myERS> & FAMMEMS’ JOURWAIi. ^ »i. n» v.r.u,„, .,v ■. „mu» j. I VU.L TKACH YOU TO niCMt THE BOWtM Vf llir. KARTl, aNI, BK,V, , •Ul tKOJl IHK l«; COLNTV, ^OUTIIK AHOMNA. V(Hi. Ill* ' ASKHNK or TIIK MOl STAIN*, MKTA!S WllllH Wll.f, (ilVK STKENOTH TO Or*. MAKlM TIIH SATI HIIAV, 5I1RCII ‘A IKXi. KlM AND HLHJKrT AU. KATlkB TO Oi;R URK AND fLEAiL KI.—DB. iOHIWO!*. ;sliall bf bouiHl therthy, any « i„ tl.o . any collection NO. 127. Inrn.’A: Farmer*!’Joiirnal ;con«t>taii«„ priuUxl and publwhfd «Ty 8«tnrd.y inorninK , conlrury notw «l Two IMlar* prr •iinum, if paid in »dv«nco ; | TVo DellaT$and Taper; I'hrtt Dotlori I)vi:rtiskmknts cent* periquare (not first iiiftrtion, and S' for three A liberal discount «trir.«tl!iTr%oblic.tio^ th/num •“*/ “‘‘"'•'P* , u,^rtion. murt be noted «. th. rt>.r,in of the “ ""f ‘‘'7"''’** 1-XIK ri- n.«.«*rrip», or they wiU be coolinucd until , ^ ® I ,1 7'“ “ ’',‘'1*^’^““^ forbid, and clmrfrd *cccrdinjly. ' nle of thr !* N '***”!(• '-'“r oujc-i i iii n--: J lie laws of Soull /AIIcomnionic*tion.lolhe Editor muftconieic (j I ‘"K **"'lious«!, is ti, ,-iff vent ull ; force the ordnmnrr, Vr.-e..f ^*...,or.he^m.j, not U .tt.nd.d to. , .hrcltl^uLron u" I Ti.e W.rdi “ threats I ..v. «l"!f .1 I’c(»jilo and tlicconrluxion of tl j r KIUs« V * ww t • VI o I -'I — — — i»,i5»60; WhMik«]i, 05 » K; N. H Rum, fwwer^ ve^ d by ItiK (.'onstitufion in the ■I, Jb ■ 3»: Apple Br»«dy, 4'J a •«; (in*enirncnt of the I’nitcd Stalet, or ii» I, 'J • J ‘‘I’ l«“y ikfiBrln.J-nt or odker iJMreof,’* and the a 18^ i-ni s\ «4; Naill*^ ^ t ^i|.hBtic conclusion «u h laws to ! Baggtmg, J3 « 1«; FUk R,.pe. 6 • 10 c,l.;; ^ ”*'* wpn-ite luw ,.f the land, in tbc ng- -niac bfautiy, IM • UOO; IlfdUnd (im, IW ■ gr»';'Bte •ftinr of th** t**rni. . !ro«, Ru’ttii and 8wcde«. W ■ 4» per lha.; We owe nlkfjiaiict- to the I'. Slates or laws o'f a“ y Sla"!f to iZ I IS" Iftir,' p"' l‘‘ I ApnJ, 1790 residuum of juri«l,ctioti remaining after tho H .thsiand.n^.” ' ust.l I- f n .-. on to d.n cl tha the =«c. 22. voi 2. p 05. The provision of orig»*al given .n specified case», Kui.toin lio.jsf, (or >u( h dihlna be catablibh- , that law makes tho penally not to exceed to the Supreme Court, might be exercised iitferior Courts that ton* observations of tho extension the par- in the of tho mircial ( onv«*nl(-nte o( the good pt-ople of 'Che object of this section is to tueet legis- Court. It gives the right to rtmove at any tlie .tatCH; and e»en the custom house , lalioii by legislation. There is nothing in time ic/t/re trial, but not aAer judgment had would not bo tuk ti from the port or harbor this provisiou shocking or har^h. been given, and thus affects in no way the w lere I loy riow an-. Our object in re-1 I'he laws of .South Carolina, made to en- dignity of the State tribunals.—Whether are harish and oppres- {in criminal or in civil cates, it gives thu posMbic. 1 lie wi)rt1>i “ threats | ^jye bryond any of the feutiul laws. Lndcr rigl‘t of removal, llai Congress this power answer tho Congress had iminal as the second , , — — - - 3 Constitu f u a' I 'unnnt remove the Kuit to ftny other court, tion, xpeaks of “all cas€aj»/ntc and equity,” u Hs, t oHicere of the cuMoma may .and tin* judges atxlwurors who ore to decide end these comprehensive terms cover aiJ. remote te cti«iloni house. ,j|,(Jer tatli to supp)rt the Or- He referred to the case of Matthe»vs vs. lie next parafraph provider for the ra»h dinanco. For this misdemetinor llie otiicers Zatie, 4lh Crancli, [»age 382, which decidea |Ni)in‘nt f>l duties uru)*‘r I'irtuiiiStaiicrs [ are suij*ttcd to a tine olulK) dollars and 2 that it two cilizcns of the same State, in a which rfnder it imj>o»»sible to collect the Ijears iroprisonnient. And tin y are liable* suit in their State court, claim title under dutitH in the orf^'inary wa>. This is no to have th«-ir own propeity, to double the tlio same act of Congress, the Supremo baraoflbiMih. It a IJ;inbfirk, St«te of wlnih ur,' •*»'« aln'ady aI>oIiahfd ! amount ol their pwds seized, taken, and Court has an apiHjllate jurisdiction, to revise a Wi iTWund. Is • 5i. H«^. Ua»M«. 