THE MINRUS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL.' AG KielXTL It AI« ITEMS OF ECX>N0MY. —the grain is of a larger Imlk, and spcci ficully heavier per bushel lhan when sown. The lands on which this method is jarticu- larly prosperous are either after a clover stubble, or on which trefoil and grass seed the spriDj; before the last.— enware psns, and standing forty-eight hour« produced tour pints of cream, which alter churning ninty minutes, gave ihirty-six ounces of butter. Tlie increase in the quantity of creuin, therefore, ia twelve and a half per cent, and of butter upwards of eleven per rent. The experimental fur- rromthe New York Farmer. SALT. At the season of the year, when live ttock were sown are chaneod from dry hay to green pastur-i These grounds, at\or the usual manuring, . ■ , •ee, the effect on them is very considerable. I are once turned over w ith the plough in | uier will instantly p«-rceive the ad\aii a^'cs Tbeiro&l, from being com^wratively dry I extending flag or turf, at ten inches wide; accruing from^ ^nr«lnrl hnd hard, immediately becomes of a liquid | along winch a man, who is called a dibbler,'‘ ' • >“ -■ >>«'''* r»>« nr« nre consistency. To prevent this sudden weak-! with two netting irons somewhat bigger ening effuct, give a little salt dissolved in a i than ramrods, but coiisidorahly larger at little bran or meal and water, which will j the lower end, and pointed at the extrcmi- fnsatly increase the thriving of the cattlc. ty, stops backwards along the turf, and n Germany portable sheds are put up in j makes the holes about four inches asunder the fields for shelter, with Siilt constantly ’ ever> way, and one deep. Into these hides in a suitable vessel. A few quarts of bran , the droppers (women, boys, and girls) drop ^ /-, # wet and salted, i\nd given to cows two or two grams, winch are quite sulVicient. \f.| , Ihree times a week when they are turned to ter this, a gate bushed with thorn is drawn! ^ ^ ,hoec imicira to me L iLk {rass. will yield a great per centage of gain by one hors« over the land, and closes up i furwarJ «nd cIi-k- iluni b> ID milk. ' the holes. By this mode three pecks ot l,y lOth ,Uy of Augmi nr.\t. I WF.EDS. 1 gruin are sutVicient tor an acre: and being! would aUo ri’nnud thouc tlut havo proiiiind t> Ever>’farmer should make it a principle niimediately buried, are equally removed malic itaymunt a nhor^iiim* suicc, that 1 would U- from vermin or the power of frost. 'I’he regularity of its rising gives the iKst opj>«r his attention to the sulijcct may produce greater results. I shall feel richly reward ed, if, by exciting an interest on the sub ject, I can prinljce any, tho slighte^t im provement in the quality or inode of pro ducing an article, which may propt^'rly U> deemed one of the iiccessaries of life. •f duty to eradicate every useless weed, nut enl) i'rom the injury he may sustain, but from regard to his neighbor and the public. A few seeds from his Helds may be carried by the wind into those of his careless neigh bor, and thus eventually a whole heijhbor- bood becomes intested. ROOT ri'LTl’RE. jlail lo hear from tlii-m soon. N. H. All ihodC iiidfotcil, that do not p.ny all* n- . . _ . tioii to tlie ubovr, ni«j-liavc thr jileasure of ••'l- tunity