MIJfERS’ lit FAI^MEMS’ JOUItWAIi. ^ imuvtt:!) and ithlisiiki) i;\i;uy svn ui>\v, I WII.L TtAOIl YOU TO Pll;ll« F. TIIK BOWKI.# 0¥ tIiK K.ARTII A.Ml HHIN(; OI T HIOM TIIK « AVKIl VOli* m* MY THOMAS ,1. IIOI/10N...XlIA!{|,m i:, .Mi:i K * NOUTH-c aROM.^A. ' Ns OK -I UK Moi M ain-1, .mi:iai.: w inrn wii.i, iiu: ■Kiiiii.Miin to oi r hamh amj subjkct ai.l naturk to or^tHK ano pi.eascrk —itK. joh^mnT' I ^■[ ‘•'ecoiirsoofn lotiglKb 1 huvefi.uiid ^ Farmer** .foiirilill . that (!oT0inr»?til is not to bo Strcnj;thencil »nd iMibli^fd fvery Saturdny n,orni»c 1 by the a.suiii|)tio« of doul Ilul powers ; but .1 T«v. nollur, ,fr annum, .f paid in .lv«nce; ■ ^ euerueJic cxcculiot. of tli.mn , 7W MUnand Fifty Crnu if not paid in ad- incomest.blo ; tbc former never 1 v.mc; 7V,r«roMar.attlR;endot tl-cyear. iuspicinn ,u,.l cl.siri.Mj will Ik- inN Ttrd at /’./'y j whilst tl»e luttcr iiis|.ire8 r08tK,-cl and eon- ffiiU JH T wiu»re l""‘ M linm,) lor U.e ' fijem-o. | first iM^rtion. i»H •-’« cc.u for t-nch .ucc-cdin,?, howrvcr, after a fair exnerimnnt, tlio wtck».foron.M«i..arc.-y,„.^.^^ ilceml (Jovenwiiont A liberal di«ount u.il I.- rnu. o to tl.o*. who • ,,,,,|| ,dvrrU«-byU.fyrar. T (»..alludvcrt.«mont, wliich It HUM insti* Tor pubhcation thr numl^-r o. I ,, , ,-„„,i.shes nm.t be not. d on tlu- .nnrs.n of the „„„n^riF.. or th. y h .II continued until j ftrliid, »i>d I htr jr acconiniry. 'eveiit, on iiii ti|>|x'al to tbe rial not itii;i nnd L .All.o,mnu.uc.ti^.tnthor.di.ormuKt com«' , con.n.unity, it u.ll !.e I frcf of or thvy may not b.- atfnd.d U.. | I NVliat wns the rev.i!tof bin r\prri»'nce? That tbc tioverument was nrvfr stri iigfh- CIIAKI.tj^r**Nt M\K'H J. I-'*-'*. 'rtird by the ex«-rtise of doulitfui (MiwcrK. NO. i m TIIK MARKKllS. Coltim.Sea UUnd, !!• a .'0; yplaiiil, new, lOj a i which sill! pp vails atiioni; tbo [lOj; |{.r.M.rnn. ;i}« .1; C'-jJ*‘J!/ dlM.uout.I.e.I l.-nd.-rs of tlie p;.rlv in th.; ‘'I' Hour. «up*rfiiir, b ■ Wt; orn, *>.* a l>j, , ^ . ... , , ' , mu IH.SO. Whi^krv. 3.i a 36; N. K. Kum. of .Ntw.^urk. and whuli th-y ran 35 tt 3J; Apple Hraiidy, 40 a IJ , lk.». j nevpr consi-nt to Huriendcf, unii >s they jvai, 1* al“, Tall)»,’*r'Jii‘«. H « HJ; Mack- ohixild fx-coiM* rccr^arit to the ”rfat prm- Uril, No. I. CJ; *''•“•5, ; lUion. 6 a I; llanu, c,n|^.^ which they havt* alwa\s iiiaiiilaiiRd. % 13 t h.; iU‘ro^!'V1 , but [ojniac bfiiidy. ISO a •->*»«; lUUnd «.tn. 10*) a , »« **»uid al*> ]ut>tu farts. V\ hut was it »; irou, KuMta and a pii-lb*.; which f*rit«-J t!ie fin«t rontrovci^) lRHw«-«*n gentleman had al.so said, that old Romo never submitted to the dictation of any of her provinces. 'J'lus was u luminous com mentary on tbo rest of bin remarks. No wonder that he bud spoken disparagingly of the Slates, when he conipared them to lloiitMtt pro\ince!j. 'J'liis sutriciently ac- coutiled lor tiie ennsolidutory principles of tbo gentleman from New-Jersey. I5ut old Uoiiie wu!« always ready to extend justice tn lier provinces. \S henever the deputies ol a priivmcc* came beliirc her Senate, she did not fear to do them justice. We may all lH*comiii;;ly fear to do wrong, but we should nut lear to do justice. 