MINERS’ & FARMERS’ JOVRIIfAL*. 5)***NTED ANW FLBMNIIKD EVIiRV SATLKDAY, UY THOMAS J. If()LTON.».VllAUU>'lTK, MK( KLIlMlUf«; COUNTY, NORTH-CAROLINA.' ‘ [ ' ' WIIX TEACH TOU TO PUKCE THK BOWgLi OF THK EAKTH AND BRINO OUT fllOM TIIK CAVKBNS nr THE IMl’KTAIN!), METAIJt WHICH WIIX (iMTK BT/IENUTH TO OUR HA.WS ANIJ BUBJECT ”aU. MATURE TO OCR USE AND fUCASURE^DlTjoHNSON. NATI RDAY, MAY 11, 1833. NO. 137. THK liaers’ St Farnieriii’ Journal printed md’pu''!'****’** twry Saturday nioniing [t fiM per annum, if paid in kdv«nce; DoUar$ Fi/l%Cenl$ if not paid in ad- ^ce; TArct DoUan at Uie «ud of the year. (VFJl'l’lSBMENT^ will be inaertrd at Fifty tenb p«t iquare (not cxo«ding SW line*,) for the lr«t ioaertion, and 25 ocnta for eacli aucce«diii)( »wl—Of •! for one aquare.— librmi diacount will bo made to thuae who cd in common. And of lliin nature ii llit* Ameri. can confcderaejr, in which each Kutc ho« reiiigncd the exeftiae ol certain purtaof the supreme civil power \fliich they poaiw-Mcd before, (except in common with the other Stntes included in the con- federacy,) reacrvin}; to themaelveii all their former power* which are not delegated to the U. States bjr the common bond of union. “ A viiihle diatinction, and not lr»a important than ohvioiik, ocruri fo our ol)HervtUion in eompar- iiip lhe»e ditferent kiiidsof Union. The liingdomi of Krgland and tScotland are united into one kingdom; and the two contractin|' States, by aueh liTcrltwby theyr^r. H V '()nalladvertiieiiienta j an incor)iurate union, are in the opinion of Judge mmmunicated for publication, the number ot nsrrtioni niuat be noted on tiie margin of the iiaiiui^ript, or they will be continued until Mbtil,aiid ciiaiH'vd accordingly. Ail cocnmunicationa to llie Editor muit come, ("ree o(fo$t»gt, or th.y may not be attended to. THK .M\RKPr>*. BlackMone totally annit^ilatrd, without any power of revival; and a third ariica from their conjunc tion, in which all the rights of aoverci;jnly, and particularly that of teirisiation, ire vested. From » hence he expresseii a doubt wlnilher any infriiijje- meiitsof the fundamental and (’Skt-ntial conditions of tlie union, would of itw If diswlve the union of limte kingdoms; though he rradily adinitN, that in caars of a »deratr alliance, such an infrii*j;emfnt would oftt-uly rescind the compact betMn ii 'the ruiilcderate .States. In the P. States of America, Ml tlie contrary, eacli Stati retains itsuwpaiitt. ci-deiil form of Goveriiniv>t; its own laws, subject CHARI.F>’T(».N, AI’RIL ‘iH, 1H33. . CoUoa.Sca Island, Id a 3(); upland, new, lU] a I; Hice, prime, a ; interior to gaid,‘.M a Flour, •uprrfiiia, 6 1 00; Corn, (iii a W; ' ‘he alteraUon and contrail of it»o»n legislaturf ts,4ia44; Whiskey, 34 a 35; N. K. Rum, | e*i«ulirc otfiters, and council of J. 3i a 36; A|>ple Brandy, 40 a 4‘2; Uce.. •‘»«te,ilsonn courU of^udieatur-MUowi.^udg.s, 17 a 00; Tallow.t'aralina, II a II); >Iac>t. jcivil oflirers, and othcers of i. No. I, 7; Na a, 6; iUcon, 6 a 7; Hams, "’ilitia; and, in short, us own civil Slate, or 1 10; Urd, a 10; Xaila, cut, 5| a 6 cenU I P®*'"® *" whatever. And by Bsggitif, la a 16; Bale Rope. G a 10 cenU; «»»»'«• d.-eUratioo of the l!