MIMERIS’ & FARMERS’ JOVRWAli. - ^ EVKRY SAi ritPAY, ItY THOMAK J. H(H;r«!V....CHARLO'rri:, MECKLENBirRG C01L\TY, NOHI II-CAROLINA j W1IX.T^^—1-—**‘WU^IU’^fto>| tub CAVERNB «r THB M0HNTAIN^MKTA1_S which will OIVK BTIIENOTH TO OUR HANUR ANW SUBJECT ALL NATURE TO OUH L’BC AND ri-KAlMJRl:. D*. JOHNSON. VOL* III* THE Iflinrrs’ Sk Farnirm’ Journal I rioU-d md published every S*turday inornin|r it 7V« DoU«t» per annum, if paid in tdvauce; rtf# Vdlar$ and t^fiy CenU if not paid in ad. TUiccj Tirf* VMar$ at tlic end of llic year. NATl Kl>\\, ALCilJST .1, 183:i. NO. 149. Sally fiooo came out from licr liiding-place, and uiilutod Mr. Fiddlestick. Apologies and excuses were quickly advanced by the m hole family, and jjifat anxiety were expressed to know if hti was not Keriously injured, and whether it would not be proper to send for ADVEBTISEMENTS will Ik, inserted at Hfiy „ . s,Mjctator would have cer- cenU p«r.quare (not r,c«cdinK»J line.,) ior the |,,,nly concluded that every Ix.ne in hi» Lo- 6,., inKrtion. ai.d 25 cenU for each .ucc-eding jy was diHl,H:ated from its fellow. But Jack ^efk—orl* •®'' Ihrre weeks, for one wiuare.— liberiJ diicount will Imj made to tho#e who *d»erU»* by llie year. 0‘(>n all advertineininta rommunicalcd for publication, the niituUr of lujirtioiii Hiu«t b« noted on the margin of the mininrript, or they will be continued until fbibid, and charged accordingly. • All rominunicatioiia to tlie Kditor inu«t ronie fr« o(p«*toft, or they may not be attrndcd tr». as.«ured them he had received no broken bones, and that he was as “sound as a roach.” 'I’he shock, however, on mind as well as body, so disconcerted the w hole of Jack's y»/«n that his visit was divested of all From the Cirieinnati Chronicle. THE COUH'ISHIP AND MARlilAGE OF TjJI] LLDKR ADAM.S, Some ten years since I spent a college vacation in the town of Weymouth, Nor folk county, Massachusetts. While there 1 attended church ono Sunday morning, at what was called the old Weymouth meet ing house, and lieaid a sermon from the venerable pastor, the Kev. Jacob Norton. About tlie same time, in company with a (riond, I made Mr. Norton a visit, spent a delightful hour wiih him and his agreeable t'iniily, and in fact, became much interested assiste*! hy the warm and radiant glow of atfection which magnifies every fancied ex cellence nn hundred fold.—She would not [From the Raleigh Regiater.] ON OLR state CONSTITUTIOlf. m. V. for the world, offend or disobey her father, political powar ia veated in and derited from but still John saw something in her eye »f Its anticipated pleasure. Kvery good rcso-1 "* R'ntleman. I mentioned n.y lutton Has now completely nvllifiui, and I ^ an t>ut int. lhgent thmk It might be said to b.,- roM,nn,.llu j ‘ I a .......... . .. ^ ha«1 ftinilP. I (iiw InJt.' IhA rniirph itu roa TM» jocasAU done. And altho’ Sally lookai ,re//. yf, j ^ i! he. for the present, was comfK-lifd to take I'‘‘f his leave. I5ut we are ^lad to say l.is next ' I say adventure was attended with l»ettt;r siiccess. It hap[>ened on a fine Saturday e\ening in April; n delightful seusou of the Vf*ar, and TIIR ADVENTl’RKS OF JACK FIDPI.E- STH-K.—roifior.u ON rAcr. i ^j,|| calculated to inspire plea.-nini? ideas.