MiyERS* & FARSIERiS’ JOURNAL.. AJ», ■•■musii..,, iTini.Avrnv tii'owas j. h,„,t«,. I «'U4. TK*OH IfCU TO riKIlCi; Tllf SoWEr.H or TitfkuiTli aNh m is. f«ii. . ■ - ' - -»•>» w-iv. >DT rnoM tuf. cavminu or nm »wt.NTAiw^. mktai^ ^»JARL0T1'F, .MKCKLKKIIUKC COUNTY, NORTH-C’AROMNA. Win, OlVK «TUK>WTII TO OCR HANUS AND S.’WECT AM. NATLUK TO OCR CSB AND PLEA»(^ilE.^*. WmW^fir s vn:ki>.iYrj vjiiiAKV ae, iN8;>r~~ : NO. IS2. THE ]f|iiiei*H^ A: Farmers’ Journal , printiil »nd publi»l.*d t verj Saturday morjjinjf jt Tifo DuUars per annum, if paid in udvancc; Ttro OMtrt and Fifty Ctnf* if not paid in ad- tance; Thrrt PoUort »t the er.d of rtie yrnr. ^ I rvm the !\aliu}ial InteUi^encer, The Ixjgihluture of Vikgima (or.rallior, j Its llouKtt of D U gatm,) waB, ut the lalPKt 1 occounts, Mill •■npngcd in d»*lKiie ufxm tlic | report of Uic (J.tninittce of I'edrral Kela-: tiuiis, (at it iij tcinied,) not hiiviny come to nVKRTlSF.M KM'S will l-c jnvru-d at ri/>y :ut,v c.iocluBiof). ccnts.per»qimr«(rol«c«:ding201ino.)forthe | ()« the su».j.-ct of iho propo-vd medita. fir»tin«>rlion, and 35 cent, fhr each Nirce. ding j,io„ \,y Le^;islaf„,e of Virginia he- ^^k-or*l for for on^ .qu.re.- j ,«een ll.r St.Ue ni Soull,.C:arol„.a and ll.« A lib.ml discount will U^.de to tlK,.c ^hn L’oii.H wo find the f,.lbwi«c pithv adv,rt..rbylhr.«ar. ^OnalJadvrrt.^e.nent. Pe„„,j,van,a (iMt^l'urp) co«,.,m»ic(«l for publyatioo the «un,U-r of^ Advorute which h,.K ju.i co„,..- to hiu.d : inffflioni mu«t bo noted on the roartrm of til* I ... ..... • . . .u-,- oiii iiaaUrii Midabc.nt\iritiujo tncdihdoii. or they «.il be c*nl«,,«d unUl I vi^p.ri, infiu. nc. ; but th. liL ha. by! forbid, and charged accordmjly. ivkh. ii Vir^iiiiu cmU ihe arlukr ol »lir rnirn. ,* All conimunioationa to tbo F-ditor mu«t comt' I ' rfWiloUon* will not aiuwir the Ntillifi«.ri, fre orthry Ul•^ not br afl r i!i J». , ^*’■•0“ th«t tkf itutrthlc and potimtic au- n_ . ■ .1 ■ - -■’.'WJ' — -1 .—^ . inur of tl.n»r r «olutioii» 'who n.ij-lit be |K.rtuillcd 1 lie .11 ARKK'l >. : •« know •/•mtliiine almut hii o» n nuuiMiii%) P''o Ithi-tii a diff.rtr.l rr.tiflruition iVoiii tlmt jjuni to (them by liie NuJliiiiT*. Vir|i/ila arbitratiun wjll All inter- UiMIlllTtl>t‘'d I arbitration i-an U rtf K' ****'*** I ‘To have trusted to nt-gbtintion for adjuatin^ Of ^ullijtcahon,,State Rifrhtt, ^ Ftderal Poviert. | disputin betn’tm tlic rJovernmcnt of tlio United Mtalcs and tbc State Govt'rniiicnti, un between in- Mr. Madinon to Mr. P.. F.mttt. _ ‘ .Momim.ii.ii, Aiipost, irao. b.st sipht altogctiicr of a C'oD!tilution and Gov- ‘ nmr Sir;—J have duly rcceivod your Ktt«r, in crnment for the Union ; and 0|K'ncd a direct road btivc, Executive, or Judiciary orjan of the Statr, would be equally fatal to the constituted relation between the two Government*. uhlcJi vfMi rert r to tijo “unlli*\iiig JiKlririe,” aiJ* t'rotn a ftiihire of that reimrt, to tho uHima ratio I '’'**^“*'■"1 •" a eoniilitii!iinttl right, by some of our | btiw eun iintioiis wlwlly independent of and alien I di*.liii(;uihhe(l (llloiv-ciiiictiji; and to tlic jtrocci-d. to I'atli oilici'. If the idea had its origin in tlie III"* nf thf \ irt’iiiia I/(-(;islatiirc in ".)fi nnd 'yil, II* apficaUd 1(1 ill btJialf uf tlictdoctrine: and you exfirc« a ivl!>b tor iny ideas on these fiibiccli'. CHARI.EfcTLVN', JAN. U. 1«23. Ckittou, Sen 1‘Urul, I'J • 30; upland, nrw, 10 a ! n>.i, thtielbre, bu greatly riTud u^'on. 10} , Kicr, prim-;, 3| a 3|; inficior to juid, ‘JJ a ; ^artv 14 not »■ ry apt to b. a u Fliur, auperfiue, t?f * 7J ; 0»rii, t>3 a ! artutr.itor * ui.d, st alli.v i.lt, noarbitri L«, .