of keeping it clear fiom weeds, by ; iiin^rwith anatiorm T.a.' 1 am ditrrniinf! lo gi» weeding or hand heeing. Setting of wheat i my t)o€)ks lor colkctiou, aftiT the lOth il.iy ot Au- is a me'thod peculiarly beneficial when corn su!,‘ “ ‘ is dear; and if the season is favourable,| " may be practised with great benefit to the ; .Al'lW t'llllAI* ^TOItF, tiirimr. t^ir 'I'homas PK'cvor, of llethell 'i'oiril of i'hui’lollf'. There are manv advantages arising from Hall, in Norfolk, found the producc to tie r||^ilK suhscnl'«‘r Jiaiing purchaMd of Hr J the cultivation of roots. From not rqn'n-j two bu>hels per acrc more than from the 1 ■- 1* H«yd. hii. entiro .ssuck ot (.o^s, »hu I ing their seeds they are considered not to sown i^heut; but having tnuch less «maMer exhaust the soil as much as those that do ripen them. The soil becomes stirred and cominiuuted, and thus is fully ex[K»sed to the air, weeds, and poor grasses are more eff. tually destmyed. These crops are corn intermixed with it, the satnple is bet ter, and alwa)s fetches’a higher price, to| Sivin^ and Sumnu r Faucy COOPS, the amount generally of two shillings per i \ ^mall qMi, oj tarda an, quarter.—This method, too, >aves to the! ^ riKkiry, and . i/»nr, tarn,er and the public mx |.ecU . f Salt oj a fvinrior .lualUv, very productive. Potatoes averaging from , wjieat in evrrv acre; which, if generally j “fwhiih 1 will «li low tor rash or in punctual 3 to 4 hundred bushels per acre, and tur-' adopted would of it^lf utfrrd »;read for J nips, rutabaga, mangel wurtzel, carrots, i aioic lhan hall a million ot {>eopIc. -^od |, uishofiiic propntt.,r lor hi-, dic. from 6 toor 9 hundred. They serve, jo these conside rations the groat support frim'd. to ^ive him the plca^urr of kIk.u me to alternate, and give variety to I'ood tor [ ^-jven to the ^xH>r li\ this sccond harvest, a^*; his Stock, hiar pnci* and th. n julu’«- f'^-r ihriu- cattle 111 winter. I'urnips are considered ; it may ,>c called, which enables them J^'HN .M. MoKRIm'N. the best. The seeds cost but little, are . di-»cliargo their rents and maii.taui tlieir! — ' ’ •own with trifling trouble, require but little fauiilies withuut having recourse lo the . >0’ri(’l!. culture, remain on the ground but a shorty pari'li. The expanse of setting by hand is, 11' virtue of a l»irdof I ru,«t, toinr rtrcut>d time, are eaten by man and bea*t, and easily „ow reduced to aU-ut six shillings f)cr acre; ^ ,),e u!, r, .n ..Irml.n' reserved over the winter. | which, in jr'X’d weather, may t»e done h> | | thr of ( i.arlMt.. Squashes and PiMrnv*. i one dihbier, attended bv tlin e drop|i«*rs, in j on Friday, iht.‘JiL of Aug’ist i;iil, the Hslloning No sh« u'd neglect t«i have libera! two days. 'I'his is five shillings jier day prop*-riy,viz; supply of these. 'I'hey are of much serv ice of which, if the dibbltr Hives to the children 1 /Airre and in various preparations on the table, as well sixpence each, he will have himself three 1 I'wo Home ('crriai'c and llamtss, as fi*od to hogs and cattle. Raised in hills, shillin;T8 sixpence tor his day's work, w inch , on ridges of manure covered lightly with is more than he can earn by any other la-i soil, they succeed well, although they gen- bor so easy to himj-eif. Uut if he have a erally make good returnson almost an\ soil.