TIIK MINEUS’ AM) FAR,AiF,RS’ JOTJRXAI,. fjr Sstin^ iiAiiLorrK: callfd I‘V t’. to Ik; ,r.sr i-nun,,u,.- \ rec.iricnc. I I lie llarbinKi'r, “'“i t'* Ijt under the iiM'ciaJ »u- • j.. »» • u . n i i-1 .1 I pvrvision )f iht I'nitcitKorii of ilic IjiivvrKitv- It' much tiillcr'd of hy tlii rir.'it Priiinphu—\ “ rectiric-iico to firnt { Daring Jturfrhry and attempt to Mur- WEEKLY ALMANAC. ... ... ,, >y th.,sc who Ir/tT.—'I'he dwcllinij house of Mr. Younger Funn^AirYTlliirnTsSTrr^r^ ' I* very diHunbletlint this broach-jNfwlon, s«-ti, of Richtnoud County, near ; _ IKIX |riHc»it«et«.| rnA!5E.H. for we can hardly iiimginr any thii.;; hetur ruku- ‘«l iiJ the South. I.»;t hw what the very | Liiurcl liill, was ti.rciljly enter(;l on Sutur- 10 S«turanj7**iO?T^^r~^ l''KHKl All^ I luted to |iroinot; the caiiM-uf Kdiiialiuii, uiid of (irs^t ()ritu;i|ii) :> (if thi' 'Miverii Lacr.tufc«c,.orully, than .uch a ^a,K..r.-.A. i J xi'curf I.iljtTly, 'H.0 MelhwJwt i:|,.«u.pal Conf.-n-iiro mi>t ‘’'‘“'’V '■'‘%rjc^m;7.«Th;hotr«e»>«o«i..*i«. Th..i;.now.:•-•-.t.ruirahr,.„fM.naiu.,.i,>01... cupiecl by Mr. «ri«icy ana tavern, aii ,[ j la.st, not kuM, in the enumenition of the ■Itcrs und Cuminunications for the J.KJr-, • , cardinal ends »„„od «t—I'nion. 'i he =.'ati-s. Ki:nov%i.. Tlio OlFice of ll*« Mincra' Jf Farnirra' rntnont are.— 'day ninht the unknown, and I, cau be left at the Tofct Otlicc. Canerf** There ha» not yet hc"*!! n decmirYn ' • iithcr of the grtat qiwution# pinding in the h(Ki««» »lf «"*''*• > bt I [ little doulit ui wb»‘ monnrr th"y will finally , di«|>oKd ol. KrHfHla and eu;niicii ol the 'I'a. (j- |{,ji uiiitt io die opinion tiiat it »ill not |iiuu..- I 1. a»t durinp tliu »ei»i«J. And all u|{r«e in the | If inumer tiiat the Judiciarr Hill iu the .Svnalc 1.7 uaM. uiilcw it be ieleuted bj llie luolraction wliieh we llunk [irolMblc. , ()n Tuo«l*y Adam* madu a iHotion, ,Uilie o«t tlieenacunjf elau»f of tlK^ 'I'MriJr Mill, ibJlowcd It up by a apex ch. iu wIiR-b, («ya Hr- 'slional Intrlii)teiic«r,) he cnlereil at lar;fc into !ir doctriw of Nullification, and tlia ri;jhtof tin iflcrrnUintero*! in the roion l»> lb' (luterlion of j li, (;rter»nie"l * in»i*tiiig lliat if it thuuhi bt I Ulidrawn frooi the |{ioat mU-n-al. of aj;ritultor«- | id nianutacturea in the Xortlietn luul MiddU . .atea, those i'tatea uiigbt witJi iuptiee iiiiiat lhat e pfoKrtwo now enwyed by the interent of the . itii.and by Uhmc oT oommerrt; aud na«i|attun, J-jld in lihe manlier be withdrawn. |L [\Ve Icun from a prtirate »o«rcc. Ilial the aperch ^ Mr. Adam* wa» calculatrd to oiilraer lh« Ircl- , |>i7« of every Southern nian who heard it; that Im- ! ■:^ke of a perticUr epeciea of t»o|>erty about ; tiicli the.SoiitJi ran ne»«r permit I’ongrea* l» ic- I ->^e, aa tJte "M^riixry" of the tioolh; aaid i 111 tte aUndiag trmj waa kept up by th' gov. { !• protm the l^uth (roni this inachitiery ; { ui lital witbout It, the imuth could nvvur kc«.p nor i itietf of thia nicchinery. 'Ilua w aa adding -r\ to the fire ahrady raginp, aa u evident from Lr iccmint of whW fbllewcJ.] r.Mr. Barrinfer repliitJ, with warmth, to th*- fe^th of Mr. Adania, deprecating any *tep that Inuid goat nncr to tret the itrcngth and eiiat- [;:s of the t^vrmmeoL Mr Driyten. of ftrtuth f-arolina, rrpiedtrtMr. damt, in a »trtin of gre«l warmth, »» hiving trodueed toftc* that niuat inmtably excite thr hnotila and e^cn furiooe pawKNia. He tx. nine^ the poaitMMii which lie uiMkralood to have :rn taSkn by Mr .