*>0 a W; Whi»>iey, 35 a 37; N. K. Koni, i i^eedid, wh ii tlic onl) (|uekiu.n la, vvhtil.er tin- «1. JH M 3^; Apflt Braiidy, 40 a 41) ; Ikia. j law a of tl.t I'oil^d .Statm »hall or ^hal! not be ca- ai, 17 a lb; Taliow.farolioa, It a 11 j; Macl- *cutid »i.d rnlbrced. \’ir^'li,iii v. a» not rery fur. el. So. I, 6]; 1V0.V, 5J; llacon, 6 ■ 7 ; Mauia, *'*Qrd in o:Triiiff b r mbitr.ition, ni til)' Liuif I a I-ard, 10a lOJ; Naila, cut, 5| a C -cntf rcin>«yUdnia u»" at luue nitli the (jincral G v. ; 13 a 16; Halt Kope, 6 a 10 c«iit«; ;rnnniit in tJir Oluiktcd c*'i , inrtiitl tibio led 'ilTDiac brandy, 150 a !IOU; llolUnd fiin, ItH) a 1 «i>y l«n«.h» Irom b r, a* an art.it« r, wl,. ti »heU-- i'i; Iroe, Kufsta and 8.«eil«>, #t a 4J| l>«r lbt.;j*itd ano i-olbetcda tax from the L'uitcd Sti!i« •it, l.iTcrp«ul,iji ba^aot 4 bukb. I j a 0; in bulk,. ^ink. In bo'.h thcau ! inniv ivanin and ■a 00; Inland, 4^ a 62, Sugar, linrana, 10 Ol.io tverr ciinp(l! d to rucde froiti thu 4'riHiuti II|; bronn, 7 a 8; St. Croix and Jam. 7 a ; ; tti'-y bad laitt^n, «hhr>ii|{li pi, .^.ed of It n tiii. s («4)ilcana, 7 a ; .MotaMo*. ( uha. a 3V; ! >b« pli^«icil t.>rte tl at cr.n be rlain «1 by St’ulh . Orieana, 30 a ; (Vtflin, |>riiiK frren, 14 a 15 ; , CarUina—^r.d ^ktulA Ca »!ir.a nutt du tkt ' .•inur to good, U'a 12|; ll)aoa'lia,77 aMJ cU. J —_ Noftb l arolii.a money. U a 2l j.er rum. dw ! Ft9m thr AlUtif Ue:ly Adrnlttrr. .mt. Sawrwiah Oink B.!!. I ‘■>nt. d..couiil.' The l>,nd, Naw nU it »a« in ! ctbrr Ge^KU ^nk j^ll. U per cmt. ^ ^ ^ y v.Hsshud. s CAMDtN, JAN. 19. inhich llolLind Iw.-i iim1«*r;'.'nc wuro tl.r ranafry rrodutf.—lotion,• lOi Corn 50 a 'd«_v» wii# » litr vcs-;!!* wKHiit-ii lli»- Iirili li , Wnoai, 75aW,n«ur.co(iiitrv. 4ia4j; Ba-, C|1^>iik-|, or convov d 1i>>«k> her riv lilv la- n,tt a 10; \Vh.»U >^35 a40, ftraudy, Apple. lt«l,a.Mn. h.N® ttU^'cled' hrr I a ; ri acl), 40 • vs. , 1 ■ . 16 a 25j litla Uopc,' Ainwitf lh« « , t.rr last nalf nal a U; ( oflf*. 16 a 16*; M*tk-rel. .N.^ 1, o*; Contiict Hilh Enj^lai.d ua» aiino*! latal t.. o. 2, 7 a 7*; N... 3, 5 a 5i; !rco, S«-di»h, 6j a ht r iia» v, ntid e\ n »ilh all hik ; 6 • 7: North Cs^olina 6; Salu p-r yijrtir Di'nl acltvUv (4 iii.IkJ, uftablc Ir. -»h. tta 75; Mek. S| a 3; .suvar, bro»n, 9 . _ TTiETTr- - I I ' — rt>lirf II loltd torincrcoiuiition. A^iicar- A writer in iIm .\aliimai Jnic/li^tncir h f * fan b** 4sc*Tlaiii«>«i, bhe had verv rf- fihe VTlhuii. iind«‘r the sigiialuic of “.4 teiUly. and ik.w Imi..,, itj,; lullowmg iia\al *tmbcr tht L'tmrrtUion, (MJpfiuwrd to inuf lu il M?r\ic*-; Mr. .McUulTie) uitdi-rtakes tocumi-t and i In ihr Zu)i«*r Z*-*- I v; vrstel?*, rarrxitit; ■'pel certain chorj«*contniiM?d III tin-1‘roc-'>^1 C‘hw, oikI 1677 mt n. I i ih** Weit aination of the I’lesiUcot ol'tLc Cn.tvd J'”!-** 4wiiii 74 r'Jiif.aiKi 1 l.'i mcii. 'tat**#, in relation lf» thi* Nullification j>r«.- •'> liidu**, 3 aiouli |« k« i*i. f cciiiu^ of Suith Carolina. He rejjn ts (i«nun»iid l(i« nwn, oce 44 ;;un fnjruK thnt tho I’reMdrnt hac ri' l thotinhl pn pcj "*'• -^17 n.* n, anl 4 8tuliouar\ tCMtis, iiihy the pn>ietidin)^« ol' South Carohiui l)c- . »tih KC nuns ami 6U0 own. lore(.Vnjjrfi*. Ii he bad,this hriicri>a)», 1 3i 7**0 ^um, nU4 w'a- t \*)uld have been ae«o that the Priudvnt I »n^n. Stvtn !-hip« o« the line aixl VS otla-r tj>!t>iale« thvir viewn. He driii« lh..l 8. >H^r* in nrJinary , and art* itut uj 'aruiiua haa Hny dttiign to reM-i J'urnll^ elud' d 111 lh.« ei»tiiiiatr. :.c law% ol the I'. Stnlc«i—that intend A craduai increu^^'. however, has taken ^ net ruSuaively through ihn poiilicul an I I'iuci*, uiwi iU ship* of the linf, Iti^.ili-s, mI oigana ol*their sorcrrign jK)«»*r; and n»r»HltH, ami 50 »lo»>|>«, of war, wert at every lawyer will .««?«, that froinlhcuty *> be luilt uimI ♦quip}>*si by IrlJw. rjiauization cf i-ur political ayatem, in'* [ — ^rrmgn p.in. r of a Stnte niust prevail C'trictj .Va/frr*.