TIIK MIXERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. MAUDL.G A HARNESS mllakiHis BtiHineHn. IHF Sl’BSCRlBKR iu* now uu hkud a luge auJ geiicr- | »] aiwortmenl of Saddles &. I n>anufactur«d in ki* own shop, wtrrsntod to be of ^ the first qu&lity, uid will \a aold in future u tnw i as any Xortheni work, with the addition of freight, | belnf irtprmined lo carry on thi» branch of Bu^i- I bcM exteDfively, and frotri the patroiia^c already , received, will •to>> at no wnall enicnae to e.xecaU' every article in a style that catutol be equalled in I thi* aeclion of countty, apeakiiig a» I believe. I ! have been enfra|^ conatanlly at the aU've bmi- j neas »i^hteen years, executing cotiiiiiualU tlic best ' kind ot work. POETIJV. on hand. 1 Gent. best cut back Saddle*. Super Na 1, ?1S On j da do. do. Jd qual. No. 16 tKt 1 do. da do. Na 3, 15 It' 1 do. da da Na -I, 1--’ uu ‘ do. common do. No. I. lu ixi da. da da Nit •>. IN.. do. da do. No. 3, ti 00! do. da da No. 4. 4 00 1 L \Dii:s Madt in tkt ntattti mannrr. 1 cannot fail lo please the l>adiei in that ariirlt : ajl I akk is tor to call and examine and a nurr isalr. tarringr Jr liiir II.KRSKSS O f frery digcriiition. Mll.n ABY Arroiitmiieiit« Of a ruf>eruif ttifU, nnxthni *nth latU anJ tltganff. BridUs.Martingalct, Valines, Trutiki!,i!^'c. In addition to my prtM;nt number of hands I with to employ five aiore Journey men, of good moraJ character. 1 now say to tiie people, that I will sell any ar- tide in HIT line lower uhan it can be bought ta lht!« Btctjoii of Nortii-C'arohna. SlMMKK’St.OM- BY .VRU. Nl-arC.N. Hark ! thro’ the uini won! d\ inf, Wiih a moan. Faintly the wind* are sighinj— Suuiincr'a ^ne ! Tijere when liic bru.»cd hcurt ti'cli tli, A:.d iLe pale moou h>T tscv rcviilcth, Dark'y my foot'ti p s'taklii, To «Cfp alone! Hour after hour I waniler, By n.en unsi'er,— And sadly my wrojig ihoujhts ponder On vilut bo«.n. Suniiner's gone! Thtre, in our green bowers. Loi)|r aj>o. Our path through the tangli'd tlower* Thrmdinf slow; Oft hand in hand entwining— .>ft side by sidt retliuui};— We've watched iii ila crtinaon tlauing The su?i*et gluw : Pinily that ‘tin now bcrncth For n>e alone Sj rm^ aiur spring returncth, Thhit ;irl gone, S'umnitr'ii jjont ! Sull on iny worn cheek playeth The r« s'leii» brei U'; S:ill in its frr>hnt!i» strayeth IVtween tlie tret-i«, ^t^ll the blue ktreaiiili't (»u>-h ih— Still the broad rivir ru>!icth— ;Sull ll.c cului fileuce hufhelh The hf.irlN uIm-;uM', But who shnIl bring our meeting B.ick a^'iiii * W hat uhail recal thy greeting— Loved in vain >ui!.ii.tr'» gniiel a few A \Vr>T*:U\ AnVKNTl RK. Early in the of 17?0, Mr. Alkx- .