T THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. i. - —- —-t Tl.e tSicK k, »»hich tlie Tmted States npw i posea os ‘ indcpcmlcnt of both* holds in this Ikuk, 19 worth 20 per. cent. course of the peoi»le who are there "Tr*;- b. . . nent, and the . sentcd, as any dcK|>ot in tl.c world—ami it mij. f (jgj, Uip jrici and oi Hrtultrd, ’llidt iRf ion«iid«T Uic ri-«K ral Con-1 .ititulioii. iiiwkT »liicli we hate long livi d « '. ■UK a nnitid iMopIc, as | cat iK-curily ol' our lilHjt-1 SntcltiffeHrc. I.ATK FROM r.M;i.ANl>. By th(* arrival of the I'ucket ship I’hihi- |>u|>en( to more than ilco«t the Oovcmnient, . • ■ , , , ■ i —»' —■ • i. • i.i , nv inr arri\m >i iiic j utiwi o bills of this Bank are eoual to 8|«cio m the hxcutive power be thus ur.controuKd, i;,,, m.a .Hour bU.s,n>|rB, ,i„| il.ui , v„... York I^»nd.m S’lw.n Ku,«hc, «nd evL' .» ..o. our wWch .c h.ve c.o. K, S nth uU it' p*«e in mercantile accommodation : law* . nucuU mJr it. ...a IkIiI lo be c...uiHt. i,i j J)>»-hum'a Kmbax^y.— XccomXa ihv world. 1-1—...^. . ^.w »c;ir..v... m No State in tho Tnion has suffered grca-1 not an me s ui v - . uunt, anu t.y im- ^uprtlu^; ..uu.ci*. ^ ..um... ». ^ S»-i«t.‘niUr, from which it np • j I . I 1 4 ' laws I nucu'u uiiut r n» *»»u «tvj« w vw,,,.,,*, I l.bert,^ tramplod on and deslrujed ? Are j, ,ho ,o.un,-1 St. IV-trrsbt.rsh, ... . -I ® *•’*'*’ *7’ “ i ^I .lated the Ui S.-..t.-n.Ur, from which it np- terlossin the d.^ount on the.r bills than perfect nulhty? Has not our I/W..^ Thai how-v.r „,u.h wc I jn-ars timt I^rd \)u.han. i. nl.)»t to r.Murn j-" ™ From Pitrtuf^l J)inct>—'I’lie brig IMyff* scs» Capt. , arrivetl from 0|x>rto,wu boarded this moining, by our news boat. (>n the ‘.X)th, the Duke of Uraganza, ac Conipuoied by his stuff, reviewed his whole line, and aflcrwanls visited, two of the cor* vettfs and the arsenulit. I’apt.-—, informs us that on tho 2*2d when he i>ailod, thin;;s rrniainedas they had nioydiHVr on |ur*tiun of national jioUcv. «i»hji,ouie fioui his niiHsion, whirh, *heie is i rt)iin«l Oporto, and no iK-ar that the could couverm at tlir batllK uf ..., , . I 1 I j 6“* »«nies mat me army ofl)un with llic principles of our I nion, und a> a iiuirk ot courl»'i.u* allentuHi, liuU ordered ' u,.| ^^3, numerous as aUurd. that the s’ean.Umt appn.pnal.-d to the u;^ | „fivdr.., Im.i \a^ll> inferior in every Hugh M’lluorn, F.sq. thenaddrewi'd the I ,.f ih*> lm|K'rial lainily sh.Jiild convoy Lord reHiKJct: the soldiers Umoit miserably , ... ........ . — , , wero ri>uiMi v»pono, uua no u ourU'llow-ciuz.n. nioilur jmiu of the Nation, «r, reason lo hope, will prove generally 1, adverm-iwrties co pulislatory. llis F.oid.-»hip hud applied lor | n,, ,,r,,»„t at lily a law of tIlf I'liiiid .