0‘' ' y>-^ ritlM KU AN1> rtBLISH^^WE^ IJKI)A V^HY I u6mas i/llOI TON..::^ TO» TO PIKRCK THE ROWKLS Or THE BARTIZAN!) RRINO OUT rROM Tllf. CAVERNII Of THE MOVNTAIN?, WFTAl# U'UICII WIf.L 0!V* 8TKr.Nr.TII TO 01,'R Nni RG COUNTY, NORTll-CAROLIMA. IIANIW AXU BUWEf.T AM. NATI/RK TO OUR CSE AND M.eABDRK. IIR. JOHNSON. SATLRDAY, AUGUST 24, 183:1. NO. 152. THE -ert^ & Fariiierfi’ Journal niAei WM* |HiWi.hed every Salurd*y niorning D^tert per Minum, if piiid in adv»ncc ; ‘ jui^rt and Fifty CtitU if not wd in r«1. Thri* DtU*rt1 the end of tlie year. ^•VtISEMENTS wiU be intsrtfd Rt Fift^ t Dcr »q«"* (""• 'Speeding !W Jinc.) for ll»o ?"i in»rtion. tnd 585 cento for each Ruccecding k-or •! ‘w week^ for one Rquaro.— rriitebjUifyM- irrOn«URd»erti»ctmiiU -munic»*od lor public*lioii. the number of uin»t be noted on tlie margin of the or tiH-y will be continued unUl ^wid charged accordingly. • Ail eommonication* to the Editor mu»t corac - they may not be attended to. AGUICUI-TUUAI^ ti, Farm€r'$ Rtportrr if V. S. Agricuilmnt. A CONCISK VIEW (hi nodeof ajricnllure as practi*ed by the far. ,of F«nn«ylTania; and recommondcd lotbc i irniioo of farmera in tbe \Vc»t, by J. Aoahr. etply after the oats crop is taken oil'and (he manure spread. The onts stubble ground in ploughed over, and the inaouro turned under and let lay in that state until ncnr liine to sow witeat, when it is again plough ed over, and the wheat is sowed on and harrowed in. We (generally sow a bushel of seed to the acre; and the bout ST'aimn for Mowing wheat with uh, is from the 20th Sep tember to tbe 1st of October; land very strong and laying to a southern ex|>o8ure, will do better to ^ sowed the first week in October. The great enemj to our crop of wheat in Pennsylvania, is thu Hessian fly; and our object is to sow nur wheat crop just so late in the fall, that the fly will not get in it much before winter sets in, and that it will lie so far forward in the spring, that when the fly comes out in May, they will not be able to do it nny injury. In mnny of the iM-st parts ef 1‘ennsvlvania, a crop of whent cannot be raised in the old way »f preparing the ground by breaking up fullows; the , I „ eround becomes too loose to hold the wheat frerr pemio, through the winter ; and by raising a - »b«iild ha^ I ivi I on the ground the same senson, leav«. the grouiKl a little cloddv nnd grass from growing among the corn with one ploughing. It may bo, that in s«me of your richest lands, it would require more woik, until your land would become arcusiomed to clorer ; hut rememlwr that clover has the power of killing all kinds of weeds and trash which grow naturally on land ; even briars will lie entirely rooted out by the raismg and mowing of clover. We know of no way of killing blue grasK so well as working onr land in c.orn in the way above prescrilxMl. VVe know r>f no WluiU' inaKame. ?—A man who wished j to pass one of the barriers of Paris, in 1793, wns required to give his name, &c. I to the person on duty. “I oni Monsieur “ le Marquis da St. Cyr.” “ Citizen, there are no Monsieurs now.” Very well, then [From the Raleigh Rcgifter.) ON OtR STATE CONSTITUTIOIT. AO. Vlll. All political power ig vetted in and derived frea the people only.”