VOli rui.^TKO AMi VMILlSlli;i> i;\i:hy mi l im »V _ * /'Ai I itiiA i, jji 1 IjOM \,s j. »>i/ioN.... ii\u!.tk'rri;, . ■ w».,. TK.tr„ TO,. TO P.HKCK TMC BOU 0> T.H ORT„ ^ III. .^111illKI.hI■ u; l oiM V, » ii-t Aut>i7i\Ar , .MI.rAI.S « I(I. II wil l, (ilVf KTKKMiTII TO (II II 1UM,S A\I1 HUDJKJrT Al.l, NA'IXIIK TO Oirll USE AND Pl.EASl^li — SA'IU iii}\\\ ! iTHj, Ih:j:{~ =0=..===.-^ DR. JOHNSON. THK iiB(>iV A; rariiierN^ Journal j •irinlt d •nd inibli.^liuU every Haturiluy iiKiriiiii^ gt Tieo Dollar! per aiinuni, it'paid in advance ; 7ifo Vollartand Ct-nlt if not paiil in vaiict'; Thrre DoUiir* al tlic end of llie jmr ^,.,,,Kr..,..ur«(.K^«xceodmK^ mc..)for.l„. „j, ^ ftrM.uK.rt.on and Jocrnu forc»ch«ucc.oJin, ^ - L fir kitl lor Uircr wcfk». for out* wiiiurc.— . r 1 •' . • x^iich niiiic Clin «!is.iU*y—ilif aulliorily >l ■•oiiMi!iiii..n, vm- inf>,iii ti-4 a rnii:i/iti.\in!il NO. 1:13. written record. In the diacussiuti of a constitutionnl qncstion, 1 intend to irnpoeo u[)on liirn tlio restraints of conslilutionai lanfTuaKf!. Tlio people have ordained a conatitutioi revolution rnnihiirl," Imt, simi.ly iii;(] diri'fllv, f/u conriilitlioti, tin,* (’(iii!iiiiifhfiil law ; tii.il if ur ^1 liif llirtT wci kB, for one w|iiurv. A liber.l.l..counl will be- made to tti...„ who ,|.e,n.olVTs. .dur.i-.hytJi..ycnr. 3. Onalladv.rt.-onKi.t. , IVesi.Jent, II.Mow (l„ r«iiiifMuaicaU(J fur publication, tfio ntiiiiUr o! ^ ,i . , ... hihHkhi. inu.ll«.-not«l on ll.c-ni.rtin of Hi. ^'’1' >'V ^ ‘'-"'h'- H„ ro be oi.f. w.,r.| in 11,.,- lan-n.i-o svl.ul. Z,Zn,U or *).‘y co..U,ld UI.U1 "»'=•« ho I... s.j.l, ,h- ,,..0,.!. of ,he I . S. nml-i-.an,!, tli,. is •• ■ • • I'O li«s.lcftn.'.| ,„T.-.„ary to Ihejust rvi.L. th;.t vvunl. Wo Ln.wi.o nioio of a rO«. italion niid dcl.-riro oj hi^ nun in.liliml .v/,/////,»f,fi/,77,clv.eoii S ivnt iyn iiow- i haractrr nml cotiilm t. On tins, I .sii:il| i-js, thiin uo Iviin.v (.f a cnii'ilihitiZiol iii. ofU r no cofiifM-iit, Miicli toj has cMti.>i>-tf(i ■Ic.'il !,(■ c, liM'viini : (.r a c ui-ililiitu'>n:il \)\W IMilifiml lil)orty, anil llie lii>loty >! Ih'O in- d( « \;li.ni^r. |5ut ui- kiioH what llii' con- ••liliiliont; am) of other toi.ir.-, so o.-n. ral stitutu.n is; w.- li,ow wliat tlic |,lai:;lv 111; Kite, |.rinif, ‘JJ • -’3; infnor to yj t m llieir nature, as to |m)»wss, in my o|>iiiion, wnlli n fuiid.ina-iit.ii bw is ; we know wjjui r.our, •ii|»tHiic, •> b 00; Corn, ii'.’ a I..'*; ''•"V r*‘iiiolf ln'niii g 0:1 the iiiiiiicJialc ihe IkjihI nf «,ur I niiiti ami ihr jjccdritv of >ii«. t" a .VI; U lii.key, m a 3^ ; .\ K. Kij,,,. sijl jpi t «f this di fwitr. oiir lil;; ri; - js ; :;,;H we ii,c ;in to tiialiitaiii some .'iiid to di'iend it, in its pluin s«.-;isc utid u.i- ■•i|llll»lis, :iOjilii^!it iitel III) 11;. II. I^rd. -J) a :»;.>«il»,rut. 5|«iic(.u uun [nrls of j,,.