— It 1-worth fhc inven. er the power of thr* Ftnli’ral io>en;rn nt, ti;;ali' n «if the curiou!t, to leani the vai»«i\ all canest nf cnil contr«i»«Tn‘ in which 1 htlle nmlli;is which arc conr«*tird up m If luttrr atJrTipU to cnforrr, within the ^'i ry \i!la^«-in New En>:i.ind. In l*itt»-j mil* f.f tfir former, a hw which it has an «ttenmve tutabliahwH'nt, employ. I rrtmjtinced urirof’-Iilutinnal in i’.» hight st '•'»{ »»{hly tiuni'is u «cupu*d in inanutiic-1 ver»!ijfti rhar.ieHT. luiiiiii el«Atic liir f>oiitJen).-n’8 necks. I The Hichmimd Knqtiirrr very nplly re. I In .Mi*idlctield and Ciiesli-r, in tliiH c»>*in-; srk, lhat .Mr. M' Ihitfi** haa a >;n^lar *.v, KiiUieitM quantities ol wiihIoh | • jof/(»rrf. When w rtling, aome jeani bhini» iimde ol canc* p«»lr, aio maiiutacturcd ; ^ un*ieriheMs;naUir«‘of“ Unrof iht Pro- n^fcrly on«' hiindntl handa ai-e uccupied in hr l.cld that the Fe.IrrnI ( Vurt n.iist *hm pnxiuclivc branch tf induatry. In •uprrii***,o»herwi*e, force mutt bt tht in., KuUhamptou, thi- rraiwr knows what lht \ ahlr rc"‘*rifiir»cc. ^nw, umier hn; pr«s I arc about Iher*', niaHiiiK wihmm-u liu(tt.ii ■nt m{;nalure, he 1* for tuiwrn'iiitif; the ('n*uhli*, and other innltent of ihnt dcacrip. ^ral t’oufi by Si.ii.* ir?tcrpo«iiic>n, and ■ *•> kill. In U illmnmbiirf;, loo, lvt> >t the whoieadair la te U- a jKUCtablr dc- ■ ■ nl* rpriiw' and indtialry an; buiidiii^ up the nation t ^tj«ii; iherv lln'y liiMk*- w.K^« n latix ri Ihe („ft la, tho KHRoR hea in thia, Mr. and elet-i hatnnicra, and htMtng Icl>iitfi», and iIm9 whnlfli4 ih« Nulhfyuiji oceans of’em. In lladicy and trty, place ih- SoNTiign i‘otrrr m ih*' Halfii’W, why whal a duly world woulu ale«, trtkicad of in tin* (ieiicrul (iovern. , ‘hia b«* without Ihmn ; thej support half a '’Ol, where Ihe CrjfMtitutiun haw ri;>htfuily chrislejidoni with ihia indi!«f)cn.sablr iinpk-. *ed It, when it wiya, •• Thia ('onMilulion,; nient of hou.'chold ware and clritnlinef>s— 1 the lawan4' the I'. 8t.ile« which aluili herc’i no niislak'* mUhii lladu'y and Hat- innde in purtmance iheri'of, and all trea-i f'***^! brunns. W’e nn't duin iiutliing jkt- niado; or which shall be made und*«r Ihe ! tikli^r in this town, rxc»*pt n set ol I’addit's ^liiority oTihfi r. 8tat«^, ahall l>« the «•' ui^ifinn a hole in the ('anal, or ralhi-rj !nf law of thr land ; and the J\uif;ea in j 'hovi Hint; out the dnt, and Uurinf; thr hole ' fry Stntt »haU be hovtullhirkp, an\ thin^ ; btktnd thim.—Morthumptoii (.Mum.) Covr. | Iho I (.nHtiiuiion or laws nf any Male to 1 A corresjioiidpnt of the N. Y. I'om. Adv. ^ reiatca the tbllowiiig ainpilar circuinMance | nilati^e to the nrr-t of n p^'raon ibr iiiur-! dcr coniniitU'd iionif ycarii itark. j Niag.\ra, I . C’. yist Dec. i . . ““■■ ■ ! Al»out len or tw-I\? years nj{«», I read in iI* I Kcirni,i;.—'Htc Lofton i tho SjnitMtor (I think) an account .f a ; ' ''I Iriday last hu:s t|;q follownii;,— j murtirr cominiltod at VVnlerlonl, lit:laiid, ' 1" “*'* •'* 'I*'’ I»cpi"4ature of tiic .Stale, j hy a man of the name of Janies Filz tier-' |X‘i^oi)H ure I aid, M ho Ik'jI out his wife’.i l>ratin w ith hi» j ' nipicd lr m iinpni.>iinn nt for Mim-Ic5-Ulnx! haiiunor, and not oft'eclinfj his pur-1 iJI '”'*****'"■*'• A Inwycr in the town of |Ku-n sotHi cni»ui>h, rut her thront wilii a I ^'''•ly, name I >V arn-n Lovcnn;;, had ^lioc knife, and then ila»*hrd Ihe braiiifi ofi ' eniiinil* ot fivo dollnra « uoh n)>ain>il a ' hia iiil.ml child out in the cellar againal the ; r however, etfi/ctcd hia eicu|H,‘, 1 ^^^'•tflion ht ditlerciil individuals.