\dam*, and w-hn.h he cuud«u>. ^ ta worie than NulliAcatuai itarlf. .Mr Adamadenu.'d that Mr. Drayton bad jualiy ^rfnti-d hia aijunwttt : Mr l)ra)tanrepticd,aad Mr. .^dama wia about ' |r«ply, »he« | F Mr. Paitoa having obtained ibe Hoor, gave way I lr a uM>(Km by .Mr. K Evirelt, for tiie riajng ol j l. ('m>niitlr«. j (hi (he fellowing thr tfocatKin «a« takrn ' Mr. Adaiiia'a mutioa, wilhwl tuitlM-r uiljatr,: It waa nrgatiT nT to (kP. SevrraJ amendiuenta have been made to tli I kll. jenerally having in view a nuttr »raikial r» • ■ticlK^ of ti>e dutira. Theae hate auicctdtd bv V ry cluBevoiea. It I* oBder»tnol that the Cotnn.itJ«? of Wava kiui Mean* viil aoo«i report a bill toaulhorixr tli( Irof the aeven inilliofw ot I'. S. lUiik. .**ti.ck ; nm hrld by (he Govrrnineot; provided it cau be j ^ lor not (raa than p«r. I On Tburaclay Uni, .Mr. Poindexter oflVred the : r^jwing reaolutioo i ^ R>»ctTt4, TTiat th* Prcaident of the T. Statri rt|iMa««4 to eauw Io be laid before (tie rirnatr -•-a of the order* wbich have bern given to the lounanding IhRirr of thr mihtary fore aaKoi- ■ d 10 and near tile city ot'C'harlenlaa, 8. ; and a CD(M-« of the ordrra wliich hare ben given to I Comioaniirr of the Naval forcea M*emK] d in j karbrtrnfcharleatoa ; particularly fxieh order*.! uiy (iteh liave tieen gi*?n, to reei*t tb' con»(i d autbiritic« oC the Slata of H. wiliiin tli« trtetml iHmlaof aaid ■'*tatr. 'Ifte iminediale paaaag* of tliia reanhilinn waa ■ ■■■I by Mr. P. but oppoard hy .Mr. W’eh«tcr I Mr. (iriifvdy, on wbw moUon it wat laid on table Ull next day. ■ni)- debate on the Judiciary lU’.l waa continued i-harlmluH Vixiiirt, HrMiv It.vss, I’. C. ChatUitoii.— W. C a|x-ri>, Joa. lluliiit'K, II. (’. A. Walker, J. li. .Muric. Blutk Sicamf . A. hins/, W. .M. 1). M.Mjrc. il'dluu Crtfk.—J. II. KobiwMi, 1’. W. t l liny. Orancrhurg.—'I'. K. LedlH-Mrr, SuiTil. Diiiim idilic. Cyprfti.—If. Irf^bttltr, (.(;. Hill. Vouptr Rie*r,— I'ndcrick I{u»h, S. Stiluilm Ihilnft, .M.tutii M .Mcl’iit.asoM, P. L. Ma>iia'i.—Joa. .Moon-, .M.(-'. 'I'orrington. AkUtiUe.—\t. \V. W i|;litnian, 'I'ho. ilug^inii. Kt'trrt.—J. McColl. /ircrfy l{iFtr.— i. H. C.'hap|c'l, Lhiou^J. li. .\iitiiony, J. O/irr, «ii|M’riiuni«rary. iMnrrni.—K. Stucy. i\€icttiry.-~J. ( 'ovifigtoii, •r. Nell. Colnmiia Dutiiet, VVji. M. Ktsxritr, P. C. f I.'ond l]iieli>h. Conferee.—(:huici.w,U A. Crow'cll. Kliidick Prarcc. .Vua/y l{irrr.—S. 'I. Smith, \\ hiti'kird .'SmuiIi. CtfwjJfn.—\\ in. ,Mu/ro«. KoU rt AdaniN \V (• Mclvn#b. —W. .Martin, P. .Mcl..eiiahan. ChulfrfirlJ A. H. .'Ictjilray. H aier(r.-..\ni{Ua ^I« Pin r»oi., 'i'ho* (’. Siiiiih. I'ui/ftltriUr Ihttiitl, N. T\1J>, p. r. arh • IVit*. Itlmtk A’lrrf.— lti-nj. H.Cnpcra, U . Whill.y. Trarv R. alih, M. K. IJ.hrtill. rArfWtp.— l). J Alltn. It arrcMaw.-4. Iia« U iiaHi. /tn)tiitrut.—ll. K. .Muri hi'irr. H Kami. \V. Caper*. HlatUM.--JiUtn .M. liricil.y. f oyrHrn^r.—W lU'aiii t raok. /.inroinhiH HAarwi'tx Srvix, P. K. Rner^. \ M.^ orkadal-. .Vua/"ewrry.-.A>4a!om H'oti n. H. TtiiHiii«nn. Rnfky Wirrr.-.Jcr i.iiah Krct uiao. J. Jjckaon. I.ivMiard Ku>ii. Sni^r Cnfl -1 W m,. ('ailnvi’iT, (J. . Huggiiii. I>. i*. rrirk. 1J. J ItM'bardimn. hut kt>n(lnim—I. 'I'ownvetid. J. L. Smith. J AUiKaii. King’t .Votimlaim Mfimu, I>. (J. MrDanirl. Nc»ah i^iiey t»ari*fcrn d to(Mor;;ia t'onfvn iicc. U m. fnhx>n(raniirrrrid tn ,\|jtvtiii.i( '4>iirt-rcii.