\NDi:u .M’Con>kl, ot' Iiexingtoc), (Ky-) In adxUtMQ to my Saddle Establwhmeat I keep t|,p woods on foot, to hunt doer. Jtrif fmootfHj fmrorrrifs, 4V. Vi hich I will sell as low as my neishlors. JOHN G. UOsKLNS Chariottf, Sfpl. l?o2. ’iW/ I lently cxtricnting his prson from the arms i A Pvgnanpus Monkey, or the Biter Bit. of ihe Indians, he walked to the lire am! — Ycbterday evciuog, M an llulian boy, a- riat down. He sj»w that his work was ImjI bout IH jears of age, »a* jwiismg through imlf done. Thiit if lie should attempt to ^ ('oventry street with a huge monkey under returu home, u ithotit di'stmying his enc- hi# arm, a coimtryman thought pro|>er to niifs, he would assun Jly Ik-puisutd and 1 play •'ocko a trii'k, by viokntly puiching proba'jly overtuken, wlirn lii:* fale would U' hi« tail, which ibt- amm«» promptly resent- ccr'tuin. On the other hatid, it seeiwd al-, ed,lurning round «nd bitmg th«' hand of his most impi-issible for a sinjrlc man to succccd I asi^uilunt. '1 lie lounirymun wa« so cxas- ma coiillict with ludiuus, cseu although; (H.TiileJ at the uuc*|)t‘cted salute that he unarmed and aslotp. He could not ho(-- struck .lotko a smart blow with a stick, to deal a blow with hii knife «o silently which he carricd with him; the animal and fiitallv, as to destroy cach of his eue- shrieked most piteoasly, aud appeanrd by lilies in turn, w ithout awaketiin^; tlie rest:; hu gesticulations and contorlioiMi lo be elo- [ —'I'iicir slumlxTs were proverhially h^jht. quentlr appealing lo his master t*> atcnge ' and restless—amllf he failed with a «in?le the injury he had n.H.'ei>ed. The appeal one, he must instantly l>c ovfr[>o\\erod by was not iu vum; the cnragvd Italian, with the survivors. The kuil'f, therefore, was Jotko clinging lo his back, flew I'urioutil) out of t!ic |ucstiiKi. at his aj;gr«;s»or, and dealt him some bard I After anxious reflection for a few tnin- iiiows. A regukir battle followed; the I utes, he formed his plan. The ^uas of the coml«atantii clutied, and were strtiggling l«»f liuiians were stuck«kJ iiciu" the lire—their; iIk* lull, when Jocko, who wa# still cling- U«n4,the Mxiul'wbtdt I knives and tomahawks were m >4ii:Ul«, bs • mg to hit. back, fearin» his master would i k.«n. i. of Uk first quaiit) ”, I ttu Pif C otton or orn. Auoot JMl acrmot Uk jtheirsidrs. 'Jlie latter he dared iu)t touch j;t-t Uo^ircd, walcheit nis opfMirtunity, i« rk-arvd, and i* n«w in a hiifh «tair i( for f.-ar of awakemn^ their ow.K-r.-tut ter.KiUy fHit f..rtb his | I tiie former he carclullv r«'inoved, with the co«ititryinnn by the no^, dnw forth a juimj iW cro|» of titker graa* m mx of,.o, h,j .h..,n .. .i.e ».n, w(Kxls, where he kn'*w the Indians would shouts ot uppLuso aud laughter Uom the huiidmif* not readily f.nd them. He then rt turiie.i nn.tky gr.Hip who wiliie^-wd this | to the sjKjt where the Indi.uis were still, combat. 