JOS. A. HILI>. JAMES IREDELL, JOHN D. jonf:s, CAD'R. JONES, WM B. MEAKES, ^ FRED’K. NASH, JOHN OWEN, 8. F. PATTERSON. henry SEAWELL, J. SOMERVELL, ROBERT STRANGE. ggUigh, prom the National Intdligrnccr. Dangers of m^aken njmpathj A fel- low who lately murdered his wifo without tho least provocation, being asked what could induce him to r^mmit such an out- rago, made tbo following remarkable reply: “ Why, the fact is, I am % very ambitious man; and, having no opportunity to gain fame by fair means, 1 thought 1 would take this method ; for I saw how tho moment a man comnuttcd a murder, he becamc uu ob- Iject ol public attention; the newspa|>crs Tb* last Pbilndelphia pQ|)ert bring the were full of him; his appcaranco and dress, ad intellig«'‘ce of the death of tho upright,, the color of his eyes and hair, and the most iMMrable, and chivalrous oificer, Commo. j insignificant particulars, were described, jusi j*re WiiLiA* BAiNnHii)GK,of the Navy of as if hu was a hero and had saved his coun- United States. For several years past try. Then the ladies all ran after him, at- ,-ted by • lioC®'"'"?news of I tended his trial, shed tears and fainted a- ;s death has causcd moie |>ain than wir-1 way ; so that he had all the attcnlions and Ijje. We bad been prcparedfor it, indeed,' nympalhy of a niurlyr. liesides all this, he the accounts of the state of health in was pretty sure of being converted at last, tuch he had returned from tho Kastern : and dying a good Christian, w hich he very ■jtMt* Philadelphia, with the obvious do., likely would not have done, had he Ijoen a -re to breathe hi* last in that city. We j iixiral man and a |»eacfaljlo citizcn. 'I'hus, -y be permitted, however, yet to express you see, that murder is the bhortcjt cut to riorrow for an event which has deprived glory m this world, and balvation in the country of one of its best citizens, and next!”—Courier. Naval Scr^ice of one of its brightest j meats. ^ Jnv '-iit. Comm^ore BAiXBRim'-E was in hi« six- j The freaks of a sailor on shor?, with hi»> h year, ami might have been spared to j>otkcts full of I'nch; .'^am's bank hills, are many yeart to come, but for distlrfSJiin^; often »ai>lly diverting; but the following -iiint.s contracted in the sen ice, which incident, which has bten cfjininuiiicated to ^•terminated his valuable life. He was us, is more so than any we have ever heard naiiw of PriocBton, in New Jcmov, and of. I.a»t Saturday a son of .Neptune, land- ^ bom on the 7th day of May, 1771. .'\t edfromoneofthesteaailHiats inl’iovidence, 0early age he was npprenticcil to the sea. probably ju»t di>«-har;j( d from thcfngiitei nice, and bcha\'ed so well that he rose to; Itramlyu ine, and made sail iininediatcly for t,o command of a m«'rchant ship at nii»e. | one ol the ktage ollkcs. ‘llartl in yuur ,.ii years of age. From that time ■; I70.'t) i bib-stay4, and a\ast :i bit,’ said ho to the n|78y, be commamied merchant ships in driver. ‘ 1 want to charter your cral't l’«ir tirade from Philadelphia to F^irope; diir-1 a pansjige for Miywlfaiid l>ng;;age to llostoii : which period, in the small ship l!op‘,—v* lial d'ye a-l. ” ‘'I'wu dollars,’answen.d i'f. four small carriaj^e guns and nine m*Ti, the driver, ‘ for yourM.lf, and a dollar and a „had an engsgment with a Uritwh schofHi- half lor your lng^;'j;e.’ • N«iie ol' your rof 9 guns aod 35 men, commanded by* a trii lv, y«>u lainllubl>cr,’ responded .fack, 'liliDg-inaaler in tho Navy, aud compelled ' * bla~t my eyes if I don't start an o|i|>obition, r to strike her colors, though, tb»> two if you i.!;arj;u at that r::tc.’ .r.triea no! being at war, he could not, 'I'he driver jei-.istiii;:. Jack v^addled ie powiuion of her. In July, I'!*", he' d'j'vti to a trucksimul—*1 s-», hlii|.iimle, . xpeetedljr, bikJ wilhmil any application Mhat mil you tjk'*tor yourL‘'.>r>»e and tru-jk, s his part, received frotn the oxeeutivo an as vdu cull ’em.’ '1 .‘le truckman thaikmg T?r ol command in the rank of Lieuten- it alt a joke, !.aiJ he ».)iild take a hundred Dt inthe Navy. We shall not pretend t'^ and firty dollars. ‘I'll give a c(wl hun- e.apitulate his subsequent aerviccs. Iliy dred,' said Ijck. ‘Done,’ naid 'I’rucky, pture, by the grourxling of the frigale aud at Jack'b n';ticst, he made out a bill ol inhdclphia, undof hi9 cotniuand, us the *ale, when, much to his surpn«-, J.nck arhor of Tripoli, bis Ion;; impritontneni, I pulled out of hisi |HX:kel a hunJrid dollar fortitude and cooragc under It, are mat- bill, and handed it over. Trucky, theie- ■r of history, and nee«l iHit here be dwell fore, oir-red him twenty-live dollars to n. l.rt one anecdote Kuflice os illustra- n lmquish hia bargain, but J jck was det« r- V* of tho charactcrof the deceaM-d llrro; mined to (itart an opfM»Mtion to that ‘ land- ' biUt hr was in captivity, and the Anieri. Iubt>er up stream, and iiuHinted Ins truck. ,r:(Ieo. KATo.'t was advancing upon’I'np-, with his bapc.iy*', and drove through the \ itie Pacha sent won! to i’apt. Baiv , »triTt“, ofll-rmg |'a*a;;e to lUiston at hah locr, in r>o doubtful terms, that he had price—sailors tro«'. -Not li^irii; Miccessful which in case of extremity he in obtaining jvi*.en;^fr', he ..t.rtid oll'alone, . iWuK*, of injunng the Aineruans in the and «a* (>a'»Hl by the stage coaih, a tew tender |>oint, by putting the prnK^nern iiiiIcm from I’ri vuience, eiidiavoring to get ^ih, A:c.—thus b>|>inj to intimidate through h lull gate at a U'S price than lti»* ^Captain, and induce him to **rite eith- l»w aulhorizrd. e iiavo n-jt yet heard to the Coinmo»l«r» or to Mr. Fahin— i.f lii;», though ht will no tli>ubt be I*Ai.Miiii{>(.r.'s rejjly was, that be and here, 'I'he iior^e .tiuI truck art said to bt irdicem were in the |>uwer of tlie I’acha, worth full KiO dollars.— Atlas. i that Imj mijrht do with them as he plen#-1 | that tho I'nited .*^tatcs had many otli- The lat number of the Nv'rth American .ft and seamen, a ltd that consequently, ll'view, inunart'ile on the I'enitentiary } siiOuM be ix» loiw to the ciMintry. It tiv^tfm, has tije lolloping anecdote of t'aj>- •\ readily be conceivcd that, alUr thi^ lam Kl\m /^wu-, now suf>erniiendeiit ol ply, be was irt>|N)rlune«l no further. the Auburn prik ii in the t^tate of New- 'Jiieevetil ol his lilt', however, which hao \ork: One ul the cinvK t-« at Sing f'ing, V.fuNluut/ed flur rea>Jcrs to his name, having Ixen suljccted to |njni»hment, hit galLiot achievement of the capture vuMe«l the d(‘ath of ( apt. l.yiid.', ttie lir>i the Frigate Java, on the t^!Hh Deecinber, op|>ortunity. 'i his threat coming to C'apt. '■1-. being tho third of those victories Lyiid’s ears, lio sent lor this tonviel, re- Wb csubliftlied the chnrscter of the .\- ci ived bun alone in his btnh hainbtr, and, 'rxan Navy. Tho action was a w xcre uithont «p|H’aring to iK>tn;' any ihiiip p*HU- aod among our wounded was the ('otii- liur in his manner, ihrected the coriMet to •j-it hiioself. 'I’he gcneroMty of the shave him. The convu t (lerforined the op- rctor to the van]ui»hel covcrcd him with eration without any attemfit at violence.