TIIK MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAl. DEF'KRKF.n AKTICLFN. ro m fSJ>. ill mtivo i)roi>osal» V " ^ KJ will/ iiitu iv'II Hit Mr. \Vm. s. DrummomJ, (a builder hone audjov, only thr*e rt'turned to U>!l the Washington City, who rotnfs highly re-; ,^i,, ,jjsnster. So ( ' I Ih-eudJ'ul L'aUimity.—The SiiellHnd ls-,A C’lli 111 II =-^- - ^ ^ lands have Ken vi!iled with an awtui dis- chur.h ht riowwtll TIu ncrt CupUoU-A he CoBim.^^ioners ; i.^vulence. The J^her.nen, -.Jl Ihe 15U, of ^Vb^uHty. •ppoiuted by the Act just oy our j ^ in their usual o cupntini, at , ,|,irfirst plncp wp will n'cvivp plain af'l legislature for rebuilding Ine Capitol, viz. I ^ »rcat distance from land, were suddi'uly sppcifioaiions ibr a church suilkiintly Inrj;* lo Dunran Cameron, Heury iSeaweli. " ni. ^ hurricane of unprecedentwl (ontaiii .Iwnt 3M0 IVrsoiw, .eatrd n.ra!orin!.ly Bovi.™, H n,. S. Mh«.. «-d R- M. 1 .>«,«ti». iempc.,„,.., n-e«;,..: :;j-"”S dert, l^sqrs. inel at the (Mce ol the Public j fortunate euough to gain tlie f,„uli.l oir that ilic church m f.pn Treasurer on Saturiwy laat, to lake | shore; others wen'pickcd up at >ica b_\ pi's-i c',)nipUU'«l will c«-i o'HIo dollars. \Ne»illal»o| consideration the subject committed to them. I doomed to a!r.c«uiai tlit »ainc time pro|K»til for buiKiinK j D. Cameron, Esq. was appointed President | grave. Nineteen Uiats sunk uiiilcr ilif «a!l «i said cimrch aartrabJp to n (.Iji. ..i.d ; was resohed that the Capitol be 1 Jnul and fourteen nren who composed the „pri( church u^rptdbU-lopUii and kp*.- ataly rebuilt, entirely ot Stone; and «hat ^j,o had left their huiiies full of,ciSt.iiK.u a^.bove. ‘ - ' iturnedtotellthe! JOKN Jl. PAVIDSON, completelv has ' ■^''' coincided) be apfwinted ^perinteBdant , ^wept from some of j *1hrr^il of the Building. It *''*1 he seen by Au-1 ,1,^ com- |„r |,n mcnt. .Mi.D. vertiiemeuts in to-day’s Register, that ton- j ||^.j „,• jyceased , ' n-. |ri«• r. t,-. I^ts are offered foMhe execution of the , «ar. m order to earn the I , Morkand tor Lumber. Froposulsto ^ j ,„(,ans ol subsistence for their starving chii-j || tv will Iw in r .’diners to rmm r«ii(«TM>ii submitted on or bef«re the first of >«“'’ch. (^1, manners have It U ; WodncUy of the Fthn.ary f-.urt. 'Hh.>p v^l•o In the mean time the rubbish of the dfl i „earlv eightv widows and st'vnral hiindioii have ihr carr of I’a.ip^rs lull ddivrr thrm on tl. a Building will be clcan»d away.—/2a/. r.i„|jren, eifnwed to oil the evils of extreme ''"v «t ilic 1‘oor llousr, «.ih Ha.r b.ddu.- and o- ~ 7, ,• J, pvvcrtv, aii^ravated bv the ri''Tsi>f a lior- N.tf, 19 • gr^ I l;e ; suiKrors ,n I.oii. states are sovereign only lu matters ot, which their local I>«gislatun*s may take * cognizance. In all the essentials whitlj coiuititute nulional sovereignty, they are entirely defkienl, having voluntarily sur- wnderixl tli«m without the reservation of a right to resume them at will. \Ve have the authority of Dr. David Ramsey, a name dear to South Carolina hersell', fur saying The A Wrii}; Slort*, At the Sign of Ike (iOl.UKN MOHTAK, Sorth of the Coyit lhiutf and on* door ftorn John Store, t'uriiiihcii with