>’. ISamlfe Mtition, J R inch. Urtmfnr! (.ror;;*- \V. ^!rore Hirti I>.'I'lirpin. (a»tbc auil I •» /'en Mittifm, J. H C'obuunie. U'c Icam from Coliiiitbia, that a inoti j tncn wlio (ilainied the form of g»)v;riimeiit I under which we live, dcKired, in their own 2 ytfth .Jan. by 9un>e villains siunday, G 36 5 21 .^J^. Newton, an honest inof- iC 3.V5 25 unknown, and ,'^3r. Newton, an honest mol- j;; IJ ^jJiFulI 4 l' 2.5 fetisive old man, Iwatcn on tlie hend with u go Wrdnnaday fi 335 gv ® ^ club ill a shockiii;r luanncr, and left lljr i!l 'PburKday, j6 32 5 2s ® dead. Mrs. Newton, Mr. Daniel Watson Frida,y i« 3ll.j ® ^ af\'it morn. al\’a bfl’n !Uid wlip, and Mr. I*hdli|) Farkpr, (tlie ihic* la«it vi,>it»'r.s.) were all more or less w ounded,; hut none of them dangerously. 'J he nif- (iaii.s then took .Mr. Newton’fi chest, car es liti»"iia{>o, to iiiijke a “ more perfect I nion” j ried it some* distance from the hou«;, broke I thuii iia>l e.\i>t«‘d under the old conli'deralinn.' it opoti and cnrricd ofl his papers, ncurh’ I'l'hc whole 6co[i« and doti^^n of oiir [Kiliti-: in Hanii note«, a couple of Medical cal organization into a conlcderntcd Repull- IJrtok-i, I'roni another chest, they, lie, wiis to unite Ihe |)0,ple of tho diliereiit ^ t«Kik .J or t» Indies’ dresses, two donie.stic .slait'H, .nnd tho diHi icnt ktatcs theinsfjlves . hlaiiki'ls, Sir. 'I'iie ciitne wns ilonbtlcs.s - NIudeiil. * l()ti\(j -'IAN wishing to atudy Rlcdicine, 01 teaching Un* rudlmenls ol the Lngjinh Language, can obtain a kil.uation in a private laniily upon the following'terina : J o teach 4 or 5 young children two lours, forcmwn and two hours, afti riioon, Read- n^r. Writing, Aritliinctic, Knglish Urumtrlar and oyrupliy. For w hich he will have the use of a .Med- (not into tme ron.o|i,|„,..,l empire, hut) into | cam.niifc-d hy negroes, as Mr. Newton an.l , o^llle jjfiv. riiiiicnf, wiiicn should have a head ; thoio in the house with iiini believed them appt-ar, a» also his Hoarding, &c. for 1,2 or 3 years. rapul.le of adiiiitiisti.iiii;^ the laws for the geM.'Kil wxllure and the unm^rs^i! ^fHid.— Now, (hf'se wo lK(k U|m>ii as ‘ first [iriiieijdes.’ V*. o r j»!ird thfffi as the sentiments ujion which lho.se a tL’d whofnimnl the Coiihli- liition. And the wordrt ot'that C'>n.*tilution lit* If,—the wriii'iirsof Hamilton, Jay and Mudi»rti; the action of the utale.-^ in adop- tiri" tiie ('oiislilution,--a!l;on !u.'ivel’, pruvi.- t!i;it w e uip correct. to 1)0 such, iind one of the party %vas seen fie loust came well recoinuionJed foe hy II nerio w liosays he was black. Be- •obricty and morality. twff.n lOnnd 1-'o’clock of theSiinie nijjhf,' A|»|»Iy lit Oflice. some stranj^e iio;;roc,‘s were seen passing hy i ^e//. H, Hj.3. 5189 Laurel I (ill, and going tow ards Kajettevdle. ?-T ' adkin & Catawba Journal will givo On Sunday thrc9 iH^rsons were trackc-d »>‘l ‘i>r«ard the account 10 . , - 11, -I till* otticc/or payment Iroiii the stage rofld along the turnpike to Mr. Newlfin’s. 'I’he same tracks returned ^OTICK. the sume v.a\, br ke out of the .1 turnpike, HEREnV'forewarn all persons from trading h i-i a politieaVhere- and crossed Jordan’s creck on Mr. Mac- s>, tben, n, siiy, tliat any tiiinu is u first I'.irland’s mill-dHm, passed through Mr. w“a* yivcnon’ccriaycoLditw^^^^ principle of tins j/overnim iit which mihtntcs | Macl-arland's plantation, and ;ot into the ditions were not complied with by said Cafip*. I III tho sli^iitest dpcfC!? a;;:iinst the I.ilK-rty, is1a;j; road some distance south of his Store detcrmiutd not to pay it. The noti' iri either J’l'Ui e, or tiio I moll of llicsi' .'