]HINER!S’ & FARMERSi* JOlJRIirAIi. BV J. »OLTO.-:c,.A»lx>rrt, n^Ki.r.suv«u vovmy. .uht.,.. a.... ...: I WIU. TMCWTOU TO riycE TH» »OW«L« OW THE KAIITH ANt> IKING OUT moM Tilt CAVEHNB OV TIIZ mT^TAt^Wni^ voLm hi* l^irn win. UIVE ITtKNOrH to 0;R HANI>H and HHBJECT all WATURK to our use and rLEASUIir..—D». JORmON. NATl RDAV, JLI.Y Vh 1833. NO. 146. coniideruble supply of thoae articlea of con-' 8Urf.ption,—for exuin|ilo, corn and bacon ; which, iu iheir production, operate injuri ously on our lnnls. Having tiuis invesli^tH some of tlie causea, which rriost certainly and mnnifest- ly impired thu fer».’lity of our country, let US now look to the mfvns by which we may hope to eflvct a change iu the aapect of our atiuirt. First, I Hhould aay, that improve- “ Hum,” replied he, “ it re not always those who tuBke the greatest haste make the most of their time.” Jack stood on the wharf almost wishing THK HinrrM’ A FannerM* Journnl hpriDU-d wwl puMwhtd every Saturday morning It TVo per ■nnum, if puid in advancc ; Vir« DolU’^ •td Fifty Cenl$ if not |>aid in ad- wnce; Thrt* Dollart at tlic end of tlie year. ADVERTISE.MENTS will be inaertcd at F^y ant* per »q“W* txceediiig 20 line*,) for the jr,t inaertion, and 23 cent* for each aurceeding »crk—or week*, for one »juare.— (jiicoanl will be iiiadt-to thoae who .rfrrrti^bjthcyear. Xr(^a!l.dverti|*m^u i «y.rem”‘o^culUvitVo.7is'' raS- j '‘•'ort, every body considered him'in a fair I in“7,';* equal quantity of the creature, ««mumcatrd for publication the "f, ly dcf.-ctive, which does not lend unvary. | '»‘*y of making his fortune and arriving at in swe.=t Ireland is called » Mountaili ^.rtion. mu.i tn. no.ed on tJ.c mygb of th. ^^is object. We may lay it down as i Srcat distinction in this world. ^ ^ i |)ew.” and is qualified by mixing one glass Ba»o»enpt, or they * ill be continued until ^ ^ universal in its anoiication. that if I ^>^ly was disappointed in Jack ' with another of the same. Hut this was [from the Knickerbaclier.] IIUNMNG AGAINST TIME.-A TALE. I ^ ^ ^^*^*^',*1°' - , *he steani-boat might blow up or break 1 onre knew a young follow of the name , reconcile him to his dis- I J “‘*®‘'«-" hofora long «>me puz-! though every candid person zied mo more than any person I ever met; „ it steam-boat of all bll^e in with. He seemed the most bus> , inde{at. ,ho business. However this may be, he . ‘ ;e world ; he was always in | ^,8 oblig. d to atone to the boatman for ment must b« an object of primary impor- | “"o walked as if for a wagrr. In i coking him drink so much water, by treat- e* I.' 1 I I hi ir>Pf. t* Vfk IU k/1 \r ^r-krtai #1 ■ •>»* ■ ' a rule, universal in its application, that if i our lands aro not improving, they are de ' ' ... Allcomrtiunicatioflitoibe Kdiiormuitrom-I^lln j are constautly cither in or they may not bt attended to. |„caMiigour real capital, by the enhaned value of our aoil, or lessening it by the de- Ihrbid, and eharged accordingly III comttiun eoffmltgr AC.KK'IJLTl'U.iL. I. . .K r A .rj r u - 1 teriorntion thereof. A •mall dugroe ofob* Trom tix) Virginia Farmer. I iiervution nnd rcllectioii, must con^ ince eve- ACKItl l/riMK IN VIRGINIA. ry man of thig. Ant i» the duly of every friend of agri-1 Agricultijrul improvement baa already future to write iu the advancement of this 1 comn»onc«l, and, w« may reasonably hope, «o)4e, yet neglected aubject, 1 have deter- its progress will be more rapid each it*. 'I'hough iippareiitly for ever in not the worst; there was no other opportu nity that day, and Jack did not arrive in town time enou>;h lor the examination.— 'I'his |Hit him Itacka whole term, and ii has been suniiisccl, lost him at least the distant pr«8pect of a suit at law, which his cousin the merchant, had kept waiting fur him.