THE HANK KOHUKHS. According to notice, Wni. .Moore, alia>: ion and Samuel McPherson, coniaiittud til H charge of being conccriicd in rolj. i( the North Weatcni Itaiik of W lioH- , Va. whore brotight belorc Judge King, Monday nrtermKUi, under a wiitof lui. n cor|His; l*ot«*r A. Brown and HoIktI liee, Kfiqrs. acting fur dff«-ndanl8, and ll Kichonl, Es(]. fur the cum- iiwrulth. A few days ago, whon tho prisoner* had raring lioforp the Mayor, tli«*y deniffl wing each other, or evfr having wtn note paKsi'd by one nf tlm coinjwny. Iierson naincd I’cter Van 'I'as.-wl, was nn>ittfJ to the Debtors’, to used UN evidence against the othern. V A\ —jiforn—IK‘|Kwed, that iip- the rhftion morning he met Moore in • Htn‘«‘t, and accostrd him by name, IhjI Kin-, did not at first rt'cojfiiine him, as it 1 Ikm*!! 80IIM! time since they hml inet.— ■l*h*rii(>n was nut with liim. M»ori n«*l eIii-I Sljr Tiri3 MINRU^AND ^VRMEIIS' JOURNAI,. (U'ntrul Uvii-Uond.—'lh* Nnvcvcr* ol'! riiAiii.oTTE: _ NA'I'I ItDAV, "7, IN3’*. [l:Li4'TIU.N ON T1IK8t|I .NOVt:illlKK.] FOR I-HEMIIIFNT, AM>RK\V JK’KSOX foR vi( PliSLIF l».JAUIJOrK. I. John McDowell, Kiiq. of KiitlicrrurJ. 1.’. I 1.1. Aiitlcriiuii .MitclM'll, of A».|n-. 3. \\ til. .1. Ail xaiulL'r, K«|. of Mickl iiliurg. 4. Joliti •■'il>-», K*|. of Hiiwaii. 5. I’mil liarrilson,ofCiuwcll, fi. (')iarlin J. Wiiliumii, Kwi. of ('hntlinm. 7. ArciiilNtld .M’Ur)*!*, Kw|. ol' Alwiru. H. JaiiiiN .Mchklie, I juj. of Ottiij;!.'. !'. (m n. N'icholui \\ ai>jiiii{!l'>ii,of Whvik-. Id. Hon. \Villis AlHtun, nf llalifnx. Jl. II. Ilulliiw, i>i|. of lU'rtic. I'J. Jii'ii. HichurU '1‘. iiruKuri(,'^, of ( liowan. i:i. I>ani I .\. lliitcinbii, of’l’yrrtL thi:^ Uoud have reached the vi« inity'of this j ten by the presc-nt Chief Ju«tice Ma’ C^ity. I hey riin fh«-ir hue from ilie Ncnsc I ni(»it’ than a» years a^o, roncerninig Kivcr n(?ar tlie iJjuks ol Wulnui Crci.k, riloriai dispute in amtiitiun liotweei LOWl> AV|) KlPKD'S, Prvhritr.—'I'he following M*iitcnro, wril- a lc*r!! TOC’I il M Asn, pule agithtiuii lietween tlie I "k obtained at tiie meuicIsnI: t i>mo sToit. umil they reached Uu ky I5ianch, near : Ct.lonit-M of .Masi-achusctls and Connecticut,' «• this plucc, and then pro«.(.*edi*l tip tiiat. It m-arlv !idO years ago, l.ttie nhort of. 1 ti iH not ..nprohMl,!., that the route n.uik.-,! ti.o .spirit of proph.xy, and to bo as signal-! any way be onl by AKi.K,:\ m hi.s !>siiy>», w hich on- ] |y api.licablo to tiie situation of Georgia Imib the property of u.oroLhlv neutrdi/in» smally ap|M-ared in thi.-^ pi.