a full and f*liiuivc as»ortiiieiit of MMUt & DKI (S, raiiiU.Sui^fral Inttrv iHfnts,Sliop Funntuie,: and all ihp Fanry I'rt fumery and Stutionan Aiticleu ficrtuiiiini; tu the A[>oliiecary Basi WATCHl-a AND JEWELLkv'. IT.P RK^IOVAL. THOMAS TKO'rrER UOri.Dinforn Me public, that he hai ^ moved hi» AiAup, to his old ataiij, linaoii, as a Taylor 81^ —:—. , ■ . . ii'i I I .1 ; two "“f't* ofBoyd’n Ilc,i«I, whrrr al|-„ uhu h arc otli r«d by . i„ hi» line will ri caive punctual attention. 1.,^ H ...dumicr warrant to be pure. Silver'I'able and Tea S,*on., n.anuf.Ptu,^, e,K-!. lumdy Mfd,ane»ot cvrrv hi, ..Mahli.hn.rnt, and Nonh-Carolina(;old |.ut up II. r. a.l.i.e.j. lor i«.lo and ^ ‘ ,„y #rti. lr that ii.uy be ordered. iii ln.i s lor u.-e. I h>M« lani. and .M r* naiili* la I'/.arlulte Ort.'iT. M'J.- ■i1m. Ik. hi I iiiiiiiiod jlid t»i any cxti ill that ihi y " ill ' iii'cd. I’re^t ri| lions «ill at all liiites l>c eart lully coiiipciUMled and all ordert dulv altt iided lr>. C. ,MOKKlM).N. Charlultr, Dec 21), -!Mf I s«*ve j f uted STTi'eacTi. fiie scribed is iiearlv £.">00. , , D 11. 1-1 \'.I V the Lmtci Mutes ship 1 oncord wore (2d vol. Ram-sevs historv. p. Ii4,) that „ , »• . * .v .u . .. .u 4 . ft J- J J I „ . u„ij otT at the Navy A reiii s office m this town. the Act of Independence did not hold out \ \ r I' to the world thirteen si.vereign States, but discharged frotn ^-rvice. 1 o.thw.tli i'.k u 1 .1 these reck ess sons ot the ocean v»ere seun • fommon sovereignty of the whole, in their ; , . . , . n D - u- . — waiidennj! up and down our strurts, some united capacity. —i)r. Kauisev, be it re- . ” ' ■ . i i II . I J J ' • . .1 . . ! in coaches and some in chaises w tnca tlipv collected, did not write this sentence to suit "-J‘ , i i ' .1, » u-1 ,1. „ I hired for th« dav, and some reeling aloii^» tbis emergency. He has long slept in the i . . n i, u- , •’ temb, happy that he has escafid ti.e knowl- | sidewalks, ha t seas ove . edge of Hcu which cover his native State with disgrace, and will plunge her, in futun- I years, m the sackcloth and ashes of bitter I ^ Ud perhaps um.va.ling n>pentance. "i*’ " ‘‘f, f " '7”- ‘ ^ - r . j fiig ship-niatPs advised him to do(HiMt it in I the Portsmouth Savnig ll^nk. Jack was Lynchburg Vir^'inian, llier nrlii-lr.x llial Uloii: li> tin in. 'i'tie Wurdfi.s wish to cngape a nisn and his nl.’l tolake charge ul the eMtabli'lintelil. artick-i^'*-' "'«ry lor ihe Pan(>erii will be turiiinhnJ jllii.ff !br the l.iiiiily of llie Sliit ard.— l.‘U:»e is 'itiiJiled 'Jk li.ilt'n i aft ol I'har- fi rtilf piert of uneleartd Ijiul. 'Mit *'" buililingo are coinloilaLlo and et;n\eiiieiit. 1’ia- ' pi'suls ibr the kiliutiuii will be reriived by John Ir(x in, iiiitil Ihe 'JOlli F brunry, at whi'.htin.o a The followin'*' chanicferistic Storv, is rontract V. illlie conclndid. None mcd apply tor from the Portsmouth Herald : ' '!>' - actrr, t'i\lup a biiiiiil di cent Uniilv ano liome*.-*- Ric'ii roDDtu.