f. m FLOV/EKS COUcCiiOl'i MINERS^ & FARMERS’ JOVRWAL. m PKIKTKI) AM) ri'IILlSHKll K^FKY »4Tl>ltl»AY, IIY TUOMAN.I. IIOI/r(»N.... II AKMKITK, M Kt KI-F.MII) KO CH..>TY, NtlRTIK AKOMIIAl I WIIJ. T»\CH TOD TO ririKI? TIIIC BO« l IJ or THE rARTII AMI BKI.V: (MT FRnM THK C'ArUN* Of llir MnrNTAIN!l| MfTAIJl WIIK M WII.I, UIV». XrHKNtnil TO ll'K IMM»S AM* WIljrfT AIJ. KATt'HI! TO OUR IfW. AND fLKAHl'RE.—>PK, JOHNION. VOIm III. ■* I'lIK ; havr, many tliinjrn iii coinmon. Thrrc arc a, ]VlinOI*t«’ At j iirincii'lrnand niotiviw of action, uliicli ' U print, .1 and ,...bliH»u d ever, S.l,.rd.y n.orn.ns ..« _ „ fW> */.«••• fiMttittit t\n il I tl Sf{VH IlCC > I . artfttr atiiicMj Sir I KHAV, ‘i!>, IN.r,?. Tli« r. s. hclir. (rrampus, Jomiaii 'Fat- MO. 105. Ffi>m the New York, Sept. 6,—We are Informod A ME'J'I{ il'( iF.lT V.N si'KNK. jx.tij,, lCs|. coiiiinunder, unchoreU uutsido that yi'sterday, while the ship WasliingtoDi printni ana piiuiix'iru rvtry o«iiirn»v hi . j ' 1 II - I lih-rll' lid “ y''un;» mail of gen-11|^ j{.,f at Orlfati*, Oil thfi 27 til ull. . from Liverpool, WU8 coming UD to the low- at Ttco IhtHari p r ar»miii, if paid in advniicc j 'i'il!'nlI*r|fr.»vvUi,VIu iL briVtlio cnmo (lown th* strfft, u cnii'/.e of t tiionthN on the Mciicon i er buy, in tow of the steamboat Hercules, Tiro MLirt ami Fifiij Crut$ it'not paid in ud- j Btiiio«|>ln‘rpuf' Aiucrica or Kiiro)R', whrtlu r lie 'cr\ iMiiu'Mly to hiiiwlt, grsti. nlii- Ifoast, with in specie on board, j tho revenue cuttcr wishiiiff to board her, vam*; Thrrr DolUm ut llic end iT ll’*" . ADVKRTlSF.Mt.NTS will bo inwrl«d wnt» p*T s»]uari' (not rxrtvdinjf iW iiiitit, first in»( rtion, and 3o cfiit* lur eai-li »nrc ^ $1 li>r lliree week*, for one «,iiarc.— A lilnral discount uiil he made to thos«- who mdvi Tiisflo tht y«»r. 1( Oiiailadvt rtihciiients coniiiiuniiatrd lor publiputi»n, the nninbt r of tio(;N of rnind, iiiid ol' tliini;* around it , n:itnri o‘* luait tnart on lirart, »otiifliiiin lor *• tns. 'lit.n» lm^^l bo noUd on tJio margin ol tl.i-, j;., manuscript, or they wiii be cuntinucd until f«»r!iid, and b.-.rgrd accordingly. ,* All wjuiinunication* *n the Kdilor niu*t conic lWe(tf/tinltjre,or they may not be attended l\ or in Ihf tliair of kt«t.-, wlicUicr be be a rreeniaii 'v;ilki*«l on. or a ulave. It i^ tbc miliirr of mind to U-intcn »trd lu ar. ‘ rl,stiip..ii;nr i« niorr than ?'»«)—n’« ;(/;«(!, (••ipiit in tiunibiT, iiK'ludiii''u cuiii> I a shot from her lonj; pivot guo, whirh cut itiMi.c Ih,i (o, cM. r, '11„ r.tli^ |MinV of Ht.ldiep.) aro III ifoiw Oh h.ttfd the i uv* av I he I'oilovviin; t!ic pur|xjrt ol . .,,„j )Voiii New-Vork, 47 day«, fur Muiatno- j the ship, but slie sliowcd no dis|>o8ition to hid lltiiikiii'r, in In'* own worils ; ru^. 'I'lie ollirf^rn nml crew of the j sluckcii hi r speed. The cutter then fired prinn*. ay the ship’ti lure iiheet, und shot the hut irart, *i.n.-lim. i. tor e. rub in . x.-y tbit,-. VVImt. v. r l» 7o.«i i« U.l. A I""'.’ / .. .. ™ .. .. ™ . ... The r, Utiun* ard a-. lu > M ■' I run pri v. it a. li .ir an—yt «. ,• uiid the pn/e is ordered into a ; oil a Hteeragc pjwwngtr. Hut fortunately 111 bran on b. ari, aro , |,.ar an wb.it' Tk ^ot but unominlli*, and purt ill tliC I iiiled States.—Chu*. Ciiur. no person wat injured. The Khtpthen hovo tiiinf ol' mind on imud and inore \ariuu-. inorcjMwrrml.aiid iininen*. 1> i.huc j,, „i.., i. m»!i, i.», wr n v r f.i. i.'ioii il’ tu t ars (Hjlitr—a.'