'UK MIN HUS’ AND FAHMKKS* JOURNAL jVoui the n” E. Farmer mmJ Hortioiltur«l Jounwl. xm; cHAiArrsB or a complete FARMI^ A complet® farmer Is a moaX careful, in- dustrioui and frugal, as w«U at reputable and useful o»n ; and unleae earefuloeas, in- dostry atul economy are united in the char acter, li be •» iroparfoct one. Al- tboufb a farmer cannot live without labor, by Jabor alone ha can never grow rich and reputable. Much depends upon hia laying (vt 0itd performng certain kinds of labi^r in the timemnd Mason vhen they ought to be pnformed. If he will not cart out hit eum- iner dung; nor plough (hoee lands in the fall, which he means to eeed in the follow ing afMtltg—if he will not put those aeeds iDto the ground early, and os soon as the season will admit—if ha will not attend to hia fence* and see that they are sufficient— end if he will not cut his grass when it is ripe and do every thing neceaaar>' to secure It in good order: he will be perpetually hur. ricd from one kind of labor to another, and every one will be slighted; his flax will noi llirough all that whole period, a good far mer knows how to spend every hour profit ably on his lamls. He can have no time for idleness—in chatting with people ns they pass by—in ntaking needles* visits— in attending courts, horse races, taverns, and the like. By these means the public is annually deprived of many thousand bushels of pctatoes, com, tons of hay, 6kt., and individuals become poor, and fiill into the worst of habits, into idleuess, gaming, drinking, kc. There is no kind of economy in the far- n»r, which will not be well rewarded. Early rising will contribute to his health and preserve his fields from inroads of unru ly creatures, which commonly begin their trespasses just as the day begins to dawn. Close mowing and careful raking will en able him to winter one cow extraordinary. Feeding his bogs by weeds arnl other veget able substances, will enable him to pay the shoemnker. Scraping his donr and bftrn yards after a shower, will clothe his boy. Saving his early apples and which are commonly lost entirely, will pay his tailor, , I poultry will pay his maid. His calves be well coated, nor his gram properly filled j ^ ru . , e . r will pay his taxes, and some part of his out; his com will be shortened for want of y •' . , . ,, , . j, ,,, hired labor, if prouer care be taken of them. being well lioed, and his grass will become | i. r . ,cr J^t every ® "'ho possespesonly fifiy dead, and dry away in the field, kind of labor, therefore, be performed in TrM8t ante OF REAL. ESTATE. By virtue of* Deed of I'ruM, cxcooted to m* bv Col. l;Ho«n for ot-rlain purposes—»nd »t the rraurti and dttirt of Col. Slomn—wlio wi***e» t« c]n«« »nd kettle mil hia puWie bu«ine»»—1 wlU soil to tlie hijheit biildcr, at pubUe »«le, on Tkui$- the lllA •/ Juiy ntxt, tlw following property : Three parcels of Land adjoining the Town of Clitrlotte, one of 3A •«x», anoUier of 50 uiJ the other of 20 ucres. Also, a Tract of Land, lying in the up per part of the County, on Clark'* Creek, contain- ii>e 200 Mfe*. »b« place where William Fick- eiia Ibrnitrly lived. His interest in a Tract of 1 lO acres, III the lower part of the County, opon which ia a GOLD MINE, known •• the Ltmimd't i’lae*. Also, S6 Horses, a small stock of Cattle and Hoosehold and Kitchen Furniture. I will sell publicly, on same day, the Lots irJ DWKLLINO HOl’SE in which the aaid bl'tan now liTea, in the cant part of the town near the Court-Houae. The Dwelling Huum ii