(,er, will U- fuiiii.;, and the Cherokec!- al tlie preKonf duy, as, to in the l ioy, I c-l.tMbi.,-. Tl.e rouio crossed Maw ; that uf .Sp ...gfiold and J\„l Hav brook, in ' oS ‘‘l’ Kiver at Joi.oh’ (now Walker’s) T.Mry, j l(5.1!». * ; l«is.KTd by the f n,s« Kotul.s m Kandolpli, ** 'l'I,„t it is, liiat a ineinbprof a Confed- ,eMi.glon, crosMil the \ i.dkin at H.k.h’s I nracy, loeling itj own sliengll., i id tlic r Old, and pa.t^jd by Gen. .M’Dowel’s in «eakti'’ss of tliosr with whom it is connect- llurke I ounly. j.,j^ „ jn dcide the Ifjjitiinale decisions ,.ropt;rty of ll.oroLghly neutralizing “ breath, whcthi-r it o- , the U86 of tubacfco, tho ifunis aftd is MM • • . 'aluaLlo remedy for Cunkcr or «jrenc»s of tin. 1 hat It IS, tiiat a iiieinb»'r of a Confed- i Ckarlottr, Oct. 27, 1832. , , iiiir n-jiiuiiiiiit; oifisions It is desiruble that the Central Koad ,of the I'oderftnKxlv, whin oi)fx,scd to its ' ll ^ ^ '“TkI i.,.orns, nlinuld ndl pfacttl>l(^ uithr)ut iinsrli iKidi- |>ev tlie ^'♦*tK*ral will, \vh**n (!iat uilj ■ ■ ’ - ^ II is die- ' ‘hf purpow of fleeting Klectorn, to vote ftr /' IIua/i- ®«‘Vice.I*r«*ident of the United Stairs. I ) he |K,Ili. will bt o[K>ncd at the followinir placc* ■to will At Charlotfc, Coh'h Store, Hemphill’^ i A la;!iM.’yrw-Yorkhadfhesumof$-7r.O slo«>ViZmW.lS;h!rk’S^ nvrQimi (f’terafton.— I lif follouing r»p. ; lakeii (roin Iiis |KK'kel while on his way to UnvidMm’d .Mill«, I>ofter>, Stewart’ii, Hil’l’H, b«,iair lional ex[»r.,se a lateral Koji.l will d.uil.tless ■ tat'c! by i'l*elf.*’-.)/,ir*//«//« Life of U* made toconnert it wiih our llvpcriiiicn- \ infrton\rol. J,yn tai liuil-iloiiJ.—IlaUi^h HifrisUr. ! , 2. i;*org*' I . I)a\ii)»ii, of Iredell. .'I. I’« ri(.'iine KoV rln, of l.incolii. •I 'rtHMiiax It. I’olk, of liowiin. .V 'I'liotiiao SiUlr, K««(. Ilf I>. J'Jin M. M'»f i»eail, IjHj. nf I fuiltfird. jller 01 liirh’iioiid wilm iiish iw-Orleaos. crsoii came up, aiwl witness was intrMhi i; Moore *iid Mcl*. was his ,mrtiH r, and ‘ J-*;'-. of I him his inteiitiuii of o»i«ting wiln«'8!> money. McP. replied “that is right.” 1‘. niid witiiew went to the tlK-airu nt lit, aiMi he pasMcd tlie nevt liay wiiii ni. McP. and .Moore ke|K tlicir cluthcH the Kline trunk. >n Thupwla .they made Bmingemenis! go ti» New.York, and Mcl*. gu\ewit-| ■'1 a SKMHI iKite iiu the I . .S. Mraiw li i Ilk at New Oriran*, and re»pN-if*Hl bun j»ct It chang»^, half nf which In* saiJ j lilted to Mdore, bihI *»itiin»^ was to ba»r (ith dollar* pmmiw^l him—ho was to >111 thi*m at the .Arch Mret i wharf.