/th article of th. we shall find that it possesses all the attri-1 made ir» the condition of the States, under j they differ, the veto so abhorred by the butes which beluti^ to that form of povcru-'I the present Coostitutiun, were oiodtfica- Senator, is the necessary result; as neither, inent, 8h fttlly and completely as that did. | tions extendiiig onl> to the exercise of their if the right be pusaeBsed by both cut con> In fact, in tliis pnrticulur, there is hut a sin-1 powers hy cjmpact, nud not to the sove- trol the other. glu di(il>rcticc, and that not essential, ns | reignty itself, und are suuh as soverei^rns j The Senator felt'the force ofthtfl argu* rfgurdn the point immediately under con- i are couipeteut to make; it bcii>g a conceded i ment, and in order to sustain his maio po- sidcnitiun, tiioiijrh very important in other j point, that it is competent to them to stipu* | sition, he fell'back on that clause of the r«8pf cts. Tb« confgderation was the act | late to exercise their powers in a particular Constitution, which provides, that “ this of the Statu govrriinK?nts, and foYmed an i manner, or to abstain altogether from their | Constitution, and the Uws made in purstv union of povcriunentH. 'I’he present Con- {exercise, or to delegate them to agents,! ance thereof, shall be the supreme law of Ktitutinn IS th(! act of the States thcm.selvcs, > without, in any degree, impairing sove* I the land.*’ or, w hicli is the snmc thing, of the people I reignty itself. 'J'he plain state of the facts, | This is admitted ; oo one has ever denied, of the several States, and forms an union of j rt-gards our government, is, that these that the Constitution, and the laws made ia them as soverri^ri communities. 'I'he States have agreed, by compact, to exer- j pursuancs of jt, are of paramount authori- States, previdus to the adoption of the Con-1 cise their sovereign powers jointly, aa al-1 ty. But jt is equally undeniable, that laws Ntitution, were as HC;Mrnte and distinct po- i ready stated, and that, for this purpose they ; not made in pursuance, are not only not ot'* liticiil lK)die.% a^ the governments which i have ratified the compact in their sove- paramount authority, but are of no authori* represent them, and there is nrithing in the | reign c:ipucity thereby making it the con-, ty wiiatever, being of themselves null and nature of tilings to prevent tliein from uni-1 stitution of each State in no wi.se distin* | void; which presents the question, who are ting under a cdiiipaet, in n fi-deral I'nion, I guisl)ed from tlieiroA n boparate coustitu-1 to judge whether the laws be or be not pur* without l»eing blended ill one inas.«, any moi-e I tion, but in the supKradded obligation of suant to the Constitution, and thus tho dii- than uniting the governmrnts tlieiiwlvos, compact—of faith mutually pledged to each ficulty, instead of being taken away, is re in like tiKuiner, without merging them in a ' other. In this compact they have stipula-' moved but oue step farther back. This tha single government. 