large, cominodloua and well fiiiiahcd, ociitaiuing “t l«rga and 4 small rooroa with a garret and pood cellar, md II well calculated for a Tavern. The loti run from tlie front to the back atrcet. There i» al»o attached to the lot on the fVont street a new Storr lioiuu; with oountiog room and good cellar. This situation is well worth the attention of those who either wi*h to engage in the mercantile businosa or to keep a House of Public EntrTtainaieot, as it is locatcd in the biuinea* part of the Town. There is also on the lot a well of good water. It will be sold, as also all the other real estate, upon a cre dit of one and two years. Poksession given ininie- diately. N. W. ALEXANDER. DmMit. * Junt 6, 1833. t45 WATCHKW, JKlil fcLRY rM^HE subscriber resptclfully ui^ma bU eos- tomers and the public generally, that he has lately received the following articles, vlx: Gold and Silver Lfvrrj, liopine ^ Plain Watchen, a»- Hortrd, (■entlemen^fi ©old ChaiUN; iKcalst and Key, Ear and Finger RiaSMi . Brea»t Pin* and Shirt Stndii which, together with hU former Stock, make* his present assortment nearlr complete, all of whicn will be sold at a vary small advance fbr cash, of oa short time, to punctuai OMtoineri. vtn He stiU coutinaas to laanutactufe Kiuyaji SPOONS and other articletof Gold and Silvar: sW to repair Clocks and Wstebea, and *« wosW her$ inform Ik* »«*/•■. that hia is the only shop ui town whera sucn articlea ar* rapairad. He will alao FLUX GOLD m any qoanlily, at the sliortest notice. . UILDINO and ENGRAVING, also, done to ordi^r THOMAS TRQ-ITEH. i'karlottt, Mty, 1S33. ’37lf acres of good land who owes no man, and , 1*.- 1 who has a common blessinff on the labors due season. A complete tanner is also ® ,, , . , j I man of great carelulncss and solicitude, without care, the severest labor on the best of farms, will never produce riches or plen ty. If the farmer will not milk his cows in season—see that they are properly ten ded—go to the male in the right time for the next years prcifit; and that his dairy ts ceatiy aud carefully managed, he may labor without ceasing, will liave a small, poor breed of cattle, and never a fulness of good butter and cheese. It is care which makes of hands, strictly attend to the managemeut of his afRtirs, live a life of patinut iwlustry and practise according to the principles of ecofloniy, and I think he may live well— rtray be excused the hardest labor; leave Cr The C'amden Journal and Raleigh Star arc riquestcd to insert this aJvertiiicnicnt three weeks and Ibrward th« ir accoouts to Has office for set. llcment. Publit Sale of l\thiabie AtoHwr 4NMl «« iKOiOtMU ILL be poaiuvcly sbltl at public outcry, in the town of .Ml w the town of Milled|reviile, on tha IStli day of JULY nest, the following LoU: Lot Na 1031. iu the lilh DiSUict, 1st Swtwn UTATE OF yoUTII.CAKOLjyA, MKCKLOBritO COl'NTV. SuprrioT Cotirt of Lmw, Sfnng Vtrm, 1833. Robert .M. Sterling \ *'*•, J Petition for Divorce. Lis hoc and spade to the next generation, Miirgarft Merlmg. ^ by the time he has seen fiftv years, when |T apix-anog to the satis&ction of the Court. , . I I / i* Dctcndanl xa this c*§c i« nol in in most men begin to think of comfort, ca^e . h.bit.nt of this State, ihtrffor, U i» 0,dtttd. that Dawaon’s I'.rry aud independence. I publication be made tor three nwntiis in the Ka. | In the slorr liat are compriaeil the most valoa-1 1 Miners’ Sl Farntcrs’ Journal, i ble .Mmas. both for Vein ami l*epu«it, in the wbok | •^«|||, nikarribvr havin* Mrcb ! for tbr said De'endant U* appear at our neit Supe. [Cherokee country Thvy are iboso which hare I ,, i„.