Cijr C1IARL.OTTE: JUNE 8. 183*. U'earcauthorizod toaDoounce Mr.liAAC g., at a Candidate for the Of- jjeof Clerk of the Superior Court. We are aulhoriaed to announce Mr. Jab ]D. McCaiw, an a Candidate for the Office Clerk of the Superior Court. We are aulhoriaed toannounco Mr. Ezk ftti a* a C«odidate for the Office of Superior Court Clerk. We arc authoriaod to announce Mr. Am* ti 0* * ('andidate for the OHice of County Court Clerk. Weamulhoriurd to announce CoI.|Eva.\ isiiSDrn a* a Candidate for tfie Office County Court Clerk. We are authoriacd to announce WrtiiAM . Iki-TWirK, Ksq. os a Candidate for the of Superior CtHirt Clerk. We art) aulhoriMHl to announce Bralv ^TC-«, C«q- aa a Candidate for the Office CiMJOly Court Clerk. Vteire ■uthorised to announce Mr. Jrv- t'fc* B. KsBR,aa a Candidale for the i of County Court CIrrk. |*tJiBALL Thom won, Ew). decline* bcitig ■i.k rcd any lonj^r a Caridulaie fir the f (/County Court Clerk. 'Ve ar« au> i«hJ to announce himaa a Caraluiate for : Office of Cletk of the Superior Court. H r are authorized to announce the ii>l- imfT crntlemen os Candidatea for a aeai ib (iuutp of ComoKNM of tiie Dcxt Oen- \«rmhly : H \i j. Ai.EXANnrm, A.MIKKW I.HIKR. JVMJX IKU’liHEKTV, JUlt.N W KlXtJ. i ^vrviTit,ivo JUUKJ\AL». We arr> authonaed to onrtnunce the lion. xiT VV. CortJtoR aa a (,'andidatr for re* ciKfl to the next Congrew of the I’. S. —— THK DEATH CK JOHN RANPOl PH. Tbe ^«lh of Jon^ IU\Doi.rir, of Vir- rbiladtlphia, (mthe 24th ull. «ill TfprorfucwJ 10 tiH»l portnof the country grrat a *i‘n«linn aa any iucnJrnt that . lately occurred. U e copy I he fullow- pawinp pera^rapha on the sut^ji from Pbiladrli hia paper*. Judge HorariraoN was called to the chair and Col. John G. Watmoioh appoiuted’ Secretary. On motion of JonN Rergant, Emj, who made a forcible and eloquent addiesa, on the charactcr and abilities of the deceased, 0 Committee waa ajipoinlod to confer with the personal friendH of the late John Ran- dolph, Eafj. with the view of nmkitig ar- rangenients for olP ring a public tribute of respect to his remains. The moiion was supported by Horace Dixnev, Esq. in a speech of Nome length. Tho motion was unanimously adopted by th® moetiiin', and the following named gen tlemen were appointed the Committee viz: —Nicholas niddle, Samuel Breck, Joseph Hemphill, H. Willing, C. J. Ingersoll, Jniiies Brown, C. W. Dallas, Gen. 'I*. C ad- walader, John G. U’almough, Judge Hop- kinsoii, and Horace Binney. We hove bee^n favored w ith the following letter, by the Tost Master of thiscity.T. U . Baboi', Esq. ('has. Couriir. rlST OFUCK. I FnyrttrrxiU, May Sj, ln33 ^ Charliilon—Sir, Uic I’uatmiotcr at Chii. holm’i Score N. f. inlhrmrd me by li-tlir rrc>-ivrl yr»terl«y, that a Irttrr, po^tane 75 crnU, rontaiii. mg Sidjr.Fivr IXillara in liaok Notra, mailed ft>r Charle««on at that i-flitt-on the )4ili A|iril, haij (ailed to rrarh ita d ttinatiun, whilr two ain^ie kllrra in the aairr packrl had ifoiir aafp to hand, and t)Mt mid Iftirr had ln-i n «and n>ai|ed in itH-prrwnce of the iiiail.rarrM-r, wito ia Uieniail. cMrirr brin-rt n this i^tare and S«li>biirT, by way of ( lii.!i«.lin’» »(orc, and bavin^j myaelf Trum cir- rumatanc^ which had previnualy come la my knowlHpp, aonir rraaon to vuapi-ct tho fidi hlr M Ihr rarrirr. I Ud him etamiiM d bcfiirc the t>i«- trirt Jiidfi' of the I'niled Slate*, and ftiiind ii(ion him forlr fire dollara in hutitli-C'aruliiit Rink No*m, wf.irh hf arkno«>dg)d lo hr part of thr money Ukrn by oot o« the aforcnjcntionrd lttrr. Hr iaonmmitled ibr trial. Very n^pectftilly, JDHX .MACKAF.. TIIE PRr>iII)F.Nrs TOl’R. The followiiii; nitsMer has b »>ii rctumel by ihi- i‘a»it>K\T *f tlte I . S. lo a c/im- inuniratir4i from a commi»t»^ of the IV*. riKicrals of Cokton, exprr’Mivenf tho graii- oC2!scn th.