— Jark Fiddlestick wm a precoj lous youth ; reception was a warm one, and so it bii daddy • bi»y and mammas joy. lit* r‘lie\e his iialpiUtin>» and manner which seemed to say ‘perse- eerr,’ and on that hint he acted. Mr. Smith, like a gr>od parson and alTec- To the Editors;—The moat cursory rea der of my last Kssay will agree that tho evils there stated are such as afflict North tionute fatl.er, said that, if they would mar- ^:arolina, and he must j^rceive (if one mo rv with his approbation, he would preach , ® unprejudiced reflection is given to e'ach of them a sermon the Sunday after the they are attributable joyful occasion; and that they should have the privilege of choosing the text. After the due preliminaries of courtship, the appointed time for tho es[>ousals of the mainly to our aystem of unequal countif repretttntaXion. The convenience of the public has re« quired the multiplication of counties, and elder daughter, Marv, arrived and she was ‘‘"‘"g ^^«n a united to ;Mr. Crandi in the holy bonds,one section ot the State be- w.tli the approval, the blessing and bene-i necessary, the same was granted di. tionof her parents and all her friends, i Mr. Smith then said to her, ‘Mary, my i"* however dutiful child, I am now ready to prepare :»>as increased tno ex. vour sermon for next Sundav ; * hat do you I , A majority of the select for your text,’ said Marv. I have i * f s..lected the latter part of the 4tid.verse of i‘he majority have i^turally e. the i 0th chapter of Luke. ! asserted their rights, while the mi. ‘ Mary fJf, ch.mn that chhI fnirt, which , shall not he takoi from hir.' I jealousies have been ‘ Very good, n.y daughter,’ said the fa-, ‘® i'""'"**® ther and the ^.ermon was preached. i Mr. \dams persevered in his suit in defi-, 8"^ *» 5 t,.tions, on his arrival, «er=-..X, hang.d «,.h lance of ail op,Ios.l,on. It «as many years Krtut formal,.N, .nd n-^iK,nd-d t-, mi JackV ’ 'T'; t u‘ afte r and on a verv difli.rent occasion, and ■ I . II II I. ! liitntfijl hour lit ditierent times, in yiMng I , .. 'i . troirade or to stand still. I he people a« i>iirl, in compr'-hcMiMve [nonoM\llithl> t. It i , , , i i ” i iii resistarice ot a ditierent opposition, that,, ^ , n- j i i . i ' ■ i-.-.i.- ... 1 — I I ...I. ri I lone have suliered. inequality has pro* I- , LI duced contention—contention ha* super* orsu im, lire or die, avrtive or inrt.ih, J . , , , , r , , , r i ■ I. ... /.„ ,I ..... ..... > induced bad feelings—bad feelings havo vanc#d age, the words of eternal life, and it was literally to her, the very gate of heaven. Nfxt to the church itM-lf, in the scale of tier r“gardb, wa» her reverend pastor, Mr. Nfirton. Wcv mouth is ►ituated twenty or thirty a.jfn*railyr»ckon«jd a genius, and a queer! fronV its'unnatural’throhhmg*^^^ j’lymouth K.^k: it „rt of a fsllow. 111. eccentricity wa» un- ; was s-.ttled not long after our forefathers buinded, and of a peculur cast. Me al- landed at the latter place; aiuJ ot course wivi had his own way of doing yi> thing, ,.f ,„.porun.e. The usual salu- : ^ am)«.predominant was this-Id di-|*ositiou on his-m.nl ,.r. „ .,i. ‘ '>• Kngland churches, llul he has been frequently known to »et»r lui •neshoeoronesot k, because other [>eoplc m «,uuiiJi'-ncnMn- inonon\ntui> t. u i . , , , 'lui lu»t««ureii*wa.a»^tsMf-K.t,.,.