^t.itcs.— house. (Jiie of Mr. N’s papers was found bands ot John Sloan or Washinr1on .Mor- 1 in itnn 1 ^ .4 ▲ ^ ' 11 V' 4 VI eJ till ISAAC HVA.MS. 3t27 On the coi.lrar\, ary su'-li opiuion ih liir- 'on .Sinday cveiiiu», iieaily six miles south ! 13 1533 et;rn to the nature of our iii«.litutioi;s, which 'of Laurel Hill. Notliiiiw has trimspired to ^ j were iiilfnilMl to k-|K*rp* timl. I'ollow'the 1 Ind to the detection of tin? per)x:trators of tmDrnv caw out, and consider H hethcr nullification this most darin; outruiiP; liit it is lior)ed f -BY give noiicc, that all Utters addreso. , . , , , .11 . . .BL cd to mu III Diy otticial capacity, niu»t L» (ir «.ctiKsioii are calcu.ated to destroy tin Mhat they may yet be hiousht to justice. /,w ortliey will not I* attended to. Lilx ity, inK'rnipt the l*' ace, oru.»vj|\e t!ie > Man) circumstances itwluce tlw Ix-lief that JoS. .McCONNArGIlEY,.S/ I iiiirti of tiie States. We will not ar^uc lh!V c4iiiic tVom a distance. .Mr. Newton . 3t:27 I this (juesfi m. Conitn:.' cv;njls cn«-t their i« pronoun»‘ed by his physicinn to be in a AffCllfioil! C’avalrv ' nhadov.s 1» foir. \\ e know, fiu[;i w hat lla^ fair way ot' rccover> .—Fa^. Olncrnr. Charlotte JU-f.iyette Truopan. ..‘ommand- passed, wlmt V. ill haj>|K*ii in the event of ei- —^— M. ed to a[()ear in (.'harlotte, on FriWay, thfl fiber of tiiew! evils lirii.fr brouchi ujMin iis. | \Vi!li.im rohhrtt, whoKc cpolism is at least ‘^2d inst. armed and equipped as the law direct#, \\ ^holl so«* Kir tir'l |ir:nci;*l»'s” scatter- ' ejiinl lo ui» trrcat t«:> nis, .saya, " NiiiiLy-niue men excrciae, precisely at a o’clock, A. M. , »hI to the w irids and lh.‘ vf'rnmei.t 1. ft a I ‘“"“i'''-'* “• ‘ir^-it llritain, are firmly A- A. SALMCK. O. S’. ' • , ,, I ■ : coiiMiicid that the .'.florni will not bt wortii cue *•. •'^•>•»• llU^•rublt• witch.—Aii.umlrui UtiztlU. i^.j. ran unlcaa I be in Parliamti.t.” South-Caroli- . ,,T~^ . * na w -ni» lo Invc !lic ■•line exalted oitinion of the ‘ I- . l 1 u . 1 r i- .• j (,.n. ircntl-’Rian has been ^nanre of her adhircnce to Uic lidcral union, subwriber will take, if app icalion 13 a.n>rced m the .sum of live • ,!. liars for hi^ ’ and «ith about tlic ^i.k r.av,n. , IL nia^aoon.an Apprentice toth^ I 1 ... , .1.. ' r /. . — i; trade. .None need applv but such as can coino |as..viu!t uiHiCiioril (i.’ii-n. I he I heat re | ^ ' 1 well reconiincndtd as to character and industry. ,Imisu»ciS wiis conipr.ii.i.-.e«l. A Columbia; DAVID KESTI.KR. ! -wiH-r advances a pr.-tt> rea-on ii.le jusciica- i “•‘rived in Charleston Chn.httr, F,h. iQ. l^33—25tf lion of tliu .i iienii's tiring,' off his pistol at W WTKI). the 'I’iicatre, hr FW„re tin > >vere “ nmr.ler- I f ■ ^hk Subscriber "wishes to purchase JJO f>» ms the piuv,” aiKl as h. sp k- the words | ^ Pr. v,r«.-A country editor rfT.rs to the ' .voung Jbr whicii h. hred at th^ act..r> who l.apiwned lo \x' on the ; „.ru.r - i-- d,.,. ,n ,I. v.Wrilwra W; can be found m .Mr. st;iii*. 'riu; (•cner.il i» .-aid iin re a««:iu!l and U:!ter\ dai i*eio i»t'the *• cliivalr^HJs''Siiite. ’riie\-tell.' _ . ,,, „ ,, , H »tt,rv i.n him, wh.n V.e rtlneiiiUrj ^ n urrini'la t of the yOlilH-CAhOLl^A, I . -’a t ft I i.iliiis tcu Ilf oli »i \ niorr.ii)^ of tiic ^ i.v k t w iifi r'Ai* v'tv ^Ihat he wei^ lis .J M, ,KHni.Js. iJe once - I j , ,0,,, IWioH '.l.ahue t r.