* cir.ir a» a pikr hfrflT, >.r II Fa05PE0TU« Of TMIt F \ .M I Ii V I- Y C F V M. K>wi.riwiE.ran do it* (Hirfccl work no wberr b>il ill tiie family. I'nivt rutJea, A«ademu% S hoolii. t'hiinlWs Mall* of Scirncf, and of I.e. (,ialaion, are ui.i'ortant nouriT* of knoivledj;-; but il'thc »tr. ainmv!iicb i»«ue trmn them rutUlKHtof the raiiiily—it'llK’y Tail toenJif bten, ani.jate, cheer and Ni «• till! family board, rollrctcd aruund tlir fircfut«»thi t.bl- or the nocial circle—they h ave undone U»e ffrcal obj. tl for w hich tjiey w tr« di-. ni^^n-d. And willio'it a r«ripr«al and corre* • tf . !i»f and va»t in tli. ir remits, than nialt r on mutter. ( iiim.’iui ntly it i" both the intfrrKl and lli plc.'iviiie Ol I 1 ry iiimd, tn tM* arquaintod with ilMll—witli it» in.wtrx, il» proiKiiMli.-., Ill le. straiuts, in i>ro«i« ct'*. iU hu,#, it* dektinr-- ho\v ti. it pro«|« ct'*, iU hii,#, It* dektin^-- h act inot*‘.;r ininilt, and ►trikc thi-Ciioid» It can otlii r hrnrU *u i^to \ i'ural haniKNiioutl) and in to etirrity. lUmdiVlhe l.m* *nd o;irrati •n» of mind and heart, on e.ieh olbi r. i vcr» U inj j«>»mh»iiij thuu, u or nuplil to he int. rif'tU in tlwir rrlaiioii lu inaltor, and of e«.iir«e with inniur which act# up. on llwiii. F.vi'fy oi‘>- »b'> l»rentho tite air, i» al- iiifHt nn>ird>«i:ai'lr, r hr n rr.ai i enlirt ly ij^iiorant ol tha Mib.>Uiii'« Ml corimi-lv and him'Ij tilte^t, not M.ly to la- bin;'s K.ii to I.k wJh.V Uiui;, at- i; tin" not w.l} hiiiiw 1; but every liiiiij around on Jour face. U ro( wiiic nuud, when it ii>;;nhI; and la'nt it bmi to I'rlnlv h iiic wlitii it r ' li'iit C'vhI actin:f t,'*'"!. and i-.’nt it b id to to thi theatii.' to nci it ’ I I’lit it p>ii»*(toi*at ti rr«|ni Vi'iuxMi, ca.ivn^ i>ack«, l.'Vt.-i,; mxt i>'nt it tw.l. • I - F -- -- ' r.u li hiti;;iiliT by occasionally ’ the Mca-tr*. tJarvill, to b* pui>li«hed in a lew (n, with'iut,/»>y,\ou arc iiii»-I'luys. This publication, we are assured, pinuint; airanccment of the smaller and more :'a . ! him. r. but not ksii im|«r1ant or diciii'ii d imtit j-1 of ►oci'.tv, t’lowof hijbirand more ii-ipo. i .No one n l*o »p'»li-» to hi It*" # drop of « at ', I scu»:ible R>r p'. :.iu? uiu.otlfi d, iJie imiiti i.'H-iy siilur, Ijon* Oi Wl ««>v. .. -J _ - ^ ^ ¥i.iir titlei. may bo ii»«l toop|Te««, and to bl-^ (i.n.^rtai.t and In. ». r». U i«l»of mankind. TU letter arc the ordinsn. r* of ner.; that nwUri/xl wliiohfi:' i.» jir;., rniicbM and Uie former are the ordinanet* of hear. n. '1 ii.- . b ati'HW* our gV.U , *nd ii UflW d llirt>uj,'h tiur OIK- cUi* I* tbunilcd in U»e iin«tataM« and i tern-^I j earth anrt air. * rature of thir,;:., of p. :nci|ile*, alTrttioo ; the ulh. I .N*-t oolv min.I and m*-.Vr, and th. ir »ei«-rj‘.- i r. tos-.inv I'Tent.in the chanjinj iH>linn>. ard and mutiii*! rcUlio’x aiiJ aetiwi*, Im.:* tie v*> oJ s,,,:j.cii;.i. « in the wiiima. the tapri.vs and, la , life r..nlui.j it-.m UKir rfwlMU . ard o;v i.n :itahl' to *av, the unJioly amLilkm of n.e-s. J i r'>t;"ni. - th »• art* w !ii'b (■roituk' oiirmir ' itiri I M i4t a'»d CHir . ! »atioi) in l*«* n «t to y uiifH tbo tni.'idMid >ou'.>it' ti»r phiUnlhroi.ut. more !e. ' a"** child. « ^ , nn -tiry in tl'O hpe-ulatu>n» of the |»hilo«>;)>; r, , a in« ;in», tlirr''.'.re, of r«r;ik m.;T th« r tn.il) wore etP 1-1've in ih.* arrJn/eim nti. of ihi p- li!- Iv‘> m li*.* b*.“ •' a .. a^nt tiwii. k-l-i. i Hiit. a;id ito-* in.;»Mlant in tt # » h w» ’ (-I'li .n iu t‘i -"^niiJy ■ i-c: . l iL, ..nU- tin- ftin j-. ol 'J.o t.;'.' -roan and pi.l-Uil, thuu tti--«; staS , h ci^^al'jrt-, church, uuivirnly T..C t.lle- of hn^band. wiu-, f*arer.t. child, nmth- ; ' 7*' «*' ‘ ir, d.UL'htcr. lit .rr,K,n,.i>t.r,br«thrr, are nH,rr ■“'-!