miNERlS’ &, FARMERlS’ JOIIRBTAli. n- :a * .*”1*^”**'* K^I-ir^KA‘1 IIIU>AV, HV TIIO.H \W J/lfOLT)lV».X HAItloiTK, Mli KI.K.MJt'Kt; COL WTV, NUll'l H-4 AROf JN A. rou TO MKACK Tlie BOWKljl or Tiie kabth 'rrrr‘T7rmTr~T--““'r~ . ''—' ' ■ - -t - -rn=:r.r-:.;'v.—, r—^TT-Sr-rr-.• , WIIJ. T»ACH rou TO nzKVK Tiie nowtu or tiu k^hth am. (m,t khom rnt cAvf;ft^N^o»^T..K^«oUN which wn,». ,,v k. *TKtAoT., TO U.R hanm^u «rw^rr Alt Natih r. t«To^ vm\„n^vu€::^n. voi^iii*._ „_^ivrtRjiivri>i:cK>iBiiu NO. 11J. [Cuiitiiiued frbm/iuilh pagt.] TIIE Iflinerw’ 4c Fariiirrw’ .foiirnnl Dc'icnce and ciitur(>rii)u oliuiild . .. .. ... , I Court.]hu:^. ”?* ■‘••oKemd. to explore th.» whole re-1 IN SENATE. .J-,-, ii,u , . , ! jf""’. "‘®y '*‘^11 *>*= a maUcr ol noinc iJuri»ri«i ; initi- Uforulau. Sor. J 9. 'riiis bciuir the dav ;n\ni.Smwiupj.lv.i.»oc*U‘i.iivca.|rnp how. vcr, U but j.u.t anrf cotmtri.y ' y. • nis Dtiur xne uay ii. 10 con,,««. afruoHt vvrry .rliclc thought to be richur, h».e calid off advcnturrr*. »PI'^'«ted by law for the mwting of the frt-aving the auriferou. rrtioiit;. wc rtach tli« J'.*.®"®'''*' A.'se/nblv, and fifly-eight of the Chillianue Ni:w iiRt itriT or .m^DIC lAI'^N, llltl &f, ] ilie mine bai not biicn cxplorid to any cnnsidera- j »*«//##« MjVtSitiiatUre. , . . .-Umt reri'intil nnti .,t it.., , ! l.u j.—u . ..! at Two IMtar» p«“r annum, if paid in advancu TV* IMUn and b’ifly Crntt if not |»aid in »d. ^aneei Thrtt Dalimn mt the end of tl*a year. AI)VI:RTIHKMKNT8 wiU bo inacrud at Ft/tf ! MM which p. rtain. to tho A^thccary Hu- crnta per »qua« (not escecdini' 3U linca,) for tiie I tflk.»in i«». All who wiwh to pfirchaHi can fir«t inaertioii, anJ 85 ortjti for uach j f'-'* whirh it pore, fre*h and f^onii, under vrar. t; of a aiijK' MafWon ue raijpt of niountainnj hw roofing glkjc 'Ititnlxirs of ll)e Senate nppearing, that •ricr quality nmy bo tracrd tor Hrt v inih-a. ‘Ijudy proc'-eded to the q;>liticaliori of its of Biany and v«ry bcautrffi! vari tic* arc njcinliers. week—or $| for three weeka, for onf •f|uare.-~ | •« mm v«ry w.aijwtii rari uc« arc A ...^ ...!«.I-f «'• /«#/ M. a I M MORUISON, ptwitiou. We have next the jfraynacln; Uatc. and proc;(;(idcd to Iwllot f)r thrir preslHiiiw Ofli- t *, r. , H. I 't‘I'P •'•-■d liajKlstonc iortnafion ; Ic^d, i/» a lint ■':*T. Mr. W. siigiitsted t!»e propriety uf LOWI) AVI> j |«r8llelwSlh»hr range of uiouixain.*, jinay M»allutiii;r without makiuc any roifular noin- ('O.MI^)| II W AKII. j diatrlrt. “*'"t® *’>« **'?**' j infttion. fW this course, the prelL-nwe of JiAir »r orrAijiri. 4t thf MKt>i ivr A i.ai'o aroat. i t oni« iou» Uiat my aketrh mmt he i«i>orfiM, I ^^^nibers would Ije ajjcertaincd, wiiilst no ■ . , 1 «'ii*' diftidentM-, nsign it into ilit hand.