„z, Uie w. Lindsny and others . js EQUTV I into a ijuariel all a tav cm kt e {» r aiKi 111" lJ;!i \i »r 01 u.r«„c. j (t jwift; from words tliev ;^uo;i piiceoded to' At l;i» r« »iknce m Worrcntnn, on Tuesday, the San.’l \V l,ind-!av I blows and the Ccnfrul wns punimell.n? tl.e : lor many years uMied to t).' on the ; ^-ril.r 01 tU U-»t D-in to delinquent subscribers T “J aid lo |ia\e paid , and iitiiors a eop> of (Jov. ilayr.L's Proclaiuation, ! “ » u\ern. ' ^ ^ jjp iinaots. th.in Hiiy ' !ri«iii»'d HI rwi ijj^-...v./r./.V. iW. | Fr?-. 13, 1S33. U2t'> i.'iii lilt, till' lii>ii. JOHN HAl.l. ; r' 7i ‘ i cMjr o; the JudL'i.'k of the C'lrcuitCoMrt, and, since : Unrilord to his h. art s c ntont, w i.en the w,t. |cr:;ai.:7aLi.,.i. of the Su,.rc.ne fourt of North sei/eii the ”un, ami tK>k dcliln'rale aim at taromia. 'i liuc has the cruel the distance ofa fe* pare,".-. «nap- \ diM ^i--r oi raiiPt-r in the ihroni ficd, an I the lady procordeil w ith crc;it c.-.Iin- ' ' '' " rw to n ['rime, the (Ji-iieral wilii t xcellftit diw rctioii, put oil at ftill s:« r !. } Petition lor sale of S Laj:d. 1'r ap[)faring to the satisfaction of the Court, tliat Sam’l. \V. LInd^av, the defenciaiit iuthi said lo lie cmp.-«>l nN«tl\ ol iiie Sim.enls r^'l'tfsot.ts him as a man of , ' ut tlie S*uth Car'>iitia Col|p;:0,oii the nii;ht ciHirai'e, and in a criKul was, fmc , ^ .—Ixichmonil Wfiii,. ru;jri>sof twelve niontiis 0111 oflhi U St and purest l . ... liuiiunitv. Jadge Mall was a n.itive cH'\ ir^inia, •'‘Id or -Mecklenburg county, at t.hj but Ibr Ih.'li.-t foitv ytars li.id oitn a nsident ‘- ourt.IIouBe in Charlotte, on the 7th .Monday atV-r W e are happv lo h ar that irn. P.kiir ' o/ Warrci.!. n. ' , Sth Monday of .March nc.xt, then and there ta ha. s. .-n the eml of his late dlfr.enlt.es : tor 1 At 1,., u M.i. iv r. at i'|. esent Il.Il, in Warren ! answ er, ple.d, .Ve otl.eruise the biU will be taken eoui.lv , on tiic uit. Col. i>hiUi:iuu ILiirkiut, ' coiifcssoand heard eijKirtc as to him. of Friday last, *' thr fatal frat of F hruury," pariidcd lhruii;;li (he atn-vis of that town an of tht Pn mit nl of tin I mU >l SliUc.t, wliicli wan utiurwHrds humt, lu front cf the t^Sc.iat*ooThur«J*yla-.by Mr.(nayt«i of /V.r /V.,w lavarr, an alirr him, by Mr. .^langnni of thm .... . , air, who ,pol.c !ur a Uwrt lime, and tbm gave ‘V rc. Other .Hitrav''^ are »[M.keu ol, t lof a motion lo adjourn, lit-oppmrd Uw btll. **«• urc IM-t ill pcj-i.->«.|uii ot all tiiu par- \^r:iKM)«y tb« 1.1th inaL lioa brrn »rt ap>rt for iH’ulam of this am.pn lou^ ComiDenccmiMit of ing and rounimg ilir vote, for Prcaidcut aiwi 0 i|ic W.Ji n of Terror.'—( Aa^ Conrit r. rrtaid-n( of ll>« I,’. S. 1 ^ ^ ^ Ilia Tarilf llill aaya the InlcllifTnecr nf tbr ™ , .... r . v> . 1 /- 1 . U.M. I. at I.ngth fairly o«t ..f » omnati.^ o' Array.— I l.p fifht nattalioti of the • hotr, and now ui»o the Ubtn ol' the II.Ki*« “ I oiuntrrrt," (inraded veulerui-.y al- Rcprewiiialitea. .Much niorr ilcbalr, we prr tcrtio.Hi for ii)«]i««'tioa, under thc coitmiand ir.nwdnut brantieii«tcl upw.1i. 1^.k«.iioi„ „f .\|„,or Ei)W Aiu>^. 'I'heir fine and sol- U u»w br Ukrn, in rrfrrrntc In ii, K? rti» urifi j i i , ,^.nd«.r,,J,..w,Utca..../-eMH..li.aat. rrndersita fe^lin: ’ tit n. Itlair has b'fn fr'i! .'100 lii JIirsi. . ^11 .. However, it was siii l t!uit the inanulhclur- , l»r. m rH.