— Last week the crew of |,,ibii« of can und foiKi in.inactiin.iil. T* pnid such ihe situation r O’lld bt one of pn.tit. '1*111 W'aidoiis « i-li lo I'ontrar t tor r.'sinple bed steads of II aple or pupla’, uith laih l>ottoii»», four pine tables, 1^ doziii coui.iion ei.iim. JOHN IkWI.V, Chninuiin of thf HojrU"' M^iJeKt. Cf.arl’^tr,Jjn. \eT.l. '-'‘ili I I'oK kkIvtT^ I'lIlK lloUN« where the I’rinliti:; (illiee has l>«eii kept lof the last tuoviar^. l’o'M.'«.-*iun gi^m on ti> , lit oV February. Appiv to Tlio liOYI). ^ Jan. •J.'i'A. 1'^!?. T SA l)l)Li-:S A- IIAK.N Kss. J AMI> T. .\MII KV & o. 'Ak 11 **""'* *"** -■ ■ liniie to luanutactiir- *\Xthelr Shop in the aouUi.«tjn',,y of .Mr. Hpring*. Hrick Builri^ MjinUiit amt fJentlnunt'H Kentucky.—That gallant State, who, if reed be, could send f;l>.y thousand rifles in- te the field, to rsaiDtain the integrity and honor of our country, is preparing to ad monish in a voice that never spoke but to "■IHK SubM'ritM r ha» mg uUrii eharjc ol that M. well Known HiieiMiniith Shop belon)»inK to William l>avid>on, Kmi. i> now n ady to do arn LOW'D A.M> iiKi:irs (».>iroiMM u .%SII, MU m o»riNrn *t Tiif muK iM: ».V imi»i rroar. llilSwashitlicttmll} t UanMnthi tuth itcon- j taiiiH no acid or unv ingrrdient which can in | ‘"y w.'v tx injiiriou.. It i. agntablc to the taite ^ . .I.d he. the pr,.fHrlvoltho,ou„h y .^utraliiinK .rn luaUrial,.ly the Meaara. fi .very U.in^ otHn-ne in the hnalh, *^ ^ county, who are well kno^n in the ^ ripnale roni d. ecyrd te. ili. the u.^ ol loUeco, „f ,h State a. .u|crior workii.en-Alt^ ' or any olht-r eaiiie. It h.ir!cii» the (f.iin* and l^ .. . 4 \aluablc remedy lor Canker or »orene«« of llie ! I .Wurfin^it*, RiJiy iixMith. , Ilndle*, CtHirk (iif! Harnru, i'arryc,. ( hmlottr. On. 27. and W agon Jlanun, licrtcmcn'i t'apit TIUSTSAI/k. lIolMiin, ■ jl Y \irtiie of a Deed of TrU!>t, and all other artieU-a iwualljr mauufaclDiu ; M J> iiijd.’ uv illuiu J. .Morn- klio|« in the Suulhirn SlAtea. * ' I * Ifj ^ lliiikiii*. I w ill cx- ; 111 addilKxi U» tlie abofe, «e have of. band if to r ibl.r S:.U;, at tin- • «..irt. eral a>M>rtnienl of U%0»nd Ca«fi MomiUinf . t-. If.i M 111 I hirli.ttr, on .Moi dty ( f Ihe I. h; iitr t die Hut, Slut up /iin*. and all other artirir«', IViurl, the 'f t.»F I .^M*. lyinjf iii I'kjVi. ee^ry lo triiu olT SaddUa and llaincaa, il. i!' nc. S tlliinrnt, on whiel. *«id ill.aiu J. ,\|i>r- will br sold low tbf canh. ii>on udjiiiuiDj Uie iatiut uf Juijn N. iioua- We ri«]ue*t the public to call and eiamic toll ai d oth r>. material* and work oianufaclurvd. hear prica>. At the same time and place,! will sell jud^e 6>r ihcm»«!Tr». .-v.r.l j CkaTiottf, lif I ||a l.'l V’ or five journ^yirun Saddle and Hai ■* t ^ I I ^ "t »• ' I .Maktri i» wanted, to which |;uod wagftwa, the proiwrty of »-id vv nl.am J .Morn**!., and guen. by applying t» very good-natured about it, and said tlut he would follow their advice: so he marched on in a direction fntiiely coutrary to the iimdofwork on the fcu.>rie»t nuii.-e. I'he mhu one that leil to the B ink, singiii;: and whist- hands will !« cor.tiiiu. d uith ihe addition ot ling, and as jolly asne^ be, w hen sudden- Ua^c Jainie»on, whwc thaiatu r^.>>j» ll^ known. commatid respect. Alre.idy she tells us I* i-oor miserable old cow just; p.,,,,,,.. ,.