-y shijiiW f !«••; }n hifi pr»~- **nce at tite CelehralKHi of the iH-st An a fair of honor.—A duel was fought Mtween two of the college students Mr. John Adamsand Mr. Govan Roach. They fought at Rice Creek Springs on Wednes- day last, the former received a wound in his bfxJy of which he died in 24 hours, tho lat- ter had his (high bone broken and the wouiid ia thought dniijrerouB. Cohmtnn Hive, 1st inst. FROM Tun SALEM G.tZFTTr. C-opttire of Mocha,—We have been fii- vored with the following extract of a letter from the captain of ihe ship Kestitution, of ihis [Kirt, t* John I'orrester, Esq. bis ow ner : “Mottta, Jan. 20.1P.‘J3._A Turki.h army, un- drr Brima., after taking Judda and the othrr pc>rta on th Rt-d St-a, attacked Mocha on the lytli Novembfr; and, aflcr a bombardinrnt of fi.toen day*, tlic plarc aurrrndcrrd. The Banhaw has inatid me-very kindly, ever aince he haa bwn here, and trit-d to forn ard my buaincan an much as From the Salem Rrporter, PROLIFIC SNAKE. Mr. Editor:—The following facts rela tive to an extraordinary Snake, are at your service: Seven or eight years ago I discovered a snake of the “ garter snake” kind, near my father’s house, al)out 8 miles east of Rr>ck> ford, Surry county, which 1 killed. 'I'he unusual size of the snake arouaed my curi osity so much that 1 determined to open it: on doing so I found three bags each contain ing Sixty-three young snakes, making One Hundred and eighty-nine. These young snakes were from 6 to 8 inches long, and appeared very fierce and venomous, striking and biting at every thing with which they camo in contact. WM. R. LOVILL. May 15,1633. State Banle.—Pcter Bhowx, Esq. tlio €alm«t>n M^ietUmary OF THE HOLY BlBJLi:, - Rct:\$ed^ icjM large addilioriM by E. Roinntfin^ D, D> Uiiiik we may aafcly pronounce thia the » * l^t work oC^e kind, within the aanie compaat, in Ac Erg-lwi Lan^s|^e, and we think the aoond Biblical Scholar will more hivbly prijo tliia volume, than tlie quarto edition in 5 roluoMs, which atonotimeaold fort45.—M Y.Obtrver. A writer in the Spirit of the Pilgrini’a apeakine of thia book.j,,, Ui. “one which lo those who ^rehaie'"^ WWc, U teill U expenriee net to_ , «, for sale at the Char lotte Book btorc by p GOULD. June 7. 143 TrVHt SiOe OF R£AL. KSTATE. By virtue of a Deed of 'I’roat, executed to m« by Col. Sloan for ccrUin p.irpoaea—and at the rrqutsi and detire of Col. Sloan—who wiches to cloie and attUe all hia public huaineii—I will aell to Uie higheat bidder, at public aale, on Thurt. day, the llfA of July next, the following property : Three parcels of Land adjoining the Town of Charlotte, one of 26 acrea, another of .'Vfi and tho other of 20 «crea. Also, a 'J’ract of Land, lying in the up. per pnrt of the County, on Clark’s Creek, contain. '»)? 200 acres, the place where William Pick, ens formerly lived. His interest in a Tract of 110 acres. In Ihe lower part of the County, upon which is a GOIiD MINE, known as the Lemond't Place. Also, 2 Horses, a small stock of Cattle and Household and Kitchen Furniture. I will sell publicly, on same day, the Lots and D\V ELLING HOUSE in which the Kaid Sloan now lives, in the cast part of the town near the Court-House. The Dwelling- House is large, commodious and well finished, containing 4 larga and 4 smalt rooms with a garret and go^ cellar, and is well calculated for a Tavern. 