'I'o illustrate what I ted, amongst other things, that it may be ISenator also felt, and has attempted to have stated, by reference to ordinary trans- amended by three-fuurthii of the Slates; j overcome the difficulty, by setting up, on action«>, the c>riieierdtiun was a contract ' that is, timy have concluded to each other,' the part of Congress, and the Judiciary, bi'tween agents—the present Constitution by compact, the right to add new powers ' the final and exclusive right of judging, botli between the principals themselves:—or to ' or to subtract old, by the consent of that ' for the Federal Government and the States, ni*c brandy, 150 a L»00; ilplland (Jin, 100 a i “mrndment* to thr Constitution, the f>ow rs wot take a more analogous cnsH*, one is a league ‘ proportion of the States, without requiring 1 as to the extent of their powers. That I . Iran, Ruaaia and Swedes, f4 a 4^ per lb«.; ■ delegau d totli.- Suu n by ilie oimiitution, nor, hy aiiihasMadorti; (he other a league 1 otherwise would be the case, the consent may do full ju.stice, to the gentleman, 1 will >*> '^‘'vere.gns-the l«tt.>r no more of all-a modification no rnore inconsistent, give his doctrine in his own words. Ho ■; brown, 7 a St Omx 7 a al ' »'•**'". ■ f’f"’ c'»'l !^te is ereatrd by thr a,.nihi-1 leiMlmg to Unite the parties into a single :ih has Iteen supposed, with their sovereign- states: Vy *« , 71*-"M-iiinri. I iiha 25 , (jy! i lation ot'twoantecf«lrni ei»if Swtc*; in the Arr-.cr- r.jivcrcigiitv than the fufiuer. 'I’he oiiiv ; *y than any Other Contained in the compact. I “'i'hat there is a supreme law composed cases tho to era, whteh the St.»t.s ajitece nily jiosscssi-d, to j us to the nnture atKl rharactrr of the act one tliree-foui ths, but by any three-fourths be subjects of judicial discussion Congress he ex*rci- d by Un-ni r«--|iM iin*ly, as it no union ,|selt'. whetitfr exfTutrd bv the States them-1 of the States, iiilicating that the sovereign- must interpret the Constitution, so often as >t tlx-m 1 • •! • I J‘ wlven, or by tlu ir governnx-nts; but a re-1 ty is in each of the Slates. it has occasion to pass laws, and in cases u*i'Tl’ -T ' "* "J '•■'"J' j Milt a» 1 liave ulready stated not at all af- If these views be correct, it follows na a capable of assuming a judicial shape, tho VNhukey, 3-> a 40; Brandy, Apple, lederaey fMiin!erf upon a simihr plan; each ofL. ’ , . , . . r > , h i- i o r'l . ? i_ -i £ i . ch, lo/5C. ■ tho-e lilUr SL.tfs hid its distinet poi«^..ion», t. r I'•''•"'‘1 ‘I'® consideration, I matter of coufstf, that the allegiance of the Supreme Court must bo the final interpre- , CAMDEN, .MAY 4. , , - tmMry Pr9durrM'AUm,^i a ll|;('om 55 a coon.«i.Hi were r.uUisUd Utwetn them. beat, 80 a 00; Flour,co«olrT, 4j a 5| t Ba-t “Theanei« nt Arhaia aet ms t« h«te l>efn a con ,8 « 10; 45 ; Peach, HJ t i thow; lilUr >»t..;«‘s lj»d Its distinct pn«w-«ainnk ritorir^ and boun«*anes; tach had it« Senate or ■ l>ul which «ill throw mudi light uii a sub- ■ jKJople IS to tlieir several Slates, and that ter.” DEBATK j A»MmWy, iis maeistratcs and judge*; and rv ry ;j«*ct III relation to which l iiiiibt think the treasm coni>i.ts in resistance to the joint' Now, passing over this vague and loose the Senate of tlie L'nited Sutea on the bill fur- : Suu sent depuUn to the general rotivi niion, and fr,„n Mas*, has formed verv con- ' auth'ority of the Stales united, not, as has phraseology. I would ask the Senator, W I ir™ res«„cc up.,,, wb« V™c,pl. he lipofls. I mo«t of ihr ncik*hWin|r w.uvu, n> . i i i it i i ’ * • i i j i IN SIIXaTE, Fcbkcart 1€ 1KJ3 | fe«r of dtnj^rr, to thn cooffdcracy,. Ii^d j riie Sciiiiior dwelt tniich nn tl»e poyit, ^ |«)\ver to the Legislative and Ju- Mr. l alkoun', S^,tk ' \ teliritau- ih.m^el.rs. j ,i,a| pre^t .it H> Mem is a Cotislilution ' provision of the Constitution, has only dicial departments, and withhold it entirely I Ut« now ertaUul.