'i’ho gentleman from New-.Fersey bad •iaitl hi) would not htnke u sister Stale, but woulil lelire to the wall. Me, Mr. 15. ad mired this pnncii'le, wliirh so admirably ai'cordi-d with w!;at he knew of the |tiivalu wi.rtb ol the j:rntleiiiari from .New Jersey. Iiutwben the jentleiuan w i,t on to say, liiat the di{.'itity of the country reijuirfd that tbe laws !,rii.uld_be executed, he could not avoid :i‘-kinf' bun in what dignity con sisted ? Did It consist ill callinj; out tlie military jiower, iit briiijjing cilixen into cwiflirt w iih citiZfii, and drlu:;iu{; the coun- As he had stated his objectionH to the course whieli the honorable Judiciary CoDi- mittee had advised or recommended to the Senate to adopt, nnd deenting it not calcu lated, as honorable {gentlemen had observed, to preserve the I'nion, but on the contrary, caculated, if carried into practicitl opera tion, to destroy this glorious Union, it was profier that be should state wh&t he thought uovld best meet the present crisis. He conxidered the true remedy a peaceful remedy—that of conciliation—according h- like w ith the geniun of the Constitution and the practice of the (jovernment. The revenue should be deducted to the wants of the i;overnn;ent; and the oppression which the Southern p;(jple labored under in con »firi«r lo jowl, Ua 13J i II) »ou 1 >a,77 # UO ct». wrvi d to b! rbaracteriZ'd. Hu r' fi rrcil to Nffth.rarolina n>onoy. Ha I j p. r .. nt. .li- \|„ „ ai»d .'v\li!i1i I.aw, whi.h, b\ M. S->.nn.hlUnkB.IUl^r^r|d.«^^ uwrpin; the p.me» of tramidin- into du-t other trtvrfW llauk IJiUa I and li i*r cent. .! ■ .u • ^ r i tb«! Iiln ity of *|r»Tli, th*‘ lr»«*dom >f ihe rA.MPKN, M %l.'t IJ (iru!^, and all liie njlit-and v“«-unties w hn;h Ccufiti^ “ a?)j. forn'W a ’ (he jjeoplr had enjovtd, railed forth a ini\e- “ L'hiricus to thr CoUHlrV lh:it Ur. 7 a II. w linker. 35 a 40; IkatMly, Apnk-. . ”i i i «• i . i Mats I'eadj 4H a W. be m-.aaiind. It dnw forth thf rrl^- lUniDjf, 1C a ii. KjI*> Kopr. brated report of Mr. Madison, .•» rrjKirt to t a I'.'; r..i!r». l»; a Ibj. Mackir.l, Ni. 1, the fiHTiH of which h'- will totally in«d»*. N . 7 » 7|; .\n. S. H t ii , Iron. >widi.h, ».* a n,,.,fe justice. This wa** a mmenu nt [. I n»luli.'i a 1. N.>rlh« arulina, ! l S«l|, prr V ,, ■* i r .i . L I r.j -•. k .j- 1. w ..r a'lMfinc prt'if of the .'"late ^jve. ku*ti. a 1.1; rack, .Sojar, hroua, •* l *• I , ^ , _ ^ rei^n'iM ■, \vl;irh, iD.slead of (lev|ro\ inj; the I>KHVTK * t..-(U*;ht hnrk tl.e (Jovernmuit tu it.n tl-r .‘?i natr of tl.. t niird S«»ir* on i?M-J ilt fur- lir't prUK ip!'S) miirb, th'Mi, for Mate ih-r inproTiiir fi.r the foilccuwi «r du'i.t mi pridi*. If tbat State pride had preserv' d , the Con^titufton at it- last it (u''ht MB.««owx*»r.rcnrox.L,ovn. , I tike m> Mr. II on the re- -p,,',. Vr«H| rl^.ht, ol the htate,. n.-fKid,ate confr.VraC) in that d.in- the J-tW .Nullirxatu-,. I n-pudut. nl« the h.;.h-to,«,l doctn.