— But his old uncle, who had bccome disgust ed with rural felicity, and returned to bu luned to n»pofHl to your inquiry with re- ipird lo its d«‘chne in our stat!, and lu lo the neani by which we may hope it will be laprt^ived. Our injudicious 0> tlem of hu«l>andry, and ill lue* liable cousequence , for it IS to be noted, that there were six last,! lawyers, three brokers, a printer, and a build- ^:.:’be7;d t;.^ >•—ry pro,; .s.on., will ,^’em-j as follows: laJ perseverance, which aro M'tential to l'l“>ed in asccrlauiiiif'm liy «lis;ip[Mjintii(Cnts i , you ® fucceta lu all the various purwiits allotted rnf™"t iii^"^culti*atfoo. It may be well'r«*nKily appiird. Ai.r,logv and e*i» rience > «“I''pverovertakei ortune.^^ Iiiliall ^ 1, was a refreshing sight to see the ex- I-. euniine the WKirte* from which iIk*> -uhtain iI.m opmiou. In iho op.*ra-i'«*■ "iy emplary patience with which Jack sat m U\r aprung. .'lo*t of them haw bern Iw- 'i«»' "f nature, no lc« than in those of the | “ 7''*, *"’*/ u ttling in busi-1 j,,, otlice, with his feet against the jamb, eu.itb«i to us. with our iwlernal u.heri-''«»'*:banical art-*, e}»n t» flow iVom cauw», I « ‘his was pr«*ccuted— ^nd a segar in his mouth, studying the m- lit>ct.;and *biUl we have enj..)ed the lat-' connection may i..,t 1« so apparent, , "‘‘“I r|y as stitutes of the Waverly novels, and waiting h-r »e ha*e but too gi'oeralU adhered to ■ l«»t •» at in»* i aral.l.-, \ substituiion of ^ comt, by the old wo- a suit, with ten tunes the patience ol a v’fortiwr. Aiixna the m»t promn,ei.t l"»rnting rro|-, coii.I.ioed uiih surh n ‘ P'*^^ young lady waiting to be suited. At last illiiren.ri.ia to ineihauftiiif *\»tcin ol'cul di-tributioti n.aitore, as will lien f,t our ! ”'• amounted to more ^ |Viff,HJcame with a suit, that, if properly SUPERSTITIOUS CREDULITY. A FACT. A widow lately at Paria, aged about 63, who lodged in a two pair ctf stairs fl*or, id the Rue da la Fcrroniers, with only a iiMiid> servant, was accuatomed to speo(tl*«nl hours every day before the altsV d^^ted to 8t. Paul, in a neighouring eSuTCh— bono villians, observing her extreme bi»» otrj, resolved as she was known to be rich, to share her wealth. One of them accor* dingly twjk the opportunity to conceal him self behind the carved work of the altar, and, when no person but the old lady was there, in the dusk of the evening he coa- trived to throw a letter just before her. She took it up, and not perceiving any oae near, suppos^ it. came by a miracle. la thi.s she was the more confirmed when she saw it signed Paul the Apostle, expressing the satisfaction be receiv^ by her prayers addressed to him, when so many newly canonizod saints engrossed the devotion of the world, and robbi^ ths primitive saints of the wonted adoration: and to show hUi regard for the devotee, he promised to coma from Heaven, with the angel Gabriel, anil sup with her at eight in the evening. It seems scarcely credible that any one could bo deceived by so gross a fraud; yet to what length of cr^ulity will not super* stition carry a weak mind! Ths infatuat* ed lady believed the whole ; and rose from bar kuees in transport, to prepare an enter* tainment for her heavenly guests. The supper being bespoke and the side* board set out to the best advantage, she thought that her own plate, worth about /400, did not make so elegant an appear ance as might be wished, and therefore sent to her brother, a Counsellor, in the Parlia* ment of Paris, to borrow all his plate. The maid, however, was charged not todiscloso the occasion, but only to say that she had company to supper, and would be obliged to him if he would lend his plate for tnat evening. The Counsellor surprised at th« application, well knowing hts sister's frugal life, began to suspect that she was enamour* ed of s»jme fnrlune hunter, who might mar ry her, and thus deprive his family of what he expected at his sister’s death. He there for© positively refused to send the plate, unless the maid would tell him what guesta were expected. The girl, alarmed for her ” •* - - . cirwilllfflUliVCO ivi LHiuv iita T*6i>vaii£| «v , , j 1 j a. aI.