^^,^, trail,t.onary history, these memorable words, r^en .iKhea when fully extended, but »• i |,p .K;rupv nei.r to SalK. H„w the old tourch and its dititr- ton^-quenceof beinga good ckal Mu..p. entpa-N.ts. , „ v. :jkJeied.hiaa/>/Mrf»»/a//i^i/*did notfar'ij^^l, o|,i il.lks ,n a short t,i-e went' ‘"I'''"''"’■"’'■1 f^ie that Mr. Norton was «reed an ordinary jM^ighl. '1W Uit ht- thcr pa^to^ when aUi.t t«ent>. I.. L.I.- I. I . .11 . I /• I ■ ot't! years ot a^e. and that he had b*en witli 'I'he es- , , , , , , , to their work, and the childrr.'i to tlir ir pla\. i:. acquainted with him We disputed «hn. I ^j t^.r he was kn«k.ktK-ed or ••‘.w-legge.i, ■^ h v. r. nearly forty jears.— but as It IS a matter of do gn-at importan. « ahe ohserwd that most ot his pa- jia.- It by. His manners were op-n and ^ " n.hen.r. could re.nemlMT no other pastor; iig, Dt>twithstanding tlH’V were some Hii> nothing'eirn''d ti>.Hint, but, as-.-Mj ... . ,i ,i . ■ I.. I ' 11 1 . . . ,1 . . ‘'•H that she r-ou!d well rcnieint>er his pre- - , . . T . , lu k wiiuld have It, jijst .it tii.it tiiiic, n inn«i»- , i i, », .i j .i I i ■ncs exhiWit*-d to a disndvanlage b) siiiurk- ,,,• „ vi u es ’ K - ^'inith, und that he ihe U.-ttcr part of the la't eijrhty y ars.— n).pr.tty strongly of a* ka^.R-i«. lu short, ; u “ lump tiim all together, he was a doH n- ifbt haDdsnme t'ellow *> » a* looked upoo as ■J noted for catching possums than any ) miles of him. I>ut ired of smglo life, he wisely co„ ludr.l u , ; ^ cu d ^ bottfr to gel him a wile to perform .. :*e hfJe ortK-es of ,«/rA.nf u-.MA.n^, ini/. V.and ail the ot^r rT.ultil.rious dutie, ' -U^.nj f a g.-xl female compamon. II. 1 his'd-purtur.-. 1 „ »^.iv hon.c ./i.edtoolongthehteofa Uchelornol , harm.,, - - c. . and ut.p.aa di^over the iik ooven.ence of doing the^ U.e fimctions hiin^rlt. .s, after v.atchmg , j^. ,, , marioni of all the;,nr o,u* in the neigh-1 the surrender of tiic citadel must soon fol low. Alter the usual hesitation and delay that attend such an unpleasant al'tair, Mr. '•'■i i:i2 iHi a continueO ’ . V i-i "’i "1 i Smith, seem.' that rcMstance was Iruitles?, ' .... .. and Mr. Norton had il:-l l !.e pulpit for | ^ eice mij heart ami hand to thi.^ rneuxuri. , . - , e , Hut though the vua.ure was ditierent the spirit «as the same. IJesides he had al-^ ^d>sregard of the com. I ... . r.i .. I mon uood has wasted and exhausted tho ready carried the main point ot the attack, i ® /. > o i ■ /. I , Ji , „ ' resources of the State unti the expense of the heart «.l the young ladv—and he knew fjt/iiil with us much , “ petty sectional squabbles” has exceeded the ordinary revenues of the State. Thcso things cannot bo so much longer, without drainin'! every dollar from the Treasury —and then the alternative which must be oflt red the people is this: Shall the jfJiood, when they never dreamt of sii. li tbmg, he at la.t, took a hankering a|-er, rralher/r//in/or« w.th .Sally Machad.ile. ^^^^ held on that c^cas,-.n has n. t b.vn -Dire and plump a hu.ss.-y as ever ta!kel „„,i„„rilv rl.un. J. I!,.t v^.mi.mn |.„r- a sweetheart.