&•> -#* I M^rHgH iHMUgmre, FKOAi El'ROl’E. 00MME2SCEME.NT OF HOSTILITIES. ?TEW-YURK, JAN. 24. The pocket chip John Jay, Capt. Ilol. arr^-cd uioroing troiu Liver pool, whence she sailed’on the ^ih of De- oetnber. By this arrival the editors ul'the Commercial Advertiser have received Lou> |t|r ailvalKiiij( tuwtird* the ciiudlA, »ik) Marshal Gernrd in his ^eiM*ral orders.speak# \» ith corrfWence of the approaching copture of the place TUft WNKRS' AND FARMKHS! JOUKNAL, i ILJIL- ■,-L' I't i HJ-IL- . * ' From tb« Kii hiacnil Kiuiuii^ J»w- S(’KX1> IN lONliKtSS. 'P'cific lueu^fPs ibould b« p«)pa»d, fct> iiad no doiibl but a wciie of e.xciteinent A coresjKiodent of iIip Itoltimore Tatrlftt! would Ik; !«'cn such an had ntvrr h‘en l)c- ;is dcscribcs Mr. Calhiini, when he deli- (tbio wifiitsscd in (’on(;res9. II excitement ■ It aiioiild at l»‘ust sion to the l>achcss of Bcrri, in her prison at BlavP, but weie refused. i^ominercia Aaveriiser nave receiveu .• ■ . . ,1. . ,1. d«, p.p«n rf the 7lh of Dtccmter, ...J '' '» ">•> f*‘' ' ‘j"' 7' LirtrpS of Ih.' fith. b.,th inclus..-^, .ilh ^ >'»™ '» cooiniercial intellig«nce uf the latest dates. rimimstancc m the I’aris pnpem of the 10th, THK siw'i!- nir aktu » rp !'*■■ Havre of the llth. 'I'his report' K„r two jeurs past, Mr. Calh.un 1ms in: _ ^ . I /> j I IS brought bv the Captain of the Havre. nullifirutii>n almost the solo lojiic of his c Our fttrmer •dvices from tl»e Citadel ol r> . Antwerp to the evemne of December l8t. They are nuw tu the atieruoon of the 5th. From the tenor of those former accouuts, we were led to cxpect that the French bat- teries would have opened their fire ujton the citadel on the 2d. Such, however, was not the fiict. The besiegers continued their preparations with the utmost activity Mntil the 4th, when an officer was despatched with a flag of truce to the citadel. He was the bearer of anotlier aummoiis to Chasse to surrender, inforniing him ai the saute time, that all was prepared on tlie side of the French, and that at 11 o'clock precise ly, their fire would commeuce in case of refusal. The French had 103 guns placed and ytrth-CurUinA.m-' Fftteiotic CofltI nxMiweulth can never be dragooned lnlot|^l adoption of thoae mad fh^ries which «i^l fruitful of “ conjuncturoa,” revolution tojl ruin. In dospite of th« scoflii of thoi^l whose tiusiness it would be if they wer^ tlifir ri|{ht tenses, to applaad the flrio(it>i ^ I uDfl straight fbrwardh«me«Ty of her coorst vvi.n,V^*d ill a parhu.no,itaiy i,o.lv.‘"Tli! opeiauon . ^ whole frume wh, agitated. Ills ^'eslurcs , He rcgardod Huch asaltog. tlu r mmur iiia - and coun.enance expVcssed thing, i.nutteia- ! * >*■ ^ =>«bn.iUed to (. uii- ble, uhile as vou oLeno, his lu.^uage is , ifre^s a.id to the penple was to^u* tneui.s uu.e guarded; and hiss,x-erl.quiteVci-us. 1 >o j.rev.-nt collisions k- wen, the pouer. of - • •' ,jj,. la .M.»creign Slate, and the C.eiierul Govern nullifiration aln.ost the s.>!o topi- of Iws , on-1 .nonl-tJ settle w hether a Sutr shall pre of the rtluce rtitis dcscribcs Mr. Calhonn, when he deh- (toio VMfnesscd in t onsress. ii exciiemriii ■riidnj was •report of IhcJcKlh of G..1. vei»d llio«|»r«li »liiclu>li|io»r.m llii«ii»v's i coulii 11..1 to »>.nkJ, 11 or, " W,!