-, wife who dibhles with him, and two or Somf'time* a portion of the cow vard, or three ot' Ins own children to drop to him. notic k* IWllL tell tor ctiih at the Court-llouae in Cl.arloUe, on th* 4th Momlay of Augiwt nt-xl, tlie following Tract'*of Land lying lu the couiity of Mecklci'amrff, or a* much thereof a* will Miisfy the Taxes iluc on Haul I.and: One trail of land belonging to Jan;«» Martin » hcirH, conlainin? 116 ucrw, in tlie upp r . iid ol the county, joining the landi of Win. J. vVilwu, Saroin l Wiliton and other*. Also, llK) acre*, belonging to \V illiara •'uck- worth, juininK the land* ot Ldwin Fottn, > irgin Springs and olliera. AUo, liducrrs, beloncinp to tlie hi iriof John Finch, dic’d, joining tht lands of Alt». GiUiNpii and olhi r*. . , Also, I3‘J acrra, listed by John McKiitire and lli.s in Uir fold rt pion. ,\1ho. 51 acriK, Iwlrd by (li'orge U . I'avil, join ing the lands of Jttnii* l.utla aiid..lhi r»,(for 1K)1.) Al^o, 11.^ ai rii', tw loiiging lo the hnm of Sam uel Itrow n, dcc'd. joining the laud» ol Jauie* Ufu- dt rM>n und othcrn. AIm), IIHI uctfn, bfloiigiiig to Ihe heirs of Jamcn Ktll, dcc’d. joiiimg Uit: land, of Mary roll*, Jau.ea Knu.x andothem, (for Also, rr. acres, belonging to James Cillenpie. jr. joining thi Uiidsol Dr. U ni. >\ hile and other*. AUo,’JOO aires, tHloiiging lo Hannah Stuntbrd joining the lands ol Sainui 1 Johii»lon and othern. Al>o, •i'lM at riN liHl. d l>> Wm. Su warl and well known b> iht N irjiii Springs. Alito, •jlOaeriK, li»ud U "’in. Robi M>n, »«.n. jotniin; the land of John ilill, l»a*c .■Mcxander 4tid oliier*. AUo. 1(0 acre*. li«l. d b> Jicol lloldhouKr near Jerry Iluu-'n .'^lurr, fur AIm), 'JT, acre*, b. I«.ngir>e t’ Uobrrt Huchanan, joining th lands of l.luabtlh lluthanan and otii- iis, :l('r I-'il ) .Viso, uirr», IinteiJ I ) I«aiC Alexahdtr. join ing the laiiils ol Jidiii llilland olhrr», for I'.H Aliio, ;iU u,.rej. li-led b) J*llit■^ Hn w n. jnining the Unds of Hugh Sinitti andothir«, ibr Is.ll JUll.N >1.*A.N, I'aimrt Shfiiff. _Ju!y '.u.l I'OK SAU:. Ion ilo'i.'e »t luding South of Ijadt M ,lr. = l I'r lUrru’ temdenci . couim l. d I with « iiefi 19 an e ii !Knl t'ottou iin ar>i Me'.al M i^old Chain*, Serev» l’r^^J, wl:leii will 1-e «old with the liou»e or ; AImI lil’J •», »* p«rat pi.nha%« r* 111*) ik»ire. 11 ihiK e»tib. li»hiiiint i» I.lit suld prr.-lilv, l* fore'I ut »d»y ol Autuit ( .url. It wi.l Uitn be otU;ed for laiv at I'uttlic Aiii tioii. tnrfurtinT partK ularn apiily to ll^ >uIm nber -r aunn; ii!.-;nce Vi >lr. II H W illiani*. 1 i.>\inii, t.xtrutnr hf \\ m. Smith litc'J Julvf,, 1-HT 7l'.V J^EW BOOK IjmHE SuWcfibw h«i- ’Uk, »«pro.pwt of J MamabeUperferui'J bore *f the miniiKr». ^ feeling, ia codi„,J" other men, U,, of engaging in aome employment which Jhl) ble him to provide for tht Want* of «riiiu. f has opened a Hook Store in ('harlotle, N*C** belicvua, that luch an eatabliahment '»«■ lic in the Weatern aection of our State If p«etfulW invitra hit (Vicndt, •‘xiwintance. who lecl any iutercRt in hi* undertakiag ^ and lee his Books, lie will be happj t*’„ unlefs for thoTO who live at a ditUii«*. ^ >^'hilit be has on hand *ome valuaUt ««rk Law, in .Medicine, ni**t of Ike Greek ud | C'lasitica, and other book* u»ed