— ' much glory as hii valor in bottle; and \\hin it was over, t’apt. I.y nds diMiii.s.s«ii r h« hooorahlo courtesy »>n that lycasion him, trllmg him that h-- l.eanl he had threat- ^ gntitude wf the prisoners waa cjpreas- ened his life, l>ut that he km w he would not ' in the moat feelmg manner. dare to attempt it; and that he had ^enl tur •Siiire the concluMiou of tho war, ('orn. 15. him ahme and withi'Ut arms, to let him see | - commaaded with great reputation and how little he learcd him. • 'anty at several Na»al stations, and for ' i 'fril yearn filled the situation of a Com-1 I'.Uuihcthtotrn /’j. Juhj 10. i'4iO(s.’rofiheNavy Board. F.very where S llr.itoiM:.— HtnKhts'—AnOldmai-; lored and esteemed, he was no less so den lady nuiiied NSrrMV.N.ol' Mminijoy than elsewhere. Me commanded the township, near this Uirough, in the'•Utli ‘j ‘ I and esteem of all who knew him, ‘ year of her age, did, a few days age, mow f'Tined lricnddhi|M which nothing l>ut and make an acre of heavy gra^s into hay. ^leutlesa death could luv» severed. . Well may the county ot L.incaster lie deno- Ibtt rame of BAiMiitii>;»;, now addel to ininated the garden ol America—when her of I)i;i \ti k, 1‘i iiuv, and M.v i«in- fair daughters are able and willing, at such | ■'■^iWiUhmg be held in grateful and, an age, to Liidergo such industry. *!tjHato rcmenibrancu, not inoiely by . “ 1 woiilil much sooner, ' cxehiiined the ■ifMrvivmg aasociatc* in the p«Tils and ' immortal Franklin, “see a f-pimimg wheel _'*»ol the service which they adorned than a piano—a shuttle than a parasol—a ^ tlevated, IhjI by the whoh* country, of knitting lu'cdle than a visiting ■ card.” ** they were truo citiions and faithful' “ Tis m the country—the I'arui housi'—and I among our gool old tiames such pleasing —— I sights may Ik) st*cn.—(Hire llranch. ! —The vankees are in a fair! . , ,,, ! to dr„r,,y John Rull-a g.mblet trade I , ithii... . .r.1 .. observed, m bur>ing [icrsons, to aseeriam Mhi, country—riio new twistgimblet „,,^, ^ertamly dead l>eloro they^ “I an much superior to thooM Imi* to ihcir la>t lu»ines. 'I’hcl " «gui,bl*-l, as the screw augur is to the St. I.ouis Tunes mentions tlic ease ot a' podaufur. There isa gimblet factory at woman in that place who was supposed to 'Mt WhalHy, which employs l.‘» hands; accordinnly sliroud- -JUtlialfofthem females,and manufacture^ ««• I'^t u»to the coll'm, but who happily • gro»a per wctk. 'I’hc steel is imiwrted «K:overe«l before she was interred, b-camc K-glandm round r.sls; the handles are «>“valeseent, and was to pet vveH^ m»,l .1 . W c can imagine no situation so lull ot lior- ZL v awakened to a Mato of octory in^ i>u klund, ann in the * envelo|»cl in the shroiul ol tie •’•‘“"•‘I'" county, one iu u,„i pieced Ixiyoud tho reach of hu- N. II, Iiid^onc or more la CVn-i man assistance. It must Iw tho cliuiax of aait ‘•■^lliimpyfiiri: O’u huinu!! miser hmchburg CIIAllLOTTK: kati'uday, AU;iNT lo, i8;i3. EI'W"! ION Kl”fURNS. Tlie Elcctiun in Ihii county took placeon Thurs day lust. I'lic folluwin^ gfiitlcmen have been e. lectcd. Wanhinj-ton .Morrison, .Senate, Win. J. Alexander and Ainlrew (irccr, ConimoiiH. For County Court Clerk, Uralcy Dates. For Superior Court ( Icrk, Pearsall ’J'hoiii[Nson. .Statement of the I’ullt.—For Senator, Washing ton Murrihoti .'01; Win. J. WiUon -lO-i; .Massey 1 J‘l. 1 or the Coiiiinona, Win. .T. Alexander 1300; Andrew «ri(r 1028; J. Donjriurty 772; S. La- ney .W; J. W. K iiig l.'i. For County Court Clerk, shop about the same distance, was entirely consumed. The warehouse, blacksmith’s shop, and carpenter’s shop io the ware house, were occupied by Mr. James Cassi- dy, whoso loas on this occasion consisted of an entire gong of rigging for a vessel of 90 tons; with other articles of rigging, blocks, falls, timljer, phuik, Ac. valued at alxiut one thousand five hundred dollars. Mr. Phabus sufTercd considerably in the loss of furniture, and an industrious and worthy mechanic, who boarded in the house, lost his all. The buildings were entirely of w(K)d, and lieing very dry, burnt with a- mazing rapidity. The wind was at South W cst, and blew the fire in a direction which ihreatened the whole town; the preservation rnOJI THE KASTON (PA.) ARGUS. Remarkable Circuimtance.