'I'he lots run from the front to the back street. There is also attached to tho lot on the front street a new Storo House with counting room and good cellar. This situation is well worth the attention of those who , . . : . • . , ' „ c'lber wish to engage in the mercantile bntinea* cm '’''"P ^ *" to keep a House of Public Entertainment, as it rt with ;. n. Ilan.iltoi, and rthors t^ p^, vent’. ‘=‘0' ! J! f«»siblc. He is alHiut raining the duty on all' President of this institution, having relin- *'”’‘ '1?" »bips »o fcven per ccnt., the same as the i quished his situation, the vacancy has been A.ab* pay, which will I* of much consequrnco I filled by the sppoinlmont of David W. t«the American trade. Plie whole sta cojist is in , c_, Infn *1. I? i |K)*««.ion of the Hasliaw Bcliiias, from Judda to : Caf.hier of the Edenton Al'in; but the country if in a very unM'ttlcd vtate, | .'ir. *..* has arrived in this city, and it is rcjwrltd that the king of Hannah is | ond entered upon the duties of his oflice. rsuing a large tore* to endeavor lu retake his | Raleieh lieeistfr. poMcssions. Cofitse is sc^cc and high.” , Jons S. Gamahfr, E«:q. Editor of the Ihe IJoston Daily Advertiser, in the | Charlestown Va. Free Press, has been cotirs.; of an article on the recently publish- chosen .Mavor of that place. Mr. Gal- ed biography of the Inte Chief Justice Jav, | i.Airru, but a .short time since, was elected gives the followitig anecdote of that states- lo Ihe House of Delegates from the County ’ j of Jefferson. 7'hese monifestations of pub- In ron'-rrt with fJen. Himilton and Mr. Madi': lie confidence are very honorable to him h eneaB. d in the wr.ung of the F. d. raiist; upon whom they are bestowed.-Gaz. bat III* labors were early interriipted by an ttiifor-, lunate occurrence, which, we apprehend, is not ! if V—i T* i . j • • r generally knoan. Ot»ing to ik-vc ra1 vioUtions of I /. “ late decision of one th crave, tfie MaagistraU* of N.-w York found it 1 ®‘ I ourts, .Mr. Noah is re- rir-e»iiary to inipiiM>n arjme phy^irians in ord-T ! St mined from carrying into efl«H:t his de‘ire lo proteel Ih. ni from the fury of a mob. which at to establish a new pniicr in that city, he lerjih endeavored to force thf jail in uhieh tliev hr.vincr ..Uon f v eie rovfinrd. ,Mr. Jay, while lalioriii •-• ri wiiii iian.iKnii ana r.inrrs lo pn vent ■ " ' ’ ' ' ‘ V • , .i. , . i, S- j J - this outiajrr. leeeivid a d.mgcrous wound on Ihe ' ^ ycors fii.jn 1820, when he sold his in- | '* "^*0 °n the lot a well of good water. It will bo lennJt' fiofii a »tone, from tt,e efT.-eU of which it in the Courier !t h'tKluircr. lT. V” " i. >‘ner real eatate, upon a crc. was long tKlori he entirely recovered. ! - * i ii i P«»08sion given imatc- I DIED, TUo' I r 1 ^ the 1.1th ult. at his retidcnee, near Fin- The Albany L.enmg Journal of a late , v=. of = co.T.plicstcd affcrticc of the *to.n- dale says— I ,ch aiwl liver. (Jen. JAMES BKW KLNRIDUE, diately. K W. ALEXANDER, Truttee. June I M3. (45 O’The Camden Jonmal and Raleigh Star art* vcnnrv nf mii- nn>i»f>al ... Fl"irrry InlroSur:i,.n—Our facet ions Ho^t of ICJcn. B. nos a soldier requested to insert this advertisement three weeka ik’’ii •» ' It ’ i' *'** ojjr of riclii >t VI iiji ii, a r- I Revolution, a disMnguishcd member of the j and forward their accounts to thia office for act. me I r.Klle >| .