-3X through lier Chief Magistrate, that if the “P ”7' SiVl'lfT d,.iri.rant party in » S. Carolina shail resort 1 P“‘ ‘f^ f. . FK ,ub,cr.K r ha. tAen'up :he tth or' to force, and' resist the execution of the ! her tor s.-veral minutes and n.u.. o. laws named, or make a violent attempt to ' something to eat. jn,. f„.i,., to Jo^,4i pie of that State will stand upon /A. ir duty \ Tl ..I ?.:!,» “ I ..a.i.e of J«im W.,:oui. -oiivi yeo by him und> r «ted uf tru>t to Jaiti.i li. Murnion. lor ihe ;>iirp«»*e» Uu riin »pecifie«l. Tenos wiil be iiutdi' known at th*> tune . aale. .M. J Al.F.XA.XUKR. Afitnt Jur Tiutlte$. Jan. >0. lii.-W.jaC I 'tthmbh' Mar Salr. ON I'hurkJay. ‘.'I ■-t o Ftbruary, 1 «ill o r fur sale, lu iht lii^ft.i • iddrr. on thr pre.inM-> II.I ..Hilion on Ifii; Sujar fretk. -i t of n y lonrer re»idncr.) I'hc Iraet i ofiU.ii* b> laetti three and four hundred aerr*, Iviii).' on lt« nia.ii ^ji (niM-t, ri.d Indiiig I'lun. Chaiiotte lo I •nidrn. 'Mtc iitr JAS T. A.m RY A (■ C'harlt'wlon anil hrraH. rflllK. STKAM K' 1. MAtt»>. ("apt J. C. tirahaiit, i bern m^frd thr U*t UH r in Ihe tratir rui.ninf belwern ( liarleUa. ( hrraw, eallinf at lin>rf[tUmn nn bcr wii arut down, will recunie her tnpa in the eoura: a tew dtya, and it inlrntkd U> be ccatl.nur^ i: traile llx’ en«u.O|' araKW. 'I hr e«credu>( dralt ot' water, drawing only four and a iu! when loaded, will enable her In itach ( h>n« : ept ..(«>n an unei>n>iii'>ri knr r wImo her rar;;o will be liKhleiicd at Uae tj; j ty sweetee,” said he, at the satue time pot ting one into her niouth. “Here, thut’i I go^—now take another—you t ikeaiioih' r I—vou shall have ’em—Bud \ou shall have Jrr.fiary 1 wood: wood:: and Ihetr aUtgianct, (mark that!) and will | “...r- r/.Yl.K? support the (icneral Government in the use of any l*gal and constitutioHal means neces- •ary to prevent the accomplisbmeot of so tad a catastrophe.” Governor Breathitt, upon submitting the “Ordinance and other documents” of I , , , , . l -I™,-, r’, ^ .1.= .1- r. i was eoing on and askeri him what he mrani » late Convention in this ctate to the Le-• ® , ,, . . 'pl ; nr jn,l,.„remKc„.ucky,„„d. ,1 .heocc.«o..l^> J";!'"!; «'■' "'f ™“' u„Tt.r'ub, . fcr 10 tl,al Wy n»,,. of ibe i " ' .'o" f“' ' substantial beauties of our “conjiiucture ^=.1.1. u \V\.\T topurrha.*c^on.c \V().»ri,(.nror two b*. mad. a valuaUe fufin. some ofmy money, you old honey—you poor | ,|,i, pu,-,. ’|W wanti. g l.irul | I shall hU. II nt the i two five dollar ci and would «!•> w.lllo call and prtrww.. '1 f.t pLc. alvut Oli hf-ai, nl IL^et, • •Id coamely,” and hecranied bills into her mouth. Ilismates >iaw what P"'!' wn®di» liitcnuid to burn Lru>Vr. A .MI.R.V. Rank > - , , co'intrk' pridute, a* I cannot gm an\ f.irthrr in .Never mitw; nhe is pe>or and I am rtubrti'c*-. ' 'I A. M. In the survey he takes the trouble to m.k.' | 'f' 7 ~sri l F nF \(niTIU'\ nuU \ I ‘ " ' «f,t. he does not fail tod. most excellent ; ""iTlfVC vrrKiVsm k-. ot nt v. ' ' ' r.'' T’1;‘ K'.-t b.^o.r, on the , .Uo ..I. Here the other sailors seized hold of him ^ , ti.cKir mk i lliindrcri atr*i .f land, tdjoinmg tl ju-tice to the celerity of the climax, I . , , , 1 n .