X THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS* JOURNAL^ POETRV^ *J»CHIEVOl^S WOMAN. By tkt Bttrvk Sitfktni. CoW thu iH *“• cootriTwi ^.und without miichietou. woinni. How p««cf ful »»d«c« might h*c lived RtleMfd fV» »• the Ul» *0 conaMD; Bui •iDce il « wmefu’ c«e That roaun bae ihu l*»img cr«y, 5\'t «c a aweet bewilchinf face, o b«i »h*• I might hae roim’d wi’ cheerfti’ mind, Nm iio or aorrow to bctidr mr, AtcarvJcaa a the wandering wind, Af happy aa the lamb betide me; 1 miffbt h«e acr«w’d my tunefti’ peg*, Aad cvoU'd mouataiB aira fii’ gaily, Had we but wantit a’ the Megs, >Vi* gkMay een aae dark au’ wily. I «aw the danger, fear'd the dart, The Mnile, the air, en* a* tae taking, Y et open laid ray wareleas heart. An’ gat the wound that ke«p« me waking. My harp ware* on the willow green, Of wild witch-BoUa it has na« ony Sin e'er I »aw that pawky queen, Sa« sweet, tae wickcd, an’ sae bonny! Fr*m Friendtkif'$ Offering. MEMENTO. My aen, be thia thy aimple plan: tscnre Cod, and lo«« thy brothef man; Foriret not in temptotion’i h«ur. That »in Icndi *orro\i- double power; Count life a stage upon thy way. And ibUow conacience coroe what may ; Alike with hearen and earth sincere, hand and brow and bosom clear, “Fiar tiod—and know ao other fear." THE PRINTER'S LOVE. ■%Ve love to aee the blooming roae In all its beauty dress’d; Ve love to hear our fnend* disclose The emotions of their breast. W'e love to see a ship arrive, Weil iaden to our shore— ^'e love to see our neighbours thrive— And love to Ue»s the poor. We lore to see domestic life With uninterrupted joy*— We lore to see a vouthfu! wir* Not pleased with trifling toys. We love aH these—yet far above All that we ever said. We love—what e\ery Pmjrrea loves. To have SiascKimoNs ptid.—ContteUatton. The Long Lawtfrr.—k wnter tn 7%e Mrtropditcn, has (he fullowing speculationa and fads relative to the longitude of Mr. Charles WiikiDSOo, the K)Og lawyer, who la sometimes seen at even tide, towenog like Pelion, among the common herd ol men. "H'* niwsi have been very inconvenient to him. Nalure, when she .1 gom^d affj.Y® nn- (1 ON.SISTING of a large hill, interspersed wi^ numerous veins and two branches, in? aurifi rous dcpoaitcs. and now state. One of these veins w ol a good ‘*‘ickn*«- and can Uj trmct^ about half a mile in lenplh, and the common ore on the surfacc contaiBi three |« n nvwt**£hu to the bufhcl. Oihtr rt’tta arr nwrjy as eood. Water power is conrenicnt and attach- This Mine, unqassUonably ot iiiv.ui>.;—v^.- — - . j cd to the premises. —, — - invented him, ought to have conatructed i ^ j, olfcred at a very low pri«.— him on the plan of a fishing rod,—he should I c;«ntlt mcn arc nqueitod to have been m.ide to take in two; one half to , ihcmselve^ Tnw into the other half, so that when_he ' V-v 30.1833^46 awakened in the morning, he might ring |,iiui|ikiu t'OUIlty ToWU Lol» the bell for his man, and say, ‘John, bring . .M my leg. ..Ki l-nt.lo» ; W 'ii, K for 1 want to rundown to U estminibter. } /,n Uic town loti ’1I,L be sold on the first Wednesday in I No. 950, lith District. ty Mte. in s.id rountT. The sale to conUnue fVo^w day to day till all the lots are sold. Terms made known ou the day^of«U.^^^^,^^^^ J. I. C. JOHN C. JONF.S, J 1.0 JOHN I). FIEI.DS, J. I C. MsySl. — PhMc MaU of lyilwMe m*71Lt. be uoaiiivelv sold at public outcry, in the town of Millrd^eville, on the 15Ui daT of JULY next, the following LoU t ' • .x^a «w! A .a • .