VOL* W* NERS’*& FARMERS’ JOVRTf AL.. aae: SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1833. NO. 150. THE mi^ertt’ ^ Farmers’ Journal T,Briotcd wd published every Haturda; moroing ^ 7^ iToUar* per winani, it' paid in advance; DolUrt «m( Fifty CenU ii not paid in ad- vtsce; Thrte DoU»r$ at tiio end of the year. [ apvERTISKMENI'S Hill be inMrtod at Fifty ceoU pe^ Miuwo exceeding SM) lino*,) for tlie ^iiwertion, and 35 ccata Sot each Mccecding; ortl br thr^ we«ii», for one nquare.— A liberal difcount will be made to those who *iv«rti»bylhcyear. LTOnalJadTcrtiiicmcnta ggguuanicatvd for publication, tlio number of jjutrtioni miut be noted on the margin of the manoKript, or they will be continued until larbid,aiid chargcd accordingly, it tAllcommanicationa to the Editor muiit come 'tKeofj>»*i€g*,ifii*ej may not be attrndvd to. GAMA GKAiSS. cutting. It may yet be cut three times more, and coiwequfntly, the product would be 63,000 lbs. of green hay, from seed plantfd in Jau’y last. The product of old roots is frbm two to throo fold. These weds are planted on pino land, with a poor Bandy loam on tho surface, with a cloy foundation—well mnnvrcd. I have not made any cxpflrinjcnt with this grass, on any other soils than those above specified, but I know, it grows much more luxuriant ly on alluvial bottom, aud rotten lime stone lands. Mr. MagofTm is certainly mistakm, when he supposes this grasu is found indigcnmm, only, in the wc«lem [j-airics. He furnish ed mo with a few seeds of hi« own raising. 1 also procured some from Mr. Kllison of Sotiih Carolina, which grew in Fairfield District, and some from Hen. Uwen, which grew spontaneously on his plantation in Bladen county in this .State, on the alluvial •oil of the Cape Frar.* 'J'hey are all planted near each other; From the Fayetteville ObacrTcr. Sampion County, July 20, 1 f=>33. Mr. Hite: When we were together, a I ibort tune since, 1 promised to send you . . [^account and description of the Gama ui^uestionahly, the same spccies iGiJtCi »'*h rcstiU ef such experiments j of gross- I here is not the least di(Kjr»Hicc lu I had nwdc with it. between that fjund in this Stale, nnd that The first notice I saw of this Crass, was ,rr«in South Caroliun. 1 hat si-nt me by Ibv Itector Hardeman, of Miwwuri; whose , Magoffm, from Alalwma, is n little dif- iKCCunt of its wonderful production, and va-1 being of u paler hue, and ot Ituible properties, may be found iu the »tli *?*'u'‘e. L. of the American Fanner, poge 2J4. I ! * "“hcMit doubt, the ‘Trip- i^derad the calculntinns he made of re- of b-jtamst-. In I Jliolt’s Botany of viMonary, and had forgottoo it. It, however, attmcted tlieattention of Mr. 1,’;:^ Magotfin, of Alabama, who procured South Carolina and (Jcorgia, vol. 2d, {wge 622, two varieties are des;ribfcd: “ l»t. Dnctj'loidcs.—Uxjt perennial.— xn«* Kcd, and las, now, been cultivating it Stem I tofeet long—fx^nvcs lar-e, 3 feet .ral vears, Tlie result of his experi- wide.—I-lower.., m terminal ■oU niav be ««a in the 13th vol. of the ! nuiiH«rou-.—Very rnff— hmericmn Farmer, peg**- 50, 143, ai^ 215. ‘I'c margin of (a1«o, id the 4tb vol. of the S.HJtlM;ro Agri- | rucr.—i lowers f rom May kiJtunliirt, pages 312 and 475. i‘® 'y*”,, , „ Further experiment* with this grass are M‘>no«tafhyon.--R-^l, perennial. ' -- -- • —btrm, 3to Sfft i long—I/-b\cs 1 to 3 bloom, it very much resembles somo othor grasses which are difTeront in their nature, and not so valuable. I might add much moro regarding it, but again refer your readers to the essays above referred to. V ery respectfully, yours, WM. ft. MEAUi:S. (From the Raleigh Rcfintcr.] . ON Oflt STATE COPISTlTUTIOir. AO. VI. “All polilicfll power is vested in and derived from the p('oplc only.”—BUI of Right*. To the Editors-.—1 have already shewn that our Constitution was framed at n period when any attempt to defeat it would have been disastrous to Liberty, and by a body From a Spoltith Journal. R AnrSpoKT.—The Barber of Dunsc.