'I'hts wa"4 a lor the coun-1^,qu4J payujmt of Uie tatcresL , skcpin^, f»erfectly ignorant of the fate lie- > tryman, who was j^lad to slink awav, find-1 ill? pn-pared for them, ui.d tukin!j a gun m ui^j hiiubclf uo match tor the Italian, wlieii i For tnrtJier lotonnauoo apply to cach h.iiiii, lit ru»tcd the muzzle u;k»ii a ' bufktd by his friend the ntuukey. log within *> feet of his VK'linis, and hav- Ffcct» o( Vtnfri}(H{uim.—>I.St. fJille, :i "n>i;er *i|' St. (ieniuiin en I*ay, whose p«TtoriiiaiK:*^s ha»e bi*en recorded b} the' ^\maU^Ior»eTki^ chaue were cwried off from the vilU^« Lonsdale, in Ibis vicioity Isat week, under circum«l®n»B mimewbat peculiar. A youii® lady of prepomeMing appearance landed, u is believed, from one of Ihc canal boals, aiKi contracted to work at a cotton &clur\ at Ihut place. Slic iie.\t went to ibe kee|x.r ot a livery alable, and hired an elegant kon* and chaii«, under the pretence ol’ gom^, Providence to briag out her couaiu, wbo as she reproiteuted, wiahcd to procure cot' ploynieiit at tU« Haine place. On being avketl by the owner to what name be thoukl make tlie chargc, sha replied with an mj. gaging modctity, tempered with a sli|;|)t ^HJW of indignation al iho asking ti'» impertinent a queulioa, “Mum Walker.’’ .Mitw Walker drove oH in fuie atyle^ and bin col lieeu l»**ardofaiuce.—Ckrou. Fur Mair, •f F.fJt.ir, i:};: Situlted within mile of iIh' tiiriiiiif town o f'fuarlotle. (>n this tarn HM-rr IS betwrra fMM) and 9 \\ M J. POI.K, June lUlii, le32-—31lf 'hnrl(‘>tloii .*111(1 ('lirraw. fHIHH STKAM !a»\T ■ 3IA(».\. apt. J. (' lirah&m. ha»if.f brer, ettf »(ed thr |a*t ms mg laktri deliberate aim at the head of one, He soon killed a lar-e ki. k and retunH.d j ««d the h.‘ait .J* another, he pulk-d both ^ home fora hors*-, in order to htiag it m.— **t the same moment. B.»th s6ot« ^ u Chapelle, had occu*oo io shel Durin*:hisal»seuce, a parlv of 1 ndians, f* 'the report ot'their guns, ter hm^lf from a »lorm in a nei«hbonng m u«-!»•» ru«iiMn bri7tcn ry , ' J Ithp others «nr.ii!» to tSeir‘l-et and stand '»ht>re the monks were in decpU hcraw. callmg al G«wge«own cm bet •») w _ o«e of their usual skulking expeditions, nc- i ‘he others pnii.g ‘ r -c-et, and .tan ^ ^ estet UHrd uiemU-r of aud dpwn. will rr,u«e U, tnpi m tU ' Amcncan Tlirt Keg^lsitcr. cidentally-tumbled o» the b.idy of the deer, |arou.Hi them. .M Cunnell. who Ud ,he,r communit) who had b.-en recently j tHE S^rf^7»>rr .\u»»6/r, being tlie first num. and perceivinp that it had been rect'Ully i instantly to the spt.l w l>ere the other buried, " hile lamrnimg over the tomb *ii; ^ ^ nu‘..b.r u ^ . ^ ,he trail i «'ilre of the body; the f.-ll uL«.. l.r>.tUrh^j for iheir *..1.1 of zeal. Tlu; h«o,, .nd ..,1,1., p,.i. bvi'-n-nfi.^.v. u. „.,cuv I «hicU be .a, cvp,.,cd rc,„r„.