THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. pjr Jfimrnal. CHARLOTI'KI k4TI BDAV, MABC II «3, 1833. We are authori«ed to announce liKALv ktes, Esq* a* “ Candidate lor the Oflicc C'ouo*}’ t^ourt Clerk. We are authorised to announce Prahsam. I10J1PS05, Esq* “* ® ( antJidate for llio Of. •eoft'ounty Court Clerk. We are authorised to announce INI r. Jkn- >ce n* Kebk as a Candidate fur the Of- if of County Court Clerk. I As a number of our readers haveexpres«»*d rriifc to »ee Mr. Calhoun and .Mr. Web. r's Speeches on the Enforcing (or RIoody) II as It ID called, we lay before them to-duy (lart of Mr. Calhoun's Speech. At suoii as firiish Mr. Callioun’tf we wdl cofunieiice |r. Webster’s Speech. I Oc Wednesday night last, we were visit- J by the severest storm of wind, that we nve any recollection of experiencing. We jave not heard of any damage btitif doi i ihc storm, but we fi*ar that serious inju* ■ has been sustained by some. W e puWish thi fullowiog extract of a li*t- ^r from Columbia, for Ihc benefit of o»ir ctnla etigngi'ii in the mercantile buHiness: -rOM.MKRlAl, HANK, / CoiymktM, S. March 7, 1KJ3. ^ > Dut ’ The bank U ni«fcin( tdvancri on a.' froa 70 to cenU (m. r dwL at an iiili're*! ot 1 prt cfiit. atkd a charff of one prr ct*nt tor risk * ripfiUM** until thr (iold ii auld at the mini, r ibc prorcid* including; the prtmtum, are to the rredit ol'tbe omitrr ut the Culd, ic- \'ig onljr the S per crnt. tor the of the •jr tnd all inridvntal eiprnwa iu affecting t)ic 10 P!iilad4 Iphia. |\V« m no* enabli'd to arctMnmodatr the rom- u-.iijr with chi rk* or CbarlrMton and I’bilader and I’. S. Bilia. aZ/ at a \ety niockrate Very rMprelfuIlT, H HITX IMSOX. Ct$hief^ |>Ir. Clay’s Bill for distributing the pro- of the sale of the Public frauds fir the hi five years am«»n^t the srteral Siatrg |t'»rdini; to populuti«n, which the Prcnideiil rHusiHl to sign, »ouW lta\c given to this Die J1.30,(HHI a jear, for the next .’i yiars. IIS fund would have enabled North Caro- ra to etR-ct many taluuble objinrls. j ^nr Papcrt.—The t ‘amden and l>anras- ’ Beacon, which has been discontinued fur time ba» been rrcomnionce*! agnin un> r the name of “ Thr (’amHen Ri publican l^ira^rr Bracon," edit'-d and ptibli«h- |r| by Mr. .Smuel U cir. It advocates the 1 ' Inne »if .Nullification. "e have received tl»e fin»t No. of a dail> ler printed in Charleston, C. c*ll.*d ‘ - lhil>j Adrfrtitir” edil»*d by Mr. W . ill, 4ls> per annum. It is neatly printed. I T - WVstern Carolinian of the 11 th inst. ■ iin'i the following |Kira^rapli; i)I.I) MM KLK.SUI ki;. time •ince. »r hrard «itJi no itnall J« "nT wrpriw.that llie J’atiioiic and KrfH.Ui4n ■iniT of MrrklinHur;, had pi-nr o»rr l» the cn- »T. Ttx- rrpoft raiM from rather a que«tiuuabt t’frr. iod wc did twl therefurr, put thr nx4t un fit r^ith in ti»r a>M rtKin. i.a*t *rek. it beiof !rt an-k) wr wrrr m the nMintv. and had a i»1 ojiportunity of aarrrtainin{ the M-Dtimmta ol I^MjA.and we wrrr proud in twini undt--ei»ed t »ffr proorf to kcr tb« ipirit of ’7t. (till ali\r old rrp«bliran M rklenbtirir. M>*t ■iin* hat ! *rt tur^uilca ItK- k-atoiu inculcaUU by thiir r«. " '• cannot aay ihnt wo rightly underrtnnd Eiat thi- I'lditor n| thr Caroliniun wi'-ans by lij |'ar3;ra(,J)....if