^, I t,ope, beyooU the pow.! eonf.^-oraeie*. by whirh se\eral Sint.-» i ninl a J .vemment in cofitradiotion to the ‘ the right of | nnnhmg. I from the Executive ? If one has the rigiit. kf coDtroferay, errry aUrgatton containj.d in I i;‘?eth. r by a fierpetual league ot' aiU- firtt re«jlutioo. That the t'onstituti'io ia a I elii.Hy 6»und. d upon thi« circuii.-tanc*-, 'I'iiese conclusions li;..e all a most impor- it cannot be withheld from the other. 1 rftfifi'd^ratioii, with a view of proving I that tho Coa>ilifjtion was not a compact. ' b**arit:g on that monstrous and despotic ' would ask him, on what principle, if the Now, I ci»iicede to the Senator that our' "Inch, to the disgrace of tiie Senato Departments of the General Governments pn .ent s> -tem is a t.’onstitution al.d a Jov- ‘^is body. I have are to possess the right of judging finally fipart foe im d bv the ^ple of the arvercl | •**“ P«»t‘‘ >«l»r |» opJr eb^MC to r« main thrfr di«un t poliUcal eoniniuniltea. aufa»i«ting and ‘'‘d yet ars n*4 -sUnng rnuuifh to I * li^UtwrenlbaSuies lu U«aM«c»>aractrr, ' '"T- Thr p.ir. , • , , . , . \ .!i Irunfs me Id the consid'ratMn of Ike ron. 1•" -?'«»'»»•«' usually is, Ui.t tl.ey enitn.Mil-and that tlie former, the old Con-' * ''iglil thus to speak without violating ; and conclusively, of their respective pow- ; -r,, ahith may hr fairlr deduecd in n iVf. , *ovrr.i2nty was iKit a ('onstitation or Gcv- “f'^er, as it is not \et u law . | ers, on w hat principle can the same right be k «• to thr character *r our poimcal system, from ‘‘'J.*' ' ,.r,Hi)enr—not however l.ir thf> ' *hese conclusions show that the StaUiscan ' withheldfroin theStateGovernmentswhich, kv rsuUHhrd facta j rarb other. I jf tlie I. arui ^ to »hirh thr*^ »». ' riHIieiH—not, nowever, tor me If asoii , _ ,1 ^ 1).. fuM, moat imp..runi, that thay e«. ' «''* ' '*-»"ch he a-«^igrcd, that the former wa.s a ' i *'*«' ‘^ey neither are, nor in as well as the General Govehiment, propt*r- ^*4W|| ;^,tabii.h that Mrs I. a i^ral .^stcii,. I ^ •o it.-*}urni anx..!/ ditrrrrnt .«t«tr.,' romp;., t, Miicl the latter not; but f.ir the dit'-! tbings can b«‘, under the do- ly considered, are but departments ot the I minion of the law ; that the worst that can same general sjstem, and form together, I be imputed to thrni, is a violation of com properly speaking, but oue Government. ”■ - .r.;.,.. „.rv :.,jn -f- — i «‘'t their Citizens,; This was a favorite idea of a man, for who.a >rmnl tr «oT>:rrkfn comBiuniuc^—fttid u In m«kr ihe ^xern«f itf iliat part ; ronn codshluiion^ or pov«'riirnenls, and in#t resptuisible; and that to unJ(‘rtake to j wisdom I have a respect, increasing wilfi iu\t\y lh*t ours u t i^rml I other*. rr-^urni unKtn/ djffrrrnt ‘ romp irl, nud iIh* liiffer m»l; b»it for the dif- taMsiem of Slates, arranp'd m B Icdctal I'nion, .-h» ily by iht« .-o«»iderai»on; that in ih.- la«»^ r. i f,.rpiK'«? of the origin from w hich the two L K.,.,at.se Sflem h .a finmded on to«„H.ef ' all ...hrr i. they -ijn .Aiiieri. an co.icptio,,, tlir p«>opl.