TTFE MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. l>EFEBRi:i> ABl'K IJSSS. Moift Mehincholi/.—’I'hf Rival, which sailed from Ifrppiim k tor OjH>rtn, on the 5JxJti FreiwIIIcE!>tom, (N. Briiiiiwick,) Jan. i .. »• ■ i .• i ExtcHsivf Firr^^m-U. S. Ba,Oc.-\\^ 1 Novea.b^r, with a crew o. d, n,en and inhab,tants of ih.s town have recently had pa*«e;'g«r« tor the ser> .ce of Don 1 t-dru, a piece of viilanv pmctised on them which ' ^ j” i has .«ver been’equalled in this neighbor-1 hood. A vast nuu.ber of Ti n l>olh,r ' T k-vessel was conunand. d by >1 r. Nous of the Tnited States Bank have been , " ^ in circulation for some time past, and the thecharije ol Capt. K>sravos. circumstance of their l»eing forged d.d rot IP»s^ngers were ch.etiy n.ech«mcs, come to l.itht until w.ihin a tew days ago. J^>urneyme.i oi>eratives, vvenurs and labor- The notes hate been traced as having been ;7"’ every town and vi lage in chiefly isMjed from a certain quarter of the j Scotland, but principally Irom town, and strong suspicions are attached t« j one or two individuals, who are supposed to I , have been engaged in this atTa.rV but as | ['f ^ ™ nothing has lran.p,red to warrant the.r ap. j ^ prehension, we abstain from making a,,v !is ol sc ripture further remarks at present. Several uuli. I uikI an eml.lnn ot the (»/,re- liranch Yiduals artjmore or less losers bv the dis-| '"S “ you may suloly dwell. A bninch is now useil to designate “ when a house is raisi'd.” It is the custom in the East, tt* place a branch over the door, signi covery; a few of our mercantile friends have had payments made in counterfeited papers of the same description, to the a- inouDt of SlOO to S400. We would there fore caution the public to be on their guard, as many of them will no doubt tind their way into diHerent parts of the Fruvince.— Such articles being unfit for home consump rre^li «ar«l«*n ! C atawUa Lniid lor ^ale. 1IIAVI. JUHI ricTM.d Ktrvsh as«,rt,.in,l ol « t)H hU loi .ale my land K .I|k ou the 1 a- (i XKPKN SKI.DS, rais .1 and rund bv tlic A law l.a ti\er aU» iiiiIks Ulow Uie 1 uckuKUge S«t ifty of Shukt^rs, acknowli'dK^d tu be ibe bist, Ki.r.l. 'I'lKrc aic thrre mimll Iracts umkin({ in rmud III thp l iiiud Siatt-s, warrant*d ^illume ' nil UIU ner.R, vilii^i will bt divukd in •»> »ay Id HUit tiurt h»M rs. I’lu- iUttllly ol iiiuat ol tliu iitiiil IX tirsl rutr. As 1 am dfteriiiilird to sell, a b.irjraiii iimv be had if application i» niadc iimiie- d,au.|v. ■ TIK). B. SMAK'IT. and of tlio prow til of AMOV. Wllllll AUK 111E Fiii.iowim; f\ inj:** hospitable entertainment to the stran ger.”— Luncastcr MmcelUni^. When Noah planted the first vine and retired, Satan approached it and said—“ 1 (Irot n(■Kibc Arlicliokc ftlo»>d Ih i t Vollow Turiii|i do Man^^le \\ urt/cl do Karl) scki'fitj uo Karly York I'abba^fC l-j»rl_v l>utcli do Karly Sugar I.oaf do Pruiii I lead do I.ate Hulciido Uid liutcli dolor (licklc N>lid C'eliry t>raH){C t'arn>t llloud Krd do I.ohj: irrtm I uciinibr I'jily do Karl) white doNiry pro- litic I’ricklv Iherkin, gtKx) (ijr pick Its I’iibbaxe ‘i> Karly ('iirlid ll ad do Swilliiiif I'arsnip (IlUTIlfLV do I'lirlid I'arsley viiiaitli rt |ii>cr (dV'iiiie lo Lonff Scarli'i Kadiih Scarli'l ^horl top do Saliiioii do Sarli'l'I’uriiip do Klaik Winter do Suiiiiiier llusli S]uas!i, 1 valuable family laiile Maaiiiiolh do jui>t iiii|'or- Ird from tiic Suulli Sia I'lands '•nninu’f cruokrd m rK do Winter do lor pic&ki diatfly. Feb. 8. 