prevent pC' pie from consuming the vegetable poison. In an afiernoon’s walk in the suburbs, you may m*‘et with trfK)ps of boys and lalxiurers de vouring green apples atid unripe p‘ars witli all the relish which the proverb attributea lo the eating of “stolen fruit;” while otlor- ous pyramids of melons on the pavemenf*, with fragrant piles of peaches tower up so Iriumphuntly, thut one would think the Hucksters bad eutercrl into an alhance ^Mth the Cholera and the Hexlons, to increase tho bills of mortality. While such ihings l»e, no one can exj>ect the entire departure of what the newspa|iers call “ the glo».my vis iter.” At the ?ame time, there is no reason why the community at lar;.e should add to Ins sullen entertuiiimeiit by kec|-.ing away from their homes and their business. I ho weather in town is delightful I One can not bring hiinsi'Ifto l)elieve that a ruthless distemper can continue its iava»es under such brilliant and balmv skies as those free and enviable lorm of Government which eli- 1 'iderablv *lecayed and are thoiijiht to injure i j|j visiting anti administering lo tlie sick— ciu the adniiMtion of the civilized world. | tlie child's hoalth ; second, when they are m»-als and sleep together Jnd. view ‘‘-^various at.! ,ho cause of tc.th.ache-third, w hcn'they , e«„fi.;^nanl an atmosphere render- ■ince that time, io sink the ; gum-biles. o ^tract tli. m w itli- noxious by the constant excretions of Degmning lo i« onwo mi mi.u. jAfKHON, wi.o is em(,lutie. Im ications, betorc they become ^ i!,.^ased and dying • , , j to look glum in W opU.Veboi. e.., spriM,Mng I I.H.se, gives the child minecessary pjnn, and , |ea,i, the , e . the spiritof our eleei. ,, ,,e lo ...jure the p.rinai.e.it teetli. | with the con- | Surface: in r.arltl Wa^r Tit s.i Parents are often distressed «t the ,rre-g;,,',i,e patient, ^.hen passing from , j,,. ,„e riv^er craft,' are ^ii.iiity ot til leiKin.us | time to eteriiil). u u i i. 1 alive with sinuigers. May we not, theie- dnuh. n, and ask what they shall do to have And here let me ob^rye, that while phy- | .nvilation to our absent tained, i nd even extend* d its milui nee unibn^ na tion® abroad. ■ItA. Urtnirrd, That Pret-ident A. JA' K.stjs in pultini,' lii» i.i giiiivc ii|i on tlie liill ri f liartiTin'4 the I'diik ol the I . Sl.ili> i ’ -i.. i j i ' ' '• as an ex-n iru^raiifeed lo him h> the ( onMitii. defori.iity. 1 his is not lo Ix- done by i|,e remedies for relieving such attack, until tion, and that hi., so doing, notwithi-iandiiig ilii filiiii; the l‘ li. 1 h‘v Will crowd again j phvsicmtican be hail. '1 be advantages n.cnaris made by hu eneinie:!, and ihe tti h o: ;iiil dccav ; but bv extracting either llie of lliis plan are tvvo-tbld—first, YOU save all many of his tried fri. nds oiV. red a d.t.onal ev,. ,1^,1 pr s.Tond biJuspi.Ics on each side.- hour or I wo of precious tlllie which must b.* I deiice, of that nu!rp*'Tiienrf anil irili’irri- ,, .1 • .1 n i 1 . , ity, whief. has so,.rikin3ly marked h.s Hi..-al !’•> 'I'ls'>'cans they Will h:coiiic regular, |.,st lu getting a 1‘hysiriaii to your house, it * courw; and ihit we canni.t infrr in tlir ni ill*' ^p*H’C till Up, and all dL'ionnit} Will be* ||p had, and moi!icino from j ihiM poucr, uny ( onNtUiiiiotml ob|cMioi» t(» a limik, removed. ^I'lns sliould I**: done U'twoen a|K)tliccaricf>, A:c.; and secondly, there i> U tween !l()0 and i >t.'lpi«-d ot those obnoxious llaturcs tonUmed in ,|,p j„„l ,.io|„..-„ yi ars ; if dot you inav save the life of your doctor, bv lUi'j acft-01 the Koilol which U hii» U iJKia that hi . .» 1 . • 1 1 T. 1 vwu ni.i> j » lo-im. IS ot the fu>t .