— A gentleninn,possessinganuncommon share I (however pure their intentions were) of wit and humor, had occasion to lodge,! who had iio power from the People to cs- for the night, in company with some friends,' it—that these men were probably at tho inn ofa town which, for certain rea- [influenced by a necessity to accommodate sons, w*) shall denominate Dunse. Uoquir-! features to the customs of the ing the services of n barlter, he was rccoin-' country and the divisions of our ppople. I mended to Walter Druii—who was rcpre-1proved that they did not impose any seulod as not skilled in th:»t profession, but i on the right of the I'copln to reform to exact.—He luuBt be a Tery carcleae ob server of his own Government and of tho operation of things in this State, who has not perceived tbal before many years have passed over oor heads these inequalities m our Co^ilvtion must and WILL BE RE MOVED. A change in our unequal syB* tem of representation is demanded by every principle of justice in a free Government* It is impOTsible to meet it, but by a denial of the right of the People to GOVER>f 1 HEMSL.LVE3. A fair and equal repre* sentation, where it is withheld for a long time, invites, nay forces a struggle for rights which is sanctioned by public opinion all over the world.—The House of Lords in Great-Britain resisted its approuuhcs on excellent at cracking a joke, or telling a i '*> circumstances oi the country them, until the very existence'of their Go sloH'- This functionary being forthwith i render it safn as well as desirable— ' vcrnt „ , . ■ , I -crnmcnt was threatened, when the Kinp; introduced, made such a display of Lis oral l ^ hmitatiou was purposely omit-1 ^as forced to dissolve the Parliament, and and manual dexterity, as to leave on the , to quiet all jealousy and | leave this question to the People, declaring, niitK], an wclla^i tliu l»ociy of the customer, ^ strife that might be ruinous to the Uthat whatever should be the will of tho a verj'favorable impression^ and induced ; Indcpcadence. 1 have demon- the latter toin\ite him to sit down to „ ' figures will prove any friendly glass. 'I'ho circulation of the hot- i a majority of the People, and lie served to fchowoa'the barber in his hap. '''*« support the Government of piest n-.ood, and thn facetioue gentleman, a-' ^'orth-Carolina.donot administer its affairs. mid the general hilarity, thus addrct;scd i ^‘“‘cd for the consideration of uuu.....o,« o, a him » Now, Wattie, I engage to give }ou waders some of the public evils which arch. Let it be remembered, that when I a guinea, on the following terms; that jou j unequal county re-1 speak of » dangers to the State,” I am not leap backwards and foi wards over your' fheso are an expense which j silly enough to be thinking of bloodshed chair, f r tho sjmce of half an hour—, exceeds tho revenue; and has already led iand wnr. We may have commotions with* surely yet rc';u!ar!y—cr} ing out at every | wastefid extravagance, and which jout spilling of blood; we may have dange- leap, ‘ here g.»es 1, Wallin Dron, barber of mu'-t socu end in bankruptcy, or the im-1 rous experiments upon our liberty and upon Duiish;’ but that, should j Oil u'.fcr any thing of higlier taxes on a majority to jj,a permanency of ourfree institutions in else during that time, you lori'it the re- minority for their misrule; un-j this country, without the breaking of necks, ward.” NVattie, though no doubt surprised ; legislation; rec-ior strangling, or hanging our •• citizens. People, HE was bound to obey.” Tho General Assembly of North-Carolina ought not to be less obedient to the will ef tho People ; and persevering resistance to that will cannot be less hazardous in free A* merica, than in the dominions of a Mod- ut the ah>urdity of the proposal, yet, con- geographical divi-iXhe monitions of prejudice and the temp- sidcring how easily h« could earn the gui- our legislators; aud a growing j tations of power may prompt us to withhold iiea, nnd the iinprobiibilitv that such an op- of this dangerous influence among 1 justice and deny rights, until the afieetiona portunity would ever again present itself, tlie People at large. I have pointed out | of our people shall be weaned from the agreed t«i the fcti|Mjlatioiis. 'J bo watch wn* ! State—until they will be induced to a?- hut, and the barber, having strip|>ed off his : niore weight in its councils than 7 men jsert their claims by a ConceiUion notcu- tiik-d by Mr. >Voi. Klliaoo, in tlio 4ih I •’ ^ ' long.