«r t,.. .ntirw ON Thursday, the ioth day of J.ily re,t. I ' V”' ^ purchased during the Lr.lterr, and ara soM .. .e ■" I Wllkh brings forth the profit of a dairy and j “‘on Tryon street, Square 27. No. 195. 198. 345. ' ">ere to plead m an.wtr to the Also, 105.1, 1195, 746, Mil, 859, 893. ftW, 9Xi, fel7, 974, l03^^, 20, K). 3Si9. HHS. 944. 63H, 677. la la I'J 13 12 lU 13 13 13 4 4 4 13 13 3 SI 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 North. 1 Norlh. 2 9 2 . 3 3 being I The aubacribar baa lha pta^>aoriBtyg|^ bis euatoriMra and the eitiasaa llacki^ bun in gMtaral, that ha ia now raoaiving his sled, of ^Rlk} A SUMMER GOODS, ci£ai.ti^ Staple Sc. Dry «oo«l«, Hardware, Cntlery, ^ China, Gla«8 A a large and extanaive atock of eROCEUMBS^ of tba baat quality. Plated and Braaa 9AIDlI>lliIBI&7» of fiterr deacriptioo, aalactod I think with twd. I being entirely satiafiad that my wkola ihrongbout cannot ba ssasUad in pwnl of elegaacc and durability, and avarv quality can poaaibly recommend Geoda. la short. I stock ia large and the aasortaMnt ec>nple«t. ) now solicit, if the cUiaeoa IM a dtapoaitioa la «. courage my buaineaa, aa heratnfara, a coQttnouK, of a tniaU portion of tke huainaaa, and I I myself that every exertion ahall be naad to p, satisiUction tothoae who may favor roe with «cail.l .My pricaa ahall be aa amall as will joatifv my u| teotiott to businaas my tarnia aocomnMdatin{ i(| rrary aenac of tba word. I I ahaD cootinue to ev!|l on my I SADDUm IDWOUnoaod aa osoal. where any in tha Una, can ba h»4 J Um vary lowaat pusw,| lams. I For U>a vary liberal patMnaga haratafer* J eaived, 1 retnrn my stnoera tWka to a g*e«J puUic. Rcapectflilly youra, ttc. ‘ JNO. G. HOPKI.M Ckarhll*, ApTK. 1633. ’33tf iAPok at Tlii*!. fjl^lIIE snbscrihaf having soW wt hisaotirr^ of (ioada In Mr. Gmrga B. HImw, is ^ the nrceasity of calling upon all thoae iadekl«li j bim for a kmger lima ihao two yaars. to makt J I mediate payment; and theaa of a laic dale, hr) I mg open accounts, wiU pl*aae eloaa lit«n b« - J ! or bo^. JOH.N WOODBltr^ i A|»tl 4.1S33. I N a My office win ba at tke Stats af&il i Shaw, formerlv ncenpied by myarlf which fills the house at'a farmer with good things. If he wiH not carefully inspect his fields and meadows, and see that his fences are in good order, his grass and hia com Will be cropt by his cattle; and if he will not gather and put them up carefully aud la due aeason, he will have a short aiul tncuidy crop. If he mows, rakes, and fod ders his cattle in a careless manner, his flock will be pinched through the winter, and become poor and lousy in the spring, poor oxen, too poor to do the labor of the fecason—poor cows with little or no milk, and wretched calves and poor horses, loo feeble to draw and too weak to ride with aafety. If bis swine, poultry, and stock ia general, nod if bis carta, rakes, and (oo/s of all kiods, arc not carefully attended to, the farmer never can grow rich and res pectable. It is attention which gradually cuNects froM various sources, aiid covers the soil witb manure; it is attention which cati!