r-y r mNERS’ & FARMERS’ JOURNAIi. PltlWEll AN^m HLISII|.;» i:^KHV SAH UV THOMAS J. |IAKL(/|-H., M|Vi KLIINMLIU; roi'N’I V, NORTH- AR()lV>A. I WI1.I. TKACH ircK' To f.MfK Til* «nwru r,r t;.i; rAiiTii am, hri.v, „.,i m.om ti.i; , av ki.n,. of thk HorsxAi.N., WKTAf.* win. i. r. «ive f rnfii^TTH tL. o. k „am*h am, « BJBr-T ai.l NArtitK to olk a.. AND Pl.EAKt'HC. D*. JOHNSON. VOL. III. SA ri KDAV, OCTOHiyi; i\, 1 NO. lOfi. TIIK ^ ^ ■ Mnni I ^ Atllllilli«lraCor'» ; llu n lay oirlands I(.H or twelve le«t Hlll(‘rM A: Fnrilierw Joiirnnl .l,. lun, O.ioln r ncxmh.. M.l.^crlU r, u,dt. „cr..ss th*- |,i,,unhin};; sow lin;n-.„ In .iriiiK d and Iiublwhi rl .-very ^^aturd»y Inornui;; will mil totlin nt l.iddir, tin Io'm \ \ „ „c 1 1.., i, r,ro DoiL rr a„„u,r:if p.id in\dv.,.-cj a.„, KuC.rn t u,nuv.r Mo„,iu, U, 0„- o. j " ' HI, j L'f, f 4 iCiw.i t»i>l in al I 1“*8 A. (». VV llkllinoil. I.ow III tllf TKwHi Ksjoti ot lllf* ,K TO. Ijy the «ll i” * J f !h *''** rtMiliiiru ilic-hulc uillial.r I-iiwlrr tl IIS tliick it iit(iiu.'C(l, I iiin tiis- /hnf Dt>Ua,$H thi- end of the yfar. ttmiw ri'Mili' ni.irft- iUntfitmr nn^wl tik flttriL i.\ ■... ■...., 1 I.... m \ancc; s nrcc irir cnn oi mr yvuT, Al)\Un iSKMKN'i'S will be intcrlrd «t Fifty f. 'I'licrr u al*o xoim- ready made Vliilha,\ posc'd to tliilik, lo shoot U|i mui h i‘!illlfr ill 1 ' r""'"’ ’"I'l; *r "«ii d«* •' aii..wed kh, r.-,.U,-trmiu.rc(,.olcxc-odi..R201.ne«,) forthe •»«.». “'ui onr or uso S.uart-, and S, al.s. all o. Unugiu^ it for , V. of »i)( tiioiilli* «ill Im'('ivcii tor all nuiii ov> r wrcK or 81 (or liirf*! « , | . the puiihun* r (.'•'inj'bond willi approved wciirllv, A Ubtrul dii^ount »i.I be made lo llio(w »ho aJ\cr»i*rby thcytar. Si (liialladv. rtiwiuciil* , A. (iKAMAM, AJm'r. conmiunicatcd for publicaliuii, tlie iiuiiibe' of ChatInltr, Sept.‘jr>, Irj.l-,'. "»»(i liiurrliniiii iiiuat br noted on Uir liiarjrin of thr j 'I'\ K I''\ I’I* ' it!aiiu»rript, or thiy will bo ronlinutd until * NI) roii.miiiid to tll^'Jal; oi tlii» nountj. on turbid, and rbar^td accordingly. /m IIkii:«t a id cri> man ubo in', iidun' •,* All uruiimn»cationii lo Uie Kditor imi--f ronir j '* ^ '" I frr of or they may nolb. attend, d la '.d-lK- lu u: ini'll lu w.iiil i-.iily iis |Mii>bilj|u, tficrf is Krss dun^t.T d ru'*t ; at iuiv liite, iftlio land is ;Mxi li>r ;iii\ tliiiif;, a Uish' l IS not t.to mucli. S>, alx.i, as It I-. iiiipi>itiiiit to »r»w tii« llalrv .'■iilVi. i'Tilly *ail\ Hi the fiill, a that it ina\ ;;'.,iii slrt-n^ili Im Ioi-the severe winter M-t III, aiiii i (niall\ ir:i|Kjrtar.l to [im vent it lii 'h' yt'l- j "P '•i'riy ill tlic S|iriii;r lijf lu lUiiui 1 "• •• li-l*' tio'f, |K‘i ks to the ucK* >li:( KIXMM KU ri:3IAI.K SI]3li;\AHY. Til ill'' Inilitulion u dc«i(licd lo turiilnli a tbo. M roupli and coniidile courx.- of uludy fi>r tlir .•diu-*tioii of yoiiin I.adir». In addition to tin ouiiiiiiun ttiidbi^litr brancbra of Kii|;liWi Study, atr taii”l.t the I^tin, (irrrk, French and Italian foruard. piovr (.r«.^>rriy. (•ay rli.irp. !■ and laki- Iimu • uay,*^ III will Ih- iK nil oitli ik !>•' Iiw .inrlii .! ,M'i 0.\'MAL»iili-;y. Mrii/i’. C7, I-;’-'. V.ii iiTA'l'iHtr t, ,MI.« Kl.lMIt t... rtii ,N I V. In(rn4*t a. Vocal ind In»truincnlal Miuir, l»iaw. nf J'ltat am! Qmiitrr Sist.m t, Au;:ii't jjij; and I’aiiitinc. and a varuly ol' Flain aud Or. T>rm. l-.'t.'. ,.