« d.m« b. .o-nn;,«, i. >. n ....var.n^. U. l..e kind h.art, i.^re ai.ia.atu., to [ 7* ^.^.ry a) f'II.'i|‘Vf'>r * Kno- 1 T* bi' uf*- «i( l in |i.» in‘iiin^ («>*«' ;« i*)'. . b-ijihp ;*'ini i;J— and tl'r >(■• r^liirjr. » tin- uaclul art* «k»J aUci iTud a pi Ill «» ' .iiiri.t. . It !•* •* ''o “ . a!:.: *’inrt-t t'w Coldid. ncr of the •!, I; it ’> ' u I' ; lo t.V 'i.il»!ie IU (ii!jiin«, »!.■ !i •>i>." r«» of um W ' ..*1* i ir^ *{ ih'* d • i»f M.*** I roiHfT*on i»i- tl f.'t, h.- i.i«» farni.h • •'net I in if n I .« •inulf. It !• of!lllk coDf^i'K nc., j'!»• »cbi«)i .iimI tl.. \ il*a >r I.yirilii, •‘ih 'i • ili y •I'l.ld.'d w’lh ro'V^«-« and , aid tli* in .n tliiir nv it-iil r l» an« an l l»> Iv > I-M. (!• *ril; I;n hl» b »t rlf'.-l., »r'i l!>« i'r. r •no. d till niorc iui;>oJii!^ by an arraf o.' : -o'l-Uut r',»i»t3nrr rt on. or t-.»o t.tf;/-r», * r d t)f f,.., J.T-, ii tor!« »t«l rt^trir.d*, H'-. :.t a to. y ! oc» a-i..o;.l aid o' nuuM n-i* p»r-o«i« who hai- ft ■ •I-;,.' intrii'.ft-1-. virtue or rili^on aiiKif:,-; otT'r.'tt it. to ti inS^r tl. wc l> —iriii;, ^ 1 >m .ird nitii\b^T!i of the Mmr fr.nnly. In. | whu i hr iiO'i otPrs to th« !- ur. r.J in i>d* i.l t for that, Hiry only f. ml lo r-rd. r j kn/i . d/-, w..rtli» ■ U ■ • it ,;i.c.i . *JUt t J» I )wir •. Il, '.fr.-it! ec.l« ij'., *el *r;!, c' than ail of 1>h i:i put lii’eth. r. l! r-.: :!. r« hot little how brilliant or intf-nv i» lu'ht nrotiiid -ur dwidl;nf«, if th* r.' is r. tbii.g b'li dnrhni vs within. It l: but a jtmtr roDwdainiii tl- Ii. » II.’. to * itn. •• th«- utnio't j« «i r. raet r.'iir. II ... 1 hI t>p«i.’y in the ricmir.ta aiiu actici.a a rr'i i, whil' ill. rr i-. disturbin': ,'■'If;.-notion, oml J. |(|l^n »ith tl. ;iaie i-ur itmn’ry c'. ircii *, of the 1110*1 e^»lly ar.d •i>l- ndi.l ircfiil»-e. 'jli ,i'«>rc vi-ib!c, VHi- »lil! more dt'onu- ,.r >n >ti!l litttrc crucl and unr. Ui.t- ■1 thi-roinnwn ». hn.l i/.d m;'* '* I.yr-. ' Ii«' . • to iiii«» tbpir ai.ii, and !^j»r the ' rv >*r. ' aa It v.i'.l .Mill till*: tV '^ri n ; trjrh. r aft r!,il t, j'ld nf--t rv J.* ' «T-'i i;' ' liK' i:!v"'*r.o.>. a-'i i>rnl! al (niru>lt .•! Iif ■ II itivuiiiil wiioWKi** ;. r t.i* liciiwm. J . :tm tlic want of »ome merit luu of a. i*«n »nil ' nKt.t o' in* ifdiut, Uc* e»iVi.aii''n ul b • 1- ’a't, f .41' =«■.. M.n (■ channel of kirMily rrrn»riCut '.. I- ' »r d th-. k;, .41,, , u^, t aiid «’■ o.'' I.. * ~ :• 'V ir “ u id inlliUT.Ce. Iwluet n theiii aud tl^ ii>cn •«>- ' lilh'W h- ini n fTr^t a'd i-b fii- l. .•* nf '>• J tirtu*, e^pecMlly 111 ibe Ikmily tmard. I int. IWe»i**I dtUinru. nt • uJ ii »>nl«'i'.'ni(r. K i» 11!. r »'ich vir« , vtronrly (We*«-nt* •! l»> hi n- ■. ..i.d •och tielinifa d. e;dy f. ll, tl»al ill. .1 ji r pr.ipoac* tl) »« nd a werV.!y m'‘wny'-r 1 ('itt/ntl Ihttl-U ••>!.— W ■■ have pl»’»iMlf I kridlv aei A.td Hi> ‘■tVi,;. ,'j •111,; 1* >u. 111 I 'ill II .1 • "O an "■••1 t. r . I. rt.'im , »«Hi f O i -f ill'; b) Av»^ trfe. in. / wiui. !. (« I III! I I of u^fulknowbdgeandlii .dly wnli. m Mjtut-, t:„it tl..- .Sirvi-v tn ihin K . . r: .a.ii fanii^ci « may b. 1:..^..,.^ to rt. ; ,i„, ■,>,,„ |i , ^ ... , , , ^ * mar lieni, Ita** alvdtmni !•# Mifuiti o !!i' .i.nH.IiV, fo fTirrl «iK'hm4trruU \ .. i .• v . 4^ .