— itncss presrntcl llw n»»tc at stvrral inks, ami it wa» rsliwed, fiimlly it wn« hanged by a broker tn ’I'tiinl street, ! when witne»M relumed to Art-h Btr*-*-!, I rnuld not find the prtMfHierM. and tiM,k a | 31k down town, where Mr. Uiayncy ar- t**d him. I A gt-nlh-man from Whri lmg—mrorn— i J 'fwwfl thnt h*- that plarr ui tin* U el. | 1 after the Hank w»^ robbrti, fur I’hil. t i 4phia, ami al WBshinf;1mi, |*u. was o-' l| riakrn br the Mag** whH'li l«*ft " hr>||iin j Thtir*di«y, in which lie rtMiliu«d hu: i-.agr on |o this ril\. In ihr H | ■I ot his fi-ll* w |w>M ngen lie ^>ct>l:l)l>«^d { l'h'r«>n and Sloorr, whom In- hidot'. ’ , • , , I ■ ‘ ' ■ 1 S.liirilnv, In the riybt brnm h or U.ttom of the Iron- l-Jn • hill, \vh(*re it l.iy, at first moveable, and -' Moikmv, C 3“ 0 ^l"' Sorrmher, ln32. III.', -jn “• "• (nold .Vlnc’liiiier.v, » nut •■■olvuKit;, iiiiu -■ I- II ^ . f. «, I -Will (■•(*;( , during ea h act ot‘ coughing produrrd par- , ij" J i.u.^t l'.'. «) )2 nmr" . j A:o. Ac. s,.t|.K-ation. At length the Imt.o.i l,r. ' , rh.irl.,.. .! atVn ; andCasti.^otall Hort. at ineir Iron Work*, where jCaine h\e!, uikI Mr. Dr ken, altor de;*>r. i 2 Kridv H 11ifi *~ i "r * " •’‘‘^eived and attended to. ■ “ - pu!*!'*’tan Jfet furihrr information by aopli- : cation to t.hein at the Works, or to Mcsara. Eli Jno. Sprin;;?, fliarlotte. milling iu ]H.Kition, on the .31 ;o'l. m:He an K Hun l.ionird II. i..!i r»oi., of l.ran»ille. j m«iM..|i into the w iiilnipe, tbrou-rli whirli a II. t .>1 \\ in. II. l.orKart, of Norlli^nipton. r.'. Hr \lalthiai> K. r, of ( liottaii. ri. |ir. ^ran i• aid, of VN'akhiii^lnn. 11 Iki.'harJ l>,l/.a Sp«j|(hi, i:Mi.o! (>4\t n. Ij i»*en iluliii.a, of N>.-'a-iljiiu\t.r. Ml* i'l.xw rt*t vK:v>r«r>u>i joii.v skh;i:a\t. 4-cre p:i^.'^'‘d six iii« l,«-s to the U.ltoni of the hroiK-hin; but the boy iK irig vcrv wr-ak and faint, the o|trra’.i «n w.m not surcf^-^fiil. (In .‘'aturd:i_\ lii.^t, \I‘>srs. .'N-bfM>l)i«-lii arnl Dick on nia.jr another aitciiipt, and succet-ded in e.xtracting the bnlion. This cum.' in-; *x- cit.-d n.ui h inter* st in Miildl. toi, and its \|. ci:»iiy. 'I'lic b«y is now «l«!ng well. Miinrfiidir Hi raid. TIIK .*1 •.lt»-.hT!s. 1 IlMM.ori K l'llrl„-, iKT. 20. .A PI-!. l!raii.Iy, :i.'. n It); rtnrl,, .|l.i(l«; Jlcefj .i a ; l!aui>ii • a !•; i.iittcr I'.j; ntcswax 16 a I l'^; Cotli.ii JUipjii.j; -r2 a -?i; (V.fl'LC 20 a (h'J; , Ca-tinj-, :t .1 A ; t'oi'nn yarn *r>ru ,\o. fi lofi, l.OO a I.Vi' : f/oiii \i>. !» to 11, a ] I’eathern ■'.'i J 3.*; I'll,nr -la 0^iti, .i 3H; Corn -1.) a .VI; 11 id,-., irrcen, a (I; dry, 1(1 u 12 \ ; Ir.