& FARMERS’ JOURNAL. i*RiisTia» AM) i>i iti,i>.nnr> fvkrv satuui>ay, rv nioMAs j. iiOLT(>N....«iiAUi,orrE, mm klkttbiirg oirNTv, nosi'h-carolina: \0\» ill* CM-n tot' TO rifRl't TMK IMIWKI-S OK TIIK » AHT!I AN1> Bll^a OUT rKOM Tilt; CAVtRNH or TIIK M0l'NTAIK!«7^^Al.M WHICH WIM. OIVE STKKNOTH TO OUR IIANUH AMU KI.'BJECT ALL NATUKE TO OUK USK AKU PUCASURE. ~ sviTirii.iLV, JIJI.Y 20, ~ —DR. JOHf 'SON. NO. 117. flMi #1 lor thr«f wtcks, lor one ^;quarf.— \ lib«r»l (liroint will Jx' inmie to tliowr w ho I pylhrvcar. J.^()na!la^lvt■rli^clu^■^lt* ajn’r;; ■ii.icalid Ibr pulilivulioii, thf number ol’ ’***• , ! the torn, »V:c. nre large, then skimming «)r Ifilior**'A: I armor'' .Ponmal shallow ploughm^s »liould be used to kill l(|,rinti'«l Hid (’wblii.Ju d ivi ry Saturday iiiominif , pruss.)—llorizoiitul ploughing; is best.— St Ttco MUr$ per uiiimiii, il paiii in tdvaiict:; I Di'sotiie sort t^liuuld be put with the j-y,, iWai* anJ Fi/}y fVni* it not paid in ttd. i„.„ planted, or on thts vegetation vintc; DoUartnl the end of (he year, I ^|„.n „f t|,e jjrouDd, except where the ^ will be inserted at Fi//y j i;,pJ jg ^,.1,,— Tf,is up|»«*nrs to bo tedious j“I'd expensive, but it will amply repay tbo 111**''**®"’! plutitor I'or the lalM>r niid exiH-'iise. Sotno may ar^iio tluit it iit impossible to {;et a sutiicioiit quuiitity of manure t)f any kind to ti!H‘ on all the thin or poor land that each i i-ultivdtcs :—but let tlio planter cultivate ,r.„--''Hi'-t l«''lotid mi thr marsui ot tli«'j and save stable nmnurc, «.Vc. atibes, , , or ilu.v «111 !-»■ coi.t-nuid u»i>l | cf,, ^-obs, soap suds, kit. heu slops, At iVrbia,and iH«rccd arcordinuU. | Kiltp«-tre, gyjisuni and lime, when they *,• All ‘o-I"cjin be ubtmncd witb liltlu e.’t()en./*—uw thejmay mtht attrnd !ii^ I if,arl aild cbiv, t>nd mud troin the Ktrenms « ' ■■ - ppjjj jjj —pj,, leaves or htraw iu t!i»* A(;ui( ri/n’KAL. jstablii to save the watury part of the nm • - ' —^■” ~~~ "'’d th»« urine—and comKtalks, rtraw, 1 c liVc. on the tarm-yard tnr cattle to trample ' ‘ . and catch this urine. Some ■and is litne- RfHvling on the sterile condition ^bere ihe land i> Iwigh.—I belicre so:nuWlhe land in this fetate, and the cotj- , mminRement, land muv .u:.t emigration to the west, broujiht ,.vorv >car, and yield a prutj. TiK-1,> conclude that unless the tanners eii- d. (j. ttr inw a more econoiuical c«'urse, and ^ — more attention to the improvement of] larmer. if,“ land, the • OKI Dominion’ «ill be * found | M* of course the deficiency is increased, and it it set for a shorter period, the same ia di» tuinished. It is only necesmry to awaken attention. - ,. . to this table to secure Reform. But, I will To the Juiitors:—1 he (woplu itana in i resume tbia part of tlie subject in my next need ol facta more than arguments. Ihe In tbo mean time will you draw former are so strong that when they have ,},g attention of your brother Editors to this From iKt Raleigh Rfgitttr. OX OI R STATE CO’^STITUTIOJI AO. III. “All political power i» veated in and derived from ! tli! pt'ople only."—Bill of Right*. me, in solution ai me oottom, ooiiik , j ,i . wiumci — — ter specific gravity than the son,., j»'«’« “"** It should be adde.lbv small quantities ! injustice that ! informatton of the people 1 They cann-)t 10 s.