‘^late*, •» i«coll^iKtl•llt In* audienre ol >'*>d fho l.iiiperor as , stales that thei North-Carolina. I’ntil the I nited Slates! latd> acted iu perfect accordanci wilh Mf.w Branch wiis located in this State, our pniuiplos? HehHsnppomledainaiitofi!! the State notes were from 10 to 12 per cent, the same otlWe, for which the Senate had discount, and now by arrangements with twice rt jeclod him. lie hasalso refii:«» d to that bank thev are at par. I excute the provisions of a law passed by All our thrtc local b*nks arc now wim’.- bf>th Houses of I'.mgress, sanctioned niid ing up, and ever\-kintl ofprop«rty, (except signed by President MiHiroe. In jierfect u hat aw we to d«. for some circulating uL an oljection to this Hank law. that hk “ «as dopl.on of ll«5 resolul.oDs-expatmted on he eeren.ony had taken place. ^ uhHtare wetoilolorsomecirtuiaung iin. an jr _ _ i immense .mp..rlame ol the I mon ol the i .S,r .V/r.irf.»«/ Phis distm-| M„tes that in.OOf rsti.His wcrtj Oporto I lie day liefore his de|«r> the triMtpa are «H|ual to any be h.'it Kiirofie, lu discipline, A:c. lhat lie 200 dlkers fn*m St. .Michaels to piisaeiigers ; and that all the ex are alJ abundautly supplied witli There was no p«|)«ctatina ol'tm> metliate operations of any kind. Ili« eogageineot between the sliipa ' . the San Juan retin^d lo I^islion; aod enter«-d n.cht. nt on there with our notes, deducted the tiian Observer savn—I.a»l week %ariuu« rt'porls w«TC spnud of a (r^at battle 111 Svria, lo the divulvanlai^ ot' the OitiHmin , , , arni\. It was addrtl, tlial several Turkish -- .. K,«^r,J. Ttalwrd.prccaie .uch atum,.t,a. c.«ile^cd lor tin- (HirjK ^.^ .uve.t.tfal.nj: «irrond.-n-d lo tl«- K .vp. be expiration of the char-: lu dtcleon s.. important a subject, an.1 K. i! r.t'olrt! nn*'!- ' r’ “1 “'h' «h»« «>h- IVfterdat ao.1 Ka.l.sk;r. 1. I ■ . o- . u . _ 1 • >ullihcstKiii, »nd lea* ui»in ii , ni’iiMJuiL't'eriain e\i>Iaiiatiotis from his ex- State Hank ; VIZ. in IS^., act m such a nuium-r a-lo preserve ail his „nv IcTiidk*.d ^Imh. .i>r-. " . ‘ ironi i.i interest and ‘h® demolition cf so fair a fabric, after of Maj. »arvork. Homil Inrolnnl.—AiH'lher meeliny ol the late I hike of \ orfc’s creditors, who havf S’r^rTsdi^ilvTntVresi'ed iu preseVviaf;'w unV hop^^ will so act, as lo pro-,‘’»uc to Am. rica and to the world, fro... b,rd.hip has b-cn appomled, in the room our prc*:i’t sound currency, esj-eoiallv a- mote and secure our eoumion interest and ‘h® deinolilurti cf *) lair a fabric, alter our three Slate Banks mu:i shortly close hai.pinesv. it eerta.nlv is the m.porla.u "l"ch he presented Hie lolloumK le^lu- all tbeif biisfness. ' .!uty and interest of ’every t'lUz. n, for Hou, wl.ich was ».uininiou.-.ly adopt, d. No new Bank can be eharlered in this hiinseli', solemnly to deliberate, ami coolj State until after the _ lerofthe present Slate Bank; viz. in 1";V, act in such a nuinm-r a>* lo preserve ail liis iWidk'.d^^r.rth,■ nwiioiiiji .r-na..i ,;x,,.a..uuwu, ...... ,rmy had frm kilted in a n.ulin> —nor can Con;;resj* chartcr another I ni- rijjhls ani] liberlieH, «iml lu haiid ihein ilown , in, will l«id u>'*ut»cr»iTe ar^^qtla^ i o P^r Jj at>oeiin tVora nulli^ntir accounU llial» ut led States Bank unli! arter the expiration ol iii.uiuiinished !