—I/-b»cs j to a ^ coat, leaning with one hand on the back of or 0 in another, or .y in another,: thoriscd by a previous law, but deriving itq li. of tbc Southern \;;riculturalisl, pege i * inch wide.—Sj.ike, »htary.— i the ch.iir, comnienccd leaping over the 'he people oi 12 counties pay j existence and its powers directly from a 04 and the 5th vol. efllic Mine wf»rk, wi(r« seat, unifurimly re|>r.atmg, in an exulting , mijorify of the People. Are you ready to 'to these ieveral communicitiona, j I''!-«nd«, ;|4irtiru!Hrly on tf iie, the words pnscrilx-d. After mat- '■ontnhute to- prove that such a course would not be cfTcc- .old r«li*r «uch of jour readers an liave ! l.-lanJ) and ul ing the margin of tin-1 tors had gone on thus smoothly for about the revenue a sum equal to the tual ? Are you prepared to demonstralo Sioiie works, for a better and more porticu- ■ —I lowers troni August to Uc- J five minutes, tlie j^entlernan rung the bell, received by their delegates, and a j that such a step would be obnoxious to the ■dcsrnptiooofthejrra**, than I cnnifivel'“'*^/‘'* | and thus accosted tho waiter : U hat is P*^P«rt'0“ of the cost of preparing and principles of our Governmenti Are tho Mm. |N. B. Such Fiirroers as can afford 1 , any practical purpose, there is no ^ the rea^n, sir, you insult me I-y sending a ! ^1'cy promulgate i minority of North-Carolina blind to tha pay the cort of the .American lJ Southern Agriculturalist, I wbicnbe for them, or one ■'.icoverr m Africulture.l > j It grows in tuOs or bunches, measuring >ir, I d- n’t know what is tlie matter; I nev- 'lhatone por- trj-have had trials enough in one genera* t *ai\ikitf tu'n ia .it *i/-r..ua ntk^ IVt*.i iia.ii.iit . — LI— — I• i— At tifin ot ibf^ni fMiv fli^ tiivps whipH ■iii'ithf*!* tjon. I wish to scc uo such tcst applied to their permanency and stability. It has dan gers which I need not depict to you, and which I heartily deprecate. But remem ber that a people who have been long de nied their rights, who have unsuccessfully made all the proposals that are consistent with the practice and theory of free Gor- . leruments in this country, ar« not tho most ' acre in one vear—onual I* betwern -'() ' fro'" '* «" •"{.'I'? | i-' iitlenicn in mv hou'o by such conduct V' therefbrc repeat the enquiry, | prudent calculators of consequences when '0 tTiw of cured Liv Dr Hanii-mnn ‘ W'**'® din-ction-. gives to this part of the | |!arl«’r IKre goes I, attis Dron, .” ; " continue ? If the i they arc contending for that which they ..f« tli&t a nmole rant eovcr'mv a rirrli- ■ Landlord—“ 1 say, Bob, nm for his wife,! '’PPO-^’'*’ H^'lorm act maikhilly, and speak have inherited in common with their bietli- of whirh u>a tmn ftJt vn»tl«i' (previous to the ppiiod ; lor this can’t be j)ut up with. (Jcntleir.cn, ren, which they are yet denied the enjoj'. ’■ *f flowfrin;:) all r^oc from tho ro.>t, are .T| the man is cvidcnt!\ deranged, and 1 hoo«: ^ J maintained for no other pur- ■ ment of—FIQL AL RlGHl'S* now taken before which I , they are ■ B.M1T, app«'ar enllet ’dcjtibt th'ir accuracy. My own ^tjieri .r.i '.I I “ b*>ltom, which mclos*saiMl rovers the oriiMii' T„f>s winjt rtfiece mrnlletnrn Irnvrs DO roiim ,• , .1 . . ^ “ • ■ ■ “ i of i*e\enil other intrnor h ave*. About the I- Uifb, (v-ccpin%)—‘- Oh increase iu tbcir|or resort to the exercise of the high but U attie, h*ye caro na for^Jle, mind until now no man who has any dangorou> privilege of ORIGINATLNG a m#. to iK>i unHnr rir ' a niiinl>er of ilowcr strms sho«..t: your baiHis at hanio', and comc awa wi’me." ^^-g.trd for his characJrr w ill deny their ex-j Couventicn among themselves by the vote in fl// rr"arrfj’f*ivi)nille .j, ! ^“P ‘^'•^''iront parts of tho buiK-li, and ! Barber—“ Here goes I, Wat—.” I'l.c af- Representatives of the 1 of a majority. What then, is the part of J. realised " * * J jgrow from .*5 to 7 feet bi;;h, and terminate | flicted wife now cla‘>ped her husband round I”"® obstinately refused a remedy, j wisdom and of patriotism ? They have ap- Ofth»>iinm.