THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. I»OETRVi E%'ENIN» in GREECE. The following vcr»ion of a Biythologic- a1 ilory. ii eitr.cteJ from »*econd roJuroe of Mr. Moore’i Eceninp* »■ Gre&^ jort pubJithed—a work «bounduir •« graceful •nd ftnoiful de- geripoons: A* Low, oOf iuminer eve, wm »tr»yin{. Who ibouM hr >> that aoA bour. But ymng Mtncrra, ««"'>' Her fhitf, within «n oJiv« iNIWW. I need not uf, 'tit Ix>ve’a opi*B Thit, fffiTC or merry, good or ill Thr «ez ^ to bis dotninion^ jU n ouian will be woman alilL Tlx’ugJ' aeldom yrt the boy hath given Tu Icariifd dama* hia luniles or aigha. So handaooie Pallaa look’d that cren, Lo»a quite forgot the maid wa* wise. Besides, • youth of his diacernlnf Knew well tliat, by a shady rill. At sunset hour—whata’er her learning— A woniao will be woman atilL Her flute be praised in terms ecstatic. Wishing it dorab—nor car’d how soon— For Wisdom’s notes, howe’er chromatic. To luire sce«i alirays out of tune. But long as lie fotind face to flatter. The nympli found breath to shake and thrill; As, " pak or wise—it doth not matter— Woman, at bcait, is wocnan still. Lorr chang’d his plan, with warmth exclaiming “How brilliant was her lips’ soft dye I” And much that flute, the sly rogue blaming. For twisting lips so sweet awry. The nymph Ic^'d down—beheld her feature* Kericcted on the passing rill. And »l»r«ed, shriek’d—for, ah, ye crcaturca! Ev'm when divine, you’re women still. lue ao exactly that they ore mistaken tor! ^ WATCH what they seem to be; by these means the iubwribers inform the '''t | — i u iiithrm. his cus- confiding spirit of ycith beoorocs obnoxious 1 back country ‘‘'7 i '„Xe?enCiryTa h. has mr^s, pledge themselves to perform all operali.m» |x>pilir A. PlaiM »» aUII^«, » upon the most approved plaiis. "'f | MOrtcU, sdvicc, wiU address Uoctors UougUss & Moore, CSold Clialnw, .»tr St concentrated la the foul liearts of envious and malicious hypocrileti, whoso chief am bition seems to consist in sitiking virtue into degredation. The youth who still remains j u^n in unshaken belief of the reality of virtue and the honontble principles which ho o- riginally startod with, ami afler a succes sion of such disappointments, has the inde pendence and decision of character to prac tice them, may be truly said to have been tested by an ordeal, the severity and under- mining nature of which, but few have w ith stood. Iksides the shy attempts of envy and mn- lignily, there are mimlicrless other iin|)edi- ments and contrarieties thnt conspire to de lude the young mind into an unf.xceptiona- Chcsterville. M«v. JOHN DOrCLAS-S. TII4.>S. W. MODKE. I4.I Quick from the lips it made so odious That graceless flute the goddess took. And whjle yet fill'd with breath melodMua, Flung it into the glassy brook; Where, as its vocal life was fleating Ak down the current, faiat and shrill. At distance long 'twas heard repeating, “Woman, ala&, vain woman still morXl ^_r khgious. f'rom tie Saturday Erening THE EXCELLENCE OF VIRTIF^ i:ar anil Finffcr RInffw, Ilrrast Piiiw and Whirl Sliid*»; bich, topBthcr with bis former Stock, make, his r.