ure to nndrnttand him f n» an tlwt the county of MicklenUirg ii. f favor ot‘ Nullifirali(*o or Stale Uighlii ai t”!fn.Vd for by Soulh-Cnrolina and \'ir- f':i". think he has nhol w ide of I hi* mn rk. * dni n(t irit(>ud nolicing this pamgru|ih, | l l'«*lii vina It ma\ h.ivc n londi-ncy lo de- rue iktwmih mIio are iiol well ac|uumted [ 111 llip Inie n) nliiiif>titi of this county, wt* ki.iioiltt |( M|iiii>ut KaNinp, that fmm (Vrr>«n pernonal obMT\nlion and from in- rcceixiMl from gentlemen who ''I'portuiMty of knowing iMiinrtliiiig l!*e ftilinipnt** of this cHjuly, that not •'f* llian onc-third of the volers nf this tjnly are in lavor f.f the>«c iloctrines. I lip ( ommitlec appointod t« driermini P pliice fur llic rens^mbiing nl r • niot, ('oijwiiiioii „f .‘N.ulli-Curuiina, r '”f ‘’'’•>»nlrriiliiin the late [kiikuko r,( I 'cill lull, Hhich has Ix n considored a pnitcilim,,^^ fwrticn, fCi'f-n mdii-c I),lit tlif meeting of said 1 "n''iilifin, Mliti-h wiiH 10 have l.ikcn plare I ''ndiiy last, IS (K>si|K)ne(|, without new i’"-' 'he iloiiMiMiii |,„rlv nl.ould n.ll for '’"'■'I opposition from tli«* iVi.'tid*. of the If. " f "iiuuiion, mIiui iI will bo proinptlv ■'ivokt-d. ' 1 iip S(nj)|,.( piirwant "■ f'»«l!itnaii.)n of the IVmdent, met in -ii Ihr 11th HIM. and w,„ ralU-d Wucr by the i’fcsuJwi, why udvircs^vd the Convention in a short spcech. 131 oiembers were present. Mr. James HamiU ton, jr. resigned his seat as President, when Uobert Y. Hayne, Esq. (Governor) waselec- ted to fill the vacancy. The Convention has passed the following Ordinatices. ORDINANCE. Whereas, the Congress of the United Slates, by an act recently passed, has niude such a roduclion and modification of the duties upon foreign imjxirls, as amounts substantially to an ultirnale reduction of tho duties to Ihe Itevenue Standard; and that no higher duties shall belaid than may be necessury to defray the economical ex- penditures of the (Joverninent, ijr therefore Onlained arul Declared, That the Ordinance entitled “An Ordi- nance to Nullify certain acts of the Cdii- gri-ssofthe I'niled States, purporting to lc laws laying duliim un the importation of foreign coiiimodities,” and all acts passed III puiMiance thereof, be bvncefi.rth deemed and hold to have no force or tfil ct; piuvid- ed that the act entitled “ an act turlher to alter and amend the rnilitia law« of this State,” iiasHod on tho UOlh day of Dcccm. U-r, shall remain in force unlil it hall be rt jiealed or modified by tl*e Legis- lalure. AN ()ltOI>\N( i: To Nullify an Act of (\>n|'reM of the I'. Staten, entitled “ in Act furthir lo pruvid- lor the lol- liction of duticn on iui|«rUi," coiiiuMiily tailed the Force itill. K, the jieople of tho Stale of South- Carolina in Convention ai^-mblcd, do dc- dare ami Ordain that the Act of the Con* greua of thv I’nited States, eniltlcd “ an Act further to provide for the collection of duties on iin|tortii,’' approved the ‘id dav ol Man h, l‘-33, u uoauihurized by the Cod- •titution of the t'nited Slute:^, siib'ver»ive of that Con.stitulK>n, and detarui live tif puWic liberty, and that the mme u and shall be d«H?iiH,*d null and void within the limits of this .tale; and it iihall be the duty of the lyjgislature, at such time as they irmy d«-cm ex{iedi( nt, to adopt »uch niensureti and [lass such acts as iiiuy be n«-ce*»ary t(» prevent the enforcement thereof, and t«» inflict ,'rop. er pi-naltie« on any penjon who ahall do anv act in e\r*cutiou or eiifurceinent of the name wiihin the limit# of llnii .'