^ or graced a countrv ■, ^ -v’a. She was ...methmg below the com. ^ „rran;r. d. , sirr, a little tawny or sun-burut, but s^,,, ^ ■«rth. lesa pos^^s.ng an o,K.n. agrv^able | 'lu. r- i-, oi.c , -iri-K,. oui.tenance, ' - . - - c«\W u(H>n tterior in as uoder»iood • orld like m »'t on Its h'*ad. Her ev« s were of jc Mraw color, suiricicntlv di»certial !e and rcioinent. pru»|K^ rity. .Not lung .i!’t rwarJ^, aiuillu r iiri8lin;rat.’ One day she ^ald t>n.(, ‘'I'o illu.-trat»- to you the character of old pursou Sii.it!i, i «ill tell \4>u an Ute.s to hiiii'f'lf ai.d some ottier jursons ot diMiiii tioii.—.Mr. Siintli had two charmiag djiiglil« r»—.the elder of tlic«i‘ drfii"htcr.s wa-. 'lar\, the other's nsme I |,a\c fur^ot- tcn)—who'vere the admiration of all the lx:ui\, and the enw of all iIk- iK-llesofthe CO.;;.try around, \aiioiis sage and deep di.'i|iiiMliori.s were had, by the wi.se onf’s of I ihe parish, f.n the dark ijiie^tion, ho | wouid b«; the happy laiis tl.at .'iioidd find fa vor in th‘ \fs of iIk-'C iadif.i I’at while tI.r«o tar-ljl gijardiJLS of the parson’s r.iii.ily wiTf holding consultation or, the suhj' t I, It wa>- rumored that t«o\oung law- preached „ ,, .Mary a serniun ou the occasion ol her mar- , tier o o parson prrjich me one likewise.’ of this sum 1536 of the aiu'c.l. te that r*- ,, IJank^ shares are already ■ • ■ transterred to the Litera ry Fund; and at per share they equal 8404,20U. 8122, \oar tevt, and m ii shall have a sermon. ‘ Uell,’ said the daughter, ‘1 have chosen the iJ.'id verse of the 7th chapter of Luke: ' For John cnme ntithtr tating bread" nor ilr '.ukuig uint; cad ye any Ih hath « , dilTerence is , , , ^STl.aiO I And this is the whole of State funda ■J’he old ladv, mv iuformant, looked me ! P«''|X’'’ tl'at «iH be on hand, verv archly I.-; the iace as she rejR-ated thi.s ‘'^t, moreover, of this sum, 860,000 pas.sige and o(n,erv. d, ‘ li Mar> ueie the ''"‘e appropriated to the crection of a Stafo more dutiful of the daughters, 1 guesa the 'Jtovse, and it is clear, that after theaddi« otb r had the tnrvt Hit.’ , appropriation ot a sum necessary I could n..t asceriairi whether the last' “> completion ef our Capitol, there sermon was ever preacheil. , " "‘"am in the Treasury for Stato it ,i.av not be« inappropriate here to re-, purposes a larger sum than #H0,000. ' » r . I Ia* *u;.. • j :* ruMunf, Irorii iwa cu toniar\ r. u j i i . . i t .II,- II .1 . I u.fh uh.tt* u r Vik s place \er\ i nrt.iili I] I* c. Il'j this as it in.iv, 1 ‘ , n > . , .i , ^ 1 . 1 ■ parsi.n N fjiiiilv, all the circmr.slnnces ol tfie ha\c al»a\' iiJin,r*‘ii the gi-ol tMlured Mia- ' • - ,, , , , , lia\c al»a\' iijin,r*‘il ttie •’'•o^l tMiured Mia- ' . • i m • i ».^,t. Her mouth, altho an ineh aod ,„r.Mti..n .,f th-,e !-x'=> 'ran.p.rcd. Mr. (. ran. h .hall ,Aidrr than common, pr.*^'.t^.d a matchr«, arid would vu to tl.,.-- r , -5f«ru.us iMM^ure. an.l *as entirelv d. si,. | J. ^ . oi.siden d a young m;.n ol promiM-. and , I here will not be wanting stump orators ■iteot iHH ker.Hhirh i.aUays dcspiwhle | ^ alt vHlu r v^c,rtl.y ot the {cuousK Ufore the puhlic eve, was suppos- may entertain the ayouiigUdy. Her fe^ t viere lund^ome-) ^ ur.ter .d'.h.s^k. teh, and as !acceptahle to Mr. i hold the same elcvatJd rank with the People with pretences that all ot this has 1) rorii«Hl, an.J, flearl> demoi.Mrihle, mad. h-ve U-gun s*j n.a\ the'v end their ti-i ‘'"‘Vgentler sux, that Mr. Adams did among the -x^^urred m spite ot thctr pcUnotic tAor\3 ~iou»r. - - lectioo in the eyea «d Jack I idillrstick a>. mihh i ...ii i.. i n . - ■■ —g hke another. The charms ol In a re. rnt . .