-sfiit asMirtnirnt nearly complfte. all of w hith A ..erior RIFI-R (U’NS on the most .com- ^u. MIMl X w. |>cnor U.. - . iijodalini? terms for Cash; or cn*lil to punftuil dealers.*' JNO. G. H^KLNS. Jtfs* 30, 1833. lOt M f:LKC’'rio>r xotick. An EK'ction for Seven Directors of the Meek- Icnburg tJold Mining Company will be held on the 17th day of .lime, 1n13, at the ofticp of the ble condemnation of ail that presents the i ^’o,„pjny ,i su Catharines Mill* in Mecklenburg semblance of social virtue and fellowship, j County, North-Carolina, between tlie hours ot 1-* From having been so frequently ami uiva- ■ and 2 o’clock of Uiat day. ^ j)ky, Secrrtary. nably disappointed in his anlicipations ofj v-n t*/. 1S33. 39tii unbounded worth, in the men w ith whom j —^ —— • chance has brought him in contact, such j unjust conclusions very naturally arise, and J r|pHE subaoriber has the pleasure of inforiBi. I A hia cuatomers and the citizens of MftVlt* I burg in general, tliat he is now raeeivinv ki I of SPRING it HUMMER G001J8, co^wilJJ Htapir 4k Fancy Dry Cioods, Hardwnrr, €utlrr>, China, €i)laMi A Qucenitwart a large aad extvosiv* stock of ’ I tiJtOt'EMMBS, of the best quality, Plated and Eras* I _ ghort time, to punctflal customers. | ,|,roughout cannot be excelltd in point of it,U He still co..lim.cs to i elegance and durahility, and e.ery qu.l„, SP(K)NS and other can poa«bly recommend Good.. In^sh«v^| alw>, l« rc|>o»ri. iock»a«d ttf»ck it Ur^fc «nd the aMorlmont coinpleu. J here iujorm tht pHhlie. thst hu >s the only slu^ m town where sm li articles are repaired. He will alsn FI.LX Gt>LU in any quantity, at '''tfaU^NG^and EN;RAVIX0, also, done to orl:! TIIUM.^S TRtm-EK. Ckarlottf, .Vffy, 'I' ui’ ST S A L F. KY virtue of a Deed of Truat, to me given bv Tho. A. Norment, for purpoecs therein FOREWARN any p»r»on trusting my son I „HnUoncd. 1 will sell to the *>igh»t buWer, for - Lon f'raiidf&niiiifron my I am ; ,e,jy niomy, on Monday tlw 10th day rt June the extremes of misanthropy and avarice ; jpt^rmmcd not to pay any of his conirsct* ; and I next, at the Court Hous- in thsrlotte, for tiicpur. | loo frequently establish their throne w liere ; that he is not allowed to settle any AciounU or ' pow of ' generosity and frankness onginally shone ■ Notes bilooguig to roc. . . ^ now solicit, if the citixens feel a disposition ta«(. I courage my buaineaa, aa heretofiire, a continuuc, I of a small portion of the busiuesa, and 1 myself that every exeKion shsll used la firt satisfaction to those who may favor me wiUi • cii My prifjc« shall be aa small as will justif* njt u. | tentiim to bMioess—my terms accoaimoa«Un{ g every aeiise of the word. I shall contione to etnyl on my S A DP LINO as latent principles. ColUugvood. V. SAl'XIER. All. Mav 24M. Sale of I 'atuabic (JOI.I) .