(uality, and it is well cnleula- r./A, Ucsohcd, That relying with undiininishrd ‘''Caits must 1„„, to get a lltllc sleep, to relresh led tor Co*tHi or Corn. Almut 3.W acres ot the a- confidence in the inti llijence.VtrioH'"'and lidel- Used. 1,IH, |'|oni the laliours ot the preceding day. Imvi trnet is eliarcd, and is now in a hich state of, iiy (,)• J*tKsn>, ue will iiHt-nil honorable I \\ -are frequeiitlv askcil whv filing or For it is iiii[>08siblo for a iimti to work day ciilti.Mfi. n. There i. a larcc qnantitv of low I „„a„g ,,roinote his re-eleciion to the ollire of, s,.,,aratin-z the te» tli i auses them'lo d.'cay ’ and niuht v^ ithout breaking his constitution, rroiin'’s this planlalitm, anil IS cajMible of pro-1 ci.ii.f Ma,ri^lr»le. n nv » *■ 1 1 . ^ i .1 1 dm ing ti.e heaviest crops of either grass or corn. M, 'Hel.olreJ, That (5en. fJeorge I,. Davidson, " "-KaniZi‘d as the wnb r of this article cail bear sor- 'I’f t ii.iprovcrnents are’a larjre two story Dwell-' \V|„. F. l.owan, Joseph M. II >, !>•, Andrew Kine Ixnlies—tln*re is a circulation through them, rowliil tcstlinony. intr IIoiis«', U'getJier with other necessary out-I and James Sloan, b’ai>i>ointeda^ ddecates to men This circulation Is»itlite hlilglild oil account Vou vv«>uld ask what retBedies you should , , S'leli persons or delejrales a-may Ik-appoint, dbv „f,I,,.,aft structure. Kveii the eiia- have in VOlir household? This question A lout credit v.ou.d l« given on the above prop- ,,he Counties of Ashe, U like-, and Surry,on Tne.- . „rgani7.ed ; but It p.,sMsscs loss hi- can bc h( ^t answered by your lalllily physi- 1 than the bony structure, and this less than cian. Ihit as a general answer, I would and tolu:nbi.i. ic. as cVordinir the most m d, t.i«. i ,t remedied ’ W e answer; let them alone, sinans have their dutie*. to perionn towards ; ;,om,. t ble cv.denee, that Ih. ,,r. m nt admini^tralii.n, I ^ ^ ^ ^ townsmen, lOJ^^r Uomu. whilr It incrf'aj*tcl iht |in>‘iitrilv mix! ii. , . . 1 . n 1 * ^ ‘I ted the wealth of our own citi/. n-, has aU, mi.m- '' af evtra.te.l, it will pr.niuce a pH’al. lor at a time when every person in | iri//tr .SVo//.—The apparently near ap- d* d it« mtlut ncr uiDGiiid na. r*>iitra tHii) *»l tli*' and increaht^ the i^uii atid rourilrv is cuniplaininj; inon? ' pnwirh of Sir W aller Scott to th^ ch*se uf ■ lielorinity th-y wish to remove. I'l rhajis jess, and all are I'labic to l>e altacUed m the his life, naturallv turns our thoughts to bis *• ."'i.iVi'.^ i!,'*". *11? ihi'ir p«'rniani iit teeth may not b«; irregular; ^ iiijjlit by vomiting and bowel complaints, iiiterestiiii> uiid remarkable literarv career. *' *' '■ ” ' '' ' but if thfv'should, then IS the lime to remove I (^vciy tiuiiily inght to keep in thi‘ir house. erty, by tin- p’lrchas'T j;i\iiij valid 8'curily and Bii am uai iiaviu' nt of the interest. A iir lilli; iind [loswssioii (>ivcn on the 1st of Jai'uary, l •■.^.■!. I'or iurtiii r iRforination .Tppiv to \\.\i J. roi.K. •Tnne I 'th. ftItf .V,Wmry. t'inisHUiUoti of *y'o. i'arolitift, AMI 01 Tin; I NPI KD STA’iKN driy ihe IIIII day of S> ptember next (Ix ing tlie Tuesday ol !su(i'r. Court,) at W'ilUi sl>orou;;li, lot tlie purpose of nominatin;: an Klei lor tor the Dis- ! conillioil bone, trict eom[iO‘«ed ot those Counties, lo vote tor Pres, id' III ami Vicc Presiilent: .\nd mease of either i'ailiiij to attend, that they nsnie some other |sT- Eon from tli‘Coiintv to fill thiir place. ■lie r.itNj.hle jv « •»» - , ... ,,, III ill I )((■/((/the CotiK:itu>innoJ i\f,ttli.Crr'ilrn'i \('^i mill till thchiniliunnt Ifl'piiidrnci. |’rire,a.'irts MeCali-hv, 'a(t ’ s!!irmT'T^’ i)irf-:i)s, l.;;^ids sold Tor T.nxisj (or I,and;) sold ■ nn'ler a V\ rit of Fieri Faeins; and "or 1.; nds fold under u Writ c,f Venditioni Laikmios—for sale n1 tiiH >.l'ii’e. iirriiriirr Ihiils^nr nair at tinx Jh (J/nt .'i.t of the. Aged.—Nothiiii; is inerc coinnic.n tliari to bear old |X‘ople utter (inenil'iiis complaints with regard to their increasirig deafin'ss; hut those who do so are not pel haps aware that this infirmity is the ri siitl of an exr[)css and wiw? arrangement of I’rovideaco in constructing the human Isidv. Tlie gradual loss of hearing is ef- drew Steele, David ( lotfelter, Joseph livers, Ksq. fccted for tiie Ik;M of purposes; it being to ’'''■‘'P'',''":’ , ■ 'i 1 1 •'W|- James McNally, Saiiil. hloiin, James giM! . a/.0 and quietude to the (iecl.ne >f j m.fh. rson, l»..J,sl Houston, David Mel rearv, hfr, when any noises or soundslrom with-; (;ivln» Whiiu, PUre. phall Campls II, F,n|. \Vm. out w«,ii!