«-. .1.0, l«.U«cd ,n I'u. p«; -r: |• • ■' '•] n. on (1» U«h lln-craWr. I -Mi.lhc S.:n.tc, Mr. ralh.«.n.pkc„n|(r, Siitiw eccif siaslics hirt A^manrfrl nflmis- u U;'rce of CAcittmnit 1 Iiavir Ix li'ii; 1 ^ nuliihratii>ii almost tlie solo topic ol his ( on-1 . . Ti »ers;ition.and has thus l«-en accumulatingbe what laws .hall be ewutcd w.thm enrrai. s, to which, Ne«terdaV, he »;.r llie | territory, or whether thr t.eiHJral l.ov- t ...I in .‘rii!nriit stiall carrv itb laws lulo txeciition. No (|ucntioii was so ini|Kirtaiit as thib.’ h'rum ihr tirrrnt ille .Vdnnraineir. .M'l.I.IKU ATIH.N KK( Kl’ITINC Sl'.RVK'i:. (From llif I ii,ti»l Si«ti» Tvltigrapb.) NATI’RAL U ONUKUS. . - , , - . - , It is very surprising, that two of the great- hrst time had op|Hirlunity to g.ve birth in est natural curiosities ui tho world are with- i 1’“''!“:. very wai mc>t oi^tory v ou mthe I’nited States,and vet •carcdvLuown'‘ '*^r vvitr.es^d in hultiiiion', will gise joii to tho best informed ot'goographeii. and j b"‘ “ ‘“'"t '‘I'-” manner in which naturalists. The one is a beautiful water- j "oids were iittertd, taat seeu.cd to coino fall lu Franklin county, Ceorgin ; the otiier i »>oni Mr. Calhoun s ini.iost s.ul, and to agi- a stupendous precipice in IVndletoo district, i ate hima l over Imm head to loot in t.ie do- S..uth Carolina ; thev are both faiiitlv inen- i l‘'cy- I‘ se.doin that a man ol Mr. Cal- tioucd in tlic late edition of Mors- ’s'tJeog. j !'«'"«’=* l«niiits hu:i- raphy ; but not as they im-rit. '1 he Tuc*! uiuiiaiied r.i public. 1 rue gr* at coa Fails Niagara when the ^stream u full il pa=sesii4^i with- [ Irarv, in the House of lleprcsentutiv . .Mr. jolic duvolioM of tins ellkient ufticcr to the ( Ut being broken. All^t«' pri Falls are much higher tha.i the falls of i ness ollen seems m.«teool when most exci- , other trauMa. ti.Mu. lU relation to tl« Aru.v, ''» _ »ara. 'I'he column of water is propelled ; led and the xvill of su.:h men u>ually giis in his district, that m.iy U rrqmr.-d by t lie »'*-*> If™ > * iiifully over a perfK^odicular rock, and coiiuiiand of their pa>^ions.—thi the c .n- i Commamler-in ( hief. The and pain ^ lion «r her poweribl ami, to the fiKm»trum| vagaries which have eventuated In the CQe l fusions of this day. I'hough it bai U,, atlernpteil in a hi^h quarter to make t uf her fidelily to that Unioo to whichtiujl .\iii€?rican8 dare lM>k with hope for autKta; I tial seeurity—tho’by her intelligeocp lujl resistnnre, of the spirit of disafSxtioo, gt,,I has incurred the hato and enmity of tho^l who seek h) bold stratagem to embroil thtl wholu South in a matter of personal tmbi I tiou between a few disopjioiDted luco, ii^l the (ji-oeral Government, she wdl Dcver u .Mr. EiclkriK y tho G.vern | , Sl*e had niktl or of fjoutli-CanJiiia, has ap|M>iiitOLi an . ^ “ ^'P ““ inkic of the Sowh,’ .4iW, not an humlre.1 miles fn-m this i.lure, i "“X «'lP“ ‘'‘f "I'pUusf ,■ whorto duly it is to receive Yohnturs for|*^“"* ^'“hijiiie*, tU^&jMri^ wholahn- t:,. N.ilhfRat.onArmy;a«dloai..-.