* of luorr |H»rron voted for would expvrience any 1 u«.a m. iMd"lirtn/n.iVSil?R‘l,‘’«n“^^ 1 ’vlilfS' I inortifiratiun at defeat. This arrangement ndvertiac bjr thryrur. ty On kll advertiavRicnta L-ommunirsled for pablicalion, IIm' number of inacrttonii must br n«ted on the tnatKin of the niauoacript, or Uiey will hr continued untU forbid, and ciutrfp*! arcordinKly. ■,* All rommunlcatioiw to the Editor must come Til 1ST SALI*:. ^ * IKicd ol' 'I'riiat |fi iia rxecu. I _t • t. II * •' vuii'joiiv, iMd> i«ii imo iijc any Hay Ik .ujuriuu,. a^rr. abl.. U. , field wt» have more tune and aumrior I »i.d luf the prr.p.rty ottlkJronifUy fiiiitraluirn. mean* fi.r wm-.tigation. _ led by William II. Taykir, ilfc’d. fof c« rtain hinjf nflVnnvi- in the hrcath, whrtlicr if o- ! iiunMwrs therein «peeifiril, Vrhiib dn-d haa bt-en I'''If'*'*** f'®"' dc»yed t«. th, tlie uac of tol>ar«!i. j .. /. .'/• , v u r / duly rwHJrdod and refl«(«:rtd in Iht- Hi-giati r’a | It lurdi-n* llie (fuum and u ’ • ujuni r^. AulltJicaltoH. liar duly _ ^ . - Ollice. for the oouiity of .%]eklenburi', N. C\ tlie * valuabk M.t»(dy lor C anker ur MruH«» oi'tlic undermr'ed Irurtoe'a »ills«ll,oii TKm»4iy,0>t . ">outh. VtWi »f Uiftmltr nfjt, al tlie i«t« rt«tdeuce of aaid iWenaed, the remaining untold property, to vloM Mid Deed of Truirt, nmntMtfng of FOI’H XKiaiOFS, lo wit: .lUsf, 1‘rter, Ihnmtk nnA C.oilmritif, aome V4IIU, HturkUd awJ iittrkrn t'mmlurt, ^e. MAMI KHOX, t Koirr. K. tavloRo AW. 14. l-3:/..-iatl« N. K. I’eranoa pnrchasinf at the iast a*l«, arc notitird that Ibatr Nu(« «ill lieeoine due oii the litlil)cc«4iibcrneit. Noindulrrnceian Uifino. S^MI'IX 0»X Cka,l„tte, Or!. 27. IP.T}. W ATCII{> A.M> JI.W IXLitV. ing Ix.'en agreed to, two hallotingi> were i, which resulted as follows; itt. 2J. W. 1). ,Vo«c!y 41 II..S-Hwr|l :t 4 I.. I). iImih i ;t W. F. l.eHke 5 1 J WellWn 4 :t ScattcHn^ nnd blank 7 G KK.noVAlA. THOMAS ri«»ttf:k 01 l.l> iJw piiMu-, iliut hr hai r*-- PianlniiiHi lo IIK J^lbacribt'f wiahea to IcaM hi* plantation, { Jl lymf »i* Of «•?«! mU«s from fharloOe, on i .. . . ,, ,1 • M.ilari fre.;k, eonUimn, aboot •,,. of ■ - 7 ii»nduur« north ot Ho\d’» lfi.t«l. ifig tlie recent cnntroverHy in (icoryiu on j the subject of Niiiiificwlion, a Committee of, one of the parties a!dr»*sw?d a k*ttrr to the * Hon. M . H.Crawfuid, Boliciting his “ views ’ >[r. Mosply hming received a majority jiif the iiietuure!* to be pursued in the prefi- ‘he whole number of votes given in, Mitcri^i^, and in particulur, in rclution lo u j to ••**; ( hair by .Mr. Mont- S.uth^:rn Ccuvention.” Annex,-d ih the * ‘ ‘'’“"S'-. ^hetux^ he retur- , , . nis tnanks la u neat and i>ertinenl c.«t,ludii,^i aragraph of hi.s reply : \ddrt «s. Antioiial FnttUi^rhcrr. ()(i t.'iction of Mr. .Mutthews, Samuel F. “Any niPawire of rrsictunc**, wln-iher Patterson, of \ViRe«, was ap|Kjintcd I’riii- i.ulhfii’ation or MTession, ts sofrriuyht tMlh cipal Clerli, and William J. Cowan, of Bia- • rtfiil r)itt.