*narntion tuM place, which may | 'dmost misplaced. Wry 1 nghtlully claim the credit of being either a stronger atlinity for tnuriutic acid than sodu has, and when they come in contact, as in this case, the potash decomposes the salt, and combine* wi(ii the muriatic acid, t'orming a muriate of ^>otash—loaviiig the soda pure to form a lard soap with the grease ; the muriate ol potash will be found on cooling, in solution the bottom, being ofgifrti'i The salt i aiU r which' It slK^ild f allowed to stand ,^ V ,i “ knowledge of the bur- until cool, when it may^ cut into bars or “ r’ Zli cnkes at suits tliH oiiL*Ator Manv sun- rrceivtd with jeulousy, or met they are impwied. If my tune allowed il, P«»c that rosin is noccrsJv to harden sr«»p. 1 '*>' im|>o^ilion u|>on the prejudices or | ^,j„id n,aj,o out a copy of this Table and 'I'iiis i-* not the oasc i‘lf^scd us u matter 'f’'"®’'""**’the pnblio, lu the |K»int ot dis- North-Carolina. of IfV-not n^;«ilv • ‘ tLose‘disclosed in the Table. T'le .•t.niiiuin Vfllowtnior of«o«nis®w.“ *“ population aiid ,,^0 too stubborn to be long overcome by »r,ro„..d,„ive..byn;t„h. »| Honp IS dosinibe, it u.iv be made bv sub- ; ... „ .. . ' ,! V. . r I ri?d to t he oliicial roport of tlie last ttn.w*, stitu inp |Mar ash or tarbonato ot p«»tash and by using lard or other white grease thu purrAt white soup may Ix- inude. Commercial Fravd.—Mr. William Wad- arrived in this city in the ahip Silaa of 1The Piims are stated in round Richards from Kngland, in pursuit of a fugi- nnmU rs tr» ti«cililutp calculations and the tivo from justice named iZrJmond J. 0’Z?o stitutinp ,M.ar.aMi or t.riH,nato o. pre,«red at the Comp. | and abslracti.ig carb...c ucid by lime- and laid k>eli,re the A.^mbly lcll The h.id for mibbtitutf itaCiii^. In t’liina, containing a popu-i A^tbis is the season of the jenr when ;;iti'n of n:W,nii(t,ini(l ot' mbubitaDt.“, or ' most t«f our houM-kecpers atteiMi to making li'h it.— MitryUind Ihimhlit nn. JiiJ 111 the !>t,uare mile, aljout two ucrc:) to ; sot> si ap for the u** of the fainilj , »e truxt 'I\t rmkc I’uinl iritknut ll'Ai/t /✓»/ and so Hi i.ibitaiU’) the whole surface of the ' a tew observalioti** may be arceptabi*'. Oil.—'I'w.» iju^vrts skimmed milk, t.ui c'HJntry is, with trifling exceptionj*, dedi-1 .Much fiitlRulty is l>K;ufntl\ expwrienccd Miiic»a fresh sla kcd lime, tivc |>ounds ol *' ^ cateJ to the pro]ui tion of lUxJ for man in this busim s-*, and many Tuls;(tr rrrora, wtniin". a^iinj'.on alone. ThoUijh situated m the same lati-1 have been n.nnotted w iih it; and we have Tut the lime into a stone.ware veii^el, I * nti 'rt tude as the I'liited States, the sod )ields I heard woimn d«Tlare that they U licve that I pour upon it a snliicifnt »ju:infil\ of milk, flfHjble crops in cou' |uence of adapting ^ their soajt was W l»«n the prin- to m.ike a mixture r»*f«mbling ereum ; the tlie culture to the soil, and 8UppUin_' its jcip!t-s aru «m:cc understo*^], the wh«il‘pro- deiVcts b\ mixture with other earibs, t»y ce»a is rjisy and simple, l-’irsl, then, it is manure, watering, and careful and usei'ul pruper that bou'fiki «f^«'rs •.liould know the 1 and spread wi thf wirlace of the thud, >» , , . industry of everv kind. Agd in Nether- prt>[«rtira of thf c«tmpofient juirts of'• ap. whi h it grailu.ill\ sinks. At thi-. period lan'i"' or Belgium, contaiuind *'•.) people j There are two tised alkalic-s n»« d in s*~ip ' if n'n>t b*- wf il slur*''! in, or j:rourHl \i»u to thr square mile; auJ i'n^land, with 1 making, viz. p»>ta-h aiwl stsia. l‘i.la»b i^ will i.tlirr ,>4*int. ami it i» fit ti.