* if>r> Then the upper part of him might be got into any docent-sized bed, and the lower part been hung up with his bools till the morning, or left on the mat at his chamber door, ready for him to jump into it at a mo- ment’s notice. One of the nymphs wlio walk under the Moon without being chasten ed bv her beams, was, it is said, iu love with him to desjieration, and once tried to throw hers®If out of the huckncycoach into his arms, but she pitched with her no:»e in- | to his coat jKKket; and as he could not , stoop to her, and as there was no ladder j standing near, bv which she could rise to ! him, she was obliged to give up her atn- bitious passion in despair. I It IS said, that he was the sole cau«e of; the i^trand being lighted with gas, the Com- > || • gtOOtiS, niisjioners found it impt'ssible any longer' waY*S Morning and Evening Exercises, or Short IHscourses for the morning and even- These vMumes, like y, are held in high differt nt k)nonuna Also, H)53, iiys, 7tC, P6I, 859, »3, ajo, 933, ei7, 99!», 974, 1039, ■JO, HO, m, «5, 944, 63A, 677, lit 1 I'J I ISJ 1 10 1 1-J 1 1;J 1 13 1 U 1 U 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 13 1 North. 13 1 NMth. 3 3 91 ‘J SI ti .1 3 4 3 being ^ I.AW BOOKS For Sale at the Charlotte Book Store. JOHNSON’S ReporU, 20 vols. Johnson’s Chancery Reports, 7 vols. Ilinney’s Kcports. 6 vols. Chitly's f'riminal Law, 3 vols. Condensed Knglish Chancery Reports. 3vola. Chilly's illaekstont', 2 voU. Chilly on Contracts, Toller on Ext culors, Fonblanque's tijuity. „ .W«*3l.I«33. D. GOl LD. tosiuitaio the loss of oil which his head run nmg against the old lamp, nightly brought mg of every dayintV them : they did not so much mii^ the glas- i ^y Chnsi.ans of di !ps, but the w aste of oil was awtui; and, as ^ Th y are worthy of s placc m every family Russia lookeil refractory about that time, there might have been a stoppage in the . usual unctuous supply. Money, of Heet street, who used to shave him, was obliged ; to mount a dinmg-tabk* to get at his chin, ; and even then he strained his tendon Achil- ; les from standing so long on tiptoe. It was considered wonderl'ul he did not unheard himself in the manner of the Irish giant. For sale at the CharkAU Book Slore b D GOl LD .\EU BOOK ^TOKK. ^ t^HE SubMrribcr having ^ no prospect of bting ajfiin able to perform the la bors of the mmutry ; and frtlinc, in common with other men, the imporUncc Dawaon'a Ferry In tha ahove list are comprised the most valu^ ble Mines, both for Vein and ftepuait, in the w^a CTierokee country. Thay are those which h«s been purchased during the Lottery, and are sold for the purpose ot settlement among the lomjjai^ tea. CapitalisU are assured th^ths sa»e will M positive and without rt-ervs. The terms will be one third Cash down—one-third in two months, and the remaining third m four montha from tha date of purchase. Note* «ith approved security for the payuiant of the insUlmeota, as they be- i come due, will be required. ’Ili*! utlcs wUl be ua- doubted. THOM.\S J r.\RK. jAt t»B r.\tJE, JA.MIN 11 \\ll.I>ON, I U. J. Bl LUX K. ' Z. B IIAUt.ROVF. WILLIAM WARP, SAMI’EL tat»; ROKF.RT a P.\TT«)N. THOMASI B W aRD, WII.I.IAMS RlTHERiXJRD, HENRY M CL.\Y MtUfdgrtdh. May 9, 1833. 