„l!c!iiatrs prooosi. ■ M « I*i; IN>|>e, fi a ID I« III*; Ihe s|)0»rli iio.v juii « oni Itided, in.iy jiroha. tii.n, llien I', ocni.r bfaiidv, l.'»0 a ; llolUjiiHiin, I'*** a h!y Ix* jiistiv regardi'd as c Ir.Hi, Hii.wia and 6^1 at‘ |b r lh».; ^vtioh‘ S itilh ( oriatitution; can they reject it without roinimi fiv i.Ifn.Mtir.* 11 . ’ i i- 1' ^ ■ evolution? I hey huve established u form LOininu. .IX i.Itop tner. \,(>wdl not give up c-iir aitie!.', to tins conli'deration, ' of CJovornrnent; can they overthrow it ^ems in loriiis of political ^|;^■e^;!l to tin; aiiiinan. and joining' in the nieasiiios of the L’. fc?.,' withcHJt revolution ? These are tho truo utliont_\ anrf ('t lno school o| nnllifiontisjn. Hy the shall bo adiniltcd ii;to tiic I'nion.” | questions. forbid, and «b*rt{cd arwrdingly. ' All c«niiiiiiiiitalion» to tlie l^iitnr ninit roinr I>«• of j»j/«g»’,of they nmy not b' altcndi d lo. TIIK .>1 lUhl-TM. ( HAKI»T»N. Al'IJII. I, l^.^•^. Collou, Si-a lalaiid, lA a 3U; iifiland, new, 10) a >il*, !>■ a .VI; \Vliii.liey, .» i a Jt; .N. K. I.’uui, •'ijl jf'i t ol this ilc^witr. go«i’, r, a 3*: Api'le'Hrandy, 10 a , li. ,-.. |>„{ the peiitleiiiaii’s speerh, mai!.' ax, 17 at«.; T.llow.rarolina. 11 a II; ; Mo. k- Ill .Vo. I. ; b; Itaron, b a ; Ilaiiiii, , in. II. I^rd.^i a ;»,.Nail».rut.5jai;enU r.-solut...lis th.i„H,lv.s, and pr 1 questions. Ilavin;; thus used the terms rafi/y and | Allow me now, Mr. President,to inr|uire coiifu ni, cvcii in rejrard to the old contedera- , farther into the extent of the pro[Ki«itiona tioii, it would have hern stran;rc, indeed, if contained 111 the resolutions, and their nc- iho jwopic of the I iiiled ytutns, after its | consequences, ri.rioiilioii, and when liiey came to establisii U herc sovereign communitiea are par- llie piosfiit e;oi.«lilntifin, had HiMikon of the I tliere is no essential difference be- Stall's, or the people of ihe Stales, as uc- tween a com|)act, a confederation and a to tills coii.s-tituiim. h!uch Ian;;ua^e leajfue. 'J'hey ull equally rest on the ... , . , ''nliiio ..f «'..p,uliiiMship, a wonld have Ixeii ill MJilcJ to the occasion. [>liglitcd fuith of the sovereign party. A «.l phih -ophi. al reinai.i upon the ni.lnrc o! de.wl „( r, i.M vnm or a • m-ilitiili.vvil lull |, „ouM Lav in.phod an existin- Bipara- league, or confederacy, is but a subsisting lion or (iisaiiion atii(.i!g the Stales, such as ur continuing treaty, iifver bus cxisfci] ^ince 17* I. No such i’lic gentleman’s resolutions then, affirm lanpiiugi*, then ture was used. The Ian- •'* eflLct, that these twenty.four U. States ;;ua::e actually employed is udopf, vnlinii, licld together only by a subsisting rsfahli:;!;, j treaty, resting for its fultilment and continu- ’i’tiei tiiire, .Sir, since any Stnfe, k.fore uHce on no inherent fHJwer of its own, but 'he can prove her ri^ht to dissolve the!