^ _ rncvic 1,, ...J „|a who haste, ho was always a day afler the fair. An old and well CKlablished merchant, undo to Jack, being desirous iit the age of three score and ten to retire into the country for the pur|)oso of spending the rest of his days in tlie enjoyment of rural felicity, determin ed to resign his business to his son and nephew. Accordingly ho sent to tlie Istter, ..J him to call at his house at eight wneMagaTnT insisted orhirgi‘v7ng"it7o Kurn eding joar. Of all the causes, to ! ®, y "ext morning. Jack | oiio w ho never lost his passage in a which this may bn ascrib«'d mie of the ' bet lines, but found to his great morti- | steani-boaf. most obvious, is tlie gradual division of a full hour too “The fellow will never be able to keep profierty aiixiiig those who tiel a |kt»oikiI he made such haste to fulfil his ap- with the law, slow as it is,” said he, iittet»rst in il,—expecting to derive from it : bo walked against an old j u will lose a term oftener than ho will • . • . - * la'^.mcAtkV I.,. .1 . ^ lli« cxcctt^kvu i •W|>p»rt for thcrt)M*lv«*H and th^ir fttinilies,! ** basket of oggH and broke six dozen ggj,, ^ j’jj answer for it. in ugricoli.ire s.. fre.pH i.ilv f^vur ' The ; “gain as soon as you |„iu;ry office keeper all lu the same I ioui(.e» of tlifM'Mill Ilf (iiMovered, niid the j’'/'®’**** fellow (liut is always behind mg, besides a boot biack in the cellar. I renM-ily appiK d. Ai.r«logv and exiMnence >>l'•‘^''er overtake i ortune. 1 shall was a refreshing sight to see th ’:edi.rprovr,Unt «hichhas been pro,!ured 'y ^ntit lor a men hant, it was ne- h.s office was open, and being under i m the ea.Ttn ,«rt of our country bv the : circumstunces that forbade h.s waiting, de- '* - _ * _ • • i tft tt (ff rt itiin 9t\ ti it I«iiin jIiwIi m/'t t#kn.i __i .a' I a .U^ iivaiiwi wrkei.ted to t-ur anc. Mow, rm»y bt g neralh, h ill be utlcnded with the ; "’“"y chickens as ev^r conducted, would have eventually led him ►-t.'en,. d the very great fanlitiea alfbrdfd be-t f i. *“ distinction and fortune ; for it was one thrill, of pn>curinK Mjttenanco &(•«/alluvial Si'll fi>iind ou the ma *alt r courars, producing alm> Oi>tiy, abundsnl crops of corn a >itMj Ly tlio fi>h smI ti.ul ol thuse stirjins Kim.vi J all incentiveii to the er>rrgv and :iii(iiin of the practical tarnw r. Another ‘’I* ntorlc ; and in tho iiiidi!e and ue»t- !jwn4'alinoM totiil matte lition to the pre- ‘‘rn, (>y gypwm an«l clover. crop have rriiH^ of (he soil, tho ^trong imiuce- di iihled, ainl the f*Ttili(y *.f the soil, •lt)errd by the tcrtainty ol' prmuring instead of b»-ing inrrraard in a proportion i> tiicr Kjhj'-t I (n which to vvoik, by nicaiia I equal to that of its pnxluction. As n-w I tarings. JjarMj being very cheap, i another illurtmiion of thin principN-, I would T*|jrnv*r «vlv--, (wid ethaustt^ bia (ields b) jmentnjn iIkj fact ol* th> smut bt iny coin- 'iffinittrd lillui>e.and iiidiniit«l Msturaifc.' arrrsteil in its prorrcss; an evil 1"'." -■ -a reM>it to tli« cir/fii s ' which atone f.eriod thi. atone.) tho «hr,it J"'** “""“S " •““* "‘‘K^hJack managed em a reM,ii lo ifw c.r^ia s , » _ _ . cn..rning in ihr sreotr st possible hurr> , pul-I wy||. He carried all the papers ting and blowing, hke ono ot the Vouiij: „bout'sticking oot of his pocket—fidgetting g. nllciiK n ol the boat club after a hard row ; ,1,^ courts and the ofTiccs like a hen but thuugii he came in such haste, it was chicken, and managed so admira- remark .ble that ho was alvvavs after his jhat af,er losing three terms by not time. 