(l discomi»ose the enfeeblerl mind, iiii'l previ'iit peaeeliil meditations. Indeed the irradnal withdrawal of all the senses, mid the ii'Tceftible decay of the tVaine, in old ago, Irive Iscii wis« Iy ordained in order to wean tiie hiiinari mind from the concerns uiid pleasures of the world, and to induce a longing for a more perfect state of existence. [(.'fumftLr'g J'dinburg Journal. Masson, l)s]. Theophilus ('ampbell, John Woods, Jacob I’hipps and l^li Chamlicrs. On nu.tion hy Samuel Kinjf, Es(|. lirtolrcd, 'Ihnl ihe loregoinir proeeedin(js be sijrnid by Ihe Chairman and Secretaries, and that they rc«pii>l llic publishing thereof, in the Salis. bury papers. (;r;o. i,. daviuso.n, ch'm. John Mik)N, J Jamus Tiii,»ipson, .. Secretaries. Will. I1av.-i;s, > lie has priKluced a very important change in novel writing, and given the la.ste id'nov el readers a turn in favor of veri-simihliide. The old romances, and many new ones, which wei-e [KJpular when he b*'gan to ■ rite, did not pretend to contain truth, nor even to imitate it. 'I'hey showed no re spect for probability. Scott's Novels, on the contrary, were founded on hi»t’rical fact in tlieir plan, and on the nature of man, and the real circumstances of society in tlieir details. .Moral principles are also respected, though there are deficiencies lo lie regretted, particularly in respect lo ex alted Christian character, which he has not ol\en attempted. Scott has done an important service by leading Ihe taste of a large portion of rea ders halfway back to where they should lie found—to fact. relish for improbablo fiction is to the mind and the heart alike opium to the nerves. No mind can l.e in a sound state which has a stronger relish for narratives overdrawn for eflecl, than for liicts. Another step it is very desirable to taken by some writer of powerful influ ence on the public, by which the taste should be more tienerally tnriicd lo useful truths.—y. y. Daily .\dv, Woodx and ('ludvra.—The Danvers ph\sicians who visited New Vork, lo ob serve the cholcnt, remarked that Ihe dis. ease being in low, damp, foggy or fillliy sit uations, among the iuleinperate and tho debauched, and that as the atmosphere Ik>- comcs more filled with the choleric inllu- ence, it prostrates individuals of iK'tter habits, and visits hisjher and more healthy They think Ihe progress of tho confirms the fact i»o- icians in Uiissia— that woods, and probably the fir tree [in- large or not shaped to his fancy, or was the quantity in half an hour if not relieved. | eluding doublli ss the pine and other resin- not the color he desired—(the nose, the 'I’lius you may save a member of your 1 ous trees] more than any other, have tho li|i, or an eye, for instance?)—'I'here is family liv nipping the disiaso in tho bud, j jiropcrfy of destroying or neutralizing that if di'easc attack a bone, sav, those wliich will check the Diarrhu'a, the circulation through it is suHicient to voniilmg and pain, in the s[)eedie9l manner proluce exfoliation—throw oil the dis- And those thut I have found to answer that eastid portion anil deiKisit more healthy puriiyse to inv satisfaction, are the Spice II iiuiii III»- V */Muiv 1*1 III! II1« II |riax.»-. j ' I 1 1 » • I I ^ I II 1 I 1* ** 7/A, That Janiei- 'I'hompson, Joseph hone to sii[iply the deficiency cauwl by I’laster, made by stewing together for a tew Murdoch, and Samuel Kir;.s K'ljrs. be ap;miiiied a I disea“e. Not SO Mitli the teeth. .