>r U'^*. 1 iicie Wales, 161, the pef>,ilc subsist primipally called the vegetable, and s'nia the mineral! n ay \>o add-d anv i olorjn? luitt. r that bv aj:ricu!tur»’. In the fir>t of these coun- .alkali. KiIImt of ll»es«* alkalies will unite i suit- the I'mty. It i. to o»‘ ajphcd in tl.i •n?s, w irlv everv aero of tbo buii is rulti- j with greaae and ti>rin sr^up: potash and ' •^ame m in* * r us oth* r |>«iiii, ai»d in a («-w rated, even tL.* steep* st hills, that require j grease make suit soap only, l>ut soda and b»'Urs will l>r .,rnf p* rff CtK Hr\. An>th r 3 rr.pc to be Jistened around the mao to ' grease make hnrd soap. Hotli thes»* alka- coat may thft. Ix'addi cJ, and so on, uutil tin. , , , , . . I ,, fine» whu li w«rc impo!«;d at tho I rea'^ury, noran, who left Great i3ritaia under tbo V, ry lr.-.p.en application we have circumstances: copiesot (ol.lJo>le\re. i(,e,as« remitted by a resolution , Wm [e tor Taint, indu. es us to repub- „f ,h, General A.senil.ly. . "!!:ii Z'. remainder of the milk is then to lx« added; and lastly, the uhitiot 'S to he cruinblu.|, Couulica. Ilydet I’rTinsw ick + Coluinbiist llladent work ISC' nij'l tfd. This p.iiiti IS cf great ten;n ily, and p« s- sli .l.t fl.iMicii>, winch eiiabb sit siipj>ert hi.T) front ta'linff when workiug.! be# liave a strong atUnity to at ids, uniting Jn t\’-laltf^r country aii! Ireland the laiula | with them, and txrmini; what is gtjuerally ar* If asiJ to th« ten infs for a term of called n«'ulnil salts. 'I hus p«jtash ami ni- } if*, who |)oy bigb riiiis ami high taxea i trie acid form '.iltpetre.; s..ia and sulphuric j to l«Mr rnt.i-in.* e\i n ..itb ar«mfM; ww.lU n ii.J »:e compelled t(i leave or return the ' aeid form glauler s;dts, and o«fa aiil muria-‘ cl»>tb, withi'Ut l>* in;; in the lei>.t (b'^iree in- hnds to the landlords m a good or terUle ,tic acid, or spirits of suits, form cuuimon jnred. It i.a^ hitle or no »m» II, »en when cocdifior,—3a acres of land there, u c*>n- is«lf». j dry ihj^Mlo '.ly 'm dcrotis. It i» not sub- n'•■mJ «iirtVieni for a f.imily to stibaisl oi>. I Now no woman lu h r renses would ject to be Uarb'li* 1 h .ti!phnre«ius or am- IT .«onucro *uti«ii»eru is a think o: ii...’MUgwi;’„ - itiitj i.f tin j m il va,« o .m . i. n S-\)Jb. ]r;er nur/tjer ef inhabitants to the aqiiarc , valts: and >et ihe base of eitiier, when sop- All wbu b ijwaliiic it a decided ad- nlethanin \ irginia, (contuinmg 14 to crated fr«»m tliencid would form wb n mu-j var»t.ig* over• wm'' l -ad. tk Ajuan! mile) the platiters cultivate less Ud with greas**, as -io«J suip as if ibty bad ! Ti«o «p;ani 'v. lU- »> mtntioiied is snfTi- I-iail and improve It more. The U'st lands never been united. 