- alone can : i.th»T—hut ilo |M>t prod lire any Ustinf union _ . to t».r rhirf .,.an«prm, .it of atTsirm S.i. h its pow rr,^, ;i gov. minent. This is the true j.ilKal »«)••, whelhrr ^frat or smsll. if trtatjt of alhanif b.|»rrn .Ainrrifa and ' Cuuv t*f the dilierrncf betW.'en the two acts, ih'^ * ranre, in tlir war 177-, by which ainoin othrt , „„d not that in which the Sftiator scems to .and under no ciHi .ubjrclion, or by th-ise ,t ,,r.-ed ti.at n. lUivr ofthv two par- . . u„ . •lly lU.m iudrp.i,d. nr. »rom any cuil ;i,„uu cm.rli.a, utt.er trmcor p.acr «.ih iioertil. Thor** 1^ another point, r>n which this difli r« tw:e throws im|)orfant light,and which 011 •••'-» |>wa *s»« SI BS***, wtssj -^fasi- , I IH’U ^ ^ . Ua hn>i ..jtlioriif.says. Il-rr Mr.f. reid •d'anta^.-. of the sutc. Hni. tran.«fiinff-th. ir ,t is, would have U'en a Constitution, civilized nations ; and destructive of the Senator, that if this right be withhelJ TucKerV Ulaek.tone as follows] ‘V*'*. and the a-eiicv. which It crcat d to execute «*vrry principle upon which our Government, from the Stale Governments; if this re- Utrarf/rpm Ulatkiiont’$Cgmmfntari*». !ii..^ twiu irnv. mn,nni. 'i'lua i.i i>». tniA is founded. It is, in short, a ruthless and ; straining influence by which the General complete revolution of our entire sjstem. Governineut is coerced to its proper sphere, I was desr.ous to present these views withdrawn, then that department of tho fullv, bct'ore the passaae of this long to be Government from which he has withheld lamVntt'd bill, but as I was prevented by the »•'« '“'g''* of judging of its own powers, (tho 1,^.1 iiiHjoritv, as 1 have stated, at the commence- Kxccutive) will, so far from being excluded, has U en fn-oorntlv n-f. rr«-d to in debate I ment of my remarks; I trust that it is not; become the sole interpreter of the powers on this and former occasions. 1 refer to ’ too late. • • | ot the Government. It ts the armed inter- the rxpres:...,i, in the prenmble of the Con-! H«'ing now said what I intended in rela- preter.-with powers to execute its ‘>«n co'i. stttiition, which s],eaks of “forming a more '> "!> first resolution, in reply to the atruction, and without the aid of which tho (K-rfect f,non," and in the letter of (loneral from .Massachusetts, and m vindi- construction o» the other departments wul WnshingtoTi, la> ing the draught of the ('on- ‘ al.on of its correctness, I will now proceed Jim|)otent. States have a far ^ ^ _ _ construction of I , ... 1 othrrn )w than by a roinnmn acrx on nt and an- i (>oth an indrpendrnt .SUte. | p,oUu..n. .Such wrre thr .i,|m,!»ii,m.s. smon.- thr f'lct ..'.I“‘ ®! rthrrs, . ..i.taiiird in ih- artiili ol coiiinlrraiiuii, | |)ctween th' Slates tlieiii- ■ '*• 1’^* the States, as parties to the power is expressly reserved, and I had sta- K'lvts, and notan I nmW like that wiiich eompact, have a right to judge iu the last ted on another occasion, not only against tho had e\!«t’d betwt'ep the Governments of^ «f the intVHctions of tho compact, | several departments of the General Govern- theStatex. inid of the mode and measures of redress. nient, but against the I’. Slates themselves, r will now proceed to consider some of' It can scarcely be necessary, before so ^ re[x*at the argument which 1 then rj ^ PMwuiu ■ r tb,.y »,rt; forn.’