10 the credits on duties to some extent, and carried lli brown. 7 a »5«. tWotM Jmi. 7 a there, sir. any citiy-ns who owe n.. al-1 ,^,j^ j,,,,. away. Ex ery professional man , and correct the decision of that court. (■Nstcm lurthfer. knows to what cases a replevin law is usu- 'i'his decision was founded upon the prin* P.IU. (Ma. wiuiit'* trtrt-m rvnctx'Bt*. The biate of 8>ulh'('amlina la quraiii r«T*nua law* «jt, of ib« t uion. A» ti ff'fru a part of the io;emnient .State, rnter mtn it, and -.upplieH _ _ ni!«.• wanting m Slate powers. '.'r',,'"''''- ,.ko„ j„ri,d,c„oo ,.ch v,; M . directly on the i*-i.ple Jf the la^s are "1’'**'’’“PI-'”'’ ‘P'-cmM case where lioi.^e oHicer and carried oft; and if he at- doubted, if it was to maintain the authority .M. pravert th« guod. .n.p. «rd .nto t!,"v nm combined to pioNtnt the pay- le.npt to recapture th«m, he is liabk to a of the lau-3 the UniUd .Va/r., ngamJt t'f 5^1 tiiid 2 years imprisonment, encroachment of the .S7a/e aiitAorim*. clause in the Constitution to which ted, refers to the character oi* controversy, without regard to tho tlie particular form of the action. , . ■ , , , .1 11.1 , - , - of the suit, and not the tribunal, pn.t. ction 01 lh.' cu-.loin house and rc- Hie word be taken in that sens; iti South determined the jurisdiction. Was it t« try Slate troni briiur dtainliutjHi tntii Th»- i-ei.pic rrlatn their v v iei^n- Woll, fir. wliai will prevail roJina, it exanpU tb«-in evry where— "“'•'•'''“"'‘f'-l r«. r«, the j^-opl.- act here, V arc narked “State ncUus*’ and lii«- “V '-r'' b> th»- law vOruh i liicaUcJ •• State M>»erf,,p,tv.’’ TIk-v ^ “"■) n.adc. 1 hi^ i« the |^rlrc ^ J oot be importwj ui»der the gloru.u* fla'- •'» in-tituti..ns. I he p-,.p!e f iJ* I nwti, but uiKlar tk- (1.,* of S.uih- ' S'"' «'• the law "and be w rolina. Sinith Carolina haa got her Or- m tUir rtghf. and al- .sue. .Now wc »l»*ll i«T ho« «ill «a>» «• *>♦•'ure. lie admiil-d ihnr ori- it into execution, how a works pracli It will make grncral roitfu«iui: de . t «Hiuaht) in public bunieut, aixi diuior- "*> ^''■ifnil good '£ the c4Niinuc.ity. 1 I •» a ('«'ii>titiilifiu ol power “ grant. i!>out to go into full *> la">rr w .uld wiy " tor « ^aluable »Uy the hands of ‘"»''*'''*raUoii.‘’ l^v thv -rui.t of th-M- ■th Car*lina, atal prevetit her from exe- >"« created the ('..nslitulion of the . , , . , • . .. «'* '-«ro‘'''a. was more necessary that this jurisdiction foiceo.^ dK»cetofhel.iws:paii..s,iH.nahio»., he Hist court the accuscd crnjld traverse,' should be extended over criminal th:;n civil,M„|., all Imn;: over tiu- h«iJ oi that Imt he had no right to continue the action, cases. If ,t was not admitted that the Fed- rn..u;:Ii to cv.rt |«)n.ent. I he Oulir.anoc denied the right to the ac- eral Judiciary had jurisdiction t |..rb..!sti,e..,.|..rccnitntof ,.'uscd to continue the c;ise alter the tirst ^ases, tlien was nullificatic^ III., ailcn.i ts to er:i.,ree it ' term, except for cause shown. The Ordi- ,eakxJ forever: for a State w nally ol iii- law as he is nance, in crer.ting tins misdemeanor, iner- notliiug woi t'il l.. il UioH.ul ISni.s «l„ch in a or t, r,.,-. ,h-, , „r If;* " ;s'• , H,U1 ,,vly 10 oil m,sk,iK.,.0,a. ^ |.„s of ' M.>rr.'i2iit\ f;.t the -f-ncnil .'«od. n ilitia caniK t U- callt d out, for the In-st i Mr. W i!kms. It was apparent that the merous prei over crini- nullification ratified .1 I r 1 1 i ..^.v luf a State would have muM suti. r tf.e p nally ol in.