THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNATi. MOKAL 6l RKLHilOt'S. roil TMK JOmNAU Mr. Edtitr ten coon curred, a memorr. tant part prMonicd, ai Uicy transpired, without exaugiTa-1 you ’ ‘‘Woiuilo lliriit that iiro tion. Ifytiu Uiiiik the relation would prove tr.ter- wiiio, and nieiiot’htrrn;:th to niiii;:!c>lriiiip ilriiik.” Uiiiias or useful to yomr rca«lcrt, you arc at libcr- U m w rilu i:—it is iricvtrsibl> writtm l«} lui- IV to use it for that purjow. i K^r of ilic Iloly C.lioJt. “ >"*'*-i- not AX IRISHMAN'S rnOMISR i IK.:,x,.m or l.ou Oh. .• v^''^ A frw mont!»«jro, 1 had the pKa«ure of sncn- > , * ^ . -I -.1 ‘ ? ! hcrculU'T, llu‘?»e tcnn»orttrv IM«» nni?nl w ciiuuird dm, ^veral "ery hap^^^^ w.^.ny r.c.j s I ^ V -n '^LiU’a- an i' nil Spoklll it, aild 1 Jllllot !k' v.Uh^ m one o» the NortWn ^ ,i:r„von, and ,ny retyn 1 wa. inlroduceJ to au ,r,„..orm.d h. Kcnc, Qt which I wil venture to gi.o you a br cl - ^ account,jre3umu.g that you «.U l.»te.i to .1 with ^ "Tftcr hiding rode three or four niiles, 1 di.cov.! “■*“ '"O' ind.Knatio,.." \ .hj arc hasu ui..g, U I- cred me, ■ gc is not a« you itiin^ine, tlic evils ot' llio voild, Imt evtrlttKliiijr liiKiiRhtiicul.*'—Ah scphialrj, tin i your inttHy wiiiih iu»\v so iniicli dibtn ss you ; aiul ; itnrs stili li t* lioin hi»cyi*F, lir *“> liaiuj' wherever vou arp, »!u loii^ a.s lln v ri’iyn uububdu- a v\Iii* h \w nt lo llu' vt ry * > I’l (’*> m.uI . ... *. .. . ^ ' • t« « t : . I.I..U I tfii..t //Mii >>TH 1^:. Bl'.KSONS iiMliblftl to lilt iirt rrqucntrd to iimuo |i«yiiKiit iKjfbio, or duriiig tin- wct'k lly doinc mi thi y may yicr naxm- r«.e i.irir or .our m i,„„.ortai. to Ih. bar of (.0.1 wLor.' jou um.M d a man sitting bv the rc«d^ at bst b. j,u!?cd a.conlin.r tl.e done htrr . who , i„ ,1,0 )Jy : and i, yo„ ,lo not hcnrtily r.noano. ^ i ' vmir wickfdncM and flv to ihc Cross of t'iiri>l ibr iiuTcy. yuu iiiiiirt tiicii be dri.iii uw jy, M auJ u'ui!iiij( lo iicrliii>liiig loruiciit. Wliiic I was thoc rtiiiarks, my wecp- ngir sat with dmvn-cast looks and appu- iittcrin" n sincle trot, he hastened to lay hold of hi* little buriuio and made towards me, uttering Aonicthiiig which I could not distinctly hear on account of tlie rot- tlinir of iny carriaze wheel*. From hii nianncr . . however, I rcadi^j" interred that hiis object was to "'C P'’"’ ■'sK' " * ' i.''« t'-ca» obtain a »e;U in niy vehicle. Boin^ alone, it wa» "I , , practicable for me to accommodaU: him wilh ve- ''', ‘'T '‘'“'T'’ T "* *■' ry l.Ulo incoiivcnieiicc; but a» I cast a look upon ' “ "‘''. ndinc by u eircuUou., w.d ^ n- hts le.ture., there were seen such indubitable uiimhabucd Iruf marks of his intrmprrancr, that I thought 1 could I *““* * “ *■’ •***•• not .iidure his dupuaUnp society, aud at once dc , '*> «>' ''crf joiiru. ymg to diTcrent p.arcF. v e teriuined to drire on and lea^e' him. 1 had not l>al "O" «> >>'«' « r*" •'» passed him however, more than twenty or tliirtr , rate. I stopp,-d my liors.e, and stai.dtn? rn the rod^ before iny coro(>as»io«t ^ras more effcctuallv ! ffrouiid apprised liiin with n i;rel tiiat we excited. Tlic refltctwn arose, that tliough his ,‘••“•‘Id no lotiirer pur.sue our way in company, society niicht be disa»ri‘eable. I ought to rejoice ; Ifc immediately ajighlcd from t.'io carriase and in an opportunity tc relieve his distress; and th«t ejpriyscd many than!:? for the aeooninKM.’i ,\iv (iiuitiiir.s nt sueh a momcnfoan Ih‘ niorf iiiU iiiiu(;iiied tliail dcscribcd. 1 nfaiii seali d in_\ • self ill iiiv curriaj:e and rode slowly onward, I'Ul iiiV iiiilid jKjiulcrid dieply tlie sei iii» w hich I just wiliicsMd. 1 knew foniethinc of the tn neli erv pf the l.umaii hi art, iiid somrlhinp ol the dll (k'liltv o ' restraining' the inteiii|x-ialc troin btin. |iri eij.italid dow n the llitnl eitluract tuwaidii w hich tlie stream ot lii'e is laf'idly U-uiiii^ ihuii; ktill 1 Iiv .... ........ ...... . „ color. uy • ou!d not hut induijc some hi'i't, th t tnd woi,ld Harvey, at linty liollarii. >7.4 77; Oh' MlM Kl.r.NBI K; fOI NTY. fOUN KOZZKI.L, livine 11 miles north-wextof Char- lottr, at Hozzrir* Fi rry, retiiru- _i d tt Stray MAIIh', taken iip hv , ,irn old, 1 j hand high, of a dark h iV color. Aupraised by U illiain I ncky and I ... II.. i>k1tara CllAUIiOTTE llOTFi /'or Sale. j U IIK Subscriber, wisiiing to ramove fromct, 1 iJL, iotte, oiriT* lor sale, u|K>ii very r«*,oii *' | terms, tji« alK>T« uaiiied •atahlwlitiieiil, at preKoiit in ejicelleiit rc|>air. All tlie out.lmiu| iiitr* are well fued Ibr carrying on the bium* I rouitbrtably. The stand is wtll known tou'^l qnal, if not su|>erior, to any in this section nf i J country. Any eumniuiiifation upon tlie mb^'l will be attended to. I’uiuKaiiiou j{i\cu if r«i|ucsUd. J. I), uoyd (’harlottr, Drr. 1P32. I5tf . B r* TAf Ritltifih Rre**tfrnttd Camdm trill pliaie tm*ert Ike ofcor* 3 mouth$ and /srvattl ihrtr l» J. IK Utn/d. e'iii!esC(Mid to hli-i* t!ie hiiinhlo nnans which hi had iio proviilt ntiully raiiM'd to be rmplovcit liir the Mlvation of t»:is unhnppy man. .\s 1 pursued iiiy wav thruiij;ii a pkasant and ntirtd rouii, mi eartii >1 ilesin s w ere tor u eoii&iderah!e time, ojii- tinually miiiii; tr> lieavi n for thin ohji cl; and not iiiitVuiin ntlr >inee that ;>oriHl, ha\e I |!'iin'' niv imp> r.i'et |>rayers wancU rin" .nway aft« r Ihc niuii wlto, w ith »o 11 ui h riiiphaMH and a|>| ariii WM T.f'CKV. T. t, 1,. IIAKVKV. UM nwiDsoN, J r. Jan. \'Xi. 2’ltJ.1-'>iVr t\thtahtf PvoiHt'l*! i'or Sotr. .S Thiitndav, ‘.M‘t o l,oee>tv, avMired me. " ichtu ^ou hit, f,MnJ^.n \ sS ''ddi r on’the pni yii .rj^; hcrtUui l.f ix a s-l.n »,o«. ’ , ; ...tuu,., on Hij S.,car fl I knnw rot h.m eth.r persons mii;ht ha^rf.ft.i ,„)rnT.) Tt.efrarl I'lhrunry, 1 «iH o r for »ale, to the hi(rhe»* mine!*, ’reek, (tii . , , ,, tract contain* Ixtw rill or w hat opi.iion, Uiry may (ntertain c.ncermnc ,„indred aeres, lyinr «'m Uie mam my teeillia.^ under thi.e eireninrtances ; b-it I e»-i.. > , ,.,^rlotte to I'amdrn. 'I'Im- .ite at am .ulneienHy niti.tnat. d. to ; that , „.,„manain* at all time, a full alh'.iichi havcd,-i..deoiieiri.ii.i-U.i.p.x.rlri»l»., ,,ia,rat-d Kinjr’» Moitiitain and a man mo} bo true ; tliM 1 nmy yet hr-ar o’ Him m, I ^ Thr b.i.Min^.are ocrth.a sol«-r. r. sp. etid and h-.pi,y; af.l - .-.t 1 r.,r a lar^e familr. The wU-n tlie uholeuiiTirvo sbail b,'conurevnted N. ,, .not the tir.t in that «^iou of lore .ed at the judgment ot ihe «rrat dav. we«l,a I : ^,..u ,,l. , l,„le agrJciUlural skill, may ,/„n biliold him rccunid rom the druu.aid >, farm. wot‘5, w\tu troiu liK flrunkaru »di'oin,antl “ II..UU i i n i n • «i - ...»J a ve,«I of mercy pre,«ired unto fljry" ibr. u r | ‘ =>•'“» •••!'*' r.nd over. O.what a miraek of prace! IK-, il f'-*". "■.» possiblv. by this mean*, 1 miirht gain acees-s to “">1 'rlx'f w^ich I had afforded him: but still r-nd over. O what a miraeU. o. .. , , (>-un i.ins and hi^s hca'rt and be able to convince him of the -mlt; ‘he atVeclionaU- fidelity with which I had j |hea 1 ~ oil., r srltele*. ^ and ruin of his mtempcrate course. 1 rtsoU.d admou.*hed him of l.i> hiiis. and of the dai.L-. r lo I j me lie is a lirand alriady hali cou.umrd by a therefore to stop and invite him to a seat in my , ll'eV o.xpo^d him. 'Ihc m which I fre that threatens to hnin-ai.d burn lorev.r.- chaisc. Accordinglv he came up. and with Much he »i»ke, evinced that lie was utteiin-the wnt;- (.Ujij In hf' /.-ro, thin is uu am irT.t.iiid*>. iccfiited mv invitation. m- nts of his soul. It was to me a nK>ir.cii; of m- phirk him .roiri tl e Urriinj:. apparent pratitude, accepted my invitation The peculiar brojrne which characterized his ‘‘'"•t interest. \N r wc r>* just at the ba«- of tlic »peeih, very soon dttermined him to be a true ■"‘’“‘•‘“'n »hieh the >ut had how ikcliiifd. Irishman. He iminediately and wiUiout solicits. «!“1 no eye was u,»iO u» but tlie eye u; tion, eiUi red upon giving Hie some detailed »tiap» cit nce. .