«>qiiriK-c«, too niiK'h caiition aii(| den,Clerk Av'si^tant. '•■Iiwr.iiioii eaiiiiot l»e evrciwed. Out- *( On motion of Mr. Vanhook, Thomas B. rleartd land. A» ibe otiMcl «f Utr anbM-ribrr u> , , „ lo ba. the ulMUlia.1 pul under good li .mtt ai>d , ^ -Uou. m cood repair, he mill Irl any one bate it a ao®. ' ''’’k, 1 ^ - rirM leni^Tof l.«.r lo aaurf, for Uk. .mproro. •«•• • —‘‘luh.n^i.t and \orti..t ax.Jin. i.okl iixr««d hi* .va*^. to lilt old .i .iid, lal«-l» jniarki'd iie*.'ri|.liiji»^ i»f the wick- 'Vheeler was ap[toiiiled Prineijial fiix>r * Taylor S|;oj, ••!, i!i the SyTiptun'H, ia—“/A Ho>d'» Ifn.l, »ii-rr aUwork ‘art Mtrifl lo thul blo^nl lentlh of limr to aatioly lor Uie improre. "7 ”V 7 n«nu. &C. For lartber apply t« j 7' k. A. alkxaVdkr. . * - ‘‘f St. 1.1. l»J._l hi I S A l>l ILI :s \ 11 A H .\ i :ss XOTK’K. . mi AI>I and eplinihi # i^lMiiigot ,\ir. «*■ ii'jf*’ brM'k biiilihti).' .'d u«r innii Uh JAii T. .v.-lit KV A ro. Ml perwna are r«n». -ifd to call al hi* «Wicr at>d I Ttf n.air payment imBirdialcly, an no ind«Ji.enc^ will | K.^ht or Ten fir«f ml. R«ddkr» and lUrne*. bepteii. K. l.l)lMiUV8. submitted a Rcaolution for the ■rcommf>da* tion if one or more Btenofrrapliern^ On tnotioD of Mr. Bragg, the Resolution was laid on the table. Mr. Sumner, from the committee ap* pointed for the purpose, reported Rules of Order for the goveroment of the Hotise, which were adopted. The hour of 12 o'clock having arrived^ the following cominuication was received from his Excelleucy, Goy. Stokes, by hia Private Secretary, Mr. .William R. Hill i To the Honorable the General A»»fmbty of tke State of North Carolina! GEJTTtEMEz^ :—The meeting of the Re* presenfativos oT Freemen, in all (’ountries where Freedom exists, is at all times an interesting spectacle; and when it is con sidered that they come from tlreir homes —from their fire-sides, and relinquish the comfort'? of domostic life to attend to their public duties :—\S hen they make great .sacrifices of time, and of llieir private eon* cerns, prompted by no other motive thHfi tlio public good;—claiming nor et[>ectitig no other reward than that of an a[)pnjving con.««:ience ; it is not an easy task properly to estimate the sum of gratitude which is due from the People to their faithful tte* preaentatives. On the present occaxion, suffer me to congratulate you up^m the ap pearance of general prosperity in the State, and for tht enjoyment of a common share of health by its citizen.i, at a time ulicn other portions of the world have It. en visi- ted by a miwt afflicting mulady. For these ble:«ings of health and prosfienty, we have reason to be thankful to Ali.ii-hiv (J'xl. And it cives us just cause to n-ly with confidence upon His continued mercy in avertinz the calamities which threaten and iKirinony of our lieloved My N«lr» anti Uooka we piao*d in the hand* I of W aabiuKViO Murriann for (V4i«« (tun,— i • «!