>II>KS. w ■ III »lj- the town ol .Milledgeville, ou the 16th How am J to kvow there i» a find if I '• caninH gee him 1—How am I to know there j is a (tod if I cannot see himsaid a little , boy to his mother. My son, l>efore I an-; swer YOU that question, tell me what it is j day of JILV'next, thelollovMng Lot*; ^ | I which moves yondel' tree, which shakes its i Lot No. I'WI, in ihc lith DisUict, 1st Scctjon. , Itop, and puts all its leaves in motion’j hat is that which make* the curls of mv ! ! hair sport about my head? Oh ! it is the j ! wind, he reified. But have you ever seen j ' the wind ? No, replied the child, but I feel j I it, and I perceive the waving of the flowers, j ; the shaking of the leaves, and tlte motion j jofywir hair. Then it is mjt necessary to I Among ait the complexities and muitipii- jscc athmg, in order to be persuaded of its . city of experience which go to make up the 1 existence—we ma v convmrc ourselves ol, man who may be said to possess a requisite i another way. Have you never seen a | „ - , _ - . •» usual, where any »n/W 1 Trust, tiic followrngTfa'cU of Und, *u : , r T in the lino, can be bs4 J A Tract of Land lu Richmood County., ^i, tj the very loweat posaih srMi term*. I i “"his ilfteri*Jt m a Tract of I^nd Iving in j Kor the very hber.l«»a*« heretofcr. J Ills I, ,-i. I eeived, I return wjf smcen tbanks to a gts«/iJ j Montgomery ( ounty m rijjbt ot his wife, ^ooUm- RtapetlAiUy yours, &c. I ing HKI . rr. • JNO. G. HORKIVS. ' AI!*o, his interest in n Tract containing j ckmrhut Apnl, lr33. ’3aif‘ „,;vKNKKr .hare of the knowlfdge of iSc .otW, there i ’»" “"'I ”P by « ”01™! occurs to mv mind one kind of experience dien. hat do vhich is verl-prominent in my recollectu>n, .vou think is necesMry to root up a tr^, and wltkh roust necessarilv be passed thro’ i '* hose roots arc sunk so deep m t''® earth bv every voung uwn, before he can become i Some amazing forcc, imleed.—W hat then I05:t, l-» 1 111*3, 12 1 7 It's 12 1 861, 12 1 K'.9, 12 1 8!*3, 12 1 f‘:>0. 12 1 93J, 12 I W7, 12 1 90*1, 4 1 071, 4 1 103>, 4 1 13 1 H), 13 1 399. 3 3 M.», St o JJ4I. 1^1 2 63x, 3 3 Also, 677, 4 3 Dsw«m’» Ferry. Also, his intereat in KM) acres in the j same County. A!j*o, his interest in two Trtirts of Land , I>iiig in Anson County, m right of his wife, ont j rontsining 1 acres, llte other |M acres. Ali>o,Tii9 intere»t in the wme right in \rltsnoas 'I'errilory, conuiaiiiir |(»4) aerrs. AI>h) his interest in lA>t No. in \\ hites- Mlle, N. C. Also, his interest in *2."»0 in the County of .Mecklenburg, known by the name of tl.i Inprain Traet. .Sale to cooiniencc precisely at 11 o’clock. U I DINKINS. TruHei fur Tit .1. Metmtnl ri-tr/o/f». Wciyia, i«;« 4* Friiitins F«tnl»li«»liuirnl nm HAi.f- f JlllE Subsctiber ufftrs for sale, the whole of 1 his i’NI.MING MATEUIAIJ4 now m V\ sshington. They cntuist of upwards of twen T. ANRI R% & ( O. Have on hartdand wiUn;] tmiie to manabctor* J tbeir 8hop id the south.easi J of Mr. Sjiring’s Brick RMdirn and OcMilemrn't nf a •uprrior styleof workmaruhip asd good & em materials, by the Mesera. Jrttona, of I • roiinty, who arr well known in the westsrs J of th StaU aa lupertor workmen—Also, SadJUkagM, I aiiMr«, Marttngaltt, fiii J IWtdU*, Coach 4- Gig Hamtss, and Ilarnrta, Horttmen't Hoiitrrt, and all other arlirlea usually raan«&etir«( i sbo(w in Ihe l^thrra Stairs. In addition to the above, we have en haHtpJ eral asaortment of (tXf mmI