*dto«ll'f“" “ “ t«iwtM«ers do Su«« ! ruin|iTts—not to be uaed id bloody cm. ‘—Carolina Caz. OP UFE: ;,lMi ^uir«‘ ar«sc as |^^- fr.M;,a sluniU am?b ^clllTk^^^^T«l'frlI*^f’ Kell, ut ('aiiipbeli’t Nation, hi this was ili'wrovered to te on lirr. At tb« tiu . . , , , 111 It tirst diacoveretl, its ikrocruts had a.''I inrirHtuttv to hook a tiew lv caught IrishiiMn, , . i. .i. . . r i - . j I . r I - - . .. r. !•_ '> I : II ■ 1 I I* j u ^ ready Ijeen such, that it was louiiu iuioum). fir© of aitillerv, announced that the i m five, seven, or ten miles of this grand spw-, ^’‘’“trast to Mr. C alh am. |l till un aiH-rdoir, w huh oerurr* d between •r of the flag had broun^ht back a iie.^-! lacle who have never had curi(«ity or taste j Globe quotes from G-v. Hamilton s him and iin ^rlf. I am a native of the readv. The moment was one Twitenso S«en at Niagara illustrates the spray oi hpokx as coolv as if«f«uking ou tho m«»l ureal and .wUe cause in wl.H:h h« has em- intei^. But tlie suspense was not of long Tuccoa. 'Ilie tnlile inouiiUm iii Pendleton j'ndiffirent subjcct in the world. UcielKik , barked. Hut, that j.-u may have some led the excitcmetil, mid said tlialw\is no tiuie knowK'-dge of the depth of his cunnin« and no (ilace toimlulge it. Hism.iuicr w. aui duration. At 11 o’clock a cannon shot district. South Carolina, is an awful preii from Fort MontbeUo, followed by a tremen- pice of tH>0 feet. Many persons reside w ith dous bearer of the ffaig had brouight l>ack a iieg ative t'rom the Dutch Comioaudcr. During |pii«>unh to visit it. It is now however , . , • , ■ »«aB iw w the remainder of tlie day, the discharge ' casioiially visited by curious travellers, aud Mr. Calhoun is mist.iken in nttrtbutmg tla , t.ic truth ol which sll my uei|hbois will ^ j,, of cannon was keot ud ni rcLnilar succes-! *.metimes .ncn of science. Verv few- |*‘r-! propf»sitioi, about the li.OlK) 0\anl. attest. Ou 'IW.iy last, I was inf..rii.td j .vnJeal thi Iinost ‘ Cf>ncrntratiou of I . S. trooim.’ tUiit an nlt'M-e, l^r the n'oepin>«i f>( \ukin- ^ i- . . ble even tn check, liur a amcle Mofnect,!.. Sion, with grrat exactness. The Dutch ' sons who have cast a glimpse in the almost /"-inin/a ‘ concrntratiou of I . N. troojm. th.it an olUe, l^r i anawered with vigor, and tlie 8,)cctacle is bouiMiiess abvss, can again exercisc sutfi- |The Governor does not even refer to any totrs, !ind Uen oj^ described by the correspondents of thejcient fortitude to approach the uiargiii ol, *uch concentration, as a iir.itter ofj'acl that the Sipennt'H Londin press, as horrible, but oeverthe- |the chasm. Almost every one, la looking jbut alludes to nmn'urt that the 1 ic*idcnt uii^mmc 4 lu li>«t » II iit: \ I luiK.' nivic 9 iiwiiJ .iiiii mm iim u* • viii n rta ii tvuiiiic • . | a la. Message to the L'gi^lnture, to wiiow that F.aierald Isle and a strong I nh>o man; for / rovmgee , an a j ^1. S.... .1., .i, . i. i. ..ii ...i, d*-i« was lu BHV« apart of tb« Imm run circuntataiMxa, it that the buiMiug was fired M an unfortunate loaii, entirely d«ran|(ei i timea, by the tian.e of Adana, »ho » for aeveral days occupied the ruoa wbicli the tire oripiaaltid. Tbta Irttiy b iortunatemao, wh«> aeeina to have beeii tent ufton the deM ruction of hic own lit reruained lo th«‘ room aad vat caomniM ^ the Aames. When the alarm was fh* r _ _ - Mivti lu r^o^* . . > f iKg» the eveotug of Wednesday, the 5th, stating j dwmed uidispeiisaWe to a safe ludulgence | ^‘tly ruled them to the potrU ^ of order. {niz^ me as a lull bU,d. d prontl)le In t^ir ^ iraruing \^ma totrs, !ind l»*en ojiened in our district, and '-.