%s the hills, fields and valleys to yield t K'ir incrcaae, and advances and completes the most bcneficial improvements. There is a third virtue without the prac tice of which the farmer can never attain to wealth and independence, I mean econo~ my—Without this, both labor in raising, UTid care in preserving the fruits of the earth, are absolutely thrgwn a»ay. Ecooo- tny IS an excellent virtue in any man : it is indispensible in the afiairs and profession of a farmer. And of this he should never be iromindfu! when he looks into his bam, hi» cellar, or his garret, or even his pastures; to say nothing of his fields, mowing lands end meadows. But farmers^ as well as other men, are too apt to forget, that id rtieir pursuit after riches, almost every tiling; depends upon economy joined with care and industry. A frugal, industriot]s man, blessed with but a common share of understanding will undoubtedly succeed and advance his inter est, beyond w hatever he expected when he first set out m life; provided no singular providential evil should overtake him. More is gained by saving than by hard I jbor: A farmer therefore whoac utmost {irofits are imall and slow, as he cannot grow rich suddenly from his profession, a lould be a rigid aud steady economist. He bhould consider the saving he may make IU every thin;;, in liis fuel, tools, clothes, meat, drink, and pockct expenses; above ill! is his time, which is equal to so much money in hand. Every day that bis neigli- lior riiris down to market on his horse w uh a pound of butter and a few eggs, if he *43) s at home and keeps steady to his labor, he gets two, if not three days the start of bim. W hile his neighbor wastes his time and spends ins money by this imprudent find trifling pursuit, he save* both time and jDoncy, in dressing his lands. I'here is no leisure hour to be found on a farm from wriy in tie ppnng, tjl latu u* tU fiill- 34". ! ludj^ment pro con- : Im r and decri*e ac- Plaintitf's petition, otherwi On College street. Square 1. No. 7. | be «it.rcd acain.t On Trad; streti. Square 35. No. ^34, 22?, 454, j ^ h ‘n.p«>n. ( Icrk 452. for the purpr.sf of ncttiv inent among the Cotopan u-s. CapiUliats are SMurcd that the sale will be pbtitive and wiitioat reiterve. T)i- terms will be one third Cs'h down—onv-lbuj in two mouths, and the rimsining third io tour maoths fruiu the JaI? of piirchAe. Notes a ilh approvrd security On (same street,> Square 33, Na 46S, 469. On (same »lre*-«,) Square 68, No. 466, 4«)7. On Methodist street, N'o. 365. On Colle;;e street. S^are 36. No. 24R, 240, or so much thereof as rrill pay and satisfy the Taxes due. JOHN SLOAN, Former Shtnff. June 12. 1933. 6wuls •V. C. institute of BtlHtalion. fBlHE Annual Meeting of the North Carolina of aaid Court, at Office in Oiarlxtte, the 7lh Mon. foi the payment of the instalments, as tJ>ay be day al\er the 4tli Mi>nday of Mairb. A. I). lB.13. j rom.- due. will be renuired. Tne tiUes will be uo- P. THOMPSON, e. m.» c. I. ; Ooubtcd. June 5, 1S33. Piice ailr. 85( i .f OOM,U .JtiA'K for Sate. I ^ lONSlS'i'lNCi ofa large hill, lut^sperTC-d wilh > ’Ly numerous veins and two braitciies. contain. , in* auriicroos dcpositcs, and new in tLiir natural state. One of thw veins is of a good thicknees, and can b« traced about half a mi!e in lenitth, and ■ I-.. r cj V- _ II . u I I the ccniinon ore on the surface contains three pen T -I oil. f I ? 1 ny««-'!:bu to the bu.hcl. Other v. in, are ne^l> Tuc^y, the 2*h of June, two day. previous U> J ^ ater pov.. , is eonvf met and attach- the ^mmenc^^.t of t^ Lmversi.y. AlUr ^ -rh., u«.,m of wluch Ume, will ^ deUver.^ the Annual Addre« , ■ _ ap,H..nU;d al the lart Oen,te„cn arc rctjue.tcd to cll snd e„Lnr for - ! thcmaulv.-,. ^ JdfX .-THO.Nt;. Annual Addresa, by JoatPR A Hfii, Esq. of Wilmington. First Lecture, on Lyceums and Societies li>r tbe diffuaion ol' oaefol kanwlmdgr, by Jamki P Oxford Stcofid Lee-f OranttUe eounty. May 30, ]e>33.