( 0„rt »f rit.u and Quart, r Se$jion$, .SuremU, tract, wher. 1, a riih v..n ol A. whr,^ big events were crowded in the ever “ *'°P • j Te.m, l-3,>. I runi.tng ■ nlirei) acro« tiie land. J-1 wl ri'.emorable little mouth that succeeded the j .p,( MU)I‘,Ar. ni-NTl.FI- Cr>t opr n step of the Master of Cereuionies. j y t.\ guIN’l; AbKi i \ D. “It is degtrable (says he) that our sister Eztract of a Utter to tht Edunt* ,( lut ^tie-Yurk Plate should be informed, that, while Ken- tut ky i-* ready to relieve her from all juvt pr .und of complaint, sht will not p^.rntitthix t’ol. 'i liooian Doyd y John A.CoIp. S S'l'npp* Jiring t« t.'^e naliifaetinn c f the Poiirt, tint (Ijc .!• fendant in tl n i»uil i not jii irih..bitant ui tlll^ St.ito, It i> tUfrrfnre Ord'trii, tliiit i.ltbiita. k- m l.’ie .Mu.I r«' iV I ar.-ueri’ torn anufuier job a.nv t.vis« ! Charltstcm Gazette. Viiuy AdKertiscr, dultj. T.Mi.lf, NOV. 1:). Ceritlemrn of the medical pref* *«.iun iion be mad'six w L'nivn, which’irrote(iKU» in fhe'^efijoymtn/lcnrr.\ns to i'rdnrp, will do w^H to hnna J-ur«aI. that the «id d. ieno^int api^ar ai ’ . ^ I J I I .1 .1 ^ Ai ( oi;rl Ot I and W iTtrti r H^ion-Mo N nrlfj for ^#0 TJiflny /o I diplomas W ilh Ihorn, as w ithout thnn county ot'.M*rkl* nburc'. at ih*- o-!rt Mou-r ot torn atunder job a.nv t.u s« ! I ihey will |je sul>jeet»d to much expense and i,;,rl.,itr. on tii- 4th M.indiy m Fphniary nrjt. trouble, if they liesire to attend the schou!.> uni tl'i-n ai»m r or pleid to ompJuii.ant’a charge. and llospital.s; whereas, if they have (heir hi.. r»i*‘ judinu nt will Ik takm by default a- ue. diplomas, on showing them, they will re- 'nr.. l-»,c .M. tari.irr, ( |._r, of 1 . 11.1 cur ‘aid ( ourl, tl otJ.c, l.‘iC ith ,M-.i.d»y ol No- .— A fewjceive tickets of tree admisMon to all the |, ].•).> Tot |NLvCALi:XANrH;K.e.m.f. F’rio- adv. OfJ.^ 50 D»IXAItS Bt w of thr eeiibrat.il Kw.g'» MuunUin and a r«nlarUble aee«a»i>odation* for a few pat « idtcilrnt ofti.uiilry around, llie buildiug>«re grr*. viilii aU due altenlaon. •litficientlv ccnitnrxiiiiin fi.r a large 'kmily. 'I'ht- j |j njjjf \,ij laid tiaa lici n ot the firU quality in that ar tioii of' ('karittttm, Srjit. '.Hk I'-3I. Hit the eour.ty. and w ith * litlie agricu.luiai ikt.l, may . ■■■ be mad*'a valuable furin. j nilU wn»« time and'« pr.:c -. aUwt W h-ai. ..I /A.^. »oi..r inv | ,] ,,rn..l!T fe.,«M-it.d U> rail i JucK IK)\ yi IXU'I'l i; 7'i«- ( wi«d and now and ti>e J e«.ro»'y « ourt,« ■ u,ii,e bth« r ar!u kr.>. r«ndrr me a parlnular f4««)f—f ■ \i.d on 'I'll, vd.iy of the m-tt Court, 1 wit »... will rrjiw.- bw iii thr diMfr.-at.e will iiiftr tor *a>r, to til* h>i;i.i it btddrr, th; iin. ee.ntv ttf foreing |a-,nient at vwir mt 1* ;>'iivtd anu-lure uni'ii|>r.trd l.>U Ml liikin'I radr {re. able at thi* mav bi-, it biu«t be cooc i? S^lf . t in iJ.r town of I harlotle. don't »*’me by Uut Line. March, I Will Iw A i.R\FIAM, .t*»- prPllIlM*, (I-c ; .0 StJ np-houw : Thcfp imJeHi d t. niy»eil are rennndf- t’i! .Vurift.{o>.a Ure, •• *he tiinc of Ihe y ar wh«n pajiiK^nt *!► w« , ntadr, and that I atu ai luily lu w aril o; u From the New Y'ork Advocate. S,Ar..\cn-y of tiie Ej,eh».