>»i, 1^ ' jutte, abcijt a.'.;, 10 a 1l';. ; l^ allii r,, u j!t; iij^ i . per, ^K•r ride, 1;'f. 1 j ; Xails,9 a 10 ; I lW*Uly‘iy TVrgVOT*.', (."rd Ha .-h, li a P,; .-it,, I, ..*.,uerieaM, 10 a consisting of able strong (cllo*,, Loy«. women ffipld aitjl *11 . * , . . E graham i CO. t hnnkrt Irm Workti, YurL dit. H. C W/h,()rt. > FXiROKS TO ’ « B ir.l. Ite hired on the a2d NovenilK.r ncit, » w al the Court-llouic in the town ol Char- Ih>t. ICi n. Philip Ittiiuin, »r Itiiiiroinbe. The Cholera h:is almost difapp(‘an“d I ul, M*uh.w K’ Moot , L-Uj. Ot I ' f”*" '-•e nlon, WO liaxe nntlung kifer I) J.^ir H. Tru), Kh). o.**U«iitluli>li. jlhiii the Idth iii't., up to wlucli da\ i!li '. I>' I’-i:jiii I'l lloUwn, of Fault-»i!le. | ra-u-i urxi 1.1 oralhs lijil occui red, idl a- I! /.’L ‘ I ot. U illitm llinlnn.o' W ak. !’/ = O""* " ill be ’let ont :br thvir , ^5* his-I uiluaU tiiid clothes. Tiiey will be hired until .latiusry l>t. IKll. Bond and approved Bteurity w I! 1« reijuired. (Jthcr ti.rnig made known oa |n. Itri.nis I )'|lfiitn, K-:. f/VV »rn n. II. U tlluii. Ildtiuii,III |triM', ■| lir ih“«M»c ha« broken out in £!t. I.-nii' Mi*-siri, uii'l in ( iiicmnati, (I’nio. At tfie Prin.:_, , (•.. luac tl ; a 2; I’, ach .',0 a nU; Ap- rile 10 ( t ,'; Hjinn, *- la M ; Ito swix, Itia 17; li-iC;‘'"•2^. l'> a 1*: lolh c, It) a 17; (Vilton, a liJ: t orn. 4 • n .'ii^, liars. ..I, *1 >0 a SI 2:,; I licir, >{; a I.; {•.•atiiirs, .‘>_V ; Iron.'lja 'i; I ard. ^ 31 a .'hi; Oat,, .35 a 3:; ,\.iN, . III, I ’ .1 7 ; nr...i> iil, Ha Oi); Hum,.lama- i «. 1 1.1 a IT.i; N. t;i, jiund, l.'i 15'l: Kicc, a ,'i; tl.c day. JXO. fi. HOSKINS, Guardian of ' « , *^ *^>‘kttar.d KacMOaket. Ortolifr 10, le32. r.’. I>r J iii.r« \.i fim. o) raw|u«laiik. latter plai'e, there ha\Im-'ii 1 •”) death'*, and '* ^ eonu.i.iL, !>■.) a ; loQ’ .ind lump, II ».....d II..*I.. I 1*111. yt ,|,f. f„r:iH-r, sPVor:.l. i7" a ; TurAN I.l.i,:d. If H«»*» K. Hfnri |*vj^ oft *rji«r n. I V »i t i i i r* • \* i •* i 1, Aintru .n, n !•; Liip, hli-l» red, L-.. h»i^ H. CoMan. oi >■ * Hanover. , I' N«" h-in.lK-rl.ial f «.mty, \ n., rnd :.t i ( , ]7; Tallow >U;.; Wheat, I the t oal IM-., near Hichnioiui, s.imc deaths *• a .», AVhisi;;-, a 33. J .-rn Mrolhnif ab.sit iii iiik) "»C nf iIh. I^IdiUir. l.a\e .«i ui icd.—/’./y. Oi.trrrcr. . ,, \OTICE. A I.L personi are hereby forewarned from tra- dill" for a note £iven'by me to Thoina- Nor. ton ior t.ndolljrsand filh eeiils, dal.’d soi,. tim8 III .Inly IbkI. a- 1 have reccivid no eon,id ration Uierefor aiiddo not intend pavii’c it. , K.'.M STF.RLI.VG. f harLUf. VMh, 1'32.