1 ciont t■ r co\ LI I’tnnsylvania are worth per acrc,: There is albu another a'*nt wbicb com- , )anla with one »^*r'as the best in Viigmia are worth bines with the-« nlkali'’**, wbu b will ecjijnl cf .T $70. Such lands m I’cmmlvaniat I !y previ-nt tbeir uniting w ith gr'-a-^ aseitlier I'rftly r arc worth 17 or I*" iltdlars per acn*, >i’ the Ijcfore in«‘niioii'd acids—that is Sntherwr 1 be purchased lu Virginia for 2 yr carlH.'nie. Now this acid im coniuinallv iscoiniiionly i —'nieret'ore, the loods in the kit-. ni'uf mg in the atmosphere unsetii, anl will ha gave, in n Slate are cheaper;—and why docs not combioe with pota-h or •xfa, « hoi.f^er it: pers'ins, the i i-t. :it)-scvcu 9'^uare • f a “/ioTf—A '■ ‘tiiv.dog of wbttt lir sijet'if !-,of w hom n.' of a numl>er of ‘ tl.anirlrr: lie's a I’sMjuotaiik* I'erijuinictis t huwuti (i.ilest ( altcr' tt Onslow t JH»e»t Vaconf Mhv wo«idt l^-iioirt (;rfiti * lljirtlonl Kranklin Nn.h \4.et \V ay lie Jobti»ton I N r* Hi Mo.r* Mart III |)iipbn S;irn,^in !%u hnHH d ibinci.iubc >n- .'ta?e prosper as well! The pnncijial totiKs lu cf iitact, forininc » cirlx.iiate of; Icetlc the keen* t t'i r \ -u »v rdid ste— ca>‘« are, the people do not improve the so*!* or potash—neither of which will unite | real wildcat—ii.-: if I'i'i ,ri/./leall over— U’f*.*, and fn*qu^ntly sofF-r every species with greaM) t> t'orni M>ap. lean eat a b dpe.!, j . i .-! -> h thumler clap, ti ar, :re to l« waisted, and the landi to j .Much of the ditli'iiliy which b>iim keep, j nnd whip any b 'lr h . d nnim;il that • \( r be »a-h»'d into giillies t-v the rams, awl ers meet with in makinir, aiiM-> iVi'iii ■ walkitJ the earth. ’ 1If n.u'-J if a scr.iw- « vd t hces exposed to the sun anti ruin, their ley l.tiving lieeon e mon-or b-'-t-..tii i c« r,” tviid a bi;;-ti. n hr.ni pnni, “ but » :t t'TRSs on tfiem.— Kvcry spiries ol ratinl with carbonic acid. .\'b*'s wi.tcli! I'll l'#'t ysj n cxii ten d.ilar>i, th. t I vc ;^i>t .re >ii'>u!d be Miveil.— It is the opinion have laid Ion:; m a damp o'acf, or b*'C')tn‘ an 'ld bi ar in the tield out j -n I* r tb.tt _\'U '• -om'; t'arnierp, that a shillings worth of i!amp by an\ otli* r me>ns, will alword • ar- can’t mak»' run, no i!,i\.” " lifiie' e»- will yield fit shillings. Mxperi- tioiiic ami,or it the lev is all'i''C'i to •■t:nd riaimed th'*»'iithtrn«"r,taking out the iii'»n- rc !--!!d b^ mad.~ to ascertain the be--t too lonj alter it is leach' d in an [’« n '•>*. y, whith was covered by that of the bog- 5 -'t manure.—A snuilb.-r quantity sel. the »iime thing will t.ike pl:n;t . Idriif* j dii»er. Il w^s a enKl wiut»r mornioir, 1'.' lild li' ultivatfd to the haiHl;— ; is often placed iii the Ixiliutn ol the b’lu b, and the company had to waijc thrniigb the ^ ■ ■ f 'r gr.i-.s shouUl be on the land > and but ti w can lell why tin’V do it. Iftlie , hhow »-r*r thi’v ci>tii,; reueh the old Issir. t m ( .i!tiv&tion) to ke^p ofl' the question is asKod, the reply is—Uxauv it ! When they arrn-d al the fn*Id, the aniioal .'iCa: M t: ' Mill. Lind prevent the land from makes the ley clearer. Liinc has, a strong-| w a* fr(iiiit«*«l out; he was standing pa»»ively '*■‘‘1 .' daway bv the r.ins, and to be er atiiiiity for carb>nic acid than potash luis,, iu a cortur—finl no oooiier diiJ the di>y III a-t a niaiinre.—Sirsiw or com and of curse will wfrfirafe Iroin it. t'om- i |>ereeivc bis nntagoiiiHt Itian be “‘•i/.