1^:13. -tUi? iSatik of »^ht'ihmt'arotiua. riUll'i undcui;.'n»'d t■oiiiiiih'Hoiii m apjiolntBd ■. to (ijieii books of >iiiUTipli*ii at Charlotli', ; CM ' Ol'I^U inlbrm the public, Uiat he hu rj lur Sio».k ill ttu.’ Hunk oj Sorlk-Caiutina, lirreby j WW niuvi'd hi* Shop, to hi* old stiiij, WATCUJiS AND JEHELLHY. THOMAS TUOTTER uoticc ihat kuiU tjooku will be o^'ued nt Ihe | oceupieit by A. I*. Wilkinnoii, a* • I'ajUr Stori' ol John Irwin, in tbctown ol t’harloltr, on : t«-o doorN nortli ol Uuyd'a Hotel, wbrrc U‘V (iinrgu Water .Mi Ion |Siige U inter do lor pii:.* r^iiip !inU Hatra 'I’urnip Apple seeded do \tr) l-itf I'tiuh do the tth day of February next, and will eoiitinue ofien lor the space of sixty days thi realler. I'he Casual Stuck lu Maid Uaiik i» lixcl at one iiiiliion of liollarB, to be diwded inlw sl.aren of unc hundred d>. IUxk each. JOHN IRWIN, Ki.l SfKlN;:!, >\ .M. I»AVII'*^».V, SaM'I.. .Met o.MH. W M. J. AI.IAANDI’.R. rkntlr^Ue, Jan. HO. I-:n.->,'3lf Uon, we heartily wish them and all concern- i plant lie ed m this nefarious traffic, a speedv pus- quickly fetrhed three animals; a sheep, a sage to tlie W estward, when* we hoi^e the • “ ‘“’S? rogues will soon meet with the treatment; ‘he v me. 1 be virtue ot tijo bluod I Nasturlian, for pickles i Long W hile Oi hiu I Top »III loll Seid I \\ lute do iK>J lio I I.aru'f S-ot' li i.e k \ 1 _'i taliir t »v'ti r I \S Hcau l.riturp r.arly Spring do lioiind miiooth Tornators Marrow lat J’eun j \\ il.'«ii’!> sup'r.. arly do r.arly (.'iiarlatan do ^ I'ufly I Inna I!* an \\ lute kiuiuy .il.vart") do I ijrly ('raiilHirry do i Kailv M>.hn« k do ! vbich in such case is made and provided. i^oya/ Gaieltr. WoacssTER, (Mass.; Jan. 23. Singylar AcciiUnt.—On Monday eve ning, near the Town House in this village, two horses, in light wagons, coming togeth of the three animals jienetrated it, luid is still manifest in its growth. hen a man ilriaks one Uittle of wine he h then agree- ble, gentle and friendly ; that is tlie nature of the lamb. W hen lie drinks two he is a lion, and sa\s “ who is like me!” he then talks of stupendousthings. W hen he drink I h’vc alf) to in: ^'lu Iiie pubiie, t;.at 1 ha\i just recenid an as»->rlinf i.t ol liizovi.itsiis, froni C'harloton, aiitoiif whieii are the iuilowinj riiuineratcO articles, xu : To\«ii liOlt* l«r ^ah*. ffl’^llF. t iiuiiiii»»ioi|i r» ol ( liarlotte will s«ll al I. putilie sale, at tin. t'ouit House in t'hirlotte, I'll Saliiriiay, the J3d inst a nuii.ber of'acant lot- Mtiiati d in liuid linvn »ome in frofit ol the Ae«*l- fiiiv.xjuare, »«veral a(ijuininj( t)ie tnu'k Iota oi ill.jiu J. \le\iiider, uid lii various olUr part* 1)1 bjid tu»n. ii.aik' kr.onn on the dav o 5..I. JNo. M.t-LAH.HTKIJ. ( . H.i. I'rhuary U/, l*»lttah!r i*r0»u rtu M’vr Salr. nrs«, which are ofiWrrd ky n’Ao^M«MibU low prirra, aixi uiHirr warrant lb be pstt, Wb irood. i Mctiuimr$ of evvrv dr«cil(ilMi, pul up in rrauinew Ibr mJ« anJ «itk.: rertii.n* itir uar. PbysiciaDs and Merck*ia> , ^ alto tie arcouiinodalrd In auT f itftil tbat tVp I''' need. PreMTiptinns will at all tinM's br 111 hi* line w ill rec«ive punctual attcnUoo. Silver Table and IVa Kpuons, maiiufaclur.