« ol t»^ I ederal ^ r«Mv. I b. I,r»e th.l ,t „ to that l„ch MatcMnar. w bo , vrr locd m d.rtnne that w,-.r« to .ttnU.tn nut- hfrati^. I brlH-»e thutdi--«rim- pro.luv;t-.l, had resulted from S;ut.. rnde. It, If the inn>nt u1 it. It u bv miiiroiit r , , , pfr..,ir«oflhe r..J.-r..|(:ovrrnmentoiilhc Ingbt. of the Stairs, arnJ bv .-.en .>...2 ‘ ‘ ^ c.ml i. t .1 V:Mfui|«wer«.t»,ate»H‘.'i|MHofS. (\h3-f:"*'-^“- ‘ '"""J '"•'‘'''r' Un thr..w„ mto th.. ,-v^tion. H« did rv^t . ".'"‘"'f'*';;'' ''' I"’"''' • t«]u.lil\ Iho c'-ur^ of ibat St 'V’f K cJerul .o»rrn:... i.t. Oi.io I) L .1. L 1. 1 .1 > wasonrrf tli«'.''tales w Inch held thut >|ui- llut whethrr ithe WKii ncht, or witethcr sh'* , l*» •r.nif, tbm fur«i.a..d her vr.tb .oine. '"'V ‘ thine I'l'.'' «n ••tcu^ fur hrr conduct. H^ '' *•='' !‘lir>»ii that the pnuriple was an nj^’i-pti- ' '** • i" I"* * '* **Vi Ur of .Jom«,«n.t.o.. .nTpni.-.ple of '"M'r-'-ment. 1 hat .... Ll. "nsnotaiM xprrsM'd jk,w. r praiite.lto tS-- tieiuTuMMiveniinent. It wa-aiaoii^ the liniktltemKlu-i. that altno»t anv attitiKle ol fr' HisfUM'e ai;niii%i the I'Mjcml In>ertiment jin •hii’h iIk) .Siaten hui Ix^en HPen, ar>H*e |^iit of the unwarmntable e\ert-i«« of doubt- jfil powers h\ the l \.S. 'I'licv had nlwavs h>^;i inrhmsl tc» tntn(;uility. Tl»#y bad al- jmyi ho*>n di«po« d to rnake n child'ii b,»r- Icin with the I . .*.—if vou let u« nlone. donlilful |K)wer^, and the fii;ht to e\( rci- it was d nird by se\er.il of the .'^lati i. It wasdemed bv tlie St.itu f New H impsiurc, and by a \i r\ re:‘|>ei table [>rrtion of llie .'^tate of Now-York, wlmli iield tlmt it wii!« one of tin' doul>lfnl (>«wer:«. The ri^bt of was another of tbc dcul.tlul po«* r>. Tin' >'late of N'ew-Vork, and -ofiie otlivr of tli* Stati's, ditiputcd t!te ri^l'.t (>f liie IVdi-ral t;« »eninient to appropriate niojxv * \r»-pt for the |wr|x>» s j>ointeJ out by t'le ('onsti- tulii>ti. Such are the «onteiiiions which tkiid ariraii frotn the exercise of do\ibUul wo W.li |.-t VO.. a’l.-.’n*. 'I'hey wr-tiid i.eve; -|*|Topri..linK nn.nev to all or any obj.-ri. jhixe adinitt>'d lh' idea of natn^ in oppuMi- jtimi to the I . S., unkiw ttierr bad b«*rn lar tne rxriting cau»«. The wln»l« iiistnry ol till! woiki prove* ihit fact. 'I'here is i*o Irr'’r*'ik III where tb« IVople have arrn\ed lW‘ni*r|v(ti a;;«in»t u supreme |)o«er wiib- |wit tnv orcsKton, h*- none the cn*at b«nlv i i l' i i »• If/w I u r j ■ powers by the redcra ljovcr>im-i,t. |«i mankind has alwnvt been JiMniil inoni j “ ^ Mix to orquie^-e in oppTt-*ion than lo' (Jeorjjia wai the next to n^iMit. lleHr„r«lffentlet.M>ntot.rohice ''*’^^‘' he would call the attmtun ol the «»in^.|e ,,f,eedent wbero a People who«r * •>« usur|)od powers winch ti.e I«irsait, are p,.aref.il, and agrirnltiira! for ' • v-ciso over her, (-ro- mo^t part, wenr w.lling to ca».l nwav t‘‘‘ pipmr times of ^n. e,’ ainJ f.r the , ‘J*- .»verum. nt ot the I . »n ro love of j;lory. to ru«h into a e.mtliet 5^- »"‘|crt.K,k to tell her that ^-he could iiot |«K»miit pow * ' ' ' ‘ ‘ - - -■ I'fC'r than I'W' an III provo. . I't- Cenrml ;ov.Tiiinrnl f moment pregimnt with awful muiiacr •I- liad thui*. he U lievrd. e»f.tWisbe| the ' 'I’hn laM but not the least i>t the cenflicts principle thnt the States them-* lUe* wbieh have nrii«en Inmi the cxeniNc of '»'T^ ivUoy^ willing to lie quiet, nnd that b;,' the (leiieral (ioverii- Ihe oppoKition whu h had ■ ment was lu i^dation to the protective hys- nmeir..,t^,l tbc (leiK-ral (lovem- ‘••m- Here the (Jovernin. nt of tbo I’. S. *^••’'1 had ari-.