THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. POETRY. _*tV> , ■ l:' ■ * t. f I i (iw .Vr*. iW*’» Maffttint.] THK SWEDISH GIRL. -Prerioos to the Jep.rlur« of Ban» de SUtJ fr«o .Sweden, Ik- wm rn.monitcd rf hi. ^nd • heautiAil ffifJ. •’*'* prommod to but »fter the otfcr* rfceiwl by bim from thf NecUr ftnuJj, h* wrote to inf«rm her of the peculiar circoin*Un«» in which he wm pUccd, •n^ that hii union with a lady whom he did not lov», wouW be the means of raising bis family froni povrrty and ohecurily. Hi» tootiti. without any otiier answer, returned him his m«rri«|te pro- nisc sUined with teara, and in seven weeks *ht «-as a cor|»e.” "Errn to jmum on auch a thou|;ht I How could it croaa hie mind! Vain honors trajh’d for and bought, >Vith happiaesa resigned! And lo»c like mint cast meekly by, At cold ambition'a call!— My howt, be c*lni’—why should I sigh! Tears, tears, why will ye fall 7 TT»* Sw^ish girl should foom to stand 'Tween him and bis adopted land. For him what could 1 not have borne. What wo or poverty 1 And rich in love, hare smiled in acorn. When iK'arUess wealth rolled by. 1 would have orgcd him up the steep. Where hangs the noblest crown, Ifonor mfcv gain, or virtue kec|>— An honest man’s renown ! Soothed him when yielding to his toils. And brightened each success with suiiles. Yet why thus linprr o’er a drcain That iny fond spirit bouad. But lent my soul no cheering beam To light the darkness round! Well, be it soI may not speak What stirs within my heart; The l«*»'ered spirit «»n will break Throogh all things, and depart: Yet ’twould be sweet ajrain to bleas 'I'lie object of past teudcrr-ss»! Ay, take thy bride, the sifted one, And glory in her tame! And when, per\ ading in the sun. Her genius lifhts t*y name. Forget, amidst lU dialing rays. How dim thine own appears; Nor think upon the hearllelt praise Was thine in tbrroer years. When mingling love, and hope, and pride, Witli her now coldly thrown aside. Ay, wed another—wed the great! Gain wealth, bul with it rare Soon fhalt thou feel the galling weight, And mourn each glittering snire wilid thee from thy pUijliied ww, Front lirst and unfeiifiR'd love; And bade thcf to a tfranger bow, A stringer’s bounty prove ! 7.1adn.», that one to loved by me. Should ever so degraded be I Hanging for a Livelihood.—A corres- pondent says thnt there is a fellow going a- bout the villages near London wlio contrives her huabatMi, To avoid this, he sought a place lo pa*s awny vacant time, where, as sociated with those more wicked than hiin- - - „ self, he contracted the habit of intemperance, to maUo a very prtoStahle and easy li'e.i- aud all was lost—and i>oor Eliza was thrown i hood by hanging himself. Ilis mi thod is, on the charity of her iVieDds. first, to select some tree by the road bide, Be pleastnt and obliging to your neigh-1 near the root of which he strews a lew bors rcndy to grant assistance when ncces-1 pieces of pnper which appear to be fragineuts sarv. Be careful of their characters, and jof a letter addressed to his wite. 'j*’* not' readily believo an ill ref>ort. Throw : suspe nds himself with a rotten cord, w hic , the mantle of charily over their failings | breaking, leaves him prostrate beneatn it; knowing that we are all liablo to err. | in this situation he remains till some pas- Abhor a tattler, and give no place to tho ! seuger notices his apparently awtu! coiidi- reports of such. However strung a provo- jtion. He then counterfeits returning aui- cation may be, uev*r contend for the last word. Let your bible show that it is used. Give no place to novels in your library. I^it history, biography and travels be