>*d him cr bniih •■h"uM be put on galded or ] mon limeitwo u iinte and carbonic arid ; j by the tbrrsit, and they both rolled nito the f-licts ; an ! loi'.i*r brush, or ro ks when liuie i-tuiie i.i burned m a ki!n, the i snow t'>gctber. “ H sa ■cri'ainer sh(>ut- ;.r(.un i:lo ^:ul ■ I’’.'.- land should U? cariK)nic acid is separated by heat, and ■ ed the soiitberrKT. “.May be so, repli«*d Iredell .'Nirry I Kandelph V UfH:kinj;hain Vi:son 'sliarnis ^1onl"•‘nl'■r•.■ N\ ilh. st l.tDcnln Mrklr„fn. „• Oringc i.'.iru/i H.iir lU.rkt Ilhthtrfyjrd -UJ de‘-[,; (cxcf pt when the roots of quicklime is lormed. Now il this fr»>sblsin)t is placed in tb! 1-ottom i .e ’},it!PSf Have no navy, and all |»Mrb and ti.e ley made to pass thron;;h it, bo was fro7/ii to d''ath last night—and •’t i.-'j ii tiie fOil of their native coun- it }w’c om» s piiiilied from ibe acid, ai-l tli dead boars don t use their legs now-u-days.” only thing no:e«-.;iry then to b;i\- ii ' intr j with gn;ase, is to haw* it ( i s’itli i> i i strength. 'I’his may be* a > rtini.i .i I y ii s{)ecific jjruvity—to Ifarn w'm h p'.! :i n*-4v laid egg into I't; if the eg^ Mm,.!-, iii«- h \ i strong enough; if it •ink*', tii- l> •. inu-t ' r ; thut su' b land, m Pennsylvania, >ith»'r be eva|K»rated bv l>oiling,or liy a^.no *■ .:a 17 or I** lU.llarH (I'-r a‘re, and Iracbing it throu;;b ashr^s. 'i'hy grias* t 'rarrn ( vmhrrlarul I'M pi cirmb dranrillc II ah fax yttrJlanorf r i qun k i>T i the hog driver, holding out his hands fur the .v ni of tb»* : stakes,—" but hf aiiit a going to run—for y^rthiimiiton Z" ' 'nan from I’enn«y Ivatna, when _■ 'l.riju^’h a [K>or nnsi-itled part of i.;.mii County, enqniri-d at what |tric* l ofrtil.i U; [ iH' haHed [>er ncrc ’ wa>, at tAo nr tliree tUdlars- A J'rrnrh BjU.—“I have olhf>r fish to lr\, ' I- a vcrv common expression in Ire- ' uiii, o-j 1 Hs an excii.«e by any p«'rsori of hf.iii *•'inethiiig maybe required at the moineiit. ItragooiiN, b.ivinj a little smnttfriny ol' I jigli-ib, Ijf'ing on a liiue in company with II Vfrrt n l^lt ('hnfhiim 'llXVI II Ki rlu ’j'olal of i.\\‘ r« |Miui into Vliitr i>op- T'.amry. ijlalum. ffU.O n.SdO t)liO ~»,7('0 J,M-0 ♦i,:ioo J(»0 4,000 t'.iO ♦I.V-'IK) .'■(00 :i,ooo ;tii)) 8,000 7M» 4..'>>0 4M) fi.’-’OO fC.O 4,r^o 1,100 5,M»0 *“1.0 4,.'b»0 1,IKMI 2,700 7(H» y.mio 4-'.0 4,-00 7(H» 4,.%00 .'VK) y.aoo 400 4.!«>0 .‘JMO 4.-'H) 7tlO 3,700 3,:«M» 1,000 3,‘•00 l,U«i 5,3tH) 1»70 4,.'V00 4.*.0 tl.400 l.OHj C.iiOu J,".*>0 . 7,000 '.Ml ij,400 470 !*7U .'i.OKO 1,-1 tl,7lH) ‘iM) 7,#MM» -.V) •ViiK) 1,000 1 l,.’>00 oto 11 ;.m l.l.w 11 ,'»00 ^ 1,000 l-',:ioo i f».o lft,tioO ^ l,ioo ^,4o> 1,000 9,loo Voo (),.'>oo ‘*,.'>00 ♦ hK» io,:t*>o 17,»oo '■i.tMiO l'.',‘'(*0 ',’,.'ioo 1 ii,ouo 1,7.k> 14.f)oo K) 11,too 1, 'iiiO M.IMK) 1, loo L‘»,7oo 1 • >o 1 1,000 i,;> >o 13,000 1 ,'"«.o 7,2oo 1,“()0 0,ooo V.SKJ 7,Goo 1 .'loo i,4«>o “.I. SI f>,«oo V.H'.o 4.!Joo 1 ri,ioo 1 .