*^*' t'*® |ili»litod fitiih of each State; or, in I iiioii, iiiujt .show her authority to undo uords, that our union is but a league, •V juit om iiKieii, proba- t|i>n, lher lore, imi .i :.t oil al!i cl. .1, «,i„'way w hat L.ii iK on done, no State is at liberty ' “s a conseqiR-nce from this pro|>ositioii, rigariii a « c ii.ii.iiiimjj ^the or ilr; otli r, by the u.>e of tlus word.— ! l i .v' l’to'r , on the pround that she and other tlify further athrm that, as sovereigns aro uriiliiiu d(i4 truie. 1 h :t •i i.j.t pnip. mIioii siill U, ih:.t oiir >tein Slatc.s lia\e done nolliiii'r but «rm/c. She S'ubject to no superior power, the States ' ■ ' ■ ■ ..." ri»ht to rertrsr niiist decide, each for itself, of any alleged tci vnsitth- and violation of the league; and if such viola- tohli'thai, to rc- sujjposed to have occurred, each e and to 1 'oiiy ado[it any mode or measure of redrtss ratifid ■ l^ecause 'vhicii it shall think proper. ii;d{e,i ihlii';-, and thii!;;s of iiilgl.ty .uro the in nis w hich express the Other consequences naturally follow too, iiilluence, 111,t only ift addrcv-rs tothe jcis. Mr. n • jclinns wiiich have actually taken from the main profjosition. if a league bc- si»n» ai.d hi:;h wn.ii^dit feelings of man- |>l!''^‘ In other word“, slie must show her , tween sijvereign (wwers have no limitation kind, Init III ihe ili'HMii>ioii of le;:a! and po-1 iiinkc a' revolution. [ as lo the time of its duration, and contain liilcal fp!!-li al io; iK-cau.-e a just cniiclu- 11’, Mr. I’resiiii'rit, in drawing these reso- nothing making it perpetual, it consists on- , I „ I ■ ‘ ft*'!* avoided, or a f-lsu one rcaeh-! lulions the hiiiiora!)le meinl)er liad confined ly during the good pleasure of the parties, jti n III, I .r at . its «u .%erMon. i.j^ Mili«iiiutit.>n of one phrasf, ■ Iiiniseli'to Ihv use nf constitutional language', ' although no violation be complained of. If, 1 he re •lutim I'llrcd u’cd by Ihe g nlle- .,r on--woid, f.»r an..tiier. ()f t!il.s ac liavi,-, ihorc would have been a wide and'^aw'lUl i*!'>I'inion of either party, it be violated, 1! • S natc of the I iiiird .S(«ir> on «ln- bill lur- wtro a| |i:iri iitly di.iw n op u ilh care, | ailollitr e\a:ople in t!ic u jo!u'.i(.n.3 hiatus bi twci n his preinises at'.d his con- »uch party may say that he will no longer toJl.xti>>n of di.ii»» oti nnd broti-lil f.rv.ard Ill'll d(!i‘.,'. ruti :i. I In I'..n-us. ' iL Sitannali lUnk (till* I |n r rent. di>ciunl, otluT liiurgi* lUnk Itilla I and ll|Krri.nt. C AMDKN, MARC II .Kt. ('•Miiilry I r»tlmrf.-A viUm, U a lU; Com .'>() a . \N Iiral, St a ►•7 , riour,«-««iii!fT, a 4| i H»- ,7 I III; W liinki V, a |o; lirandy, .\|>p!f, • I'.. I‘..rli, in a'fi-i. UKUAIC I . .Sliiirs (Hl;;lit to l>". 