read, maliun s* naturally that the sympathy of the stranger is awakened; to whoso in quiries he replies with a tale of distress, tells a long story of hia wife and childrtn, aud savs he is a rcduccd clerk on his way when time’ and Opportunity admit—without' home. At Acton, a deception ot this de- interferiu ' with the important duties of the scription was practised lately ; the ini|>oster family, lie not ignorant of tho events ot'^ succeeded m getting liimselt conveyed tree the time being, therefore read some Jour-1 to Birmingham, w itlt sevrn or eight pounds iial ofthe day. ' iu his pwket, subscribed by the humane As to friends who may call on you—i gentry of the neighborhood, never l>e confused nor in a burry; treat' Last week a similar occurn'nce took them with ho>ipitdlily and politeness; and : place at Norwool, in Surrey; the jwrsjni endeavor to make them happy in their own j was brought into the inn kept by Neale, wav. Never teaze them to do this, or that, j thu pugilist, where some lUs. or 1'»s. were which they do not prefer. 'I'ruo politeness j subscribed for him ; he was subsequently •insists in an ea^y deportment,aud making ; taken Itefore a magistrate, who, alti r ad- our friends easy, and permitting them to i monishing him upon the enurinily ol^ his enjoy theiiist^lves iu thut way which is most i suicidal attempt, discharged him. 1 he VarriitgemJ^tnkins j , KSTABLWHWEi’^T. rg'111E subscriber bega i leave moat respect- fiilly toinform his friend# and tho public generally, tliat he is now carrying on tlieCarriagc-Making fiusineiis at his Now Sho^, on Uie main atreet, one door north-west of the Jail, in all it* various branchea, Tho subacri- ber deems it entirely su|>erfluous to give a deUiW dricriptionof the kinds and qualities of his work, nor will he say that it shall be surpassed by none, but on his part will only invite the public lo call Slid examine hia work, hear his price* aud judge NATHAN MOWN. Charlotif, July 8, IS33. Cwt51 One or Two apprentices will be taken to the a- bove bu»im#s. Boys IB or 17 years of age, of study and industriousliahiU. N. HROWN. rOR SALK. rMlllB' fiin House standmg South of Trade B itreet near Dr. Harris' residence, connected witli which is an excellent I’otton tJin und Metal Screw i’ress, which will be w)ld with the house or sei>atate as purthakcrs may desire.^ If this estab lishment is not Hold privately, U fore Tuesday of ■\ugu3t I'lMirt, it will tliin be offered for sale at I’ublic Auction. For further particulars apply to the Kuliscribcr or durine his abscncc tu .Mr, H. H. Williams. ‘ F.L. SMITH. KxuvtOTof \Vm. Smith dte'd. Julv6,l^^^ pleasing to them. i|wrish clerk of Acton, who had belriendcd Speak with deliberation. The other | the individual first alluded to, was led by sex tell us that, ‘ the female tongue is never suspicion and curiosity to niake .Mjuie in- tired be it so: let it be regulated by rea- jquiiies about the man at Norwooii, when, son and common si’nse. | from the similitude of the person described, At the close of the week, i.* possible lot the contents of his p«>cket», some religious all your work for the time, be done, so that comj)0»itions written in |iencil in his [wket- on Sunday you may improve your time in book, and other corroborating circuuj- such u manner as w ill be appropriate to the ■ stauce®,—there is no doubt it was llic same day, and never, extraordmaries exccptcd, ’ pcison. let your seat be vacated at Church. i As to dress: decency is becoming to all, j Kaotrhdgc.