• i . -.t Ol- n*fnrr-..,.;rh rtr«-ri '* •* “I tlilH ct>. .So l .r, w. l-aiti, rin.f• :Vi»'n frcjt —to pr* t.i ifnNirnl li ih Ii uihI !a- t':n^'s prir.. ojwrati.TO-s th' l«w» and rr«iil:» vonihb'. It I-* u:ii'e’r(am wliiit pr.» i*-'- dl* Cl >h..ical, irt«il. .1«ial and n.f»»l »* --aa - ,1„. «,! ,n|| 1. hv iiv liiii '1 - trv-I I.:jIIt (ni>rt.iinii:2 and tJ..; mo»t i ii l i f ^ , - i i 7 ’ , 5, neiMhU.rh"-J. I.»*>rv rxi rti'n wi.l !*>• nt'v and rjfentu*’ljf uaefu!. , . i, ' , t. J. . , , iiimw bv Mr. Uiwi.t., the l,ii;jin^r toi- \ •*.'!. tilt d. pan.: ail p rraiiMiff mpnlv “Vir , ,, , , . i i w 0 ".r.i.i n of nna rap.d mar.h ' lo •ir,;.,ii,;di.h I'l- .''..r- I’. i;:S ;r rr,i-ritry aiul •lak., fhi in»tHntion« to vev of th»* pro|x.wd niltc HI dii’^a->n, fin.ir.c.»c It ar* rv-fy day lfwninjr iimr. Uw ol»- ih it t!lo J‘tir|li.il.Jer’i.un.l tJ.C |rfll)lic lii;i\ ' o; i..;-;'ir fi...r ai,d c-n ral int./. M. «be ,, , f,;Hv lr (’..re tllflil thl» w in- , „t II,.I ; i>triKtiun of tlie tinnily eir. ;■ '■m:.’- t b (non'oti»l ;n iHc bijh* *l i)i j*r« e, wi'b. '**■'* wit «:i ^ .tl nor to k*-»rj» up and foi warfl tiV mu- j t.,: in 1 rtiiprieal rv latior* and aalin*i« I.- I., rn j \ li tter frnri Parn of the 1 »th of .Iillv, thv =vd th. ^’f?'''« *Ianrtli'. r*».n.lil.,.i.«.. l ,1,.,, .. K,»,„ Imv u» t,..||lor. •) ■ "'•iVo >' ,n. II, .tr. n_'thrn, ai^l to l-iautifr It, .• i> i i ii n .1 i k. II ani i> liVrtv ?»,n lo r- ' row, l.ir Kn;;l.1lld. Iw- will V|«lt IhhiiIiM), wil. at.u i« n«»iy ** .n tjkf n ra*mi view *d' r.nirland, »e* th! n»»>f.t to, and hoatilities termiriutcd. Sinffiihtr Fiu'f.— \mrvng the applirnnts The cirrunmt«iK-* is thu.s repeated to us; for I'l'iixtoin Ik lore the Vice (’hancellorV ' we are not ioforiiied of tlic caujc which ('..urt, ill tlii- Co., II li-vv days since, were VJ [ reiKlennl so harsh an act necessary on tbo iiH ii, tt r iiinf his non ' the former u{ft?d part ol the cuttur.—Mircantilc AHc, aUuit i l \enr«, the hlt»*r ?•. 'I’liey l>olh I s. rvi il two yearn or more in the H. yolii- on tup (’iioi.kba.—We learn, ti.Hiary NN .ir; and tlie fatlnT bad b*-en thro’I with high (iiitisfuction, that Dr. Stevens's t!i»> old rrein h tvar. hib- the son wa* 'I’reatiso on the ( ’liolera has lately been re. L'lviii;; Ins dei lanitmn to the cooit, the fa- |celved from Iwmd.jn, awl is in the preas of thi r can- »I or.i eorn-ctiu^ liitn, _ _ tiik' ii.’ on are wrotiy, " The terin ' by a letter from l.ioudi>ii, occanionud a ^reat ••U*v,” appli.'il tl. n vviir-wt.rn vclentn of « ii'alion in tint city, nod we venture to Th.'wIiom-w hileiHilloi lin and VI riiikltd > is-ipri-dict it will be eagerly aonght after on . Viiic* .l cxlrr tii»* .»M air»*. wa.-i iire»t'ta- *hi» Mile lh»* Atlantic. Dr. Stcvotn’s prac- ^ilv rtiM'ikiii;,'. It niay well In- diMil>t*d licc it boUl, and has N'cn fwniently sue. wiicUif r a Mniilar n«-eMi-t-t in iIk; state. ‘ He div iiw tli« Cholera as cUrable H)publU-un, ja-* llMtTyhpn I'cver; and the circulation of thia Treatise uill, we apprehend, tend ('h„hnt .I,7»,.rt£- thf riik.— \ letter from to ipiiet tjie frnrs of the community on tho 'Ve take pleasuro .nv, thi in..rnin„' of the ‘J.'.tii in^t. '» addmK that the profit.? of tlie jwmphlet thi. slK.r»>, w..rth of tbf (hiei.la I.aU, wa^ .^dl lio appn>jiriati d to the benefit of tho .|iM O>rr. d to I-- beiHl with lU-Mil li^h, pnu- I I’o^’^, atwl lli«*r made orphans b> the epi. • ipiill) r.k. athl IVroh. I hn.l the ciini»i-■ 'h'-* > A- Sevens, of tv lo il-.wri on the shore inv-lf, nii.l in,»'»* ‘'“.V. has prefi*i-,| to the wark mlro. till Hhuf. lii.tafKc of a f-;w rod% couotcd diKtory n inarkn.—.V. 1. f»m. Adc. ii|iwufda of Iw.j huiMlred.” ' At tlK* late t^rm of oor Superior Courf, A C lUn ^’...V.