« r. by N. II. W aahnifton .Morriaon i« aUn a'lthorrwd tnM-llmv planlalirm.lyinf S^milofiOHii harlutU, at I «haU hate no further u*r for it. R. i. U ~ iiji yy N%HrKI. MM OMII Ml\ RIJSI’fiTnH.I.Y uilbrni the eitiirni (liarlotle aiMl .Meektanbur^ ronnty, that they are now •peniitf and re«inii^ a l»r|ri and entile new Sim k l»K •;» KUK, tioni l'liaa4Kl- pkia and New York, roo«t>tinf of llry 4auNi«, llnrl*ii nrr, r«K’krr>-»arf A »r«»rrrir«i. a!) kind* f«tk«r*lly u«ed in Uts cnuntry. * ' 'rr room »a repaired in et>iulartahi* and t. ii yie no t|i« Inwer •lory, wlier* we will our roH i»i:.\T. .11 V Im'uht and tvl> in the tnwii o' t harl.i'te. 'I'hrre it i ve ry nmvenit n *if a family. !*»■ »e»»i,in gnrii on ib. hfnt »f fl. ^ erii ; r iu il, «>r lurtinr uiloriuaUun iixiuin o W,n. Ilontrr A t a I.*A.U- IIVAMS. /M.37. |K>2. -ju: il'«»IJKW \K.N all Hro*n tradine ^ • Nt»I K n'aik l>\ ii.e and •i»t(,'iird b» H. .**. » "ok and in. ( arn* an (uri liro, in lh mun 01' Mrr*’mtw IHiltnn, li. Wi|nn Hem- «r bear, r, dated ihe Aur"'', l“ii, i«r naar »aid Utm.) and f«yab«e 00 t)i> •J.'»tii iVouiU ror l>t Jaii(i.irv ii*-»l. t/mt ihrir ftct kee|icr, and (.iicen Hill Assistant Door- I>:t us lujt in a keejitr. r ol thin kind briniT our.-rf-lves within . On motion of Mr. Monteoinerv, of Ilert- work- l«‘'*rii;,ii( 11 i.f the wu ked in the Scrip- 'ford, a .Meri'i^e v\a.s t^ent to the Jlou.se of|- ^ I ture. 'V e kuiiw not to what ct»nf*»‘f|upiu * >* ('onimons, in(brininf» them of the orjrani-: the jieace tin-iiiesiMin-s now in embryo M oV Irp.d.— zntion of the Senate and of their readiiies*. | country. For it is not to b»’ denied nor 1 lie ij«*cid*il amantage which the call of a to pncoed t> the desptch of piililic busi-j disguised from ourselves, that the riira. t .>nv* ntif>n his over Ntilliricaiic^n, is, that ncs«; and then the A'liate adjourmd. Uures recommended by an excited portion It i.’^ cull ulatcd to oLtiiiii all i'lfcriiiation ne.; Tn.uhiy, .Vor. ‘JO.— Messrs. Spai^ht, I of the Southern people, if persisted in, n:iist «■•■‘.';iry on the ultiinate deciMon of llie ' Toomer, S« awell, W il.son and IJailey were have a tendency lo weaken the ties w hiclj qu’ ^iiofi, m a peaceable, cnpsiiiuti nal ni'pointi.d a ’oininittce to prepare Rules of have heretofore so happily united us lo- ■ iii«in, wli**reas nulttfi iition can only obtain Oi^i r, for the governniciit of the Senate gethcr as a nation. Whatever may U? the issue of this struggle, 1 rejoice tiiat tho People of North-(’arolina have wisely a- 1 rej'“ct nii!hri aliHi »•* a pe.ireable, consti-, a .Mensag« proposinjr that a Joint Select [ voided any interference calciilatfd to dis- tuli iiinl lit* Hvii.,.; for I vciily U iieve that Committee be appointed to nait on his E\-1 turh the public tranquility. It is in vain \o «A\ i> III? !«i:n'|> tTtr hot butirid il cellency the tIoverm*r und inform him of j that we look for perfection in any hiiinan lo In' to. 1 n j-vt it as a revo!uNon:iry ihe or;?anizitir>n of the T^egi-Jlalure, and of institutions: An overruling Providence has itieriMire, liec;uiM- rverv c«mslitutmen- its r'.adine>.