—What is it tliat mainly bul extravagance opens a door to want— distiuguisliCo a man froiii a brute? Know- follow the fashions of the day so far as de-: W h;it makes the \a>t dillerence cency and good sense will approve, bul there is b* tween savage and civilized ua- avoid singularity. Be not troubled for tions ? Knowledge. hat l^Tiiis the what jou have not; but be thaukful for, principal dilierence between nun a* they and take care of wliat you have. A Leg- appear in the same socicty ? Knowledge, horn hat loadi-d with flowers, will not cure \\ fmi raised FK.\^KI.l.^ from the huaible the headache,nor a gold watch prevent the station of a printer's Ikij to tlie first hmiors consumption. of his country ’ Knowledge. NV to*jk As you have aticmled to the study of (Vom his shoe maker's bt-nth, Bjtany and discovered a t.isto for llowers, g;,ve him a scat in Conj>re».>, and there 1 would not In any means draw yourattcii- made his voice to be heard aiijoii^ tho wis- tion from so iunocent and plfasing an a- and best of his conqieers f Knowled^'e. mus!iiicnt. But let your garden b; small What raised from tlie weaver's and well made out, and tho plants selected |,K,ni lo a place auii>ng the first f nwthcnii- to )oiir taste. fc?ec to tho iiiauageinent of ticians ; anJ Htkm iii;l fnuii being a [Hior it yomself. It is a pleasant exercise, |iro- f,ter’s bo) in the army, lo a ^tallon ain-iiig jliuctive of healtii of body, and serenity ol (|,(> ^f A'ltronomers 7 Knowledge. It jnmid. I>«'t the nrder, neatness; and the ; jg tlie phil.isopher's htone—ihu iiue aichy- {display of beauty in your garden; be tliojnjy tjjat turns every thing it toutUs into I index of what may be seen in your hou'se. I gold. It is the acLptre that gives us our I One thing mon*; the management of do-, (iominion over nature ; the key that unijeks . _ j m»*‘>fic8.. tfee that all things go right in j ihe stores of creation, and cjcus lo u» the This iugh-soulcd, injured Swedish gir! could save, kitchen. Let everv thing b« done ac-, treasures of the uiiiv er.>e. 14.T spring wove garlujdsoer her early^^^ave. Ne'ver ditpute With a I Mechanic,' Ma-aunc. ^ servant in what way a thing sliall be done, j inn...— - _ . - il ".ii'''''u-. ■■■■ TIlJC'KLLA\EOI your commamis be promptly obeyed. ^ ,/ ,%Vir —^' ' ' mild di^'nity ; hut avoid all im-, ^ KN l Lh.viKN ; I am i.ou u ore you. re. nrothcr Jo,M, IVifc'sadvice to her ' proper (amiliarity w^h th.^ wfio ma>-^ bj JOBW WTAtF Respectfully inform, th, ho ha. just received at hi.i^nd^^' tlie Court-Hoiuo, a general asaortment rfi SpiritH and that can be prMurud. Likewise OrattriM Among which , ftetimMrie* and Cakt$. following article! i WINES. Hock MoaacU Frontentc Muscatel Champaign, In pint and quart* Port Madeira Sherry Malaga TenerifTe, Slc, Coraiac Brandy Htulandliin Jamaica Itum N, E. do. 8P1RITR. Old Peach Bnad* Apple 4^ ' Peach a. Whiskey Havan^ Sjianish and American S^aRS ('ut. Pigtail and .Manufactured Toba^ ' Scotch HnufT, Pijpe*. See See. I^ndoii bottled nJKl'KR Sl Philadelptiia 6r liotlled and Newark (TOl'^, &c. CHEICSr; CRACKERS and HERRINGS All assortment of Foreign CORUIaLS, Lemon Syrup and Spruce Beer, FRMT8 AND BUT’S, f^emons. Figs, Raisins and Prune*, Almonds, Urazil, Cocoa and Barceleaa Xttti. —AI^- Tea, Coffer, Chocolate and Sugars, Candies and C«kes of all decctiplioni. Soap, CanJIes, .MusUrd, Pepper and 8pice, liacon, t lour and Moal. ' Persons can be tormshed at ail time* witkc lunchtou. NOTIC'R 1>\ H.L sell for cash at the Ceurt House in t harlotlc. on tlie ■llh .Monday of August next, the lollowing Tratt*of l^iid lying iu the county of .Mecklenburg, or as much thireof as “ w ill satikfy the Taxes due on »aid I^nd : hic tr«i tof land heloi'K‘eg »o James .Martin’s heirs, containing 1U> atrts, in th.