■> bis p,..tcrity. .11 covrrn...«nt. whi. h ban o-.i U ei. acr.^nte.j |or, to,k Its ciiarter, viz. m l-3ti. In the mean | vrTiVv v-!'w-^‘v7rv vvnrr tune, what will become of the Citizens ol i FkT'.KI IN iJ ^orth.Carolina ? Nocirculalin^ mediuiiio! their own—no liank within their State— t'ton the Ch^rlttun (.at>ur thev niut resort to bank notes states. Let them be warned impwsilion played ff in the western ertv whH ti lias ODi i»-en acri«uni***i lor, io«»h , v 1 1 .l , .1,1 IIm* l>*-cnitiini» July. in'*re wa^ an aclnio niace oil I hurs*Jav, in St. Janies s I la e.— ,r ' .1 |. . Cm-k iti; Vi:iiU l>t.\M>s.—TIk- mti '.u-evidenrp was teiHler- **,"1'^*', ** "*‘V 2t:m e received from the Ca|)c dc \ erd d rts|>»t iiiii; the a|'i»ro(,ri3tion of certain p' , - Islamis, IS of a most di.tre.^iti:: eha.-ucter. pr«p..r v, of which hi r!.val huhms, di.-d ' f rrgimeol* Vunirersairani.neissaiJtop. rv.deth«- ■ - ■ - ■ ^ ^ - - of rr,£„lar infanlr> ihsl arr rnvH lairr wrrt* J. . f cth..r X- ^ A unirersairani.neissaiJtop- rv.deth..- p.^.s.-s'sl-J. but which, bv ....m- menns, es- " - J - bv he lat . not a,Bon.. iV ^ave ela,vs,-d si.ne „,c n..l.ce ..f the cxecutor, in tin;ir "‘'''^7' “ st'ern el, least ol the favoraho s..m,s ot iIk. t.rne-., ^h.v had U.mi visited w ith ra.n m any con-, J.wers of ih. ...frn-j-.iori.- before ihe how.vc.r, did rK>l sorccpl , ; fil.^tate thnHioht',eMac.^Br,k yeomanry ot lhat ,.rf^,^We.,aant..ie». The lan.1 had bc-come r ; and it was Mat.-i tl.al nunv of th^ m taking Ilu..e.i, I .c h... ties of tbs Male thn^ght^Macon^ qu.et and palno.ie .,H-.nl*r ol («ir -real the jebl, w “ notes, wliere -W or 810,000 were lost to Republic, coimnz forth to tlie rescue r»t am L,n,i, veTi'af.Ki w. re w,,i i .f the Citizens, and wme vcr>-honest indus- hallowed pr.nc.pies, which have so pa.^sing awav.” M-l of ih.'1 „i.it-en. tri>us families ruined. Cnder these circumstances, of every , fai,r,(.. Bank in this State rapidly winding up all „(• ji,m jSjate have never questioned lhen their concerns, how will it be possible jiir pu,iin,rti iIk-v w.Mild oceupv, in any the Citizens ot this State to gt* along ' strugjjle that the madt^tss ol'fnct.ofj ini^hi The value of projiertv, the price of labour, ^aqe a;iain.'t tho f.urity anil honor, il’imt will be depressed Every class ol c.tiz»n-«, pxi^jfnco of the federal govern- iiiust feel and sustain a loss, and those -neiit. Tii»*.* who h ive here lent almost iniiebted will feel the pressure doubK se- irrpsnlible impulse t» tli*’ pas.-intis which 'ere. fjr-n the basis of rev.>lu!i*«iarv I'urv. have KhIIow Citizen*, think of the situation .,tudiou> v avi.ide.! even the >-liajr .>f an ef- ]uantiiies hich hud be«‘ii pre^nfed lo be pro- U'fore Ihe nia>ter were liaWe to lejal . . , . .....gaiKl pa.;sir,g away. 