>n«. m... ' o'" “Pr’^'x'jg^'* Uhf ncck, and bun;; on him so a.s e(ll-ctuallv v'Oio represent a majority, have pro- phed to the Legislature in vain for more : a Hot’cliinaiP niul m, u -nflv ^.1 l>'tanisfs i-pikiT.) The upp-’r ; to arreyt his further prognss. .Much did under ti.e direction of lawful than 20 years; as their evils have increased, t. . • . • . |„g authority, the I’oiiple might be required to j they have repeated their demands. Now, I as now ' ote “/or or oj«-«;(.■!? u Contagion," aod they have turned w ith confidence to tho climate, aud oa a aandy k>il. not' up,-r mo arreyi ii.s luriner prognss. i>iu cibl caarti^t j® spike, r* sctnblcs a single spike, jK>or V\ .ittie stniggle to shake otf 1 ] hive nsrertain^l the following farts °1' '‘f "" V,” '"o. bu‘“ " -Ihrertvnty. 'I’hat il grow. sLitaiw- Wosmhu (lari m on it. 1 he hrs>ds, (which •• „o go -his galloping «as at a ^iv and lu»i.rinniU- ^ to fi iwi cach spiko) are imUd- ( ontound \ou for an ideot, he I My and luiuriantly, in our cwintry, on |i-u»i.i! boifom, and rotton liiw atone lands. I bart plaoicd it m a poor randy loam on a \» fiiuodation, (such an i» the general -ility of the Btiif pttie lands of our coun- del immediately below this tussel, and w hen flowering, each ha-s a single ta^, of n deep purple colour, rrscmUmg the silk of Indian com. The tas*l drops as 8t>on as it has she«l its pollen, and then tho seeds rii>en. lasnow J"' QLi»i they have turned with confidence to tho an end. ‘hat such a body of delegates might be con-PEOPLE and inveked their attention to bitterly ® majority ot tlie People voted tor these things. They have appealed from the exclaiine.i, “ I never could win a piiiiea si) “ ’ rf'jected. They have SERVANTS of the Republic to the SOV. easy, in all niy life.” It is only necessary *■“ ‘'^les submitted the plan of calling EREIGNS of the State, and no man can to aild, that the explanation which immedi- Convention, to be hmital to the consid- feel iudifTerent to the answer that this op- ately f.dlowcd was much more satisfactory ®*'“*‘on of such parts of our Constitution peal shall find, for none can be uninterested - * *- • in its consequences. Tha result ought not to prove, that a large portion of North-Ca rolina are prepared to repudiate the maxiuj of American freedom, that “ in a State, the majority must govern.” Our history ought never to record that they, whose fathers were frst to dely the power of a tyrant, are w illing to renounce their confidence in to mine h i>t than the barb*>r's bt^ttor half, of just complaint, but ’.^*i?ra*nd "a« rJhl' I '•'^P ' and that'the gemlr'men'rcsto\ed'Wa'lti^to Thoy'have then ^ wtlimamtretl prtxluce it obtin* 1I usual gotnl humor, by generously re- (“>nhracing Eventr • • - ^iiieo.with nt! much shorter than tlu«. which ■rni ram on the Otb of JuJy.) did not ma ‘ ihrr~T„ j, M 1. r togetfier, after the manner of the ; wardinc his exertions with tho well-eamed " compromise of right to the prejudices and the l«ig drou*ht of j ra.tlea of a mttle.-«ukc. ! eu.’’ ill.gni.mded fears of a minority) and de- e, continued from .May joined nnd clothetl ** inanded that a Convention might be called c I ^"P‘7 with leaves, much shorter than tluxie which fallva/feci It. r. “? ‘'*, pro'e»'d from the root, the sheaths of which -eariv as the l I' f i embrace the stem, to within a short space of tho next joint. It is channelled on f ""Irof ‘H’P*'*!"* alluvial bottoms. «i*of »u niches, intended for trans- tiexl fall. The whole ground is ih " ***' ® of gras'i 2i feet 1; . ^ ‘0“' of this month I cut cichcd the product of one drill 3*» feet hteh Ihs. of grwn hay, f u :V‘ f®^. At thi* rale, an acre • l'>)750 Iba. of jrtcu iiay at one Mx'hanics.—There is a strange dislike f''*" ‘l*^^ purpose of considering those to the name of inechnnic in this country, nniendments, and authorized to do no more i as well as elsewhere: it would almost seem ‘o adojit or rejcHTt them, but in this too the capacity and virtue of the people, and a disgrace to be an industrious or careful have l»een det'oated. They have pre- their allegiances to the rights of self gov- man. Each parent thinks his child superi- pared .sjH cifc amauhncnts (embracing a ernment, or, that they despise the ancient ntellectual capacity, and capable of like compromise, and invited their oppon-; boast of our tree institutions that “ever.' every joint, which