-.M'Co.v. | I'-l'-' oT'""- •* '«= !»««'• r.,, I'erKfti’ ifesirou* tf trnng tie vork may It' exp»-‘cting tK» dang* r, rjde carclesslj i * only ojie who remuiiid un tiou-i and rcpn.*ch':», ami tin* wltoie ton- gratifiid hy calling at lhi$ . •. ..... .•..n ...... _...l .....^.l ... Cimfftit*.—Memoir of rart'Iiaian. FIf>rs«*s o' the J. ruuMt. CkarUgttm, &pt M, l‘-3l. SCU' TAKi:.v n* t\h eominitlr^ ta the Jaji o’ thi f'«unlT a th- iVth HIT*, a O'er* imii wtio tart hm he tntti wh ell Ihp two «rnt>! were 1 hurt, darted off hlie a deer, with a >ell vei.t lell uj^u ttRif aiwl vuwetl lo : an«t that tm rn4ay t» ikt »■«— he path, whicb the two sceut> a rei«rali..» of t}..->r error. Tin v u.,of Wakr cmn». S P, until he had corno vvithm view of j -h.ch anm>unced eq.«l terror and a.toni.sh- ^ dr pro- I now ^ay* that hi* Danw w HtlWTAIS. aoi r, wheu he was tired upon bv the i meat. M’tV-meil, n-it winhm;? to lignt dTirin^j the mtervak ol'which I lie *«“ .. . -I- J 1-;. - ^ 1 >- .1 I... rountj. mowuu u»ctj»e»trdtocM!*B artv, aii'l his horse kilfcd. W luk , '"X Cure I^jaw m laboring to e.xtricate hirn.srlf from the dy- j ‘roai tl Sport^naa. .Anecdote,.>fQjar. wa.- »i7>rd bv his cnemie.S ! t"-* '•> iboui.d*. l>. toDstm? or i ercus- ■ • f V w thi ro. Proriiostics of the wcaticr. I in^Lintly overpowered, and borne otJ as a olden t)me.i—Lee Boo. IVr.'brmautw* of Rorizf.l. ^ watchin ChorHter'sdAi. .^m*.r:&iu Wild Horses. .Match. airainrt tiine. A viait to .\. Ta; lor. L»-tter fioai . the deer, ... j l • K. at Cannon* to Li* !od king Fergus ‘n partv and his horse kilkd. W luk ‘b:\ttlc?, .■« letted his own spirit f the ti« (.artt-d monk e*preiN*e«l hia Yor. hire. I'ffennjry.—Turkiaii cur*-for fuun- .. . ' i*rte troai the *, tack aud made the best of xilikUcti.Hi at tlifir pious e\ercwe«. I’lie der in Hor^ Cure of Lockjaw in laboring to e.xtricate h.rn.«rh Irom the dy-j the ^ck, aud m.de tne best Sk'tch of a true tfrRicin^. Foiboui mn Lock grttem. Prognost i'vlry.—.‘^onr. Washington Q'loit Club, »un:{ at I l^ciranniversarydianir.~(jr.atltap. Dttrllur.t. iJ'^isoOCr ntly overpowered. His captors, liowcver, «eeroed i I.,e\ington, where he arrive! un two divs.” -M-i pliniiii on the Huhjei t ot a|>parilHJi«* aud -M. St. Gille had ifrtal dil!»L'u|ly lu cot.twicin;' the frattrnii) tlut tl»e wh>4t^^ wait a Uf.-ceitlioo. Ainilher \ eiitriUx)ui*t rounty. Jik owuu wrrtjn ufu>« prapi-rty, p*» rl.arfc* and talir Uim *''»? JUIIN MfilW. ,*«!/ •/ Mt-kU»^te ('•mnlf. Jmm, 21. 1P32 -52tf (’AM\r. H.\f:\rt7V.—Th.irwlay after- tobeamerry,gcKxln«t.irrdsetof ^lloww,! 3 a'number L. u.s UraUii.t, who had been v.kl tk' ,.hjrr.,;^bgam7fowil: 'sfo^ing Ldl.gtnrt.- FrTtiittcd hiiii to accom,«iny them uu-1^,. ^ ^ chambre, to f'rancis I, turiKHl his fM.wrrs j Li^t of winninr bors.