^ J hi* inlabliithnienl, and Nortli-Caj-oliiiaUoU ed into any articlr that may be ordered. Chuilollf, (kl. -J7, .Mtf Th«' X Dni{( MtorTl At lA« Sign of tkt (i > 1.1) i: .^lORTAR. Sorih of Ike Court Hautf and one door/tmJuJ Irtttn'i Start, |t( furmshrd with a full and rxtenaiTe axaurlnirnt of MKIMt l.>KS 4, 1)1(1 (.N, ; l‘mtHt»,Surguiil Intint mntis, SMuf fumiturij ; and all the Foitty i ol fum*ry and Stm/imtr^ Arturirt prrtAininK ibt- .\puthcrar^ boti.' O.N Thiirsdar, JUl o tVbiuary, 1 wiil of ' r tor -ale, to lh lushest iddi r, on tin- pn iniiief. 1. ..non on Hi? Su;.ar ('nek. crfrom different diri>ctie>us, met w ithout the more his senses forsuku him, and al length tlriver of either perceiving the other, and cam** in contact in such a manner that one Bhafl of each wagon was t'orced with great violence into the breast of the horse in the other wagoii, and wounded them so severe ly that they b>>th fell and died on the spot. X- ■ J* , . i ■ 1 >uiits iia7.('U« savs, " No other damage was done except breaking umns in one page, and R shaft of une wagon. It was dark at the very well, wt bad not i time, and the road muddy, so that the wa- i er paje. We heard a re{«ort in ilw ev.ning, how gM,^ made but little noise, and we do not vuiteei siut of Li, 1 ... . J . .u ; paper, that It WM ‘ aJl well. leara that any blame is imputed to either of the drivers.—Spi/. he wallows in the mire—need it be »aid tliat he then resembles a hog. The Philadelphia Couriir m now the larpr?! paper in t)iis country. Soiiiej«'ke>ln>t' be- n er?icl - el upon it? iinincnsc dwiu n»i,'r.s. 'I'hc I nit*ii States (iaz.ette says, “\Vr loAtd at «. vrr«! col. liked them ; but r. t !>♦ ti.» time to walk out to the olh- I C UFUM:, l-oal \ lirown SI (;AR. 'troc^ & cheap) | mv li’rmrr r. sidenre.) The traneiMitain* briwe. n »j( order* duly atlended la ' I'' V N thrre ui.d tour hundred acres, Iving oii lit*' niaia ,yoKRl.*iS. I vi. JL JUI ruatl K 4lii4g from ( harU^tte to C'anideu. 'i he site ; {'^«r/aflf, Dre. 9tl, IKM. Cherw. Cnrker!!, Kii c ai it .'■.il!. 1 Tickled Kl-..'!. of cil’i-rrttl kii’d, ./ vul'u ttj of i'Hl'iTS, >■ eii A- , oR \N(.i:s, i.i.Mo\>, 1 k;'^. r \hi.n I'Kl M'S. >\r. AI.MI'M-S. ! II.I l l: 1 •!, i i;i: \/ll, ar..i KM.l I'U WAl.Nl IS. !t.H,t>A M. i>,\c. vVc. 'l i'gelln r w ith a chot'e a*>s rtnt nt ot" £haboliraI.—Thc Cincinnati Commer-) From the l\ ilminefun AdffrtiStr. RIP van Wl.NKLL. cial Advertiser states that on the V!3d ult. TrMton, right vei’a that hu cew.farjled Bom*’ Nillain placed a cask of gunpowder ! „ i. . r , r ■ , Bv >ortn-t. arolin* IS thought out of reason, near each of the three locks ot the Lovin- ' pptiend Khe’sasltep—ai.d with houtrruu^ mouiii, rille and Portlnnd Canal, one of which jl’rockiuu her the r al I'ufi tupui the .s,,uih. onl\ took lire and blew up the lock to v\ huh , , ... ,, i i I 1 .1 1 L 1 J W 1th the racket ot Nullu * just I’lider her n»". in truly tHaatifol, cuiniiikiiditig at all times a full * vi.w cf the cflihrstid King's .Mountain and a. AXI) Kt'KO'S ■ wid nt..It of country around. The buildii.fsare oHH«U MM lll;l)KI.NK 1 »HV| II M ix^iKii'odioiit !