«m. uul .WU-«ork. ! Man.,. I. .Uir . * Bt.rrI„. r,,M. wr-d T(«“ ncxtSnaion w ill comrrenc* «i Tiic«lay, r». ' , , Orti.bt r yd. and cwilinue fiir Miontha. Tuiti.m Cri. r ;ri(r'!i. V i II. thv Kb mrnlary Kludl.-. HO. IV c.i.loniary * r „ ?! , , '‘f’" ,^ .1 . . 1 ini.« on, kiljoimn;; lli^ lai.; ii .1 iii.iK Wul'.ii. additional rharj^ arr inaiic for t'lc bi;;hrr l«.«n. Ii- .Vo pupil will be rcciirtd tor K* U»an a a«tl., liviii" oNmiI III loii. H (riiiit li. ‘t. r ( oiirt- j silliii ii llf, as tin-. \\ ill frjvt it hmjiii eii.nigii HoUjm , 'I'lif i.K inr i' tM|iiiKt.d to ro:iir \\,f i.t>Kilin'' ami iiiTijrdiu;r lo iIk; -|Mmoii I ha\f r..rin« (i will Iku l.cii it K(.im vt liat.— NV hcii i!,i- -iei'd I fiowii, jiloi.^li it in li;>litlv attd liM-llhr t^rttiiiid uith dra;i;t;iiiir a bm.'ili >>v I it, or liMiow 111 the with a large iieavv liariow dniw II li\ Iwrj II. »().;. Il'ulU , \tilir 'dni't M-rV 1. ■J ii.t .i VS r\i;Ki;r>. •• >kt*ili. UM. DAVIIJSON, W M. « A«S»).V. \V M. J. AM..\A.M>LR, HA.M’L. .MtiiMlJ, JOH.S IRUI.V, r*4/..Vl/,.Vf;w. I-AA. IK«. Trutlrri. ri'iin'y ol I'l ‘ ! rli>lli, nil 1^1 iIm n ji.d :;,i ,o II.. 1.1 hiiii‘ * 111 '• «(»0 IU:\VAMI>. ,\N WVaV Irotu tl;e •iitm iilKf, living on Itif Siijfar C'rKli. tl niil«« S f!. oi'(’tmri*.!'., N *" (Ml liic |l"*li in»t. anrifTii man nanird Ml.StJO. '.’I jriitri. o( afe. well propnrtioiird w iiti a round lair, dark c«Hiip(. non ai.d i;iod «uiiti . narc-^ ; hr i» abrul fi\« tVtl P of |H ihc>M-s bipli. It. v.Mcavtjr a Uuf t’*t, •jmM • lul norn, v*li i. tin‘v) (ianta!o(ma with a k « cro«n wool liat.— Anv t* »*^*n ai'pri hi udinf or nluii.iup »aiU l».\ ahaj rriiiti Uic abofr rrvard. ( \lil .' W 1I.MAM.-m».\. .V.; STuivi.J> ~ I^^KUM U»e •uti.crilrr. l.vin* t Ullk« »r«( oi ( : ^rklt', oi Tnrwiay t>i»hl. I i* lt;b iti. ■ I.Urk [*\ R I'lVin ll.r AiLutiiiaf flaztllc. DIATM.M Ht.LK V.—.So. IV. Oimhimi'.T," "1*7prfH-ced to tl.e various HDI Kl !• hv « ouit.lbai t.til.ii.alioTi'» ina.!. . ' ... .It »r, k. „'.tl.. \|„., r.-a.ul i „„.. to U- j.ci l..mi. ..li the ii«l, that llip i' fi iidTirit aj>|M ar Hi In. in \t 'ourl of ' le.’l h. Ili( itiilivatinli!> I ir till ill a!Hi !!iu ordi r, l'l 4« ti.d (^ti.iti.r S til I.. !d ior tin , Hi w hu li tin v sl.iiuld U' [n ilimiied. 1. I Atra» tiiii; till, tc th. 'llicrf nrf* hut I'cu [- r-i i.s w!i» laM; urrivpd nl .'(I \ear> 1.1 a«o, w iiu h.ivt; ll.'t Ix-.-il i,lili;^« i! t.i *«ohliilt lo it at or.' tini'- or otln r. There are inur.' 'kill util! jiiili.'iiicut ro|iiirf(l 1.1 (y-rrorin tiu.-s ■i|H r.itioii tliati p. rMHis ^''iifntlK ttnn^iiie. _ ' .Kliii'ml at \ one w ho lia.'* .-tr iiiiUi sutlineii!, '' an i.Mni. I a tooth alV-r > jie im.Mier.— Diit If iii iv iiit?i t iiitiintolv tii.jp' ftJin thuii [I'rom the Svi >h rn * :r.n.l>t n>t.] i, ul)sohi'i :\ ii'oi s.sj,r\ ; U Md.■^ ti.en i> On tKr f L'lurr nf tV. ru' it, t in I ah.i». ' jr-at d. li r i ot'dollij tierioll.-i llijurv to the Iv’.. kv Ur. M , \ br-xi.'U Mi-iint. 'lii.V nl. I-j i\«. (ay it (!o>»n a-i a ^ oi-i’al rilU-, th It no («-rM)ii sh' iii.l |.etlorin tins o|« ra nbi.r:.. «•. till' ( .Mirt.Ifo’iM I’ij M.'i.iij> III .N. vi iiiIm r ni vt, j.li ...1 or It ; ^ T, fi'ii. f .. 1 II'.; ■ : ti nd u"-iii-t 1 iiii. ii I - l-..!ar \|. \iMlr'-, rlork 'jf Mi.l« ViiiM. at (»t!.. i. I.'i- tni .Moii't't i. .\'i-i.»t, II. I- •; l . v I'\Al AI.KX \-M'f;i;,r. n.r. I’ll'. ilv.