- uppt r end of tlie county, joining the luids of Wm. J. W iImni, Saaiutl VViUm and Uhers. *. »-««- « AU. IW arres, l^longirg lo William Puck. | .,V 11 « e. v , worlh, joining the land.of EJ«in I’olU, Virgin f "ILL litre 4 or 5 Negr* koysfoUMj Spurns and others. fi ancc of the year, of by the mo,.li,. T«1 He would, also, inform the public that te- where person* can b« iurnuhed with Brad,! at all times. fharUtte, Vdy 7,1833. It may not be'. I canool auk Flirth’s happiness for one Who hath imposed tlie bittcrrst task, That woman’s pride has done. rU curse not, though I may not bless The idol of my youth, Ttut in my vrtck of hap|.iness. I'll prove unfaltering truth. And, blotted thus wiUi tears, retura The pledge I would, but cannot «pum I” And such is woman’s love ! not even pride, That oft quells passion in it* fiercest tide. Spripj; Also, 170 acH-s. btlonfing tu lli« hiirs of JoJin Fiuch, dic’d, jciniiig the lauds of Alex. UiUfspic and othcri. Itf'Jsrres, h»tcd by John .Mcfjitin and lies in thr gold region. Al»o, iJ acrt«, listed by (Ivorzc W. Davis, jon- I ing the !*lld^ of James l.atLa and olheis, for le>3l.. Also, 11 j atrt.-s, beUuigmg to llic heirs of Sam- uel liri'wn, dt'c’d. joining the lan'is of Jaiucs Hrn- d* rson and otiier*. •Mno, IIjO acres, belonging to the hi.-» of James rtell, di-c’d. juiiung the lands of Marv I'utts, James Knox ai.d others, .tor I'nII.) -M»o, 1-j acres, bt l»n;;mg to James liillefpie, jr. jtiiiiini; the landitof l>r. m. White and i^thers. * re>, brlon|iiig to Hannah Sunfurd, joining the lands i.f Samuel Johui>ton aud others A!-u,-,'73 acres, listed by Wm. Stewart and well known by the \ irjjm Spring*. .Mm},'JIO acf '*, lirtid by Win. Kot«soo, sen. jointnif the lind of Jul.n lli.l, Isa^c Alcxjv.'iiier and other). ALm). :»0 acres, luttd by Jacob Hb!dbcui«r near Jerry lluie’s .''tor>-, :nr IfJl.i Abo, ‘,’■.'7 aeres, l> to Robert iSuchanan, joining l!ie hntS of l^. iajetii i> jJiuiau and =jlii- ers, lor 1 AI«o, U'i'2 acffi, lut d by I »a*r Alexander, join, iui; ihe lai.iisot John lliiiand otlu-rt, (for l''3l., Also, !*0 srrr*, listed by Jaini s 4lro«n, liic lands of llu,'!i '^initb and nthers, (or 1^31., JdllN .''l.OA.N, F:rmer Skttiff. 7..'./«, I'^T f.'jl twclv* years of age would be pretetrtd. THO. A. MEU ! Jtnt 13, Ifc3.1. •4>t/ XOTICK mf y AR.vBi vN utjh;. ...TM ION’ IS itw sal* St IL- price. WM 8.M>RMOT Jii«lilA,l%a SAI>1)LK« V’ IIAll.XESK tance, time, and death. New ones will be f.rmed. Every thing pertaioing to this life IS on the change. A wfll cultivMod mind, united with a ,, (....'ii or N.nd, by the loth d«y i.f .\i.,’ii»i nexL 1 Ke- alst, r>‘niind tnox that ha'e proml' ■! lo I'tl As:\v /« the Town of i'harloltr. daughter on the day cf her marriage.— placed under you. i’e never hasty and im-1 Now -Nfary, as you are about to leave us,! petuous : but calm and deliberate, a few words seem appropriate to the oc-; prove wlien neceswiry, with mildness and j make payment a liort tm.e »mce, Uut I »ou;d be casion. Although I regret separation, yet, determination; but iic-vcr make a •”‘‘g . I am pK'ased that your prospects are good. 1 harangue about inatters of minor imj>or-. »bo°^,Ta'y luv« the V'--a« lTc of s^t-' You must not think that all before you are tance. 'loo much reprool, e“.f»ecially it attorny. I ani d. tirmii ■ rt tociw Elysian Fields. Toil, care and trouble, dtlivercd in a piu^sion, or hi::h tone of voice, niy book* lor colkctjon, alUr ific lOth day of \u. are the camj)anions of frail human nature. | is apt to loose its desired rllett, and produce gust n-.xt. ^ ^ JOHN w« m iDKl i f. Old connexions will be dissolved by dis- reaction on the pari ot the dependent. '^‘‘h - ^ Digaitv, decision and condescension, must be assiiiiilaud in such a manner as to com mand respect. I’ndue severitv will so opc- i . 