\s hi s;>oke every Jmture o; luj ;aee, of his hijtorv : and Ujran, with t. lling me the oi«- j “ 1“» ‘Ve. PO'^I throiiirh the [K>rtaN of hi-; !:'a.i,” ject of his present visit to W. which, as he said, •»* qmvtririi: lip«. hn a:ri'itrd fri.r^e.—nileuns;.i- « as lo make a eompronusi’ with a man there w ho f*d to ti>tiiv that his oi.iotioi.« were too bif ;«r ut- had bast ly ai-.d vcrv unjustly entered a snit a^jainjt j terance. 1. in my turn, now stood overanid and him. He had come truni ’.M, twenty miles dis-; silent. Kut ju«t at ihi* nionient, his diet ks •!.»]- tint, the aay kielbre on loot, and v»«s then return- ed «ith tears, and lii« whole soul pietured in his mg in the same mai.ner. His strength, he said, ‘ac»-. he re.iehcd fbrth his hai.d lo i..y rml)rac* was “vtry much exhausUd, his Ret blistereu •'•d with triir HiUrnian un phcity e.vrlaimei), with waikin?, and he felt scarctly able to mose." " Hk«e is m> hkse i« mt HK^ar.” , It was now almi»t night-fall on .Saturday, ai'd he Vou ha>e laiil me ujnier ohligaUoi.s » hich I can | di hausuil sixteen miles to go, in order lo reach his '“‘ff repay; but if you hive Ji.j duty tu ni (».s |l|Hri|de of Jcsns, will you iK>t rherrrull* vouchsatc your prtyers tl at s*ich a tri..iii|4i o jracc may tie aehie\id * IV rishii.j; liilow .1111.1 r A ml nil *|'iH*vHay of the ii^xt Court, I w ill otr. r tor r.le, to iIk hiftv st hiiV* r, three iin- and thire uiiitnprrnod I^son main Trade Strut in till ti>wn of Charhtfe. And III I'riJajjtiiC l.lth of Marrh, I will «i II to ihi hi’-lii'l bidder, «u tilt prm.iaea, h.e “ lovely wi;e and children” betbre tiie >abbalh, ac-1 u;ou me ; if you w ill iiMne a promi.. .lial I shall | m »n;. >■ d me !" coniiin^ to hi4 agrccniciit. ' or iin acUoit th**t I p«.'rturiiu I c* r- ; YuirttiilwA beBurprioed, when 1 uU voutliat 'a>'dy complv wilh it.—1 looted nt^ii in.., ’ ~ ' \\ 1 i: —UwVelUr to iiUciup* riiiee—h'av heiner o: j \ir ; Hii,„!r,.l ai re* ofhr.d, adjoining the Stooo-lmnM Maker’s name—pru'amr o) his hn'y ih\—-i wiii-ri n i- a rieh v in ol'Aurili rou» tJre, erowneil with thns virtiKS whirh rend'T ymi !nve Iv and of -'ond re{iuit ammi;7 uii n ; whati ver vr.i.; eharaetcr i:ia> U\ will you in I h>'in lo lUo vme* lliat “bii.'t )ou I'.i'- llie piitlis wnitl, i*o-i '. an i.i >i,r apBruvc If Ikti n, l>li. h» ten to tin CroB.-tor mercy, “ 1 >1 thou inonm »t t!i^ la^', nhinthy tie h ind i!,t hoiiy are coiuiam li, i!:i 4v, Hovr havt' I hatid mrtrurtion and n^v h'uit .iH/^d reproof; ;i.d h i»t not obt vi d tiie voiee o: t leht rs, nor lothcid iiiiue tar tu iiitm I....1 f , w ith a sjiit of'iiiiuisiiivc v.’oi.der, doubtiug what' I/l'AM’-tH'S nifeiiD^ he could mean—“I am sii.eero,” cortinued I.e.! .>i.cietie» 11^ :rnnd'-f 1 ■ I mean os 1 say, and as a tcstnnony ut' try «in- eer:.y, if you will j iriijit, I will !u re Kneel fx for rprioed by this lime, I had becnriH: eoiisidi rably iiiteres. teti ID the poitr fellow'» narrutioii. Uut a« tie had made a frequent, and in rny view, a jjrofaue u*. 01 tlie t.»inc t(f the Supreme licin^', though he dul , not intend it as such, I took the lib. rty to intro- }ou »i'd my Maker and .•.«lc:nn!y eovriiiint, t'nl.'y duce my intended remarks to him, bv c.xpr. s^uis atid foi-oer to perlorm whal-vtr proiiii>.c yM are mv tears that lie did not sinci rely cherish all that f l'as. d t> lay me iind»'r. ’ 1 tarn. «Ir prot. -t-d respect and thanktulness towards our aenn^t spy such humiiiition on n.y lerom,!. oh- Father, which he had ventnred to express. He wrving Uiat whatever faror 1 had 1 on:> rr. d npon assured me to the contrary ; hut looked vrrv much I re'_ ard d as both my duly and m v g ; ai>ashed and earnestly desired me to assitrn niv ®''d that as Hod was chieiiy conr-'iied * itt. the reasons for tl;e suspicion which I had ei.terta:ncti. s*.tc oi his heart, wh.t-v. r vo'.\ s he could e;,t..