>i to receive any Commiiaication j ordainefl it to be otherwise ;—Dut so far as -ufe of redifvs hfl' net Ixeii tr.ed, anJ lie- h'’ may think prop*M to tr ike, and stating I we have been taught by the experience of rau'«' il will, in all human probability, be that Messrs. .McI>eod and She[>ard are ap-1 nearly fifty years under our present forui of iiK tr-i'tiial, an ! n ill injure none l»ut tlios*' pointed to form the Cotrsmiltee on the part ■ tJovernmetit, we have had reason to be >?at jW. ‘id, l-.TI.—llif ! '’1 *«• all, after the Iwrri.’rs of the Con>ti- ‘during the pres»‘nt S*si«*i». ' "hall be (L>n*'e«l. It v»;Il somi, that j Received tVoiii the House of Comnion.s, ‘ wiio resort to it. f ndrr tli.-x b»’!i»'f I shall ol' that Hi-U'e, which proposition v; is a- U* »i»rry lo .^ee S.nti)-Cari;lii(a, or aiiV greed to by the Senate, and a .Message sent SHiihTn Si-it.., rt'sor! to it. I w.iuid rr»j- to the lluu-% of Commons iiiforniiiig them sera S .nth»-“ru Convention to .NijiiifiiatiiHi.’' lh»nof, .ind stating that .Messrs. iliiams and Hoke are apjHimted to form the Com- We nre rlad that the r.lectioif f..r Presi. niit’«c on the iiart of the Senate. Mr. uion to t(,.,1 i(,r \\ ,»rk».*iJ» to i;ii \ "V I- .'^|iriag*, t liariotti-. *!'■ . V c;«AII\M A CO Ihrrnif, lrm •»\ nk dit. S t' lOfi, rv( I — f lll'l K «ii'werilH*r otrur* ibr «a]c istied with it; and it is hoped that we shall cling to the Union of the Stales as now connected, without adventuring upon haz- ardfius experiments to change the terms of that connexion. Having; been appointed by the President ited States a CommisMoner to the Indians, and for other pur- have thought it my duty to accept mportant to the ' onuuuniooiion lo me i.ii'gisiaiure lo-mor-1 tne apixiintment, inasmuch as the f>cace- well Iwiiig of our oiir>trv than anv e!oc- I vi o cliKk. I able settlement and lH-ation of the Indians iton that rvi r came lH.i»>rc the Aimrfean Wulntstltu/. .\or. '21.—Mr. Parker pre-} removing beyond the .Mississippi, is a inat- ninlii, a v.llo« IKiY. ahi.nl n Irf ».'i * " e inraii tlip/»rix#rr*//iofi o/'m/r sented the petition of Henry Humphreys, ter of great iuqxirtance to the L*. States, tiy Ihe n«in ol 111. \n\ }■ a|.»ir.iiainj; ’ frr>m lh iii'^^nn-yinns of ytiliijif'fi- of Oinlford, praving the l..cgislature to 1 and not less solo North Cartilina ; es[«. «:id biM and dt liki ritij'iiiiii lo ii> cr ix:ntinint: We who liiive the charge of the pii»* an art exempting front taxation lor the j cially, as regards the removal of thul por- ';iiti in an\ jail >u iiiai I e*'hrii at.iui, In- t hiiiiiieN of [Militicul inl^rmniiou nrc under term of fifteen vears, a Cotton I'uctorv, I tion of the Cherokee nation now residing r.»««»n-b.> I. ward.^!. li ,t Im ,»■»: l.i tui» n-»" fbt- loud of a f arful re>^fMii,.-ibilit V ; we owe "Hh the slaves then*iii einploved, together within the limits of this State. It is known ■ T 111 roiii|>an» t« iUi •«.iim whn in i . wl»o »ili . . ' .. i . i . t . ^ .. . .. 