—tlO Acricio. twosniaJl iiiiproveiiieiits, tlie K I him, uimI him b**torf ibe Mn\. tl»rin pf|, uikI III III iiii'iiitea after M« wan ar- M' d in th* vtctiiil\ of ttir ofiicr, itiMl m n- Il 111 2 hours aHerward’* witn»-»« arre»lrd l*rn by the |{j' i^>h pa[« r-, Ihil .Iu.';: -■Il li il.u.-; Mr.iii|( at an ini t4i fill Tfi.«,Tj, at tlm ronjer •! Shipf*«n nivl 1 " '* ‘ I*i» uilh Mrrrt, nwi f.iilid ir,*tl ol ||m* SItllMl j » «h*nk jre .juitc >uf!. n nl. U u ^ Jud;r H* • U[>on him, the otlH-r Hii hrmn^ Urn'lh«.rfh.r i»u 11« k. t. ; e.; n.r,* 41'(.««« d III lo |Mirchav‘ cl*>lhe-. in n inrw , t«n>>mtc, i;ie I’foj.! of N. rt.S4 .irt.hiu «iIM.a.r M il ot w hicll he Wa« llx'll dlS;;ll|M>I. j .no,; ’rtijMty ol aup|iuiliii.; iiit li ol ihi ir ow ii u Imii lh«* cvid.iirr wos cloH-d I In Jude*- pun. dn* III* opmitsi that tin* priMN'er-. terr*' a'jxiM.* h)-vcj)d a disiht, and n iiwin.ird l in Uiek to pritum till (h inamlrd by the ^ihi r.tie-i o| \ ir;;mia.—('kromvlr. — O ~ V cominunit-atioii fnmi a zi ntloman in irijinia ntat*'« itn* folluwing reiiturk.iUe ri in hftorv. \ irenthvmn, Mr. i f Cu:n!i. r- 1.J r«sinty, \ a. Ii.ih n (»'iid well ti jilenisli. «ilh whit are ik iioiamaled h*Tt- .laine-. vT, or North-('a roll (in Chub; thcv aie a “*i icimiH li^h ill disiHKition, like the | ik k. f«d; I'uur coui.tif, \it i'lo.ii.—i/;. heard >/.— A hlterorthe ICth in«t.. di-ruuut; .VII oilier (Itor^Ma Haak Hills .‘i , Ifi:i{ VW , HT. 1,3. JOHN \V. FEATHERSTON. Oct. 3. 1‘.32.—2w r SAI)I>LKS.V IIAKXKSS ,, . ... • . . Ill a in*; .,.71 S;..ii,rs’ !»n:n»wi. tothe K.lilor.^.-ixv., .‘U,. have (orn. .>0 a •; > ; i VT... li;., 1' ; Hour, from waj. : eorn.r. by J T \sm RY S. (O t»ri.l2, 1n32. '“7if ‘ 'it;.*!w VSf; 31 We hi»r ft It nd III I I.Hl, to lb: ri' imd. O.rixij^ti th (••l.l-nr* •hiinbi^. I,f Mt nl I.‘ ;'nl*liirr o.'Ktiiilh.l aroliii.i. • an abb poaiii. lijn, and lii^ \ i. »« ai> I.... r ably well xi-1' iiii d on hmon n |Mirl; iie r. i‘.mi- inend« n 'tbiiip in bin nn- but nii//i/i.-«/i»n, a> III.- »tiU all. rii.ilivp 1. tl loi n ol Siut!.. arol.iii, ti>r tin n:p|.rt--: >ti ..fib. pnM-i.l tarilf. A Militui o-npfliiyon • inCj. k. oflb.a ronn. ly, niadr a ihti«im ..f lii. ir roih|>any l:i>l i'lilli. u lit i-t.irii' >f «Mir elc.-tifiii, in an «m/- ffi 'ir shipe, to jh-'indrily that t!u' .Na ll mill ^ l'"l'li aii-i iiavi'the niiijoniv in : hraiiclic>I'f i!|p I»'”i-.|afiire, and an a'Crii- daitt o'l joint billot of ti.un twcho to lwi-'il\. I or N'.voinU r, we tii-1 no u(i|nc hen.'-iiiii."—.N. int. L'ons, .1 a .'