-ndent hud some Catk tu ► ay 1 Ik'Utg koinewhat less grand.” [over, almost involuntarv falls to the arouuiT,! had thniatenwl the* use of forte, and hejon a sprei*, and iliuiiroua to a««nain tin- The third edition of the London Stand- senseless, norvelest* and helple^^; and would | dwells («i tU necev.it) of adequate military , truth of tiiis inlUrmclion, I irutneiJialely •nl, of the evening of the 6th, gives advices inevitably be precipitated headlong, aad i pf‘'l»an«t..>n. j turiu.d and pi ociaimed aloud that of the same dates as the above. A cour-1daslied to atoms, were itnotfor ineasuresofj In the H. of K. the .Message called up I was no lon;;er a I'uion, or SuhuiiakHNi ter arrtred at Brussels, from Antwerp, on ! caution and security, tluit have always been i ^veral members, but the Speaker stead-jm.m! 'J'he Nulhtif^rs niwi began to recog. that the French liad already loet 1000 men! I of the curiwity of the visiter or spectator. [ Still, there were some very emphatic, pn - j“ U A«e” |^iiiciple*. ttiid condescended to . flamw-but it was too late—the 'Ihe latest news was bright to Ltmdon Every one wi prc«eeding to the spot whence monitor)- ejq)reasior.s droppc-d by some of, walk the stiect wub itte, arm m arm, and . - - . . by the steamboat Sir Edward Banks, the , it is usual to gaze over the wonderful deep, j the meiidieni. J^our .Xt mp/c / | to do all other a*:ts of kiud.tess that the mlhar a passengers in which brought a report, that; has in his imagination, a Uniitatiou, gradu-j -V'’- airivod at a “ initiatcu" arc m the habitoCdoing toi«ch u-on the ioor whi«>k m a party of the French having made an at- i ated bv a ret'erenec to instances w ith which ■ solemn crimx ol the most extmordinary cha- ■ other. standing near the AwVr he diacovemi it tack on the Tete de Flanders, the Dutch , hiseye has been familiar. But io a moment, | racier. It had, for the first time since the' In ihe en-nine I catted at the qtiartcra of ■. y. ■ .t**!!.!. ni if r.i . h-J U.J.E J^cfeiur-^ bad opened the sluices, and the French par- jeternity as it were, is prewoted lo his as- j lUfctitution ol the goveniuHmt, ly’-.’n announ- ; il,e .li«y. and inloriiit^ him ol' my di»p>»i- ,. j henc« Wi helit^e^i eefm- ty being exposed to toe fire from the bat- . tomshed senses; aitd ha is iiiatautly over- ''•^d to C ungress by the C hiel M igistrate ol |y \ „luntrcr--w8« coniially accvpled, ^o-ivrd of rMaon \dama had hvtiu^ ‘ tery and the gun boats, had been obliged whelmed. His system is no longer snbjeet l *1'® l-’fwted States, that one «I tiie si.vert igii and reteivrd a small iimiier of «i.»A to ^ r,i|uw-l lU 4 nr'm Ik>\ i to surrender. to his voliti«iu or his reaso:;, and l.e I'alU