'I'liat r|lli'st,in IIk' |KM»p!f ln\- «hv idt il t‘. r tiieins4-|v s, and I nlinll ta!;o il.o tn.sfri:miiit as they lime es- tnbh^hi-d 11, in its pljiii «cjise und iiieanin;’, n;:;ain‘t opmMiis am! nolioiis which, m ha il.'r lo proiidc lor Uu- toJl«ctiyii of diiiio oti n'»d brotii'lil t 'rv.ard i![ "ii Ic!i:)'. ratr::i. I In |'..ri- us. :cljs| n. Leatl.'i" out the two words com- fulfil its obligations on his part, but will ir poii'. shall O'lt |,* in !:jn,.;er. therefi re, i( i:.i-ij:i. 'I'hc fii-t reK;)!utlon declairs, lint the pact iind accesslo:), which arc nit constilu- 'consider the whole league or compact at an Mr. W» h-i»u C-lIowoil Mr. ( ulluHjn— li r-.l.imhng him, ..rlh.-- wlio agree «ilh jKople ot' t!;v m v-iai .1 il.s "arcohd" to ii aiil infides of e\|)re-.s|on, and stating the end, although it might be one of its stlpu- T!.'’ ;;rntl« iiinii frnn S. ('ar>hnn, Mid hi;n, it I pr>'i-l at unce t.i thosj resohj. the coi stit.ilixi), or ti \\elr.ler, Iibn adiiM>iii4hrd u-* lo U- liiiiiH, an 1 c*>n«id r them as an aii'.lienlir \-alIiMl, 'I'hts word indful i*f the o|'iiii«»iit of thoM* who shall sl.ttcment i.f lh•.^»• i>; i:i!on«. ii-hm li.e gn-.il f!„.r m |I,,. eocslitutli'ii i!sc!t, nr 111 the r:it- 1 pie me aller u-«. U e mu'l take our hanee, oon’-tiliilMe.al ipii-'lii-r), by w hirli the i : i ni idc.iiii.ii of it by anv i.i.e of the StaU -, har. >!i!ution or lonn of gi v: rnnie.it. 'J bese-| alhanee between tho United States and II the eoinpaet, as It is aiulter {jrecUdy as the truth is, lus first , latioiis that it should Ijc |)erpetual. I ; on iH'l l^uiiil ei- re.s'„h:li-.!j would have af.irmed that the (>co- ilhis prioeiplc, the Congress of the t'. S. In I'll itsclt’, nr ill the r:it- 1 pie of the s?veral stutes ratified tills con- 1 declared null and void the treaty of _ III.e of the Stale-, har. ’ >!i!ution or lonn of gi;v:.rnnieiit. 'J'hese-j ^Ihaiice between tho United States and r, a.s lo till* b^lil III which |xvsicrlt\ will |inK**«-di:i„ in Soulh ('uioliiu ;.re atti-iniiled !m n c!i..-i.'n fl>r us f.t j-e, d.croile.-vs i.ot w uli- urc tliu very words of South C'aiohim lu.r- I 1 ranee, though It professed to be a p“r[itl- ”3.'-d u«. I do not decline Its jud.;ii)'iil, to 1 o ju.-.tii, d. luiI a wt'Il eDiisi.lon d pllrpi•^',•. self in 1i:t ow n act of ratification. Let, ual alhancc. r vvtlbh' ld m\«-lf froin its M-riilii.y.— 'l’fi'*e r so!i.t;.,ti? nre thn e in munlx-r. T|,l* natural eonx is*! of fjr«is .sr- then, !iIs tir't resolution tell the e.vact truth ; | If the violation of the league be aceom- t'ir that I am (irrroriniiig my dulv with ;;!i iii-M^ ol’ heart, nod to ihe best of in\ hIiI\, I f*-drlr>'lj trust iny wlf to the e>un- iiow arui hrrearti r, and I‘bvo Ix.th ni_\ »i t aitd mv cliamctrr to its tlceioion. Tlif tl.ifd ■ i:.. = ril"!i'!' ;i l-i einim* rite, ;,r, ! to di*iiv , tin smt:;1 t\pr> • 'il III the I‘i«- ii!-ni’- I’r'‘- I,i'ii iiinn. rrsj>ecliii^ ih>* i.aturc all 1 p. w. r- of this (7o\criniient. I M'this .-lb ord ri-; •.liilioe, I pii.fkjse at piv- flie jenili-nian !.