io •urScbo*!, . Academiea, many »ork* in Theology, ' .Miscellaneous books suited to alroott enri r of readers, he will be able to procur* on terms, any book* to be found in the Non^ fities, or in the liondon Market. li *,n^ him pleasure to assist professional gtetJtiiK^ private eititcni in enlarging tiioir I.abrari(i,« purchasing new ones. Me looks with cesfiji;- arid respect to an enlighlened comniuniu («, coiiragement. r*ANlEL GOl’l n (•Aar/o«e. ,Wjy23, 1833. r. s. I have contracted wit)i Uie Seerrtus the T. S. tor an hUiition of tiie Chriitiw Air* nae tor North-Carolina, for 1K14. ItaiU^e, I'i lages more of imetul njatU r than hilhtno br M id at the same price. It will b« pubiiiM July, and uiay bi- liad bv the dozen orbai.(j/ei Juiin I’ Haven, No. ItJ Nassau *lr*ei.H,Y Hughes \ Turner, Raleigh, and at the R»ok St(»r^. .1 .»'#r tlsMot'lmiMt of WAlt lil>. JiW F.I.KV4r Kulwcrilier rt»p et:ali) luibmis hu>- I toiner* and the public gen rally, that bt~ I lately received tiie following articles,tui N^old and ^iU«T A: I'laiii \%'aU'hfii, a teiiidt nei, couimt.d | ^>l"l‘d 1 (ii!,', I lorn t, Coirn, Jh'gs, Ftininn:' I hnxiI. llovsthold and hitrhin Furniture, M.-H A lloii««‘ and l.«l. where there has been a dunghill, may U- his sains will then be very important, and ■ v(*rv pU iKant' i i..t. ^t ! oiiTri .n ;-tr> 1, aili'.tn- profitably ticcupied, by mixing heaps of enough to en-ure a plenty of candidates t'ori in»tlie Aiad ;.iy l&i» r i our lidV and l’ itri( k lUr- eand or soil with the scrapings. I that work, even in the leu^t populous |>art«' V ’ r^l' ‘ ' “ I .1 . i> . .1 £•. r .1 1 • rnis will be niadi Known »niMv ■ ’ •'air, raEvxNTivEs or injury from insect*. ’ ot the couiitrj. l>ut the profit ot thi.-. Tiutttr. Mativ farmers lose many of tli ircrop* b\ ^rubf* and other insects. Cucumber, squs'h, fnel(»n. and pumpkin vines, are often des troyed by insects. To be guarded against them, the farmer should be provided with method, in seasons when s*e.l corn is \cr\ cheap, or the au' onn partii ularlv unfavor able to the prucut-e, mu.-t certainly be less»Mied. This, then, is one of the improved meth- 1'hiirh‘tlf, ./ .'y 1 ‘th, 1*33. N»Ti(’i:. Tavef of me rnwii fiiinpnny ari- n coars-; tobacco leaves, soot, dry ashes and ods of farming which the Agricultural Km the like. (iloyment In-jtitutiun ou;;ht to adopt.— STI»»tVO THE SOIL IN A DROfCnT. It is an established opinion, that the more *-moloyment h.r the rodumlant poor, the Lienefioial re>ults .f whu h nuv Ik; seen at due, and all prr»oii li*irii; w lUim tin b.iiiid» | riMt sltd lo rotiir ioru^rit and f>ay up by ti * S imui 1 f awin; ire refiMt Aueu.-*t ( ourt. ’1‘lie 'I m l.ii*t in niy ai«ri..-' u be lel\ in ihc hands of >.iiii’l. I . ('a!d.>. 11 whu I'rHnsplanting wheat is another source ofil.c and giv. rr...;.u ' l^r the same. the I'xliihitioii of A rts, (’hariiifj (’rohs, sent there bv .Mr. 1'.. J. I>:mce of l^wisham. J (»?.%! •( -o N \ A i(.. I n; \. .V.’ f. ;jr. ( !-:i I s-if N H. A!1 l!.u»c whn ha\i iif.t laV(n out lii ^ni*. f r ri l.oling V\ .ir> «, .M* ii .i.iii/*’. A ■ . v ill p!. (ail ai'.d U*'' ''111 tiitir hcei. ■ 3 by li.i :il ,\| jiiJi) in V' l'ii't m it. Ki.rx I ION. the ‘M '1 h').''.!..y of iT^t 11 m • '■ ^ lion will bo h‘ Id ir. till- (otliily ' 'T > VIn.: !»rot ( ont'r* oii'- .