«.r» from tbeexerrwe of d.Kibt- 1' “' »'«nmed tlw? n^ht of uiiliinited taxation, f'll p».w,.r hv that (iovernfnent, hv whirb of taxing one portion of the coinmi:nii\ fer M'vl Iwn itrf>vok»*d that State pride whirh l*enrf»t of another, ami a morn fa\otetl iV p«-fitli r„;,n \pw Joritev no ear- f»"rtio«». Ho hopi-d tiiat he had thus auc- '^'‘■’'''d.MK iinrcd. U ithoiit that'prtdethis ceederl in eatabiushiiiK the (K)s»tir»n that ” iiiMi.' wfMiI.I now bare l>een na nothing, i "x'St r»f the coiitroyersies w hicli had arisen, *" i'l'lify this priiK-iple that niiw>t i4' Ibe 'bail their onum in the exercise ol’ duubtful iro\.T»i.., wbu h had ariwri from the ; fn.wers by tli« I'eik-ral (JoNeniment, o|m - '■if^iimftanrc of the IVderal (Jovernment i “fr-*''*'*«l>‘‘States l«Vmp debatenlJo pround, be H„uld necessnry for the preservation of ibeir 'J'’*'! nn authorily whieh would meet with existcuce in a sovereign cliaracter. •be «|i[irobiition of all |MiriMlemo« rntu. It j The c>-nlleinHU from New-.ler«ey had tlio anthfirity of (Jeor^je (')mton, a Iwld up the ('oiistitiitKiit in his hand, and di vrving of all re«|n t—clurrm ct with all that patriotic ardc r fer whu:h he nirni ti—a man diatinguiihed for * was distiii;;uixhi'd, kuhI he should cling to M ndv adherence to demo«'ratir doc-1 the IkmmI. I, too, said Mr. 15. will ( lin£; to I |finrs. WImmi bo was rreaulent of tbc 1 the bond; and while I wil| willingly allow N nato in 1-10, he gave hiscastm^r vote tho genliiMiian to take full usage, I hope ’'B'linst the hniik. It wa« on that occasion , that in taking the pound of lle.sh, he will '"It he used the follow nip language ^lot spill one drop of l'ltx>d. '1‘lie bonorullc the U. S. desire to have amendod or modi* tied, and the (r.odiiicatioD of which is forti fied by the recoinmandation of tho Chief Magistrate. And before 1 procecd further, let me ex* plain myself on this point. I ^ not tako the ground, and I will not take it, and I wish to be distinctly understood with respect lo this matter, that a law vrhich is tainted with injustice should not be pul in force. I tuko tlie ground that no law oppressive in ita character should be executed by interposi tion of military power, until every pacific measure which can be devised shall have l>een resorted to without the desired reauU. The remedy for evils of the greatest mag- nitude, should be sought for in the peaceful secjuonce of the taritl system, ought to be | tribunals of this country, according to tho removed. If gentlemen w ished to preserve ' great principles handed down to us by tho tiie Union, the country should be apjKJased. i English Whigs, and which we have infused This ap[ieared to him to be an iiiltillible | into the spirit of our cotistitution and gov- remcdy. 