-?, tor lOl ind’32. Chal- Ix-uml—and what was ratiier extraordina-^ „ . , . to a iiiun- profitable arc-ount. Having len^r—llertraiid,jr.ai.dLittle\«ri>«M,a!'amst An. , , . k . ^ /I 2 ■ ? ' Iklkn ui love with a rich and beautilul Ilrt * i:..J Bonnets o’ A flash in Die pim- O’* alloweu him to retain his * in and h - >it.ttwaUr bridge, U«-g.nt's j ^ p.iected hv t*er purtfotn, a^ r.- bloooed'.trK;k. Brnadrockmcest-rnrncte.:. Tal- •'“h great apfmrent cheeriuloess through ; ^ the !«n of Capt, (Jrit On tho de-itti ol her tatlier, !.*»ui-[leid a visit Wi^‘c« J«key Clu>, »>Ticers, A:c. I' the da V. ainl displaved hi- dc»tcrl«v mi., . ^ , to tt.e widow, aml»K- had iio sooner eiiter- cv.r.>etr.lCourae-noUccoi:-#iar.«.r.i>,.d«r. . ^ * ' . ' rc.-^'ding lU .Se> ruour-st, .WrMown, ^ Ka.e, u tJrorgetown, Ken„^r/«.,^,«^.--A -hootiiijz d-er for the u« of the company, I j,.wb-i.d addrcHaing lier from ctlibratd sta'Jiwi* import^.l Ik-’ **>S’'^* , cali'rJ lo liis conipuions for as-'istancc, ao«.ve,tiive my dau)>ht( r m marriapr lo K /fpk r»® fo'e t'i- FMolution. dn. tince tJ.e Ktvol'it: n. fpnrtiaiitv.—Having' travlkd with them in . ^ j- beuiL' able lo swim, they ^oiiis llrnbant, who is a man ol >f diftinpished irn;orttd iiiares. O.Meoley ,k,, mnriiier tor enl rf ivs th.% at lenpth i. ’ tuii«-amJ eicelkiit chaiat ter. I and :shark, in fall. O; f)i>jreid andCi'.ii»n, in i ^ ■ - . ’ . P c'.>ulil not render him anv* t-af)t. Burton, a vi i rnM.iit« if i«irb '■ Sir .\.^chya,;ds;r Harrr, in full. Of ’ reaclH:d the Links of the Ohio River— . i..„ j. . A I. h-. eotta^,-, |-rj,a.«., .... di.tinguish^d of Sr Archy’s get. Ot ,, ^ i i b . | »'‘he AIpha-cotta^f s, (jj> ,i,^ rt-lu^-rd ln-r lo hii.i. >: cy luis ad- n in full Of .‘^ir niarle!>, in full. had fwR^n precau- Park, who w3« swimmin:' his tntjiiitinn, and fjne everlaslinj; repoc^f to hirjte lor euthire ttie |Mirgatorv for full. () the r.o>t Atjj' rican >f tiiirty stallions advertifd In 1'32. wii>i ih'ir • tion to bind him at uiglit, alUi'»ui.'h not ve I>rice-, ie. Cn'twu'.t “liutoi.k advertued in Lie . , (.•land, l-^-'C. with thfir price*. Of w vtral LiorM.« 'J s^ccun.lv ; but ofi that rveniiii:, had re- of th o!tit.ii tiiue, selected Irotn tbi .Maryland tnonstrated With them on th»* sulijf-rt, and Portraiture ofr*f.oLMAX, en- cotL,plained aO strongly of the p.im which trraved fay Bannern.an from an rriyifal painUnf. him, that tiiey merely TfC.'Tiri.KA.MT:. wra|>fK)d the bululo t»;r U»y |y arourwl his AX th»‘ ^‘*ij * r®ric^ (V>riVtntu*n* h«*ld it I**- * i ■ t • ^ v. ' * i Hcoll.i 1)^ l ij^on thf i:th Ikceinbcr, 1-3'j, u r;*-. ^.tach- , jr>.itantly sprang into t!i»- canal, and tortioo. HavmijobUiinrd an iiiterMCw with “ t!,at U.r ral Teinptraice Sorieti., ed the extreimtics of the ropr to their own i the iiuirof