«• ternunalcd hiss;> « h si-t.i in t.ike im parli. I'.ir liuli'-! tiiae (I threat and d fijne«* lowani.s ii« bill, even »h>iild it U'cont‘ a law «»f the I. :ilt'»g iher umisttal in the halls 11 jn^rr-M. Ihjt I kliatl not mini-r m).M iri> X. ilfd into warmth, by Ins denunc.i- •’"f ihi’ iiK'.'iMire which I wipjujil. ,\- ill'’ feelings M bii'h at lhi«i moiiM-nt f.il ■•.1^1, not the l''a»l i« tliat of n-jTel at 'I he tv«i fir-t r -!ulioiis i,f the honour- al.!’’ i:.en.!.' r .'itririn t.'ii'" pr. |>UBileii.s, 1. '1 ii.it the (j-uiti.^d-s'teiii under » htc!i we bvi', and nit.!i r wbi.li coiiijr-’-s i.s ii-’'» u«s.-nibli d, I-* u rt !nf>art, lo which th*- (n >• pb‘i f the s' ver.il .;at s, as s p.ir il-.'.»inl s i\er i_u coniinwir.ln'-, are ihi fMirlu.i, That lbc!>e si.M iei:;ii p.irti> » ba\e a ('-»iliMi in whnh Ihe gi'ntleinan h.is ri"ht lo jodg-, «‘ach t^r il'Olt', of ai:_\ ulle-ed I nil.sl it ■i le.ic'cll'. t'ir, he f|.*-s hiiiis* If no \ ii,ljii>n of the e.ni>titulion by coi;;rrc.s»; Th' rails** whu'h In* has e'‘(>'U:'d ;,ini, m ca-e of so li m-.1..110,1, to l iicM'Sc, - Ill !>usi.« in iIk’ I 'lnsiitiilion, no sue-or 1 i.;!i tor itselt', its own UiuJc an I ini-a?uie a ;siI.|k mpath\, n > etieei ing from a it r dre.‘«. 'n.ii.r ri.ri|t|M(>iily. !!'■ hat no foothold It is true, .|'. ib il i’i' bfiri' iir.iblo m''ni- 1 wlii h lo si.iitd, while he ini^bt li>- | r « alls ihi' a ■■ j ouv-iiuiiuii.d" coinj „i t ; ill*’ |«iwerHuf his aeknow h (L’f«i tab f.tii biiil Im- nli’iriiis it lo b- a com|-.ict Ik-- Iwi-' ii woi iei;;n -tale'. Wii.it pr liv III) .tiiin tie II, il e>. be aHu' h to the tinil ' 'ii'lit'iti-.ii.il ’ N\ ';' ii apptn d to (.omi.iictx 1» twc.'ii .-.o t ■ i^’ii st.ili', t!i'' tiTin eoiistt IuIk imI atli\. s lo lhat wi-r I we to I Inalv l.'l.\ec n I'.ii::- li .n.iiMi !e i:i' ver e! r.wry l!iii)){ belli'.ith Ins f. ct is be|. air! lte'ii’herKu. II*- Is hku a s'.f.n„' I *'iram;hiig IM u morals ; c» itv ll' 11 to Irii iti; bnii^'lt', iinlv Minks him d'>'|M-r 'ix r. and I lenr llie ri M-nibl.mre > !>•■ c.iirird still fuitber ; I fear that no ili i,nite ulea. V\ Il! C.1II =.;ifi ly C .me to In ndiel ; that no v|:tiiii«iml |e.i;;ne rrs-uiKi ,■ an.!, theri foie, wh* .i .1 U d |i t it htate the fd.'t, prccls-ly iis It exists; pauied with serious injuries, the sulf- iing I . I the jK oj^eof the Stull s f to t!ie k t it say thut tho people of the several party, being sole judge of his own mode and (’nli>:i, it niav be niorc j iausiblv argued stat-s raiil:'J a ccnstltulion, nr form of measure ol redress, has a right to indemnify i!i;,t 111 V tnav .tf (o. fi..;n il. ’l'’, in a- ^overiiiix ;,t; an.i then, sir, what will be- iuniself by reprisals on the offending ineai. i!.;.iii;g ihe e.M-titiji, :i. nothingw.,s d..iie eoaie of his infVrence in his sccotid res-.lu-j bers of the league ; and reprisals. If the tli- but a- rcdii. • to lb- nothin ' would , lioii, v.l.icb is i ithcse wonis, \iz:“ that, as Icun.stanecs of tfie case require it, may bo - n--ce--iry. in . i.a'r to b:. ak it'np, I'Ui In all ol!i- r rn>/s of oonipaet, among sovc- followed by dircct, avowed, and public war. I . ' c; ;ie !