^tate. UV»/o f'urlhrr (/nitttn and drclarc, that • l»« allegiunccof the ciliju;iu of this .Stale, whilf they continue *«uch, mdue to tho said Slate ; and that olK'dietice o4il\, and not al- l?giancc, IS due by them to anv other |)ow. »*r or authority, to Mhom a control over thmi ha» l>e« n, or may be delegated by the .‘'tale: and the lii-neral As.sf'inhly oi'the !»aid .State la h*reby einfWMert d, from lime to time, when tliey may deem it proper, to pMViikf for the adminulration to the citi- z*ns aiMl otlicera of the State, or such of the mid otl'Heri* os tliey may think lit, ol’ suitable rtalhs or affirm.itions, binding them to thf obs« rvance of such allegiance, and abjuring all other allegiance; and, alno, to di.fiiio Hhat »hall amount lo a violation of their alh giance, and to provide the projx.r punii>hiiKnt lor such \iolalion. The Convention adjourned on .Muuda v last. A Mon ifi a 'I'houMnJ.—A pentlvman caiw into the counting-room yesterdav, and hiniM-lf to th** book-kce|>* r, “ Sir,” said he, “ I hu\e read your paper for eight) «n nionthfi, and uUavs lM)rrowt‘d It; now It n IhiI fair that I sliould subi-Trilie for It." Suiting the aition to the »*ord, h»- •• ponied up” liKir dollars, and registered hi«i naim- on iHir sulwcription list. How »« ld«m are {whlic journalists che«*r»*d with Mich encouragement—IfittltM Traruu'Hjtt. W'e can sm) to sooie not a liutvlred mili-s fn>m Cliarlutte conn* ainl do likewise l>’ye take. The ashinglon tJlobc of the 6th inst. says, xoitenlny, the Diplomatic representa tives of the diir-rcnt foreign governments. Mailttd u|M»n the I’reMdfiit toofler theircon- gratulalions on his re-t,li*clion, and to assure him ol the liiendly divpwtotion of liieir own counlrn's towards the I'nite*! Slale>>. They were rcci ived and introduced to the Presi- dent, by Ihe Sc*crctary of Stnlo, in the pres ence of the Heads of Df|»arttiients, at one o’clock, and Mr. .‘'tiiui kieh, Minister Plen ipotentiary of France, made the following address on their l>ehalf: •Mr. 1‘rckidkst : The I>i|itnnialic Body acrred- itrd lo the (lovi rnnirnt of thiit Krpuhlir, ha«U'n to nlTcr lo your K\iel!vncy lh«ir reii[M'clt'ul trhciui- lion» on your ■•■coiid litau|:tiratiun as I’rt't-idrnt ol' thr I'niteii Slain. They f.-cl axMired thi» nc-w and flaUerint' proof of the roiiiidcnrc of your fullow-cilixrnii raunol but I'rcallv rniilribiit'f to rontinn those friendly roUtiitii* which ali idy ex- lit W twM-ii this Kepoblic and the li'ovcrnnienfii r. prrw nil d at Wtshinj^ton—relations which your t.»n Ih iicy haji »o happily pre»rtv«d and t ntuiided durint; the lour yei.ri of your first rrcvidrnuv. I istn in It, Mr. rreKident, at oiicc a happineFS ■ nd an hoiinr lo lie, on an occamon mi inlrre^liui;, tho iiiler|rttcr of the icnttincnta which aiiiinalr thr l>iploiiialtr !)>dy low ard> you, |>er>onaIlv, and to ciiTt r you, in tlieir name, the linccrc wmhis whidi evi'ry one of iht iii truly entertniiia lor ihc iiicri-noiiiK |>ru«pcrily of tliu Kcpublic, for the firiii- iirsk ol' III iinii'n, and cii|)ccially, .Mr. I’rciidcnl, for rvcry thinj that c»ii contributu lo your owu jKTaonal Kluiy mid happniCK*. To this .