-lnd.|.tr^• will make .i pn‘»idinR, Washington Ta ma:, a and f„i„.ihty'will find him ‘""‘l * ‘J ^trinc, l-.r it. .N.-iilH.r the j.i.r*, nor the ’P^'Uv of the criti^ of Burglary. iMo’. wi!l cr.-i him anv Ihiiy. Me whol “ “>« '^^h capital ofietice of which ha. It .li.mid draw tb- atrm-i fru^.ililv n C'«vctei| »• this Ju. I.ri^ts, at;.l he w .111- -ur.- aU 3N * to li.nl a Circuit. O, K.turday I abum waa 0 . i«l p. imv at th.- l->tt..m Id It.* The j “P «ho VI ,t. Ol ueiu^try ;.n> ki.ownbN tlvirliverv ; Martin addressed tin? pru.Ki- ,t .. w^i. ao I wh.il. *.me._l.;:e;,i Irav. «*«■ «" *•••« •'^1 appropriate mat.iier, ..a VI r> Ki.urflv. ainl p.vertv souii oyer. :-•“‘"C *-»orimty of his th-iK:e. f ik.-. bim. f ...ik ol tl.. r mle-l aJave. of »"•« »» 'I'*; ^ruvsX man- ,.Hct..-.s,«tvl mil^.'vvi... b liilii U..I iiKwtcr ^ toH. r.e, m.:.-tr. or idlem'^. , preparation to meet his imi-eiKlms f-ite. Ho • ih^ni |>r^HH>utic'd ihr wnlciirc of the \bw^ Ihufh f nr,tuf.-Wr^ \s .-stem Xferru- remand.-d to tliei.lac« ry cni.t.-ii.. 111. t.4l..vi,ng brief wbUu..ry 'j' confitiomcnt, there to re,tia.n until Hi. | . ■ da\ the .Ith of ie|.>fi»>r next, and on that ‘ tl . ' day, lietwrni tlir hours of 10 and 4 o’clock, »i.. . ' •>'* '' *^’’’.*’^“’1 '"T” ' j be taken to tin* place of eiecution and hung ■onl J..M N l.iiA .r. t till.. ..f t H- Mo. .iead—Ox/-. Ex'm. Inwk tril«?ul ln.ii.in-, n:»l-v’n d th.'c«l’ Uiitt'lii ,t iin, will.Ii't in :iii*5k-I hiniM :fwi I n..:.|y ...the rev..lut...narv an.! lale vv.r.. ! V. V '""O Mr. llr.-.t w ai. ac «.n,di.lie,| ;;e,illei.u.n, *'"V” 'I »' ‘dian «ng .„.l.;i. .l ..„i-r. .v P-rettMl l.v I. iiU!,i.TU„ '"•r.llqu,.nlitie.,otg.Kxl^lromvar.ausplttc.», 1 in b-1 .1 a.-.i.ia.uiaoce. ^ tin- tii.^t res-j- cta- *"* .. ’ I lather «ir Home other perwMi w ishiil lo m*« TIh- of tho death of this Cbirf is ^ bciaUM' wi ;;it thi j"'it ' It i» all ta>'. " iut cr r i" ci«mI ia Uid. I »l.ou*d in.t w.Hi.kr li I I tlie eholiTa, I 'Vel •» jr.*"!-*’ *• I •nr," eri.l a man frmii R. riw» thr *trri t, •• i;' you iiia'ne mj ir.inh ii'ii. e you'll l>o tal>i)ii tip." “ Vh, indta .l; thM'.k )ou. 'Miat'i>a pinn-tniru ry i I'm III lor it. I’lt.pio "upiKiM; in>' druiili, m.'relv U'Ciii-f I I'll rb ' irtll. I>ruiik' l.iTi'n a j«.iii|i, ai>4 I’ll I'r.n. in> MW'fi'ly I., « 't.-in,' viitli It"—Hr dj-iiii| rr>ii:i.l ’;ii pu n,', ini-i ••Tu.n t.»«'b: loo—t.nil I • lie ».»i, ti|in *'« •- t.tiknile, t.odk , l.x-iV I-1 liini," l.» t! . tuni of ••'I ' l' iSrriu llil!« of T: ro!.” "I!.« ivalrh d .i|t BH'1 d iniii by I-.*' i *»!•:. • '•I'iiin iiij, V..I art mv pti-om r." '• II. y, w hat, ih rv,. — 1 >( t it “ I .ot * hat, »ii " “ \ -Il ar* Ih. 111.- .t,'tianl rniVrrr, and yo'j'*. I'ot n.i; 111'*''. ;ill. i’lii a ea*- ” - i . r.i. i*i i “ it i» ti-t) u» *.« yo.i are a ciM,; ai.d now ('o:i.lantri, [iiliili^b'il in the I'ivrmnj l*..«t ■*‘'ibjei t rjftm? I holern. you *r.- oil ti.'- II.,;! riv>d to rum." “I liii.iuM I » - III a t>ad «ar—tli« i' tl. Sr"t »la;e i.*j, 1 Vikj*, !» e .i: ■ I ■ n • iin '/ *r- rr«'r.!. I t I. f tl.Jt. I niir»' UK i«)h4rd. I m l • y i • tr. *i..i«-iit. W »irl! •), »■ ii'n an ^1 .onij.h.i.t, yui .»i. *.1 • vt-h i..f" "I ' nr i*iy ^Ml,doa’t h. a j ^ ’ cl. an .i-il aa jrnu rii i-i iiM'«J--ki a;.l !• I u' bstp l.t -Jack.” wlul I c.Mi'j'l'iin of !b »jt •/.►••li. eo:itr»r:K»n of _ii>'.r t;u]^.r*. 'I uc |fi|.-.»K, iJ.- gn.’ “ IS, nf I''l voi| • tt'. rnv I '1. • “ I , ,1 . I" ;. .... . I’.;, IM «l kiioa tl.it I tli.i V I.." Ii M.J.'i*.'