>r a firoilv. i . h.d 1... U^n ot the tirst .,uality ». that ^ctio.. of « o>T...rn .T tnr ..r.rH inr A. oaf U.t enuiiiy,a:id w'llh a litlle sgrii.u!turalskill, may f uasbt trretuall) rl»-aM»«Iheti«lli,;!aij U mid* a \ ilii4ble farm. M I !*h.ill al^o « ll at the ASa> CoMfirtiom r'n Strut tfSratn^ it was attaclied, throwing down a hundred irm - .l«w.. tons or more of work, which has! And a day may mxh' eome, v.(na liis biushing probabU put an end to the use of the Ca- | dcnd.*r nal fur »iine months to come. A rewanl i " '“»h HK had been nAppin? m safety b'Mde of one thoui«aiid dollars is (.ffl-red for the 1 ^ detection ot' the perpetrator of this hi^h hat.dcd \illanv. VISITOR-^ FROM THE WE.«T. j GRKAT BMIIIKS MOVK SLOW. I Virginia'i S’.aleiimen Ut^ur. j hot two mhole moiiths—I' .(ivii> ^ mijjbbor : I’drtiiriant Monte-*!" hu^h O l.irth! To welce.nie some p.ooigie^us lirth. .'o far, not e'en a mou>e W e understand, says the Richmond roinpiler. that in a tew days, Blaek Havvk, ;ar, not e e« a mou>e apjcars. Prophet, aril the other inoiun pri:Mri- i'J'o ncornprn'*^ f«rnlal ers, taken bv General Scott, are expected I ^'et—if great Councils can avail, to arrive at Fort .M-nrue, to remain tlier»' s.^—both he-.ei and taiL as hosta:;e3 for their tribe. Their l»catn n upon the ->eab^jard t# said to be preferred by the government—fur this consideration arnon^ others, that they may be p rinitteo to be pnsoneri more at large, for, if the\ were to attempt to make their escape, ttie\ would ffton be recugmzed and apprehended in pas.sing through tiie country to the Wt^t. —They will be obj»cla of much curiosity at Old I’oint. ii. Intf.ripti;n u/ijti a St gar B.t. .Smokp, but imoke sp^ing'y, and »f. okir.g, say : ThU weed i* of ruywl an true ; Deatli i the /ifr ; like rmoke Ijie fades aw ay ; •And in the atiir», 1 ii y liiele>s tud'. \iew-. I'ouUbu't Adtettut'T. lams lui aeid nr ant in^rrdirnl which r« ntlie time and *ny way br lujurwHU. It is agrn-ablt tiithf p!4rr. u*- .'it he.^rf //or*. /*.sm, rnv l>r''J»n) ol tboroujthly i^otn Jack IHIN Wt IXv/lTF, 7V#(crft«a (.ia*, anil »-*'ry thing in ih. br.all^ »l*lf . «ne i.ti,. r aitieles. rig.naU from decayed i.« th. the uw of • .And o„ 'i ue^d,iy of the next C.rtJrt, I w «ny other cau*:. It hardens tl» jun.. . will oil. r ler sale. f. the highe-.l bidder, U.rec im. ‘ ^ «*rent-« p’liu and three unim[ ruled IaiIs on uiain Trade . .. . . „ ail a*«oriii. iit whiehis >ure to kUit U;e jiaiate ot Sir’M i;i the (own of Charlotte. ; both V .111*; and old. \nj i,u Friday, th- l-5th of Mnrrh. I will ^ * ■»!»! I'w ii 4 i> v •.’wk fil Ai»u, a general a-sortmeut of the moat clioiie ' hi;’h.