\\t. medical institutious. You will iltce thii III a prominent part of \our pu;icr and re quest other jourimU to copy it. Ue take the following welcome informa tion from a letter dated iJd inMaiit,from an estimable correspondont in Virginia. .\ut. ftaz. “ I have just returned from a stiort vimI to Mr. .Madison, whose health, I am happy to say, IS greatly improved, s«> miirh so hights since one of those noble Elephants now exhibiting at .'»3 Bowery, called Co- lumhu®, either by accident or design, brok the lock to the chain which confined him; no sooner was he cxtricateJ from his fasten- injfs than with one atroke of hu trunk he deiiiohbhed the stablecontamiiig-four orfne pomes, one of which he had travelled with for the pn»t year, and for mma cause or other had frequently evinced a hostility to wards him: he passed hi# trunk over the other two ponies, and the moment he canik to theol.jeot of his hatred, plunged his tusk tiirough his body, which produced instant death. Havin;r satiat.-d his malignity a- f iin'-t this otrendinff ponev, he returned to kis plac«i, and their remained until morning, without otlering injury to any other animal, although there were at h ast one hundred cont'aiii'jd in the same building. .M1..NACLRIE , . ^.1 JI.I> utai.fl the .-n«iiirB aeason at lit'at..-'* Ford, I HOM B’-rxos Avri>.—It IS stated in Tf I.mcoln county. (I.. » .,j-..it. n « parajiraphfrom the !'.riti>.h I*ack-t (news by the justly cel.brati.l K piifjer) of the 27 th of Octob'.-r, “that the H" ~ •>nu Jirk»ltr. (HJ) SIK AH( HU'.. Ili^ American 6cl.oow.-r !Iarriet, detained last f bIor.ded mar*—her p.dicrt*; can U /• r.Li la . .trareij lo inAny of the rrioht dii*linf ujiiij#:d year tor an inrracliori of ihe law relaliVJi - on the .same d.iy, I will vll my Mil.I., aUjiil.lwo UilUa fru.n the .M.na, and *h ut 10 head of //of*. '1 hf real f stato will U‘ sold r«i a liberal cre.iil, till tjalanc.'on tu.lre im^.lht Ail »crii(ir. a/f h«r‘bv aoiir. d, iLat iir:l •• payinei.t u made hy the ^'.-briiary Couil. Ihf.r Nuto and .\rcount« will be placed in llte haiid* of an officer t r collfdion. SI l/.\. i OX. Jnuuaty l.'», l^.l.l. "allVJ*; Ti KOLi:si: f ( 'karlotlt. Jan t. 1 ‘•.‘’.'I. I^Hi; undcr»i.;ni-d i.a« at d.n»iOi table e»pen»e if r'qiii-ti l. hjd iiiipri.M-d I'altern* inailv foi the»v n.ill* ' f’harlattf. Per. I »7!! C IIAKl.OTTi: IIOTKI I'or \4ti4 . iff! rilirr, w ••hinj l« rrinorr frtur - «J». lolte, •tTi.-ra loe tak. U|>on \rtj rtxr- Uriiia, the abote namtd c*lab'i>bii> nt. «r.' at prrttnl in exrelknl repair. .Ml thr »ni ^ injja are wrll fi»ed li>f rarryirf on Ihr t romfortably. Thr atai.d la well known t« qoal, if not tu|wrh>i'. lo any in th.a ircl.f)C : rnontry. .Any cnmn.uniralion uj»*n iht *»., Kill br altendid to. I'j.*«mKiO ;,'Iv. n J. i; iKiVi^ y -S S .A- rnu .\.N'.\\V'.V V froni the siihnrri- b« r.livin(r in h.irli.tl*-, N.C. a!»)iit th»' firnt of Manh la-1, a nc ■ ero man nam.il II .11.1,1. \ , uf* ut ntv-»iT yrar» of .nr*. ra'h' r liirl.t arnpl;cl':d, Btraijfht andwll pro ;ioriinned I3tf a>:ri.ably to due U..i.» ot I ol. A. laldw.JI aid' J r j-\, Htg,$tn «md Ctmdrn Mr. .Monuilh Kn|{ine« r at the ( ap(» .