terminate and produce ] filling any station, whatrver his ability to ents to put all proper and sale cheeks upon ' imujuality may be removed and all their seeds liko the main stem. quality him therefur. Hence, we cver>- the dreaded power of a majority) and pro-: evils may be cured by the peaceable action I have been thus particulsr in mv des- where meet with professional men, who posed to put these to the rfir*tr ru/cof tho‘of the public will.” Nor is this all. If cription, to rrmble p'rsons to searrh out would doubtless make most excellent mo- Pwple to accept or rejcct them ctt ■ this ap|)eal is rejected, and the represents- ' chatiics, but unfit for a profession, they re- but here again, the) have been assailed by ^ tivcs elected by a minority of the peoj lo main nil their lives m obscurity and pover- “ violent opposition which has suspended are to be cheered with the plaudit “wcU ty. Why is this? Have not the world yet this demand. They have ngain and again done good and faithful »crrflnf«,” to pcr- learned to judge of men by their actions, called on their opponents (whose candor o-1 severe iu a denial of RKiH'l'S to a major.- and not by the business they pursue ? Look bliged them to admit their };rievinnce8) to : ty—jKx>r old North-Carolina may be doc'- through the pages of history ; whose names devi.se any other mode of redress—but here I tined to present the spectacle of a peopla arc brighest—who have been the bonefac- destined to meet with 1 nnised to put in practise the most dangeroc ■; tors of mankind ? Why do we so often find disappointment. I cannot enter into a full cjptTimeiU our country has ever endurcil; men of sound judgemnt in things else, consideration of the pretext upon which but one, which, I think, it will puzzle tLvi yielding to the dictates of pride and preju- these re|>cated demands have Ix'cn refused, most ingenious poltician among us to prov.'. dice, nnd preferring that their children and at times most contemptuously scouted, i is not sanctioned by our BILI/ 01' should grow up in idleness, rather than give by a refusiil even to debate them. It ought RIGHTS and tho principles of ourGovcni- them s'.ich occupation as would enable them *o bo suflicieut that there are no gootl rea-, ment—I would rather hoj>e, but I dare not to become useful to themselves and others? w's «'hy they shall be any longer denied, tru.-i myself to l)Clievo, that this niajoiiry ** inltcniatc Bides like a stalk of corn. When ^ two fnet Kpace !«tm*en tbe^rf^s**^”^11' “ P*'*'* bninrhes nt nearly j or 111 intellectual capacity, and capable of »ill then rootain 7,3.'»0 root*. A »in- ^ of the second yoar’a growth, (on ®ry *aiwl hill,) it thren cutting«, haa 'yctr already yielde«l 7i II#. of green lUklwill without doubt yield at least «nt)ch more before frost. At that rate, «"»/ hill, well manured, i"'-i ***'* bay, equal to 1“ tom of cured hay, of a quality as »• the be^ bladi foiidcr. \ “ Jjouary Ug(, I drilled norne seed, in this grass. I am satisfi* d it will Iw the sourcu of much wealth and comfort in our pine country particularly. Il is certainly the 8|M^iitaneous product of our own State. 1 know it grows in New Hanotur, Bnms- wiek aial Bladen Counties, and have l>cen itlformej it is fiimd in Craven and in (trance, and may, probably, on many of our JSow is the tin>« to search for it. It is in VIoom and more n adily identified, by tbel (lecuharity of tho seed. When not in •U «I'll known writ'rin tho N'pwborn Sprcta- tiir W'tlio l!(th iniit. (If. il. ('.) itntrs that during the Uhl yrar ho fnnnd Ihp (Jnina graB* on the »horc .oflfkc Ncurr rivrr, nnd that a |;rntl(>m«n in I'lori. da usfiiri'd him Ihut h' had found it iu tiiat Torri- |or) .—It^ditor ef t,U Vl»n vr. Hearer Rej). The Uultiinorc Vinitor states, that a inixtiiro of milk nnd soot, appli’d to bools and shoes, will out- kUiue L>a; &. .Mulin'a best. but there are many unanswerable reason?! w ill stwner submit* Let us do justice, nn l for yielding justice—while those who liave , avert the |Missibility of such an evil. .V been herctolbro refused it, arc willing to , majority 01 the people who are accustonici' take even less than sfricf right entitles them to study tbr prinrij ics of tiieir gorernmciii,