'J’ho one, however, which thelernment. Committee bad prescribed, might bf; fraught | If, on a failure of all these means, it shall witli some danoer. He was aware that j Ix) found noces-sary to use force to execute there was a set of |)oliticans, who thought i the laws, let it be used. I am not prepan.d tills the favorable moment to fry the I to say that the emergency cannot arise; but strength of t!ie l. iiion, and that the (Jov- {I do say that before a law of this kind is to ernnient ought not to concede one particle | be executed—before the peace of the L'nioa try with the bloKl of Iter ciiihiien f If , of the protective system. Can it be pus-. is to be disturbed, there ought to be a ref- that was thi; meaning of the dignity of tiie j s'ible, at tins day, (said Mr. B.) that any , erence to the justice, *■> the wisdom of Con- couiitrv, he, Mr. II. prayed Heavf ii to de-1 individual would wish to jeopardize theigress—to weigh, lo examine tho provision.^ liver him from surli di^aniy. He cmsid-1 peace and liarmony of twelve or thirteen! of that law, and solemnly to pause and re- ered tiiat the digiiitv and honor of the ■ millions of people—not only the peace of a j fleet, betore proceeding to put it in force by c unlry wen!.] If i>*>i promoted and estab- j whole j>f;ople, but to retard the progress ol ^ military power. ii'iied by dnitig justice ; and carrving out -V o government throughout the world, by | I beg leave, said Mr. B., to advert to l^aiifullv iiiiu ftlicientlv the phnci|des of | au experiment «>f tlmt kind? To try the j what the I’rcsidcnt of the U. S. has said in til* (.’utL-tiiutii'ii. '1 his would b*j vvortli alt i .'Innglli of the l.’nion, and whether it can | his message to Congress, and I do it IjecauVo iUImj glor>, all tiie tiatuhal glorv of wbicli j"ftirvive the iif; of military |Mjvver? He | this is the first remedy which the Pre.sident we have ii :itd so much, it would ci lipbe j Ik-is d ii(.t. He trusted that our Republic | recommended to Congress at the openinjr dll tli; giorj of Iiiij)^rinl Home, aii l of I m-1 " ould be ha/.ariied by no such speculative ; of the present session. 1 cannot doubt, that peiial rraiice. wliirh was tioiiuMi; to ibe . exi'^riment. ; if the Executive wishes were consulted, ho ul'TV ('f a ju't, and benignant dis j It is argurd, continued Mr. R., that the , would, and decidedly, give the pret'erenco ix ii'^tion (\ the jaw s. , Siule of S. C. having placed lu r.-^lf in this j to a |>earetul settlement of the dilFirulties by One of the r'usons whirli hrvl nmii Iv I altitude of deiijiic“, Congress ought not to i ^ do not mean to say that bis induc“l him to rir-c wa«, to shew that vfry legislate on the subject, as had lK;on said in i preference should influence our legi.-lation, p«'.icelul reineiiy t.hoii!d bi; resoited to.-- vuiie of the newspajiers, while the sword is j but it ought to have weight with us. Till- ( orisiiiiitioii was ir.iiiied in a vjniit 1 liriiiilishmg ovei our heads. This is not] Speaking of the extinguishment of tbo iiiuluul d'iiT'tue. ft was raiil,'-d m t!,,ii n;-t;ttng the pK‘siion, it is not the true ques-' public debt the President goes on to remark : ame .