—Bill of Rights. To the JailorsMany men (wbtue sin* le Marquis de St. Cyr.” “ You ought to' ‘ f^TTUiicd to question) da know, citizen, that there are neither nobles, ,‘hat our representative basts tn North titles, nor Marquisates.” »In that case, do ] ^Jonstitu* St. Cvr, if vou please.” “De is not used I ^ now.” “then say simply St. c>r.” i “Ah ! but all Saints,Sou know, luive been | ® ^^'ch way of keeping our Innd cicfan of pigeon abolished.” “ Well, if it must bo so, write ^ Ot"here"of"le'M sincefitv^and we^d end cncL m by sowing our corn-j Cyr.” “ No, citizen, there are ">I stock groimd in oats, and the same season | tiny Sire,” (the pronunciation is the same.) | ^ ‘ • extrava- with wheat a, pre.nl.d above. We biow j Thus, piece by p.cce, the | gant pktes of ^aMange”^^^^ of no way we can raise a better crop of |quis wns stnpptwl by tiie revolution, till he , J,carers with a oretended dread of rye, than by Mul.hiing in our wheat stubble [ found hin>««eH at thu barriers ol l‘an» with- surrender at this as above described. Finally, we know no j out a nnme. — 1 day our boasted confidence in the virtue of w ay that we can raise more gram with the , Jhi f.r ° ‘"5 ‘he people t Have they become unfit to U» same lalnir, and improve our land at nnd i‘ousted vvith their Does same time, than according to the l'.ovc j W arren, Sshurtlel. Hay ward, Kandall. ai d;^^^^ ^ this country Shatmck) on .Mre^d . ,h„ Alrrnm!na, llmtirgilm Co., P(m. , tli« Slay»r, in winch llicy cnutiou llie citi-, ^ dsponitory «f ;zc,,ysn,.,.tt.nn|«frnt»n.lunc^lcj«gjri ,,, aab .,, ll.nr ojKnion t“n,« ^ j P ^ cLnnced ' fnats and wholcsimu- vc''etubles, med infh :, . . i'rooi ttie .Min of llU'^incB:~. s\i,i: or i,A\r». o( hu fana be i and | ^ujh, and, it is found, the w heat will stand : ^ope4 ; the wir.t.-r much l. tur m that kind ofi■ . , . , One held planted with c^ni, one ^ ,gnrd by the pa.tylo bi charged therewith. r, vi»: . rve, one with clover or gra** lor in^, and two sUnding in cbver or s, for pasture. Thus a farm, containing ground, than where it is loose or tuellow. >/■ the rye rrop,—This is generally s or wuro. • nvi. » ^ • by pl«iugliing up the wheat stubble Wrod'*b'^ fortT«ciwcleared land* ^ m the lust of August, and sowing our rye KrmnrU on the Sale of Un,L~\ con- ronHlilute. a woxf mLary kind, tract for tlie sale ot land is not hmding on I ^ r , . ,,/•>» are beyond the reach of the force of truth. ler purty, unloM it U put in writing and : ^ • •' ' Both however are indulging opinious and „„ T»j » TT- r 1 • . ' advancing positions which are inconsistent ■n, niark II ora.-Coinp;«,nM are , u. 7„r ,u. ™„i. th. p,j,nc,., .f » sn,al, a -nn ; ».U. .h, r.ed„n. of ,h. p«pl.. .nd ,f .h.y earngt uumru is RullKJiunt in some of the . _ i„Mlnnir fearful ravai?es sustain them, then will they have Statc«, (Nrw-York for ono ) but even th J of the new settle- Tt ^n’^S^rof tS“Sk - payment of the whole purchase money will | , 'I'hev ant^ar to be as voracious as " sandy toundation. Some of thes« talk Wbtdivided intoseven f^liiof twenty abouttbelOlhof^ptemlK>r,audharrowing|„„, ,h^ i^^^.p^in m North-Carolinn ; , .t. A single wheat field intriguers. »ambitiou. "■ - i :V'rr.„ :.„„c iT.;J .n.irvlv r..t .lY bv ! ‘Icmagogue., artful ^politicians, and e. each. I meutioo this as th« m»t' it »n. It is usually marked out m lands ai; ^or if the purchuH-r go into immediate pos- acres had been cntirt-ly cut oil’ bv D«o in our Stale, all other thiuga being a pfo;>er size for reaping the crop ot r\e , the „ i(,e contract good, by, as well as for a guide to sow clo\er !