-r Ml'f.ll \M 1: 'IK ll.'t ^ . i»s of Ti'nuvcra i. rni;«rar:ei in t . - ry cilj'. town and*i i!iap in mr c. i.i.U v. I i. iiuiti.l on t!; '.'lith d. r/0! F. ,, l-J.T; and ;t is ia-ncs'!.y ho;.ed, tint tlii V n:av i; :i\( r-i! Iv ejli inii'«! ; tiiat 'l emjH rnr'-'-Sh tell* s niav ).■ forninl in .ill places in whieh lh> r ar.- r^one. ind all cinliii^ .Nxicliea be as n.u- h .is j«-» ..1- • i.iarv.d. J. i:uwA.’il ", for. I f.-i ct an '/’> /iy . Sue. Artihrrr, Jiin. I-.';.').” \\ ■ «:II think lli:- IMit.-.r^ in this Sta' Tl'.is present, d me with a convenient opfiortu- v ithsincfrity and adu' relianri upon d;vuie tlie above a few in*rtioiis. nitv to deal »itii him according to niy convic'if'nn er»c» )bi tlieir accoinplisliiiient, would V-aef rjii.-d ; ' of duty. 1 Iheretbre tolil him frankly, that 1 but that heoiight-eri u»ly to rn.i. mlwr - it i- b«.t- could see in his couiitenaiict- unrquiroral uj' t' r not to vow, thin to vow and m)t p.'.y.'' I le said iutrmprronct. Il is obvious that you have injiirid lie knew it was a solemn thing to vow nn'o the aud dtbased yourself by the use of intoiicating Lord, and that Ih; wi^hrd to do it only m tli. driuks. You use thcm’babitually and to excts*; strength of tbe Most MiL'h and in vi « ot ihi . , in other word*, you often Ix comc intoiicat. d by '»ming'judgment wh^n the s.'crets of all hearts j rord. Hi. re a. e tl.:. e them. N'ow this is a tin.’il IS a notorio'j* anti a. wiil be revealed and all nitn I- reward..-d arcor- all .-eri whii h wi Itoiiiinable sin. It»» a sin against which the word ding to their deed*. Still hol.lin? my hai.d. he of fJod fxpre»ely aud fearfulJy warn*you. per«i»tid in desiring me to dictate the «uhj-et voQ cinnot cou.ruit it—certainly you cannot Aati/. 01 his promise. To this I at Ien'»iti rons-nti'il. il, without evincing that you ar- «nd with such feelin?iof rx;uisir intcrot as i( t-rvv>;-. MrrrrfT^ffii/and abandtiied. It is a settled has rwH oiVn talleii to n.y lot to cxp.ncnce. S« n- sr.ii. i’>!- intli«;«;iiplure»,lhat ifyou/ire u7/o»is, »ible that coti».quenPC» of everlastiii:; moment . mart i'ad untohoUnrfs. Vou cannot thereture, nngl.t d. p«-iid ui»oi. the [•ro| I should then of- ft-r, 1 was tor a while in deep suspense. Miit re flecting that all prospect of benefitiiii: 11.y friend ka« Iio;k;1. -.s while he '•hoiild f ontinut iri iujwlnge lo; \VIM„ ITl K. Sfr.Shl'f Tnlfp. Si^. A. 4':it;iul>n L.iihI liii* .V'llr. • 'Ki l,l{ or • .It my rod lvir.7 or. !..e ( a- tivcr a fcM’ n.ilu- U low l.' i.- i in ■ c,. f ii l.-acL- li.a ,.i 111 b« d:'. .ded in _ -n to suit ["irchx« rs. 'J'h.- (pialiiv of nir.t of tiii» land is first rate. .\« I am dt Termii.cil t . a iiar"Jin mav be had if applir..tioii 's in.; N- dial-;,. ' Tll ». I), .xMAklT. Tr/,. 1K'>.1. |t >7 ' 'UIIIU1.,' .’ ly arr,“' ll.c land. VIv', I n tli( sumn dn\, I «i!l ■«*!1 tny I 4)1.I> Mil I , als.iit l«io luil.s fiuiii tlic .Mine, , anil 'ls,i;t I'l t.iad 01 I 'I'l.*' ri al i-st.ite vtill Im' miIJ 011 a librral * r.ilK.l!’ Lalaiii. «.n t». Ive ni( nlh*. .% II tlio«o iii(l(‘ltt('(i to thr «iil>- -eriKr, jr» her* 'V ••^urid.lhjt uiik«F paymi lit ! ii mad- ! y the Fi bruary ( .lurt, their and I \i. oui.t- w ill be placed in Uir liand* rtf' an olKeer •i>r ril'ulK O S'l'i.'-N. K' \. I.'., |K,n. -JIfit; I TKI'STSAL!’. ' V*’'— 1 5 V Virtue o'a IVrd of Tr.i«t, W illiam J. Moiri- ^ijT* ' i' ^ f* ^ I •iu»ii.», I »ill e X- ll'K,k. n. ( liarlolte, oi M01.1..1. •>{ tlit Fcfj’eary t «.urt, ()F I.AMi, l)inK in Provi. I.. t:|. iM nt. Oil taul \N liUaiii J. 'hir. •1- n il. », ai:^jinil:^ tiie lai.ils of J hu .N.*. . l.'ii an.l ..til' r«. At liieiiarie tune aiHl |>!acc, I Miilwll i iJKiorv 'h. pr..'[.«fly »jid U illiaiii J. MorrisMt. and ■ oT.v. vtd by hi.ti urid*r dted of tru»t toJaiuesH Murri*on, ivr the r:ir,-cs ibcn in ipciifWd. v*ill Uf iiiH(Iv knovtu ut tiit* Iiuh* '»f *ak Uil. J. Al.I.WNriKK, -i^rsl J»r Ttustitt. J-tK. 10, l.'-'K -ijf, The .Hcdii'iiit* A, UniK; (litort' the Siim »f iht ’ (;Ol.i)KN MORTAR, Horih 0/ Ihf Courl.lloute and mu door frm ^4* /mu'* Stuf, 1S^ fVirnished with a t\ill and rxtauire assortment of !HKIMrl!