\ddrcs8lhc 1’re.sident made the follow ing rrply: II civca III!' ({foat plcaciire, jjciitlrmen, to n reive by Ihc organ of the cldmt and hijjlily rpsis'ctcd iMciiilirr of the |li|iloni:itic lt»>ily, near llic govern- incnl of the United State*, the coii(rratulationi you uv tg olKr vn my re-iUxtiuu, and, abuvc ail, the an8urunce« foe my country of tjic friendly dinDoaition of thowj whicli you represent. It has been a principle object with me, to culti- vtttc that dwpogilion by tlie sincerest desire to die- rish kindly feelints, eitend the advantages of com- lucrce, promote the interchange of every discove- ry ill arts and science in ivace, and lesitcn by hu mane atipulations, ti.e evils of war, when, unfor- tunately, that scourgc of ihu human race Incomes inevitable. Itv|ieat tliese assiiriinces, gentlemen, to tiic sev. erul governments you rcprencnt, as the invariable rule of iny conduct towards tiicni; and, Ibr your- sejvts, accept tho otTnr of the high respect and rc. gard Ibr you individually, with which your con- duct during your rrsidrnre here has inspired me. Shockinf; Murder.—We learn that a murder was coiniiiilted in Anson County last week ; a dispute nrofie U.'tween a man by the name of Obcdiah Duinax, tf Kich- inoiid County, and ono VV'ilhain Newton, when tho latter mflicted five wounds u|M>n .VIr. Dumas with a knilc, who survived but al>*ait two hours. New ton had l»eeu arres ted and committed to Aiir«in Jail to uwait his trial.—J'uytlltcillc Obncroi r. j FaUil Accident.—Wc nre informed that Miss .Martha ^ oung, ii^red alKiut 17, daugh ter of John I County on Ihc .M.IIIII.1 l ouiig, (i^reoaiKiut l,claugll. I I John Voung Esq., of Buncombe ly, w:i8 drowned in Swannano Iliver,! ' lie ‘2‘,’J ult. 'I'he circumstances at-i .n „ ■ Temperance Prize Question—With the design of promoting the temperance re formation, which has been so successfully commenced in the U. S. the Pennsylvania Stale 'J'emperance Society, has united with several benevolent individuals, for the pur pose of raising a sum, as a premium, to be awarded to the author of tho l)C8t disserta tion, embracing the following questions, viz: 1. What is the history of the origin of Akdknt SriBiT, and of its introduction into medical practice ? 2. What are its effects upon the animal economy f and H. h there any condition of the system, in health or disease in trhich Its use is in- dispensuhle, andfor which there ii not an adequate .Vibstitute 1 It is de.^irable that the premium should l)C at least 6i*‘iOO, and etforts will bo made to raise it to 1,000. At present, however, we are authori/.iid to pledge a premium of but ^>800, which w ill be awarded in money, a gold medal, or in plate with a suitable in- scription, at the option of the successful writer. Dissertations innst be transmitted, post the Rev. II. IV. NUch, jVVtr- York on or before the 1st of January, 1831. WEEKLY ALMANAC. MAftCH, 1833. SuniS^ MCX)N,S PHASES, rinea sets. 58 6 57 6 566 i!3 Saturday, 24 Sunday, W5 Mondoy, 26 Tuesdiiy, (s 55 27 Wednegdoyls 531_ 2b Thursday, 5 586 2> Friday, (s 5116 For March, 183:1. I O. H. M. 