—14£ ^ . .. osjr 1,1 sale—ine ?iat...nal Intrlli^ E/UiapLin f'onnty Totf ll Lotw .lugtonCity; lUnnrr. Nsshvillr, r. « THOM.\S J P.VBK. JACOB PAt^F., JASON II wn.IMN. I . J. Btl.HX K. Z. It IlAniiRoVF., WIU.IAM WARU, SAMUKI. TATK, KOHKKT S P\TTON, •IIIO.M.\.M n VVaHO. VNII.LIAMS Rl niKHFORI>, Ilh-VHY ,M. CI.AV. MilUdgtidlt, Hay 9, ltf33. 3n46 MIV rok .nai.k. ture, « a t>yst«in of ElemtnUry Schools, for mMTILI. be sold on Um. tir.l W-dncsdav m North-Carolina, bv thf Hon. (RCbUlCK Nam, of ▼ ▼ July rwit.on lot No. iJiO, laih Utsl'rW t. | Hillsborough. Tha Lecture, on tha Custom of t l,t S*rfion; all the to-rn lots laid out for t>.e coun. i exciung einulaUon in Literary Institutions by rc-1 ly site, in said rounltr. The sale to continue fron. ward or puniahment, by W alkex E.q. day to day till all the loU art sulJ. Terms made of HilUborough. I day of »al«. XOTICK. rchaaad fraa {J Woodrufi, h»a aoUm Slock af (mU. .J aisting of *och articles aa waoally are k»^ asJ •eettoa of cottnlry, bags la«v« Io infcra tkH tens of Mrcklowbarg Ikal ba iMsi enolinoe tbc Mireanttle Bnain«*s, al Ui* oU of Jolts WoodruC kaowa aa tba Naw-Y«(li J .Htorc, sad prewiaaa to serve sU tkaaa who aii,y vor him with iheir eaalam, oa Ika ■MstarenafJ dating Urma. AU prraoaa wiabing to fi»r c«Oi would do well to call Md rxtmiat.ai am dcUrmined to aall tha ftvomw* stock fcr aa] St Arstcoat, tlMiaawbo wialiacr«ditMT'ir«i paymore. C. & 6IUW CkoilM*, 5, IKW J PriBlinK KatabllaliairBt M>R HALE. rVlHR Sabseribi r olTera tar aale. the wtahl I hi. I BINTI.NfJ .MATERIALS ase i Wubingion. Tbey oonaial of upwards ty difTcrmt fooati of T pe, from Braviar to line PKa: aa aacell* nt Preaa i Cowera, rules, i>d , ease*, chasea, Ac. Sn with appurtenaacn ’J i r The TsIascoDe, Cotunibia, and toorier.' pkte br carry tag on the bvstaoas. Tha; ini ('hsrlr*t»n. t'.; Miner's Jotjrnal. C.^arlulU'. aud , in rood order, asd aoma of lha type but littlt ••j Star, Raleigh, N. C. will publish the abave till lha ! Tb* papat al prcaeni waved frwn tbe eCn J ilay ttf sale—Tbe Nat..nal Intrlligenccr. tVash. I as good a palrotisga aa any ever pobiiahsd uij no.; and .\d-. ptaee. Ta a person of indaatrioos habits. j vocal*. Iluntsvilie, ,\U. »|ll puUish lli stme on- , irith U>r butiaoas, and drsirtnts of Ior» ‘ j j til th- iili July, ai.d all fuiwsrd Lheu accounts this srition of eoantry, a dewrable ora'ta..lj| foithaith to uic for payment. I >x>w utf / :d A wisb Is engaga in o«Mr [' -kI t.JORliK W MtUR.W. I risewherr, aloiK induce^ the picaeut je|ineWj JOH.\ IWATT It is hoped »r.d preaumcd, that the friendu of Ed ucation generally, will aUend and uiiilv in sup. porting a cause of such vital importance to tti« State. By order of tha Eiecutivr Committee. WALTER A. NOR\VtK>n, May 22. Recording Sfrretary. JOHN OXrORO. J I C. JOHN C. JO.NH.S, J I C. JOHN D. F1KLI>S. J I.e. •4't» May SI, 1633. BOOK !«iTOKE. . - TO T. I A OCH>D two story Dwelling Hoone ■ 1%. on Trade Street, very lulUble for a private family. For particulars apply to MARY NOWLAN. Ma.v31,lS3.3. 143 XEGROKS WAXTKI>. WILL Hire 4 or 5 Negro bovj for the bal ance of t>ie year, or by the month. Ten or twelve years of sge would ^ preferred. THO. A. MERA. Juae 13. 