1 Luk. hi.n ii.uard. the t..v.',(ia 1111 r». or ha» (.rt^ ‘ '■otenipomrie.>> ds well as to jwister- "'Ih the lamis and ap;)urtenances thereto 1 to many of you, that these Imiians have lor f uird a ire« [.«». , n> fHithriill) lo walcli over and vi;;oroUslv l»^Ionging, siiuatt d in lin'ensboro’; which a long time been orderly and peaceable, l>\\ll> I’AKK.*'. to protect those d ar bought Uiirhts of was n'ud and referred to a s lect commit-1 and their conduct has not made it neces^a- rv for the Legislature of North-Carolina to extend the laws of the State over tha Territory they occupy, or in any manner to inti rfere with their concerns, except for the purposes of protection. I'hey deserve the fostering care of the (Jeneral Ci’overimieut, and I have no doubt will rt'ceive it. In retiring from the duties of my sta- tif>n, it baa b en i'»y earnest desire and in tention, that no part of the business ci»ni- miUed to my care by the Ix’gishttiiie, siiould be neglected; and it is Ix-lieved, that my retirenient at this time, will cau:^o no inconvenience in any de|>artment f th« (lOverniiK'iit. ith ihis determinatu'n, I I have devoted inv whole time and everted I ko ptli.m aefaratr from wur new atot-k.and «iW — ivr i^rrai ba'faiii* in them, aa Wf are drtrrinin-i ^l«|» tllC lto •rll tiicmat coat and iiiaity aitirli-a !.«« than > n.. n ih, .u •« riU r .41 Fridi) • •*1. Tin nmal of (ht ar gourin wen- purrluixi ' >»( fall and art- »> ifood aa any in market, piir. h*»»d at tiiat linie. W'r |«4edse Mir>«'li'ea to jitp rry alti ntion to tbnar who will rail and favur u» lUi tlieir euatom, hopinf from our alork of c»»d» 'iHa'>)uainlanrr tK-raily tiirou|hout tlieioiuity. / ri.ccit» a ahare of otMlutn. ham’I.. Mt onin A .«»N. I. l^/, i;i|- ^ To ,fifitrrs^ tftill ttiiihtM, t\ r. * l>ar!..He. Nnar \ l‘-3.».—il j Freemen w hich fliC rcM of the world IS pi- tee, consisting of Messrs. Parker, Well- f>lli;i>«b.rnUr»»ra ingaged lu Uit- iai.iiii|; It A N A \VA V iiing for indes-viir. We have a scope and, born, Mattlew>, Skinner and Vauhook. of . ihf Sui:- ritfi r uti till iii,.lii ol ih* 3|»i I'ppt^rtiiiiily as I'Vlitors to do tmicli good m ! CaOliI »-i« brr la>i. my ngroni.m li»M, ut*itii A* our drtv and ^eiicra'ion. Wc have the el-• IIOI SE OF ( OMMOXS. Mill 4.--.irinE. ■’ -f .•,™i in.di.sc,.r, i'j—a qu,.„,„. onim lain lacnriiiy:, Ar. Ar. .1.1.: ahonti..t •. O, 10 .ml..-, hith. ►tmi. b,..U. the People on winch to operaf.‘.- M‘’"'1>.ts of tin. House ap|,earing, they -it a.nnja.f all aort. at H eir Irni Worka. where *'*'*'* ' ‘ «“ir« •». 1 " c have sincerifv and a love of truth, to pr«>ceede(J alter being qualihed, lo the se- il«f« wih'n thankfully ref rn, d and atund.d I.nnni»ler to—.ind «e are v% ailed on with a lection ol their ollicer«. t'd-lir ean irri furilier iniormaii..ii bv appli 'I"^bo lia» pm «-,irit of confidence and generosity, and L'uis 1>. Henry, l-.sq. of l ayettevyille I «ill roiifiiH him in anv Jjil in th. .'i«i.