-«t hidd' r. on the premiaes, One and palatable ; ||u„Jr,,) irrrs of land, adjoining the St«ne.ho»»r "t Vf ^ ^ ^ . trael, wherein is a rich %ein ot' .Auriltrous Ore, ( -on runM'i;{ iiliir!y acro»» liie land. on llie siine da\, I will *^^11 m\ t;*»I I> Mil l., shout tAo n.iisfru(u the Mine,, and abc’it l*> h> ad uf 'I'hi* r'al estate will U- w.ld on a liUral ere'?!', th» halaiio- ofi tw> lr» month*. SIAJKHF \i)ia H-CMWIA.'s I, yiKi KLK.vuruo tot .m v. John W. Lindsay and others ^ jy .. , PctiUi n'iir sale of >arn I. W . I,ird»ay. ^ I,and. I'r ap,->-arinjr to the •latista'.'tion ol the Court, that .“viiiri. W. I.indsav, the detV-ndaut in this Indian Rilic.— Ue have at our office, the head of an Indian arrow, curi»usl\ i wroii;;ht of lime stone. It was extractf’d ' • '""‘I''* there/ure fr..,„ ,1., ro.,t.„f. .h,. Dlown d.iwn this winter, and it was jiidgeu j w. Lmdsay may ap|«ar at our next Court of K. by the |>ersoti who left it with us that it ‘ could not liave been in that p'>^ition les« than three hundred years. He makes this iiiltrence from tlie “ize of the tree which was over two feet in diameter.—Glenn s Fallt, -V. 1'. Mi^itnstr. qiiity, t> b« h'ld lor Mecklenburg riKinty, at th ( ourt-Houiic in Charkmt, on the 7tii Mot/day al\er Uie l;.i .Mouday of .N.areii n» *t, tlien and there to answ-.r, plead, \.c. otherw ii« tin. bill w ill lit taken pro conie?iaoand heard --t (*r1e as to him. I) I) IIIM.AP. r.m.e. Ffh. 11,1 "'3.3.—Price adv. 'Ji. Gt.'IO HS..U..VR Pin'll.,CI.K, r'-/:i'/'A,--;>• .VO«77W- Xf /-I t V , 'fi. . .MIV lvI,i;Mlt no t 01 NTV. .V, ,«r*. (.nhn teuton- 1 here ,s at ■ others . ,v l om V this time in our city a case of evtraordina- | f p, . H , ry interest to the phjaiologi**!, under the ’ Jo. Hart and Ann Wilnon. '' ''Tand***'* care tf Dr. Bfaumoni. Sever.1 years ago, j B 1 appTarmg u. ib7~»atisfaftion of ihe Cofirt, the *4jf)jeet of tne case, a Canadian, had Ins i • that .\nn WiImih, oneof tbedi lendants m this BU.m irh laid ow n bv u mur-ket sh;t, and «>' ->tau-. /t i»thtr,Jm, on.,, ni, «, .1,.. r:.;:,' W ilwTi may apjKar nt our nrxt Court of F>]iiitv, Uj be held for .Mecklenhurj roiinty, at lh- nirt- House in Chariotte, on tl»c 7th Monuay at'ter the Jlh \Ion'Jay in March m-.xt, then and tiiere tfj an- «wer, plead. At. fythcr'\ ise the hill w ill taken cH\MP\ioN, \:i s ,\i j.j.i iK'vM k;n.\c. M Mil.IKA, -1 i NI:k11 1 t:, .MAK.'l.lI.i.l-S, MAI.AC.A, \c. .Vc. A lid a ;'i'W .1 rf FHF.Nt H ORl.lAI > \ 1.1 'JON SYHt P. I harr, aiiio, a good a; 'rtr ient 11‘ srittiTs, »!. ■ !; 1 tud aiii.ujt lorifiillin t> n- i lion—hut I liuf>»'It I* n-.'t too Uie. Th tjr«ii«‘l f.K.MI ' a much esteen.'d liquor iii tlie " I’tnfrald FRKM H MIUNL*Y, J \MAli A Kl >1, lloM.AM) (.IN. N. 1.. Kl M. Vli kinds of I>>j !.csli' >piritj-, .•'; *ri»h .SF.CiAK' and TOlJ.Vt-C I ut O.tfer nl ijua .In 1 nave, al»o, s.,me drink to fu.t the tiiii'-s, w h'rh bin ix-'n '■lo.mmend'd hv ihi- olik^t aiKl !> »t «« 1 n'lurMhing and nulrieiou.-^ biverage, i.«X>l» M.Vi.'l 1!'!.1.R;—and slniuld you r«jt U- able to ir.ii\ etiough to quench your thirst w uituwn, I havi ,'leiily ol Ju^'S and J«r«‘i?Mun ware, m«ti 111 Kdg« f;e!d, S. C. which you r-n fill and car: v hoim., should you f»elM> incliiid. .Ml of tne ab-1%1 ruumcrated articles I will •ell as low, wliole>al or retail, as any |h rson in t( - ullage, but 1 must have the ('e$M ai.d no grum- hhng. I partirularly solicit iny fri> n«!» ai.d ttie public gci;erallv to try, prove and jin*'*«. WM.m.'