.J; I'la.w,. d. H a (Hi; Iron. S\v»d.s, ij a H ; In-ad, 7a'; ;i7.| a til ; .Maek- . rel. .\o. I, ■i'' a ilU: N.i. 2. t ; ,\.i. 3, .'i; I lain, S71 n illt; S.ilt. in I i>ln, 7.') a I'O; in ■aek o.'4 .’.I I:. 2 ' a 3; M(.!, O. riinn, 1 j a 17; bli-it. d, t I 0(1; •'i.iirnr, H ,t |0; T.i'lot.H a IK); Tobacco,] |. a'', 2] u 3J; inaini'netureil, ^ a 2r>. I.iL'ht or Ten first rale Saddlers and Harness .Makers is wanted, llood «ayes will bi- givt n by JA.S T. A?l!l RY & ( I). liy i>rdi r from tin Court of Kt^i/iti/. ^'111 RF, v\ ill bt told at the I'ourl.House, in BTAUrirn, | ,* b3rlotte, on the Monday of our Sm>erior - ,, , ,,. 0.1 T:iu'.-.I.iv ev. ,im.rl..-^I, by the Rev. .Sanaiel;‘^'^“'*’ I r.'l •-'ior Di c »Ti:i .otthe Mnrylandl lii- Wi!'iat;i.i..ii, vu. ( J //..m*. ot Carlmrn:# J/ircc Jract.t of Lavil, »'roi\. In« piih!i«i||fd an artn h* in s vcia! ' .:iiv. i-. \ii>« Junrdaur:htir b:loni:ic!T lo the heirs of Melntvrc, on » oI'iIk! HalliiDorc iiaixr-. in w'lich he roii- ni. I*, ^;.ril•^:, deed. , credit of 12 months. Hor.ds and vfcuritv uiiliw t.'nd' that the ii^i- of malt lifjinr iJuriiig the on Tn. Mlav, Ihc Itl. inst. bv the i'■‘^'‘i''"'ed. The I.ands are siiualed on the b. a.l pr. v:|l. nrr ..f chol.-ia, far IV.mii iK'iii'r .'.•'ir’’’. Ai,*/»,/, iVi. to .Mm.v «nt. i» of I-oii- Creek aim Su-ar Treek. I’urtic- ('. I'i/jtdw, d..ii;; r o. John \\ ils.iu. «> k. They fe^ I on nlin').t everv j,,nd ‘ !•''ut> nai.t ! lou-". h on the roiitniry b'lieli. i.i!. Smnd , , 'II. which the\ ik-voiir yrerdilv, niid r\-‘ *' m.itm; ilr.e ii...nih« ; iiialt li )in)r will hurt no one if u^ed mtn/i- Mr. Jl'l "jt',.". /A/myri.i ti i.uiate hko piri*lt «,« »rrv IihIi that dar«-H r «i;nt-1 I m jI; , I‘.i, i. a u . ;\il nul-!''"/i ■'//.—l(/r. All in faxur of tin l iiinTt, to a nuAi. 'Ill the lifiiiifl u.ili-r4 III ibi'ir lil.i alien and H e lliii.k li. tei-i V. ft ili.-mi ..f...... . I J 1 lil.talion and we llio.k d. »ei;> a tjio {uUi>ii.i;;>' I) patrM. ' Till- n.. lor.ll Tl. k'l« lbi. Stale d 11(1 |..r ih. ele I. .n n, I'r. li.l. nt and \'i. i- IV.-. ■topni the hipiid rs m their wAcrcigii N'(uatw j.initaliclion. " isatUie hoiiw of the ^rntleninn a- « nicntioiK'd,aisl by a s(ii;>iil,ir whistle, one (HTiihur to hiiii.'*"lf, he ran call np I "7 "'•d big, | tli> chub kind, »id.nt :if t!i. I inl« ,1 .'i!al «. Ti. ki N iiuj !i. had '^lie liiNrciii of his |«Hid, where he li cik j al tio. ut i,nt« p , hui.thid, or oi.c dollar ’ ni with iiiiniuiw 4, wnriiis, Ac. and I |n r i;uire. ^ v an- m» ihirilr nod m, well tamed, that » X' '"■* ' *' h- ; rd.i •- in.ol. f >V h|.