• crop.—We always plant our, s^d and plaster by, until it is again unlew! it !»e in w iitinp : I Ins n»“w and d«‘ytructive in«x;ct. 1 Ko.'l Li liS ven recur with horror for a comparison to '••the blood-stained soil of Revolutionary . France.” They warm theniselvee into „ Although n parol «'ontrart of this kind is I „ n . . i - . . , crop on cloier or grass rnJ, j^-neral- j ploiigh«l up. This ground scarc rly fails understood that | zealous fight against the quixotic chimera* oldi'St clover field on tbe tiirin, is to bring a good crop of rje ; iiulcod there ; p.,the price, or any III' cuiniiifiicrii tilt ,Situiialf the >jth of July, 'lo Fu K\rn i.r.n , of their own brain until they almost seota to be engaged in a holy strife for peaco against the fury of the Jacobin mob, ! 0:^’the free People of Xorlh Carolina fj;^ SPIIMT OK 'J.'Ii: ACl':. U. U.'.t ellccted b> a pro- chains ofTof the wrists or a lash from jrhedin Marchorthefirslof ApnI.deep IS but liitle doii^bt of u g.).«l cr. p of any ' j,^rlont,miist iKiice l..ose hisinoiKV with. I 'g-|w. in FSiiHU-Illhia, u r i u .*•11, and lei lay in that atdte until war kind of gram, if your land has lain m do-on proving till- pnyment, i * * ' * ’ agamst the Jury of the .^rofrm mob, : of ’planting; when the ground is well 'er two or three >ears and bci-ii plu^lered ; ,1,^. (ailure of tho otiicr party, A.c. lie will ,w«l il»e same way a was plwighed, j a little. ^ „ It becomes smooth. fcen we are | I huf you se.- at first sight, ihrt you will' iv to plant, we score or mark out this l» working vMir Inwi in a rotRiion i.fcro|" und into rews trn«s the war U w.-. of difr-rent kin«'s of grain, whu-h is f.Mind v.he.1, ab^Rit half throiigh tl«! a^Kl, a. orcreatad»Hntn5.-;«i>dwh. nyo.ir l.indis y,. r.MS grxMl. And here I would ...... a.. ^ ^ . .p. rthree feel apart: |»laut >our corn in not in grass it is in some kiml ot grain, and i j«.(Miiar opinion, that a lf a>e .K r ar.riicalioii of our inteliigencies, meting the back of their obedient sufijects. * oey rows, 10 hills ab^wt eighteen inches ' not la> ing burr f>r tlir sun to exliule all the f,ve y'i:’r>--, or .-Miy term j,‘ut according to the necessities of tho »”hvert all the pnnciples of our Kevolulwn. apart, not loas than two grams > strength and nioiMun- Ironi it, nnd >ou |..„grr t|,,,n thrfr, ii goo-l and valid f-r , u,.,| lamentmg the decline ■ They sap the foundation ot Ainerican liber- t uill.—1'he biiil Kca«oo for plaatit'g, in j nii*^ a good crop lor every time the ground ,1,^,.^ on gf'n*ral (iriiici- . „f|„,i,|,c virtue t'.ian checking tlie progress ty—and deal a death-blow at the legilimate t «liiii«». IS about the fir>t of .May. As ' is pI*Kii»hrd o\er, excei>l tl.e corn and net 'orr'-,t. It is tnu; that l!;.!«-«, „i'public vi-e : f’lr \ ice retarded is virtue !'''g;'** P.™* ■ , a* It I* all up. It sliould be r»-planted, wheat crop. j originally purporting to I.p made for a l-it,- ■ orivanced. As l!,e di:»ction and discussion over the minds of the people to raoction loy I'l' It is mo«ing. Aliout tlie fir«t ol clorrr —Th .« we rr«'nerally term, hmc fai!i'»i nr. to tlic.r e\*.en», and (,j- (npamites i:f n;ilioiml and state polity are Ihem if temporary expediency in uces ua It fhoukl be harrowed and s*"! up. if do m tho inontli of Manh, on our rye field; li^n s'i;>pnr!