>i : I tin-'aiec ei.uipact. liul lb; ielj;n parlit-, 1 u>,Il has an eipiul right to i The nccessary import of the resolutions, !;ii:ii wb' lK (lit ( f p!;.c('. .ti . as jii.,’;:e for Itself', ai well of the intVaction a» therefore, is, that the United Stales aio I woid appli-d i.» (M.htK :,1 as^.M-lations, itn- Hl'll.c mode and nicnsure of redress’ ’ It connected only by a league; that it is m •d. s eoiniiii; isito .n Ii.i^iif, ti' Uiv, or con- is oIaIhii-, ia it not, sir, that this conciusiuii the gtnid pleasure of e»ery state to decidc led racv , b\ one liitb-rlo a -tr:.ii:;( r to it : ri (jiiires f r 1!.--upfMjrt .juiie other/iremises; j how long she w ill choose to remain a mem- ind iinp!i( s depai ting from snch it rrqolre.s preir.isc s w hich s;)eak of at.ces- l>cr of this league ; that any state may do- !.-a_'II-or ui.ff i*Ta. V. 'I'lie jH-opli'of the sioji and of compact between sovere ign termine the extent of her own obligations h.i\i> O'Neil n> Midi form of power.s, and without sucli picmiscs, it isal-jutuler II, and accept, or reject, what shall :-\jires';on, 1111'I ibhshln;; liie present ir.v- , logetlu r uiimeaiiiiig. ’ be decided by the whole, that she may also o.-nii.eiit. 'I'.'irv do n. t s.i\ tiiat the\ tic- . Ml. l’r«sid( ni, It'the honorable inemlK-r determine whether fier rights have been •»/( I ) a lea-o-', blit lh V di'claie that ll. \ wl!ltru!> state wb it the pci pie did in lor- violated, what is the extent of the injury , and a eon.st;tu!ii n. Su li niiag tills constitution, ami then slatn what done her, and what miale and measure of i;i' ih ■ \ rv wrri!s of’ lh(' iii-trunient it-t!f; ili»y iiuist do iftbey would now undo what redre.^hcr wrongs may make it fit at-.d cx- ,1.1.1 III tin' St.'.les, w it!i lit an exeeplii n, ihe\ th' 11 did. h" v*ill unadxoiJably state a jK'dieiit tor her to adopt. The result of tho l!> - l.in"t;i>e ii d bv t'i ;r c >iiMii loits ciss'e of ie\ohition. Let us see if il l>e not w hole is, that any state may secede at plea- w.i-'. tiiiit Itr \ • ratiH'ol :hf CiVi. tiU ticn ," ' so. !Ie inn.st -tale. In the tirst place, that sure ; that any slate may n-sist a law whicli ■.o,,(^ i.f' lii. ni e:!i’ih>\»'d the ai!;!.tio!i.Tl ih» jk'o|i1o of ihe s.-venil states adopted and she herself may choose to s;iy exceeds tho words “i-^-nltd to” iind “ .i.lopt. d,” but n,t;ii;d ihis eonslilulioii or form of govern- power of congress ; and that, as a sovereign all of tl.c .1 “ ralifviii'’.'’ Th. ro is niorr iiient ; and In the next [.lace, ho inu^t state power, she may redress her own grie\niices, U‘nu ;U5 c>l H.K >l rau*\ IH-. t *1' I-’ Ml. il. , ...... ... ...w .a. J , ^ , - - r' - > cuiitLnicl 11» cr l!ran nuiv, :it fir>t ;ip|)C.»r, iLut tlic> liavc u n»hl to iiiulo liiis; that is !»y her own arm, at her own discretion ; bho ear Ola con- in the iiili-sliK-li-n of this new word 1 v lhi.> to s;iy, tlial they Ijave a rit;ht todiscard tlie may make reprisals; she may cruise against ih.'-e n s.ilntioiis.' Its I f^wm'of oovernment which they have rat-, the properly of other members of tho -na;.,r,m.hn.'ar eii..ugh to hold out • i:J .md IV.nec. or » ci.stiint.onal convcn- adoption and n-e are in.h^pensable to ina.ii-' .lied. Now, nr, this is neither more noi league ; she may authorize caplurcs, and le,- hand, with, ut danger of gom'i i„„, U f.xm .ViiMrai and I'.iiv-.a, w. shoul.l lam ihosO premis-'-. from w hieh his mam l.s.s than siiving ihat they haxe a light to niake open war. In,.i^.|r. ul^o. the lH.ltoTn!. S.S „.,t what eould In- lotei.ded hv . .-nH.Mon is to be aflerw ards d.aw n. l.nt, ; make a levulution. 1 o reject nn establish-| If, sir this be our political condition, it , = f this rboman Ix-g. .u-h a le«.Ml'^ or >nch « trealv. such a e..n- !.ef..ie sh .w mg that, allow me to remark, . d ooverimient, to break up a political con- ^ is time he people of he I mied fctates un- 'II i I I 11 I . I.. II.. .. . iIm. uoni I- ih It this i.hra^eolov lends lo keeii out ol sfiiiitun, is rc\.!ution. ocrstooo it. J.ct us look lor a moment to le i.Liiorab.o g.-Ml.nuin hn« dinl.ired n 1..11. * - •• ; ,i,.t \|ew T.foiir prevleiis pobiieal i I d.i,\ tint luu man ean state accurate- the practical conscqucnces of these opmioub. ''7 """ . 1 'ITt 'A :;,1 t i:.i hi:!'^ aiW il as i.. ,,t wro.'. .dei.s ' K Wl.at w.. done l,v the ,>eople m estab. One Slate, holding an embargo law uncon- Mil. iiM\ de(*«nd the raa--'ol lilH'riv It- .pot* (.->,l' t „ ,i,, tmi.Vw ''lb' i, to u h ;t was a. loallv dene w hen tiie pies. li>hing the present constitution, and tlien stitnt.onal, may declare her opimon, and "•••"’ k Tn nil I'i.Mioii was agreed lo. In stale.^areenrltcly, w hat the people, or any withdraw from the I nion. .SAe secedes. without M'.- and 1- loie th.s eoii-litn'i.Mi was adopted, pait of liicni, mn=t now do to get rid of its Another, forinmg and expressing the samo iiion. Tins Ihe I iiitc'.l Slates ha.I alieadv been in a obiigati.ns, v.ilhi!t slating an imdeniable judgment on a law laying duties on imports. Ml II t I .11. 11 tfiieiitcii* liiioii more or li’ss close, f.r filtcen \ e.-irs. case of the overtiirow ol govenmient. I may withdraw also. ^'Ae secedes. Anil . «'•.! .in...rs|.KHj, and long enjoved m i> wo I U-:ipp iihn|; to htim ‘ M |,.n«i as far back as tl.e meetii.g of the admit, of course, that the people m;iy, if as, in her opinion, money has been taken . ,-V n. ITTI, H.ev hadVen,n, il.ev choose, oseithrow the government, out of the ,H>ckets of her ctiz.ens illegally, Nr, I Io»e hl-Tiv no ardently tlnii Im;; derMaliNcs. " . , ’ „.;,7^,.al i iiriH.si-s, iii.iTed ic.rther.