'I ha rouiisellor at last got out ol ail ready, he at length lost his suit by He dtiermincd to study the Law, which „„s«,uoted ficero, to whom he committed being the sluwe^t uf all jxisfcible things cx- if,o niaiiagement of his business. Fifteen cent a snail, ho thoi'i:ht he could keep up rninutes att%r, Jack came as usual in a great without dithculty. He accordmgly entered hurrv, and oi*nel his shop; but ho might the ollice of an eminpnt councellor, who, well have come fifteen years after for alih'Migh a very goinl natured man, would adTilt of delays in nothing hut the law. i Providencc in its wrath actually ' Ml >A rerrvedv mg th- dcfccta mtr.-loced Rr..H mg mh-Ii-.i,, of our state with tin- hh.i-I I bj former bad cultivatmn, at once ex- I diHs»tr,.ii» refill*, it is ikhhUoss io multi- - |.co awl congeni.ll to his taste. Thus ■ p'v exainph s.—Tho day i» m.t (hr distant ■WuKis of actes, who h by jikIiciou# man- | * ben conv i lion will su|«-rs de skejitirism. ir™nf, might have lie«'ii prfserved as j►hall exhibit in onr exhoibilant ■•* il a^ in their origM.al state, were rt n- l»-repi« and vmlant fields. hu«Ui«lry. worthy barren. The Irequcnt mcursions'*''•'« f^ucli, ot least, is the of thoae hostile tribes b) whom theibope of 'f>t >ettlcr« ol' our country were surround . rri’ipntrd no inrm!mleral>4« ob»*taclc t just one hour after it had h I'kit 'TP TO Acnn ri.Tnii:. |wtience, a thing very rental kabUe in a man coming into court all in a perspiration and whi> had (mtiently followed the law so long, out of breath, I » .Mr. K.id he, “It IS very ex- . i tniordinary that though ycu appear to be in ; „ ^ou have been non-siiited, Mr. Has- , „ . sucb a great hurry to come to the ollice, you » ,he juj„e, and the consequence I jnfornj systim o| (arming, as the rc^artl' Wi.n ir- rmr vor n v!..—[]>(ween the ,„ ver get here in time.—1 wish you would lost his suit his fees, and the rf blr>r thereby rendfied uiKrrrtaiii, Wolcott and t: rtsw old tumili. s, two of the ,, |„tlc levs ha.«;te, aiul i->rhaps you may conlVlence of every client ou the face of the the regular employ inentsol the yet>ni II jnost anrn nt and re^J>ectable in (’onnecti- gpi i»ere a little sooner.—Zc/i/t, as pj^^th '(■ ir ciMiiiiry, tinpH otly interrupted out, there existed a n-iii'ite relationship.— Cicero says.’’ I Thus he went on K the call to arms. Another causo most I rsola «.lcotf, aOerward-i the wife of the “ Augustus t’ar*ar,” replied Jack. I every day K»sintj or lo agrKultural improvement, i> the first t;overn.^r (Jriswold, was a ludy of su- | .. \\ r||. well—I believe—n..w 1 rerolh«ct furtun* until bv'^ degrees he became a Mi.iiMve culture of tolmcco. To this p.-r- p^rior mtellrrt an.l a.complishnients, and ,i was Augustus (’u-vir—but I wish you pattern of a gentleman ninning to seed.— more than any thing else, may lie perhaps un« quailed in the Slate for sagacity would adopt the method 1 recommended to gj,ort he went down hill almost as fast *^r,!«y| th.- rapid imjioveriahment of the and Khrcwduvs#.—-Notwithst.in.ling the su- get here sooner.” (.g passage in the steam- nWf-rn and Sfaithem Kctu>i«sol iHir stuta.— |>rriority of h**r endowments and the ^hinini; , “ I’ll try,” said Jack—but tho next day To make an end of my story, and i..(« lif]4 acquainted w ith this crop, w ill (.xcellenre of her character, she reinainel ' i,*, was two hours behind instead of one, come to the cream of it as quick as possible, ^ m- ,t able to ap,.re«-iato the correctness ’ tinm.Trried until aliont the age of thirty.