\ir>rnran l.ilMrly, re-«-i\ed . intrnduelinn of an \rriniliiiriit loa ' **?''• nitny years a delegate in the Legi.lature foment. the following aiwwer, dated akiiin^ton.; di»iini;ui»bi d Mairi-min. In r * May i!li»l, mer tolhe Utter griiUi mnn, mm Yoor «mmnn.c.t«n of the ll.h !’,?/';r^,'l!ri("Vm.1l FI«w.“r.‘o| Marrh U.l, in t--haj( ,.f the IJ.-ptiUliean eitiicnsof n,,„ liTMlan, intiling me lo that rit». wa* r'c irrd iii I r-i,._ due liiw. hut I hare ilcli rrt'd its ackf>oi\ lc-di.iii’nt ' , jtlM* rolluwing aiwwer, dated akiiin^ton. ' dmimwuKbi d Malri-man. In p'M'nimg’he for. “'“1 • fcprcferts'trc in the (ongress [.May i!li»l, mer to ihe Utter griiUi mnn, niini-Jlris!, m hit mrr, ■>(" the I'niJed state*. He was interred with mili- i - . e.u !*'arP.Tmanrer.(.tid; "Ihis w Judge Mrr.i, who''''^’' an'^'C County Courtof IWtourt rvnxtir'i. i oor eommnnicalion of the I Kh rult,rater tltr fm-M Flow. r« of the /'iWe/—thin. ; **'=‘"5 m session, a resolution was adopted that the Die cboici'kt of tlic court and bvr, and the ofBecrs of , Li. , - 1 ibe court, wisr era|>c on the kfl arm for one due 11^. hut lhsTe.l*r. rr».d .Uack»««l.-dcm. nt ; r .. , . ,1 month. In the death of IJeneral Breckinridge, until I cmild diTu). with errtsiniy »lM.iber it: I lie tollow in;:, Irom lh»* snme JoumnI of Virginii has lost one of her most distinguished ntxihi Iw in my power. Ihi* rnmnK-r. to r> a>i/r Ihr sntfcedent dat», gire^ tho kry to the bon and vaUi.ihlc eilijeii,,. drst^ I have -o |o«g .^d, of viMting the ; of “ OUr H.St of the En»le ' - i--'-■-■■s lulj oorthrrn porlimi of iIk- t'nileH Malf. , I \N KKKLY ALMA.WC. Fin1inir that I ,n ksveth. « »• ..f i-«« mmmt I The Hon. Damtl ra^ra. T.adr. and Dnitirh- 'arlvmJunemnd hr •tttcl abomi i of Bos. 1 u. T> . 1 ni • • i > I"e »»x*r irer**, I ■ ' '. > h'H|‘Uii| PH.\SES. Mr. KAMK-lfM arrived in Philadelphia | ,,th but hnlc loroov.t.imcclo llMT«:Wir “’*= stean.boat Lrie. on .Monday I |riMe»|»«-f:.| Ul eitreme stole of debility ; and from u eives me plri..ire to inform ton that / »kaU dr. •"d l"®'* u-lgmgs at ihr Ijigle. In the P SoturUay, j4 4!-’7 I'Ji -erpteWHHrt which freqwntlv droppCfl ■ ' , rtW »» f*e .tjer*. ^ n„ r.»r-«ro | r«ur»e of Ih. It..., a luree n.m.t. r of our rui. " - * -.him, II IS lhnuehtlh«t he’knew lhr.'**^“«'l**^«‘''>»r»f-‘"»>«-lll-^.n..,.m.nal...r. pa.d thr.r re.,-xt- to t us d..l,nri.i>hcd I of hi. K.»l,h 4rt«r K.:-V* . I ‘ wbirh cv. to Ifcnton j ''’‘T'''''?" Snpremaey of tlx t on^lUution. Mafeof hii health. ARer his arrivnl „ „,li.iJ a di.tmeUnn m our •••iionai h,.|..rr Mr U i-«rrr.«. aeeomi auie.1 by J ^rrsrta. (otuiurd to Mink. The bmp of lit >T^I in the MickrI; and even thr (th of •irraatotal doslic* only informf4l ire ol bis condition, of I ho apfirooch i'.de'iib. He preeerved lli* aingular atal lirilliaitcy of his inlrllert ti> a tn>ur. 7'he eveuing before hi« ■ 't> f,i» physician inf»rm*Hl him, with a ‘ frankne«8, of his sppro«ehing de. v' ; ami was gratified t> find the awful JSiiaJion received without surprise, '*:'biut di*«p|M)inlm'nt. He spoke of '■pt pri>lrarled illnesa ; andexpreseed ^nriiflo ihnt it was well that Ihe scew ring alxiuld close.—Inlrlli^cnccr. raai|Tnr rr^T«i’tT*M»'i. i n RandAtth of Roanoke is no more. ii*l \es|frday about twelvo o’clock, at * f\ Hotel. The excitemrnt in Ches- »)rtet, wlieii the nielanrholy fact U-cauie ‘fi.