^'.'i M'.im I •/:rirvL. kv Ur If'iir Sir,—III r.in;[iliati> »• «ith\tKir n ]Ue>t. til mill niii. atfl'i \'«i 'iin h o(^»'t':i- tioiis nmi r.'iiiurk- on .i^^rH uIlunil 'uhj. rt- «s iii\ \[ ri,'1,1 • iiiii\ wia^t -I, I ('.inard t‘i } vMi JO « xtrai t I’ntin m\ ii. |t* /k **11 tin 1 uliivali'11 of h»^l. V ll^£,abi/..t U| haiHl.hick I'iof aiaJ 'K^-nut do-iiiatK al, Ud it t.ev-r «:e. 14 yc«, of agr bl.r U b. t,«. Ufl p,.hlu e^o. The ry, uo pantruUr warkt rcr«4lrcti'4. rb. wa!;* ' ••xl tail i«iy he cut off i.» aHtf «ik mare. rr>na Ukiu; op Mtd nwrr »ha1l •uiuldi ti'.ii tliM Ik t,./t .1. (juaintcd with tli«- anato my of li.*' ji-itl.', ai.d tliPii n. t witi.oiit uii f'-irliii' i.t ..t i(i^!njni(Mits muI -d to ev. rv Hill it H I’rt-i:;n t • nr |nit['osc to ’I'lie t>l\ I*' is laronii', I enter intu h d >- ri| lion ot’thi->’ in>tiUi.ii.'nt.'. or t’le iiMiim r in m hieii the\ sinuild bo um d. riie indi a'K iis for * »lnu iin^ adtilt ti .-th 1. 1 o iifeve.it or re- OjiUJnKI- An> lApn hnv« tire'll ftrtw .1 iij^'in « arrliii •in' tiie |o!l»iw m;; : rMHi nwrr »hait •uiui>ii r«. P* iinMi .ti'ti. uikJ i.mnitrd dortn |'.r tin oun move irie^jiilnritv, inr.iuoiJ!encc and dci’or- i.IZAHfriH ni.KKUIlLI. !B. v.T!iii.nit asih. n-u!tof my own »-X(f-' tiitly. 'I'he cot«l fii'u>j'»tl ttH*t;i i.n e;.i;h .fteucai iJf I iiHi 4i«K-u( iltn«r c»kl iiriMlish ; sid^ .“hould 5CIM rally Im- rctri ved lor liii.- \if \ Ji*|f Ji"*!* y’l fiifHiOr.s who k^p 3 O'.'lr b'mk, in whicti I I purpose ; f..r if oiu' b’ removed, we mn.'^t ptil*'r wjch monk* n« iisrieiiltufB, from time f rvuiovf iI,p other also; if we «lo not, tln- ' to tiinc, a« ofciirrPiM'o i>rrwnlii lo my miiid,: t«'«-lh wi|i hII it). I.k'* tt» the s»id. riotn vvhn-li iindwhK'h I 1 . ra»|oii)il!\ rr>f'>r lo. It mkH i •h*’ tooll. has Imn e\»raettI. 'I’l.o front e^tr;.. I' arr nce»'pt:iMr to y.Hi, f nni\, ns | trt'th ii«»( utilv U-r.iin»‘r ^ulnr hvthis iijoan.'^. o' ca-.io!! 1 Hi r-*, forward vmi nn>r»* >f tin iii. hut tb- d ;iti sapiei'lia, and oilier inalai ^ >Hi ar- at iilrf*rt\ lu iiiaik.' use uf tlic t.-eili, an- apt to lie mu. ii more pi rl'ett aiul " III ao v.-ii tiirik tit. Iar_e. 'J. Wluu a innlar to«tli is so far “Il iMii^ nn>jil rro^... of tl»c .IifKTPnt .!•' I'ed that it iiiip'"ihle to save it, it kind- of «Mi**iit eiiitn.it. >i in tin- w. ii.iji of “!' >'dd mvun.itily Ix- exlraetMl. .’1. '1 eeth ii.unlrv ; III Ininrt s..« th.- lUlev wheal fir I* it’*' ni«s«* id puiii-hiles, vvi.ethei > *MiS«-iil»T iiilo»ii.» hit frirndf and tli- ■ puMt.', Uial h« baa purrbaaed tiu! larp' an fijf.inv.NiiotK If a in th« 'I'l^nn of VV ad. , i>w«rn a* 1*A.‘'H‘S IIOrK!.,aiMl Ibti lb -aiiK it iw* o|«ii tor the Ui ptMAi ol 'I'lavilUrr ai.j Ilmrd' I*. Th» rm*frirtof wiTint* a aharr of pj!Jir ratrnn- a«T.»iHi p4n%e.. himM-iito .j«rrnriij,.r ,«if , or :in ear iv « rop. i.nd t le I,a« ler lor a !al.'oic . ''’'riwllN det.ived or ihiI, sli.-uld be lU- moviNl. 1. i . eth vv hi( h an* Ili.^ suspected .•aii-M* of ii>Mvi.u.s ati‘i’tiotj.'i vhiiuld be ex- irutfd. 'I'he front ti.'tii, iiuiiiejy, the ■ ai ine and itiris* t teeth, sin.nl.l iicvi-r U- .■\lrai '' d, iinle-' tlii'\ nre the raiisj' id'pnn- h;|. ', a.Tveiis atii-4-ti'-iis. .V**. Ihii if d.‘c.ivt i 'I It* * *K,. ...iainioir»onie muiicy.4tiioii| H birli I wl.eut, ntkj yields to t!n> qnanlitv ..f I"' ■'^>v«-ii, shiiuld bo ent at^ a ( a|>r I'lar note for vnc iMIar wbirh Ua mon* rttir'itian t!i.« otin r lati v\|,.-iiIh oii. a!i.) n tooth in::r.ifii d on th.-in. .'