— iuid canm to Amcnen, and about four years ! m 1 " ' " *** proceed num- ago ’»nw horo, and a^ an inn-kt«|ier nwir- j firs' "* ' ase, ho fiidorsed one of the ly all that tiino has resided hert?. About tnist'I'r*^ ^here, I ifn^ ••• d»htnr for ten dollars, and ihiew j and were rocotninoiidcd to go to Fitz (ler- j Ml ^ d« l»'or becoming; ac- ; ald'a to stop for tho niyht, and the nionn'nl Trt h unlQwinl nirarui uiird to j ilie wonian cast her t'\es upon him .she rc-1 '* inipriaotimrrit, iintnediatcly com-1 co^'ni7X'd him an the inati whoso wife and ilejieiidciit and atparate KovereignliBa, would have ‘Slionld the proviiiona of the Conatitotion &a lierc reviewed, be found not to accure the Govern- merit and right* of the Statea against usurpations and abuses on the part of the United States, the final rcfiort, within the purview of the Cotiati- tution, lies in an amendment of the Constitution, according to a proceas applicable by the Statea. ‘ And in the event of a lailure of every eoiisti. tutional resort, and an accumulation of uburpa- tions aud abugca, rendering passive obcdieuce and non-rcBiotAncc a greater evil than resistance and revolntion, tlierc can remain but one reeort, tho last of all ; an appeal from the cancelled obliga tions of the constitutional compact, to original rights and the law of self-preaervation. This la tlic ultima ratio under all (iovernmentf!, whether consolidated, conftderateri, or a compound of both; and it cannot be doubted, tliat a Mngle member at* tile Union, ia the extremity supposed, but in that only, would have a rijrht, as an extra and ullra- coijstilutiooal right, to make the appeal. ‘ This brings to us tho e.\pedient lately advan. ♦•ed, which claims for a single State a right to ap- peal against an exirciae of poorer by the Govern- ii;ent of the L'niti'd Slates decided by the State to be uiicon.:ititutional, to the parties of the constitu. tionul cainpact; the decision of the State lo have the elil-ct of nullifying the act of the Government of the United States, ualcsa tha decision of the pi oces* of adjustment, between aeparato branches of tjic same (jcvernrnent, the analogy cnlirfly ^ — - In '*>“ Cftw; ofdi«|»olpa between indepei!. ' ‘I am an art.- of thf tli licacy of lli*» tusk in | dent parts of tho same Government, neither part "ibmc rrjper'H, and the diffieuity in every icuptt t, 1 iM-ing ubie lo coiisuininotu its will, nor tiic Gov- ; ol doing full jijttlcc U\ it. But liaving, in iiiori- j ernii.cnt to proet:f“d uitliout a coniurrence of the iliian oin' inMaiirf, couiplied with n like rcq'jest j parts, necessity bringt about an acconiriiodation. froia other frirndly quartris, I do not rii ciiiu' a | la disputes ittitween a State Government, and the , sl.rfrh nf thr vN \ks w hii h I havt! Itreii It d to lake ''‘veriiuicut of Ihe United Slates, tiie ease is ; of tlif dortfiric III i;nr»ti«»n. as well a« sonic r,ti,iTs i’>«‘’t‘caily. a* well as tlieoreticaily, different; f rr;iin-rl(d with lJw*ni; «rid ot Ihe pround* lioiii -acli party po.-is'iving al! Ui«-dcpartnieiits of an I whuh it a))|i««ri>, lhat tin- ptootcduigs of \'irginia | orgmiizrd foxermnent, kfislntive, e.veculive, and I hsvi bi-r-n niisc-onK-ivpd by lho«e who iiBve ap- i judici.iry ; and having each physical three lo sop- 1 pealui III lJ.( i». Ill iirdtr io and r:,lniid l!in true | pcrt its pretention^. Althtuigh the issue of nego- *haratt(»r of the (’on^lilutuiii of thf I'nitpd States, j liutinn might H;;mLtiincs avoiU tfiis extremity, bow j !).• frror, not nriromnioii, mu^t hi- nvoidcd, nt' vi w- ' o'leii would it iiap^icn among- so nuny States, that j nig it llirouch the iiHdiiim, (ithcr ot' a r«iifo!ida- , uniccomrnoiiotin" spirit in some woild render ' It d (x.vi riinivnt, or of a oiilrderated tJoverinnfi.t, ! •-f'al resource unavailing 1 A contrsry supi>osition ' whl!^t it is iitiihcr tiic one nor thr other; bul n ' would not accord wiih linowlidgc of human na- ; n.ixtiiri- fit b'rth. Am! ha\in;j, in tio iirwlr 1, H;, j ture, or the e\ii1euc j ofoiir (loiitical history, piniiiitnd. K *nd untilogW * ;i|)),!iriiH'‘ to oth.-r \vs j ‘ Tiie Cousiifotioii, not n lying on any of tlio ti.fr.h ol t»ovrrnio«-iit, it iiiuhf, u;or; ih.in nny otiier, ■ preeeiuinj; ino»;ifieatioD», Icir itb safe and succcia- I it« «,wn ii li,r).ra.