-rjn I* imagined—not deiwril’ed. under*tand that his remains wiU.b*- I bark In Ins loved Virginia, thereto ri' •'n'-ng the ashes of his forrfuthcm. II m. Juhn S. n.irUiur, of ^'rjl'nin. i "*W him in his dy ing moments, and ' *' in^sures lr» h.ixe llK*se in« lniH'h**lv ,'»'rf'rnie*l whn'li llie sod ewnt c.ilh-d IIm* lliin. L. \V. Tnzwell is we . also liere, or was ht re a day or ’TO. A risipio «>f hours bt'lorc hi' he talked and mihI he felt as well a^ il hi3 h>^lth had, in (hot, r«^overcl. "rot( to \ irgiiiia fur ihe peligrco of a It was but ihe last flirkr-ring fliine •- up for a moment only to lie mcceed- • long an«i lanimg night in tins world. «m K>ing," Naid he in n gentleman of ' '■ily the fither tlay, •* I am going to - the Ust throw of the die." •1" right in one respect—it was tndeeii ' throw n( t»,r dio—but It was a throw 'r''rnity—not to England. r*rm XIIK J»tTIO?(AL liAXETTK Isam the mimi >( il>« Hon. K vxiMir.PH retained its usual chnmc. ’'"''11 within ab>«it iwohfurs ( f his dis Wk.m. Ii ati(] ^ hke the liody, couiplcle exhauotion. '••IS enieiaifvl Jo mieli a dogiee thiil '^‘rnr wa* ^ prodigy of h unness ami go- Ixhty—a nHTf analtiiiiy. He gave rtr!r*” "hotjUl lie trans- llontioke, iHid litinet) under a He inlPtidcd to revisit En- I t Iho iniprovetn‘nl of Ins hralth. V Ur”* “Mk-Tra or nut L*ti n.r I ^ i.,t li Ih..l«iili;;liti lied .Vgru iilliii;'i. J: —r Bi CJ, , Km], and lodi oter his highly riiitivated Farm. •Mr. " m.-HKR, It will lie seen from this, h.iii roiniixnccd his coi.ti iiiplated lour into I Iho Ke^iuii cif iho U'esl.—.Va/. InJil, 9 S.ind.iy, 4 4l^ 7 12; 10 Monday, 4 4i-7 12' 11 TiM>dav, ’4 47 7 13 12 \V.-dneidav 4 47 7 13 .. r T, , .New 11 5 49 af\n. l1 III !;;,Fir,t24 lO e mom. For June, 1833. n. II. M. f'ull 2 6 29 mcrn. I.sst 10 7 0 morn. 14 Friday, l4 47 'llli; MA1CKKI>^ oiir nalmnai hi»1*>fr. It w til be |i«rtn-iilarlr rrstnj me lo rro lo rm- brse,- an >pp^irtiMiily ol l. iii'. rin;; lo \oui»i|Tr« and thoiir )o« re|>f.-«»-ni on this occaunn, as «• II a* lo f llow eiiizmn geni rally, niy j«i-r*onal re«p«el«. It would al*n tie |>ra'e'ul l« itit lr lines lo be able lo e« li bratr thr a|-|>r«a> bin; aninrtT- sarv of cMir Nstiiwial Ind (w nd ne- nmh r the I roo'fof Faneuil llall; l.ultl.rtio,.-all..ll.d Ibrlb. . • "j “. Bagging. 13 a 17; CofTee, 12i a 15; Cotton, propowd Intir will not |irrinil the d>-i niKm neees- I uts'hv, relntrs the tollowni;; ‘''''*rn»'ler- j tiO a 1)5 ; Fla.xfeed, $1 a 0 00 ; sary for thu porp.^'. TI.e »lilr of my htal'h al- i i,;jc anecdote of the lale Juhn Randolph :! Flonr. S4| a OU ; F( athers,’32 a 3.5; Iron, 4J a 5J ; FAYI'TTKVIM.F., JI NK 4. Branriv, $)| • 1^; IVnch 55 a 60; Af>- *1.^ a sW ; llarrtn, fij • 7| J Fvcvwax, J7 m 17^ ; STATE OF yORTH-CAROLiyA, MECKLENBrHG COUNTT. Superior Court of Law, Spring Term, 1633. Robert .M. Sterling \ Marg.reVsterlinT.^^*=^'*‘°° IT ap|)oarinn to the satisfaction of the Court, that the E^fendant in this case is not an ia- habitant of this Sute, therefore it is Ordered, that publication be made for three months in the Ra leigh Star and the .Miners’ Sc Farmers’ Journal, for the said l>efendanl to appear at our next Supe rior Court of Law, to be held Ibr the county of Mecklenburg, at the Court-House in Charlotte, on the 7th Monday after the 4th Monday of Septem ber next, then and there to plead in answer to tho I Plaintiff’s petition, etherwise judgment pro con- I fessro will be entered against her ird dcscree ac. cordingly. Witness, Pearsall Thompson, Clerk I of said Court, at Office in Charlotte, the 7th .Mon day aflcr the 4th Monday of March, A. D. 1633. P. THOMPSON, c. m. $.c. I. Jure 1 M3. Price adv. S5| E,UHipLiu C ounty Town JLots FOR SAf,E. ■o, and Ihe general obj »l« of the lour. rnaVe it proper llial I »hould dMiine a pailicipation in siiv pMUte cek bralion. I have the honor to lie, w ith great rr«pert. rour •Imtirnt srr^aiil. A.MlKl.W JA( K.'ioS. 