like , of the I ntjn had denied the power ol m:ike me conifurtabie fur the eTcntng—ond I’ • * . > ' The Dutch at Helvoetsluys are so much a mass of pure matter. He tiien revive*, j'’ur Laws. It we persevere in enforcing uefore I left hia {uarter's arrru^’vruttuts enraged against the Kngli^h that the pas- jand in a wild delirium surveys a M-ene,j these laws, s’le claims the n-ht «il with- laaiJe for me lo take Ihe S»i.igr ili« eengers who went out in the Sir Edward i 'vhich for a while he is uitable tu dcfmo by | drawing from Ihe I. ninn. 1 his riglit she ,tie\t mfjriiiug tor Cu!uinbia. .\roorfHiigiv Banks, were pelted with brick-bats on i:n- >description or imiJaUuii. j has auiHjunccd that she will exercw, and *»hm the moniing t uni^, 1 took m) seat ui ^ ing ashore, aad were compelled lo return l Hgw straiige it is the Tuccoa Fall and ,'ydl relieve her citizrns fmm the ojjcra- i;,t Su.gf,al tlio Tavern where I boardi-d, on Itoard. j Table .Mounlain, are not more tiinihar lojlion of the laws ot tJic I oiled .‘■’tates f^‘uce- at>d dro»e to tie Uv« ruiling Accncv, ttnd 'I'he reason why the French hntteries ! Americans! L>ither of them would distin-' »hly if die may, aixl w ith violerce if lint |>oi„ hti ExoclleiKy's AtU rco ived/Arrr did not sooner open upoti the citadel, was ' guish au empire or a statu lu Europa. j “hould l»i conio nccrssary.—'I h's was n.t that Marshal Gerard had been ne^tjjtins ! ordinary case of enfurciiig tho ev-cu- for the neutrality of the town. A letter j A FUAOMEM. ^ tion of the laws upf.n private iodividuals— from Antweq), written at 3 o'clock, of the I stood on tlie hinks of the -V lagara, which } “ The Speaker said, if the j,i:iillcmen pro- 4th, says; I with iti world of waters sweeping by us ] P^"*! tonmUcan\ n.otion, he would lie plf.i- -Fforn what I cm f«thcr from periws on M* ^e«ch tiie precipice and lejp , #ed to suSniit his prf.position in w riting.” Mr. U'oynt *»i.v not'iing in llie iu« *sa»e I or the documents accomjMiiiv mg it, ir '»icA ili‘lliirs more, 'i’he iiri\er sinarhed hn whip and i4f vvc went—I. dthi;ht*d with tiio id«.-a of a pxr Hitjenm>ii'« U.iiy aide up>n brmkmg open a window of the rofw; saw and attempted lo grasp Ihe aaA>r1uiu‘. Adaoi-i, liut he biwk entirely out 'i reach and Ml upoo iImi floor. W hm fir* well by lb* bwv, llie h.-tD>:k«rrhwl on was till i'c a ftimr. Adams wa* i ritiren, we are told, of HaUl'at C'jonti, North-Carolir.a. 'I’twr Kiratrst part of Mr. Bell’s h««a hold ;foods were destroyed, tf«g«*ther wi" the ktters and pdpers and one or two «r*l tn ,.rucl;ce », -r.ira truk" on o*« win, ,h«j„ ,he Po-Uf who»e infiifmatiao I tiioald rely, it appeam Uit; toB-n wiU t>c caaai^red ncutrai, and w rio danger of a buflibsrdiueiit 1 Itavt; breu ori tiie top ^ a Trrj lu^b froia nbeace I could dtacuv. er tlie batterir* ol' ihe Frcnch, aod I cojld [>Uiu- ly ofaaervtr throuifh a glaw the FreriLh balls kn>jek •be earth froui the parapei »f the bastiana, and go thruotrb tiic roof o4* the barrack*. Tne einif^ra- into the gulph b'low. A man apfiroached, Hiid launching a small skitf gilded and pain ted lu the mi/st elegant maniit.