(i mg the arrival «l Mr. Ixigh, tin in the hinate of "the niilitarv Mrnii/ •“ ,.r remaiked he would ratlur >eil one hun ' j;*"!,'."J ‘ i. i.t\coL>'rot vrv. f-^TZ',!i■”foVwgn:,^ltn ,lro,l Ihousand dollars worth of uMnp,lwder:|,;;‘••‘'‘^"''^^"‘’■'■’'^‘^‘^■^ mailer o| r»*jrrel lhat they were not enrolleil in a T)i«ru]j|iibia Tcleaa.(it.-.aleedmg NuU'licaiinn iiulier causc. \N hen .'Ir. W ii.hiNs s|N>k« This wecft llirre wu'^ a -trry in tow n th.nt a ctUhrateil manuliicturtT of j:unpowd. r, heiKi !'nil »o iK'c allcdthe penceable reme- d\. NV hetiier ili»* nianiit^clurer tinibled j the solvency of thnl rali'n, wIh iIi.'t he j wouUl iK't «ell the nienns ^f blow ing prolc'c- 1 lion iiitu the air, nr whether he had loo miH-h l«i'in-s,son haiKl, did rnit accoinpanv ' the run;or. and the woikl niust for the pres- | cut rent,nil in the d;\r! upon thes»» |>oints. j ll.i 1.1 .'t of I lie siyiuTsol' tJ e tJcnstilulioii of tlic Mat Ol T\. Ca.'uhiia iii ITTG. He was burn 011 3d llcemii.tr ITj:.’. ■1 «IK .M VHKI.IS. D. D. ntWLAP, r. m. c. _/VM 1.1--33—Pricca(lv.2|. .STATi: OF yORUI.CARULiyT, MJ'.i KLI'.NKl KG COfNTY. John Hart and others f IN EQI ITY- Petition for sale of Land. 1 apjM ariin; to iIh-. satisi'actinn of the Court, tiiat Ann Wilson, one of the de^endanl^ in this I AVI.TTI.Vll.Li:, n illU AUY 11 , Hranuy, i ^ ^ Ap- -b^-°»‘l Ann Wilson.^ (ill 4.) a .'lit; i«u( on, l-.j a 7 , ; l.’i > swu.\, 17 a 17.1; low II the river, .Mtnif'time .Miice n fuM'd an , i;t a T.; l oiin, 13 a l.'i; Cut'.uii, order I’corn S rtlth-Cnriiluta for | a ; i^rn, .V» a nit; Haxxeii, ^1 .'j a sfU UO; case, is not a resident of this State, if is//ifrrfore worth of his fleath-rlenliri" merchandize, | ^ ; I'tallicfi, 3:.’.-i 3.'»; Iron, 1a a.»; rn/, that publication be made six wee’., s in tho ’ Lard, 10 a CU; .'iU a 31; Oat.-, 3U a .‘C; Miners’ &. Farnieis’ Journal, that the said Ann .N*ii», cut, 6i a 7 ; wrcnj;;iir, 1' a ’Ji.'; Knin, Jaiiiu. Wilson may appear at our ne.vt Court of i'^juity, I. a, llJa 17.>; .N. Kngluiu!, 1.3 a oU; liiec, ti a UU; to be held ior .Mecklenburg county, at the I ourt. ■'^ii^.ir, 7 a 00; uiuiiuon, Ui) a 'Ji; Joal and lu:n|), Houh in Charlotte, 011 tht: 7th .Mondav afur tlio I 1 a UU; .■'all, l.iVi.iiMH.1. ti.'i a 7j ; '1 urk's IsJai.d, 4lii .Monday in .March ne\t, tlien and there to an- 7D a i.i; S''.ull, .Viui i ica'i, ^ a !•; Ln;*. blislertd, swer, plead, 1^0. otlierwise tlie bill will be taken lllali; I ei Ilian.. 1 i a 17 : l\JiowCjai); Whial, pro coiulsso and heard e.'t parte airainst in r. ;iU a j.'i; NS liiski y, Jti a 10. i D. H. Dl 'MLAP, r. m. f. /’(i. 11, IrS.I.—Price adv.I^.^O ( i:i:i:aw, ri:n n. —7, , 7 P.'arlv, Peauli, .Ml u 00; .\(>pir, 1(1 a-l.'i ; Itng- S'l A 'l L. OF ^ OJi'J Jl-('AIIOLI^ A, -M-arUiiui cannot ac'.dr u her rroue-U.. ' i"-'r'ranoii, hut rjo/ (Jovrrnm-lit than twenty- l-d Virginia .av.the T.lracpr aet.-d upon I 1»«* iimiy can no bmgiT be do- ,|o!lar. worth to .onlh-(’aro- •• man., (orf,*,night bavr,ton. .mim-.iia.Hv ni«i—tr.s.p, hive bi'en u. lually Mnbodi. d, ,.„.,.r,;nn vcrv little doui.t hadalic.ven repaired that, p.nraded .nid msp cl.-d-wilh the avowed ^ „hothcr he gave uttcr- »vrou*omiMimubyad«i..vr rt|pp(.gani»ttlit ,Hir[H.M-»a coiillict with the general gov- ,i„. or n-.i » utotiainaiion, or ai#m»t ih« III of .Mr 'VI - , . , A ante to Hit ihoti^tit or n i. I.; a oil; I'Ux.sted, IJ a tO : Iron, .“'vveilt •-i a t;i"l.«.u.l, 7a''; .Vl.uas-is, lU .i J j ; .Mack- erc!. No. I, a titi; .