-. n. that I «""l> *he duharge ot the sacred tni>t Millan, ol liladen, and the narn-ol Samu- j i; t him acain. V Tl'I.’M.K. ,—woe Ix'unto ns if hj faction and misre- I. Savtyer, Ksq. ol Kdenton, was added I > r IJif j>r*-sentnlioii we n.vike'n Ihe iniliie^ice of the *•'« nouiinnlion, by Mr. Cwynn, of Cas well. A balloting tmik place which i^sul- W, I’n ss on our |»olifical iii:.titiitinns. Kt'MAKkviiLr Coi.M iiiKNi i:.- Alfojt t>n rail ii|>on thusi- who have ditK'red with us m the choice of .Mr. Henry, by the fol- jdavs ago. a man in ^ ork e .univ Penn.,, „s well as our other fdlow-citi/.ens, as our ’^*l“"k il'lu^rd^iw'TTe '‘imI n nies- hrethren of the Pre.s, to forget the small Mr. Henrv was conducted to the Chair mv feeble talents m promoting the success ’t:; on l itHe was despatched to invite hi^ brother ^ b.ckermgs that a mere disiigrcement aU.tit !'.» Mc.Mdlan, fi-«in whence he made j of such s[ n'T>ir Ihe landa of’j.«M ph Met onnaiifhey; the | J'-'TP'. «ho lived III HarrisUirg, lo attend ,„i,y have prcnluced und no matter who acknowledgments lo the House. 'iranf Hmry Maaoii. d.i'd. anil othera, tnoiain- hi>. fuiM'ral. The me..^en;;er met al an in-> piav l>e at the he.-;d of our ailiiirs, let us motion of .Mr. t'layton, Charles r ataHit two hiindr.^ arri >. ’IVrc n> or'to ^ tt rvening low n a me.4V'ii-er from Hams- |ond our .tid thus tar. nt h ;i.si to the new Mauly, of Kaleijjh was afi|Hiinled Prmci- f''M"r«V'mer^r,ih! hXnl7ia\*?«tUn^r.d ' *».' VdminiMration. as to enable it to pn'«>rve P“l and Fdmni.d B. Freeman, of • II timtv rr.1, Th. Iiit|.r«»rni« niii ar.'a good i«o 1 *"'* Ihcre, to prix eed to ^ urk the integrity of the I'liion, We liegin al-■ .\sislant. ^ ■7 d«..||inc.hoo»r, a fod Urn and all ne,.,-.. I •'omity, ainl iiifurm .Jacob of the death of rtnidv to h'ear the mntterings of the com- ""'«•“»» Rndiard Kol«?rts of Raleigh, mn.iK,u*.a.‘ The |>aynient will b,' a.com ti’eorge. It apfs'ured tiiat the two brothers ing teinpe.'I. »hen it mav bi«ak or where •’'PP**'"*'*'* '■'* r'iiri!l.ur,ycrop*lU*M/Kk'*Tu.-V'• 'l'’'>»''rge its w raih no man can tell, j YW.w/n.v, .\or. 20.—The H on so-pro ... TIKIS. I,. ni 'uni'^KV. ' v»ma l.rnrr, iikltrl IKI *. 7u 4 VM r AkF..\l |» * •> » eommiii.u to th- Jail of thi* ronntv, on I 11 i ■ '"‘f ™ ^ \ yeara oC aife, •' nifl;, yrllow roinpli'i U'd und rath» r nifc.-d "!'P* iranr. ... .. . had been calleil t niuiutes of each other. Hut if vse w ill stand linn together, anddo 'ceeded lo ballot again for .Vssistant Poor- our duty, w e can, in some tnea«iure at least, kee[H*r. Alter thn'e iKillotings .lohii Coo- Ttike rare (iaHatits.— \ suit for breach mitigate its furv.—(\iroliria W'alcftiiuin. i of Stokes county, was declared duly of promise of marriai^e, was rercntly tried ' | elected. ;"''T 'I.'" Cur, forlhi nirt.