-pii .t if tii il;rtn'e ; ami, >u it ou.,iii *ii?n—it is a qii* sltx» of a very dillereiit} “ The fuial removal of this great burthen So b-ailioiiiisli r* d. 1 IiC wholi hi't« rv ■! i l.iirai ter. re the [people of S. C. alone Trom our resources, aflbrds the means of our rcuniiv c iii'rti-s lo that pr.i.rij.:.'; a coticetntd in tliis matter? Is not avail further provision for all the objects of gene- n.utual di'.i r iiie t-» i.!l i.reat ml* i !- if ;Mitnu of t!ic peoj)le conrerued in it’—^ ral welfare and public defence, which tho tl.e couiitr;,. Ti.e pr.;cln *‘r!'tin-;:ovi.rii- A le u..t the v. Ik.U-of tiie Southern States i Ccnstitulion authorizes, and presents tho iii' i.t had Ixrn iruari.,bl) n.uiki d with liie ii.terested m lips suljeci ? It is not only ; occasion for sucli further reduction iu thu int i f cc»i ilutioii. (|,r .XMitliern S;..ic,s, but the State of New- j revenue as may not be required for them. TiiC .■'I lie of U( I till k\ in IT! 1 v.a«: lure, tiie Male ».f .Maine, and a por- ' From the report of the Secretary of tho «i.i(-livO with liie ti. v» ii’iM lit .1 ii,. I .S. ti.Jii of the pc;cple of New-Vork ; birt a 'I’reasury, it will be seen that, alter tho Ic raii'c tin tree ii.,v i;;alii^i of !iie Mi-s,;.. !arg“ ai d res|rfv tal>!c laiti.ber of the Slates , present year, iuch a reduction may be n;ado M;>pi lia l iK't l-ec;i •secure.!. '1 .c L a''!**- ■sou'h-we>t, winch consider the tanll to a considerable extent; and the subject i^ iJre of that Stale made a >tr. ng i.uion-i^lem uijiist and repugnant to the priiici-j earnestly recommended to the consideratiou *.lrance on the .-id jt « t to the (i- in lal (iov-' pl»;> of the Con>!ilution, and that we have j of Congress, in the hope that the combint d erniin it, tiaimiiig th.it !'r-e navi:,>iKu.n as no right to k-ep it up. It is agreed that | wisdom of the representatives of the people tii' ir ri>;lit. ’I'IkA a>>« rfi d tlint tiiMl an*!, J'^^!lee shmhl not l»e doiie to S. C., because , will devise such means of effecting that salu- Nulure had gi\ n ilieiuihis ri.dit ; ai.dtln \ ' ^he has assuint-d a iiienacing attitude.— | tary object, as may remove those biirthei 9 iiK iiacid a withdr.iw.d fioiii llie I nion if it : 1 Ins i: n t a projfr view; it is not just to | which shall be found lo fall unequally upcii was not fil.tauvd f >r tin in. \N !iat was tl:e ihe oiher Stales. Is it any reason, liecause | any, and as may promote all the great in- cours»‘ i f VV a'liiiigtoii! W l.at vs a* the S. C. has acte«i imprudently, that she should , terests of the community.” roursc ol the .\meiuun t ongre's ou this I not r«* * ivc Ju^tlce ( It she has tbrfeited j .