~—'The follow, ing may be relied on as a fact, and persons aro now in this Ixtrough who were preseut when tho occurrence took place. There is no doubt but that during the prevalence of the Cholera, numbers were interred pre maturely. left Easton on tho 'r I 1-32, and arrived on tho line J and Ohio canal, near Niepherdstown, Maryland, on the 3d July. On the 1.5th August, at 3 o’clock, P. M. ho was attacked by tli« Cholera, which w»a then raging in that neighborhood, and whicU III almost every case proved fatal. Whel- den sent for a physician, who attended, and II. W. Connor 9c;9 ; I. Spen der IG. For Cungreig cir 109. lor Convention Kuli. Ajj.iinst Convention 37. C«rM7ur*.—Pallid I.indHay, S. John 11. JoncB and Janu'8 Sanderson, I ('ran DauiMiii a Tmrn of i\'(tr!ifrn.—Charles Shcpanl. , placed by a few Iriends in a coflin, and taken in a light wag on to the place of interment, about half ix mile distant. When arrived at the grave, . , a groaning was heard proceeding from tha ^ , ,, - , ‘ was ?een at the entcrance of the i coffin, and on opening it, poor Whelden ex- '’-l"ia“d" I). .. John «. "i'7 ‘-•"'"'"‘••‘‘-■ed ; aiul it hibitod signs of life, and was liberated froin and Fnd. rickr. Laiharn’C. ’ mipposed that his terror induced him to his disagreeable confinement. He is nov serve praise •\ black boy t>elonging to Mr. PhfKbus, about se\en yeara old, was destroyed in the ilanies. iinrnn] Attrhtrn.—I iiaries ■siicpan). retreat towariis the entrance to tho cellar, Kdeeeomh—Hardy Flowtrii, S. J. W. Potts the house, where he met IiisrnnUa- d 'I'urnrr Dvnuni, C. cholv fiite, and w here his bones were fi)und. -..d Wn“ rTim'ITo "■ c'"" I originated— Pugli’.s. John I). Ja^]H r and supposed to have been acci- ‘-■‘lilor of the Smyrna”newspaper, and i>er. I)»iii 1 .Murrjy, C. i dertal. [ mited that functionary to address him tied It «;/«»■.—Cut,ri. IShernrd,.s. PatrickCCroni- Mr. Cassidy returns his sinccro thanks ■ and after the manner of a rovalrcpre- alivc aud well, and resides in our borough. Turkey.—In a speech from the throne, *he Sultan acknowledged the services of tha w ell aiiU Culltn \ Him kiiiaii, C*. — — rc|)re- to those who were instrumental in saving |so"tative, in a set speech. The Pacha of , wasauiliori/.ed, for the purpose of submit- J; irT« n, m plaster, bronzed, executed , to that of one of his generals. pe.xrs m to-.lav’s paper-lind wo take pleas- "''j'" in bronzed inctal, and * ure m i.niting public attention to it. Like , f 7^' > o.xi^ctcd. i h.s s atue is a pre.s- , ‘ .‘verv thing el^ which proceeds from the -orporalton ol >ew Aork from i l-Mi of II. .li,tmt.M,.^i.ed author, Mr. C vs. , ' htar. | « 'I his Address has l»een, and ap- ...ViUi,;!, is fini.hcd“inb7onzedmc^^^^^^ »«‘her and two other gentlemen of their acquaintance. He and the gen- ; tleman who occupied the upper berth were , saved by the power of (iod alone; the two in the lower berth perished. .My son saya I^hmhmentto Uni. Wn»hin"ton.—.\ v^-ri- was asleep, and his first consciousiiCHs was falling from above. He fell into tho a great ’National >fonu- although !!’