—V frira.lhns callnl' molion. « fommitln' c.niisliiig ol "nJr,: 11-rlz: "p™ «"■' »■■'»T' ontil. I lie piniiilill niovind Im I turn- • , Pearson, were appomteil lo prepare Rules .wfir/dollars damages. Thl^ “ ‘ ‘ i-........ i-. I l... ,i..„ ...... H II [»ecial objects as the liegislature, by Resolution or otherwise, has directed. I’nder these circumstances, I have deemed It inexpedieut and unnecessary to oiler anv general recommendations for your con>id- eration; confining myself to the task of rf'iidering you a faithful account of tho manner in which I have e.xecuted tho trusts confided to me. Resolution of the (General .\s.sembly directed that a ‘’contract should be made “with .Mr. Rail Hughes for the restora- “ tion of the Statue of Washington, upon “ the hasi-s of the princijiles forth in “the Report of the joint select Coniiiiitteo on that subject.” In olMxiience to thi.s "[•P- .ran,.,. , .,,7^ 1 - u,;.,. ... w I airfiiM di.triet, S. f. Th. •’*' '*• ^rvicc to the delen- Wirr I. rr..||. ,1, rt t„ forward, prove prtip- I “ USelul war- *' P*.' ' *'»r|'-» Olid luko hull a«av, or he will be With aa iho Uxa din. U. Or, s ,„.,-|"'' '‘‘-'»>NA";»M:Y..VAen/. I .tj, .7,1- J' 'f'K.a‘)amily Jflik.Vy yo.ine Negroea. ! I'l i 'in, llumrin ,m,l f'/ii/i/ien will bv aold 1 7tf iiiiig lo uthera. ' *l>- Apj.lv i„ Uie Pni.u-r, in a \ivnr.—The Coik Reporter iiniii>iince. iimong the arrivals at the HilM'r- iiian Hotel, Killiirney, that nf “ I'rederiek 'ouni l.plifnirlnsvsinejdmdiig, Co|)eiiha- geii.” How this jri-nlle miiiK' uf ihe (.’ount will puzy.lu thy Irish waiters' - , 1 r 1 I ..I • • ■T-ai:»lMI, Vi \\f IflvlKIIV - WII IIIU» »Ul» uilltrarh n or t it |»m cafi ouii \ iis miu* Qp for thr ^ovornrn«ut of the House. | UeKolution, a wrillen contract ua** iiKido pic lake a pn^ce ol snet't IcaH, j llou'^ prticcHHlt^d to Uillot lor ttm^f with Mr. llugUns, and some time in Mav stich HscommonN comes in tea chest.s, u|K)n ■ Fngrossing Clerks, the follow iog [»er«)us j last, he connnenced the undertaking, and the iiiMile of which you an* lo put hog’s l«eing in nomination:—Daniel Coleman,, so far as I was able to judge, in a manner lard, and w ith a h aden weight ruh the sjinii* J”*'" " • Coviiicton, 'I'hoi ias l». Stone, I contormable to the principles laid down in uiitil it iMV’omes a lead color, and with this i Ke|v.rt. Heing desirous of reiiiovins , .. . . ,v . the tir't l«i!lot the three hrst named, I his family and materials to this place, he sjilve lora lew time.s, aiintHiil the part alK'ct- , . r, . 1 . 1 ' v » . . . .1 r , l>eing the C lerks of last Vear were elevted. retunii'il to .New-iork aboiil Ihe first *>t cd, which in a short time will remove, what ('„|oman 17*,*, Covington JuK under an express promise to return to those who an> in like manner troubled, is \Vcsl Patridge :U. and prosecute Ihe work 111 fifteen da>s.— a dcsidcrutuni “devoutly to Ik* wislied." UVJ/^o\er. ‘,’1.—-Mr. Iravc«MVith a ionlidenl n'liance iuhmi this pro*

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