'PliC dc(4irturc of the Pnr>intNT E««l- ward within a (ew ilays is by this Letter placed beyond doubt.— .^u/. Jn/cl. o» Fit i \r.. Ike l'ir$ulenl ^ tke V. Slalft. l.*>uis .Mcl«ir,e, of IK-lawnre, to he Sec retary of ^tate, irt th ' place if Elmund LiMngston, ap(M>iiited Minister lo i'ranee. ilhain J. Ihmie, of Pennsylvania, to l»e P«-« r»-lary of the 'rn*a^ury, in Ihe place f'f Louis .McLaitc, ap|>oiutcd Secretary uf i-'.lward Livingston, late of iKHiisiana. to !)»' Envoy r.xirionliiiary ami Miiiisler Plen- i|KU»*nlinry of the I . Slates lo the t’ourt of His Msjesly the Kingnf ihe I’rench. Thomas IVnnnnt Uarti>n, of I’ennsyha- nia, to lie Secretary uf the Legation of the L nitcd States at Paris. ,** nml reuperinMo mri'liiig of cili- 11 ’ourt R(Kiin, ^ "rterii**«.n, (Mirmiant to no- be rnoniing |Mipera, for the purpoee ‘"3 measures in refi-rence to the '«'.*athof JOH.N RANDOLPH, Esq. Bank Drfolctttion.—'l'hv (teorgia papers aiiiMiuiice that iho Cashier of the (Ireens- Inirough Rranch of the Slate Hank of ileer- ;;ia IS found to l>e ■ defaulter to iheanHiunI Ilf uImuiI $71.0011. it is siuletl that tlie credit of the lntliliitiin cannot b** afU'Ctod by this circumstance ; as the necurilies lie- ing good, the eventual lo«r« to the Rank can- nol Ik? great.—I'ayftti riHc Ohncrrt r. Thr new Seen tary of the Trcatvry,— The 1't‘iinsy Ivuiiiaii of'FiKnul.TV says—“ Wc! learn lhat tuirworthV fellow townsman, \Vm- J. Ihiiiiic, Esij., the now Secn-tary of thft Treasury will leave this cily in a few days* III uM.uuit> Ihe duties of the Treasury De partment.” Counterfeit*,— V\ e learn from the Nor folk H*-iiron that there aro in circulation in that quarter, ‘JO dollarcoiititerleit noiee, purporting to l>e issued at the Rank of Vir- Kiuia at Richmond, f-igncd “J. Rrocken- bnHigh, Prrnt," •• W. Danilndge, ('anhier," and jiayableat the branch in Norfolk to (Jeo. Newton, Pri'sident; No. letter a, dalel Rii hmoiKl, Uth .March, 1814. They are so well executed, that their spuriuua character is dillicult of detection. Halcigh Star. The Philadelphia Herald of ILL be sold on the first Wednesday in T W July next, on let No. 950, 12th District, •• We .poke aw bile ago of hie c.xtreme sensibi- . 1« * >« i Molassem :« a 33; Oats, 3J a 37; | 1»‘ Section ; all the town loU laid out for the coun- r at the vronr pronunciation of a word, 'i'liis '■'•t- 6i a tij ; wrought, 18 a !iO; Rum, Jama- | •/ "“'d The sale to continue from > rxenir!:tiU e\en in tne agonies ol dcalh— n.. «.jw , ■* b tj , --j K lur P. » a- r. adinp to bun, and pr-nouneed the Suear, 7* a a* ; coniinon, » a »i; loaf and lump, j known on Uie day rd ()iunip"tent with tl»c itrc*i. the ».i,—om- '4 a 18; Salt, Liverpool, 65 a 7j; Turk’s Island, OXFORV, J. I. C. ^.teiiU “ Plea»e.” said iIh- dying man, " » “5; St,.rl. American, 8 a H; blibti rid. , C. t F’/- u.:ee that word Omsipotciit" The Doctor pro- 1'': » a 10; Wheat, ( JOHN D. FIELDS, J. I. C. » ^5 I \VhifikcV. 30 E 35. Maj 21, 1833. 4t44 ly it tlic I* ro?if pronunci4tion 01 a wora. i nitt f»u.w, , y ; .7 nvn* na. exenif !ifi-d exen in the agonies of death England,4.'