3)514« rw% ( l_:_ 4mdsim^ CsOfllllK* The subscfiber hMthe pleasureofinfo.-, hu customers and the citiaens of burg in gewral, that he is bow reoeivia. hi.... ofsVRINO & SUMMER GOODS, Mtaple & Fancy Dry «oodii Hardwarr, €utlrry, ’ China, iila»« Sl |ucen»wart a large and eiteneive stock of ’ of tlie beet quality, Pkted and Btasa SA!]>ID3iSB:B^9 of every deacription, selected 1 think with tui, and being entirely iaUsfied that my whole itJl' throughout cannot be excelled in point of iti? elegance and durability, and every qwlji, (T. can possiWy recommend Goode. In shert, g,, stock if larp and the assortment complete I now sotieit, if the citixena feel a dMpositioa loes. couragc my business, aa heretofore, a conunuM,, of a small portion of the busineae, and I oiyMlf that every exertion ahall be uatd to mi aatisfaclion to those who may favor me with i r,i My prices shall be aa email aa will ju»tif» my ^ kntion to buaineae—my terms accommo^iui| a every sense of the word. 1 shall contmuc to on my SADDUSO ft u:}jr;3aii;jig) ^ as usual, wliere an; i.v in the line, ran be bi^ s-K$^ the very kmsst po«.k. For the very liberal patronage herelororf * ceive I return my sincere thanks to a pr public. Respectfully yours, die. JNO. G. HOPKINS. Ckmrlatle. AfnL IVSS. ^ItilliHrry J* •^nntmrmaUH( .M It MBH. !«A.^1\ WILK1.>M>.^ i, CO. F-HPIXTFII.LY inii>rin the Charlotte and the adjacent Coontr). tlK7 have commeneed tf>e ab«%e Businm u Its various branches, and h^ by thru o«n 'f Two Yo«d| r >- ' uons tofether with thst of who went up a ladder to bhave bimi^ll ' „f cnj,g,ng m some rmv.loymcnt ahich will ena- pectfuUy invites hu frierds, aajusintancea, and all who feel I From a Kmtucky paprr. NELLY FIERS. And pray good Mr. Printer, who is this Nelly Fiers that’s kicking up such a thun dering hul-loo in South Carolina—she must be a rip roarer, a raal swinge cat, I sorty reckon. My hooey and thunderations! if she and my wife were only to be together one week. I’d guess as how they’d storm a fort or two—for niy wife has a tongue that «ich a perpendicular position, were said to have broken their nccks in the attempt, and their widows and children are now pensioners on the master; who sxvcars that order, for who live at a duuncr these acc.den'3 lessened hi. profits so much, *>.1.1 he hs. on hand s«ne valuable w. that he did not make more than 40 per cent, by his custom. rocal4^ HunUvills, Ala. «iU publisli tlie abo^e un , ul ^ 5th Joly, and all forward theu accounu CAl.ASHES and other BONVn^ • foithwith to a.. •>- ' ^^uy kept o«. hand fer sale. Straw * OLt>Rt.E W Ml URW . Trunmed at abort in superior style. | Ckerlttlr, A^nl I si. Ih3.1 J .lOH.^ 1VY.4TT HOrtXT^T l.I.Y iDtbrnis tks puhltc, that . be has just received at his sUnd. south of j and see hi» Books. Ho will be happy to exccuU • the Court-Hous*., a general assurtment of the best i A lard tortoise was lately met with on I foreign l*ritttiuK f:«»labli«>hin«nl rt»K HALE. MflE Subecriber offers Ibr sale, ths etsiiii I . ^ Spirits HMtl n'iHtK ; £ PRINTING .MATEKlAIJi wrs I.aw, in Medicine, most ot l^ t*reek^d I.