1KJ3. ’42tf of engaging in some employmant which will ena- i•‘•>‘'p«ign. in pint and ble him to provide for the wants of a rising faniilv. | qiiarta Las opened a Bo>ik .Store iu Cliarlbtte, N. C. lit ; sriKIT*. icca the disi«*c of ths r.stsUiUiAent RESPUTIT I.LY U« p.ibl.e. that ^ ^ 1 he ha. jusl r.ceire.1 at bi. sUnd, soulh ofi Has* I-flaw, .V r. Morrk 29. I M3. J SADDLI-^S Ac IIAU J A Hiai T. A.HBI RY * Ca Have on hand and Unne to manolartsn ^ their Shop In tba ao«itb.«a« • d of .Mr. Swing's Brick R iMdtm ami tieHttrmrn't I J I of asnprtiorstylaof vnrkmanabip and gaorf r '3 j ern malcriaia, by the Mcaars. Jaltons, of I etHinly, who ara well known in lha wes«m;fl ■4 Ih Kata as snpenor workaaan—Altat StitidUhof[», Vtthtmt, Martingalft. Itrnilrt, Coach (iig Hnmra, C and M'a;^ liarneu, Hortcmm't Cofi\ Holitrrt, iho I'ourt-House, a griu.rai asM>rtiitcut of the beat foreign SpirftH and U*inrn that can b^. piocurrd. Lkt»i»i.' r.'recrries. Con rVtionanrt and aktt. An>ong wbicti art tU. jmHE ijubicriber having | t'jilowing aiticics JL, no proapect of being ' ai;ain able to perform Uie la- • bors of the ministry ; and I '''’•a«'ll feeling, in comnion with ‘ ^f''"**nac other men, th! iiii[jortjnc« Muscaltl Port Midcira Slurry Malaga Tencdfle, Ac Xc, believes, that such an establishment was niedrd * ‘ojniae Hrsndy Old Pesch Rrandy in the Western section of our Statt. He res- llollsndL«in Appin do. (cctfully mvites his friei.ds, acquaintances,and all Jamaica Rum Prai-h du who fuel any ir.tcrcst in his nndartakiiig, to call .V-E do. Whiskey and see hi» Itooks. He will be happy to izlcuIc Havsna. .'4|>aiiih and Aii».rican order* for those who live st a distance. 'ut. Pigtail and Man'j.actured Tubaecu, Vrt'l'ir’li'' ' Whilst he has on hand some rtluable work* in . "^ch Snuff, Pipes, tic \c Lrr-r : I* * J , ,, ; Law. in Medicine, most of tbe (lre«.k and Lalin I.ondon UHUrd PUU'I'l'.k dr Philadelphia HEHR. and all other artielea osnallv mamifartaf« F.Pr my bed “"J*^^^d on t^ 2«th of May ; Classics, and other books u«-d in our .School, and HouM and Newark t lOEK. ^e. ,1 R«iL,„ sTl^ last, my wi,e ANN R. POrrS, wilful any Acadnuiea, many works in Theol.igy, and many t HKl-SK. CUAt KKKS and IlKkRINl.S, reasonable cause. Thu is to forewarn all person* ; .Miscellaneous books suited to almost every class \n sssortiiient of Foreign t'ORI»l AL.'. from harboiinir or trusting lii-r on my account, an of reader*, he will bo able to procure on favorable I-emou Syrup and .‘Spruce Hrer. 1 am determined to pay no debU of her conUa. t-1 terms, anv books to be found in the North-rn FR1ITM HI Tv mg. and tl«ae harborir.j her may cipcct the law Cities, or in the London Market. It will give f.emons. Fi« rIisiu. «d I’ru'cT^' UI be enforced against them , pleasure to asai.t pro.e.sion.1 ge.itleiiieu" or Aliuoud;,\V{:.aU^“Vrr:ona NuU. w . , , , , t'-nio. I private citizens in ciilarging their Libraries, or II. —AlS) N^rhUnhury tty. June 11. Ife33. pgrrha .mg new on'^s. He looks with confidence Tea. Com>e, Cl.ncolatr tnd Sugars and rtspeet to an tr;iighltned cjOTniuiiity (or en. | Catdies and ( akes of all deacriplions, TAKKX UP »Y Sampson Dostor and entci*d I on the Eatray Botjk of Meek-1 conragement. DANIEL COl'LI) ( harlatte. May 2.3, 1 >^3. Slnf , . . 1°^ Meek-j P. f{. I have contrai.ted with the Secretary of »?R‘‘»E*«bout four, the A T S. for an Editior. of the Christian Aim,. nsc for North-Caroliiia, for 1^34. It will contatn 12 pages more of useful matter than hitherto and l>e ».ld at the same price. It will be published in July, and may b«' had by the dozen or hundred, of John P. Haven, No. 14;! Nassau street. N. Y. of teen years old and was shood before and marked witli (lie saddle and viil- ued at Fitly Dollars. HUGH J. M’CAIN. Ravger. 