Ce«rA Mmtmhti rJ in a tolerable degree capable of managing W'"''. i In the ahovc list arc comprised the moat valua. ' founts of t» pe, fVom 'Hrevier to right Ju I’o—. and all other siiicja with success his pecuniary conccrnSf in thw i even rcK>t up trees 1 hat it has tie Mine*, both for \»nd IVp^tt, in ihr wholr j cxctikm J*rc«», rtowcr*, rui«s, Irsd*, crsMrt to trnp oi —, J , , . , • i_ IX* - . r«»i » I. I I. ■ . . cfwiff to triio oT KsvUlsa asd Hainess, it-oj calculatina world of intriaue and self devo- ' a prodigious force. nirn, by the elkcts a ; Cherokee country. They are thoMs whirh ha\c cha*,-., i.c. &.c with app-jrttnances eoo> „n i,, „,u |o, fer ea»h. tion or with anv deirree of exemotion from ' produces, we mav be convinced of its ^n purchaacd during the lA>tUry, »nd are sold p^te fi.r carrying on the bu«iiieai>. Ti»ey are all w, rsu«i «he pwbjie to call and eus tion, or witn anj degree 01 exemption trom althou-rh we'cannot see the thini? ‘he setllemont amone the Compan. in rood order, and soo.e of the ivpr but little worn, materials and work mai.ufaeluitd, hear srKsud Ihe disgust and dwappomtment arising from I ''? cannot see the thing Capiiaji.u are ...ured that the .aU will be | , ,i prvsent issued ir^ the offir, ha. ^ 1 Ihe mistaken anticipations, which Ihe gene- j ** '* •*>'* nianncr, m> dear child, po„itiTr ,nd withwit rnerre. The terms will be ! „ ^ , patronage as any ever puUithcd in this ' ^ i k»fUit, the. 7. l->>». IW TOIJS and confidiny soul of youth had fondlv y®** 'Carn to know Oocl, it you are at- one ihird Cash down—onelhird in two monlhs, p|„, Toa per»n of industnou* t>ati(«, aequain I |- J- ,o„L,,me« f^dle sad Ri-J dreamed of. Just emerging from a state , ‘eniive to his admirable works. Now 1 and u.e remaining third m four month, from the , *„h ,b, bus,™:-, .ad de.irous of U sting m ; u, which eood «sn«J3 of aumla'^ and theorv he at oooe aonears ' ” ‘^11 vou why we cannot see God ; it is purchase. Notes «nh approvt-d wcuriiy «.riK>n of rwontrr. a d.-airaNe opportunity » apolun* t« • K k ^ J. f h^'aii^. oiir eve is so formed that t ran «*>e in.talments, as they be. A wiid, lo rnrage in olUr pnrsuit.. j * m upon the broad rtage of expenmeni, full of; because our eve is so lormed, that it can ^ alone mdue.-s ibe pVescnt proptKtor to! '' *rdent hope and confident expectation of on'y such things as have a form: for in- doubted, the glorious succew and completion of the ! stance, I see this tree, this table, this stone noble purpoaes, which his native magna-!~I"* • •«!. •'»» *»“ Dimity has dictated. He has been earlv , '‘ial lorm, who is quite of a diffjrent nature. instructiHl in all the principles of morality |God is aSfisit.— iouih't Irictul, and virt^ie, and while immediately subject j il af- to the salutary inMriK-.liowi of parental at-1 4 Happy T,^n—In Ame:,lHirv, M««. r fcction and care, has been induced to per- l,bere are upwards of inhabilanfs— I form all the generous and noble acta which i taverns, and 11 stores—and not a single : ^liarectenze an unsophisticated heart, fixing ' (jf ardent spirits of any kirnl what- this noble purpose of doing good, pernia- 1 Verilv they inut.t be a prosperouk neiitly in his mind, and rendering it an es-. happv people '—fJatterr, Paprr. tublished principle; for the accomplishment 'i . 