-nversition w,ih Mr. I'u- fau>red h.ver, aiid wa«, in ta.t, a >oung man 1 stitution is defective, and it ought to be agHiit eul.>giu , — , [)ectivelv, an honor to tl fir hu^lKlnds, the any school-boy can tell us that the day ta lM>a.t of iht-ir se^. and the pride of Ne«- ‘‘'"‘a"' "ill HnL'lnn.1. Mrs. A.iams, m particular, who P'nptied ol every dollar they contain la jVoin the elevated [tositum she occupicd be- fore the world, m is brought more couspi-; I here will not be wa u, ..... ■—,.v..„,ier sux, that .Mr. Adams did among the ^ f.mil) will, gre:it resin-t and reported t.. have rendered Prevent it. Cut the truth is, that the He wa. re.'. ne.l b> the e..!cr cau-htcr as a ^ i,„,imuch avsi^tancc in hi.-> multi- at the root of the tree. I he Con- I reierit ci.nversitioii w,lh 'Ir. I lu- lavored h'ver, and wa«, in fa.t, a _\oung man ' i^^j labursifthe »e ,e mti'rnied us, s.ns the .Nfw-li ork i much r.'i’eclabiiity. lie afterwards * changed. I might go on to detail to you many 0- lUve Dtnls.—One should never sufior ther evils which spring trom an unequal the fur sex are irresistible, and the pr.iu.l. rant, he ^t heart mn«t ufoop to their sway. Tht (la/.i ttr, that the greatest rate of hi-s tiav- I arose to the dignity ot Jtidge ot the court ol fir.t ailventure of Jack with Sallv, at'ter ui- cllmf in th>‘air,'.wis on his M'cond a«cen-,''’innDii I'l.'as of .Mn'sachusetts, and \\:is . „ . .pid ha.l made a toinplete capture of all mth- moii, in I";!!!, fnin (’astlo tjardcn up the the father ofthr present lion. Judget’ranch, i himsdt t.i bi.'i oii.e a prey io (yi/k/j, or—to expensive and divided representation.— iii t(xik place on a Cild, tileak evening m .North Itiver. .\lthou;li the vv md wa.'« iifit * of the I >i'tr,i t ot ( olumbia. | use the nearest phra>e wo have to it ui | cannot spare tlie time, nor would «mwrv. A small Miow had fallen the la\ hii:h, he f-.und hirnvelf in thrc- miniilcs | The suitor of the other daughter was Knglish—the blue devils. These azure you give me space for an enlarged view of Horeai.d clothed the gr..und in Its whiteM from starting, ovir a'[M three i„,les fnm .lohn Adams, w ho afterwards Ih came I’resi-, imps, it „nce thev get possession ol a man them. What hav« we done to improve »wurp. After many lutil.! misgivin-s an.l the carden. 'I’his ratr v^ouM pr..|R^'l him dent of the I . .'^lates. Itut at that t,me,' —1 don’t include w.unaii for .-he has a thou- the State and develop her internal resour- *''il forebodings on the sul'ject. Jack, at '■ivt\ miles an hour. N«w, .^lr. iHirant at m the opinion oi .^Ir. Smiln and ia',iil\, he . .sann charms to di»[>cl thi'in - are a greater (.-es, and whence are the means to be dc- 'ngtb, ».minioiied up cimiigh of curagc t.i the same rate of travrlimg, with a fair wind, leave hut ^lendir promise of the distinction : curse to him than were the plagu.s of rived tor \ el doing something? We have oarourtin^. lie nccordingly steend his „.,;;ht trav.rse the whol.