his head, sue-1 th! mn. r, U*- mtr.Mlm --d the «ubj-ct t^f de- "’"'''"Sjceedejmbrinmng him safe ou shore, jU:*t j ' ' i:at/r\, i»i| diirinj; an mtervui ol »ikir*>, mi.ser’s d -ix-as**,] filher plairiin;; of Iuh drvadfnl sit- uutii.ii in p irj;aii-ry, ai-d r.al>in2 upoti his S'!!! to rest lie him In.iii hts hiiir>*rmi,'s by - , , , •'ii.ibiin;' Ltiuii l»rabai,t to redeetn the /har,, f)nmn^,n.s «mt (>x broach ol ,,„,|ave.J hv the'lurks. orm«.- ot mnrni.g'-, and a„e..truek iin ' r wu-i alw thn ulene.l with ed-rit.ii damnatiun if he did n ^t thu« xjiiate his own sni. ; Uit stifh w »s Ihe 20 l)!)LL\US UKW ,\N.\VV frosn the »«!»rr». br(, bi lug m (liarlftttr, )k Ihe first ^ Mareh hu*. a s' man named WAlJ.tY.tirM H twmty-sii rear* «f ar*, raihfflifKt ewnp!'*!'*!. •ft»i(bt *i>d «rll — fxirtt^Hd arul at«>ol !’'• f'-1 i*o f rlevrn luchM high, hi* clothr*, so Ut a* r.«>il'- «d, « tS of ordinary d-wriplioo. no doubt. b«* rr, he ha« cr will r*-« “'iix ol' a U ttrr kind. 1 latMd lhi» frilow and hav«- no kra/«llgr wf *• n-eliuf. tie w illtakr : h* »*■ h’ard to •;« ak of *'• huj. and »i.l pr-JiabJy make lor ».e.«' of what « ' ..mii>otily calUH fr-e .'‘tan*. .Son.e ttron* •u«r r«»i r »U ajramsl a whil>- wotiiso «f raidli.ng *Pf>»/uancr tnjf -jf bad rlia/art^r, «ho tia* b«.r a thu i« i.jhlwrh'iod l«»r tonie lltr»e. aitd » ith v it I* b»l»nd the abo»e friSow »•« k«t intiaiai*. at d ronjniiitly w ilh * hem il l« Ulintd a I 'hailut.. wi.- hruk'o inlu and aondry fkn-r* •' Uu, imnird:a!> !v aAer whichtlii« ftlVnr aad»>.«^t ill" ipj^oar'd 'll>e f'lMie an r#qi;«-»lrd lo hr ■ ih'ir ij’iard 1 » .'.I g-.sa t.'v abo»* tr«afd f'- Uallr-., ;m«l pat aH •Jl|dll*' . if hfwieht luMti' •• il hi u;.. lall 'hat I • an r»l hi.ii. 1 » t >.trei-r> t.he.r o;r,c-r. and n-im'jcrof fn.in. without awakening them, tli' v very com- | j ^ ^ Mtikin-. Aftrr L;atwr\, .in.l aiirii b-r^: to fori» ^rd • cooy of ir cuiwU. ,, i i voice ot the ur.fjii tijUji* -Mmo, ihai Ih* MUry ot lo 1* \\ing Ij*c pri.sc^n'r short Iiiim* In* uiA |»roc'‘eded j v^as lifjnl couipl t;..- v»iity r'port tfjtir fLrroitiou to th( I'iir'i.t to follow tiieir example or not ah he plea.-^d. .^.►i.li," ,\tJ a* tiic-aiiriualnii ’.i/igof IIk; NorlJi , ,, , . , r i ■ r. r.,;,;,ii'ut/ 7eni,K-r,u.ccS^.et., »illt.ike;,:a.- .M C onnfll det.-rmtn'd to e{r.tt hises- '1 .'lUf^av, Uie lit i of l)..eu/u-r ui Ki- ,|,ai riighl, if [KjMiii.k-, as on tlin fol- l*-i-.4;, the utl.-rt.or'?.■ a'lXiliiru-i I' polit'Ij. c li!'d ' Ut ti«. above r'-KjIntion. A i.-x^dy coini>lianc 'owin;; rnomin" they wouli, cro".s the river, I pri large .Newilwridl-ind d..g about lUO vanU 'he .*.