1 i i.i- —— of ha has been instructed in the belief Tho Alucrican Farmer^ THOMA.' J PARK, J.VtOII I’.AtiE. JA.SON H WH,I>«»N, I’. J. BI LIJK K. Z. B. HAR.Kt)\n, UII.I.tVM W \R|>. SA.Ml'Kf, TATK, ROfiKKT .‘t I’.^ITO.V, THOMAS R. Ward, \MI.LIAMS RlTHERIXlRD, HfcNHY M. CLAY. MilMzttilU. May a. Ir33. 3*»t l6 !.(” The Telescope, Columbis, snd Courier, Charleston, S. f ; Miner’s Journal, Chartoltr, and Star, Ralrigh, N. C. « ill publish the aUjve till the , day of sale—Th» National Intelhceneer, Wash- thnt reward IS alnays the consequent result Edited by Gideon B. issued every Friday, ingtonCity; Banner, Nashville, Tenn ; and Ad of thinking rightly and acting nobly ; none' in Baltimore, at ®o per annum, m advance. Con- voeate, Huntsville, Ala. will poblish the above un. of his worthy actions are suffered to pass tents of tht 10th Number, XV Volume. til the 5th July, and all forward their accounta UiipniMed; virtue and %ice are pointed out, i i:ditorial; The Dronght; Dahliaa-The Com. fo,Awith to me U.t p,y,ncpU and defined to him m a manner so decidedly P«» PW-Wash fo, Fru.iTrec....Lc->u.t.-Ae. .f.)Rt.E W. MX RRA>. , . , , 1. . . .u ccunt of an .Agricultural Exeorsion, made into ; ■Mkai'%' »%•%’ obvious that he requires no hesitation in the 1 ^ t;eorg.a, in the Winter of 1^*32, by ^ i v r ' I * ... i. choire (A the former and in abhorrence ot ' John D. I^gare, F.ditor of the .Southern Apncui- Is ■ - informs the public, that the latter. 'I'he distinguished marks of turist—-On Draining ; its Advantages and I’rac- Cither, when fairly represented, he does not Ucahilitv—On I>eached Ashes a> a .Manure—1>- ,„.,take and in his heart from having so | ryceX^Vew^fck^V’lL'wlsl'^ 1 ‘ SpirllH and IVtnrs V-lain and a duty ^fore him, from , p,Ublc Lite; V.Ul.ty of .Seed,; GenmnatmJ that can be procured. Likewi«: f.rorrr^,,. Om- trie laithtul perfonnunco oi which, such aon- ! Principle; Koot; IStart; Aiburnurn; Bark; ferlionanea and Vake$, AuHHig wbicU axe ibc pie satisfaction results, be df;termino8 at , of Plant*, t*ow converted into t%bl^ j folioiung aruckt: once, to be m his future life the pattern of 1 ^>“"»*’ment; tij-l.ction, Renioval and PUnl.ngofl WIXF,S. II ,L a- ^... k. ji 1 I Tec*; tf encrsl Rem4r k *—)n C'tittine l>own and ! 'lock dll that IS niagnanimoiManc worthv, and he ; j I’p tlie .Margina of Rivers and Creek.,; .Mo^sell wo.'iders in hlinsell, why it is that such odl- 1 md Slrsiehteningt’rt ek* and Branches.—J’rire* I'rontenae «ni.s anomalies as bad and intriguing men are Current ofCountry IVxiuce in ihc New. York and .Muscatel frxjiid to e.Yist in this fair world. He has H»ltin>oro .Markets-—Advertisements. I C’hampatgn, in pint and to Irarn, bv dear bought experience, that in , « ' quaru | • *“ - BOOK ^TORF. 1 simritm. ^HK Subscriber hsving ’ I ♦* no prospect of Uing Apple do. T again able to perform the la. jriT- l>ors of the ministry; and , I " hiskey t-eline. in .xjmmoo with •“p«n">h and American .