-i. aceordirg to lU texl mid ItuI opirjtu.n, bus c)tpr«.ily dt-ebrei), on the one i * n I t .1 • hand—1, “luat th'- t«n«titulion, and the laws j St\te bo reversed by Ihrec-fourllia of the p;irtiM. • tic ,h ", l ljiii . . - , . r VV - thercot and all Ueatie,.. made j • n,e dutuiguishcd names and high auUiOritiea M aulht^rity or ItieLi.ilcd States, sliail in;, ^hit:h appear to hiive asserUd and given a prac- '' fn 1 , , 1 'I be houi.d Uiacby. any thu.g in ' uhich it mi;lit be- difficult otherwise to feel for it. ' ! cap.uly, ond Ua Stdt-s m li.tir Uie t onstitmron snd laws ot any State lo tiu cun. j .if,he doeUiiie were to be understood as requi. I . I 1^.! ,1 ‘'■*7 ' K ; J. Jhc J'ldici j j ring the thr.e-fourths of the States to Sustain, in. * ‘he ro n^.rni s', F d j'"""’’ *" ‘f’' i “'‘“I proi-orUon lo reverse tl.e decision of , establishing a permanent (-•>1 n»i ri ifTi capat-ilv ; uliI forint ! conM-;u' t.lh IV Ih tht Ir uiiui d I apuci'v, the t oni'titulion has relied : riji.' of the highest authoritv, in place of an irre- doctxine pro. the , I, i , .. . . United States, unless overruled by three fbartlw I 1(11 . lull, .iril IN (s II.util a o[istititi->ii, i/i tljt- ^L'nittu Mutts to im;>t .;ri.intnl by the I’eprpsentu- ©f the Stales. ; 'iriit M'liw fit iJie t«rm, wif.in iLn p'*-biriU;i tivc- oi ttie pt-oplu oi liie isiutes, ! *|>l'-rt, i» the (\ji.'titi the aif. _ ■ ■ , ai.a irijj by lUe j ‘Can more be necessary to demonstrate Ihe inid- Keprts. utatues ol tiie States, lu ll»c otuer braiicli: niis^ibihty of such a doctrine, than that it puts U I „ :tl .u . . , . , i ■---i ^ y .... miwiiuiniy oi suca a uoctrine, man Itiat it puts •TJ . . V T \ Licc-aiive, , i„ u.e ,x..ver of Uie smalleHt fraction ov.r one , v,o. . ai.d e«,nti-,| ..iffVr-. ix.;, th,.! i,-it.^ a o,.m. ar.d Judicial, btm;r, ut Hit tiuio, in their ap- . fourth ofli.c United States, that is, st-vcnSules out i^cl aii.oup Ihe .Mate, in th-ir hid'.t tl «.vrrt,a„ ..„:itii..,nt und rcsponsib:l:ty, alto:;thrr if,.lc,Kn- of twerty lour.t.i give the law and even the G.a- ■ •"'* « auinoiily ui tlie Umud .titutron to seventeen States, each of Uie seven- t lit' ai» r d .■>l4it^. _ teen haviujr, as partk'S to the Consbtufiun, an e- ii.dii -l^w xr ti.ii structure of the Govtrnmcnt ol nght wi/h each of tlie seven, o expound it, >t at Its i.jcj. tho luiUit States i, adttjujte and sate lor its ob. ai.d to insist on the ex|K,3i»ion 7 That the scvtii Jjccu, ti.ne aiont tan aUoiut. ly dftt;rmine. Ex- : par/itular instances be right, and the me p^.wcrt o. ^ rii-iice s.ems to huvr ! hcu n.that, * liulrvtr nmy , gevmiteen wron^, n more than possible. But to .tiilol l.K-L. grow oul otluiuic stages oi our national career, ! establish a poMlive and permanent ruk ctvme Un tlin:l MUM ot li> Uiir, «lUiin Uic s;j!itre of iiM pow( •, ih«ii tilt : rnii euld rrvaltu bv th*- ' oT smntions of tho Sitt,.. srr>, within tli. ir'i«.ve. ral *|i)irr>^. It is lute ihrm orgaiiit«l into I-fgn*- Uluf, Lxectrive.and Jutiic.ary l>e;tartnipnls. li ■"contrary nniwilhstandinp." • he .Ni.liifiPfK also err m taking f r gran- '*1 wb^t has never In-en proved, that the anil iuwa are yH,\matilvh^mal / Ilejnglcr. : , a • , . ~ ' . • I - »#* i**».rty lour, t'J IktV’C uuc- law unu OCII 11 j kud a.!.i,hUiinsr tn* |h Mj.k \uvnoi d-M cf Ibc ngeiicy cr duu.owly ui tije Vmud .tiiulion to «cvcr.Uen States, each of U)e seven- ■aii'ninf ‘V* I"' Mait^. f , teen having, as partk'8 to the ConsUtu/ion, an e- ^ r •■■''• '»«d - M mil of tl,e mm. . n.dii ,;;.a.Iy. -li^w xr U.ii structure of the Govtrnment ol ^ght wi/h tachoftlie seven, to expound it, I dual nui" “ ai.d to insist on the ex)K,3ition 7 That the scvtii ! ‘U. Aud that it diMtifs the sunrcm 1 ^...uinn ii.t, UtwM n iht Govtrnii.,... .... ^ ; esraoiisii a potMiive and permanent rule giving ^I’lt-, and Iht rnmer.t oi ti.,... ... ... .... « ....n...,.,... ... — ' . . » . • , '•t»l-,, ia Rtsniptd on th-. tare o lb. ft.Brrst.f war ai d tit ta^aliui, ol roniiiiert j aid nt tr.aiit.«, «i.d oJit r er.ii:ni ratd power.'