- fi. bv ' ’ J'- 1)". ta tl ■!•.;»-:ii.'I-. ai..f •i-« all *’ iHi) I •»» ” IW r. »:t« i.ip' :. ; I.. ^.«r 1^. V. ... , I -.-.= r,l,f., . .. I'. - ». I.-?.I ..J Crf- .>i , V, atid tbr h jiapj .d lii.ii It- • l.fnirr •• ,\i(.l I a«';»»ne»t «tf >1 ' * \ tin ji.i-ii;.« ai' n it t d'-■!!■=.''"-■I'ld* i!!r. 'I l.u .*4 I .-,' •; I • n.i >•». ' o ».id )k. r ^ ^ ■ ■* ' . ■ iti.ni V - “Cl ti at I . . "V I't*' t'.r fiift •. U itti I l.t «v »> p’unV t»li r.' :i u- ao>Jd*-.*tu li-.n; I U t'*'^ I.I lr»f *f' triiit. -JluhugU ili/ftutr. III. ‘s r- J. r ■ >'ii -■ .K h .41 r,i.!«T er t U»i. ll>«>u. > vo.n.if e>an wlio »' 1. lu b:i lat!: i'. f.n.i!) >1 10 iiiil'’’ iVooi ih;- pU*-', wetil I.'II.T 1,11'i.r o‘ a M.'. 1 'i'a». a t« vf fi« i,fbU»f. wheri a v.ui./ la.li M • H'»>vrr f ilr , it' Iv »Ih>! i>. r w iif- .ii» rili» ir. • Ill"-1 he li.^d p'll t»ol-;."«. I‘(. I idrnii -'l. h»iw r %> r II elrvai;-» the i>H'-r r.» t..e wiod‘.u i;,r*»' . i-* v.,,. ■-n.i • ^ , i i- . i j i . , Wh h I. I.r.^!,.r. i».i.vk ,t,i ... 111. .'i..,whi.h thrtKv t c,mpl--ll. in v,„duatio.i of hia ta- • ! =“ . .1 th- hdy .Udd, nl. I-..: ,i- t. -n U.r . |.,r^e of crudtN ‘•’'X a watch, and mak* .. .-.i.; i»w-., h -l..*..r. ;a,.. .. *ttlu M.o..,.-. (i.'ru.i.le of W , a dash at the I ive I omt.. T here of cfHjrsO If t.»'i; |.i* aim, at.il ti. i* .--riipii »iit> _ . i i... i‘ i . . h’ wa>- robbtnl; an.l rep.uritij[ lo the I olico ii.'t m";iti"ii.-.l. Ilf W8S very dly kiit.w n a« m"Mlii»i; the ru.irai t.-r u!w\e >;iv. e:j I nn ; and i.ii 1 ** will be felt by miiiiv. He ua- «*lii.'iile.l III Kn^djtid. 'lot n’ad- ••r-* wiSI r* ii.e.liber Ins . oin'-pofi.ietK'e with tin m. In this rogu»ry he iucceeiel very well. One day he bad the adroitix'ss to ol>t.iin a p;iir of ImmIs lo show his fallier.— The liuots were taken to ISr.-adw.iv aiidex- ehan"iHl for a quarter of a ticket. ’I'ho ticket dn'w a pru« ot' a tltouvind dollars. ti; Ka: ily l.\r, i; II viU :im to luriiuh u« I'nl n,«. t = I* ror '»« ty yillagf und . rery Con -r ' S-;„ J, ».;d |iof«.-« to liiid it« way into tli’I virikKi:; points of Sr-utliiiKl, ninl return to l.ifH.:- 4/rcat ;#).-t»«i ot 'tv- |.ai.li. r« and the 1 I’r.,„rc m J fitr:iiUT. II" will sad from i.-.Tiintr.. I II .fu.i. in a r,iui.Jrr«l,l^ ih,^r. J alt n il''I t'l It in ti. rim.le .•! y> \«»iiimg. iiuv..h •iih.mt h.vin» f. i..itt> L‘i .iHeiurit iv.is mule, Uit abinil.in-l, to, . !i!«-, Uni.i„ti iw)i *iiti.>ui na in r i i u , • , |.,„ , ^ \ . w,. I 1"^ redn*sa, met vmie ol th.' pi'rMiiis whom ,5 ’._ iHtwi-i nlhr t'lu'i’O and or. hnj:. r nl imiihciite ( iipt. l»ratit aS iM ina Con>«..t-.l ■ i ... k I hanc-andih. o.b-1 ti.r i^.hth, «..ie arm .lurni- the Mor viti ttansiri.oo, the ab- »'in.«>lf r.vhoed, and was IiKljie. in .We thi- .lbo», «h..h ca..-.d a v,ry ,uinf.il ,j„, ,5,,, ,( w ,Hf.,i.:i.| that be l.ad liuth. „.,l',„ U. Ian. t'^al 1. „ |,„„.vr to do w.ll. ,1. W has I-t^ iM'liiiid hiiu an nii'^iilii.' I and ciivui latioii.—1. ( fill. \i?r. From Ir.ij^oM, which .^»a»'»will have* n Ui*pn'H»'iit;itiW s in the next ’■>nyr ,v. f, U r raniH.( avoid menli'min; h»r.-, an .in • xtm-irdiiia. ry latnpl''of fi'niai' prrr. nci ol miint, th«l, iiii i(ir(li»i..!y a'Vr re. uin( the fir»- of |h r att. n.pl« ■! .’.»»4«"ir., the vmin',; l.i.,'y bb n out lb.- ram!li to a ••"•s.il »» i'llt U)»n liei lifi'' "I l.i »e wa« no prn-vn |T»..n in th hoii*' but .Mf«. I.i|‘ J», who r>trr«i'd up •t*irs Rnd by lirr •11 am* a brnird li" ' irrii.|i.uiiij u«‘i;'il. a; ■. Ili't Ii.*’ in.wl fill and lata! pirt ol tlii> b;*-* v lrv.