-r, Ica^ied into I cou/rf rxd//* fcrli'tff. Thvy were not un it and jiushed from the bhore. wa* regardetl a iKtragonol wiadom, with a graec that an ac^otrphshed Jonathan u.i»;f.t 1^ pr.u.l t.i j.Ltc in hi. clalogm; of uC,r!i^7T>t^ - Oru/u/ MAfurs .\Uiont. The fW. .Vonrly all the books of Ur. W. ^ Nebon—a )Sirt of bis elolhing—a mnU'’, were Inst, again gfHn prepami te« his apparent reckkswM ss ol' danger—“ Do you iMJt know,” said 1, “that tho eurreut is rapid and tlie cataract near ?” “ Ves, but 1 d*d not .non-than W H^ht ..f tlie milita- Amazed jjt |exf>ected, lie^b- lievH, to any iiietidicr ol | ry ra.tle, liefore I ronelnded that 1 had sot _ j i„ j ’ i , J' i • ’ M.e iio.,,-, Ti,e , i,.,r i,c„ bci„„! ,1,,;, o rA'i,"/, "'“I !."J“ the public for a considerable tune. ' going—! theref.-re lell the sL-ig.-and return- " . . " .-.p.v.v..«io..»iivui 1 I«T,, uuii] il/r. ('aratrfi iKiid, he should Vote in fivor ,d to the ViUaije. 'Iheliist man 1 be- ' to ijostpofw., tonhc single ^-r|,J on my return, was hu« f.W. loyal ^lV*al«re fHCts rrfeted lo *1. bv« eacepttliai thi; fifing continue*." the fulls, lor I have a waUhlul eye and a reason, that he wished lor tinia to consijir Aid, wmkinjjto and fro, contemplatin? ou ^ , g, ,, ,, . GREAT BRITA1>(. ] brawny arm, and a good pair of oari.” which was the best courv—on from an\ the si;;iial soc«cs» which seen *d to smile ilfpn9. w pa,-«i-.n. He was not cfinsrious :,n hi-rpuiri .licundcrtakwig' TheChaiiw- of any—nor had he pereeneJ any m other J,un thanje, of his phii, on behoidmg my member^. return, 1 hail in>ter foruet—first, a wrr«tio Mr. M Ihifir must a»kfor the poifponc. Jnt f^h r,7>r—then a cl..ttded puiple mciit as a matter ot [jersoiia! favoi to him- >iA'r»*‘i witii Kariot—and then iiii a J'hua saying he sat down m the boat, and i began to amuse himself w ith a quantity of ' toys which he had provided, whiie the cur rent swept him raj»idly onward towards the Tlie Fjnglish pap>-rs gi»c note of active preparationsjfor ti»e elections. The lory candidates avail tliemselves freely of Ihe Dutch questifm; and it is intimated, in, some quarters, inat the Dutch King is only ' raring cataract. 'J hose who stood u{k>ii liolding out to await the issue of iheir eU;c- ! called to him m alarm, lo hasten j w-'lf. He had not heard the rnejwige read. u„n ,,f all ihe hues iTrccptiblc m ihe tioci*. jandc»ca[»c while yet liierc was hojje, from American Stock* in London, on the Clh of Te- j ''*® «‘«rtain (krstructioii l^fore him. But ■ccmber: 'flirec per centj. !K); Pefiuiylvania fhf»,! his only answer was—“ ’i’ake care of your- 1«W4 a llli ; lAio fire*, 106J, Sues, 117; Louis- selves, I can take care of myself. 1 have joiiia, l^i. wrs and strength, an»l can come lo slK>re Lltl.PTION OF NT .ET.SA. j | go ^ver the A violent eruption of .Mount .,i:Una took luiiii,” and the water bore him away.—A- place on tlie ITtli and leili of November, ^^in and again his rlarmed friemi* callcd , „ yv&ich destroyed Broote, a town situated tmd entrf^led, but the answer was the siime, | all excifrmenf. lie n gnrded ihe sul/j Moe leagues fri>m Catania, aini which coo- At length he approached the rapida where | as too deep uik! sob mu for excilcm.