- ,out,iient of A-« hich he afterwards attaine.l. 11,s pro-; i:gypt to its ro> al master, lie cannot walk, done nothing; but a change of our repre. ««Jrve tov^ards the i.bjectof such magn. tic menca from New Orl, ans to 1‘ortland, m | tni.sions w. re scorned at hy all the laniily , for he has no object in view—he cannot sentatmu will yield trom the present reve- >miu«nrc oil his heart, and in a short turn the slrnrt space of about JI h-urs w itne.^8- I .•xcepting the vjunj: ladv io whom his ad- ! sit, or even K.unge—his spirits are too rest- „ue a .>iirpliis equal to the accomplishment dres-.es were e-pecially directed. .Mr. Smith showed him none of the ordinary civilities of his hou-e; he was not asked to partake of the hospitahiies of the table : und It is reported that his horse was doomed to share with his master the neglect and mor tification to which he was subjected, for he was tVeqiiently seen shivering in the cold. tHind hiins«df within view «f her resul. ?,. e. ,ng (partlv by iiKHHilight; (Kjrtioiis of the I’u llio cru.'lty of that complaint calleil States of I.utiisiNtia, Alabama, tieorgia. thumps. It so completely disc.iinpoM x Norlh-l’jrnlma. \ irginia, IN mis) Ivaiiia. *'*d fnistraten a fellow that he can do nolh- N.-w ■J.T'.. \ , Nf'W-\ mk, ('oni,ect,oul. Mas. ‘■'S f»r hnnaelf. or an\ body els-. It was 'achu.''' tt«i, New ll.imp'hire and .'luine. '*1^ ®'*J‘mly making daring inroiids alxHtt .■ hav.> but little he-.itiincv, from our J ''TV seat ol life. Hut to our story.— knuw ledjje uf the ‘‘;;rei»t brave,” that he "illiin the door was .spread a ii.irrow [dare iind. rtakc such an exploit, .^lr. I'u. , .Vnsuoii us Jackarnved h** observ- | rant al>o mf.’rnis u-i that ill.’ rate hv vvliich ^ and gnawing tin? post at the parson s door, '"I this cloth, or conrlid,u'* he cuiiceivi'd he might h.‘ pr(n«'llcd in a gale nf w ind, : of long winter evenings. In fine, it was ****** prudently drt.Tminetl to avoid i woiil.l lrf“ ino ni,l s (he luiur, whieli would i reported that .Mr. Smith had intimated to ' •iKiiig on It. Acciirdmgly. calling into carry him from I.oiiiHian.i to Main.' be-1 him that his visits v\ere unacceptable, and every iiuiscle he was inaster of, he twceii •.uiiri'.? and sunset, 'ri,.' ballcm j he would do him a tavor by discontinuing '“'le one desperate leap, an.1 clearly pa%sed woul.l not likely to sull’er ii'jurv, and j them: he tol.l his daughter that John .\dani8 .'*'*iidit. liiJt unfortunately,« small quan-1 from hw evpcri.'nce heret.'l.ire he is sure j was not w.)rthy ol her; that his tathvr was '•> ol siHjw adhering' to his sli.ies cuuMcd Uhat his respiration would not l)o atit-cted, i an honest tradesman and farmer; who had Is to (ly up, und bring Ins “ nohiu .Mdf" ■ because, w h.’ii scat.'.l in his car, however 1 tried to initiate .lohii in the arts ot hus- 1^ '''llooriii u grentfr hurry than he could ■ hi"h the wind, he i-: m n p'lleet calm, ami I bandrv and shor -making, but without suc- "i»he,l. Such u thundefmg. over- •" ” .. .. ’ .-i *1 'inng noise,,IS d t|„. .. J eru»h ol worhi.V’ had actually taken if a candle were lit, it w.nild not on! v not cess; and that he had scut him to college Ih- blown out. hut wouUl not even Hare.