«RM di DKI'CtC l’ainli,SHrriral /mItk • mrnl$, Skoft f'anutwre, I and tU thn Funn/ I'tr iMmrn/ »ml Stattomi, Arliflrt prrtaiuiiig |i tlie A|mthc.-«rjr liusi. u Inch are >A«red by Hh»lftth w hrUU, u low iirlors, and uniter « arrant lo be pure, fnsfa in^l -ood. Fvmilv M duimf of ewy dcMTipttM arel (Hit ap in readiiiess li>r sale and UlnlM, dil rit lion* lot iNie. I’hTsietans and Mmhanucatl also be areoaii.K.dalrd lo any ratest that tbty * . nretl. PrcscriptM-ns will at all liines b« ear*t'...)| coiiipotinded and ail nrdrrs duly allcndsd la C. .MDlUUSii.N. ~ i.4)W*i> .%xi1TiFih:KiW « OMIHlI MM Iil.OKI%KT(Mri II n: o«T»i»iri» «t rwr wrpM’int A Mfa »»>t» f HIS itasiit lit elMaiijiieaiii'es tlic tccth,a(« -I. lain* no aeid or any ingrrdient which caai any way be lujurtuMS. Il m a(rt«abtc lo thtlui and ha« llta |iti|H-rty uf (lH>rou|hly Beutralu^ •very UnnK uireiiMvi' in the breatli, wiirtbet.'. rifinate lr«»iii decayed tn.-th, U*c use of tot., ■ Of any utlKr eauM. It harden* (ba gum* aic4 a valiiat>k' ruut«ly tor Canker ot autuieia U>j|| nM)Uth. ; rw;«r(r.ow.a:. i«.T3. : w.xTviii> iM) jrvTFTuiv. li'.t II. the [>raeuce of lias loiqaity, aud yet chcr. ish that c'ynfif'ence and gratitude towards the ‘■bl.**sed iod.'' which your language im(.lics. \'..ii ar-- del.ide.l. Your habitual sins are utterly to ruinous kin ; an.l f. arin^.an ill . if, et tro. . incoijsi tent wilh a sincere respect for the Itr,me di-tra rint l-is mind with sv, ral irnj^jrtant oh. fharacti r. It is imi'oasible you shouid pci^s.-ss j -ts, 1 at length d. 'crnTined to eoi,.. i.trle .ill .mv coii'’.dence in tioil or exerci«e any gratitnrf ■ " n>rt!rr ihiU h--irmi'.J kfnrffotil) trnards Him. You triiisgriss his commands ard and /'irn-T ul’findon mtnr'i^ the ti^r r,f nUnrxru- dislKrrior his character every day. N on have for. ^*"1' liniii." This, said I. promi- -i ‘•i.-ry thir»_' Icited his lavor, an j 1 ft.'.r you will inhi.rjt hi^, tb'-yju, ai.d nothinj tor me except the [.l.-iisure of wrath forcvi’r. doing go-yl in . bimintr one of my fellow iin. A* these expr(*sioris the hoT'o^t-hearted t» llnw !s l'i.>m vire and misery. Tin* vow, if !*obt>. d and wept lik'a child. H' >.aid I ha.! (o|.| •■■>'1 will la;,e it n;sm ^ur* !f in the ar o: th*- the truth, and‘ d me vthemcntlv !br mv l.'.rd and I'aitli'nlly ;« ribnn i* I’nto Hi'i., w ill ear- rylhericli. to th' 1k»s«!ii* o' lnvf'l wresndehil.iren." It vnll redeemi/oii from' nr.d rmt.. r w.;i a res|»( tni.le aid hap[.y ( It A ill di hv r from [.en-jty and the lit 1" it.':.- 01 la-A. I' X ill ooiiv.-rt t.‘i evils of lhi> worl.l, of which wii conip!iin hitl.-r'y, into mi-rci. r. It w ill s.ive yo i, whoTi milinig w iii. *\l..i’i-tion and .al.,;iir, from t-rmg d'-nied a corn- Ibrtahle f. at V. uh a !«skiiig r b'-aus. you -.US ai d o'len fat-il d« trine that ard> nt t" *r m fac e tnr mnrks of' dl^:.Mlsl•■nl in’ein. i-;.inU are iodis'.ensab!c to supp'jrt under sc- ra'ie. . |n a word, it will r. stor. yt>u :;^ to v re laKjr. and es-in-iilly, in w awjiis of [MY.uliar ’he t.ii;nity and ha(>piness of a man; and I hope heat or cold. '1 hi» was t.he alluring ►nare that will aNo prove the oeeasion o’’your eiitermg upon > iu«lit him, an.-l hj leartd tliat /iis extricalion t;,'.*.; serious r. ii.'-tions respecting judgiiient and tri.m It w a* airtiidy hojK-Ies*. He continu'-d in a l-'eri.ily v.j.icli » ill bring i/o'i lo apply 1 inu stjy tone o:' ixi.i.:.I-i:nt s^ainst the uuild. it n, lull of and w:tti true ejw.intion. t/> the i.amb of Uod tor Mil. H lull Inde..vored to live iiprighllv—but the lor'jr...n'ss o! yo'ir sirs, and pre|Kire i/oii for lie had tn G.'trauued—1»»-had been “ foo the . v. rlastirip felicity of flxTen. In vi',w ol -tx lia.l l/en «L)U“'d—lie had been unlbrtunate . these' (,oii)-id»ralion", my fri. nd, do you f.:i I that -Imj nail Ls mi hck—he had his projierty. can coiiscientiuus.y and hiartiiy enter into The *..rld, h«- said, was full of miwry, and h. thi proruue ’ I'.ankcti (.'Mi that ne s .o.jiij “k»o:i be Uelivend For a f. w moments I \r-;s e,|.'';;e(l to cort'rt Iroiii i in the hii: th;.' is to rome.” | rny.