«Un j|,,( be procurt J. Likewise 6'rsernfs, Caa-: Waehington. IVy censiM of opwarOi st Wa CUiwics, and other books used in our Schools and ^,rf»e^ar»es and Cai»*. Among which are the ' i* difTr rent founts of tvpe, from Breritrurj .Xcad.mics, many works in geology, ‘“d ^^10!.. : i iioe . an saeenent l*re-; flowery mW ^ Mucellantous books suited to almMrt evpry clas* » of reader?, he will be able to procure on favorable . terms, any books to be found in the Northern the plantation of .Mr. J. Beyer, in Ami-1cities, or in the I-onJon Market It will give ' ty town.«hip, Berks county. Pa. having en- j him pleasure to asant profrsMooal gcntkmen or 1 raved upon its shell roof, “ G. Lorah, A. '1 private citiiens in enlarjing their IjUarie^ or in and r He Ujokt wiih conodcucc ' f," 1771. - >1,. II. ,n.r.od,.«ly “'J. can T«n fr«n6n,. day .f J,I h. bVj 31 ,..r, aud ! the last day of December witliout ever; g^gn for almost every year ; Charlotte, May i3, 1633. r>wt .Madeira .‘‘berry Malaj^ I TenctilTe, Ac. Jtc- quarts being greased—and I’me told as this .Nelly j si^ce bv some one uf the family. Fiers aint slow at a short game—but it she can hold out with my wife she must have the wind of a gray hound and the strength of a lion. .My wife rays as how that Sal Tattle toid her, that Granny Jiol>- ble said, this Nelly Fiers wa* going over yj\f P. P. I have contracted with the Secretary of the A T. S. for an EdiUon of the Christian .Alii-a- nsc for North-Carolina. for lOl. It will contain l;i pages more of useful matlrr than hitherto and he sold at the same price, ll will be published in I Cogniac Brandy HoiUnd Gin Jamaica Rom N K do. Trust Sair OFRKALKSTATK Bv virtue of a Deed of Trust, executed to me | Jalf, mnd may be baJ by the doim or hundred, ol by CoL Shttn fcr crruis purposes—and at j John P. Haven, No. M'J Nassau street, N. V. ol ^ _ the rrqunt and rffsirr of Col. Sloan—whoa ishes Hoj^Heii Ac Turner, Raleigh, and at the CharloU.- into that are city oif Washington to ring old ! to cloe*.- and settle all bis public busmers—I » ill , fVwA Siore. n,ckoo-.»,h. .-w i Three parcels of Land aiijrjimng the'I’own r^IHE subscnbers inform the citizens of the SPIRITS. (H.1 Psach Brandy .\pple du. Ptach do. Whiskey Havana. Spanuh and American S>U/\RS. Cut, Piglail aod .Manufactured Tobacco, .Scotch Muff, Pipes, Ike Itu. a y^ing beffer’s to make her stand still— but if my wife was there if there wouldent be a raal dog fito—for Jack is a tarrapin and mr wile’s a raalJackaon man up to the hub. Now I’ll tell you what—1 always was Clay—but my wife kept such a ding dong- ing at me all the time that the made me pro^nise to vote for Jacks^>n at the last elec tion—and so I slipped off ai>d voted for Clny, and came home and told Nat>cy I’d wriit fir Jackaon—but what do you think ’ Next day ooe of the squairs came to my house, aiid wh^le I was out told her I voted for Clay by the hokee, the house has been too bot for me ever since. But I’me told as how tbis Nelly Fien has turned all Carolina inside out, just as a boy would a meal bag to shake it well—by hokee she must be a acreamer, raised in a nigger quarter I know —fed oo sweet taters, and gets her luing cleaning hogs noaes for old Kaintuckians. Veil if ever I can got to lay my eyes on 9Iiss .Nelly, if I dont aquintinize her mighty prodigious cluse, for I've a sort a likin ar- ter ail great wimmen, and would like em btiil better if my wife’s toague wasn’t con- tinualiv ringing in my ears like an old ehec-p bell—fioly ten thi>usand times more keen and quick. 