‘^Kf.ARS, ’ prescut proptwlur dil>iMC of the riHsbtithmenl. t The whole, if specdilv si>plied for, may be had . I a bargain. l»KC* ilOl S'ro.N, Jr. j I I'^il4>r of ibc I’nioo. | I H«.li»ffe», .V r VarrA •J'l. 1I3. ! Port Msdeira Sherry Malaga TencritTe, iVc. Lc. C'hari('f»lon xiul C'hrran. rilHK frTKAM V a MAC-OK. Capt J C. (araham. ‘ brra enfagfd Ihe latf « ! 'I'A i\ FI.\ I'I* I taer la tba trade ruaning between Char Icslcai tND eommiiretJ to the* Jail of thisCoanty, on I Ctieraw, calling at tiiorgetown 00 her sn Iht. ‘JUl irtsl. a Negro Man nariH-d JLKK T. j and down, will resume Ur tripe la the coom |5 fel 3or3 iucIhs high, dark compierlrd. says a tew daya, and is intended to hr ro«aniordai ; he hrlongs to Juhn Ro^rtof I nion Court ll' use, I trade Ihe enduing sraMn. I'he rie«.niui{ ' f S. C. 'Hie owner is rr«]uested to cotite forward, j draft of wai^-r, drawing n«ly four and s Kaf ■ ! prove proprrty. pay charge* and lake Utiii away, ■ when tuaded, will rnatde hir to r^arh t t>»r»» lor he will be draU with arerKding to law j all timea, except upon an uneunmon loe n« J|*S. MX'ONN.\l'OHLY, .VAm#. i when her cargo will be lightrnsd at the March 09, 1>03. -31ir [ofthelVMl. CMnfortabte aerwr’inodations for a few ;*» gers, with all due ailantKja. J. B. CU>10S. f'imrltHtu, Sfft Hi. I~^l. .'»ftf ^ rROl*««ALS I /W t'uUutktng in YmkrilU. 5 a I rmluUd tit lOKklJI.I.F PATRIOT. IraCoti wvs shall hr devoted to Afii' f iteratare; Poiitica, Fortign and Dotne*ti^' ' Pi»try, 4c. he. 'rh«- political eharacter of the VoRk'n. PA I RIirr. ahall be Ihe old and Uue Rrt«l ■ l.iM»la nl TIiIm. ' of ar>daa siM-h, conducive to the peser. ; r*1HRsnbscnhrrhatmg«Wo„thisrntire«Wk •"'1 « ’>•«• 1 oft; Mr.ticrge .s. Shaw. unde, i At> sppe^ N i«»w made l« th^.»-rs of the neo saity of callinir u,«« all li».r indebted to ' *'"* ''"•'^'’’"'cnt ^ ^ him for a longer time than two years, ti, mak. im- patriUic freenwn of PmckaM .iRdisle payment, and tlioae of a Ule dale, hav- I »>i*lncl. *or prompt and eftfirsli ' in ti^c pruarruliufi 01 th»« Uttdrrtaiinf. I«-' VIn.. .HrAIIA^M HAVINt; taken powMmn of the HOI SK >» KNTKRI AI.N. •MUNT, formerly oreu|Hat by H. A. _ M .Niiaws, and rerenUy by Mr R ICi>»iH, respecttully loforms tl»t public she 11 pre. iJj nil |wrel to acewiMiMaiate Tra%ell’rw A Hoarder* . he has just received at hu stand, south of I j 1 , t , . .. •o.irt.Houi., a genera! aa«,rtment of tU beat ^ * will tu: wanting on m.r part lo remlrr sati«f*ctMMi to ihfM who may favi>r her «ith th^ir cinlimi. i'amdrn, Matfk jCi, Ih3.T mwlll general the life of man is a system of policy ond circuniTention, where all act from stome latent principle of scif-interestedness, w here app'arances are assumed to accomplish potne t'avorite object, and where every one is 111 ma'*querud©: everj' one assumes a guise suce«fs, nothing IS wanting hot * sTBoNO H I 1, »^i> * n IX *11 nK-TTwrs It IS ard. i.lly desired, tUt Ihe p.ibli^U*1 the paprr shall coiiinirncc on Ihe 1 llh Mtrei j provided a rr«p>clable subscriptton h*t u '' ' j prr\ioQS lo ttist liinc. It- prompt, be deeie^l which he thinks gives the most specious |"f seniWflnce of the specific qualities which ^ other men. the iinporlanct •"'I MBmHartiired Tobacco, employment which will ena- *' . iwinu of a rising family. n ^n.inne ihe Merc.ntile fh...,. , . - . opened a Bojk Store in ( harlotte, N. C. lie ,.,,,.,1 ^*»«rk t IDKrt, ftr. promise most respect and influence in the i l.elicvcs, that such an establishment was needed ‘ CRACKKKS ami HKKRFNGS, chnractcr he wu-hes to bear. 