*•'t»ii ofn"'.: >-«. I li rks of the nrd .■'■i » ri"r 'ourt', ii.i. Ibr or a;.Mjn»t a ( >-ni • iilion, at th f,l!'» 1 • ; li > •, \i/: ( ('' I -: Sii ri. H tj,.h, , . II'.iitton's .Mill. I l A ..An’*, U lUofi'*. I > baltV, Sti’t'^. I ol Inis’, h irk'/-, I Iiil'»,ai.U I >t. id win’s .Mill. All tho' '■ ho hav l-'i'n app-'Hi'- the soil IS hoed, harrowed, and ploughed, in dry v*eather, the better are plants enabled to withstand the want of ram. 'I'he record ed effects of frequently stirring the soil are surprising. Kxcellent crops have thus been (From the Ropfrtory of I’at-nt !■ v"itinr«'. obtained, when pro«pects were most t'orbid-j .\li;riioD Ol OHTMMNc; i UKAM I Kn.M ding, h 18 asserted that when drv wrather MILK occurs in the spring, before the roots have ■ A process of divesting the milk of it« extend>.d far, ttiere is still a greater necessi- comjK.nent [K.rtion of cream, to an extent tv of more frequent hoeing and ploughing, hitherto imattainable, has l>een elli.-cted h\ The reasons assigned are, that more of the >Ir. (icorge I'artcr, of Nottingham I.Oflge, moisture in the atmosphere is condensed, and i.s thus d tailed b\ that "entleiimn, m a particularly in the night, and that more air, pa[>er pre»>Tited to the of Art-,:— uhich is a poor conductor of heat becomes |Mcuhar process of ex tract in" rr»am from h> 011.-t as Jucl"'' “'k! M inap r« w ill U t ■ imprivjned in the soil, and thus prvents the nnlk, by which a su|XTior richness is pro- heat from }»eiietrating. duced m the cr>'am. ha« long boi.n known —" ' ■ and practi'^ed III D' vonshire ; this produce of the d.lines of that County l»eing well known to everv one by the name of “ clot ted,’’or ‘‘clouted cream. ' .\s there is n-i (leculiarity m the milk from which tins lliiid IS extraeifd, it has lx!cn frequently a matter of surprise, that the process has not been adopted in father [lartsoi'the kingdom. A four sided ves-sfd is I’ormed of zinc plates, Mdclni twelve inch‘-s long, ei^ht inches w ide, and " '!>’ '*> ^ ^ ^ , I t_ r 1 L . . noTe i»owrr; Lt now runt .Marhin* l»v not rill their station without a hl»ary of uichHs dt-ep, with a Ulse b.Hiom, at he etf.^ru lo rio a Utter Suwm* nr.d bof)k-for rei'crence. Istarming a calling onf h.ill the dfplh. Th*; on!) communiea-^ will f.ird at i.j •. ntx r |K>nnd, «ni will take f>o much lower that not a sni»le volume is •I'-n with the lower compartment is by the wool at liie roi/nnon pnr' for rardini.’. &t all necessary ? 'hrmiuh uhirh it rnnv l>f. fiilffi rir i-rrin. 1 IJ.V.N Al.I.X XNJM.R. AfiRICCl.TCRAI, WORK?. However well farmers may think they tinder^itand their busin' ss, yet they would derive benefit from having a work on agri culture, to which they could refer m refe rence to every openition on the farm. They would always find some hint or sug gestion that would be more or less impor tant. 'I'he Physician, lawyer and clcrgv- mm, think, and justly too, that they can- T.\Ki:> n* A Ml Cl.II,' 'l. uu tht Jail III lhi« rounty, on ^ « U. .1 1:1 III gr. man b) Uie name ol I. f. illl 11-bout cr yiar» olo, teilow loni- ).!• 11 d and AiAjut i> lilt ^ or 1* inclir> high and dll iidtr iiiii!, ; li. aj'|« ar« h> be an intrUigenl III) and hi-- 4 »t.