\gain, in another part of the message, occnii'ii. They dwl not a-siuiie the ground an\ claim to the consideration ol the General j the I’residrut remarks, tiiat tiiey Would Hot legi?Litc while this me-, (toveruiin.nl, ougbl the other States to in- j “ That manufactures, adequate to the sup- lUice w.is held over tliem. ^t no om* cur the forfeiture ! Nothing can be ; p]y of our domestic consumption, would, in roiild doubt the courMi;e oi W a.suingtou. | erroneous nothing more absurd nothing, j abstract, be beneficial lo our country. No one could di"lilt lli.it be v^ as not pif- I will sa_\, more ty raiimcal, than toopprt*ss ; in> reason to doubt; and, to cllect pared for cviry enn rgrncy. He s;i;il that; all Ihe Southern State>, because fc>. has establishuient, there is perliaps no the governmejit had been c>tabli.shed in a i acted rashly- I do not, said Mr. H. nrgue j \Q,«;rican citizen who would not for a whilo •>»pirit of coni|iromii;, ai.d he rec»imirended j jhis question as a scutheru question. jj^, ^.||ijng jq pay a higiier price for them. tl;ala r;-jfC' tful replv be given to the Slate. 1 bauk («od, in exercise of my legislative , jhig purpose, it is presumed that ;i lie bad laid b*'fore tiie legislature the liicis rights and duties here, 1 can look Ix'yoDii i inriffof high duties, designed for pi.'rfiotiial in tiie ci!» *, dikI the tree uav igatioii ot tiie I the Potomuc. 1 hank Ood, I have a feeling j pryjoction, has entered into the minds of but Mis'*e'»ippi was obtained. which is not conlined to the ^ographical j jjj-The mo^l they havo There was al-so auoiher rase, which vvas limits of any portion of the I . S. 1 can j^. iem|>orary and generally the a^.sumplloIl of ti e State debts. .\t tbi; i lo«.k and j'ldge of niy countrymen north as , jnci^jental protection, which they maintain close ('I the vsar p| the llevoluti>n, Ix'sivif’s | well as »outh ol the i otomac; and I w ish , j|jp efiect to reduce the price of do- of the .^Sutcs. Siieh was 'he diss;iti«ikc-1'‘Jty—1 vvill iitjl do ju.stice, until }tu cume , j,j ^f our coun- tioii which resuliwi from Congress delay- j on viur knees l>efore me. ltryn)en, a spirit of discontent and jealousy, 111" thu paviinnl of these debts for five I do ho|H* if 1 have any pctriotism, it is dangei-ous to the stability of the I’nion.” \eais, that a diMiicmk rment of ihe rniuii I not that UJtrrow, contracted patriotism,! I'hesc are the sentiments of the President wa>i cxprcted. lii niakmg tlii.s refer*'nce which is contincd to gei'grapbical limits.— | regarding tho law which we are now callr.l lit? had no luiention lorast an imputatiiMi on ■ I trust, it is that palriotiMn which looks a- jon to adopt extraordinary means for car- the Sutes, but merely to sUite tJie tiicts.— , brojid over the I nion, and embracas every ; rving it into execution. The Criieral tlovenimeiit iillinailely iissii-■ |K>rfion of niy follow.citi/.nns. .\nd so help j ‘ 1 consider this is a most important med thcM' debts. Su[»pose that instead oft me iod, if my constituents were tjiis day | i con.