'Veil after killin’ time is over, I’d advise Nelly to come over info old kaintuck and get s'lap enough to wash her clothes, and a new kind of cotton seed, eighty of em will v eigh a fXi^ind—and 1 can throw one of’am into a squirrel’s eye a hundred yard* every' crack, out of my old Kaintiickey bar ^ tron. Hor.p, hoorah for old Kaintuck ' I’m Kaintuck up te the hub and two inches deeper. Bill Scbatchtail. If a woman wniea in a bold manly hand, dep*-nd 'jpon it she lias got a masculine mind, and, in all probability, wears the brt^hes. There is much greater analogy between the hand-writing and the charac ter uf individuals than people are aware of. A person on his way from New Orleans to Ohio, writes that the Cholera exists on board almost evt^ry boat upon the .Misbis- kippi. Several of tlie pawM-ngers were at tacked on beiard tbi^ boat in which lie took frasxigc, of whom two Lad died, gti«1i Cap. tuiu in the urmy. I^-ten bottled Pt'RTKR * Philadelphia BEER. ' Bottl'd and Newark CIDER. &C. I ( HE»>4E.( RA( KEC.aMJ lirRRI.VGS. An assortment of Foreign (t»kI»l.vKS Lemon S; rnp and Spruce (ie r, FRI IT>» AM) .M T«. I.*mens. Figs, Rawins aoU Prunrs. of Charlotte, one of 36 acrea, another of 5> a. bark counUy g-neraUy, lhat they »ill attend ^ lujoode. UraiU, Cocoa and B4rc«U»a Nut*, and the other of 20 acres. to all cw in Surgery, when caUed on. lh.e.s. s | —AIX •— jcasea, chases. Sic Ac with appunrna.*>fn tsJ ' ple«e fat carrying on the Utsiassa. TVi aiJ I in good order, and some of the type bat lilU I The paper at prrseat issosd from ihr *• J I as good a patronage as any erer paU>«he4 la J I place. Te a person of iridustrioos hshita,Kj;vij I led with the busiasss, and desirnus of lv*ta I this section of country, a desirable opports.'^j j now offered. .A • tab to engage in olhef fcf,: J I elsrabere, alooe loduM the presei^l propt^M j ■ dispose of the rstaMi«A« n(. j I The whot*. if Speedilj: applied for, mav WaJ I a baigsua. GEU liOl':>rt)N, Jr I I F.dslar of the I L'. I H'etliKjjfsw. .V r V«rr* vM. I>.tl I Also, a Tract of Land, Iving in the up- '’f 'he Eye, and Stone m the Bladde r, hate here. ( Olfte. CbocoJate and St^gars. I per part of the C ountv, on Clark's t re. k, contain, l received iheir part.cuUr attention, and being Candies and Cakes ot all dew„n«ums. ! in* 200 acre a, tbe'pUce where W iliiam Pick. | pr-pared with the mo«t mod. rn improved instru- j Soap, Candle., Mustard, Pspp«r and .Sp.ce, I CM formerly lived. . menu, pledge thems-.lv.s So perform aU operations Bacon. Flour and Me.1. | 11.. , Tr,e, .f I lO .crc, JlTi*■ ““ ' in the lower part of the County, upon »';ich is a I | JOHN D^IIT.LASS TH.»S. W MOtJKE t4.1 T.iKK^ l'l» 4ND rasnmilteil le the Jail of thttr'r- I the71st lost a Negro Man nan'edy£.i-j I 6 feel 3 or 3 utrhea high, dark cosnphrtK ij ' be belsMs to John Rogers of I'nion I oart I! J . S. C The owner is reijuesini to romr ' peove profierty, pay charges and tski b:A i>J ' ^ he *UI b* dealt with aceordiDg tn a 1 JtW MXONNAL(;llr^,.v‘rV I Msrrh». 1-33 -ll" I (iOLD .MlNh^ known aa the Flace. Also, *2 llornrs, a small stock of Cattle and Household and Kitchen Furniture. I will sell publiciv, on same day, the I»ts and DWELLING HOUSE in whi'ih the .aid Sjftan now lives, m the east part of the town near the Ourt-House. The Dwelling House is large, commodious and well litiishrd, containing 4 lir^e and 4 small rooms with a garret and tool -*'llar. and IS well cakulaled for a Tavern. Th'- lots run from tJic front to the back §treet. .May, IW. May U/, ln33 attached to the lot on the front street a new Stort* House with counting room and good cellar. 