-, i!i-e 11. hi* > H: had o»i a iiiixid lioiiii ijiuii :«st tiid Ii|;ht drab (Miilal.x>ns. II. ‘lis* l.i U !•/.5.'to I'r. I’uii'Mi'> I’rict ol I I'Wi 11 It tu i ol. J >iiii*oli. Ill limri;;*. a 'I'hr owiiit 1* ri'jUiil>J I., ic'in I'.irvnrJ, it.4- pr iprty, tt.'n; U..e him awd), bi l.c aiU be Ciait n ilh k> t)iv tj,* uir(.(t. JtK M lUNN \I .HLY,.VAen/. Ju'y 111, I-.l.l. sjA'n: OF Mill / n r \noiJ\A, Mil M l N I I Ivi. I ' I N I V . (' ‘Urt «f I’ttui uis'i (Jaiirt'r S,ttiaut, Mty Stt. If., 1'3). f a’tirhaient, h Med : » l.'^TM rifl K4' hi 1 ^ tiid . ’ iiil, «ii!i Ifil in Ihe put 11, v: l.i*. Ilnrin. 1; l»F!f;HI» bv ..'i:l, ' p ,bii. il!-3ii I- ii.«d» »ii II. '.:.i Vliiiii; A 1 uriiii ■ J. .if f !, it..- d'!, 1.'^ t a; ■ .»r, aiiiwt • t.r ti ,.i« »y, i.fii r»i.- .'.I » ■ ^ m.’.i red 4iii»l him. U itn.--.>=. K. .1 \i.-nii • '-ri o! «iid I ourt. at • Itiite. III. I M 1. .«V . r M»v. \ l» 1 ,t I'-A.u: r-,. - »-.r. ■».' II- >I\TF.1>F 1/»OA/.\ I, M I I h I I N t!l I'.I, I III Ml. Court 'tf umi Hii’itt .Sti i34, Mr 1 T’tm, I'JI. ^ •'•■.■.ml \lt.ii htiM-nl, l.Mi-c! i>i. . /■.•.»i r* inirri-.' in a* .i.M ^ '>ii:.i ,01 l,\iir|i',l '.'tk.kliov I. I') III’ na’M o! I'.i I..M) \lint-. OH hl.lU.II b> ( .rtirl, lh»l piibli-atii)n U mad b.i . ifh« ill th. .Miiiert' I 4rinrr«' Jour nal. th it Ui' d' '• I.i'. ii.t »f, «i,,» ■ r of n-pifvy. '.I'.rrwiM • twill 11.', rnj hiiM. urt, al " »'I S o 'Lriia'l Creni.ll r«. J ini' - 1‘vron .\ ll\ II*. t W'llni ».«, Iit \;■ r. li rk ol i«i.; ( . \ HL Siil.-,i;rii.. r f.aving sold ou» ‘is Sirv V of j , ,.r^j , j,, li|, \( ,m!sv i.| V|m, \ |» l-'i| I I.-kU. rrr;ucs».: all (« r*,i,mrid U.d lohiii. I ' AL1.\.\.M»I k,e. m lo coil and s-.iilt. No indul;;(.iicc. J I). 17'.f I’riri ni.'v « I U'0M. ( AHlH.Ni;. f IIIIK Kul/'crilv r taki i Him inethwl to inform JOHN U 1 %’G I li f--I’l.l II I 1.1 ^ iiif-jfui* th' p'lhlii, th.i1 III. hi In- j'i«l f lined al hi* Ut.d, Miith ol ourt. I loU'c, 4 gi 11* rai ul tiic U »l tiir, that he h« rrino\ed his Cardin? ; lohli. lower I,llir on MalUrd Creek. tw..l " St,irith 0,1*1 U*hUH that ran U pro :if. ' I i.\*iw (ii.,rrnft, ’«n fKt\nn>mrt ;ind I'akft. .Among whuh sje Uit l.^llu,* iiig urtiil. ■ . « IM.S. , lip, throujrh which it may be; filled or emp- ' ti'.d. llavifif; first placed at the liottom of! J-/'v ir., li-.'n .'hi From tht Rnllfh Farmer'll Masaztnf. i the ijp[K,T coiiipnrtnK lit, a jilate of perfunit- ()N SiriTlN» U IIL.M’. I cd zuic, the area of which is equal to that This is a method which is reckoned one of the fals«- bottom, a gallon (or an\ civen ©f the j:rcate.%t improvements in husbandry quantity) of milk is p.ured (immedut. ly that was made during the last century. , wh* n drawn from the cow) into it, and mu-t It seems lo hiive been first suggested by remain there, at rest, for twehe hours; an pl.inting grain in a garden for mere curiosi-1 equal quantity ot boiling water must then ' ty, by persons who had no opportunity of he piur*J into the lower compartment,; extending the cultivation for profit. Tins through the lip; it is th»n permitted to I ^|,„p wa.s first attempted at Norwich, and a few staiifl twelve hours more, (j. c. tweaty-four, the Joil, m all lU \anoua branehm. 'I’he nulmrn. years after by one of the l:irgi;st ix;cupier hours altogrther,) when the cream will bo ^ r deemn itmiirely sut>»rl!iiou* Ui give » di taihil of land in Norfe'k, who .