'Full 5 11 46 aft’n Laat 13 0 46 aft’n New 21 5 57 morn. First 28 5 38 aft’n tAYETTEVlLLE, MARCH 19. Brandy Cwniac 11} a 2j Pcacb 55 a 60; pie 4o a jO ; Bacon, 6i a 7^ ; Beeswax, 17 a Hogging, 13 a 17; toffee, 13 a 15; Cc Ap- 174; Cotton, Nails cut, 6^a 6}; wrought, 18 a 20; Ru’ni. Jama- 70 a 75; Steel, American, 8 a 9 j Eng. blistered’ 16 a 19; German, 14 a 17 ; Tallow 9 a 10: W heat’ 80 a b5; Whiskey, 36 a 40. * deceaseH, in company with a Miss Rrvson, i K’ a device, or motto, corre.sponding !a ycKing lady of ali.ut her own left ' ' "" “P;>nymg sealed , Mr. Young’.-Ik.,,se to attend s,:hool ^,er , I'f T I the river, and while in Ihe act of crowing I | • , ! the ru. r, on the log extended acro-ss as ^ ‘ accompanv mg the jfoot bridge, MissB. gn-w giddy. and ^i^rtation came so much alarmed as to fall oil' herself, ^ 'f rf'««ertations, land at tho same time, overturn her com-disposal of the,r authors. ; panion, by w hom the was led and assihtcd. j Adjudicators consist of- .Miss H. was borne down by the current i wniie distance and washod on shore, when; I she lay lor uliout half an hour insensible, but at length rcccivcred, and bv her cries alarmed the neighl^ors, whin she was as- siHied home and the body of .Mias Young I sought alter, but which was not I'ouikI until several du\s alter, and about 10 miles be- low the place where bhe tell in. Uutherf.rdtvn Spectator. An alTmy, sa\s the Tnrlwrough Free Press, to4ili plucMj on the l‘'ih ult. lietween ' Thonms tjniy aud James !trick!and, ini Halifax county, whnh terniinuteii in the! death ol the latter, limv al>>-cfindcd. j itiiUigh Star. Jon^C^ WauaEs, M. D. Professor of Anato my and Surgery. Harvard University, Biston. Thomas Sewall, M. D. Profrssor of Anatomy and Physiology, Columbia College, Washing ton, I). C. Bosi.kri Vac*, Esq. President of the Prnn- iiylvanii State Temperaiicc Society, Philada. P.a«»a Ci.KVKi.AND, M D. Professor of Chijiiistry and .Matetia .Medica, Bowdoiu Col- Ujje .Maine. Vani.i sch Livi.’wstcw, Westchester County, Nett-Y«,rk. Df-njamin SiLLiMA.N, M. D. Professor of Chem- istry, Vnle College, New Haven, Conn. rRAM'u Watland, D. II. PreBidentofBrown I'liivi rtily, Providence, Rhode Island. WiujAM (.JoouExx, Snior Editor of the “(rt'oius of Tein[»erance,” New York City. Ki W. W. Niles, Secretary of the Board, i Tj' l idiUirs of jm[irrs and other periodicals, in I the I'. S. will confer a favor by publishing this _awi£(saiui'x UK. V^AHEFIELD INFORMS the Ladies and Gentlemen of Char lotte his intention to be at Dr. Boyd’s Hotel, on the 4Ui of March, where he will be happy to wait on tboae v>ho may desire his professional ser vices. He humbly trasta that bis experience in the profAssioo w ill entitle him to as liberal a pat- ronaga in iJiis place a§ hitherto eztendod to hia exertions ia others. NATURAL or ARTIFICIAL TEETH inser ted singly, or in sets, on gold plates, so closely re sembling nature as to escapc detection and per fectly competent to the purfKMCs of mastication. Every other ofieration on the teeth performed wiUi scien'tiflc skill and the least possible pain. Dr. W. has letters from gentlemen of the Mcd- ical Faculty, on the subject of bis professional ca pacity, which are open to the inspection of tho public. Churlotte, Feb. 23, 1833. MR. P. K. SAU?IIER WILL give lessons on the PIANO FORTE. He may be cdnBulted at the Store of .Mr. A. Saunier. Charlotte, March 15, 1833. 