-nt, turned a population of ten thousand persons.dark waves roil, and ronr, iind fLsii. the ordinary accepfntion of the l« rni. f T- ^ ’ Then, iiMkred, lie U gan to exert his 10,7«W baj:«, it laM week’f price*, vii; VM) .Sci. hurried, till it liUridi at ltd to 13^—4,400 Iiowe!« tu 7|— ' trembled for a moiucut upon the verge of inter- assoc la- niiu- Thf “fiirvof riritffsrtl rages.” 'Hic I’rvrlamation, the M* and the Judiciary Rill, all d^tgn**d to par- fy, havcDfUod^rl to the (lames. Wei not know bow ih** Jtwhciary Bill wdl he r- cieved in .‘^itjfh rarolina; but the S.750 .\cjt-(>kan» lo b^d—l.ouo Alabama* , the dizzv heiglit, and in the next, the pluni;e “I t^ waters closed upon him to —IjOU ,M4riinhant» 7j toI»ii—100 Dirtui ra- ! ra» Hil tn '*J—.310 h;^jptiaui (Sj to 'Jd—and 600 . t>urat», at 1} to Cd prr lb. j He caiw into the Hail aft. r about two- t„w ! from the n.iibl of wIiKh Uir^ f.>iTh thirds of it had b^*en gone through. ’ ' reference must for his _ _ swords will i«^pfrfimIhrir scttbbsrdii. much appare.it exciteme„t-parlicnl.nrlvn. carnpwaM--^^^^^^ "» rnnng gentlemen who S-*strongly deprrratc „t mv d ^Ttion from Ihe armv m so short ",'1/’ 1 T * will brmgtn the til IJ lo her support twru lhou«iind ImyotH i, wielo'ed hv m**n crv will l«'Lih.rtv or DuaihAmi* Bul/JfCt III Mr. Arrkrr was as willin;;, siiid (>erhap»i as ifrsirous, to f:.\pre«s his views at length upon this gn at siibjert as any memljer in tlie Hiiu‘»*, but he could not act with fire- cipitalicKi in such a crisis. He w.is not «me ot tluisc who could find inult!r for excite- '"®nt in buch an occasion. In his opinion Such is the language and such the end of ihe Message that had been r* ad was as tho tempcrutb driiiker. M. SuEacily of a Quadrvprd.—The Thom- aston Journal »talcs that a pig weighing a- lj>ut ^Olb, attempted to cross .Mill river on 6LC0ND EL*IT10.\-Xtw.Yc»K Jan. 2L f Half yw»{ three o'cUnk. ( \Ve Plop the press to announce the arri val of tl»e ship Havre, Captain I>« peyster, vluch sailed from Havre on the liih of i^e ice, after procf^mg a short distance D^xeml^r-brmging ,-H^rs o that pla^ through, when ..i.fead of drowning, o hel.^th,arKJl-ar.sjounialstotheiOth,u^ very deliberately comtneiicing swim- Fi'i'lr f It f f • r> 1 iice in a straight line for I .teli,ge,K e from the seat of war in Bel- j ,hore he wa, s.^.king. The ice was a- gmm. u to the ^ I. of Decem»,er inclusive. , 5,^^, au iiK:h thick, and being trans,«irenl, fhe jouriMis o observers at the scene of j ,,| his inoiion, , ould be obi^rved, aiKl in ect..« giv^ hourly no.ee of every «cur.(,h„ mam«.r he «wam to the shore, 1 .ir r^.k. of ttie attack was v igorously | ,1,^ Jy.tlom, and with h.s back burst up a^jed by tJie presence of King LeopoW, who |ea«t assistance. was lu the city, aod watched the move- UH-nts fjfboth sides. Mu-keis, as well as bombs, were discharged by the besifged without iniernjfilion. J h»; W' ». ot ti* b'j*i"^-i’ arc hcur- Advice of an Iruh A/tothrranj.—If you find tlireo tumblers of whiskey punch dis- ii2rr»* with vou f.v»*r nii'hf, don't lake ’em 'i!! ' X' ''ti;', v.