‘i. Ml ■* ‘'■•-'■i.n- ‘ ... .......1.1. I 1 hex injure tli.' irrit.iliiiii III th l«r'iiderco«nhirt4t>l' th. »t»yuf4.1 Ukmt wfio may ttll on him. S, r. I.IMKW J'W'.' rn'.Sr/tl. •nf.'iri I.OST. tT Knpar I’hnrfli. diirirp iIk" Sa'T*'. r»>. i.l, b( U on ih« lat in Ui.t. a .Small ft K K fri l»*H»K, I'lie forni' r i-. j;fn* rnlh l.nnesf. d th.- la-t of ^! iv. the laiti r ul*«HU the middle i.t .liin.’. I he ll.i!»'_v vvli-:it i!i,'*.h ii.it m.il.i- a • hilr l|i-nr a« the l^ittlc U hite whiul. hut it d ^'s n« t r .pure as -trrnp I„n!. 'I'in I,.ivw. r client niak''v«-r\ inte lloiir, is a svvni * • * ’•••'» 1 in r'ijTrr ftlin »a«« * tii a>j .:.K bill on Ii. (talrn and .•^um'ry dbrr paprra. ***'’ ••‘'•’I'’ '» IIh* ‘'ptmt'. the l i!.' wheal, 'ariahly U' i xlrarlivl. \tiy p.>rai>n fuidiufr the aamr and rtt'irninjj it to the riit in the aitinii.i'r Ik fui.’ haive.»t. ‘dher tei-th. ke p np i !• nr l-»rir|t«t at Mr Sf.rinir’a .'(orr nhall br lib. 'To en^im-, Iherrfin', a plenlv .-f who.it iuo'H!i. .ii»d ar tli'‘e.iii'. id" an iinple.is.int ^ flour tor fanulv use, srnv U.lh lla'. v ai..l I'rfatli. 'I Imto is sei.hun mu. h pam in ^«|.n 7 and Itidolkv/ ’ " be. 'I’liP Haley ni.TV U> .n .ue.l on a'. , I** (^''^d I.SA \rs. Al,KX\.\nKR 10, i-n? >f:w niM)i:uv. \\ 1 ri{ a MixK to llir inori MrH»jt land tin XMi ’plenv', «hd't f ii v.tv '»"d i ^reat (Kirtion of th.' tiiiie^s nhsorlM'd. Mron^' Inml the Livvlor »i!l,c\.n m a m.=i- **• "'(••'iiiinii. rarv tftli vhi,uld e\- mtely wi-t Hpriii)'ami smniner, •.’Tow to., •rarled as early as ii.is.sihk'. rink iind imk h i4'it fall d.ivvn. S.u the V.*. SimIiii:: i!i.'tertli. or r>'ir n .nj; foreign Haley \\h. at Inim the mid'ile cf No>eni- matter troiii the'ii. h .ine f>|' t||, mo>t iin- lier to the middle ol I •eeenilK r, if‘-.»w n . n |Mirtant o|irrations in IK-iital .Sir^erv.— ■'tronp land not Ijelore IIk* tiist I*i- rni- 'Ijie tartar whirii eoll. rts nji.'n t'le te.'th is U'r, or the dun err from the lat. tV.ists m .1 iHj-ii.d from the s;i!i\a. it iiav eoibvt 'iriiM r^ovr,i. the xpring will l»e roti'ideralile. .S.w the u:i all torth. hut is rt ninillx '.iiiii.l in yrea- b»vi-r i»'lJ.J.'.'i .* •*" •'*'ilHnrilier» (,aw|er in )cIoImt, tlie middle of Ih.‘ m.iiitli ter quantities on tlie inner .side of the lower • 1 ft liINU’ It V. I la\in'* IttfKUr- I • •1' • I . • H till M»|| Iroiu ih. Ni*rth.011111 niplov- tiinc; if sown rarhrr, iIuto In»nl trrlh. N nuMiinodscales ot it IxN'oinr • Workman «t.o roiu.« «11| r-loinnii lulrd. «I.Tiii*er to the rrif> fr.im the fill t!y, if l.«v.e imd dr.>p .'if; and many, wlien this i- » •» y pii pnod locv.iutr on ni.Hiir.tr t. run.. •«'«n later than October, the rii'^t IS to l¥‘ the caM*. eonehuk- they iiavti loM a j>ortion • t i.r'/'iL .'i *"*i'c III. •'’PP'^^>''»d» d. I hp pmetiee ol ploii^hm^: ' .M'.i tooth. 'I’l.is «l, tH-sit i>vnerallv eo!lert‘^ ..nl. r •a.i.i ru ry kn'id'oi’ni,ui,,Vc promiiilT •*'="> ' * slowly. It adher.s eloselv to the teeth and ••vtii i| in III. u»t i»nd i.iati-n laanii. r, on r r.*f>n. i» tin-M^l w ithout pre- nisinnat.'s iLM'If b. tw.-eii the teeth nmi Jt.AMSASOV 'lonsly hreakill); lip the Innd d* |>lx. i.s n. v- unnis. 'Hie c'lins an* d. taelied l'ro;:i thi- J lt.inr riiMi-hfrf«ortl., K. ,Kiru oi tli. Sii. ■ erthelew. erroti.irtis; for «. ed pl.uijjhed in ; te«>th, iKXoiiie mllnmed. mid bleed on the 'lil»htest toiirh. ( Itiinati iy the ^'univ and alvetilar pro.-e'wt'« nrt' .ihscirbf'd, the toplh 'i.t all ,1, f„ „„| the deeply eoven'd vxhrnt stands a seven Itti' winter lient, as the ro«it«ar« nomm h d*>ep. XO'riC’^\ III the |;r(ijm!. 