^il of viKir |«-.r hu-tioiid.” Th , , , ,1 aw fill f amm.ind «i-ii!d ix»t Ij«; p »i.'4ed, aiKi Irom where Ihe lad* were Utlhing, iK'ar- , .1 • ‘he wido.v ann.sjc. d her compliance with « «n n».n- • » in;; th»* cry of “//elp m«, li* lp me—I Hm c^xijuftr hr w r n 7iirf j,,.4rd rf twrr.ty drrjwnmc,'’ called hi;* dog out of llie watr r, iinxi* y fur th*. completion uf hit marrin^e, nnu’ if found n rt^npaoy w.th ti e fcB*’. and ran to lac spot, when he dircct*;d the he r.-;>lwd to work UjK;n th- f-.n of one ■ -> rna, be coovu-i-d^f^ ' ; Curnu, an old b«iik»*r jt J/Von.-., who had v #• i«.»r * Kiir ; animal - al(e,.t,oii to the drowmn,^ youth, ■ ^ ,m.iK n^ wealth by u^ury ai«l rx- J '[ ' • * ' ^ Strtnn KntiMfM lor Sttlf- fBlWtl low pr .»ur- rn,fii!e*, «», h tw*-*!’ ■ h-->r»i' I--w» r. l>*y ha*e V«i u»e«J •'. * •Itorl •inieid’'U)tbccar«»kicbhi-. k>rn Uk'' tlM-Hi 11 I* ft-ci unu d tiiey may agatn br j>>jI 'at«i>n at a rn-t- rate rjp na«'. Tliey are I'lr ' tl d 1^1 thr h* id of the Sir.ler Csnal, abooi i nnle« fV.nn I'lnwll.-, »l»rr» tS y b« rtawi jfi 4|.piu ati.in to Henj I’ijtiein. n'»r the i*'« r«. Till !• is attbclied to lacb « ;»r>e a i i'' . . .hn'* home with some of his cotniiannxis. .-■f.n". ...nthP 'I'*; V'* ^l.l'p ll«il the iMnk^-r I .ok of j.H {;.,|d, ik.l (isitincr u(>^n th^ nlamtiti aiui Mr. o! l*av^*nr, • , » , t, i, • Jiiaimiu, d.Hi ,Mr. ■% . iIm; vc(iInlo^iuiil \v.i-obh2»n to f»uy liiiii n- objert. Acckntal. tendant. wcr-eonsm-. ' ^ t this o.ca.ion, i.ol onlv vitii 11, rw.;,i-»t is =i iud. ■ fr,ore diiri'-ult. 1 tried U-I^.re lite Cirruit C.mrt, m this city. As Ir-v-ni ii. iu fan «i ap to the !• rms onTue.-diiY and WtliieiM!;iv la>t. 'I’hj r>'Mir* i (,f kui iarii i.it inaj m rv^; a "ood pur- Me, tnererjre, lav rpnetlv until near inuJ- anviou.iy'rumi,.' l.fM , UM l.or ■ II arUi/it spirit*, erc.pt d.‘ nn di. iii'aaH of elTectini; liia i, ». •brcirig p ,n>p wilii pinr for rai>.ir* v at'r at»''' twenty tr- t high. Mid -hieh will kt »oil _ riijir.e^ or n. t may ••.it th! jmrcluMr. ' liirtner infuiiii;iti>in sp,>lr t>i H VVL.NLI . .’fl lTV r-. A CO Via..I ^ .■-io* i ty throu.'h har do of t/i- ir C'jrr-;,-,iidiig fei f, they I' ll ujtoii the ^'httcrint' blade of a ' ri \trv. IC'-y. 7'/io. /' /hnf, \\ 1 1 . . i 1 .1 1 J.J. iiVejl.tt'..ofaui.li;.i.- .i/iatil:'yr. pr,rt kml»-, which had escaped Its sli. alh, and to th' (j're‘!r,t“iir,ir .-^r. Ury 4 !• w. Iviii" n*-ar the feet of one of the uf • k» al Ua^t hv,,r> th.- annual ni' tn.^' bt lU- If , 1 i 1 .1 ). .-h iheir o^.r, r,, t.w.l^-r of I'.tii.U .1., und any IndiafH. i O r'-arh it w itfl his hand-, witll- otber u,t- r-.iinr matl-r «M.h in their j i'Jgni' nt ,„j, tlje two Indians, to whom will pro’i.tt' lauH ijf t-'.’ p* raai.d lliat . , „ t)i } »ei»d fiel' ifiite* III til' anr.u.il im 1 he waH l.iMteticl, wa.s inijKis.'.ihl'-, and it w;m uj tj,^. tjialta 111 ariv •niiidar epse, •id ^.thc 1,.. 1.., .urid..i.no tl,. .