'J'his __ situation is well worth the attention of tlioae who ! . g-'iMU Vi##’ ' either wish to engage in the me.rcantile bu'.iness rVn i or to keep a House of Public Entertainment, as it '• { ^^HF- Houw- and I^ot where Capt. is located in the basinea^ part of the Town. There 'iiiiWi Joseph Pritrhard lives. formT- IS also on the lot a well of good water. It will b ^ItSlnHi ly Dr. T1mj». Hi nderson's. Any per- sold, as ahn all the other real csUtc. upon a cr... , »uhing to purcliasc, for information apply to dit of one and two years. Poosession given imnie- J ' D- B) vd. \ ourtg iM.grM;s or bank payn'nls (liately. lie would, also, icfbrm the public that he has ! opened a i jJAi:iiii\r 4 N El,eu«, fc,s,™ U,, Mcok. I S\. hnburg t;old Mining Company will be held ' fhtrlaUr, May ", I*«t3 on Uje l“Ui day of June. Ir3.1. at the xflfire of the — - ..i ■ — (’omptnr at St. Cstharines .Mills in Mrrklenburg : For Sfllf fit tfttf Storf^ I INK asaortni'ntiifThaddrtM (iardner's su- C~inty. North-Csrolina, between tlie hours of 13 Th*-re is aim i and 2 o'clock of thal day. A. DEY. .Vrrrfery 35142 JAVrHT. %.H|II KY it CO. I nA\ E on hand and w'J limie to manali'lc'sl their Shop in the soul.*.rast »■ of Mr Speing’* Brvrk It- ij4ttiiru aw! fJrtttlrwrit't 1 of a superior sty le of workmanship and ern materials, by Ute .Messrs J»tloris. of I • ^ county, «ho are well known in th* wfsfers -J of th Htate as sapertor workmen—.Also, perior RIM.E t.IN.^ on t>.e arcoro- ^'idUbae», Vij/iMfj, Maritr\galtt,R^ mod»Ung terms for ( aali; .r credit to nunrtisal Hr^dUt, Coach O'l^ UnmfU. Carr\A •’ nnii Wagon Ilarnru, Hor$tfnrn't Icpti and aH other srticles usually manu.'sc’.c:'^' irdirj N W ALEXANDER. Trvsfer Jutu 6, 1%33. tlo 3‘rThe Camden Journal and Kal'ieh Star are I). R.)vd. will be Ukrii. May lOih. l*-33 TlKiS. IWJYD. 714^1 .nr«. II IAVIM: taken .e«Kin of the j •*7’* So.iibern^tes I llorsK OF ^ s^T^■HTM.\ In wWitioo tollw %bore, ntTTon PI. !>n :N r, formeJly ocouln.d by H A ''»! •■««»ment of r.ig esW Coer* j 1...... .—I. ,i_ . r% ' iU But. Siirrwm /rsas. and all other ar’^> 1 McAiu-s. and recently h» .Mr A. R **"• »»»^ . , Hirri,, re.pectfully iDlorms Uk public she i> ore- I •" Saddles and Hwwss, j#*red U> iccommcjdtte ^ J « n ■ rr«iK*! tbt puNic tn fall «nd “* J Tm«rllrr«t A; Bonrdor« materialssnd work manufcct«ed,bear pr: -^ a r me camden Journal and Kalfigti Mar are Of I . , V ’ , ~ — ' j msieiiais sno wora n requesUd to insert this advertisement three weeks I ATCIIKW, •II'^VI']|jR V Ac. n * share of patronage No attentioe : judge Car themstlvps. and forward thsir accouuls to Uiu oflice for set- ' •'*11 he wanting on her part to render sAtisfsctMMi t'karlatif, Ptt. 7, tlement STATE OF yORTII CAIWLI.yA, .XECKLOBVHO COf.Vn’, .Vuperior Cmtrt of Lav, Sprtng Ttrm, 1>;33. Robert M. .Sterling > > Petition for Divorce. .Msrgar*-t Sterling. I Ii appearing to the sntisfaction of the Coart. that the Eiefendsnt in this case is not an in habitant ot’ this Plate, thertfote it it Ordtred, that publication be inad- Ibr three months in the Ra subscriber respectfully informs his ciis- tl*ose who iiiay fator her with their cnslotn. M. tomers snd the public