1. i ‘ . J . ri'illl, mbstribtr having purii.a-**d ol l>r J rute on the mind of domestics as to destroy £ |, siock of whi ). pleasant, easy disfiosition is the greatest ac- respect, and create disolll-ction and hatred. », re “ Irei.-) lust fall, entirely r.. in Nt w.Vork complishinent in a lady. I have endeavor- Never charge a domestic with lying with-, and riuladt l;)Iiia, «uh a rc ru:t of ed from the first to the present moment, to out irrclragnble proot—then puni‘>h or dis- Spring and Summer I'anci/ fitHPDS, bring you up in such a manner as to t’orm ! miss him. To say frequently and upon all | 4 gmall ijvantity of /fanivcrr, you for u.sefulness in society. Woman was ! occaf?ions to a domestic, you lie,' i. per- Crockcry, Cofre awl Su!>(ir, never made merely to tee and be seen but fectly ridiculous, and has an evil tendency. Salt of a tu/H,rirr i/naliti/, to fill an important .space in ihe great chain If he be a liar, you harden him ; if other- I *ill vril low for ra»h or to p.mcfual of nature, planned and formed by the Al- wise, you injure his letlings and destroy drajcrs. 1 Impe by elj»e atuniif>n, tn.hare a (>or- mighty Parent of the Uuirersc. You have j his confidence. ition of the patroiuce f.f Mieklmibiirif and its vi been educated in habits of industr) , frucali-! I hi^ve done—you have my Lest w ishes, c'mty. It iv the wuh ot the proprietor f..r Ins 1 , I ■ ,L„ (fiends tu give him tlif oil Murn of them ty, economy and neatness, and in these you I ; ,■ h;s Stock, htar price, and U,.n j-.dc.-forVm. Lave not disappointed me. lliiUM to Mtchamct and \\orl:men.—H|«.ixt;,, JoilX .M. .MORRISO.N'. It IS for the man to provide and for the 'you want to avoid the disca-ses which yoiir] July 2D(], IK'll. 3lV) wife to lake care and see that every thing, particular tnides are liable lo produce, at-, within her circle of rnovement, is done in. tend to the following hints. -r , . ,* order and in season, therefore, let method | Keep, if possible, regular houn. Never' | J*/;,,'' imng SnTh” to,"7s and order be considered important. A wippose you have done extra work, when ,re rerpie.icd to cotne forward and («y np b> ih« place for every thing, and everything in you sit up till midnight, t.nd do not rise till August «nrt. Tho'fax List m my absfne« will its place—a time for every thing and every eight or nine in the uiorning. j be lef> m ihe hands of Sam'l. f. i HldwcII who is thing in its time—are good family mottos., Abstain from ardent spirits, cordials and rtcsive the taxes, and give receipu A thorough knowledge of every kitKl of; malt liquors, let your drink be that of Trank-j ^ jojs. M’CONNAUGHKV,.V,Vn/ business appropriate lo the kitchen is in-1 lin, when Ikj was a printer—pure water. | rhirlottf,JulyI’xif dispensable, for without such knowledge, a j B« particular m preserving your skin. N.H. All tl..*e »l>o have not taken oui luense Indv is incapable of the management of her clean, by frequent washing of your hands, for riUilmy \v arts, Mrchandiz',will piewf own ljusinese, and i^ liabla to imposition by | face and mouth, before each meal, and of Au"'aj'uiext!^ htenscs y le j . on ay her servants every day. J5ut io these ' your whole body, at least once a week, and — T thint.'s yfwj have been instructud. 1 by combing and brushing tho hair daily— W A LIv I' I*. \ ou will lie mistress of your own house, I Always have fresh air in tho room in having sold out his Stock of .ad .b»„Mhe .h,ch you Uv. | .l.,cb work, bu. » .1,.. ,.u »^ been etiijcaled.