.rly suf.je«l to, ha'te the .",o,t‘Unt“ .n. «ithout thr for.P:.l eonwnt of ihe 1 I .t.pr, ...»yr in ll.e,„arl.« and ar« in a slat. ^Msin.-d. and wh. rebv t!a y mutually . n. ( vi»J r.rht and liVrty with rr.p^t to all olh. ^ ^ t arnia .mill thr iinh-- l ' iH-nd, ner of the t S. aux.id I- li,rmsllv or lac.tlv ■ »d in this mailer to Bain. ; wtMthur U..- ,h,. trr.Uy or tre.iti. ^ »hi. h should tor'. ^ lUe br call a kingdom, an empire, a r\\ ,i,rv. cn'i .h raci. s. II,. « d.ikf.!om, a country a repubh.- of frr.- .,f »r ar» now Ihr contrary is eb. I It can eierei.r justly all the r«mtial , ^rrable. tt»y b.inK ..tat.ii,h.-.l with lh.^-des.,rn. y-tt.rr jrf»n”oT b.id" *j!^me'anri^no'*o^^^ KV. tal Slat, s shall lor. w r link thnr Wnshingtori, la\ing the draught i •t,j r,,l,i to r.^co.d ..'r annul it. acts, it ha.' mutualT'Vnre ,half'r'c'"^i!" r! venlion Ix lore the old Congress lu w^icli “> consider the conclusions drawn from it But 1 contend that the St ,^,11^,criu territory . -rrnsr o Ttain prrts oi ihrir ...v. rripn p. w. r,} he sjHinks of “consolidating the I'nionm the second n solution; that the General clearer right to the sole (x-.iir Uir ndmbrr of it« pe».ple, and haa all oihertstv than bv a romnum ai'r. n.. nt and an-’ I »>oth ..f which I conceive to refer simply to Government is not the extensive and fiiuil ' their powers than any of the departments of fiict, th:»t the preisent I nion. as alreadv ,j”‘lp® ottl't'‘‘^tent of the powers delegated the Fwieral Government can have; tl;is - .> .r(» n.jr7iry Ol .■'lairs, *nn nitre w in|f .lUirrs, . .»i.tallied u. lli> artiili ol coiili drraliuii, . _ 'inn ;» iitn,i „ not j i„d |«rr;-tual union t» t««-rn th Ani.-riran Slat. », •I'ifd by any aM .'luri or con*rdi'tat.ies «h*t. bv whirh it was agned, that im State sh.niid, r» rei«iii{ juintly any part ot the with.Mit the i>t ot th^ f S in 4 a‘ Ijrrmr pomcts, such as thoar af jHaee and war, nibled, *i i.u an ci.il>aH>y lo, or rer.ne an eni- •('iii' otr.iukite ancf delln«i>e- T»o .'tjtr«, h.;4»v trom, or enter into uny icin;Vreiii'.-, apre Ihf, arr, thrn, only deemrd p..!,tirally unit. | iwdy of rorrrs, in t.iiie ol' [m ar ; ^lor lii i •''om the fnrti and |>osiii(.ns already estab-' system con^prehends two distinct govern- answered, but 1 must be ^rmitted to oner “nf pef’-’n, or eouncil, is ronstitut. I any war, «ilhbut the con ' ‘ >'■ - ‘ • ~ •• • ^•■«l..ly. || ,n) prrsoi) or e«iuin il m eiii|>owi r. I „f manjue luid repri»al, . xn pt allci a rtrrlurfttioii riirr itt all these oM-ntial |K)wer* tor twlh, ’of war, by thr I'. S in (as«rinbli d, with ; are tly non# St»n>. Such is thr Stntr of! ji(. .rviral cii)ut‘, : y t rsrti Statr ri.i.Miv. Iv r. t«in« a anil Ky>il I i . . . . . • ^'Xland, since thr ael of uni.ni inadr al f^Jin.ng ot the iMh rcntury, whrr. by the two I>> 'nn iiirotpi.ral-d into one, all parts of •uprcin, PQ.H,, of b..tb kin|^loins liriDg tlirnce. iiniliij, snd ye*|r*l in the thne rstali-s of [. '** '"f »t llrilain; by which entire eoali. I'liijjli kinj»4orna retain their ancirnt ' I.sa^, . in I„*„y rt». th. y arc aa ef- P '•Hy uniird and incerporati'd, ax the sr\ ral P > ^insjdoiiis whi. h coiiipoavd Uie hrptarchy, P '-tnrr tl,„ pcri.,d. , •'*' *'hrii , prrlinn of the t.iprenie enil , K »« iiti.i| ifi on. (M rson or ronncil ti.r Iwth, ' ‘ ‘ lliat of pc«e« and war, or of di riding con nt .jf 0" • •in on i hshcd. 