-et filty-sf-ven acres lound fiert'ect, and of such i:on:istence, that! fip'innfd the kind* and f|ualan not hi'* work, in one year. 11 is succews from the v imble the w h...|.- may t.e lifted olf hy the finger, ^i„,",r,hrp7,!,h.'^,o7ali KUfieriority of his crop, l«th m tpiant^ty and thiimh. It is, however, more ellectual- ; and eiimnne hi* work, hear his prn es and judge I'.araiid FiiiKfr King*. and ^liirl whi' h, t(.gv'tber with bu former .''lock, luUa: precent aaaorlaient ntsrly complete, tllofr «ill be sold at • very sinail adTsnce for cau,« ■hnrl lime, to punctual rualuiiicrs. I*e (lilt lotitiDucs to manufactsre 9ILvr sl’iHi.V.'* and oilier articles of *»oW uti al»o, to repair lacks aiMi \N atcUs, *Mi«i kftt mfvrm Ikt fmUtf, that hts is the oftlji Mf toHn where *ucb articles are leptired. He will also n.l X t.OLD lu any '','iuUty, ihr »!iorte*t noti>e. (.ILiHNi^ and LN(;RAVINC, also, order. THO.MAS Tlti/TTEl i kiiflottr, Viiv. ’37tf .> K.• Ut>KS \V A.\flKir IVS H.l, H.r* I or ,'1 Negrw bojifdtlM: anrr .f ihi year, or by the moi lh. T«l iwehe )ear« of agv would ^ prefefreA THO A. MilA. Junf n 1.-13. Ji^lf >(»TK’F« mi.w >7‘J Ibr sair It ■ .S.NOWLU Ju. ‘ l../l, l-.JI S.\ MIH.r.S A II All.M->s. J \Ml> T. KV \ tt». K oa hand and tiniic to nisno'tfUR •‘.j^\lli« ir .''l>op in the soiilf. of ^!r. S|irit:g’» llruii l>«ir iMtUiH anil #•/Nf/f m«n‘i •ifi’iiji'f , h ul'w'lirknian'hipandfn,. > • ! II il^'rii;*. In th« V| J lloiit, 0* ! I.'iMv, » hi ar- Well known in tV o! th .'**at a* >U|i nor workmen—.Vi», Siiddit YiiUuft, Martini’uks, fi~ FrtilUt, CiHu h t\'liig Harniu.i’ und UiiiTia Ilamrtt, Hortcmin$ Ca/i llJtttrt, ^nd a!l other artirWs uauaHr roanufiirtBM ihojHi in li.- .'S...ithern .*»f*t/* In xlintioii lo the aboTa, we iutton rol a*=r,ftiiiriii of U\n tnd Coaci dh Hui. Siitmp li ,t,t, aud all olh^r aftiJti ' ■■?cAr) |.> irini ot) .'vaddles ao-t lUrcm. will tir K'li) tow tor ea>h. We r''|-i*-t Uie public tfl call and fli«" male'ials and work manufactured, bear (if** iii*tg'- lor th« nuelti *. i irU/e. //re. 7. I'.Ti. I' f I 'ir or till journeymrn Paddle soil nv* '!«k>-r» .« wantfd, to whuh good waf«»J gi«i n, bv aiiulvinir t« J \S T XSni’RY A N FA J F. i>F \ oU l H (' XHOLiy ^i MK KI,»:'tHI HO I 01 >TV. S^jifT\or 1 onrt nf iMxr, i>pi»ng i'arriuu:rm, flakim; i>TAisiJ^iiYi i:at. f ■'(IfLsubjierilKr l>eg^ I |i .ive ino^l ri |.e I 1 fully If. inlorin hi.,frien(i» HollanrI • .in and lln-puhiii 2nerally, that he is now carrying on till Carriatfi -Making i^u^ln^sll at Ills .\t;» r. rt M ra "ill rry M.ilapi Tciitnire, .V . and quality, wa.s so irri at that in ttie fol- ly removed, hy l" ntly raising the jdate ol lowing autumn he w;t three hunfired acres, perforated zmc, from the bottom, by the and has continued the practice ever since. This noble ex|»erirnent ebtahlishcd the prac tice, and was the means of introhKiii£: it ^nerailv among the intelligent farmtrs in a yiTj large district; there b«in? few who I) jw sow any whent, if they can procure lur theiiiscliei. NATHAN lifidUN. Chnibitir, July fiwl 'il One or Tv. o apprentire* will be l«l.».