- ' St-dilion Laws were passed in contravention to I ti^klr-d 111 tht I .uveinnii nt Ilf the I'nitid .Siaits, ' Ine opn»i. n». and lt-ilin;,'s of U. uoninii.i;ily, the 'ningol ■» hi^h and scii n.’^'ii a i-h:iim.t»r, ;lr^t tlotlioiis tliat tn.-iiicd put an t-nd to ihcni.— ! niy til liie poHi-ri roti\i-«Jto t.'.e Male Govern- .\nd wiiutcvcr ciav have been Ihu ciiarocltr of mtiitf. - - ■ ,\t.r i* tbe (Jorrrntnt nt of Ihe United Statev crc.trd by ihc I WliluiUHi.losi. 0 Gov, rr.n eLt in uj-Ji im \itwi of a inuji)rity ui.d ol tho people. At lliu present day, it Sit nis well unvlt.rrtood, lii&t the laws whiuii have eri atcd iti(.>st dissiilis nt lien, havt hud a like sane- tijii V.ilLoiit door?; ai.J thut, whether continued, Tari'-d, or rnioaltd, a like proof w ill be given oi (.♦ritti, li;,, ihtfii, dirtctly c.n i" r«on« and things. ^ llie sym)taliiy and rcsiunsibiiity of tiie Heprescn- Vi.tl, list ihtni, it li.!» at coinirar.d a phyiticai Utivi- bvuv, to lijt couilitueiil btjdy. luoitd, Uie 'ort. fi.’ extcutin;. the j'owcrs cr' iiinitti d to it.— j coinpisiut now is, a"aiiipt the results of this syin- I hi ipiirurn nt «'(. in certain is out ' p:ithy unti resj-onslulllty, in the lA;;islBli\c policy of the N»ture8 ntarking the peculiarity of iht ' ol lhr nation. -ysleiu. ^ ^ j • lUi I t-'peet tl) the judicial povicr of the Uni. ‘ II t»t^r thise d;lT.rent('on»titutior.a] Govern- ; led Slates, ai.d the uuthority of tuc Su;.reiut:Court, .... • int.-, the ope opeiatu.g i.'i all the St.i!i •, li.t J n, rt^i.iiio:i to tiit buuiitiar\ ol jurisdiciion beiA'tcn I ^ wliolc, it is certain there were many • thers ojiratr j; m parttely in ea. h, \i illi tin ag- | Ihi- l\dcral and tlie Slult'l^ovvrnuitnts, I may bo 1 parts, V^hicll, if .SejWIaleiv proposed, Would fre^ate [HAvtrt of (iovrrniiit-nt tivi.Ut) U t*eeti ' - - - lliem. It euuid t)'A «ra)M- alt*-nton, ihwl eoiitro- >- rsiec wou!il snir d net i :ting th'- boni >iane« ol jiiriMiietiun ; arid liial soii.e pri.\ision tiuglil to l>e for suih oceurrcnees. A politioal systfui ihai dots not proTide for a peseuabk and ajithnri- UUvi- U'rminalmn of oecniring corilroviersies, V.(juld not U- mvre lltan i(m’ shaonw t.l a »o\ern- mint; the ’bjvt l ami tod of a rt'al (•ovi-Mitnenl b« iiij, the sut-titulion of law and orutr, lor uii- terlaiiity, lontiikion. and violence. • That, to haxi’ l*-fl a linal deei>ion, in aueli e»- »«», loeaeh ot iht- Suieii, then Ihirltfi), ajid al ready luenly-four, cuuUi not tail tomakt thuC.on- 'liluliiin aii'i lauiol the I'niltU States diti'-riiit 111 difl'iTcnt States, wat tlviou.; and not lews ol>- \n>U', that this div ruly •( intiepemienl ileeisions miift altofji'lhrr rtisUst^ tlie Gortrninent of th« I iiif.n, and spt t-tiiiy pul an end lo lt!e Union ilstll'. .\ii iinilorni authoiity ol thi liiw>, ia in il» It'a vi tal principle. S)iin of the nmsl iinj)orli.iil laW' eouid not be fiartiahy e.xecutid. They niU'it he « xeeuti d in oil the ;*ule*. or they eou'id be duly txiTUleil III r.i.tii?. An lmpo^;, or an t .vcise, lor examplt, if r.oi iii llroe iii some Stalta, woiUu Ik; di.ealtd in olhi r.>i. it i> well kieiwri tiial Uiis ib ^niong the leskoiis of expt-rienee, which had a pri- n>ary iiifliienee in bringing about tho existing C'nnstitiition. \ lo'S of its general aulhorilv v« t.uld moreover revive the exaspi rating-quvsliou's bi lwetn Ihe Stairs holtln.g |Hirt> lor tort-ign com- lilt ree, and the adj-ininf; Stsn-s it bout them ; to whieh ate ii..w ndilt d ali the inland .States, nttrs- snrily carry ing on Iht ir foreign tominerec ihrtMigh ollit r States. ‘ I'o have inHde the deei.-iions under the antliori- ty of tliu iiidixid'iul Stale*, eo-oidinate, in all ca. ses, with det ihionf tindi-r tlie aulhnritv of the I . ... - - , . ■ . — - potMlive and permanent 01 the i.^^.viJukl ,ther. is. as yet a sufliritnt coiitiol, iii tl.e popular , guch a power, to auch a mmori/y, over such I ; t, t mKlrun.,!it, , vvi,!, ovtr ttie 1 xtculive and L.