-. If wilh s'leh an answer to my ii.'jniry a? eoiib* H ■T" I ifiternip;. d him. ** My friend,"’ said I, Ik gathered from the cxpres iions of h.s rwinic. ‘•it 1- 1, ! irortU oi whi'h you liave r. ason to rianef rm relv ; hiitev. n the.,c were so li i»ive .1.., '"‘t v"uf«'//. > '/ti ari- tilt '’ii'f, if no! to leave f,rj room in iny iiimd lor uiie. rtiimty .is f . /uea.'r of all your wo^s. N'our inltm- iii* intciitiuas. .SfKjn howev'-r, ai: |Uiriog a littl.. faithtiiln>.’“». It was tlic f;r*t tin;r in h;* H'f, he avowed, tnat he had ever In.-n l.iiidly and }Kjin;.»d. iy admonished of this rin; and if ho h.d bttn d alt thus w nil v -ars ag.., it wouM prol«i' Iy luvi tavc.i hi.n from a world of evil. Ih; then pr'j. e il. edi. gi' inc an acconi.t of the n.ann. r in vmii ii h-. ■ n-nar. d in this d.-adiy net; l.'jt thi* I oiiij.t abbreviate hi- Mying, that nhihi *ie was .■rij'g.;d hi an p.rdu'ius pit.;* of vtork, h^ Wuj. l.niglit I lor OV Tiirx/iijr, I' I'.ih of Fi t.mirr ii»xl, at 1 a;.l. .''a:iiu. 1 fox's S|or«, I will ert,-r for ^ - sale mv I’I..\NT.VTUXS. lyii.j^ oti Ihe water* ol tSftllh' of .'tc.l nek. *dj oinii.g liir li.nds of 1,111. 'I'bot, > under«igiHd ( .>1111 .1- i(.i,'r» •..,.i,ii.t(d j P'Jk.John Furgusi,u, the In'.r'ol U'ni. ( am|''M'll, to «.p»-n tsHik* of siiInu ri^Hiiiii at t narioii ’or .'•I's :'. ir. tiie Jlnnk uf .\vill' •ii’tliwi, h. r. tiy give I,',(1.1 tliat sjid bo. fvi Biii U (,;>-.n d at tb". 'tor. of J'.hn Irw in, in lIn- l..-*n of Ch: rle't.. on ihe (ill day ol' I', i.rnary n-\t. and will '•ontinu.* ojM-n ibr thr . jace of liitv da's tber. aiV r. The Capital .Sioek in said Iiniik is ntnj at one iiiijoon of doilars. to be diviiku li.Tu ».*.ares ui one hundred dollar* caeh. jMit\ irnvyv, 11.1 sf’iii.\;s. M. I» W lltS4iV, SAM I,. .MH UMI!. \s.M. J. \i.i;.\A.M>j;R. *;n. -j:ttr 'I'ouii l.oU for ^H'Hli. ( oo.uiiSMon. r* ot l.arlulU: vvt.i .->(.-11 at M- puhlit sal.-, at the Court II ;l“e in t )iai ioUe, on Sat'irday, t*ie V.ld inst a niiin'cr nf vaeitil -il'iat' 1 in ^uid t/.wn :—«om 11. Iron! of tlir iu| einr-»'(uure, n v> ral adj.iiDing the la. k 1. U of , ,, W ilium J .Mexonde.-, and in variou* olher pirt> , h' : »"-* ‘■‘ken of i>ai.i UiWii. Terni^ made known on Iin lUy ol “ • !*!•-■ of ti..,rgia th JNo. M. M.Ar(.irn;H. r. i; Ffliniiirif lif, .VOTK’F:. siili-rr.b* r eontinii*-« fo earrv* on l!n ■ 'I'Mi.oinNf; H( "i\F>v>ri.ill e«, aril reliirni. ^is sincere thunks for th very lib eral eneoura;;! ment hu h;u so many years jia^t ri .-eivcd. I r. eeive regularly the .Sprn r .-uid l al! r ashioii*, and assure the public th:U natliiiig »hall l.e w ..iilin;. on my part lo give g. satislU. 'nio‘‘ havii.^' f.[,n and cannot ;«.y ea*h will pleaw call and p'V by .Not.-. J.So. M. sLXK.H TilK. .1^, 1-nn. ni'iiell, a'ld others, eo'itaininj |^I{*ere« Therr are on II •• pri mi-.e* about f'.'i aerr« .Je«r>d, in repair, and 10 order iur a crop th. . natiing season t iL'Hum.. J. irKr or ,\lr. .'*!• pli* 11 >Kltuiu wiij .hew thf pren:•»«.•» to tlioM' w ho « uh lo V icw then#. 'I'h. t. riiis w ill }ir niadt knovt n on the day of sab*. A VM>KKS|.\ 7«a. 19, 1-3^ -JIU'.*, X I is now thr Iw ginning ot a .\. w \ r«r, tliere. I Ibre it IS all iinpnrtant thil (be tran-aeiinfn of the la«t )e»r shriuld hr eloarti. 1 hope thoae that have ■>!» n a. louiits with n.- will i.r4 fail to come ai.ii dim bv llonJ UT Caah intnn dulelv. J'CO t;. Hii.-KfN'.S. J„n I I. l-n _.Mif rBll.l. tnli..erilfc r has ta^. n up, on th*- llh of ■ thi. instui.i .1 ii.-gro by Ihc name of JIM, formerly Is l.i.ging lo J.ocpti lliaek^vood, e a'iiiiini'ftralor an J taken and sold lo a uiau by liiu WM IIOVI.IX n^., i lad'; you trn y a wrelcltcd man. a^ ovi r his emotions, wilh a choked and ^ jii f. V., (jraiiK yoniw ,1 cut ol orf/pTi;., :alt'r;n': u'.terance, he t.xelaimi .1 vvitii imiiy cx- imiiy If o»’gratitude to nic, “'fhis i.'lb..