'I’hiM is u iiiiNtake, for 4 f ^ t»T«in. Ifiit. Mrrt to th*- mtav, pf J^„ " h*'" tile oerply covon-d whcMit jr, is tip it '» Hrutani yiatiiHStrrl,fiff’,f forms tiev»’ roots! iienr tliP Mirtaei' of the ■deeply coviM%-d root nrcl.ri itii. n„r.._ ■'7"'V'.'''-rV .V" ’ nrsi g^xn mouuiv, thnn die im.l .*Min nd. iHiMp I iifii.pfrf. 01 ti.i K. jKiru oi tb. Sii.' ertheleM erroti.irtis; for «. ed pl.ui.'hed in willeonie up irrepularlv Hn.r» loss i ««• .iK.-.'to Mnd ibnr No%. lo bun to bii.d. «i n i. . • i .i i i‘ . . t!- rn .aiiiiilly atUndul to. and th. lndrx.-« ^ "*'“aii'f‘‘l tlien'hy. It is s;iid, that heroine I.m'.so iind drop oi:'. 'I'hi.s aci-uiiui- lation max !»•' prevented l y the n.se of tiie bru--ii three lim*-s a dov. An.l instead uf Its iM'iPii a task to use it, it will lie u pit a, sure, atVr the habit is once I'ornied. hen the (let'iiniiilntion has taken pluee, tlie onlv wax t.i remove it is with instruments made 1. rr V il In niakr Mtilrint ni imniidi- t>round, nnd itM f.trmer ' a. 1 .-anKixc noloncrr indultrmcc-it Ih.-v first irrtu inoiildv thf •cl.l l Ibi. noti.r li.ry iiiav . l lo find Ibrir I|.? inouuiy, inf '!• I. aiid»rroiinH Intbi-band.otan.dlirpr. Al«o, "•>>’ ‘J''**!**'' '•"Vi'ir.l wheat for the piir|M.se. 'i'iieii the use of the brush ■'.li" rw>ii»baMncrl,'»ifii.ia;.ain»lib nmdrntatonarc '*•'•'**1(1 thn winter bi'st is, that the {;roiind ! will prevent a re-aei-urniilalion. Tiius witli »iVl!'ii?u'/r^*'' '‘' '“f «III* n" III •>^ii'^' fri Jl anil lUtply bn>k,ntij>, tin' wheat i a litiln e\|MMise and Iroiihle persons rnicht tiolirc'wi'il b^7l''n'iVu"bar'a^-ainrMh^^^^^^^ •'"* advuntii>;e tiieiefrom k-ep their months eleai:. and .save th.'ir *■ ' that all otlic-r crops lo :—the winter Irosts , teeth, which otherv* ise they may loose. find the wheat more forward, stron;:rr, and 3. Tiliii;: or H»>paiatm;» the teeth. The i iM-tter trtKilcd, nlthoujrh the nHits, where] mdieations for the p«>rforrii:!nce «>f this o|k‘- "I’l’inu iVoin lI'P stalk, arc no deeper | ration, are, flr^l, whe.i the teeth are su|x>r- Salr at I’bU 'oflil!-' ^1^!- ro !i*of a ^ deep eovcrin;t tlmii from 1 fu-iully derayed, and the diseased |»orlion ^‘•T'phl' i ••oninininij th, I*’ pt^-iwriiig to SOW ! cnn Im* removed by thi.s oprration; and, .se. aid'th^y*'* **' *'**' ^ ^'«rih i’arih'inn, | "he.it, first break up til'- f»roimd deeply and eoii.lly. when thev arc 8o far deciivod Im-- '• e 'infJiultj rHJrncr. rtirc,a5rf* thuroujjhly xvuh the |dyugb, tho dt‘ciM,*r the Ivvcfu the Icctli as to ivijmn'i'.!ng!:inj{, tliey •'■'■/If. 1-.V4, It-.TJ of # \\l> (II nil [should be separated to j:ive hm^ui f.ir the ■ |MTli)rm.iiu;c of the o(ieratioii. l'lu:;;;iiif'the teelii. lf(iro|>er!y done, this id one of the most useful ofieratioiKS in Dental 8iir)iery. '1 he indication for j^r- ^foiniinf; thi.s o|>erafioii is, when there is a carity in the to. th Mitiicientiy deep to re tain the sti.ppinir. W heio decay once I commences, it w ill continue to proj/i-e.ss uii- llil th(! tooth is c-iitirely destroyed. It is of consoqiience to put a stop to the disease aa soon asi |K).>teible. It id'ten luipjienb that diseasi* has proi:ressed to a tonoideruble extent into tlie b.)riy part of the tooth, wiieti theie i.s a very siuall l avity e.vtcriiallv, or n.me, at al!. i’ut disioloration shoWH the existoiK-e of liisc-ase. Now is the time to snvi! tlie tooth. V\ In n it is uete|mined to |thi^' the to )tii, in tlie lirst place eveiy tiace of lii.