'J'»t ot itif . An uiii>uriimri,t kir vunc dav U.ng maintained the irranJeur ot o.ir aa- ^nj,„a!s m the lsland^ had died from »«af-th;.n tooi place, un-! it is cxpectrd that u I hose who know the (>eople every port the utmost niisen ' j. iM.ral (Hiblic niM tiii;: of‘ lb*; c.editors at existed among all clashes. It was noutj- will shorllv b^ called, li>r iIr! re*ull cjtnmon thing la s»e women and chiUlren ,,(• ji„. inmmiltce lo In- laid befJir* iheiu. -athering from the slrej ts oW b- i.e^ ll.nt ^ HU.I.\.M)-I1IXKM>Y MA.s-^ai RK. had lieen ihrowa away arnl e.i^'^rly gnaw 'I he deadaiul dsin them. 'I he deadaiul dMn„' w» n* l i Ix* met with i>n every s*d»-. Mr. (ianlin.r. :irtiiig Viueiitan (’on^-ui, coiii('ii!ed thill rroni i2 la H souls [R-ri>lieJ cl Port !’ra_, a Lilv. A j;enl|etiia;i v.!i.. was kiH>wn to b- The followini; bri»-f stalenirnt of a drrmtl- ful massacre which tj.>k pla.-e in Ireland. .HI llrf' ■>lh of S‘pt i.iUt, is c\lru. ud from tii«‘(.'.irU Kejxjrier; It a^fpears lhat the II. v. Mr. t4Vin pro- cei-jl.-d a f* w davs ■.luce l i voluv llw* tvlhe>. Ill the Pari'h «>f Wallstown, m.ir I).i(*rr«i!**. It was tliou^bt n»%‘S(*itv, III onler to ell«-l t!l’ obyfl, thrit a delarliiuel l t IIk* 1 lib uimitlifi; *n>l m*.!r 1« >1.11 lh» iMirrha.rr. If 4r. nil., unlf-s ty^isti.nce b.- sp-edily r« inlered. re;.,mciit of Infantry frmn B.il.-vnnt. nn.J - **'' *"“ must j>rri»!i. They t..(if>.lent!) cx[i«.-cl aid pr.l.ce Ir-m the n.Mgtif«nrin^ «ta- t1H>S I.. Ill T( lll.«iN. ^ ^ K.,1 II f,’ u — - - frui.i tins c.Kintrv,and the parting wonisof Vtt,, Ukon. \-y: 7if after pas^sini; both fu>uses of ConijreM b> I at the adopti >n ot the Ct-nsiitution llovemor-Cieocnd to Ca(>t. Uidrr (who whom t'lr r.amrtej m-iin army, bail iu>l _vr| roine up. The |)«'nrrdat an*l Kadianki'r hod ik4 l>«t Iheir lives lu a mutiny, Isii with many ortirin a.ii had fall, n vi -tiiu* lo the bot wia«l prevalent in S\na at ihi-. «>a«>a. l.aiMl l«*r ^nir. fHIIIK «utiacthrr cilf rt hr uila M l)w pt^klaluM) b« n«w li»t» ■n, liluatrd l»omilr« fa»f (■.'"I’bar. loilr. on fjllle Sucar CrM’k, mi- iwiiiiii* U>» land* of Jnarfiii MH onnaa;hcj, lha lirir* nf H nry Maxm, ikv'd. ant oUirri, rooUtn- itif atiuut iwo hiiiulri J arrr*. w *iW or «rrr U'4r-J anJ urd^r |«d frurr, >11 mf «Kwh n fir»t ^Ir mraituw. Ihr batanrr m woudlarMl and wtll lurl^fj. TV ate a (aa:t«* ■liMT dwrlliii{.|,oo«»', a jfind barn af*d aM •*r» .^at houM-a. Tlie paiiiirni "ill Hr arr—i- iiod other dues t.. y-uir sfienrt', and j jdge j’^e m«.t simpW .md iinl-'ltercl „f tli^p*-.- judiciously lor voursed an.i umilv. Ihe p|e there, will r»-ver forget, that, tli.iMgh rejection bv tlie I're^u-'ent of toe fia.ik bill, state was the laM to come into tb- the pe.,p!e of , , :bri.ii:H Ihe u.t.!li£c:«:e)^»op., different .