4t32 noUcc. The Ilev John II. Nou>it\T,ofthi».State, j has ari-e[»ti-(l a call to Si. Ji.lm’s Church,! Aneirasire Answer.—“ Well, .Mr. M.” Kiioxville, 'i’enn.—Halt ifrh Rc^i^tir. i aske«l an acquaintance ofa celebrated horse- —♦— ' dealer, who was leaving; Loii" Pole Wel- A letter from ColnniLia informs ns that lej^ley Ihe other day, “ have you been paid 1 a large a>*.>r(ribla;;c of |>cr>ons [ araded the j your hill —“ .\o,” replied the hero of the streets of tliiit place on the ni^'ht of the } manger, “ I always "cts an ewasive answer I3ih inst. U;aring :i tr.inspari'ncv, repre-, w hen I axes for it.”—“ What was his ex- M*nting .Mrgsr?. I)k.ivt(i\, Hi .vik ami cuse to day T’ asked the enquirer,—“ Vy, MiTriin t, which w as exhiliited in various he said he'd see med—d first,” replied .M.— p.nrl« of the town, a-coni[)amcd with inuMC, | London Paper. and the luKitin;; and hu/jtaiii;: f the mob; ai'Ji* 1 ii, l-l j—li'.j.— utaja ailer which, lo the shame, the eternal • , r^ I .i'll.. . I . .1 !• . ' 111 Prownin;; ( n-ek hwainp, Moore countv, on .l.-inie, ol the }xr^Htr,Uors riot the objects ^sq. Daniel D. , ol iho inipotuit (lUtraiio, these geutleiuen I'jitrrton, Kw]., measuring 4 feet 10 inches in wen* hun^ and burntd in efiifiy, in front of height, to .Miss .Wuiy .Vr/ariuurf, oieasuriug 6led tlie Theatre. NN’e understand th^t i vicm. * boih ol Kiciimond county. j hrr of the ('onrmtion was among the crowd, \ I'lus loving pair, when to ihe bar anJ sanctiowd the disgraceful scene h) his ^ expressions of gratification.—Chas. Cour. I There was Iml one vote South of the Po tomac apniriM .Mr. Ci Av’ti TiJritrBill, and that wasCiiiHL>:s Fi:.\to.n .Merckr’si, of N irginia—thal j;eiitleman is a candidate for re-eleclioii, and he is t ailed u|>on, through the Alexandria (lazette, for the reasoiis which induced him to oppose the measure. Land Ibr Kale. 4VALU A BLE Tract of Land containing 750 acres, with a good dwelling house, first rata barn, gin-housc and all necessary out-buildings, lying three miles east of Charlotte. The land will Iw? divided to suit purchasers or sold all together. Persons wishing a desirable farm would do well to e.xamine the premiges. For par ticulars, apply to Thomas L. Hutchison. A rco. sonable credit will be allowed. ABRAM F. ALEXANDER. ^farch 11. IF'33. 4t32 The Beautiful and high-hlooded .Irabtan HOIVSH WILL stand the ensuing Season near Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county, N. C. at the naoderale pricc of Ttceha Uoluiit llie >eason ; Smen DoUart the single leap, to be paid at the time of service; and Sixteen Dol lar* for insurance. Particular attention will bo paid to .Mares cent from a distance, but 1 shall not be liable for any accidents or escapes whatever. The Se.ason to commence 1st of April and end the SUili June. The Fall Season the 1st Septem ber and end the 20lh October. The subscriber intends taking Selim to South- Caruliiia or Tennessee this winter, therefore tho present is the only opportunity the citizens will have of breeding from him. Those who frc de sirous of raising horses