. a50; Rioe,4 a 4J ; “y f** «r° Terms roado mxl word I !ii/j«t nouiice that word Omsipotciit’■ l lie Doctor pro- , . . ctx dfd, and coming lo the word again, pronounced i hiskey, 30 a 35. ■I as before—" I)o lor,” said Mr. R^ •* I » ill thank i — you lo pronounce that word OiiiKipoteiit.’’ Soon i COLl MDIA, JI NE .1 aOrrwards, p'lllirg his hand to his forehead, he ' Ila'^n S a 10; Ilale Rojie lU a 12; Brandy Ap- | said “ 1 havi the sweat of dealii on inc now ;" and pl* Teach 0 a 7.5 ; liuUer 16 a 25 ; Cot- I ahortlr aftirwards be died.’’ j I*'" 10 • 1-1: Cotton Bagging Hemp 18 a 22 ; Tow ' -J I 16 a 17 ; Coflee 14 a 17 ; Corn C2| a 75; Flour ; Oiir fellow fitiwns in Missi-i-'irn arc about to Country 5 a Cj ; Iron Swedes 0 a 5; Country 4 a , put to tho teiil of exptriiuenl tho syhteni of uni- Ix-ad 9 a III; I.ard !i a 10; Molasses 40 a 50 ; ^rr^al . leelion direetlv by tli. p.o|.Ie to all tire of. N»*l» 7 a H; t>ats 40 a 50; Rice 2i a 3; Salt in j ftce. of fu»i and p’-cfit in th" Sute, adopted by I “cks 2i a 21; in bulk 75; Steel German 16 a 18; ' Iheir new Constitution. Nominations to cflice, Clisttr 10 a 12 ; Cait 25 a 30 ; Sugar loaf 16 a 20; | eireiilarK, elielioncring a>idref3es, recconimenda- Brown 8 a 12; U bite Havana, 12 a 14; lallow tioiiK, Ae. fill up the eoliinins of iIk ir |«|>ers, fre- I fiiirn'ly to Ihe almost entire exclusion of all other . , L-_, __. __ „ „ malt'-r. 'F'li p rrorni, w Ith jn«liee to himself and ; SfilOOi 4 I’tcbl'ffttOMt A If BO€PMkS. Ihr eemmnnitv, the respon.-ibl« duty of an elector, |[l'I* ""w quite common in every jiart of our i WAY'S Morning and Evening Exercises, ot caeh cituen must be subjected lo no small trouble Jl country, and, we c»M>cei\e, quite proper to de- •" Short Discourses for the morning and even- ;n Irsrninjr the respective fjuslifications of candi- vote the FouKTn or Jui.v to appropriate Religious i ing of every day in the year. These vohimes, like date* for the numerous otlUes that arc from time | Services. Accordingly arrangement* have beii ' the other writings of Mr. Jay, arc held in high L.AW BOOKS For Sale at tke Charlotte Book Store. JOHNSON’S Reports, 20 vols. Johnson's Chancery Reports, 7 vols. Binney’s Reports, 6 vols. Chilly’s Criminal Law, 3 vols. Condensed English Chancery Reports, 3vo!s. ChiMy’s Itlackstonc, 2 vols. Chitty on Contracts, Toller on Executors, Foiiblanqne's Equity. Mav 31,1 K3.3. D. GOtTP. estimation by Christians of diflVrent denomina tion!". They arc worthy of a place in every family. For sale at tlie Charlotte Book Store bv D. GOl LD. .Vrv !y/, IRia, The Aiiirriran Farmer, >-im|ilieity of aneient times, it flourished as a vigorous plint. 'I'he trsveller found beneath its wide spreading branches, a shelter from the noon, day sun, and a eovert from the storm. Rut na tions, in till ir approaches to refinement, ha\-e b«'en prone to ni'alect its culture. They have hedged it about with ceremonies, and encunibcred It w ith trapjiing*. till its virtue faded or its roots permhcii. Like the stripling shepherd, it hath dr.»p,i| beneath the gorgeous armour of royalty, while if would fain have found among the smooth htones of the brook the strength it needed—Mrt. Sigourney. An impudent Qi/arA.—A “ professed bone si'tler” advertise* inn Western paper lhat “ his method of treating patients is so pleasant, and his .«:ucce8s so certain, that many persons who have applied to him R»r relief, have aOerwards disjointed, and e- ven broken Iheir own limbs purpoecly, in onler that they might enjoy the luxury of undergoing another oj»eratioii at hi« bands!” to time lo lie tilh d bv |>opular suffrage. Judges, | made by the “ Charlolte Sunday St bool Union” for ( lerks, Histrirt .