-,ituatiKi anipU-d pr«Kii>erity for ncjrhi t iicoi.liirv, tell them to send large majorities, plac. N. Carolina in a very w.th regard fa him as Ihe next Proidttif, j^t iLii it was their own M> i l.lenh-irg tiian has arose Irom any prev lous transac- ^^luch fir-f came forward with a de. lara- lion of iiKlepend* iK;e from the tvrdiinica' I',ut this Veto Message, independant of nioiiarchies o* the mother couiilVj. lie- ibe !^nk que->tioo, declares and promul-, (',,||pcting this—anJ ralmlv apprecialin:; palex his Ixst and solemu declarations arvi t|„, i,„.alculabie benefits—the unfading gh. V.lreiral I'vans, (len. .voTirr. I us something. j-*„r (ijxJ's J. B. I.aw. . B.irrv, and (Na;l-, IVvi. have lie,.n re- , I,''* 'H M.K. a tamiU ari,, Nr turix'd to uh, xbiMild U’ procured. The j . ' • •dl h ,-..11 ‘rlwaj*. .V|.i>lt lo Um riinur. AMir.vun.v, onto, ckt. I"-- '-'* ‘*f »«loat..Hi liad sc irr. Iy comiwn- l l.i. l-:r? , , ^ , , .• w -I'l ' ced, »k hen the n» oplc. lo ill*'nurufn'r of U'- hilr lh»:.’tcr anil Lo>.t of I he i.-.ij, •' . , I tween rj bihI b> »»4d :if schoon*r Kli4ia W hitile^ y, *»l'thix plac >n her (MSsiige from Butlalo, when oirCim dicalions of h*>lilil_v ; whilst ll»e aiithoriti. fill the olher snle, eviticisl a il« terimiwlion lo re>ti«t any alteni[ I tlint iiinihl made to fni-.lra|e th»‘ «rdualiKi. 'Hie (ie«iple, a« lh«-y iiicrea*«l .11 iiu'i.l>« r», IwcaiiH* rrwire i.... . ... . . . ind niop’ r*-«>lule an*l exasperated; stows i»f our (loveniiueiit. Aa*.l hen.- we U;g ol u,Hifrm.ne the strm-ture of those instilu- «erf ihro>v.i at the mihiniv ; the order li» iiejfiti to manif. -i in- |liww4iliiiioii »r4'o|»nrlii*rw|iip. tixed principles as to the organ.zat.ou and riesof Hjr con^lidate.l hliertv, thev will l« was cat^iz- d by a Mid.lcn operation of our Federal Government, and iIk- |a,t to sanction, howev r'remot. lv, anv ‘“‘'f .S*dunL./ mor- in .Hir opinion, aims at a. perfwt prr^lra- mea.ure cf [wliticid theory or action, that '"“f »''• immedutely tioi.oftlK^ JL«icial and L-islative brar. hes calculated lo impair the vigor or ,^f>ur Coveniment. A5..I hen.- we U.-g of u^iermme the strm ture of th.*e mstitu- 7*"'^ \ ou to d' hljerate co.^ly and dispatiiMiuteiy imns, urxier which lwe!ve million of iicople ^ aplain lltacock, and six for y.iir.^lves, as to the doctrines a.Kl „„„,,prniptedly erijov tli^-ir rights, in pa>^npm and crew .• uiig K-r thir- prin. i,ile set forth in this his last otfK ial of all tho world (-rsides. It has' f '*> ‘ ines.^ge, and give a rightious judgment.— n.ariv years past,; Huron f.f Buffi o, about hve i„ the The^ are principles of vital importarKre t.i rxteasively with all da-i^-s of tho "veniiig, ami landed at ( Jeaveland. 1 he re- all .Hir republican mstitulions, and ought to ,i.a, Jita'ic—we know iheir clmr- "'"'‘-J^Tofthe |.as,« nger.\ crew we^r.ev. I,- sacr-dly guarded by the Citizens of the mlimately, an.1 if a^k.