- law as he is nance, in crer.tmg inorc to do than to declare an act a misdemeanor to nullify all the (/iiion. There were nu- , ,, , , , .. — prejudices—prejudices peculiar to r.-H-on in ih.- w«yld, tint iIk n are commit- j ( onstitution of the courts in South Carolina particular states, which, under any other te l m su|.(K)it ,.1 the other sicv oi the .jucs- , mak« s it necesrarv to gi\o tho revenue of- ^icw, would throw all jurisdtction into tho tion. Now what i>» to b»' done’ It is the Ikers the right to sue in the Federal Courts, state tribunals. ling hi r present purp.«(e ? lie »»• I nioii. ^ ,u caniidt lake thejn Imck at reof the Aide rangr of dm'UMion uhich I'l’yuf**- U' T*' «n- »e B'k»Hj—*.an ihc »]'ie,ti'iia Conner ted with thi« •.ubject 'be grt iter than the cp-nttir ’ .\o. ^ “4ld U-ud to. But ihu wa« the time for rroai„r may lie iKHii.d b> tiie acttf r,r^t s»-tu>ii of'the -,’nd^of the f Vsid. ot to take ran* that the I It was not mtcnded to restrict this right to j He would put a case to the Southern gon* l:i«slia!! l|e ex.T.ilcd. He is invested with , atiy amount in contro\er5.y, nor to citizens tlemen, by illustration. It was one which lln »> It" onstitution, and the pub- ,of other S:aU's. It falls under the clause , the\ would feel disposed to resent, and ono lie hold him re.[HmMble l„r ils ejen ise. ; of the Constitntioi. which gives jurisdiction to which he felt a repugnance to refer : but \oti can vest the p.wrr no where els*;, to the United Slates Courts in all cases a- he would fake it as illustrative of hr r‘;r '"7“ -n,. irst s,-,ti.>n of the --nd Anide of the I rising under the Conslilution, Treaties, and i^His h^Tiad'VhroH-n our'Th^re Jis tot inU“"'ireTZil.r.t^™l>> «l- 3' I nf'th. ’U'.m !f'‘thc‘‘a‘l;cnr,.r'in !• Constitution, a clause which found in the State of Pcnosvlvania, whcro lliance” of *' oxen i^te. vernnieiii |i| niertlv an IS It neressary to give thes' means Stales, he was obliged to d orce the laws ’ If \u; intend loi'iiforrt' the other side, it is said thr tion 1 do his duty. It was carried unto a very great etxent. On the subject ol practical Nullificatinn, to enfon f'derul |iass { 'onjlitution. He stated judicial station winch bo casts brought before him ii,-„,.i I ,■ . r~ - - -V “ ■ . I 1.1 t ' ■> - I lor uoi'isioii, in whichhe had felt it to btj Lcel Ihm subject would b. as ' ®>"'>'>'1 convenicurr bv ■ |.re.i,iential contest. l,u«ry vote had an sue w ith the |H.wer..f legislation, and a to- oxtrt-'iiielv ditVicult to keep down this feeling. I to^t “* 1 '“‘"''"K '/I'''’"" '! ''VO to the South. He spo!e this with res- eMeiisive exei utive power. W ithout this It had been even contended before him, thft F " Ine ocean. It waa enough lor bun •I'*'l>ect to ihf ollur randid.ilcs, all o| whom he ... - pt *'■ had a few Wi ll iiettled pnnciph-fi on ihe^Ordiimnce should be Irn d. l!nl, as ' knew would havu supported tho Constitu- lie made no invilious distinctions. kill * * • 1 a I J I »• 1* • •••'* »» «iiivii a > >»'ii iiici\) iiiv i tia>\. I’lH Ul lO ^UCfl iln c\i^nT« c N disobcjiiig a law of the I nion, just a.-.' I'.r form- pr a man who has iirvrr abused any pow-: the Laus’and Coiistilution of the Lnited this clause in the f « n«.y C0„,„.HJ ,t, to be c«n»t.tut.u.uil or, companies to ini,K>,t g.KKls tree ol duty ., re,>o«..d in litm. H.' said that t'lcse pro- ^ States, and ihe judical power cxl‘,«is to all that he had, m the Un**! ol • "Ulli-C arohnu wouL, it • .-ee.lings wcrelon-anticipal. d. They were cases m law and c(;uitv. It ought to be so. had occupied, hud i.Q. T l T'1 '''‘“‘^‘1 ‘li''*r|the Hihjrct of discus-sK.n during the late/I'here ought to be a judicial power ca-exten- fur doi'ision, m wh I"* P"inl, which ho had always ent'ortain ' \|H ted. the |M.