\Uornevs,CounlT Assessors, Tai ' ibe delivery of an Addreiw before the Sunday ( ■..lleetors, Ksngers, t ironers. Sheriffs and we 1 Schools of the village and of the neighboring eon- I., h. \r I'onMabUs, an' all elected by tlie people, gregalions on tliat occasion this year. And it is 'I his no\el syst( m seems to us besides other ob- : sinetrclv desired that as many of the Superinten- jections, lo throw grr«l trouble and responsibility dants. Teachers and Pupils of Sunday Schools, upon the is-ople. w ithout any corresponding be. I and of Ihe friends of the ruuse, whether connee-, „ , . ■ nrfit. We shall wxm see how it will oiicrate in ted with the American Sunday School I’nion or ' Edited by Gideon B. Smith, is issued every hridar, practice. I\'a*hnlit liunner. ! not, as can make it accord with their convenience, in $5 perannum,in advance. Con- ♦ I will favor us with their presenee. Tlie exercises //.•♦p/o/i/V—The voii e of inspiration hat en- ! wili commence in tlic Brick Church at 11 o’clock, join d hi»pitalily as a duty. The dictates of na- i A. .M. and all the youth are requested to be present lure concur in Fronoaur'aB it » »irtue. In the in lufficicnt season to join the procession. ■ JOHN IRWI.V, D. PARKS, JA.MIi^ H.ORR, Committre of Arran^emint. Charlotte, Jun‘ 1, 1^33. in Hallimore, at $5 per annum, in advance, tents of liie 11th Number, XV Volume. Editorial; Wine Dresser wanted; Farmers and OfHce; Splendid Flower, Crirum amabilr; SUte ol” the \Veatlicr and tlardening in England—Cultuio of Tobacco in Prince George’s County Md.; In- , quiry—Remetiy against Bee-moth—Roecs in Sin- ' clair and .Moore's Nursery—Foreign .MarkeU— j LeUer from a Virginian on Horizontal Ploughnig ! and Hillside Ploughs—Answers to Queries on tho _„ „ j Culture of Rice—On the C’oltureof Rice on High- ! lands—New Potatoes—On the Cultivation of In. G(H)D two story Dwelhng Houw I by Will. Clark, Jr.—Field Culture of H -ll ^ on 1 Peas—First Introduction of Potatoea, by James a privau; limily. lor i>«iiioulars app .v to | Walker—Culture of Lucerne—Observation on thu NANCY I Cuhiire of Grasses in the Southern State»~Tho May 31, IK33. Iw | Spuniah Chrsnut, CuManca vttca ; Propagation n W# fnf HnMr Culture—On GrafXing—High Bush Cranberry— f iM^ . 1 Analysis of Diflerent Sorts%f Salt, &c._S^^r.. ^ lONSlSTlNG of a large hill, interspersed with and tlieir Pigs; Animal Food for Swine—Hints to Housewives—Churning on Horscback—Prices Current of Country Prtxluce in the New-York and Advertitemenls. _ numerous veins ami two brandies, ocuitain- ine auriferous deposites, and now in Iheir natural state. One of th. «- veins is of a goo.1 Uiicknsss j andean be traced a!>ou4 hall a mile lu length, and _ , —, the ctiinmon ore on the surl'acc contains tlirec pen- 11 i.'» i > 1r.’’’ IA I.'’ IT' TA nyweights lo the buvhcl. .)lher vein* arc neatly ' P'l 1 11* JT ^ J./ITilli LIJ>, as good. Water power is convenient and attach- 'H^OR Lunds sold for Taxes; Cor La-uJs .«old ed to the premises. 'I'his .Mine, unquestionably of ^ under a Writ of Fieri Facias ; and for I.mids great value, is now offered at a very low price.— : .;uij under a Writ of Venditioni Exponas—fur sal'’ Gentlemen aro tequesled to call and exsmine Ibr ; utHiis Office. i fci.nfv, .V»v HO, UVrran^'t’ Lfeea',^ /-r .tale at t'tis OJl(^

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