-vrr-- haxirdou- to attempt to draw it up Ohxirrrr. L.: r\i * V. iihout Hfi ^ ' iip -ii«Tiltfri, It ii dc»ir- a.iie u.at all t«iiJKi'imr-;>ti 'i.-U-y/o«f ymir/, w ith hi-» tWt. I iiis, howrver, l»e attempt- '1 HO I*. Ill \ i,' «r >- . 'v. .V. I'. I . S. VV Iiiiiiiigtun. .S C, UrsT'-r Hiiiii, had it b«'ii claiineil. \Vc Ik,--' h'v thin 1-the larjfe'il verdict ever given SvMptTiiv IN V\ An iii.fi.—It had be»-n Ki.oiH:i> fh. rv ©■ tJ* *■ ' i riUr, IitIiis in l(i' ' of Cnknihn, .Stall «f • ® II,. :>.MI. d..y r.f .laiw I*.', • tiliow named ,W ICA7./.V, Ihirtf tl,i' »- ynr» of a-; , round laei, dii* iiiiip!>'\i>n, .ind w.ll prnpoMioi.''-' r;d. W ith much difrirulty he prasf,*.d th. ^ w.itci.mak r’» (.hop, the Liladf- U;lweeii his t(x;fi, and aft'-r icpeated j time.pi*ce« or «-lo« kn, coiiih ct'-d wiih tho . his father, but nil his derca.scd n intion-, tient uA. Mi-ali.Hi ol Ihe cave a ver- In. own «ml di.;t.nlavoroftiioplamtifl,lor thatmim.- th-ai.n, .ind 8u.,h wa, the ioiidnea, of Uemidertandthatthe.ireumstaneeiio theljj^^^^ j rasi- wercH. a-'ravat.-d, thnt the he Kav the v.-n- woiild hav.t ^mv.mj a verdict tor .a mueh; , , ^ ,ni . II I ; him-P': ^, 1 fit Id hind, mid drt'‘'d in roiintr) h-m.'-p hri.stian captives. When Ihc mn«;r was' |,,. ,,„rch:„rH fr.n.i Ivtr,„„. |{*v.li"r« ' allerwardH uiideeeivcd, h»; is said lo hnve , l-e.'l.thcn juxt arnvd from M«rkl«-ivhiirg »’«'■ lj»''rll ao niortilied lUat U'- iii-d »d' vexation, i 'y. \ 1* *• d that he l« tndnouru'g ' J!rttrtlir» LitUr* on \atiral Muvic. I"'‘y' ‘‘ l* I”''' hiiirijf liiii) ;oi() aj»;iri*ui;f the tuuMi rirH r of , — "■■' I nr drli\' i|ng him lo thr •iilii'rilirr «li»ll !>«■ ‘"‘I '* A (jeiillrman ri'linif through the town of. re«.ird'd for ih'^r tro'ihl* .ind ip* i -one day met an awkward fdlow, ^ c«AUK.RI>. i oilslilMlimHtf ,Yu. 4'aroliiui. and lon^ rontmued effort.-, Bucrerd' d at«'>H or shtif, have such a «ymp..thet-1 l.-adin{{ a h.^, whom ho aceo-ted m the %M» Ol 1 MI. I MI l,i» M V I . 1 1 ei ' le, olki t in ke*-pin;; liriie, tliat ihey kIo(» I'dlow in;; manner; “Ho.v o.|d it looki lo s,. .. t,„. «i.. a f'.s -o,,i. of. ••-..-th mhririK.n^ it w.thm ^ those which l,eat in irregular tim., and, if s.;e one ho-|e;.d anoth'r.” “ V-s,” ,e;.|i-,l r*mi.ii'-( ''it.tuiriirr.'II.- «i,i*t:taitn'>th- '|o rut his eordn w a> tiif n l»«it the j 8p. ,,t rent, H**t a-iroiiiL'thonu whith the chap, hut not so mid as il doca to aco a I ntleii Shil-t th. I i./ifUlullonK' \:,r',h t nTd'.un. , ^ \ . i i i i i o uuuth^.l>u.Uiraiwhuj JnUrj-iiKicuct. l .iti. JJtu , work ol u mnueut, uiid gradually aud w- , beat awcuralely.—Muncof j.\u(urc. , hog ride on horstlruv.k. ,\rar C ilumkiit ('ourlJloutr, " Ju!y \"ith, .101? i»KL\ri\(i (^f nil hinds, nrnlly i f^rufcd u( this 0

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