(.di y. t re. Hridfwell. Ills reversionarv interest in th» a .p. rr Mon O 'tw.-n [«rrnt« and It ath '• - It 1! n.iild do afiniolhini; toward* promoting a ri..r»l Ki.tiim nt in Ihe .omiuiinity that c«»m. I ‘ oi.t-., e« i. (ullv, *err tJ.c prr.prtly .it iImmiI (if iifjo, aa noW, we leam that (ten. niaina lo U'told .N'o' -oni'r bail .Mr. II lif.dup i>i >' ..■i-- ■■’'■ • . . 'h and i;nport.int (»>iut will br pa.ned. If hoH U-e-n el.'cl.'ci Iron, th-' tmrlheni .li*tricl: ildi. rr in I I**" “ parties in the tirst pari” ‘ in the alEitr.—.V. V. Jour, of Con. ni«Kisr..s, w. —r. *. \rlipt ial Hands.—The S^lem, Mos«a- />,f/rftvirii:f>.. i.'r. fire.-t>ii I'riilay eve.'''hii«‘lt>.. lJ#/eitc iT. nlions that Mr. In ning, Au/. ai^t., wo hn.l a most awful vi.s. ereaNc Hill, an injremous artisatik in tlwt Ihan Ko tie I to l;i» fall’, r'l. barn-yaril, a *!.. M di taerr fr.>m the | , ar.4lhrre r. load, d hi- nil itati-K). Whiloihe I'hief .liMioe was mt-,‘own, hai ju-t fmi.slied a pair of artificial tmj; 111 tl.e h.'tisP . f Ins son .lames, a fhx k bunds, whicli 111 their udniiriiblead*pti»»» to of li^lifiiin;; prn,tfaled Irf'ion* him bis ^ns the inultilarious iisea of tlioiie important .loii.rs -ir. l lliU.ird; bis Rrsnds.in John,, "lemlw'rs, are wild lo surpavi any thiti« of the si.ii of Tlios. M.ir..ha::, and two other . «he kit»«l e»cr l»-fore s»-en in this quarter. Harvte—the I I'he unfortunate yiaint; man to whost) ne> Mise. ,Me(.8rs. ; e. voties they are desiineil to minister, camo irxhail an I John 1 from the ciaintry, and has already testtnl ™lonV>^Vnre!..er^ Tnr*'^kme, and di’.'- ; H. 'riiom ... we’re nN*. shocked, althcugli , their ellici.'tiry ',n vanoua ordinary mani- An imknown pers.-Mi m lAii».|on ha- piv^n ,(,are. d tho wnoU l»adinu mto hia I.. .1.I. s. n'. „,,t proslrat. .1.—1‘or M iiimuh s all of the , pulations, such as writing, cutting f.KMl,iSic. I . ".: 'ira'nry, M inmd il mor. int. r. £ 1;«| |.nrh of the followin:' lli-.titutions, i tu.ilT d.-l In'|wrforin the h..riib!r .h.,|, ihal it |',rj| ,*, >»eic r-onsidervd as dead : the appll-I , ~ „ ►' ,.ec ,Mvir.-.l in ihcir ir,m nal.ire a, ,„i.|.|tliat Mr. ’.vs»;v{thr pri'.--,.t I.mH. Cov.) u»i doan h.a U.k, pU-rd ti.. rami children, .lohn and ^l m 1. d ii.d monl la «r-ilon'«, no! merely aa pli-1 .s choiM'n from the eastern : and Mr. Si \pi; tiiuiile of tSo pne. .ind. r hi» . hio, lo'.l- d »be , n'.o'o b >0 : ' dl.tri.t.-.Vof. hud. b.rr.l frmly m hi .rins, to-.eb.dth.- t,i„. r - ' ‘ v ^ ' 1 j t . , . r. ot n .;>rt, and by iKi.v o|.rr4lior.. to ,i,hhis fe. I, ftoni wi.irhh.- had Uk.nthv pn-. All \ in !f r, ll"nr\ M iP^t thr p' !iei;de«, th’ laws of mind anti r ni'.'-t be amn'j. b rnon int rr>tinf IIiaii int. r. .V.ihe pm iiin'l.t ot.'r.t, th.-Wn kly .lo.irnal 0'.* I ’r ml b, iJi'' lri.rn.it of kno-A li'dije, the frienii* trt (h. .r onntrv, tlie lr.-nds of iJh ir race, pi..i«— , |., ;'.i I, Mitli inAleri ila na will U Sli. I'rljiitiii.., t,Yi, aj,i( j,; rinanri.flv iiaelul to all of ti.i (x>niiniii.it>-, it will deem, d .rin.li ,- I an.l u.ec -arir t > tnlrodiie.. into itf col- " '■•alivrr'.: \.1:1.-tv '/f »ub)icl*, and ri-«orl ti>»». n..us m.M4.a ol ir.al.nj; Ih.'tii. To t.ave iind»r >1 •*. ar' t/t[. It Hi,.;, r ■ tv.iiribnttoii, a* far a* pr^t- t ■ li, lli«’|rrt;;t I;. Me ofieirnri- and ol'arl, witji I. ninK; ili^ii rikIi “■!••.'.mna may b." made from t' in f, willljr ioiind iieer^itiLlp and cral.'ful to Missionary .'Mieti«'i., h. Id oicr hia U-ly on .'Saturday, by th. oron.r lull. The t’bief Jiistice, Maj. Ambler an.l 1^®" V ’ . ' ‘"O lorthi. eounty. wLproiiounccda.erutU of death jriii... C. .Warsh.ill Wen’ 11. the r.