— luu w ill endeavor, above i bo in a draft. | J. T). BOYD, all things to make your fireside the most'lake a short time in tiie morning, if 47tf agreeable place for the man of your choice.' possible, and always in the evening, or to-1 — # • i ii |» i vr' I'leaKintry and a happy disposition will' ward* sundown, lor placing your body m a p. ever Ije considered as necessary to thui im- jimtunil posture, by Kumding erect and ex- £ public, that he has removed hi« Carding portant end, Ixit a foolish fondness is dis-1 tending your clKist and limba by a walk' .Machmc to his lower mill on Mallard i'reek, t«o gusting to all. Let n^ison and common . wheic the air is fresb. | milts from the placc where he formerly rankd by seiiae ever guide : thfse, tided by n plea.*ant, j If confined in doors, let your fool ronsiFt, h'» Marhme by ws. friendly disposition, render life happy; aud | in a large proportion of milk and br»-ad,arjd Jiu*[‘ard‘lt'f,n«*ts*pc“r *pound,\nd’wuT uke witli'Kjt these it i»iot desirable. Keuem- j well boiled vegetables. Meat and fi.«li ought wool at tiic f ominon pricc fcr carding, ter V‘Hjr coubia Eliza. She married with i to beu.sed sparingly, and only at dinner.—' L>AN AF,i;XANDF,R. the Lughest prospects; bit, from pctulent,: You are Ivjltor without cr>fr*.‘o, tea, or choc- 3tlJr p«'*ri!»h ard complaining di>position, and|«>lalr. If you iisf! any of lliem, it ought not — T7T” tjfj{lig-uce, every thing went wrong ; and | to be more thau t/nce a day.--yaiir7ifi//: JOH I.\Ci Ijcf iiomc bccaaw a plaw wf to ILalth. ' 1 Of all hind.f, ivatUj executed at tkit OJict, Ai:u iiook' ^TOKi:. ^ / i|llti Sub>«.riber having V' ^ no prj>ipcet of U mg a:jaui a!>l to perlorm tlie la- f hors of the niinirtry ; and fr»hng, III eoiiin.on with , .A oUier iiKn, the imporlanci of eiC'Cing in some employment which will ena ble him to proMde lor the ».«! Uofaruinj fiintly, h«s >;ennl a Kook Siorv in • h*rlott-, >. tli beli(\e«, l! such an r*t«bli«hn; nl «a ni rded in til',- U . »ti fii s( tii.n of o'lr SUU. He rr.~ If ct.iillj int lU > III' trn nds, a«|iiaintaiices, and all who tfil j'lV if.frri -t in hi« uiiiirruking, lo call and s“ hi’ R»>ks. M* willU happy to cxccuti or.!' r» f r lh'j»H- who In*’ at a duLti.'-*.. \Vliiii>t he h«« on hand some v.Suable works in I.inr, in .'Idlinije, moit of the Jrrrk and I.*tjn rii«: and otlicr booki ui>d in eurSclioels and \i-adinie», many works in ThrUogy, and many Vln'-^l’ineoiis l«.ok« suited to aliii'^^t e»rry class ol'tfadi r», h« sr ill be able to procure on fswirabli 1' fins, any books to lie foond in llm Noftlwrn ( itics, cr in the I.ou'l>.o .^larkct. It will giv = him p! a*ure lo smst profe^'.iofuil c’ntlemi ii or priTste ejtii- ni in enlarging tlieir LiKraries, or in pun basing n»-w oii's. He |i«ks v»nh loiilideni c »r.d r ;*}ACt to an t ulighlenril I'omiiiuiiity lor m- courai^eiiKlit. i>ANiKL tJol'LI*. t'i„irlnttr, .May 2.1, l'*.H. ;K»tf 1*. I I'avo eonlfart«d with t'n rk-rrtary of Oie .A S. for an h^ilion of ihe Chruiian .Mira- me lor .\urtli.('arolina, for I'.'it. It will contain I - |m;,'i s more of uvtui mulU r than hilhcrto and be. at the L^'ime prite. It will lie puhhsli>'d in July, and may U- had by the ijoun or hundred,ol John I’. Ilavi n, .No. I IJ .Na«sau sirei t. N. Y. ot' lluj;bes A. Turner, Kalrigh, and at tlie Charlotte Ifcxjk Slor'v sf s^>’»r »issortiiu nt of \\\n iii:s .ii:ui:li:i' a•. ^'■^HK sulwcriler ri-)rrltull^ inlorins his e>is. ■ tomers and lin- piibiu freu. rally, that ht has lately r cer.d lli. lolloning artirU«, vu: ri.'iiii Watflirw, a»*- HorU’d, 4sol(l aiKl ItfjH, I'.ar aiKi llrca^tt l*iiiN :iiifl Nhirl which, U.