for the turf, or for other purposes, w ould do well to embrace the present op portunity. It IS well established that the Arabian Horses surpass all others for beauty, activity and durability. SELlSl was raised by Richard C. RhodesjEsq. of Robeson county, N. C. of whom the subscriber lately purchased hiiu, whose certificate is hero bubjoiued. CERTIFICATE. This certifies that I have this day sold to Wm. S. Norment, a grey stallion callcd Selim, who will A LL persons indebted to the subscriber by ! years old in May nest, (lb33) whose pedi- - » Note or Book .Account, arc requested to call gree I here subjoin. and settle them by the first of .May. Those who | SELIM was got by Sahdin, who was imported (*!' Hymen tliry did come, Kiifht neatly d^es^’d, in all there best. Near l)ro\viiiii|r Creek’s broad run— Tliere join’d their hands iu wedlock’s bands. Seal’d with the bridal kiss : Ak Danny reach'd and Marv stoop’d To coiisuuimale tlieir bliss. I'aytttetille Observer. W'r liavp Mis ilio ^ ^ 'hP'i'«-Ives of this nulac, will be dealt from Tripoli by Richard B. Jones, Esq. late Amer- \ • L ™ I asliin^- rigorouily, without respect of persons, icon Consul at that plaec, who selected him with tou ((leo.) .News, ot the *th inst. that the ' 'I'HO. H.ARRIS. 'the greatest cart and attention from the whola storm of l''i iday la«l, wus indml a “ furimis | Charlotte, March 22, 1833. 3i32 | »lud of the liashaw, and was declared to be of tho gale” in niaiiv iilaees—some lives have been , i highest Arabian race ever imported in- littt—the new III i.'k Tciiirt lloiKM* Inielv Pier I AOIICK. , to Barbary. His sire, Ae/ed, was imported from I , ... ,, • , ■ IBY Virtue of a Deed of Trust to me executed, I the kingdom of Scnnaar, hi« dam, Gauina, via^ toil III laltNitton, ialbot Couiily, wa» blown | p for ihe purposes therein mentioned, 1 will 'selected from the stables of the Emperor of Mo- down—and much iiijUry done to plantations (.ell for CASH, on U'ednesday, the 24th of April, j rocco and sent as a present to the Bashaw of Trip- ill various jvirts of the St.ilc. | " m. MtJimst y’s store, two miles nortli of Pen-1 oh- The dam of Selim was got by the Brunswick I i mau’stJoUl .Mine’alloftheST(.H.‘K ofGtKlDSon ' "U* one of the best Mares in this country.— I . hand belonging to said .MeJinisey, consistinjr of I Brun«wick was got by 7>/ma-Au«, sire ofthe'old I n led states Branch , * I MmUor; his dam by the Rainbow. Tele.naehus I HaiiK at Na'h\ille, )?1 ll, letter C. No. .'>01, IFTJ faOOflw^ i was got by the impoiteil horse of the same name. I \ ignette, Knple, the U(i|x r llire on tho die o:0. Ac. | RICHARD C. RHODES. on the left hand im|X‘rfei't, the names of Sale to continue from day to il.iy, until all are sold, j -Vorr A Ilf A, 1S33. .lo.Mali Nichol and of A. VanwNck lx)th on „ .lA.MLS CONNOR, 3Vu*iee. SELl.M is a beautiful dapple grey, fifteen and a ithe face and in the en.loisement written ' ^ higb. with the most elegant mane I , , I have ever scon—in lact he possesses all the char- , finer thnii in the genuine, p-neral apiM-ar-1 ", ^ ^ , , acteristic marks of the full.blood«d Arabian-* ance good, |»a[)cr line, but ol a li;»ht color. I , ,.