'Ihe noviciafo, when first embarked in the Western section of our State. He res. pecttully invites his friends, acquaintances, and all . i who feel sny ii.l-re«t in his undertaking, to call w (lat he alterwards leams is the capricious | and see his Books. He will be happy to execute fluctuating sr-a of life, is delighted with i orders fortboae who live at a distance, the ii/iagined bright prospCCta beftjre him, ! Whilst he has on hand soma valoablq works in \n ashortment of foreign CORDIAUS Lemon Syrup and Spruce Beer, FItl ITS AND NI TH. Mmons, Figs, Raisins and Prunes, Almonds, Brazil, Cocoa and BarccLina Nut*. —AI.SO— Tea, fofTee, t'horolate and Sugirs, ing oprn accouuts, wiil plrasi- cl«e them hv raah ■>r Ixmd. JOHN WOOURl FF. i Ajnd .1, If'M, N. B. .My otfice will be at the Store of tl. S .''haw, Ibrmerl^ orriipird hy myx'lf. | rWllfn suh«erihr liaving purchased from John : the day may be fost. and wrth it our liberti* I a WnodrufT, his sntirr Stix k ot taoods, con. I ' ustmg of such articles as usually are kept in Uiu Till'' j .ection of country, heg. Iruve to inform the cili. I W,i| be prinlrd wilh a neal iTpe. «* “ '^1 ! ten. of Meckl^nhurg ro.,nty. that he intends to ! ,„| sheet, at *3 per annum, ^y»We *.// »^ntinne Ihe .Mrrcsntilr ft,,.,tie... at the old stand ‘ arfrawr. Tl.i. advance ,«ivimnl is 10.;!=, ^ John Woodrutf. known as llw New-York C*sh j ble.-withoot ll. the undrrtakii.g die. .store, and promises lo serve all thoee who will fa I IT t.Vnil,n„n ,-.l-erii.tK» l«t».“ j ibs'v4 vor him wilh Uiey cuslom, on the most acrommo. I quMied to tiansmit lists •rfsubsrril«rs,uil«»'»1 dsling terms All p. rsons wishing to piireha* I H, coHeelcd. to M “' - for caah would do we 1 to call snd exsmim , for I I , Yorkv.lle, S. I . as early a. prsct.fsb-J am^detrrrniri^ to stll the present stock fl>r cash, | RF.^'OMMr.SiyATIOS- 'I’he und»f»-^ Cnmmitli«, of the I'nio" I'artT fa n at first cost, thoee w1m> wish acredit may expect to I (• ni/,i P«y more. G. 8.HHAW ' Charlott*, April .I. 18.1.1. •ftiUinrry *VtaHttuitnakiMK. and he iovouslv nrcjmisea himself infinite ' Medicine, mo»t of the Greek and Ijitin , ^ . (>r>invir».nt in • f «i ! Claasics, and other books used in our Schools and •1‘es of all destnptiofw, enjoyment in the consumruation of thr«e ; Academies, many work, in Tlieofogy, snd mnny ^*P. ‘ «ndle.. Mustard, Pepper and Spioe, S', netiifs f,r liti! which his ingenuousness has Miscellaneous lx>ok. suited to almont every class *• •«"f »fKl Meal. sn"^PMed. He has been told, 'tis true,that jofrcad»Ts, he will beahle to pi-orure on favorable , '' r»ons ran be furnished at all timea with cold ; .’HRS. NA^fV M I l.k dr CO. all men arv; mit Mike generous, that some 'any hooka to be found in the North rn : a* K.'