\ por- niiiiutes in n gill of brandy or even water I- Tin; I M'l I.D S'l A'l I'.N. conimittee to name a suitable number of [M-rsons j i-cnioved can never b! S'qiphed bv a powdered cloves, ginger, cinnnmnn, cay- at tins Mhec, ^ >n the several ( apuin's t oinpanies in the ( ounty .A womid or incision, for inMatice, ,;nne, rnustarrl and flour, each a table sp.Mjnl\il (,„c .t eonlainniir the (ongtitu/icn jrrdell, lo ael iis a eoniinitUe ot viijilanre: . ' , ,, i i i ,i . i . . r i i f.l „ Win. F. Davidson, (apt. II. iidlicted ill any olher orgam/.ed bo«ly, may —then pul between two folds of thin inusiin Joi n A. Flemminp, W. C. | fx coine healthy again, either by the pro- or gauze flannel—bathe the stomach with W or!.e, J. Uickard, liobt. Phillips, W in. f'. W.itis, I ress of adhesion or su|>puralion. Not so hot laudanum, and apply the plaster warm. Ja hon l^,^.ton, ^'anll. li. I» ll, 1 ranklin l( II, D. ' .J |«| the teeth. „ „ , ,, , I - • • —“ 'I'his I prefer to the mustard alona in a rc- SeaHot^M.;s'^,-'D. I'li/'p.^ral.^^ s’riicture is too cent case, as the aroma of the spict^ is son.Capt. Ji.seph Allison, John I.iiek, \Vm. Cila-' languid to carry oil tlic healing process.— grateful to the ntoinarh, and il can be kept Iisii,Sand. \\eieh, Wm. I’litler, Capi.ti. Demiy, \ [xirtion of sonnd flesh may be removed on for hours without destroying the skin. Jn. Armstrong, John McClellund, llo^ea Keilninn, i ^ part; new gianuhitions may be Are the lifiet and legs cold f Hathe them Jiu-. Mellareur, I.si). (.ol. "‘I***" * i fjirown out sufficient lo supply the deficien- in hot cayenne pepiK-r tea—put mustard Alex’r. I.awrenee, apt. h aac Mi I.eary, apt. ; , , , . J.i i \ ... .. lliramIlnII,(apt.l,andyP.\Vhite,Johnl{edmun,!»'y.-'"''> "o d'^f^'nmly wdl reniam, but a plasters to them and wrap them up in a Jno. Ilf nniIt, Janies I.oele. Joseph .M. Ilofrle, Maj. j cicatrice. Hill lliis restorative process is warmdry flannel, keeping ihem warm by a Solomon Irfiwdermilk, .Maj. Wni. Uaither, ^V in. 1 never earned Oil in teeth. So tar from it, hot brick or jug of water. Hut while Itejle. Nicholas Norton, John Millcy, Henry Smith, | (|,„t, w hen a portion is removed, the teeth these things are doing, you adniinister oi- situations. 'I’hey think th I',M|. J. mi s t;uy, Capt. Jidin j einist. r, Ihomas I J to decav, especially if they crowd ther Spts. Camphor and Laudanum each | disease in this country con .Iaiii«;f4, J. Moorr, \\ in. iMcI.rvun, Jonu« I. , > i • . " ... t ^ i i i * j i. L' i il • • Turn. r, Jam»at:!ark, Hciipy b;.HsrI, John Yoiinc. would thuik ot rruioving u dn»p«(, or hlixir Pan'gonc winch con- tired by rnwh phvsin Jacob Thomas, Hu^li Jones, Win. M rtow , An- ] portion of any inemlier liecaiise it was too tains both, a table spoonful—repeating half “ * - ' ' - less reasim for removing portions of the and let your l*hysician sleep till iiiorniii teeth under thes«>eirciimstances. Wo have w hen he will b«! able with alacrity to re- informed you above, how these deformiles sumn the arduous and responsible duties of should be reiiu’died. But, says one, if the day. .M. B. S. these remarks Ik: correct, it is not imjiroper to file or separate the teeth, even if Ihey are diseased ’ We answer: Notwithstand ing no oii(! would think of removinc a heal- Philadclph'ia, Auf^mt 13, unknown cause which eeiienilos cholera. Very woody districts in Russia were entire ly preserved from this destructive scourge.” Kristos'ky Island,situated among the (Kipu- Inus islnnd.s of St. Petersbnrgh, and con taining ihn e villages, was completely prc- si'rved from the disease althtni^h conimnni- cating daily with the city by a thnusand Swearing.—Common swearing argues in a man perpetual distriistofhisowiireputatioii; ^ , thy ptirlion of flesh simply iK'caii^ it was! and is an acknowli d;.'iiient, that In; thinks j liaiei s. The island is low and damp, l.'Jt not ahuptd lo his notion ; yet, ifthut por- his bare word not to In? worthy of crcdit. ' is covered by a siipeih tbrcst.

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