\t>. i.’, C.j; .N”. 3, .*»; t.-*.it.', Paviii I.ocknian / Orijjhial Attachm»'.'il, levied . 'r afain»t U Hi f>l WrU'rr, wf.uh I, It \ •onwliaiig niiiht 'e br. II do*.#, ’I j„. ,1,,. ;„B l*Uiii, *kr ctMtit «iili| |„:r iin|iOuiblr. Slit haa d*>in. 'ji'mg i Iiidir«t«d fKKhing ; promiM d nolhiug.'* Till t ity Council of Cb-ulolon are iiaving «-v. > p.«Ml.ir reap*ct to Mr. iM igh. llic Wigmui ~itiiivH-nrr. TJi^y have made him thr "(.ueat .‘i'.i a (H); Slit, in hiiU, 73 i. lUl; in saek.s of 4 J,>sepli Ihitehl'on. i on Land, i Ui.-!.. -J a ;t; S.U-. 1. C.ruiaii, U a I . , l.iiMcl, ,s - r'aTJl^.THiTZ-To the .ati.faction of the Coert a II): Sugar, CS a lU; 1 allow .1 a 00; 1 ub.u. o, j, |li;tcbisoi,. the detl-ndanl. is nol leal, -,i a ; uianuluclured, S a 10 ; W heat. .... I state. It is tl.errforr tMnrj Murdrr.—The I’etidlrton Mcxstn^ir : 1>uriiii: ihe ik'liat * on South ('arolina af- gives an acccMint of an oiilrugeous inunlcr, Ifiirs in tlie .S'nale >n Monday, one of ihe i ciHiiinilled on the '^’fWh ull. near •‘^latilon- thirteen ;;i!t stars wiiieh .Mip|Mnt the festoons | ville. III I'ettdlelou iMstncl, on the Unly of around the ehamlier, dropjH'd out, nor cuu‘d ' llw ( ity," and invKetl l.ini to dine with them, Jaoon How \iiii, liy JoiiM lii.vKkl.v.— it Ix* replaced diiriU'; the day. This, iu eiii.r«aiiy *11(1, u,r (jm f,„„ |.„ ut. ||ov\\no Was on l!ie roud With a wagiHJ, “ Uoman limes,” would have Urt'n consider- I V‘ ‘‘when- he was iiM t hv Ht.vKi.i v, rrturning ed omiiK'UJ.—Alcxa:hlna (Uiuth'. ' " >n»nu till l.tijulttiurc, Judgi.s iVc..-.,\;i . , . i 't'ib>r«. troin muster in a Mate ol niloxicaUon.— , —^ - p s. Thrliitrniaflr.ion p«jw«fa Mate ihit Mr. HLvkH.v ordered How vitn tojjive tho' \ new farce, entitled Nnllificnt ion, or *;'h, friiiii „ni I),,, road, and as lit) 8te|i|Hfl one sidn itiised Ins the ^ aiikts' in ('hfirle«ton,” ha.s htMTi pro- »ii-mi. hr liaa very rrk|K-i ttully drclin- m)d .shot him down, iiow vKii lived (iuced at thr llowerv'I'healre in N«>w York, "a .oinjhinuit (.•nd. rrd by thi ( 111 ( onn. il. not Ort.'nrJ hv ('oiirt, that h^ np;>»-ar at the ne.xt County Ceurt di' Picas and (iiiartir .‘N-«fions to be held ler Lin- r.-ln i-ounty, al the Court-House in l.incolnton, on ih ' .nil .Monday alter the 1th .Monday in March **'"1'tiiiir In iii|{ 1,1 Cl kaarilv d> viit'-d lopiilih'- i'"»o 1,1, m ciiafi, prt elude: w trr,„, «rr,.|,|,np thv dinnrr. ' * • oiirii-r *t«t/'« a* riim'r, that the iii.it In ' had di rliiird takirsany »t( p in ■ intHr tiiih tin- wiahiiof Virginia, iitilil af 'I.I- »ij,( a,„| ,j,n, ,|- • H n>'t mntlin, il, ii,i- ronvi nlion would lie "'•d lo d. n.l, Ih,- |iii «li,n of « ceii»i.,n. Tl.e ury, hnw. Vi r, i« aiitf itiwil lo ntutr lhat tin bc ,'f' art altofi th. r wnhout aulhority. •'I'lie CL'" will ii.it bi- piitdikhi'd until it ‘ ' II eninii.iinirnti-d In the autlioriti.K at Kii-li. . "•“'t. Ihe Virginia l.e;rulaliire i^ mill m ■‘"f. xnd I,my ,1^. ,„*tti r U lijre tin v "J'lri ,h. ■’ ' i'« have h. 1 n iMii-dliy Mr. I. (’ P.ilil.I r,., • lung a wi rkly nevv pii|H r atCh,ipil Hill, but an hour or two after ho was shot.— ! li was written by a literary "»iitlonianot'ihat 'I'hrre had 1sm?ii no previous i]uarr(d, but it cilv, Ihe writer of sc'vend dramas, and it is IS said that Hi.akki.v had loaded his jrnn at ^said to ovcrtlow wilh humor and wit. muster, declarmj{ his intention to slnxil ('fntrUxhm C'oiiritr. another man with whom lit) had some —^— dilli'rnece.