^d to pr-int out a ' T 7” o^ly pro;>-rly .organized and re^ruUrly ev of com'.trv where the ,*ople would 'r'- . ‘‘ «'P f ^H^ftf. rf>^rliirr»lii ' r> U>'ur ' tKiii'c vixkr a thr firm o; t 0 it Itiiiiiiay liiutiltrd l>» mutual r.u«rt,t. 'ni^ kixirt-v> lu t'ulurc Will U- condurl.'tl |j« Jr>tin W oodrutrak'or. M VI HKOWN. 'I ii».uiiiii,f s4 rrniKK, John Uin)|ii;i 11'. CkmrletU, S^pl. 21, filf lire iit'ori and rli;ir?e was jriv.n bv th" ::.»::i-frjii s. and an instantnneo»js a.Ml gen- ■ ^^ 1 •• ti . 7 , i. .1 , .4 Tu.»«l»)r. .;3H I a ill •dial mf eral .t|-'...nfiture .,f ll.e unariii-d pr.,Hat,try ^ J r;a„ui.J.,>nll» l«*. r. ndof l.r,:.Hc«.-ty, * I he retreating p.irty wcn> I , v. 1 r u 1 j - .. •'r tArr ,Si,H-k '/ iill hnilM, wax the retiiil. n.et liv a company of " lli;;hl.in.l.'ra” from Ca*l|etownn» he. when nrvdh.T conllict eti- : siK'd, the r. *ult of which was, that 1 per- 1 sfin* were killed, l‘> Iwdiv woun«led, and I- f - 'I / ■ r- -- mr: llCOpIC wtiUMi 1 • 1 1 ' *x» t 1 tHb;-hed llepnWic ..n earth-»/V«V*/A, ,innly adh-rMo I'he deMinies of the nalif>i,. “'t'l'"" ‘f’ or 20 imi.le privai.r.. The uhoi-cou.ilry iwk-d, wet, and benumbed w ith cul.1 astliev , , » i. i .1. , f .1 . for several mile* rounI h:is b«s n thrown lo wer.-, t aptain ll.-acock informs us, that it . >iiid not -V* /!,’’ tih.nild at all tiiw.'S, and un- « r>ne stone remained u[)on anotlier.'’ • ler all cin u-ust.uices, be iIms gov.!rrjing we think we might Sfifely pfiint to the in- u.j'l conlr ilinj inotto with llepublicarvi. ,ju«tri-Mn “niind jour own biisiiiesh*’fieo- ple of North-Caroiiiia—an.J (.*s(s'clally lhos».' who breathe the elastic atmo'phere of her conlr >lin in that tnessjje we find the l’re-.idenl the fallowing solemn declarations to i or,:»rfsij; “ 'I’hat ea»fli pui;lic ofFicrr, w ho “ take> an oath lo support the ConstH./.ion, , !i c .u . u - In a xtate of great constcriialion, an.1 the would have w.-;n iintxts'ible f.jr them to have ; • , • 1 .• , ... , I feeiirijrs Ol lln‘ t.umers nrwl i«'ii'>an!rv arc mai^ 3 ha an hour biizer. “ . ^ . bun^ to the ma>-l3 half an hour long... , . t r r 1 The na.i.c.s of th..«e who were l.«t were ^-7;' *'* ' V'f' • '^•‘''n.enl. .. ..ntamre.M,. i Thnill, his v;ife ami two chihhen.: , A''er a pr..lnc|.-d and anx,.-.s ,n.,uiry m. mu n egion. | ^ ^ , fh«* Coroner s J„rv br....ght in tn ir v. H,.- .Much ol the eiuv traiHiuililv e.'if>\e.l by , . . 1 u ..i... "• JuxlitUwlr Jh>mn tilr, on li».liall »f all **0(ior 1 lilMl/»«jA./* C'TH, \ ifur.nhtj (if W hrai, Ity, Oat.t, I'otlilt r a -ui lli ' t/, and ii.ai.rotli rarln .*r«l mrnliim.it, «iTrn d'• aiUndyiiM and !• run unjr knvwn nn lhal day by the tulwcribcr. S\M I s SUIVN, (ht-Arfl 1, l- r?’}. I...« T.\KF.\ I I* t.N II rnrtifiijttfJ lo .(:• J.-.d ol itii« ro»iniT. rn iJ'r i;«h II'.1. a n»(fr) man v li»i *n\n !,»• namn i« !'UMU.l.S, U'twc'i'n ‘,11 aiHt ‘.i.'i y «r« ni' tg>. tion “ as be understands it, and n.»l as it 1^ “ unlerslxjd by others”—i, e. as it is de- .'lared by the Judiciary, or enacted by Congress, is lie uot to all iul'.Mts and pur- quiet in which thty are so happy, l/mjj tho particular request of the owners able increasr in the di>inand for it ihrouuh-I mav they continue fhe imdi.turbed en- J, ^I JO rn n o ii. »e mva ua » ■ j.?