1P3.1. til L.\\\ BOOKS For Sale at the Charlcite Book Store. JOHNSON’S ReporU. 20 vols. Johnson'a Chanciry Ueporbi, 7 vols. liinney’s Reports, 6 vols. Chitty’s Criminal Law, 3 vols, C^mdensed English Chancery Reports. 3vols. Cbitty's Blackstom.. 2 vols. ('hitty on Contracts, 'roller on Eiecutors, Foiiblanque’s Equity. .V«v31.1f>33. D. GOi;i,D. .“Mjap. ( andlei. .Mustard, Peppar tnd ipicc, Bscun, Flour and .Meal. In addition lotba abova, ws hava on bardir* eral asaartment of fVig aad Caati .Waaalis/.^ dir Hut, Stttritp /rons, and all other a/lK»* eessory to trim off Saddles and Harnea*. ‘ will he sold low for casb. We riquiat tba publte to rail and ^ iiMicrialsand work ma»ef*"'*‘*rd,bear piK»‘ jiMlge Cir thcniM'lvca. CharlMIt, Ptf. 7, It'S}. 15'.f F(/ur or fire jonmeymrn Saddle tnd H»r^ icon, t lour and Meal. u, which good wage* .3 1 trsons can be turiii«bed at all times with cold given, by ai.pl>iiiff to I ^ ^ * JAB T. A.'SIH BV 4 Cd He would, tlio, inform tha public that lie hts opened a UAZiauji Hughes A, 'I’urncr, Kaleigb, tnd at tlie Chsrk/ttc 1 persons can ba furnished with Krcad. A,c. RokS'orr. stslltin- M'OK f^HK House and Lot where ('apt. ■- Joaepli Pritchard lives, former- 1 ly Dr. 'i'lios. Henderson's. Any per- ^ _ son w,i.hiiij{ to purchase, for Information apply to i •** ctsaa in Surgery, when called ou. Dis« j J. D. bovd. Young negroes or hank payments '"d Stone in the Bladdar, hava I rmtH. IIOYD. CkarlotU, May ^1M3. The subscribers iiilbrm tlie citizens of the back country generally, that they will alUmd will be (aken. J .VJBW BOOMS. AY’S .Morning and Evening Exercises, or Short Discourses for the morning snd even- ing of every day in the year. Theae voliimts, like the otlier writings o.* Mr. Jay, are held in high estimation by Cliristiaiia of different denomina tions. Iliey arc worthy oft place in evory family, f or sale at the Charlgttc Book .Vtore by 1) GOL'LD l.'ith, 1H33. 7t44 sses here. lofore received their particular attention,and being prepared with the most modern iniproted iiistiu- «... M^Aiaaw*^ menia, pledge themselves to perform all operatitms upon the most approved plans. Those wislnng HAVI.NG taken poaacssion of the i will addresa Doctors Douglass A Moore, HOC.SE OF ENTKKTAIN. theaUrville. MENT, formerly oeRH|rted by H. A. Mty,lB33 MrAnaws, tnd recently by Mr. A. R. lt(;r»i-«, rcsptrctfallv informs tbe public she ii pra. |>arfd to arcomrnsdato Travellers A Boarder*i and solicits a share of patronsge. No sltention JOHN DOIJGLAS.S. 1 HOS. W, 5IOORE. 113 #'®r Sate at my Store, AH.NEaaswtnientof'rhsriilciistiatdnfr’s su perior RIFLE Gl.'NS on the most accom rSiL’T' "r""' r fa r,z f'liarlcMton nn«l ’heraw. fi^HE .STEAM P'*’ 1 >i.\C’OV ('apt. J. C. (Jrahiin. iH^n engaged tbc ls*» mcr in tiie trade running between tliarl'ai'e Cheraw, calling al Uaorgtlown on lier I and down, will resume her trips in the *”'*■ j a ftw daya, and is intend'd to be ronUnu" trtda the ensuing season Th« eiwwry draft of wsler, drawing only four and a when loaded, will rnabie h*r U* reach til timoa. except upon an imromnKm low ^ when l>er rargo wiH be lighlwd at the > ’.■ of the Roat. ConiCirtable accommodations for a few , *' gars, with all dua att«ation. ^ .„-o J n. ixoiHJH t'karltilon, Srpt, 26, IWl- ~SI i EKIFFS’ T)K I r,nnds s»ld fnr Taxes, for '.! uridi r a Writ of Fieri Facias; and f* ^ sold under a Wtilof VenUitiani Etp*i**"" at till- tHTire. Ifarraitee Dcrdt /t»r talc at tht

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