-ninr who jdtnte laaerf fie oAore .1 mentkB «*d ft :r haa eiidiii.i.d tl.ri/ Itilily f'om li lin-iith. Iiial atr;unti U J. I). IhyJ. ofan ini|>erti t i»-t Ihry h«ii made hi re l««t •pr.ng ' - —on lair Fip.nn.)nt« with the afnr'«aid ,\|il!a | fOT NalC. -t ti,c I an.i .»■ Ui»y wtre loumi to . »fil all g To»-day. Itie l;*th o4 hl>fi.ary (xtt i o4h« r nielhixU of mtrait.njf jfol.l hitherto in u>- W " ( a[4 Saniu.1 ot’a Store, I will eA't - 1st. On receiving nil eijual t.umber of »a)e my I’l.AN'l A'l lO.N. lying on ik» •»i«'’ li'i»hcl» of the of from th'- tame piir and pnl in •'ileel I'ruek, adjoinuig tin Undt ol't.in T“-- llie .\rraitrr% or (.rindtr*. and thr Mi.'N prixliiccti Folk. Jolin Fer^u 4*:.. the h» irt of V\ m t aw^' tVoni to .lo fK-r K-iit. ino't ,{old. I( w aji bclicit;.. I and rilher*. foouini'-:; |SII none ol it e^cap. d. I ore on th« pr n>iM;t about tk'i acre* tUarrd. nr-l [rd. iitrat^ht ami w»ll pro .\a Uu* fjui* k'*ilver dof>s not cnn'O in monUr for »rrnp lhrru#>tin; 'W an*i aU.iit fiu I tMi f.r 1 rontart uifre thrr -M ai-r rTicUiai, uuvx U n m ^J-t’l^ 'Jr htrphin MrK * i lotln “, «) tar a* r"ollcfj ^/roond to nloincl or lout. * =-hew the pnmi.rt lo thow who wuh to »i»* .•id. The ne-t [lower re^piirtd is f,r the It li Uirujftit M wt yid not tike j r Hfi much e.'teemed.” that I hope he will be enabled yet to w-e cliMn in. In» hi:;Ii, hm many summ'‘rs, and enjoy that coininaiidmg d, w i^- of oroiimry d> iciipiioi., no douhi, ho-.i e» intellect and those unrivalled Micial (|iialtfl- '''' "'-I f'"' •■"f.tr >f » l>etti r kind. I cations for which he is so well known and, **"'* *'“• knowhtyi! whai di. | j. j rf.h.,1, U uii take: 11 i. .oT.p....d ti.at h- has or (;Mndr„. goni- luiiitli and pioluihlv und. r tni- proti-ction of - p. r-iii, or |K rhiip« hr- has Oirz'd I'r... r*. I w ill (Tiv>- l)i( a1>ow r waril fur Wall- y, and ps v all i-xfH-iisi V ifliroii-'ht iionic or rniifiin d in j>iv j.iil »o that I'an L-. I him. W.M. |)AV1U.1>.\. I hai!ollr,Jnn. 10, le'.."}. 'Fill h.irli «t..n ( >urn r will inv-rt Ihia 3 tine*. J«s. ir*. ls3.T mub The thorou;:h Hrnl Mi Oil Si:, U .\S \ WA V 4th. Their durability-i-xcept ihc stamp-! *** trsar.d .tamper Ud,. whu'h wilU.ar .. t. th. oth- ^^ ^to.on.Ua. > \ tr part ot tne ,M,^h.n.ry may la-i h..ll a ccntory ■, ‘ I— - J .'ilh. The Mills when in o|^-ntti..n '*•‘1P->r-' qmr » no fuilher sttendaner tiisn to be r-|r>iUrly ■upplieu wilh ore. One hand can atti-nd two .Mill* '1 brer sets of tho aliove .Mills .Tro iiuw pantaloTi . , . of her day. As to .Sir .\.chie, hu reputation and ‘bh , al.r,ui .5 feet !t or 10 inrlie-. hijrh, Mont biiih me Falkland Islands, and which has l.*en ; Uut of his colt* and lli.-ir dtsccndant. art »o w. II ih.-.S.Wrib. rontheniyhtoftheriUtr*'^'' Furnace, . jic. pt ^ta,n,.era, ar >■ l.,tH r laM. n.y n. gro n.an 'FO.M, aUut I"" f* the tta,n,,er.. or ),ar, old. I,la4 r^mplerted. had on a blue ‘ "I’l'''- rr*t u,.d (.antalorm... black fur h^l, ^fa ,hion. rt'l'>«-«ted to f'lrni.h hi-, own ,mI. Since lying in this pjrt, is ordered by the Commercial Tribun.il to be wdd, and the prof » eds to ly d' [;oiitd duhj;ct to the orders of Government.'’ h mill what 1 can li-arn from diifcicnt wmri t, I of V irginia. North and .'vjuth-t'arolina, Otoryia and Tenm- i .