— ■ l!ul, then, that is rovolulion. The doctrine under pretence of this law, and as she has „.ib mslanl coi.fut ilion. .y . u. t u I/ ,7^,,„,PV had i now eonleiided fur i.s that, by • power to n.la^sstheir wrongs, she may de- 'e ;i;.p, .ircl m ihe pro^-ie-. ofhoiiiaii his- admits our mslrtimei.i o| p.M ,U.. l.ir.d in.letv nd. :,..e j..lntl> , and had ear- ! or tho obligafion and authority of iniiiul salisfa.tion ; and, it ivlused, she may I .1111 of till r. till' lilicrU, which I think’is »tak d on iMiai' t o;m1i th PC.I,tut, IS not (m.IiIk al lil>^ri\, III any w riiti n fiame of t;\riimf:.i, iitTjl und iiiidi fill) 1 eb.iraiii r, but our iiii; ihi.t il is »'.dled a > liirm sIm' nia\ if'hoiiiiin his. A, esbibilnl ni III*' master Slates a coiistilulion, linn, l^r that \er\ /111), us breukiiii; out a^ ‘ I til!' darlitii ss of tho iiiidd' ■'am/ nil the formation ol Ill IIHhIi'I II l'uio|H', mIi I ev r_v where, i li.irma l«>r me. IS our own lil.i'rl\, giianb d h\ eonvtiln ' •^iiiil • cun d b\ iini'Mi; it is ih'il lilH-rlN ii> li IS oiir |Hileriml mhei itaiiee, it is our U'i!'.s!|(>!, di ar lM>u;;bt, |M'cuhar \m“rican ' f '. lo winch I inn i-bielK d vol'-i|, und "■ c.iiiv- (,i whu'li I now miMii lo the lit- ■ of II,V pr.uer to imiini.iin aii l defend. '!'• I’ll', l ieiil. if' I oiihidered the Colisti- '•1 itial lple^t|..|| ‘ '• I' iiiipoftiinl ‘■">1HI, eill; "'r\, was hke|\ " "‘ "d bv the manner in wlncli I nii:;lii way n-.- n','|>t s u. •• , ,;,,i|,oi i/ed "Ws,,.,!.., ,„o- aH.:,l.sf\,.,:itl.e wonUof the I ; ; and, iKing autho.i/id i"iit (,| M.ihriiiidi'. Sm h a niomenl but In ...u -r«. I I'cli, 1 conl’csii*, tiiut souicUiing ciwfifufion is u noun * t conclusion, is a impositions un thecuninicrccot other States \vr\ i'on^titiitioii la» nil ,,k II. fore Ihev di.: not sp.'jk of the Slates as «•-] right, us a».sert'.l 111* cannot iiNi ilo t)M res|>ective "si.'*"-' ‘ .e won.oi Ml. 10 .. compact, and of I ofcoiistiUitioi.al language for a new ^oeallU- isut, sir, a mini stare is oi my opmiun. larv, and to substitute, ill the place of plain not only that these laws of imposts are his’toi ieal facts, a series of assumptions.— | eoristitulioiial, but that it is the absolute 'Ihi.s IS the ivi'.suii why ills neces.sarv lo | duly of coiignss to pass and to muiiitaia .r|ve new names to tilings, t» speak of'ihe such laws; and that, by omiling to ,>as9and constitution, 11- t a« a constitution, but as a maintamtbein, its f^oiustUulioiml obligations Kict.andoflhe ratilieafions,bylhoi)eo. would be grossly disrt'guided. She rehn- atilicalions, bol us acts of acces- qnished the power of protection, she niiglit alh’ge, and allege triil_\, herst'lt, and gave it

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