.ci;t to the niornory of Washington,” at the stunned, was able to aid himself, with ■ ■ the aesistance of a plank, until he was ob served from the shore. Ho was then taken K -V, it is no less t, Jjc admired for the iH-aiity of Its rom|xisilion, than l'r the lib- 1 eiihgliteiied (nihev wiii.hit udvo- ft IS rcallv delightful to turn fr>>rn n — ’ , - 1 ... I 1 I. I 1 1 ■ I ■. 1 tfr in the National Iiiteili2piicer nrorroses eral and uiliglifeiied ikiIu v w lin.ii it udvo-; r -- catcj. ft IS rcallv delightful to 'urn fn>rn : , ^ the ..fF.rts of part; leaders, and the pr(Khic- I th, .ions of H.tical aspirants, to this iLitiful he I nion.-H,. plan is to ( ^ ,r . . I , . 1 raise the funcs by voluntarilv subscrintions, I truMon ol a great mind, intent on the wel- . ^ sum not exceeding f)U cents for • neighboring house, where he is lareot his country, nen in the treasures ol i„,,iv.dna!s. so that ev.-rv .f «=needi!y recovering.” X KTieiu e, and anient as in its season ol ,i ii i . .• ... s., ll,cmh.» in -v.r% ««.,», ‘"'’“'"'S I " "«■ y«y. "i. Mlb .11 b, Cuj. Ma. , —•— I'vtll, K«q. Mr./.uiri/ lilatr io Miss t arolme M- ot lue cuntry, by the cons'ruetion oil A A.-i/,or. o/" The Thoma-^ton ' of Mr. Jimes Orr. « anal.s and tho adoption ot a vigorous sys- I’epublicaii incntions a recent trial before vnn'i/iv t.-niot Intrnial .mprovcnui.t—;l.e legiti- n,e Supreme Court of Maine, of a case t ALMANAC. mate efUytsol that cnterpn/.e to which the ; ,,i,erc the plaintill claimed damages against' MOON’S Pll^Sl’t?. ‘pirit and o|K?ration ot our tree institutK.ns dolendant, a Postmaster, Ibr the alle-ed ' nTs-r^ proirpt n^-are so fonrihly ,u,urtrnyed m detention of a leUcr'Iv"onc’of hi^cle^l^^^^ SuLda/’ this A.l.ire..s,ihat “ he whoimis,may icad. ^ held by the Court, that if a letter, ' 10 .Mondi.;, For Aufruet, 1833. aft’n. I u. H lAst 8 0 41 "ill North-( arolina still fchim!»cr on, or e have inserted the Adilress in thi.s liiis tuic, ll»e plaintilf lecovered week's pajxr, to which we call the attentijii i liodvn Daily Adv. of our readers. WILL sell to thchiphest bidder, on Wcdncs- ; 21 day of Court, (the l2sth inst.) in tlic town ot’ j Charlclte, at the lute residence of llli Springs, o- a cridit of twelve inonlhe, all the Tiic P.o,ston Courier closes some remarks Houmhold and Kilchcn Fumitvre The Markrt.—tluite a large quantity uj)on the cause of opposition in tbo South ; of >> he,, ua, ,™.cjay, .,,1, V!"J W.iJ'S;,' giving to our streets a preater ai'pearance , J iro l ows unu Calves, of animation than tliev have exhibited for liUJij^tnccr. I OOO/'oun'/s of BACOy, One Gig and Harness, JOHN SPRINGS, Admimstratcr FoirSALKi rg^HEgubpcribersnnw ofTcr for !»’*; JL tliat House and I ot inCharl t;c. well known as a Public House Jor stHiie time pa^t. It s.>!d readily at our quo- ' “ l^ugland has l>ecome what she is j talions—say SI to $>1 O.'i. 'I'he quality is •>>' kc ping her men in the worksliops and j not so inferior .IS was e\f>ectel. on the farm, aud her women in the dairy It willbe.s'en tiiat C..tti n continiif'd to the kitchen. Had the South been as advance at I.iver|Hm!. A sale wasetli eted “s fortunate, wc should have heard h>-re, yesterday, at 13^ 'I'here is little or repining at h. r condition, h ss envy at none to come to market; but we arc glad to l*"r prosperity—the 'I'ari'l’ and Aincrican ■ learn tliat Irom l-'iUO to -’OHU bales are still ^'J^ eni would not have l*een such bugbears .\lr^. Ju,;o Kmcrson. It is situated in the ce;.‘.ta held by ni«rciiants f>f this town, who will tri;ihten children and old women—and part of the town and a valuable stand for a taver- Itc iK-ncfitcd materiallv hv the une.xpectcd . *''*ulluication would never have U'en heard or any other business. There is a rise.