|i to llu n. hii»in*i>t. Poyn 1() or 17 years, of api , of 1)01 Htudy umj iniJu -lrioushahilH. N. I;I{0\V\. handx to set it. It has been generally ob- ritii;e(l handlefl, by whirli means, the whole of the eream is lit’ted ofl’in a bhe» f, without re-mixinz any of it with tho milk l>elow. ^V ilh this apparatii«, I have instituted a sc- riei of ex|K,-riiiienls; and as a mean of; i'onKtinUhm of l arolhui, twelve fcijr* fs-ivtj ones, I obtained the fol-j t Mi or Til r I .Mi i:i> S'CATILs, lowing renulth—four oallonsof milk, treated j S.i!, it thi.H Ollif r, a il-w eopnH of « l’:imphl t eoni.iiiiiiig tin (' 'l ililiilmn uf lh served th.'t although the M t crof>« apfi'sir as aUive, prMlin ed, in twmty-four hours, very thiri during the autumn and winier, four and a half pints of . lotted creani, j 7;;;;;;;;;;^^^^^ the (i!ai . till r and spread proJigioii-Iy wliicli, aft'T eliurniiig only lilteen minutes —_ ^ ^ durii.;; the spring. The ears are mdispu- gave foriy oij;n 1 s of huttf;r—four gallons ofl tiOli I li\(» Ubly krser, wiibout Jwarliiii or small ww,; tuilk, txtaltd m tU* vomuiou woUe, m ( Of all hitult, nm(lj ixccutid at (hit Offset. Jamai N. K. Hum Ifock M-*»rll Kronti n»c .VI uiieati 1 Champaign, in piM ami , Tciitnire, .V . vVc. {uarts I si'iuns. mar limndy (»|.| fmh Ftrandy \|'1'1. r ai h do. hl->iiry iUvann, .''paninh and .\iin rirsn >I,(.,\|{S^ ul, l'i;.l 111 .uid Manuliii tnri d ro, Sf ofr h Snuir, ri|n «, A . r, Undonl*-Uld I'l »|{'l I:f; flnl„|fl,,hia It'illled .ind Ni wsrk t IIH.K, Ai .Hl,f,.'-K, t hl.KSaii,) lll,fi|{IN’(.,S, .\n an-ortmcnt ol Foreign OKl*|.\l.'s, Lemon Syrup and .Sjiriiee H.-i r, I'ltl ITN \M» M Ts. f.emoin, f nr«, ({iiimnii und I'ruiies, Almoiidii, liru/il, C'o» i>b and fkireclolin Nut*. —also- olTir, Chocolate ;;iid Sug ir*i, Candii ti und ( nki 11 of all d> m riptions. Soap, r’nndl. ., .Mu-iard, I*. j.|« r and Spice, Itaeon, tloiir ami Mi ul. Persons tan be furniiilicd at all tunes wiih cold hjni.heon. Ill would, al-Mj, inform the public ht ha^ o[x ncd a LUA where |,er«ons tall U- furnuh.d v .li Un ad atallliines. ’ L'!,arUi(t, :,l,y 7, lt33. |{ob ri M. SitrUng r* IVlition fof IhTotcf. V»rg(iri I Ml time \ II ap^w aritiK lo the salinfaetion of th» lh»l Ihr ItiS ririant in ihm cate '»“•**** hat.ilani o. thie State, tkritfuri tl i* piiblii atioii be mad' fvir thri c inoolbi lO^ Uigh SUr and lh«'.^Lntr•’\ I trmeri'Jj.’' lur lh wild iH'tindant to*p[«ar atenr Bf»'- Court ol, I* b«- h«-ld for lb-’ o”"” N| rklenhurg, at the t'ourl Hou»e ill t li*'*^’^' 111*: "ill .Monday artur the Ith uf Irt r n*-!!. then and tli re to plead in I'laintill ’• |« tition, oiJnrwiM,* judgnitnl iViiiivj will be I nteied agaiiiit her and cordingly. Wiinips, l’i ar»all 'I homi*^' ' Ilf said I iurt, al Otlite in I'hsrlolle, day alter iJie ItJi .Monday of .Manh, V . I'. THOMi‘.'^".\, f ‘ June,.', ls.1.1. Pnee adi. 4'liarl(’«loii and II" r III the trade runiillitT I" '“een ( Ch. raw. tailing at -''C'’V"" , ^ and down, will ri ^uine her tri|>» i" a few duy«, and in iriti ndeil lo l»e emitnmr ■ ■ ■ ^ '11„. eteerdmlf j htll • trade the ennuiiig *> .n-on draft of wilier, drawing only loin whi n loiidi d, will 1 ii.ible hi r l'> oa>'h _ 'I" "I"" all linn I , wlf i| 1,1 r ivirgo will U' lighli'nui of I It Hunt. I'tt-n* Coiiiiorlalile n( eoiniiKidations \c. j gi r,, will, all dm alli nlio»‘- ^ ( (.Ol'ljJJ- I

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