.Tl.R. f'kurLotte, Jan. 6, I'M. IJ i.tril- rs from th' lountry, tor any of the a- bovc article*, will be i iretully packed u:>, and punctual att'iilirin pi'' n. W H AOTirfr:. O.N f riday, the 1st of .yiarch, will be =>.ld at the rt»idcnc« of Mary Giln..^r, lit-c'd, I IJKFJ.V NKtiUOIX ItM property of the decea»*-d. Sale to comm, ;t 11 o'clock. 'I'l rrns mad* know n on the d.iy of Sah . DAN Al.K.XANDJ.K, r.h. \, 1 -33 _ 3l.fl’. iUtrthf Htrart'^ i hhm ^ OlasH. TIIOM J. II \KKOW A »»). mouth. C*«Wa//. fV/. 27, IK'S. ” SAI>l)LF.SAc J %.Mt» T. AMU KV A I ». H.WK un hand and »:r • llnM to manuta't«« tl»c«r in lb* aoeith.eaMs u Mr. Spriiif;'* tiriek b tAidirn anii t!rHHrmrit'» .%ll tllO«>r «■»•«?>•»«•trWot »or»iuai.shipandrood - srribcr, are h.rn.v a-e.r. d. ibal ui.U- >-vii--nt H the M—fs. Jetton,, of I ,r- is n ade Lr t..e I ^rusry I ourt. Ihejr and t •»« , -ui.t. Hill b> ; in ti.e hat.d* of an o*ficer r r.:i. t. n .'-•I K N I'l V 7«»«arV I-'*. _ -.MfJ*; TIUSTSALi:. virtue ui a iKed of Trust, ' p^jrtioiis ol' them were removed. He ulti- ni'tlely reco\erel, excepting that a small aperture wa* iet't c?mtnunicating with th*- Btomach, and around which the divided edges of th- stomach formed an adhe.sion. Th nov»-l, we may si> singular case, affords op- pjrtuiiiti*'s winch have i.ever «* 'Mjrred be fore, ol iiiuking many rxp riment.- of signal Utility to mankiml, and the ph> in partu'ular. rhrou;:h tyif; 3|K:rture !«ub»-tan- ee'i'tfdilSjrent kinds afwl nature'* can tje in- trt>;ii( ed, *o as to tcij; th':ir comparative, di- *'• pro confcsKo and heard »x partf scsin«t her. 1) K 1)1 NLAP.r. m.e. f'flj. 11, Ie.3.3.—Price adv. tit-'M) S'l A TK OF VO/r/7/.f’t«0/./.\17 M\r OI.N Ol N l V. f'/urt nj 1‘leat and Quarter StiMtani, Januaiy S*nion, If-.lS. Mj ljUfJHiiiaji J geutibilily, and tho ga'trii- juice can he pro- i ' Original Attachment, levied cur»-d in fiuantitif-« sullirient for nrtili. i^.l ,H itrhivm. on J.and. digfsfion'*. .Alreadv v.e are informed, ex-| f * lo the satisfartmn of the f'.ourt, per.iotnt.i iiistitutrd' by ,\|r. I>uno|,8K>n, of „ «>"• «i> r.ndant, is not Friiii ruif t- > r V ' ' I‘' hahil.-ii.t r,( this /» ij M*^re/br’ t.^e mversitv of \ „^„iia, woo w so em-| ^ Court, fh=.t he , inently Oistingiji-h* d as a phy>iolugiral i ot I’h 3' and isrt-r S—ions t-. Iv heid tor I,in chemist. an) by f)r. l5e:iiirnont, to w h'i--•^ ourt Mouse in I.incolnton, on skill and attention the indi\ is indebted ^ **" *'*' *" March for the comparatively good liealth he tiow h’ ^>y I ^ J ... " •'U\»‘t*‘ri tjr> ficrairtut him. OnU r* *i enjoys have lerrninatofj in Ik*. ; p.jMirai.on h. r^of llr ro-vK- i>ii w.-rkn *n the yotid I^uet-Kon many disputed points con-' Farmers’A Mm« rs'j-iumal. nected witfi digestion, ttie i-xisleiK;c anJ, ,, Witness: VAI{|»/V Mi.HFF, C. C. pr(.(K:rtiei4 tif the gastric fluid, A;*;.; and I ‘i'-'W other • \)ierio.eMt«, that are in progrew bid ■. ... ■ v'I’l fair to r-uli/.e im;H>rtarit re«ii!i. | J'fli I M I .> 1 I A ( * u.;Lii.