«sings Htate tl»at they impute no blame whatever surprised at hi«, hut chanced led me into I h.-se obv r»ntions have Uen siiL'geste. to eaptain lleacock, and lhat they think he ,hc secr. l. One shopke«.,K-r in I bv an account w hieh we fin.i in the ( eiitral - ... Utff^rtor of the T.ith, of a meeting held in IS entitkd to in'ich credit for his unwearied told me lhat he hn.l srd.l 10 IIm. of nrs. (nc l!» Mrt:r* of |H|‘ »u(’- • fiK r, li»iiij in thr • nunl» of Col'inil.u, Stair of iiiW|ria. till 9.V.I1 il«y of .fiMK- U»'. a r'CO. f.IloH i.m.M.1 .>f|f A/./V, Ihirl. thrri* yrara of agf. rtmi.il lire, darW ru'ii|ilriiuti, and mi II (irf>(>«fti.MH d pni'. eiertionsm pn serving llie lives .*f the pas- to a farmer who wanle.l to nlt snutft//(Ae- — According tolijrfce principles. ev'Ty l-x'Tntiv r lti tii3-tmenl' if.wr Ix yi'i;' inn. U- an t!i. ii av. If ri -w ry rx 'itM'^'jflii.er fr (III a "oanla. '•I. to tlif .Ma/khal and (»o'' rtior, tf/i;i a Ju»ti- ■ »t tb pf*«» tn a J.idj*'. I* to .l" idt " rriintr Ik • Mt own itiiimJiiai uit.;* r>.andinif ol Hi - ( on f'i*’i*i»ti—aip^ ■ •« *1 b« fy«itro'illi in ihifc Ijt fl’> • . I ll.lo^l^ of 111- ^ :(jfii r Judi' i*! or l, •.■.'-I i(.'» tn l»i 1». ^V hat a i'l'ir.iMi-i-laU. «' i; V . *,v lhi pr •'j( ■ in 1 ml »> u-ty ’ A =:1»U; uiijariil'ii ) lu Uu bi '.i.. V. y;ld. uii.'inly adofitcd. W.uf/Zf''nut we, a portion of til" frrr citi- of tn»’ lf-|»ijblir, tioid II to U- our ifiity and O','jirivil. w all |iji «'ioii* t'.'iirliin;{ (lit rola- lion* of ijiir tVdcral rnion, or our ;{im-ral int. r- f.l*, to a^xc-ntil'.- oiir»*l»*-« [M-Kralily t'i;;ellirr lor •.1 p‘jr(>ow t oiiiriion iJ'.-liU rili in and iiili r. ‘ >n(f> o; wt)!.;ri'i.t and do w ion- I'l'r 1'. o ir !iilv now, »1» n di-Mii'l i« ahriNul m liad, ajid cli.l ti/i.i iljjgn li tJircat^ucd. for four t..nes the .Iiiantilv of arsenic I '“i rinif him lo tlii- .nhiii rilK r »hall b-an»|"/ * ' . 1 11.• ll.. t.k. ... J Thedissolulioaof Mrs. ||. ..,.»>, the es-> «v'-r sold m this district l..fi,re.” | ’ N^^.tvT' lirnable wife of tho Clairt;.,* d’Affairi^sof the This is a sli.K-kin/r staicm.-nt, but we j Srnr t'of.umhiu tuurtUnutt, n«- I nit.'.l Slates III Sweden, is mentioiH.'.l in ca.in.jf, without forther [iro)f to connec t ' l'^, l^l*’ tlie fx>iMl>in |si[ters, upon iIk' aiith.intv .»f a il with Hnoih.*r ■th'x-kiii'r •.luteirM'nt. regiml it letter from St s;kbolm, dated .\ugiist Mltli. iis c silisfidory Hol.ition of the t„,rimu' of' ^ '''‘!l!rl* She di.-d ofcoiuuiiiptioii,oil the 7th of that pro|»Tly by the Clcc-yin.-n and M i^is. \ l»*y fr'in 11 lo 1.’., . .1 read i tralcrt, ulliniej to in our pi[>er of veslerday. I ^nd wril, wiil uku with a joo.1 .itnaiion- i