|Un ians, not the I. utid which had been actrd on from llic I "" rihad lormed a plan lor trying h'^lKinof the govcnimont to the prr.s-,' \iH-riment. rr« parati..i,s had U‘. n r liiiie. The Coi»i.tiluiion wusforimd b\ "“"**' '1'" *•'* •'« P people. It waa adopted by tho Slates, of I'ehraary arri\ed. like indinduala, surrenilered a p>r- **'' «l the tju*sii.>ns which F'' of their unverrignty f„r the Hccunly ol ' ariM! out of tlirse Cdnsidcrations, but r ThoM* |Miwera which are tliu*« "''uld not detain the S« natc by noticing nderriij |M,Mf>ver limited in nunilier, L ■‘"I'^'fiie m extrnt and application.— Hr would pass to the r»>n«i(ieralion of the ?''^^roiKl pamgrnph in tho l>th nrtirle ol provninns of the bill. 'I'lio lir-l .sedion of I ''•"■titution was, oa It appeared to him, tl'** l"ll ‘ onlHins provisions mIiicIi arc pie- "‘'■d to iw'f't this very raw—to meet 'Cntivc and [HMcel'ul. Mr. W . then read co eMeiisive powvr, legislation, would tje the pursuit of the slave by his owner into Useless in a free government. Neither do- that State, was an unconstitutional act. inesiic tranquihly, nor unirormiiy of rules He would suppose that Pennsylvania was to W hv did South Carolina throw away her and dei;isioi!s, can be secund without it. |kiss a law, declaring, that the moment a •le on a distinguished individual, who was ' It mav be said, (coiilimied Mr. W.) that slave sets toot on her soil, he shall l« at not a candidate? \\ ith an eye tothistjues- in this way you ovxrturn State legislation, once elevated to tho rank and privileges of tiun. U by (lid the (u-ople of the I’. States ‘ and ihat they ought to give their own di- a freeman, and that thus she should nullify I vote for Andrew .lacks* n ’ N' ith a view to ' recti.ui lo Stale controversies. Sc they may, the clause in the constitution on this point, this same «|uestion. For ihis provision in | but let them not come in collision with the | It would be deemed very hard by the the law, there was a precedent to which ho i Coiisfitution and laws of the Fnioii. In ev- Southern gentlemen that they could not trv would refer. Tho art of !*lh January, I cry controversy within any State, arising the (|uesiion of the coiistitutionalitv of that M‘C. 11 — l.S, vol. I. p. to enforce I under a Stale law, eoiiiing ill collision wiih law bet'oro tho Supreme Court. And if the the embargo, Ar. 1'he *Jd section of the I the Constitution, or w ith a law of tho Tnited State of Pennsylvania were to pass a laH- eMoiids the jurisdiction of the Circuit | Stales, the Federal Courts have ap|H,*lhite irnpoKing a fino of 10,(H»U dollars and five to lr>M I • ■-’vi"’'. , ~ V ' ,, I,' I t'ourls in revenue cases. It gives the right' juris.iiction. Ho felt himself too much e%- years imprisonment on any owner ofa slave t the ** u * ‘^nlhficatwi—to , I'l'in the lirst sc-ctioii ol the bill, as lollows: to sue in these courts for any injury incur- j liausted to read u case or two to which he found in [airsuit of bun, and that her juroi* "Ilia to r*”? “*• 'Fhat whenever, by j by oHicere, whilst engaged under the desired to call the attention of the .'^.-iiale. and judges are all sworn to regard this law, “Thisc'*^ «'t unlawful ol>strucli.>ns, comhina-1 laws of (’ongn'ss in Ihe collection of duties j But he meant tocontent liinis«‘lf with a mere he would ask whether the Fnited States "It' d Jt»i' "*''!''*T"V'‘'ifi**'’* " l- rsons, or unlaw-{ on imports. It declan s that property taken i nneieure to the case of Martin vs. Hunter s Courts oonid not have jurisdiction in this i o ^ I**’ niade III pur-; liil threats «ir iiiciuices aj:aiiist ollicers of i under the authorilv of tho laws of the Uni | lessee, in 1st W heaton, i). 304, and the caw , matter. 'I’lie now’er of the Judiciary would >l*'‘re...l, and all treaties made . ... .... ... . ■ i . . ■ i tiii'ti I llii