■^00 4,2rio i,y Ki (i,‘^oo 1 :t.K) lo,loo 1 :ioo H,1oo 1 ,'>,.'ioo A. Koliert llaird, Liverpool, received a let- tcrfrom OTKinovan, dated Sligo, .May 2d, stRting that the writer had shipped a cargu of oats in the brig Ant, consigned to the •aid firm, (enclosing a bill of landing signej by the captain,) and requesting an ndvanco un the same of six burHlird and sixty pounds sterling. As there was no suspicion of fraud on the part of the .Messrs. Bairds, the draft was paid; but in the course of a few days it was ascortained tbat the Ant was U»uud tor LondoD instead of Liverpool, and tliat a similur imposition bal been practised U{)on Bigbio & Youngs of 1/Oudon. Meanwhile l)i>f»novan, having realized about $7,0(10 from this double villany, sail- e.J from Sligo for Liverjjool, and thence immediately lor this city. .Mr. Waddell, in behalf of ibedetV»uded bouse, immediate' ly pursued ; and, i.i two days after arriTing i'll tbis city, he had, by the aid of Mr. Webb of the Congress Mall, and Messrs. Hoinaiu, Merritt and Sj»arks of the polite office, succeedcd in tracing and apprehend ing the culpnl, from wh-ini he was success- t'ul in rvcoveriDg the whole ot the money. SylvcMer't Reporter. 1‘^i: tc.otfin:; -s rt.alui by *>Ii. ‘Sir Felton ll«r>ey, aid-d-camp of tho Duke of Wellington, had k«t an ar» m battle. WIiiLst one of the bottles in Spaia was raging, the Duke gave him an order to I oovey ttj another f>art oi the field. Half acn»»s It, a I'reocb oHirer was seen gallop- mg towards him. Sir Felton’s sword hung by his side, though be could not wield it; it was bis rti;ht arm he bad lost, and the other held the bridle; hut he faced the foe looking defiance. .As they swiftly drew near, the Frenchman ran»*d him.^lf on ht9 stirrups, his sword uplifted. Di.scovrrinj*, ut the very moment for tlie stroke, bis ad versary to be defenceless, he brings down bis weapon in the form of a coniplimeuary salute, and rapidly (xisf^on. He gava his salute in sileucc." This was true cbivalrj’. The follovi ing was written on the back of a one dollar bill of the .Montpelier Bonk, Vermont State. I'his is tho last dollar I have left out of $15,000, left me by a father; and, O fJod I how has it gone ’ WouW to heaven I could say by doing good. But alas tho > theatre and lotteries and the gaming table ' have consumed it all; and I am now a vagabond upon the earth, and am in fear I shall soon take up my abode in a gloomy coll June 1, Cl.orcH recently ntNilo an attompt to escape from prismi at Mount Holly, N. .1. He had succeeded so far as to make n hoio entirely through the wall, and would have sotin had it large i iiough to pass through, had henot beendetectwl. Tbo instrument I he ( otmlics marked (+) are those which ,s stated ^ , do rnrf contribute to the revenue a sum e- prrsented a ver\ meagre appear- I’renih Captain of qual to iht ir .»/» jhiij nuii a rateabu „m(.e his twntem e, brought on, it ii share of cutUin^'tnl charges The ('ounti»*s print'-d m iUiIicxHTv •• f v'l A «««»(.1 ix ivy i*‘a( lllir' Ii llirUUU'* ■ lJ»y »/• " I —/ I • I I I 1^ H brs flitbrr lo m II fu^ Inud in nmd«* of is the rvfiiMi fat *f iiik] j soine Indian in of them askecl onl>» ^ hich oijtn nit»* to I »« rc%emje '',1, nrxl purchase that in I'utk- U;riire itisunitd with the Icy, nhouUl U • -.-'ur:;h» \sa- lavished al; and was freed from all the Shilt by boiling it in wa- -'•d uhai way he Would manace the land (cr. 