| w|||«||i>, thoj will play inin^lli.- h.ily inl. lli^em.'of th.-d.blh, >t f M»^n*rii I». I,’|. im.ii'.oN, 1j.(. the able and tali of the Suiiilcr U hi". i.|dil»iU, niid I'lllow liini in his circle*.— t onnirvii\ •n ran, al>cr f. (‘ding them, and lli.*y are .frVi.,.Md to run.iimte, litihite their 'md« lilc II liey «r> Hii-jHndcd, np|Nin‘iit!y do. ; on the MirlHrt* of the |>oiMi.— 'I'urf Hi - i/ir. rrmnrknlih-ftici.—Tli'reiire twnhuii- ■d tn« n, whiU)a'idro|.ir» d, who h.nve Ix-cii pl"\ed nt il)i. dll]' rent fiHbeneH iK-tivccn I' i •* Point aiidCajH- iI. nrv,forn month an.l e.HiManlly «'x,H.«e,| to tbt- b.-at I >e “iin, the drciicliing of the rain, and the ht dew- , w ho are at h-iiM half Ihrir time Mij ui-r—d to the middle m salt water, and ’ 1 ' rcoiiijj grcnt btshly I'atiMuo ;and who ' 'Ut from h(]iior only w lioii it is not to lx> I lorlovn or money—yc tnoloii»> of them II itluckrd b\ the cliolera ! Vn/. iiui ifr. roHci ifv.—In our pa[HT of .Iiily Jli!, last Wf iii‘«'rtc(l an aiticlc piirp.iiting to In! a “Kcpiv of President .lack'on to the IJ.iard ol Mi*«>iii|ih on Iho Mihjci l of n-leiiMng tln‘ .Mi»«ionancs n.iw eonllned in the Penil ntia- ry ul tlcor^iii”—and nh.mvi1 .\iidn vv .lack s»n. The article Inning lK>»-n used to the prejudice of the .Vihiiiiiistration during the recent ehvtions in the ('.asterii States, on iiivcstigatioii It tiini.out to b«! a forgTy.— rh! N.w-Hampoliire Patriut .savs: “n iiM'inlM'r of tiie Hoard has niilhori/.ed a St iii*(i,ent tliut no such Idler was ever rc- Sorfolk Jlcrnhl. icoived.’* (’ciiir'.ititifriti J 1 I\.-r in Xorfolk'.—On the irithinsl.. .n * - - - lire hmke out in the c\len-;\e K,.|«. Walk In this en-itity, .ki in.:. ,'Irs. M.n!rcrft ol \N .liter il.'iroii, which, owiii;; to a;;'d m’> MarN. the coiiibi:stili!r iialun* ol the material. . . w;iH not gi.t iin.ler unlil ne;ir!y t!u> wh.ile * ^ * .» .i.i.Ui. ' altiable estabhxhrnetit and contents were destroyi'd. 'I'he profwrtx was iiisiirfnl, in (i:irt. It IS snpiH'-ii'd to have aiisun from .sp..iilancoiis coiiilnjstioii. 'n\Rl.rS ~-it' \> a-. !ee!(.! tlir I.Tte lion III Maryl.ind, to till tb.' va in. v nt the Heii^. ni Kepii-I'liliitlviK .it llie I lilted .'>liit“, .H‘e;.! lull. . d by til. dict.lse of I'ol. .\ln. iiu.l. Late Repr.. PI lii.ltlU'. Ki:>JOVAI.. THOM AS TUOTi r.K, ulars tuftlier made knon n oil liietiay of sale. —AB>0- Oii the san'e dny, at tin dwellin? house of Rofiert \\ alkup. four se veral tracts of land be. , Jon;in" to the ht irs nf I ..rai l I’. D.ivis, dee'd. Iv- ii'ir on the wati rs of W a\h.»w Creek, [.lining- said \\ iilkiip and others, on a credit of 1 and 2 years, Mith bolld^ and secuntv. i>. R. ni NI.AP.c. M.r. It is al>«'or.lered by Court, that r.otiee be piven ill tlie Mine rs’Karin, rs’.lournal. Ibal the l>- ipiity IVH’ki t will (h‘ ftiken up on the Saturday i morning of our ne.xt Sii(HTi)r I curt o!' Law and j l'..