— j as a last r.'sort. He, in fine, lieggcd of his j ".'•■m.T iiiiii u( luaiiv laKen I Mr. Ihirant would take a t.iiir 3l this kind, I tiaughter iii't to think ol an allianco so much vaV ’ ‘'therwise than attcn.lcd I were he sure, that in such a distance, there i lieneatli her. ^ * coii.sicrnating cflects. The cliildr.-n ' would not be adverse ciirn'iiN. II.' is. Miss Smith was among the most dutiful juu*^'*"**i*^ under the b.'il, Sally however, determined to attempt it, and we , of ilaughlers, but she saw Mr.^ Adams '.iic'^*^^ *ho door, and the old woman | have no doubt ho will accomplish, in the | through a medium very dillerent trom that "•lo—o Jil of thr hyslerun. j line of his profession in.ne than any ollicr which her father viewed him. His vision ** '^r a storm iLcrc ii always u culm. ’ -Erunuul iLal l»aa prcccdcd him. ' "a*> crowdcd by the Ulu ot prejudice; hers less. Ins nerves too irritable—he canm t of much. How are all of our highest ofli- converse, for that is a labor to him—to read cers elect.'d ? Ho you believe that capa- he IS unable, his attention cannot l>e fixed city and public virtue are regarded more —to sleep witli comt'iirt. IS e.pially ini[ios-i- than personal electioneering and party ble with him; liir his tormentors, like “ the y..a|, Kest assured, that the fact is well fancy’s midwife,” hover about him III dreams l^nown to be otherwise. But my heart and fill them with in(|iiietude. 11 it was suk.'iis al any progress in this exposure, made the curse of man that in the sweat of I have shown enough to call lor a Ktfyrm, the brnv ho should eat his bread, it is e- (md I love the Slate too well to take any quail) true—an.l a iK'iieticcnt provision ol pnde in publishing the evils that atflict her 1‘rovidencc is it—tiiat in the laboring for for the mere purpose of finding fault, that bread, he should find his greatest bles- In your last paj>er 1 had the plea.sure to sing. 1 envy no man his carnage, wl;o peruse the Address of a committee ap- rides abroad in it without iH’cupation or ob- |M>inted to place the question i have beea ject in view. I am sure of being happier debating before the |)ei>p!e of N.irth ('aro- trudging on fen it, so long as I am inteut ou |ma. In that ad.lress, very much of what some honorable aud honest (lursuit. I had intended to say U[)on the inequalities K.ttvktrboektr. of our county n.'pre.H'ntntion is embotiied. Hut although 1 am so t'ar unticipated, I The t'lrst auction in Britain was about must not omit to bring to y^’ur noticc some the year 1700, bv Klisha Vale, a ti’ovcinor of the.se things. I shall U; able to do it of Fort t Jcorge, in the 1'. Indies, of lla> more in detail, and if 1 should fad in this, giKKis biouuht"*home with him. | they are evils which mi.y he better knowu I by being itpealed. The value of the ornaments in gol.l jyul ' 1-et any one turn to the list of the coun- silver, belonging to the churches in .Mexico,' ties and their Population au.l Taxes, prin- is couujvitod at thi.’^'''niii!tor;'i I'f de'lUr.'*. ted m r.\\'u'n> d ; ’f/'/c", arid icckon .j[>

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