-seusir should Ixr r.-iii.ivod ; for, ll'any remain, it wdl eontmue t.» pioqress until the t.Hitii IS I'e.stroxed. Tucn the cavitv should he wi|>rd (M-iti-etly dry\ and slop|.ing with gi.li!, pl.'itiiia, or tin ti.il, imiiicdiatelv iiitrixliice.l, and i;i:id..- .soli.l by pn.Ssure, and sniotlied with burritslier. My thuH plujj/in^r til'.- tf.-Pth, the decay may Ik- cn- |tiri l) arrested and th«- tei-tii s-rve ,is well f./r masticaliuii us if they wcie not at all !i c:iy.-il. 0. Inseiliti^ tef th. We «hall not pre tend to enur.itrate the varioii' luethud.s by which teelh have U-en, an'l yet are. inser- j ted. Suffice it to sax, thi>ri- were hut tlirec ' II.>w adopted by s-ieiititii’ llenlists. 'J’he hr>t is, to fjsten tiie t.xjth to the ro.d, by means of a pivol. tailed iii'irafiinL'. ‘i. i U lieri till- roots are ;otie, bv means of a j ulate nr;d e|.i';[i, atta. lierl or liiiti-ned ar.Hiiul jtiie oth.-r t'Olh. '1 h** biruspc-d t-. tli, if j s'.iiiid, ar.,* preli-r.’.'d lor tins piirjjos',*. fl. Hy means t a sjirino. wlieti a whole .set is j IDs* rt(*d. Tlie praclii .' of tr.iii-plaiititit ‘ teeth is now e\[ilodi-d bv all cieiitiHi- Dent- > ists. I’ersons w ||.«e tr.iiit le. th are so far dof .iyil that th' y cannot b*-.s.ived by filliiip and p'u.'gin,r. should Inive them e\cist*d, and t-« th ii;si*rnd ufionthe ro(it.s. fJv hav- iii;/ It doiK* whiic the ro..ts are gmil, 'hey ,wj!1 always remain ■*>. i'eetli have two I iicatis of su[ [w-rt—the hniiiij and investin" . membrane. It the tormer be destroyed, , liy exeludiiic: e.\t» rnal aoci.ts with teeth judiciwi'ly iii^nif'ted, the investiiijf uieni- ' Orane will ;^;vv' su)'|H>it sudi. len; to prevent ’di‘eay ai.fl a;,> »rjition of iIk taims. . It is i.iijxiitaiit to remove all toreinin bo- jd:cs tro:ii lietw.eu the teeth by means of a tooth-pick. 'I’he common uuill prct’era- b!e t«iany thin;; ‘ Ise lir this pjr|H).s«*. .\ll j rnelallic suii^fai.ces sh. uld Ik* reji*cte.1 on I arc.siiit of their mechuuical action and ch. niical eliLcts U|s.n the teeth and gums, e are now done. EiioUirh has l»een js-iid to dircrt thr* reiidrrV attention to tlie . rtr.* .if his teeth—to sh.iw him when the aid t a l>»-iitisi i,> c.illed lor—and lo enable liim to disiiiinmate betwei-n a scientific and ju.i.rious operative D.-nti'l. and a meie mecli.uiical j retcnd. r to ttio s. ip k e. PHII.AN rnlioPlST. ihtltj OIU —liutl.-r, in his llu.libias, 5:iid a ..'r.-.it many witty , n: d some other iisi*fiil thin_;s; his amusing diM oxt ry that if one side ol a horse !>.• spurred, tiie otiier will ke. {• II,) of Its own acc rd. certainly evinc 'S u knowje.I^e ot the habits if that animal, and may wit.i projiriety bo applied to many olii.-r soils ol thing's upi.n wluch we may undcrt.ike lo drive llin u^h liie world. 'rm.lesaii ti (if sm.llI capital frequently iies|»air U-cause th. y cannot “make the mare fjo” for the w iix, tii.-x have hut one spur, an.l never thou-ht of siich .a thiii;: as the po.ssibiiity of one part of thi ir busii.es.s beiufi broii;;lit cn by .•.jiiirrm^; the other, wherefoie they leave their heels dansiin;!, let po the rM.s. aiivl cive up |!ie i liace nii- til tortiine -ha!l f.ivor tiiem with th>.' full compliment ol •'j.urs;—Kt tliom studv th.' phil.isophy of ll.idihras. seat thems.'ivc.s sti'addy in th;' s;iiidie t.f their uiiilertakiiir. tug lu'tily wit!: the one s| ;ir, and all i!ie princij'les of in. t.oii :»uara;iloe the ^0111*: fillwaril ct tl;o whole ho.