|iiity. 1), R. Ill NI.Al’, r. m. k. r NOTK i:. ■ j TRIMU:>i J%ALF. I W.V pnr>nanee of a I> cd o'.'Trusi from .Stephen M M. Riiin, tijr piirivises thenia mentioned, I will i.roeeid t.i seU mi the ■.’t>lh il.iy of November i m xt, . .Monday ot C.iiii'tv Court) the planUition on If f> ii i-TV It ’I'l • ' *• 1,1) intiirni till- pnbiie, tiinl iie lia^ which ttie said McRuin now liics, eontsininc One .Vr. hi^th^rhlJd f t,n.s,m.^s.— I Ins n.-n- ^ f ard T.tly A.-,sof(ir« rate .xi.^l Cre^i^ tleiiian Mail'd In'lore the Coniinittee ol the ; .venpied by W ilsn'-tn, as n Tavb-r Shop, l-atid. w. ll iniproved, with u lart'i) two story Koiiso (if Commi'tis, lint he lui\ s bill«: on two* n«illi ol !!.> .I’s Hot.-I, w hi're all work H"'’Hinir House iind nee. s«xry out buildiri rx and Ion ian hoiisc'i, to the amount (if ‘•(1,00(1/. 1‘" r- et iw- punetnal att. ntion. “ "'H «l' ex.vlK nl water in the ynrd. Thu is a or IIMMXilt/ iHr WOI-L • niL.I III* rt>r.'iv.wl ' f'd'* f.and'I .'n S|h>.iiis, iiiuiiu a. lured nt ''y de-iirijble plaee and tl.we who wish to puf- r KMI.tKK / Hr uc. k , and I . n.C iv-m1 >•' i N.,r,h.C.,rol.iiaC;.>ld work- '"'*"’** ^o «. ll to ^i. w the pre«n.s,-K iK-foro the year M2 I, m two months, to tlie U-! ed int.. anv arliele that msv Ik-ordere.l. th.-d.iy of *ai.% on w2iuh day the terms will bo miiUlitof l,.'»lKl,(»t»(l/. I C*.(re»r, Off. 27, 1-3,’.—'Uf inadeknoAn. j ! SAM I..r. MiRl’M. ZViifK-r. .l„,.,.,v,„,..._TI„.|,.,,.l,.„f,l,Mcrri,„rv . , '’'Ji',‘fI'’' , , „ i» \i I I , , * . • : ^ W iHn • hou:tjaiui lots in the towTi I hose who w jiJi to nurr'iasr l!io lanl u il? ol .Michigan, have taken meastin-s to iwc.-r- g „a b:irl..|le. Th.rei^.v. pVas.' . all on t).e sulMenUr, livi, r .m the prcm- tain, by \otcy, the propru'tv ol applying for _??'*'«'»t * rv eonvenienee for a fnniilv. r.*s- i.'CS, w ho » ill khew the nil ! i iiiirovereents. -iveii on the first of IV. S'l l’l’II I N‘ .MeUl M. e. mlwr ne\l, iiirtlier niibriiiulioii iniuire of | _ _ . _ - ,-v,,'nveMs. ' -iOlJ (\t. 27, 1'3,\ jit*.; Of aU kinJx, tuittly t.riYutol nt tint Oficf:, admission into thi; I iiion as a>. '|'bc city of Detroit gave 11!) for and 47 against the ineaMiR'. 'I’here is s;iid to Ik- little doubt but that the* ullirinative will bccairicd.