-gulaUvc Uepail- majority, would ovciturn the first principlo of '*’'■">** of tl'C G..virniiitnt. " htii the Aheii and ^oyprnnien.', and in practice ueceasajily over. tarn t.'ic Government itiJcli'. * it i.s to be recollected that the Constitu tion was prnpo!>ed to the people of tho other atia, in the judgin«nt of many of us, it is j iJtates as a irholt, atid uiiatiiniousiy adopted bui i,ue. fhit tiiey hcve «re„erslly accorded I bv the States as a irAo.V, it boin^ a part of Wi-Ji Uie view, of a .nujority of tiie St.tes | ,^ Cciistifution that not less than lh.ee fourths of the Stales should be comfwlcut to make any alteration in what had beeu unanimously agreed to. So great is Ihe caution on this point, that in two casaa where peculiar interests were at slake, a proportion even of thi-ee fourths is distrus. It'd, and uaanltnity required to make an al- teration. ‘ When the Constitution was adopted as whole, it is certain there were many rts, whicli, if .sejwialely proposed, would I permiUed to reft r to the thirty.ninth number of 1 jiavfc been pronipllv rejected. It is far I the - l\xJ.^alist,’--lor ibe lisht la whith the sub- fro-n inij)ossib!e, that every part of a Con- jeet was regarded bv Its vvriur, at Uie peiioJ ... ' , .it . . «h. n the tvsi.-titiition was depending; and It is stitulionmight be rejected by a majority, depending iit-lii.vtd, that the s.'.iav wiis U.u prtvailing view then taken of it, ih-t the ^ame new iias eon- linued te prevail, and thut it docs »o at Uiistiuic, uotwilbsundiiig the siiiineiit axeejitions to it. ‘ hot II IS |«eribt-ily conaisttiii with Uic cooecs* .'i'Ui ol this jiovvtr lo Uie Supreme Court, in cases failing with;n tlu- course ot its fuiii lions, to main tain that the powt r has nut always been rightly CAereised. 'IWay iiuUiiu^' o. tlie period, hk|>pily a short one, wl ej. Judges in ttieir seats tiidnot ab- ■sittin from intenijicrale party harangues, equally lit variance with tht'ir duly and their dignity ; there have been nctuisioiial detisions from tiic bench, wliteb have incurred acrious and extansive disa{jprobation. Still it would teem, that, with but lew e.xceptions, Uie course of the judiciary has brfn hitherto sustauu d by ttie prrdominunt sense of the Nation. and yet taken together as a whole be unan- iinoubly accepted. Free Constitutions will rarely if ever be formed, without reciprn. ca! concessions ; without articles conditiou- ed on and balancing each other. Is there a Constitution of a single State out of tho twenty-four Miat would Ix'ar the c.xperiment of having its conijionent parts submitted to the people and separately decided on ? ‘ U’hat the the ftte of Ihe Constitution of the United .'States would be if a small pro. portion of Ihe States could c.xpungo parts of it particularly valued by a large majori ty, can have but one answer. ‘The ditiiculfy is not removed by limiting iiiacy ol the judicnj |>ower of the United Slaies, and dtiiDunct at the same lime a nollilying iow- er in u .Stall, si em not lo ht.vc suiiicieiitly adver ted lo liie ineUieieiicy of a supremucy ia a Uw of the land, without a supremacy in the exposition and e.xecution oi' the iaw ; nor lo the desti uction ol all ('qui|)oue betueeu the Federal Govtrnuieul Olid tht Siatf Governments, ii', whilst the func- tii)iiurn s ol the I'ldi-ral Gtivcriimt iit art directly or iiidiu'clly el' Cltd t>y and resjKtusible to the St.ites, and the liinctionariei* ot the Slutes arc in tht ir up|K.intiiu lit and resjioiiEibiiity wholl) inde- (itiideiil of tlie t lilted Slates, no coiistituUonu! control of ai>y Kort belonged to the United States •ver the States. Under such an organization, it ■>ljlii», would unavnidably produce collisiona in- ' is evident lhat it would lie in tlie |)0rt er of tlie • I’ho*.