-je.—I'ronkliu Dili. A.\'. ('i'.xnA( Tf.i: nr .x lit nti rv w.—.\ lau- y-’r. Ht a iircuit tov«n. in lrt'l.»Uil. tiropped a ten p« ui.d note uiulei Ine t.dile, while play- !i" at canis at the nut. lie did not dis cover ins I0.SS until he wa>? 'f. in.: !>' tn-d. luit then letiirned itnmeilinlely. On rcachn^' the room be was met by t!ie waiter, who *^iid, “ i know V. hat you winit,sir, you huTe ■ lost •ome thing.’* \ . s, 1 have lost rt ten pound note." “ Well, sir, I liave I'ound it. and here it i.s. " *' Th.anks, my ir«>od lad, here's a sovenngn for you.” “\o, sir, 1 wDiit no n'vv.ird tor b*'ini: honest: but, look- in;; .it litni with H knowing ^riti. “ wa-.^it it lucky none of thei»’////i.7ifrt t’.mn.I it [.IfAcmnm. .V rfiilitij a?noni,' fnr hlacls —'I’he Bal- tim.'re Patriot siivs that of IT's .'e;ith-> whii-h iK'ciirred 111 that I'ity in one vvN l, T*** were of colored p.‘rsons ; 7.*’>>t vvh.'iii won'! 'I’he exlraoi''iii.ii'y mortality atiion^ this class of jh-o,'!. . i-- ■itt.'ibutcd to their dit'Soliiteiiess and imprudent u-h: of un- vvliolesouie fruit. I'tom the iadkin and Cutawha Juurnul. Pursuiiiit to public rioticc heretotbre giv- fin, u very numerous meeting of the citizens of Cabarrus was held at the Court-Houso 1 in C'oncord, on tSiiturday, the t'Sd of Sep. I tcmlter, cotn|MM5ed of all, without distinctioa |Of parly, friendly to the I'nion. I On motion, Joseph ^ cmn^;, Ksq. was call* ed to the chair, and Juines G. Spears, ap- ■ pointed Secretary. 'I heobjr ct of the mectinp having licen explained in a short and perlinenl address from thn chair, he was sneee€;ded by John j Phifer, Esq. who addressed the meeting in i favor of L'MON and agiiinst !SuiliJicaiion. 1 Alter he had concludt'd, I). .M. Barringer, l^'s|. sfKike at considerable length, ami in ! an able and eloquent address, took a vievvr [of the excitement in the south, the ori- I gin and history of the government, ntid ttie hlessings it had bestowed. He then .sjujke of nullification as fal.«;c in theory ' and dangerous in practice ; that it was not to Ix* drawn t’roni tiie resolutions of ’OS and ‘99, or the w ritings of .Mr. Jefferson ; that it was denied by .Mr. Madison, and re- ' pudiated by the states that had adopted these resolutions; and that it tended to tho dissuluti.iii of the Union. He concluded with patriotic appi^al in favor of the I'niiJii, ; an.l moved the t'ollowing preamble and re- Uf.luti.ms which were put severally to tlio 1 meeting, and unanimously adoj>tcd : j '^nrRK.\?, 'I'here is much in the [Kiliti- 'cal asfM'ct of the country tocpuse apprehen- Isioiiand alarm in the mind of tlie patriot— I new nnd dangerous doctrines are advanced I and prost'cuted with the most zealous in- liu.'iry—a political party has arisen, who, avaihni; themselves of the advantage affor- di-d by the position of the Scnith, in relation to the 'I'antJ Iaws, and of the general desiro tor tuch a lufKlification as will remove the inequality of their o|)eration, have apfiealed to the passions and pn^judices of the jieopie so as to inflame and substitute these for rea son an 1 s.)ber retlection—and xvh.i declare their intention toad upon a principle which, we believe, is fdse in theory an.l in prac. lice, subversive of the constitution and tho I'nion—atid, wherea.s, in this crisis, of sucli moment to the whole country, and demand* ing our most solemn consideration, it be. ; comes the duty of all w ho are friendly t» .coii'titutional law and hlicrly, and who aro .lesimus to preserve the integrity of the Union and the supremacy of the laws an.J i;ofHl order, to make an e.xplicit avowal of their opinions—Thert-lbre Retoltfd, That tbi' conslitulion of the Uiiif'il .''tatjs, was o.