'I'hev enalile Us to decido a ques-1 iiients—the General and State Govern- •‘Strong additional priHjf of the views then ich, properlv considered, form ‘=»ken-and which if I am«ot mistaken,aro 'Mie formed, repre.senting the conclusive on this point. It is drawn from ritv of the States m their con- the ratiticatioii ol the Constitution by Vir- rwh VT'”!!"*.'"''"'"•'‘'t: ''"f I tion of viliil nnportiiiice mider our system; mcnts, which, pr..perlv considered, form taken—and w hicli if I am«ot mistaken, aro _ .dlohimUr..il.r,iro,.Mxrr..insit.rn.;grantc«.mn..-.K>u.toany shi,.,ol war orl.ll.rs. ^Vherr doessovereigtilvreside? 1(1 have , but one. " I. -i—. Its si»«-rri;;nl>, frmloni and indrpi-ndrnrr, and ex.ry povn r, juri.>dii'tiiin, and mrlit, vhn h is not r\pn *»ly d.-l* gatrd to the I . S. in t'oner. as ■iiiblid. The pruiniM-a iitndo in thtac two cakr> lu rr conipnr« 1, run yrry ditf. rrntly ; in the (ur Mr. succeerli'd in estiililishing the fact that (rtirs I joint awthority _. IS a federal system, as I conceive 1 conclu-1 federate capacity, and the latter that of cach foHowii:g words, sively have, that fact of itself determiiles ■ State separately. 1 have prenii'icd this C. then read as Ibllows: the (iiie>iiiiiis which I have proposed. It I fact, simply with a view of presenting dis- ‘-We, the delegates of the people of is of the very essence of such a system, I tinctlv the answer to the argument offered, Virginia, duly elected in pursuance of a re- that th('soverei;^nts is in the parts, and not i by the Senator from .Massiichiwtts, to commendation from the General Assembly, mrr, thu»'•• 1 will join >»u in tki» patiiiular war, I in the whole; or, to u.-o the language of! prove that the General Government has a and now met in Cvmventum, having fully as a contV.K rati’, and the mnnner ut' our attacking iho rni my shall U; eonrertrd by our .■•i.iunon ud- yii-r , nor w.il we d«-4i»t fr»m war, till thr particu lar end tht rr^f, thr * ^tnliliKhnii nt cf the oul.'iH n. drnrr of thr I '. S. lie oblain.’d." In the hitter, thus:—*’Nu.iC of UK who have rntcrrd into this alliaiiie will niakr use of otir rijrht as to the at- . — , fsirs of war anil p«ate, eirept by thr ceiierul con- tt» t*>* if *>*''• I "cnt of the whole e.mfed. racy." \Vr ohM rved lrt»'of ih within itself exercises othrr , lM>tore, that tlc sc unions siiliinit only some cer- i- oil ^ »»prrnir (Miwrr, .nd.'p'ndently of all ] ta.n parts of the sovrrrignty to innlnal dirretion. Bl.i.'l?’* *I I*'!''*"”'!"'drfinea to Sr an aa-i for it srrms haritly |>)‘>sible that tin- atl'mrs of dltr.'rrnt Statrs should have so li>«r a connexion, as that all and t-irli .if them should l.iok on it as their interest to hove no part of the chief govern- iii.-nt rxrrrisrd without the g. ncral concurrence. 'I'he nioft idnv.’nifiit nirtho»l, iherefure, sreins to br, that the |iurtir«lnr Stairs rcsc rvr to tln-in.'e|ves 1 all tho^e biniiHirs of thr supreme authority, the inanai'emriit of xthich I'.tn have liltlror no intlii- I cnco in the atVaiia of the rest."—[.Mr. t'alhoun prcM'rc.icd ) L.j n inn , '**" (“'ff' ct tiovprnnirnts, atrirtly united It l>ond, so tiMt they sert.i to make liirh'"*' ^ rrspeet to thoM- atTairs lnt^rl^st th.'in in common, thoui;h l arh pre- tniK '!