-/’.i^r th rill, rcer. j of. All these niu^rable spectres have had “IJ. jail existence solely l>ocausc tho women of, Kxcopi' from Jed.—A corresjx>ndent at the South have never know k how to churn I X'adesUirough infonnsii-.that Daniel .May. or make pudding." 1 w ho « as crnvietod nf I rand Larcenv'at the ' —— ! last 'IVrm of .\nson Siqienor Court, made J.i:\ini;to\, July 2-. his escape from the Jail in that town on the understand that Hon. H. Ci.av has! night of the V’lith nil. by means of fal-;e keys, deferrtil his eontemplated visit to tlie North • He IS .said to be alnait .')•■) years ol’ age, T> and 1-ast, in consequence, probably, of the i feet 10 or 11 inches high, stout built, round prrvalence of the Cholera in Kentucky.— shouldered, reil complexion, sandy hair. Ho intended, we believe, to have eoiiiiiicnc-; somewhat gray. \ large reward (amount ed his journey abtait the lOth ol this month, i not staled) IS otlered for his apprehension. | t>piril of W ashingt>jn. j Amos Kendall has l)een appointed \gent, ' Ti.a Cholera seems to have required! (by direction of the I'n sident) to ascertain virulcnee in some of the Western . on what terms the local Haijksw^ ^ of the' llio w'rvicrs tor tho \ niton a>latt\s I;viiik; !i and h;iarrivrii a\ l*liila(K'lphi;i in prosi'cu- • -sajs, ^ tion of the objects ot'his agency. We sup-; “ 1 he ( holera has burst upon us again tliey mean such of the services as the ^ "'^h violi.’tice ; the day beloro ye.sterday. neat little i^lor. can be i::od.. Known by applieation to John R. \\irUain;, w!' n sides near C^harlotte. JNO. R. WILMAM HOBT. M’l'O.MD. Ks3.1 3t.">J 1-. 'i'he Carolina Wati;hnian will insert tLi's a'’. 1 vcrtisetv'.'nt ti.rrp wirks and forward llie acc- uiil. ! ATTl-L\TIOX: O Rr.A\tDiEIiS. oil are hereby required to anpear at your usual [.lace of parade on Saturday, the 31tt of this instant, armed equipix'd as thi; law directs, for the puriiose of uril:. There will also be an election held tl.r cajitain on that day, Ca;it. F. Ma.xwell having resigned. Att^n- dunee reijuired at the usual hour. PAVll) 11. JOHNSTON, LUu:. Auzi'ft S', I'.'53. Tlu‘ Aiiiericaii rariiieiN I kets—Supplementary Chapter to “ .-\n I'-i ay ! Calcareous Manures:"—Thu use of C'alcafv-.. transmission of tno public funds, from one part of the coimtrv to anv other ; the equali-1 I'ltifd Miirhitu.—.Mr. (). Hussey, ofl* . , , z,,,,.,..r,i,„c.rr;.ncy„nJo.;c«h,,„«eMl,,^,,,,, cuy,ha,l„vc„,,.j perlect salety ol the puljiio lunds, vVc—ib. . ting w iieat, or any other small gram, by | Water, its r»es in Vegetation, &e.—On the : ; horse power. It will v.lien proiK'lied by j tivation of Hyo—Aceount of the (.Jama llrass ntv m.mi\(;ton, June .11. two horses, cut as fast as eight persons can cultui. in tlie iSouth recommendtd—i>n t:, Fm'._.\l>out o’clock 01, Wedne^lay bind atid do« the work well. A la,r trial afternonn last, tlin citizens ol Hits placc has be n ma le ol it, in tho prcscuce ot sc v- 'I’arts—Cmr fur tho I«to of a l{attlosi -’.>o—!.•■ were alarmed by the cry of tire. It proved ! eral members of the Agricultural St>ci ty tnarkson Iteadin;; Haroni'uvior’s •• Anin.ilKi. to lie a dwelling at tho lower end of the of Haiiiiltou county, and met their approba-;l’>oJuctions, v^e. of CeUiili.. town, known as the (’aineron House, occu pied by .Mr. i’lui'bus; wbii h, with a ware- house, «ii|iiu U’ leet auJ a blacksmith’* approba-, tiou;—our opinion is that it may bo applied i •Vv'*sult'iieot \ ucat;. i; 'i'ropie.ilj lar.t-.—l c,. to gulling gruss also. C -Wf. I dily of' i in the Ni -I’riot'b Currei.t ofCjiint: '■ 1’;.^