- vov. hsl I w.l. Uim. ujs.n myfc».l!'. it is ri i.n'inalile--il ^wiv . lui.'t /iit'T .fi'o 1/ ii'lhiill nil/ !i’ III I, nuj 1 \,7. iii'iy tin C'nf 11, il le m' tofiriJunn it furrrrr." I reii,iiii!;rl him again of fh. foh miiity ot t.'ie oh!.-;.ti„n tthieh he had vclunt^iriiy eoiiifin l. d; ol I dim a lull l.l.ioiW nmri--h'-r pcdirre- e I"'- »' .i.i.eriial and jl.,aill.:-•-m -■ ol pijrj.'i^ ■ ] tr n.i) tr, man) of tin- most ilistuiguu-heil | wl.irlihe w r,nlij f, ,,| iii(lis|H;.iii-ah!'' lo the [s rlbrin I ■ out. i.Uoeii!, out of alt tiio,. ;>le: ,;r-.s wiiicll arc .I'.l' iHJa:.t ufjijn t‘i.. ii.c o! :: Mrt ;eu-, ^ o'l h’a.e ruii.. d ano hriHi^'iit ill- grai;- anu pov; rly u,')on v ■ ur unhap|.y famit. ; and r.ow, loi rxjih. yoij wo ril inijxile ail tl,. K in:-t'ji:;i ini-iriji,iliij"* iii„:il, or iruHi/Ui vour .•if. i.!‘d .Malitr,'. ,0 .tr-.'.'jrl. -bra hof.-' oi a btthr !ni-:.fter, I’oor, c ludid man ; nii.-i ra- hle and blii..' ^nd nak. o ! \ jit liav m/W(i tla- Mx-d» of miM-ry in you; ./*n b«r-i m. '1 hi v liaM taken r*>.t ar.d jnir Uj., and tii' ir fruit i« rapid Iy Itnd.ii;; to |s r^v '.ion. \ a. vour f mporai di ■'tru'tiofi, ..1 ab-",!ul. ly ine.i. not re''ra;n from .iV|i'e-.-. .riL'my 1 arrie).! dojin , Ih, ) fabi.-, unh -.s you rehn lUi-li your wii 'ro.u^. (..*d wouhl mereil .llv smile u|K>n him and ..’lf ,rd > ou lUtt. I yourself tliat yo.jr evil- will all eoiiie him the r»-i (i:»iie (r’ .c. an.) slrenijlh to prevent him trorn fallini' u: C' r th> . ond.-mnation of this broken vow, siipera.liK i U> al. the otln r i.iim. rou- and aLt'ravat-d sin* of l,i» ji.i.; ni,,j i),e„ |,,,„ W. iniitl now [lift-and perha,)s n V. r t/i iii'. t a i'lii. uiiiil th. i'r..«t d.iy ol - .lleni. 1,1 hlw..,. IIJ stand the ensuing season at i's.ati' '* I •M’d, ^ F,intoln hy th- der, 01. in h. n) of tin- most ilisluigiiu-he.l Kjeer . . . I ’• h. rii.ij. \s to Sir'-, 111* reputation and .! .1; ar..; ..I li,. .,;,,,roaeh ii;; j :dgm. nt wh. 11 | 'hat of his ,;olts and their des.-. ndants ar. so will j . -■lat,li«li. d. It is fccarcely n' er ssary to say any , ,, 1 I tliieg :it the pri ent day, as they ha .e Ik. n nmon.r eUrnaK as v.t,l w hat extent heslM-uld h.realt^.r*,K;rlr.rm ... iron 1.1 ' tli. mo.l ..i,-, dislam-.- Horse, m, ' luiiiv ot Juliii Wi.tons, 7, I .50 IMtLLAItN i:i:u\tngp. M A A\ Itoni the »iilnK'ri- ■ • )s-i, living; in l.arltitte, .N.C, als.iil lh>- first cf Alar, h L-’, u ne gro man nsme.l II 1 /,/,I'. lwnily.«x yi ars ot aje, mil., rlighi ' .III;ileit. d, straight and wtll pr.i. [s.rliMied ami aU.;;t five lift tin ur elev. n ill' '1. s hii'fi, Ills 1 k'thi s. no far a* n i !l( I. I ll, was of ordinary deseriplion, no doii'il, howiv. tr, he has or v» ill g. I •■on . r>f a l>etli r kiiid. I raised ti,)( I', |b>w and liav. no knowh-«J»;e what di- netion h':will tak. : a is .iiip|N»ed that he ho- pone s.,uth and probably under Ihe prott-iriiijti of 'thr llioroiixli llrrti llOKSi:. \\ I.. II. I- '«»■I- I'",;»f; ■' ■■ I“I>~- .■ justly cel. hral. d Jive the almv.. reward lor XVilley, and pay all .1) Sth Mlt'llll',. IliK' '’’‘f"'"""'*• hi'oi.^/hl home .ir tnnfuii d III any tail no It would bo perlc lly „iiown w llh w hat f.din^rs Ij. now enun d into t!.i» momentous coy. pant an.l to that i 1 an is t him. \\ .\I. 1)A\ 1I'I^).\. harlu>i,,J„H. 10. 1^.13. Till ( h.irli I'.ii ('..iirier v\ ill in»erf n i;me. IIW.WV'.V the .'SI1I...I rilH-i on till niglit of the .’I] st ■ I tetols-r lust, iny n gro nun 'I I >M, nlKin! J’ or y.-ar* old. hi...> . omi.I. el'd, had on a bln.' to an • :id w.i n you enl'r tie v.or'd uf pir. T.i. ~ . l»aM ar.i kl.J r..... . h t r. j'..n !■: tin re for so :h an . x,s - ta'ion ? v.ju n-.l a.iaie that your pr.-..nt rh'trarln 1. sj.. r vo.i m.iy Ix ' Ml. tilitii apji^.lil. K whir h ije. -.r I, h-n, iltbiy uri not er 11 ,ii.,! ■" I «nd hi-, er.-r.f jr. f, - wb. n in.