^!oi. City, Jauuar/ ~’3, itJ''. ull kiridt, matly cjTicuUd at (Ilia (tjfin. (M ih Mute as >u)cnor workiu**—.\iw>, Saddlebagt, Vniiut's, Vorttngalt*, Hidh UrttiUt, Ct'ark 4* (itg Hamtu, i arn II nd ll aj'iwi Hat^ru, Htr»imrma U(darr$, n...dr by U illiim J. ^forri. . and aH /ther artielr* usually roanuf»ct«r»4 J. -iHi to kr,U rt i HinVins. I wiUei. j sltopa in lh« S/ulbrfii S(a|i«. |WM lo P iMir Sal, at ihr t ourt- In adililwKi to the above, we have oo haadi^ II' 1ST III « b«ik>tle, oil Mi>nd*v ut tlic ^' bruary i ers! aaaortinent of titg and Ctark ,W**«t«s.' » t ourt, iho'I'ltAt'1' t>F I..\.N|i, Iv iiig in Pr>Ai. ; ^1/ lUtt, Slitmp /rons, and all other an - driice S. ilhii.rr.l. oi. v hi h >aHl W i!ha n J Mur. | rr««ary to tritn off Saitdlea anH HarD««s, sp. r,«.n ln'-, adjoining th lauds of John N Hous- ■ «ill hr sold low raah. ton and ottx rs. ^ VV« re^iK«( th« puUic to rail and eiaokus'i .Al the same time and place, I will sell matetiaU and *ik mai.u£actun.l, h*ax foou several j judp' them«elve«. IJKFJ.V \K;Ki>K.S * the profwrty of said W ilhain J Mnrrixm, and coi.»i )ed bv him under deed of trust to James H MoirKn, tor tlic ;>urpo*es liiertin spceitird. Ter.tiS Will be nmd*; ku«wn al th«‘ time nC sale. \\ M J Al.KX \NI»KR, Ag'nt fm Tnittrei. Jin. in. l-.T-.'.-eJfi ■ ^I,fJS»N' ind.t’t.d to irK are ref)tK«trd to I inake payment b»!n»e, »r during the week .M ih l-rbru&ry ( uurt. Ih duing so they may P.l t Al.llWFI.1,. Juf(u/»rv 31, 1-33. li;6 N n. Ti rrc are wTertl of my b>x>ks mifuiing, •“ »«**ny ' and in psriiciilar, several numStrs of the 'I’ran. "* 'lutrUHt, Ihf. 7, 1-33. l.W Four tr five ^uomryinm H«ddlr ar>d lit Makira is waiit-d, ti whtrfa good wages « given, by applying to JAS T. .ASm KY .V Tht' IhoroMnh Hr* ft HOU^f aland tlie wW sra*«n at fValM 'ili l\ t.incoln eonnty. He sra«i' ^by the justly crUbraltO der. OLD SIR AKCHli: Il'TW «l,. dam a tiill blooded mare—hrr pedigre* 'v ' Iruetl to niany of »hr- nwwt distingaisVd Kv- lo Sir .\rrhw, hi* ri puuti aylvsnia Jriurnal. Peewms having the name wiil **'•* ®* ‘«|L» aiKl their dewendanls a^’- liivor HU hr r> torninr toe snnie. p (!.C. ■ established, it is »-arccly nr-e»s«/y t« Vs 1/ > I-* — 1 **•"’* •* present day, as they havr I . *' • the most •ueeessl'ul distance Horses in lS»^ raiHF, .nb»crib. r haa taken up, fon the 4th of „f Vireinna, North and SmithJ'arolina. (r , they have a large compl'-'e awsortmeiit of(>ilt and Plain l,X»KI.SC» •1. \S.'1»S (onstantjy on hand at low rati s. Hoping a 'ontiiiuation of the lih^.-ral sufiport hitl,rti> received from our Sjuthcrn frinds, we bavo oiaOe vi ry exertion to lay in a Stock of th« ' RTnv,| H H HI KT"' ijotf Ajnnary ,'i. |S33, I'linrk'tilun niid I’lirrnfi- fBIHK tflFAM i .>IA0>. Capt J ( Itrahain. *’• > n engagid the li't' t ii.