— ' «nd the counsellor reconiDieiided him to | j„ g great hurry, as usual, • fthi, a««ertion, as tho experieoco of each huHling it athngth mdisicnsubly neces return to his old system of putling “I'd ^,,i, aU the marks of one that had seen bet- J-ar mu.t reiMh r them more swarf, •>( the ,aiy to tuni her attention to matrimony, or blowing. ,Pr days, enter the shop of a bookseller, to C'ii'imiedd'sttiirtion of forest land, the nw>- )K.-come in fact what, she already was in | At length Jack’s time was out, and he ,j,|| had dccided to accept the job ot courting hercoUMii .Matthew. thought ho woulU re« reate nimseir wiin a jj (pp o’clock, au her arrival at Lyme, she fouml her |,nie trip to W est Point, to enjoy its pure employed another person.” Matthew, who was al.>»o considered air, charming pros[>ect8. and taste a bottle l»oor Jack ! my heart smote me to Ikirh. h.r, moro disp.»*d lo devote ' „f .Mr. tVizen's excellent sherry. The and I followed, with tho ofier of B'^ly ot'all the manure on the faim, and name, an ohl maid, she remarked to her 1 was prejiared for examination. It took |,~e had spo'ken of yesterday, t ie exrluKive attention and e*trava>;ant (riends, that sh«* bad coiue to tho conrlusion ' |,i„, however a year longer than tho usual •• You are too late, Mr. Hastie,” said the Sw.tiiy M labor bistowed on this crop. i,f s|ieiidiiig a ti w w. cks at Lvme, t'or the ,erm. Having a day or two to spare, he [jookscller; “you were to give me an an- lo tl.e fact >f the (ar greater proportion purjHis*' ot courting her cou.'in Matthew. thought ho would re«'reate himself with a ^^^^r at nine it is now ten o’clock, and I ^ ttiP Uiided pro|ierly of our state bi ing ber btld by comparutivslv few persons, may ■ cou.mii l*^"wi»e be attributed many of the agricui- »» old nnrm i«>r, moro lll^(x»••u n> uc.o,.- ,,i .vir. v oizen s e.^erneni Miorrj . j ii«; him, and I followed, with tho otter ol my tijral rrriirs prevalent siiiong us. '1 he rc- lin ulti ntion lo bi> Coke and I-iitlcton, ■ Jay it was necessary to return to town tor j,prvice3 so far as money was concerned. »^Ilofthiidi»lrit)oiionoflaeid was, that ih«;th»n to his co.i-.in IJrsiJa, but s!io was do- examination, he sal very cosily tossing his accepted a trifle, and I returned to the |N«ae^wrs of these estatw. unmaimgtabh- terminf.l at all events to bring him to the . jjl„ss, w hen the alarm bell rung the approach bookseller, an old shrewd tradesman, such bnin their great size, |>aid bul little per- p-»ut. She occasionally would meet bun of tho steomlwat, and they all but Jack left he common fitly years ago, but s^'iial Btteiition lo them, defieiiding geiier- in the hall or on the stairs, and alter care-1 the table to gft ready. He was certain are rather scarce at present. i n mercenary «g nts, who lelt no in- lessly jwwing him turn and eagerly inquire,' there was plenty of time, and acted on this | »That poor fellow,” said 1, " is one of •'•rest ID the improvemeni or evni prescr- “ vhal a tluil ij^tu mid, to which ho would ' muxini so long, that a servant told him ii | ^hg (rreatest riddles I ever met with. He is »«iiniiofilK! ioil, and whose sole object was, reply, that he hail'iit wid any thing. Af-; he did not make haste ho would his active, industrious man in the 0 obtain the utmost degree t f production tsr several unMicci-ssful atteinpts to make passage. Then ho bestirred himsell with he seems always busy driving abHit fronithfl estate, during the (MiriMl of their him under*land she iin't him oiie day on the ' his usiud alacrity, and never man “ nmdc doing something, yet see what he has ''•cii|«iKy, M Idoni bestowing a tluHight on ktairs, and afler making th« usual impnry ! tracks,” as they say m the west, down that I cannot account for his misfor- it* luture coiMhtion, when the lime should : ai>‘l receiving tho jfiial aiikuer, sho hustilv ■ winding and labyrinthian path leading tunes.” . . •rnve for them to lie sup»'rtceled by.others replied : U// / Onnk %U timt you hud. | (he