-=ider it the true means rf taking this course the Ceiieral (Jovrrnmont had ucUhI I'll the idea tlirown out by tho gentleman from New-Jcrboy, that the pride , of the Slate soven i«nties might to be chc-ckrd, wc should n l, >anl .Mr. H. have to demand that 1 should |HM petrate an act I removing the difhculty Mow involved m thu of injustice against any member of ll>>s | ques;;ionr I have rot only adverted to tl.o 1,’oniederucy—that I should do an act in .annual me'Sage of the Prctsident as show. Udialfof N. which would trench upon , ,|,q views of the administration, and tho rights of Maine or of Massachusetts, j pp„,gjy fop the dilficultiei in the sr.utl;, lH.eu at tins moment engaged in this dis- j or Pennsylvania, which I believed destruc-! j would now beg leave lo read from the cuasioii. Hiul iiijoyiin; the privilege to which , ihi.-* ll*»or rnlitU s us. 'I’ho next instanre wn> the repeal of the emUirt'o law in I•'(•7. 'I'his was a meas ure of Mr. .letli rtoii; and one to which he was giealK atlached. Put when ho saw that, bx tlie contimianre of thi« embargo, the I iiion was like to dismemlx'red—did he say that the law imi^t l»e enforced at all htizards^ No such thing. .Vetmg on the convn lion that this is a government of 1 compromise, he re|>eali'd the eml>argo. In his Tv.irks, piililished since hia death, it is made npparent lli.it this was a xery favor ite measure with him. on the ap- ' proach of so dangcrms a crisis, he hesila- Icd not to abandon and repenl it. 1 This is nnolhi r inst.iiu-e of concession c'n the part of the (loiuial (iovernment to States, whirl* re-isti'J the 'dcublful powctff. live of their consiitulional rights, so help «^^fe(j,ry of the Trca- me Cod 1 would resign niy seat and retire to my bonie, rather than |eo|Kirdize the j [Here Mr. B. read an extract from th™ peace ol this Republic—this glorious 1 annual report of the Secretaiy of the Trea perimentof a free (roverument by taking j gyrv on the subject of the reduction of the what jnstly b»-longs to .Nlamo, and unjustly i dul'ies.] to bestow it uf>on N. C., believiug lhat a | 'fhns we have the direct suggestion c ’ man prt senls a more truly dignified attitude I presont administr.'ition, that this is tiv' who refuses lo do an unjust act, than he appropriate remedv. It is the oii-.* who p>rsi-ver*;s in injustice. | jv|.j(.|| was first siiggesttif at the o[«*nin^'of But what are we now called upon to do? j the session, and I Ix-lievc it is calciilatid to We an' called iipon imminently to jeopard achieve all the great objects so DUich to be the public peace, hv a novel and dangerous ; desired, all which it is necessary to achieve, ex|H'riment—to entbrce a law which not | and that witlio-if endangering the republic, onlv a kirge |>ortion of the Vnieriean peo- | W liat is the extraordinary spectacle, I ple’believe unronstilutional, but which 1 ve-! woiikl remark, which the Vinerican republic rilv iH'lieve, if the question were submitted i now exhibits to the world' .\ republic to’thcir individual opinieti this dax.they w hieh has heretofore boasted of its Ireedom vvotiM repudiate and reqmre to be n'jeetevi. |—a republu- vvhicli h;is herv'tolnre pursued cxerciio «'f 'Vo are called iipon to rutiirce a tariff law, the “even nnd |H'act'liii tenor of its way"— ' which 1 l«elivct!ic ninj *rity of the peepk (.•! a vev'ihhe wiiicli i>a> Ih'cii f^Mind vompetcr'