\Ki,vrrK iioij'j. t or Sale. > p HF; SutMeriher, wishiii'' lo remote from Char. . „ ^ lolte, utf, rs lor sole, U|)on wry ricsnnable most desirable rof.Kis (br that niarkel—and il shall “»• •»«ve naini d . staWi-Jiii iit. w hich is tie our conntant •■ndoavor to promote the interest pre>‘' nt in e veellent repair. All Uie oiit-build-' yf thofce who mat/ favor us with their ord r». j **' •• lor carryifig «n the business ' THOMA.S J. UAKIItjW \ ( O. ' The stand is well known to be . - mi r in (be traite rnnning brtw"e»n t hark*:- Importers, ">• Wat. r-at. N. V'. | T'* ' *'*l’*’f''>r, lo any in this section of tl»e ■ Chcraw, mlling at tie*»rgtown on ber sr \>u York, Jan. ]h, —‘2'MXi . coiiBtry. Any conm.unication ujnm iIki siibji-et and diiwn, will resume Hit tni*» in the ci»f» - \1IKHH IV AM '!• ^ »“•'>'^'■‘1 to. Possession given lorthwiUi. a fi w day., and u inUii* d to he ronlin.i«i‘ ImI r TvCrY.r'? , • T 'v " ■» »’ tra.k the%„Mimg seae-. 'Hir evcdisr ■ ^IMI L/ANf/)I .S ot femperance , /W. |-31 l.'.tf drail of water, dewing mily four and s ^ when li«dd, will enable her In r*a h * all tiiiiea, exrppt ii^ion an uncooimon k"* '' I wimi III I cargo will be lnhtened at the i»t‘- of the fV'il. t ointortahle aeffmiiiio'latiiins fi r a fi * gers. witli all due altnition. „ | J It, f ! CAar/r«fon, .Ve;i/,‘Jfi, 1h31, .'if'tf . ^ S.H irtjc* gri(j friends of '/'emf«prance in eve- , ry eily, lowrn and village in our country, have twen i invited on ih>- ^th day of February, lH.'j3; and It IS earri-sl)y hoped, that they may lie universal ly ext>r.d(d, that TenifMrance Soeii tiifa maybe »irm» d in all places in which there are none, and all etating .So»:n;tie* be as much as [io«sih|e enlarged. J. KDWAfJHS, Cor. Str. Ameruan Temp. Hot AiiJorn, KwA Jan. l-'3.'l." ^ '■ « ill th«;ik Ihe Kditurs in this State to give the aljoM- a insertions. W H.r, PfX K, Srr. St/jtr T’-mji. Sttr. A'. f\ .VOTK’i:., I IS now the beginning of a New V'ear, th r-. fori It II nil important that the transai tion« of the Unt yiir i.)iould Ik: closed, I ii(i[>e tlniii- that hav.- opin aifounts with eif will not fail lo ionic s50 HANAWAY from the subseri- txr, living ml harlotte, N.c. and clijw liy Kofid or Cmh imim diatfly J*ri ] 1, lt33 -Oltf ntiTMit the first of Msreh Usi, « ne gro man named H /| i.i.j. y, m„„, J 'Z twenty.M*yearsoiage,rnlherhgliil |{ \ V \ \V \ V eomplecl. d, straight andxvfll pro. t ■'^HOM th. Siil»., ril-r on The nif bt of «' ,«r1ioned and aUint five leet ten or | I I »i IoIkt Ian. my negro man I ' , ( h ven inchea high, his clolhi s, so Ur as rrcolln t- ' or '3.', years ..Id hl .ck eoinph el.-d, had »n ' ed. was of ordinary description, no doubt, howcv. j , ini, coat and punt.iloons, blaek tor hst. er, he has or will get «„„e o( a Ih tt. r kmd. I ahl-^ aliout ,'i li il 1 or 10 inchrs hn;h, sl.»H f'- rais^d ihis fellow and havi no Ki.owledgr what di. ; Fiom whst I ean h srn fr.mi ditf. rent re.tioii he will lake; it is Mip),.*, d tlial he ho* j nni indue.-d lo Ik-|ii ve ll«il he has tn-en (>"»'“■ gone wmth and prolmhlv umier Ihe prole, tion of; lo I, sve n,« l,y ivhilc im tnoii, wh«t>“(’ «mi. ,« rw.n, .,r i h../r. I... has for;;, d Ire, p.-,,n r., mi- d him his f„, d-mi on Ili. ir r. .ichii.g _ I ' '''IU''',.,u r.^^ardlor Wall.-v,,i,idpn, all, .>l,il.-. | ivill pay |, n .lolUrs to anv (sr*"" * imin,Mat,lr - x,-nM.mri,r,mpl,| ho..,.-or .-..nfm. d lo .,nv j.iiUo w ill . onfine him in any in IK J.>0.0 IIOSKIN.,. I, an fot him. \\ .M. bA \ 1 DSJU.V. L,il,„„aK«in. M:NK. .i 1 ■■ />n in h..-: V r •I-"'