•* ,'^''''f‘‘iir"ty. full and « niirr, iiidciwn. ^ *11 atlHTs. And in this case, he adds, on i.li rjtr States mgagr to a«h olhT only „ *''^1-'' "'ith eoiiimon consent, certain parts of ijjiiiy cjH-cinlly, that whirh r.'latea lo III '"r*"** detrnro against forri;fn enein es. lv*fT eon'edrrali-a retains an ciiliri' lib- • x.Tcising as It Ihtoks proper, thosr jwrts •''® ""t ineiitionrd in Ihr . '« I iiion, a* part* that pught to bt e^crcii- ■Mr. I’nigrave, the |virls are the units in such a system, and the whole the multiple; nud not the whole the units and the part the final and exclnsive right to judge, not only and freely investigntcti and discussed the of its delegated powers, but also of .those proccedirigs of the Federal Convention, and reserved to the States. 'I'hat gentleman being prejiared, as well as the most inaturo fractions. Ours then, is a (ioverninenf of j relies, for his mam argument, o« the asser- delilx ration hath enabled us to decide there- twentv-lbiir sovereignties, united by a con-1 tions, that a Government, which he defines upon—do, in the name and in behalf of the stitutional con)i>act, for tho purpose of ex ercising certain powers through a common (ioveniment, as their joint agent; and not an union of the twenty-four sovereigntie;-. into one, which acconiing to the language of tho Virginia resolutions, already citeil, would (orm a consolidation. And here 1 must oxpreiw my surprise, lo the Senator from Virginia, that he should avow hims* lf the advocate of these very resolutions, when he distinctly maintains the idea of an union of the States in one soven'ignty, which is expressly condemned by those resolutions, If we com[are our present system with 1 asthees.seuceid'nconsolidated (tovemment. tho old confederaiion, which all ackyowl-j Another consequence, which was equal to l)e an orgp.nized body, endowed with jx opleof Virginia, declare and make known, iHith will and p>wer and authority in pro- that the pt>w»-rs granted uiKler the Consti- /iria rigorc, to execute its pur|>ose, has a tution, being derived from the people of th® right inherently tojudg*' of its own powers. I . States may be resumed by them, when* It IS not mv intention to coinment upon the scK-ver the sattie shall l)0 perverted lo their tiefinilion of the Senator, though it would injury or oppression, and that erery power not b' difficult to show that his ideas >f go- not granted fheitiby, reinains'wilh them, and v^rnment are not very American. My oh- at their will, that therefon’ no right of any ject is to deal with the conclusion and not denuminatKin can bt> cancelii'd, abridged, the definition—Admit, then, that the Go- restrained, or modified by the Congress, vernment has the right of" jialging ot its by the Senate or the House ot Representa powers, for which he contends.— How then tives, acting in auy capacity, by the I’resi- will he withhold, u^kui his own principle, dent, or any deprtnieut, or oflicer of tho the right of judging f'rom the State Govern- I'. States, except in tliosj* instances in which menf. If it belongs to one, on this princi- [>ower is given by the Constitution tor those •dge to l^avc been federal lU its character, I ly clear, that whatever iiHHlification was I pie, it bvlougs to bot.h—tiud it to both, if purposes; aiiil tiuit.among otbcr esacn?;j