-. tber with his former Sl-xk. makes his pre« i,t ahxirimcnt nearly eompl.-le, all of which will l>e sold at a very small sdrance lijr cash, or on short time, to puneliial eustomers. He still eonliiiues to manufaeture SJI.N'llIl SI’IKI.N.S and othrr articles of lJuld and Silver: also, \x! repiiirl lo k« and VVati h>*s, anti ht irnuld hrrt inform iKf puhlif, th-it his is the only slu.p in town W'hrre Hiieh nrtii'li s «re repaired. He will also t LUX l»OLL) in any quantity, at the sliorleit notice. t«ll.iM.NC« and I'iN'fJI! V\|.N(i, b!»o, done to jrdir. 'IIIO.MAS TKI^nKU. fhirhlte,, 1S.13. ’.'!7tf SHKIiirrs’ DMKDS, I^^OK l^aiid« -old for Ta.'>»; for Ixmds sold under a W ritol him h'oeii.. ; ni.d lor I.hihU ■.(dd under u Writ of Vmiiiai.i Lxi'oiiaa—ivr s..k »t tiiifc mri'.e. T. A»Hl KV A Ct>. H\\ E ou hand aiu) vJt tuioe to oi«t..actart: i tlicir Shop m the seatikeut ti. of .Mr. Spring’s Brick Ik : iAuUfH fiHtt OeitthmtH't of a superior slvk of workmaii»h:pai>df«Mi« ] ern inateriab, ^y Ihe Mtssrs. Jeltoiis,af I county, who arc w.ll known in the «(«ttn; of th State as suierior workmen—Also, Saddithae*, ValiUTM, Mtirtingalti,R Bridlct, Voach 4* Ilamtu, and Uarntu, Horttmtn'i Ctfn HiJ^rrs, and all otlirr artick* usually manu&ctiniJ sitop* in tilt Southern Stales. In addition to tlie above, we have on Wa^t; eral assortment of Itfg aittl Cmtk lilt Htit, SiirtHf Irani, and all o(h«r Wm cesaary lo Irun oiT Saddle* and llarctsa,' will bi- sold kiw for cash. ^‘‘e n-ejueit the pubiie lo e»fj and etimmt maieriikand work manufactured, hear judge for lhems lve». (’karluttr, Iht. 7, li‘J I >jur or tive j- urneymen Haddle and llini Maktrs is winud, lo wluch gow) wage* r.. guru, by applyuig to ^JAS T. Aj^ntTlY A (in .S / .177; (IF .^o/r/7/.^.^«ou^i.l MK« kLKNHI HC; ( Ot \TV. i'tuit of 7>n«, IsJl RoU rt Mirhog i . PetiUoo for Dirore*. Marparet M rliop i 11 ap|>eannr lo the satisfaetMii of the tiial th* IVIvodant in this case isM(u> habitant of this State, thtrifun U u Or4««| publu ation be made hr ibrwc n:untbs la tin Si- isigh .Star and the Miners* A Farnitrt’ Joi for the said Ihrfendant lo appear at our *ci! riwr t’oiirt of {, to be held Ibr ihr et-ati Meeklenburj;, at tlie Court-House lol'barkM,* llie 7Lh .Monday after the -llh .Mondaj of !»| h. r nett, then and there to plead io answer H J*1 riaintiir's petition, otherwise lodgineoi pno fe>MO will be entered against her aod d««r«*-1 eordinply. WilDena, I'earsall ThofDpseo, fl^i of said foorl, at OtFice in Charlotte, tlie7ik^| day aAtr tlie tih .Monday of .Mareh, A. D IWC P.TH«»Mrs()N,f.*n^‘-l- June, .'i It3. Price ad*. .S7’ t 7-/; ifF yoK I Jl.CAKOLiyi. >«l: Kl.».NBmo rot NTV. raurl of 1‘leat mh4 (Juartrr Stuont, lb33. I Michael Crewell k On.iftal Attachment. / on dcltT.dant'sirterf^ia*'^] S Mine,o«iL)nch’sCrf«k,k»ss» bv Ihe name of tlie l.aney .Mice- OKI»Kia,l» by Court, that publicatlooli*^i sit v^teks III the .Miners’ A f armsr* J*' nal, that tho deft-ndaiit app ar, answsr o» rte^ judgment will be entered Will,,l.uc Alexander,Clerk of said Ofilte, Ih- -Itli .Monday of May, A. I>. Test; ISAAC ALHXA.NDF.R,*. Price adv. W. 4'liarlr»loii nn«l filllK Sl’KAM Cajrt. J.C-'«aJ'»^“^ >i,. r in the trade runnme between « han*»* Chrraw, ralhng at t«orfetown on lief and down, will resume her trii* m dx" ^ a leu days, and ii inlmdfd to be ronlmow trade the enniing m’ason. 'I'he draft of water, drawing only feof rf whtii liudid, will enable her t» reach all tiiiii •, « \i ept ui«ii an mcaH when h r cargo will be lightcutd at tire of the Iknt. ^ t oiiiiurtable acrj.iini.odation* for * I** gi rs, w ith all due atl> iilioii. ^ ^ CIX)1‘GH f’harlenlon, Srpt. IfvU. \VAi!UAN'l'i:ii roB iAMT AT run orritEs