'I’b»-quantity iiee» Miry for a barrel ‘‘ It' IIh repli* (I thnt he wt.uld ,,f gc>od m.h(i is als'Ut sixteen pounds, or ■ It, and plough it well, and balfn |M»>und to a j:allii, '• * It in wtib th»* leaves ph.ughed j Soap, when well made, should Is; thick ance, since tlose *“PI*°*®^ * Fro* till- Vir;-M;m I'armrr. COLD l.N BUM.M.II \M .t;-n/l.'t^ 1S3.1. Ml UonEHT, Sir—A rich vt-in of Mn. reii,:irke i thal meh Ian !, by gcsn'f und »alve-!i!;e, cnpablo of lieiii;: -nread thin j fortunately overls>k a Uiy going w ith u I him a favor. “ Ah ' by (Jar' inadame,’' >ond the amount of tlwir cost to the gov- replied the (Jaiil, wishing to appear very ernmrnt. shrewd, •• I VU.1 oblige you vorv much in-, 'I’henecessary expe.'-rsofourStntet.ov. deid, but dat I must go and fry homo fi..,b." •'rnment, as they are stated in the t omp- (joij |,as licen recently discovered on the troller's Ueport, are tbe!*e: .jir^yt branch of Hunt's ('r«*k, on the lands \ gentleman having misled his way ■ I* " mi^ht be culiivated to con- iqK«ii clntb without llakint’ >r n Ihng oil', j quantity of tar, to maik his mailer s f.h« fp. I * ' udwiiitage. If to such s ap about an eipj.il qiiiintity ofl'l'bo gentleman asked iho way to ; l>ut ' • •'w a rariiicr, (• t from om-bushel ^ift water is add-d, thu soap hrci rnes hard ! was direcle»l by so many wmdiiigs and . rport. Legislature, (’onting**ncies. »Vc. ShiTill's fiir setlliiig •rinter’s Salary Jto,37!» 4,»oS N(ili Ooo ;i laru- plantation and liver-like, capable of Irf-ing taken up in ! turnings, right the hand. Mfeotf, f r«t nop, and fed the hand. 'I ’his'many think is desirable—| take the boy l)ehind him on the hors«-, as : Ii’ li'r-oi, i„ tf,, _,-„rnd out c«|S!Ciallv the soap Is.ibrs who make it t'>r | ho was going near *'> th** s:une place.— ! '‘‘fa;.-, ,„„j ..pr, .„1 ,t wh. ro iber.* was sale, sis th-'y make double the profit they I Finding iiiiii pert and dw ile, bo gave him, i '•“r, ,iad more from thathe i would on the other quality. .Some hoiiHO- as they rode nri, some vvholesoiiie advice I and f. d It to hiH horse in tin-; keepers (iraetise making ibeir own haid j relative to bis Inlure conduct iid.ling f>cea- -"1 f-arii .1 the munun- to another ' soap. 'I’bis i« done by adding salt to the | sionaily, “ Mark me well tny Uiy. *• 1 es, "I "li’t-nd It—ami pur-ued that v)ap after it is well made, while it is yet,.sir,” aaid he, “I do. However, he re- ■ I Ull of his fitlds were covtrud ^ In.ibng. The ((ll i t is thus expl.nne.1;— ' |H-ated the injunction olten that the boy ■ ■ ■ .Sail ibsoda and njuriatic ucid. I’oluisb Las ut lu^t cricd out, “ Sir, / Amr no mon far. jy n%r 1r» U(««a i ^ Hiid left, that be agreed to F.xecutive, Stuto and Comptrollers |>»'l>artim‘iits. Adjutant (iencral, Judiciarv, Ordinary revenue is about n,171 iicM) of 'I'hos. Morton A: Co. and Stephen (iuerrant. The ricliRSt part of the Vein vet discovered is 80 or 00 feel below tho surface, and is 4 >r 5 feet in width—and has the npj»*arance of extending, without any intermediate space, a considerable dn-* tancc. .Mr. Merton is hiring more hands, anJ i! I,0o8 intends to carry on tho niiuinj business on a large scalc. A CITlZr.N OF «rcKl.WHA.M. A “Captain,” sa.d a tall 1’ Do.lcierK'V, l.'),!2o ihio|iian, to the master of a vessel, “ is your ^''l!cu tbc >nernl A^cmbly sits longer, cook a u h.tc nuin or n htork fn Uhr.an i