«.tn with I dullars to the American Colont- We undemiani', fsjivstbe Fidrral I’n. by drhb- r.vi.-»iii. itl(. I the »oiis, lint wen* not injured, i*llh'>in»h so ■** "i'*'* ' I I hr onlv all. ird caife f.ir tho (lerpitralion of 1 1 i 1 .. ti... Ht”.! tSvThool at Lll)eria 111 .\fnca. i-r„, a very *‘vere storm was evperienrcd rune. It, thal the younp man had jshot kill as not to him tin. Ii;, tiling, ^ at..^1**1. ..la ft.. 1.^ *!*_ ... i*. * .1 0:1 the 17th lilt. Ill Hams, 'I’r.Mip, Coweta, Miisc.»»ep and 'arrojl, prostnitinfr the crof>s und dom^ i.thi-r c'''''*! daniagi's 111 those countles—('hurU Mon (iu zi Ur. paid hi. a.hlre.*e. to th.'younK la.ly.w»iod, . lined l.r iM'sr lha thui.dcr—tho suilercrs urc all | .NVw * York Journal id’Commerce hl« pr.-r-waU; and, alitnif by th.'nn.rtihi nlion ol recovennj:. I . i- , , .1. .1 J|.p;inlnient. he re«,«l. d to the driadlul e.p.. | j »bat not one of Its suhHcrilw rs m tho di. lit whieh he did to r. venj.'hi* bo|s li »Mi attaeh-j . , .t ( cit> , has \ et died of Cholera. Wp should mint. * un.ler »tiii.l hr a'l'.lainril, through Ih nrighliorhfioil, the . h iraeli-r of aii lioiicat, llidua. A merchant residing not yO miles from triou*. ami |»«ate«ble citi/en. t/lH.II J,j| Nm, II vi(w.| iirijht. ean tl.i' ne l..r h iii.^* r*t**i^ 7V i.t/n . ,V turner wonic of ours has been dead a rtiiiid)^ I'hibdelpbin IS saul to have ha.I, -n-,^ •.ears ««« p.iinfed ti,>on his s.c- in- w.ir.K tUcm.-dlomcmttr Id. “nil kiiKM o( turmn*; and iwisling d'Hici here.” Some iniSchievfMis Isiys, in one ol j ' ' Ihi'ir muht rambles, tool; down Ihe sij:n and 1 Suiriilc.—.Mr. Henry FuiiceM, sen. of J . r niirTfl. IlfllH 11 9I* ri 11^ II* ’ lllll*n » I illiitf n!"iT!l *** *1'*^ I**'*"'i fWrf.ton, who kept for sale l»oth banlwaro ■ • I'liiltl. loth.- tr;i«h.r and the liujht, tn the . . ... 1 a ' rn nl I I 1 1 r V th. man of bi.ur., to the' I’lw-jfrM'da, had given to a newly eii-1 .Some queer f. llow in I’hilailelphin, in ' It »i.d nurhanie. thephilowjf.hi r.indtarmeT,' *''f'‘d apjirenlice strict order, that when an quires of ,Mr. t'haiHiler, of the (Jn/.i'tte , I articU; was inquir**d for which iIh’V hsd not the ni‘amn;' of dry win*;. iik’ bein;j li. 1 placed it over the door id a eelebr.iie.1 law- j this vicinity, c.oniniilted suicide on batitr* impraeti. I ^..it, hn mtiat mention something they bad rpior.it sti iki's the inquirine j;enlli*nmn as j \ er, where it remained uti'ili'erveil until day Morning la-t by han>;hij{ himwll. Ihe 'I'lie l’,.l. 1 some timo tho nevt day, ar l allonb'il no 111. uiil'.irlun.ite act, we understand, wa.s cotii-. th.iso w hi are funil .if. niitfcd under a deprewion of spirit occumoo* kes upon gentlemen of thejed by lii« npprcheiision of want. IlUhhorouch IhcordiT, f‘ 1> o'* tl . -&iirVna)*kin"ik)”^V*\** * ' ' ^^*** annwereij that de»cription of a little out of order to call it drv. 'I'he l’,.l. j some timo tho nev r f 11,= -'fb, ni.iy'*lfl 'r "in th. ir iiluaiimiy' Tr'l j ‘J'*'’**”' ^ "bortlv after a»kin;;, “ Have itor’s answer is very s«ti»'*iirt.,Ty.—He sti).'. j tl.' Hiiiiiseaieiit to '• I' .ii- ., j,,’] y,Hi Rinebuwi.?”—the In.y replied, “ Vn , dry vaino means witio iini»e.rlcd in emi't) ' ii i'stnj; their joke: >.-1 ii.d. wral btiojff, Uiiy bare aiid wi'jati iiiu’uin,but we bavci/am/jwic#."—fJauUe.' liollles. I bur.—Halt. Wp.

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