^t:n; iv,.: , Vm clTirit;! calculated to allay excitement, as any that had ever lx- n promulgated. Mr. Cambrdcr.;; begged gentlemen to reflect, that if the Mesaace was mmiI lo the Committee «if the Whole on the state of the I'rnon, probably three weeks would Ixr 6f»«‘nt 111 d(brife upon it. All limt was de- sired, was that a Comniiltee, should rejKirt Ihe necf^sary amendments lo the present laws relallve to the collertion of the p v. a lim*, Isjt he Hhould reci.llect thal the at- (rai tne influMM'e ol a Mi.-igU star is »oine. what less powerful than the combined i;i- Ituenco of ihirUcn / •My object, .Mr. Editor, in miilving the a- lK.ve expe,im,.„t, to nsce,t„„ tl.efjrt, I„ I. m7--„t of p;.',",. wheiher money -va. used in procuring Vol- „ ,j'| , unteerfi—and Ironi the reaiilt ol ihis exjie- rinient, the public may jud;;e whether n.o- ncy ij to hi vttd in laiHiug Volunteers, m ste;i(] of its being a rJuntury aet. 'Mje pvhlif innney m still in my poH!iesiion, where it shall remain until I am readv to ‘itieli IS the langii.'igv of the .Nullifi''r» Virginia, what will lie «ni(i by the Nu^**- ers of South-Carrtlina ’ jial m'ldfi*'* »n we fi-.nr llist il* drow n d. AUx. daicV.(. o?.relv7’ •■‘‘"'""J''' ‘ tak. n plac e the,,. the fumilv of a Mr 10 I r!.T7 " ,'’7:*'*^"“’''. ‘ T ‘ ••■‘ hraii. A voung man who hml l«nM lo iMve It mil rc*'pt(^l, pivMiming. as 1 Mij>- . - . 1 -.1 • Somnamhiilifrn.—'I’lie writer of 1 n uniralKMi m the .N. [I. I’alriol, I'enihri'ke, Jun. !i|h, relate* the fnllfrtnnf fs ennenei*, whn h 15 ssid to hiiVe rrcnl» Mr ()Ose, that I would l« mr«t likely to h|k i,.1 It there—but the Grocer replied that h«-, was an adviKate for \frrr trnilr,' and would fiirm no eoiiihiii/ifKui to priMm it' line yerir^ a ineml.er of the fimil}, nl ed early to rfst. Ihlitre inuhichl, row' III sleep, toik a randle, aisl liimsi It' in a botKilo skin bi Tf re iIk* I .41, . , , wh,.,c he layimlil mi.jiiight : wIh n Ik*‘ enne. 'I'he w hole subject was of a ju-lnial " honor l»-ing ko much :i out and piiHiiriil i.ti aye, with wliirh W nature. One great ol.j-ct was to obviate '- 'I'^'t pr.K-i-ed.d u> tif U d wh. r. there[)!eiinlawofS«Hith Carolina, and pio- " ‘^1' r "'"c f.r C. Mde lor tiili^rcing the laws of the Lnited '■'■‘•' I'tfnl bul will r*‘st Slates. ' I conlenled that the fuels an; known to many Mr. lirayfon felt compelled lo oppose the rifeience to the ComniitKre ol' the ■ " “f‘d a friend to all Whole on liie tlato of the I nion, for the '""I' «'^nien, I have the h.rtior reas4.n thal it would occasion the loss of m^-jf, much time, when time was of the greatest ' 1 our olf^-dient ,nnd im|)orlnn«e. r.entleinea had dif*. lnimed' Hiiinble w nant. Mr. and Mr>- Hero hi: ('jiiii;.', r.ii'l struck them timeM ii|Mnllie In sil. At this nifiiteii* aw((ke. It (li;it ill'* I ■•‘iraiig* Iv iissyulti'd :ii.> l|K*‘!' ' thu over. y-1 >.1'; ;ii!l jctico cf cxcitviavct. Whtiievtr ’I\ki',., ,'m I I.—•• I ,]un t eare if I a[iiiicli if ihal,"-aid a man lo one ttlr 1 an opeii 1m,X ; •> I don't 1 sie if jeu iloii*' said the other, putting Ins box m hi* •' \V!io ’ /.(.jri//f

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