generally, tiiat be has Cnn«es, MirtK 1C. I**33. eowt4l I iauly received the following srtielcs, viz; I “ ' «»ld anrt «il»cr l.c,or., ' - ' IKH. 15tf - - .7 , ^^••f’">bscriberha*ing«oldouthisi.ntire8toek Liepinc A: Plaiu H atChrM, n>»-' * '«nds to Mr t;eorge s. Hhaw. IS under fl'hnrlt‘1 *"* "•cesaity of calUng upon all t)>oee indebted to ' tiientlrinenN fiiold Chainw, i * *«>ger time than two years, to make im. Ncal«l»n«l las>%-ai (mediate payment; and tliose of a late dale, hav. ,1,. * ’ Ml I McouuU, wUI please close them bv rash r^ar and i'liif^rr Rin^i, or bond. John woooui kk, N B. My office will be at the Store of C S. ?*haw, formerly oreupii d by mys« lf lour or five journeymen Saddle snil j .Makers is wanted, to which good «»£''» •“ 1 given, by applying to ^ JAS T A.?mHY J llrea«*t Pin** and Mhirl Studn, , J . *'>trther with his fortner Stock, makes hu leigh 8Ur ai^ the Miners St Farmers’ Journal, , pre-ei;t a»-»iment nearly complete, all of which for the aaid Defendant to appear at our next .‘Supr will he »JJ ai a very small advance ibr caah, or on nor Court of Law, to be IkM for the county of short time, to punctual cuatomers. •Mecklonborg, at the Court-House in Charlotte, on He still continues to manufacture SILVER ^ 7Ui Monday after the 4th Monday of Stplem- I SPOONS and other articles of Oold and Silvwi ter neit. then and there to plead in answer to the , also. v> rtpa.r Clocks and Watches, mnd he voutd Pl..nt.ff>, peiuwn. otherwise mdgment pro con. A,r* inform jmU,r, that his « the only .hop in lens'rf M«lTuXt^’ '“"K "!’* If “'I.*'** '“*■ fesaw •til be entered againrt Lr and decree ac- , town wh^r. sucUrticle. are repaired. ' M ■“*’ *“ cording y. U rtnesi. Pearsall Thompson, tlrri. He w.Il also FLUX (iOLD S^any quantity at TjZ r,i caiQ (ourt. at fjffice in Charlotte, the 7ih Mon- th* s(K>rt«t noUce S“«>uty, at ^ John W oodruff, known as the N. w. York Cash Mton and hr raw. I ritHE 8TKAV ( apt. J. C •;rshsrr.!i*g been engaged the Is*' J I met in the trarfe running between t '( hrraw, ealhiig at ;eorgrtown on her i and down, will resume her trips m ti>r J I a few days, and is intended to no r»mtini)« trade the ensuing season. The ^>HE suhseriher having purchased from John water, drawing only four , W oodruff. his entire Stoek of t>nods mn. i when k>adrl, will »liable b»r to reach _ #-- -L ... . • I .. . . — ,.onnnon d.y after Uie 4th Mondav of Mareh. A. D IH.I.'i P IHOMPMiN.c.m i.e./. June 5, 1W3. Price adv. iSJ ~ JO B~n IN TING ; 0/ all kinds, neatly ezerntcd at thit OJict. r. THO.MAS TROTTLK ( harlotu, May. 1633. ’37tf \V A K It A N I'EE UK W>S Foa »ki,t AT THts omci. sisting of such articles as usually are kepi in Uiis times, esropt mon an iinofH""^ — section of country, Ugs leave to inferia the citi. | when her cargu will be lighteutd at U>f ' “ ’ ' ■ of the Boat. . Comfnrtahlr accommodations for s tr 1 B cix)L't;fl- .Vtf .ll,bING Md FXGRAVINfi “> lho«i wl«j »illft. ^ 1 ING and to Jim wi.a eustom, on the most accomnn. daUug terms. AU persons wishing to purchase for cash would do well to call and examine, for 1 am determined to sell the pri.serit sUjck for casli. gers, with all due atti-ntion. Cier/esfon, f!tpl. 26, IWI fnt Un*' •“'Ck for casli. ; BIOR Unds -4.1 for Tst.., f- ' at first roet, those who wish a credit may eim-ct to I under a Writ of Fieri Fseias; and ^ ' this ( *fIioe.