-^tobli'hrd “ to form a more p«-r let j I hion, .'.'t:lbli^b justice, ensure doin. stie Iranqiiil. I ity, provide tor the conin:on del'ence, proiiiotc the j general weli’are and to secure the blissinps 01 lib. 1 crtyand that, iiiidcr providencc, the.^e objcrt* 1 iiave btcii aiisverfil and the country ha.' cnjoytij I a |l^o^p^•rity u itliout cxainplt- in the history o' all other iiittioni>. Rexolrtd, That we repard the I'nion of tlio States, scciircd by Ibis constitution, a» the palla- uiuiii Ilf'our libertie., the only t>he t-anclior of our j (!.ifi'.y, and that it “ niunt fieprrten til.'' Resilrrii, Tliat while we concur iii all consti- tufionai nifan» to eft'ecl a modification and re- ,.iueIion ot'tho Taritf, we regard the pn.tcndid re- niidy of Nullific»lion as a polilu-al htresy, un known to the constitution, inimicbl to its b«*t in- ' tert';-l-i. hostile to the Union, and that it may in- volvi- the country and the guvtriiinenl iii anarchy ' and civil war. Jiffo^rrd, That when a law of tho ".-neral cov- ernniciit has received ull the sanction.s required bv tiie coii.'tituiion it is the supreme law oftiia . land, tliat until constitutionally rtpt al.-d or di-elar- ' ed void by tlie proper triLimal, all the state-; are cnually bound by it.« oblii;ation, and that till then, no individual Stut.- has the light lo urreit or tus- |H nd its operation. After the precedinrr resolutions were a* dopted, it was moved and carried that tho . fillowing pers.-ns, viz ; VVilhaiii S. Allison, .'.ihn .Miuise, Gi-n. Jno. N. Phit'or, i'. .MeU ciior. Jac.'h Mist'nhiiiier, Samuel Morrison, .J.'s. H. St'aw-eil, A. (’. Mcl'ive, N\ in. ('. 'leans, \.lplion-o Alexander, James G. S|K»ars, Dan. Coleman and 1>. Storko h* a ■ commitlee .>f con«s[>,in(ieiice t’or this c.iun- ty to conf'-r with similar Coi’iniittees troin . ther oimties, that may have meetings Ineiidly to the I'nion. j On motion ordered, that the pr.icecdings I oftlii-' ineetiiii; t»e published in the Salishu- ' ry pfteis, ainl that all other papers, in the state triendly to the Utiton be requested to pu’;!is!i the siiine. j JOSFFH YOr.N’n. Cfiairman. ' J A vr« G. Ppi:aRs, iirrrctaiy. Fjltact oj a Letti-i from France. U.ited July 16th, i " ILivre if !V forf.'ricd town, F'.irroiiii.ied by Im-«», and liartnt; in roine pla.-OF three ditchi'^; tlies* dit. his tro fu!l of ce!s, and ibr lln privil. fe of ' ri-ibinir in which, some ot' the poor pay about ^IllO a year; al>out t^vc weeks stnc.-, the tish in tho h.'td sprine of tlie creek, (or a« they t* rni it, rtv. er,, bican to die, and tii.-y had N-fn dyinj; erad- nally until the time I Btr.ved, when llu- (H'i-^med vx.iter rp.iehed bin-, at which time the dilcheji . v'lre coven-.t with fioaling H'h, in a pntrid .'ate. : The ii-he,men jr.- ruined. T-r water i» as bUc4 . as cl ony”—Bf/^fii futc.'; Cjuntr. ^ .V b^aiitifiil service of pl.ite has bt'Ctj piTs»*ntc.i by the dif]en*nt Insurance Com. jwimes of New Orleans, to (’apt. '1'vtnalI, of the U. S. ."s-hr. (Iiai.ipiis,«-oiiipliiii'ntary to his service m giving protection to iho ^ co'timcrcc ol’ the Bny ot' .'.lo.xic.v#- J . - v/ k