■ for th' i.-uit fifteen year.. RI|/F i« a tiand«nin- mj, fivp f i l three inrhes Tht Bank K)blM.ru.— We have rrnich It ii ci. fklisfar lion in stating th it the rest of the P '*'^ *^'.“1 "" I-'’ „ . I ,1 p I ,1 /• , I'-rinand bloou are''ood. I’arUcularan.uii.-know n nurfiey stolen from thf IJauk of .rx.uth « aro- : ,j ® Ima, wan \«sterday piven up hv the robber j I! c,. rtl'HTov. entaiilivhed, il i« a:irt-ly nfi-e»sary to »ay any i'l'Ju... d lo b ln:vc, that he h..« ly.-n p riua/lcd thing at ihc prf-.ent day. ai. they hhve been among 'o h-.ne im bv som.- white i» rv)n. who has pio- the n»o«t »uecei.«fijl di«ti*nce lloriie* in th-Slat»-f him hi-fr«dom on lh ir r« achin;( ^omc tree 1 will jijy ten dollar* to any pcrron who wilJ rotjfiiir l.iin in any jail in the alate. so that I I I'lin asau;. SKMX;A TL'U.NFIt. t nhatnn County, /V. ('. '1,'tf B iltoii. The amount (.SI”,was con- C» aleil in the w all of his sfiop ; and the w hole amount »tol»-n has now lj-en rt?trver'.-d, wiiiilbc xception of i ChurUihit M-.rcvry. JiftMinry 5, 1-3D. IMF HI KTfl.N. 1/irtf r^. si»f:cial \oti( S’ (J.vfii to nl! jierHOna who are inilebtrd t« the Fi»lale of Wm. Campbell, di eeaM d, to ome forward and make p;iym.’nt, aa no indulf^cnn- an h«- given ; alno all |>er>«»nB havini; eUiinii «"ai'iiil thi- Mid f-atalr are n (luiftrd to prcw nt their i h.inn, literal aiivane. 1 on Ihe if. p.iit c.l .1. I ■ j will tx- Ibrwarded inimediat. ly lo t.'ie -'l-i l- j cert.ficate hild to ll.« Ije.t advania;:'. ^ri * ' ' I* cefdncarnid toll,, i ri dit of Ihe ' J irc t to tiK h eliart’' -> a ii.ay U cj;Tfid on ' j t.nie the g.jid ia ilf |ir>*|I. H. II. IK K ... . Jan U IMT -’I'.-’.i t. rn. .Miners wanting tl»e»e Mills will pleau or- ler ihein agalnat the |«t of .March. It is unrcr. !\0'ri'l'] tain whether the Furnare w ill hlow longer, nnil no I W.S hrrehjr givenall Fi hume '** more will be made than ordercilliesiJei tho«4.'now I »(;aii’>lthi F.taleol 'N . F VjI. on hand. The perton who will firat set one in to pr. smt t*.» ui liiiU aulh. nti. atrd v l^ rompleteoperation, adtduction of $5 will !>*• miilt tune pii-scrilx d hv Uii, «.lh. twi-*, if- ■ • '■ intheprice. J. (iRAIIAM. i pit-d in bar of Ih. ir n -..v rr v />fcrm/«er 27. IWX |'.i2.1r | WM. J. V M I’ltFI f- ’ ' _ .\oTi;i-:. Noteiduc the Huhf4rrit>rr on or ii)jout t)if I Ktof January are left in the hmida of Mr. 'F. J. Holioo, of ( hailotte, tor colKtian. Those \r,ih ier..r 1 r The Farnii r*'A. "Minert’Journal at fhar-1 in dnc form within iho time preacrih.d hv law, or thia notice will b- plead in bar againit Ih. If'tti, th.- Hutiier'ijrdN.ii .''|K elator. are re'in t'd to lOBi.rt till- uWe ai;lertinein. til, and call on tW.* L»meii pri/^ii.tlora »«r wir:i«.n->at:;n. Jan. leni. W.M; j. CAMFIUfFL, Adin-,. I.NOTK'I-:.. , I IS now the |i'*r^iui>ing of a New- i foro It It all iniLHirl int that Ih.- Irti'*' I I . . , III _..«iiic * I***! oo^i iritrr»»l#J Hr* rrf|iie4trrt to ctll find *.€ttle hy fhf' i I hnpt ^ j„„ ,.,,3 • • j and CJ..S.' hy Hond «r ( •"'‘j'"'"'' .1015 i‘i{L\'n\(; Of all Kirnl!>, mntfy (xc’tf^.d al tLt Jan l i, F n.I.-'JItf Wa'ra\;tt: U"d r- yrjr at thx 0/