- rigi.t. oils shall ol V irginia. .North and .ooth-r.irolinn, t..joft;ial 11„||, rimt and panl.ilooni., bluek fur Int. I’fa^bioii. ar.d . im,.,*., (i.r the fill. 1 n y. ir,. j nl.l,,) «[«,„, r, lui 'I ,.r 111 mi lies high, sl.,.il built I. a handsome l«iy. If.c fi.t thre. ineh.s , I rom v le,t I ea.i I. srn from dilV. rent sources I in l:ei;;lil, |„t,r y, ar's old niAl Spring. Il is ex. ; am ind.i- .-d to I- !.. v., lh-,1 he h;.s Ihm n p. rsiiad’ed I ■ e'. (1 th.ii hr j4i;i maljr a g'".d hr.. il.-r, as hu i to orimnii bi'.f>ii arc g.sxl. I’aitr ilursmaiJ. Uiiowni mi 1.1 due tiini. me by d him !.n: ;>■ III. H bit. |ii r4m, w ho ha., pio- I'.ni 0.1 ibi-ir r. ai liing .one- ft a;,d r‘MU you Uemr'fr. i! -.v. i_v sutu ‘li;-. ..(erual," tiut Ue. "iniv Jivnny .'J, H31 If /■ 1 I r'I- V ■ ■ * 'vill l.ay t. •! iJolliir-, to any [s 1 on wl;.i J'. * IM RI ON, ' vvjil ronfjfM liirii ill .iny i'«»I u> Un- o tfjut | |{ II IKItT'ls. ;;i| liii'i no n. S|,\ii \ ’Ji;’\(l' •■'"•I r.j.,,,,.-t . ■ \ RK.MOV.II^ TIIO.>I AS TKOTTFH IK A Ol LI) irlorni ibr public, iliat tie has r>J W V iiHVVt'il his io hts old Staiid, k'. 'I .- eupied by «; W ilkiBMn, as a Tayivr S: ,| iNutiaurs iMifih ol Hoyd's Hutrl, alHrc all V'i in hu line «iil n c«it« punctual allenitoo. .‘^ilvrr Tablo and Tea Spootit, maiiuiartured.l l'i rstabluhn.ent. and Nortb-( arolinsl-'uld hot.J 'ti into any article iJmI may be otdutsl. kmrUlU. Oft. 'Jl, S.VDilLKS cV IIAll.XKSS. J t VKS T. As^iil it\ * 41. nWFI on luii,d aiirf . tione to msnttflielu.'r ^lb« ir SItop in the *«illh.ea.J *. of Mr. H(iriii|t'* llru k It- JLdutifH Miirf iirntU m4H'% of a sxiprrMM stvlr of workmanship and (food i rn matrrtals. by Ihe Mtssrs. Jettons, nt I. rnuitif, wlio an well koA«Q in iho weslrra i. .>1 Ui Slato a* superior workmen—Also, SiiJillrhfte*, rn/n.w«, Mnrtinf^nlrn, ftic H flridln, (',urk l!ij( llnrniu. Car and W'a^oti Uarntu, Hortnmu't ('ajii I Hulalt ra, and all other articles u«aally man'ifartorr^ I shop* in the Kixitb«rn Klatrs. j In atldtlum lotlie almre, *r hate an h*ni)»t‘J ,er»l a>«orlment of (iiramd I'emrh ^emniinr dir llttt, Sitmtp /run*, and all nth^r artic.t.-'“| er.««ry to trim off S.fiilW* aikd llarnes*. will hi soltl Inw (nt rash. \\> ref|>tr>t ||« ptiblie In rail and examine'" matritala and work inamifaclured, hear ptKc jmlge for ihemtrKes, f •xittotu, IW. 7. IW. I.^lf Four or file j.sirnr|ri*en Saddle and Il»-’»esj Makers is want.'I, to wliirh gt»»l siafes given, by applyi:;jf In j\s T .\snrifY .V T liarlr*iloii niiil I'hrmfi. ri^ilK STFVM l*>'' ■ if'apl. J ■ ;r*ham. lu'^l M. «3fti.-Il I'T’^n^d th.- Ia4 I mi r in iIk- trade riilining between • "hsrli ‘’'I lieinw, catling at (Jni'gilitvi n on li« r and ('own. will n -.omr hi r trips in lf>e '■e'l • I .1 fcH da)s, and !■: hilrndi'd to lie conlinueilnt^'j traih* t!ir 1 n*uinr >1 .fnri. The rxneiiinf ta I drill of weter, drawing f.i.Iy fiiiir and • l. '‘^"’'| wh.-n l.nde.l. will enable her to reach ttrr«w !^| all liii'i', exi'.jt iijsrt) an uneeinnion lo» when hi r ear^o will be llgl.le.n. d at the rii«- oflh. p.uf. ■ I ' nilbrta'.le :ii e.minio lafi.iiis f..r a [k -j gsTs, v> Ith all dill atl.iiti m. „ J. I? (r.(^ri.ii- Clnrlftnn, .'tfpf. t‘»ni sr I / a; Oh' A nu l il t Ml ni: ( III M V. (’omt tif I'ltni an.l l^nuiln S tuoi f, * ^ w.M. 1 'ol. Thonia'i Il-iyd ^ I .1 hn .\.('cl.-. \ |rap;saringl- tii. .nli* fai'''o’i.>rilic* "'It'-'' the defeniFiiht in t'n, miiI is ii»1 an ii.IM''''*-' • ' l.f this Stale. 1/ 1, ti.'i-fii,, Orihfl. H'«l I’"'"' ,| lion Ih miiri. w 1 ks in the .Miner.*’ A I •f"”'’’ I .liiuinal. till! . lid d. ••.•mhiil apiH ar at f • 'oiirt ol I’ll IS arui t^uaiti r Sessions to Is th"- iiiiinly of .M> I kl. nbiirg. at tl..' ..urI n*'" 1 in« harlolt.-, onlli.' Ith M..nd.iy in IVI.niarr .ndlheti Hiisw’i r or ple .il to I .Miiplainaiit’* I olhi MM .■ judgment will h lakiii b> I r'lit.’t hi:ii. U itiu . . ( uiie M. vaii.l. r, l'_t* | f.'.r . 11.1 ('..urt. Ill ..Iii. I, Ihe Uli .Vloiiilay ’f ’ VI ml,, r, S . |). I ::; T .1 I" \ \'‘ M i:\ vMii:-.'' f' I’ . J ■ ' I I '.;