*‘‘1^^’“'^'* , * ’•'o™ trading singular and beautiful head—he can drink with yashrille Oaztttc. , Ti Miles B. „ ju„t bowl. His charactcr u nowr I Aberiiathey, on the Jlst day ot January, lt-33— tstablii,hed a.s a sure foalgetter. WILLIAM S. NORMENT. . one tor UKi dollars, due the-1st of.April: the oth- Litllc Rock, ( \rk.) Ft h. Ti—The stenm-1 er for 2l»0 dollars, due the 21st of January, 1834. er .\ikans:i\v arrived here on \\ uilnesday i* P“vnient for a’l'ract of evening, eisht davs from Xcw-Orleans, I and I am de- an.l on Thursday noon departed for I'ort' L7a'Zt ™ .P'Edited by (JideonB. Smith, is issued every Fri^.r, — ^ ' ; Uranct IS runo\td. m Baltimore, at $.) ;>crannum, lu advance. Con- J.\.'\fI'S L, ROSS. tents of the 52d Number. Lincoln Co. March IP. 1^33. .'?t.^2 March 20^1S33. 4l33 The Aiiirricaii Farmer, Cilwon. 1 ti’ov. Ptokts, of North-Carolina, one of jthe Indian Commlj'sioiiers, was passenger I III the ^.rkansaw, on his way to join hisas- sociate.s at the (’antonnient. The steamer Nile arrived on Thursday w ith the contractor’s stores, and on the fob TleADA.n'i H taken piM;e»»ion of the HOUSE OF EN'niKTAl.V. MENT, formerly ocrupied by H. A. ‘lr.\p.*MS, and recently by .Mr. A. R. low ing day departed for th* Cantonment, j Hi fHN, lesiH-ctlullv inlbrnis tlic public she is pre- I |>ared to accomnio!atc Mammoth C‘>tton Stalk.—The dry stalk ! Travellers A: BoanlerWj ot a cotton plant, grown in lexasthe last I and solicits a share of ]>atronagc. No attention ia.»in iimn inB»>r> i ru h.-j season, has liCs ii left at our ollice, by Capt. I will •>« wanting on her p«rt to render aalist’action , ^"i^To'TrantT’Drel^nie^ PohngVThe Ty Dilisiiioor, whn h is really a curiosity. to thrwe who may-layor her «ith their custoiii. j Oatht ring; Drying: Bagging—Great Hog measures 15 feet in length, and eight inches ! '—Raising Seed Oiiions—Hints to Farmers on c,rc,„„r,,.e», .1,. r,.., dcc,o.,i„B j ' "TCI. f.;..l. «C«ar,l. j 1;:^ gradually to the top. ' ^ the :iOl ot It liruary IbhI, runaway from Editorial; t'^loseofthe Fourteenth Volume ; .\n- swer lo Queries on making l.)il from the Stedsof Sunflowers; Obituary notice of'the death of Rich- ard K. Mtade, Esq. of Frederick County, Virginia. —The Fireside Reflections of a Buckingham (Virginia) Farmer on the Improvement of .\gri- culture—On the Cultivation of Corn—Culture of .Mangold VN’uncl as a Field Crop—On the Smut in Wheat, and the Causa of it—Dialogue between a City OlRcer and a Practical Horticulturist ou Piantini and Pruning Trees—on tlie Culture of Hops; llotanical IX'scription; History ; Projicr M itli the exception of the Palma Christi, it is Ihe largest deciduous jibnt that we re collect to have scon.—.Mobile liigister. The venersblo Jamis .'Mauisu.'i, on the 5th inst. ' coinintnccd bis Siltli year. rjd ot rt liniary IbhI, runaway trom , vertisenieiits. me iny bound boy J.\M1^S PLII.M.Ml'R.— . ::i;: The alsive reward will l>o given lor the deiiverv | Wll I,’ I> 1 I'kL'' iriK oftheaboNe JameK .\ll pfrn.ns arc Ibrcwurncd I from harlK>ring said James, as I am determined to Lands sold for Taxes ; tor Lands sold enforce the law in every instance airainst everv of- M under a rit of Fii ri l-acia.«; and Ibr LcniN fender. SUSaNNAH ALlj.\.\^Di;R. ' nuld under a Writ of Vendiuoni Exi’ouas—for su.\ March 13, lt?33. ' a'- this UiHcc.