—ih. Tk\ vs.—'I’lie Texas Vdvocatc of the —: 1 1th nil. published at l?ni/.oria, gives us the Tli>'ri>»ion SinteMin.m of the IJlth ult. conlaina tollovvinjj inlc‘llij;«*nce with regard to the thr iiillowiiig paragraph : situation of this unfortunate country: ••’I'lier. i» said to l«- a prol.ihilily that .Mr. Ste. j (Vilernl p.iverninenl i- dissolved, and vvc vrnson Hill-M.II vacate the Chair ol tin lloiibe oi l „ renstitntion. Many of the |{. pr.s. nl.iliv. s. III vvliiih enso .Mr. Slates have nf.ised lo vote for i Presi.'lcnt, f..r North.l aiolma w ill he likely t.. surei-ed him." | and KrpreM-ntaln* !.. 'I'liis evil cannot “ • I Im- n'medieil aei ordinj; to the eonstilulion, iK'Ibrt WIiHl i« ll;at ni..lniiiii nt with vvhn h . very tcMMh „f » |m riml of lour years.” A conveiitiun is lo Ix* called for the slate 111 vii'ir III a.I iiiav Ih- drawn, nol only v« ilhoiit pain. hill »ilhiinl |M-n i jiliiin of the oprration, prov nlrd I . . r ■ ii V..II ..,H nyrmr niiai.h and ke-p y our eyes shut f' «> I exas, !or the purpose ot Iraniing audj A Mai k.U.id pk iiri!. iadojiliiig a ptovisiouul const MR. I’, i:. .s V! .\ii;« ILI. ri'e le.-M'Hs on 1h( PI VNM\*li'ri). ne.xt, replevy and plead to issue, or judgment by V T H ■ iiiriy bc coiuult'-d at the More of A.'d. fault will h«- entered up against him. Urder.'.l Saunter. lh.it publication hereof be niado bi.\ weeks in tho CinrM/r./-V6. l.'i, l.O.I. V.'.rJS I'arin. r.s'.V Miners’Journal. Witness: VAKHKY McnEE.C.C. for ^alc. I Price adv. r>I. fi|3(( _n. M \\ II.I.selllhrfMlovvinTtrnr's t iii.fi>.iaa a>aiii>i aJ. I of I,and,vi7 One tract Iv- HH .1HH I 1C .UI 1 .U IIU I , ntwut -J miles ii.'rth of Sn-iir by (iideon I!. Smith, is issued every I'riJiv, C‘‘tci’-i?^i^cr,-. li ( hnrch, eonlainin:,' 2.»(> in Haltnnore,at S1 ik t annum,m adv ance. Cou- aer,-s kno«-n as Ihe liri.k House,dace. ; tents of th.-47lh uin^ \l"0, nhout ‘300 acres on the north side ^■•blorla ( nlture o barU v.. l.vh.hiiion o of Mallard Creek. Also, a small tract lyin-; on ! •‘•'Hr troin I . \N hite, I. .v .ypf oi Miiiiaro ». rn R. ^ ■' in the Pacific, enelo-'inir some seed ol the I rco . lark’s Creek, an.l one o «!«.,. lOO es-'vm;; ,>,^^-0:, the Culture of silk-Treatis.. ,nPriW.de:,.v.Vitl^ on Ihe Culture of Yellow TolKice.i, cM.iiainiiiir all ot which v( ill Vw-vWl.i'n >'verv nesessarv inlbnnation respecting ihc vvhol: .-mil low lor eish. I K) ^. J-)!.!.. ; p;- ,rti le, in the State ,»'()liio; by Joseph H. 1• i I jams, 'Polmeeo .Merchant of West Ku--hvilie, All I'ji^ 1 • u (hio : I >f .Siil, Preparation and Culture, Worm- Ijnfaffeltr •trfiUrrif. I injf Tobaeeo,'roppinir, Housiii!:, Kirinr. Ae.—l>ii ' j dotation in Kiee l.ands—I tiiily of I'requent \"Dl' are hereby ordered to pn- I’loUEliiM'j—Pruieiplesof \'e:>elal>le Phy sioloiry— rude in Charlotte, at the iisiial Itiitt'ilo Herry—Pruning- ('rehards —I.i ttcr on thn parade troun.l, on 1 riday, the Vi-.M Parkinson llrped of llo"^, aeeonnt of several inst. at lllo'. loi k, .-\.'I-'iriued and ulher Hreed.s and on th» liiiprovnnent ot tho eouipjw'd as llie law diricts, lijr the l!n-eds of llmt \ni:nal---Keediin.r CattU-, Pr. par», purpose of drill. tion o!'the I'lvxl, I’rojM-r 'lanner o! l eedin"—. Ily onl.T, ' »>ii Pro(«-r Atlention to renn.-s—Priee'i Current of A 11. M \t;TIN. O. .S' C.miilry Proiln.'e in the v V >rk am? Bahimoru I'-' 1". .Mai'avt.-— Aiiverti-eniCi;l

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