- who have denied or doubted the supre-, the doctrine lo cases ofcoDstniction. How Stall s, iiidividiully, to ih.su unauthorized laws, and to carry llieiii into totiiplele i tirct, any thing III tht: t'oii'-titiilicin and law- of the United Stales to liie eonlrnrv notwithstanding. Thi.s would Ik- a nulhrying |>ov.'er in ils \ leimry character; and whether it liud it* final ttl'vCl, through tiie L'.gis- fonipnlibltr with Ihe piace of society, and with that re/nlur and ethciml admiiiislralion, whieh is of Ihf osM ncf of iVft- giivfrimienls. Seem » rouid not b>i avoided, in which a ministerial otfiw r ol the United States, ind Ino ('orrespondciit otiicer of an individual .Stji,-, uould hnve irroiitrcR m executing contlicting deriees; the result of whieh would depend on tha coinparulive Ibrco of the Ib- j *.\o. 3.(. ‘ It is true, lliat in controversies, rclat- cal posset atlrnding them; and that, a cnHualty ing to the lioundaiy bctw-een the twojurisdiclioiis, depending o:i the pohtiral opinions and party tbei. the trihimal vvl'ith is ultiniately lo decide, is to U' iiiga in ditfercnl Males. ! ostaUisheil uiidt r lue Gencr.il tiovernuient. I’lit •To have relerred every cla^liin^ decinion, on- Ibis docs not elmii-e ibu principle of the ease.— der tho two aiiUmritie.s, h>r a linal decision, to tlic "1 he deeision is to t/e impartiallv made, ai'ctirdiiig Stato* as parties to Ihe iVmstiUition, would be at- Iriidtd with delays, with mcoiivenieiicies, and ^ • , ••• xwfai-’ I iMiii »ii^ iiiuii iiv ciiiu IP I., ** *""1* li'ivoring, nnd at |child Klie had wuketl and washed, and pie- ou'i*’^ ^I'Hi ot lhe(.ourl in .Norfolk ' pared for tho huiely dwelling of the (inive. r»wi ® xeriln t ol four bun-' lie ia in irnol. nnd will lie .xent hou» i;i tho n damages.” gnol, ' 4priiig to c.xpinlc hirf crime. to Iho nTles of the ( anslilulion; and all tho ubual . and most eifcetual prt -autioi:s are talicn to secure with exiH'nses, anionnlin« lo n prohibilion of the ' ihis imparliality. Some such tribunal i clearly expedient; not to mention itsli-ndency to impair , essenliul to prevent an api>eal to ihe sw ord, anti a the iilutary veneration tor n system requiring I dissolotion of the eomjMtel ; ui.d tliat it ought to be Mich frequent intrrpofitions, nor the delicate qws- ! established uudtT Ihe General, rather than under Ilona which might present thcmselvoa lo th« i Ihc local tioveriuntiits; or, lo speak more pro;»cr- „ j • j n form ol staling tho appe*!, and as to the quorum ly. lhat it rouW U' satt-ly established under the i Stales, indiviitutiny. It apjiearti, as you cb» for deciding it. ' tjrct alcuw, « a position nU 1 J->i-ly lo be ormbattwl.' sai VC, lliat tho prccccdings of the -LcglsU'* many cases of that sort, involving cardinal provisions of the Constitution, have occur* red? How many now exist? How inanv may hereafter spring up? How ninny might lie ingeniously created, if entitled to Ihe privile^je of a decision in the modo proposed / ‘ Is it certain that the principle of that mode vviiuld not reach t'urther than is con- teinplated. Ifasinglp State can of right require thrive.fourths of it.s co-States to overrule its exposition to thq ConstiUition, because that proj*ortion is authorized to «. mend it, wtiuld tho plea be less plausible that, as tlie ConstitutiiMi vns unanimously esiablishi'd, it ought to be u.ianiinous'y ex* pounded ? • The reply to nil .‘•nch s»t2gesttons seems to lie unavoidable r.nd irniMsftble; that (he Coiistitulioii 19 u compact, lhat itslext islo l>e e.vjKiundeil uccordiug to the provisions lor e\iKMiiwJing it—making n part of the cumpuct; tHid lhat none t>f the parties can rightfiJly renoufirc tho expounding provis ion more than anv other part. VVhen stich a vi^ht accrues, as tiKiy accrue, it must grow out of aliuspt* of tlie coiiifxict relens" iiig liie sulFerers! Vntn ihf'ir t'ealty to it. ‘ In favor of the nuiht’ving claim for tliO