^PW TFTLI.Y inform tho Ivsdies ol are envious, vicious and intrieuine and that ' in the I»ndon .Market. It wilt giv._ , . , , ,i . 'h’‘rlotie snd the sdjaccnt Country, thst we rnii«t etneet mnnv rrr.n.r. „ Ji j u I •" assist professional gentlemen or wonW, also, inform the public that ho has I they hare eommenced Ihe almve Riisineiis in all we mu I expect man> crosses ami disheart- p,i,.„e citi^cns in enlarging their Libraries, or in • lU various branches, ,„d hope by th« lr own exer OTing vexations to intervene and obscure the I purchasing new ones. He looka with confidence i tions together with tiist of Two Young luidtes brilliancy of intellectual happiness, but the. : and respect to an enlightened community for en. »i,„„ ^ ,1. »> . . i «*pcri need in the Businesa. whom they Lavs in ory IS not practice—his rt-liance on the su-1 «>«r«gemer.t. DANIEL ;oL'LD. , Tt .11 i.mir"* ! iheir employ, that they w.U be able to g%, -ene vw^rs^.. r^.aa^A.. I t-.;. — I a I Aforu 23. 1H33. 3litf ^'harlfrttf M 7 1%33 ^ •ahafftrlinn in all wKa mnv Vfnr District, do resprrlfuIlT and MrticuUrl* p«rior power of virtue and his own hours! tnt'-iitions, is to be encouraged, and to the widest *“\teiit commended, as in this are ba. al! piuCii.! virtues; but experience a- lf>ne must teach him that virtue without pol icy, is instifTiciei.t to r^ounteract the ills an- smg from the offinmisness of some, who have a' qii»rtd the art ol couctcrfciting vir-: iJoA Store. harluUt, May 23, 1833. .lUtf P. S. I have contracted with the Swcretary of the A. T. H. for an Kdition of tlie Christian Alira- nac for Norlh.t '.rolina, for Ih34. It will contain 12 pajres more of usel’ul matter than hitherto and be sold at the same price. It will be published in July, and may b- had hy the dozen or hundred,ot Bon « John P. Haven, .No. 1 t'i N^msu street, N. Y. ol J. I „ , f lophes &. Turner, Ral..-*j{b, and at the Charlotte j will Ik: taken. .Mdy 15th, 1S.11 > may favor tliem with at slltimee bo found at I r«l salisfoction lo all who ma _ i their (Custom. They can at si f-'OK SmtMjK, I **"' “ccup‘ed by Mr. TroUer at a VVatel, rjlHF; House snd I/ot where Capl. i u .i.H nil . n#>vvt~ra I Joseph Pritehsrd Irres, fcrrner. ly Dr. Th.«. Hender*.n’s. Any p«r- S. f CneA'ild ^ 1 ^ «isMng to purclase, for informslion spply u, ,1^ i * B-.yd. Young negroc. or hank ,„ym/nu *" ^TrL^e X THOS. LiA'D ■Jtli ChnrhAtr, Ajntl !»/, ihl.l. •n-’if Warrmntre Jfrrdt ft/r Muh at tlm ttffn mend the abote undertaking trt tha oen"^ ^ of the I'uion Committir* of the r««p*^bH tricta of this State as worthy ot Pstronsg' , w c Bi:vrT\,_\ c w wii i.nM*- jdllN bi.aik. r. N. tiAl'MH.R. W.M NNRl'illT. V' rki ille, Msreh. 1 •'.TI. - VimHtitatiou o/* Vri’t^^j AND Ol riir, IMTKJ» MTAT»> flOR Ka|« M ihi. Oira-e. a few J Pamphlet r oi.taminii tl.» f ’vitrd Stalti, Ihr C/in»>i.'irln .Wt* ' . J mdlfii- l*rr\anitinn n( ln>lrf^nJrnfr I’fiee.-- MIKHIKFS I I,^OH I,ands » Id for la-s. for iiiiiJer il Writ of 1 i‘ fi I * I'*' *” " i •-old vnd'-r .1 \\ ;j( of \ nd'.t.uni L\|>o''*' ‘ .. vf:n '•li' t.