hotel to the whart, as did Jack Hastie. i .. ,he bookseller, “he loses f'*" the nine class, who by bringing a still —Matthew could not avoid taking the hint. He ran against three projecting rocks, half I hour every morning, and all the rest of lirper portion of Inud uniier this wr* li;hod ! and a short time arter, they became one of « d« zcn young saplings slid ten yards at a ; jh^ jaj spent in trying to overtake it.” M'l' iii • ultivatioo, sought at onco the the moM happy and resjiectable couples in t,me, and' finiily wound up by pitching head ih. ir own fortunes, Hnd satislV.i.n Connecticut.—Atu- 'f-- 1 foremost against one of the Cold Spring j . In re- •Kf rtftsti.....!. ..»• ai__ / : , ' into iho river, and I t nhi'aUhinesM of Lxicun\0€rs. iu rt I . '*•■ ritixi tiiv iii«w I ^ ! -- - i - K ♦* 'uable, ar.piii^ f^r th-'ir sujiuort, a verv these were more prevalent la other tflates. ■ niudc such baste a? I Qcver saw Detore. lady had no thoughts of a husband, bot St. Paul having sent her a letter from heaven, promising that he and the angel Gabriel would sup with her, she wanted to make the entertainment as elegant as possible. The Counsellor immediately suspected that some villians had imposed on her; and sending the maid with the plate, proceeded directly lo the commissary of that quarter. —On the magistrate’s going with him to a house adjoioing, they saw just betbre eight o’clock, a tall man dressed in long vest ments with a white beard, and a youn^ man in white with large wings at his shoul ders, alight from a hackney coach, and go up to his sister’s apartments. The commissiary immediately ordered twelve of the policc guards to post them selves on the stairs, while he knocked at the d»>or and desired admittance. The la dy replied that she had company and could not speak to any one. But the commissary . ., answered that he must come in, for that ho 3n, always in a hurry, yet I St. Peter, and had come te ask St. opportunities of bettering | h„^ ,hey catiHr out of heaven w ithout his knowledge. The “divine” visitors were astonished at this, not expecting any more saints to join them; but the lady overjoyed at having so great an apostle w ith her, ran eargerly to the door, when the commissary, her brother, and the police guards rushed in, presented their muskets, seized her guests, and con ducted tliein to prison. On searching the criminals, two cords, a mzor,and a pistol, were found in St. Paul's pocket, and that a gag in that of the ongel tJabriel. Three davs after the trial camo on; when they pleaded in their defence, that one was a soldier in the French ininnt- ! ry, and the other n barber’s apprentice— that they had no other design than to pro- cure a good supper at the widow’s expense that it being carnival time, they had bor- rowed these dresses, and the soldier having pickrd up the cords, put them into his pock et that the razor was that with which ho had constantly shaved himself—that tho pistol was to defend them fro.n any insult.?, to which their strange habits might expos# them in going home—and that ths appren tice, w hose master wx.s tooth drawer, mere- ly had the gag, which they sometimes use in their business. These excuses, frivolous as they were, proved of some avail; and as they had manifested no evil design by aa overt act, they were both acquitted. But the ceunsellor who foreww what might happen through the defect o( evidence, had prepared another stroke for them. No sooner, thor^forp, were tht*y discharpca from the civil power, than the apporitor ot the archbishop of Paris immediately seized them and coiiTeyed them to the ecclesias tical prison. In three days more they were tried and convictcd of a most .«caii.lalous profanation by assuming to theiiis* lves the uatncs, charactcrs, and appearaoccs ol a