‘d f*r three years only: t!,o Imsiiii of the daily pr^-ss, the full ap- tfie «xer- . Ufold Iw brokrn down; and a little » bji-hcl of s-ed for ten acres, is r.^lUd i,;it Huk turi.«d ii,»n tlie f-^ri;liar cirruin-j .,ii(.^tio:i of \ddi>-oirs remark is nweasarily popular “ dangerous, and ■ijdpUil'rr sprir.kl**d on each hill. A- thick enough f>r }»a*ture. and w!i*;re it is st.iucr-* iitK iidinj tlio tran'uct.o'*, goirg to ,jr>*rlpcted,and the conj^'-quence is,that vice habit confirms it i I e peop e enise vc8 ; ly.ttlh of June we commence phnigh- for mowiiig it is s-'wed seme tin ker; hut ,how that tho (wrties were under a coiitiart shielded by wealth and worldlv infioence, discard the great princip es o ^puar ■ "■ abroad.mons .1.0 U only un- 1' >!" " ^ SS W ' ■w corn with one horse, and gne niinv m.w all thfir clo\er fields thick e- iu( _ ^ : uuroUQ arnoiij^ IIIU HUI vmjf U44 w ^ , tho' r lihrrtif^ h row on»* round i one hand followt thf nough for nmwmg, and a liiin.ber mix timo. nprt mci.t for three\enrs, in tiic e\eut ol s,us|»ected, but courted and requited; and the people wnarc, or oug i i :.J. .piukuiw »■»««.>, «hkb "»y ■>» !»«->»«>««!»» under anv circumstances in this country. >i,h «nd srt^ up whul may bo dowu and thy •«*cJ with their clover ui'h gn at ad- n, bo.ng \wid fur a longer term. tKjt where b« may think il stands too vantage—it i» tlnHi:;fit to make Iwiicr h'ly [k. The we«-ds and remains, clean all and more durahlr p;i!itu'»*. hi May as s.hhi . s-iicri) s, ti.jniu!.'lo i.im.n. • • i u u .i, and huves tbe ground in a good ih» rUvrr »nrd ronios np, we sow from h.ive lln- Ibllwwing s’ati mcnt from a , j„i,pr5 y^ ,i| warned from their in- p'lnnples on which they rest are ;/ U a crop of any other Kind of gram a perk to a half bu.s!i.-| of ground pl.i«tor lo prall.-tnnn who x .s,f,-d tho srrne of iho aw- rendered to society. In despised. 1 he danger is not immediate, ! not onlv detect, hut exliibit these wolves in , ' j . j \urn. ( ATA-TRonir. : ,j,c^,,Vclo.hing to public scorn ; a mark by .Tit!! fi.1 .2 ."l ^■(iowing •t'ason tnsixtv bushels iny other Kind of gram a perk to a half bu.sh.-l of ground pl.j«tor lo gr'allcrnan who x .sit.-d tho smie of ihe aw- service be rende We now raikc from the acr**, which helps to pn serve tlie young luI orcnrn lu o w l.-.rh it de«rnl t!;e n:orii- liiih oi.jict we •Is of com to iho acre, clover from dying with the drought; the mg alter it tuck place. y.>rJo!k InruLl. u(,(r,Kideii path; t>ne wh shall pursue a yet but it is not therefore less certain. Open hoslilifv to freedom will never be exhibited iware that I have omiiiei some lays out in ciovcr, we sow noin oik- ioiimh .\ic\aiu:n;» to ii a k;.h oi ivaiiipr, uuu ,|e|,i;ut(>, anu uncontauiinaica uy car.i or vui- ' : y' , njm the above, which are practiscti by to une half bushel of gronml pla-t* r to the was n turniii® on 'I'hnrsdity , tin*‘jrnli inst. gnrily ; its concur** slmll be judicious, its progress of iiir^ m i«B n4Ki»r, mcu «i v j»iim iw win.* iiuii wui*«fv• wi jm»» - »' • 11. lui 'mi ■ ^nrii v , 'Ui ^ f w i ♦ r » ‘n #Kflh r\*i f«rii»«rs m lh« raMcni couuti^:*, ^ ooi', awl U*l il lay in lu l lontf^r thiiu imvtlhriff on lu»rw Jwck liy iIk* satire chastc. Lilerulure and arts shall [^rcciveU ns t la o a s ar rising i *>re tii'y practise hn.ing their land ; three years, mo»t g‘ii'>rally two; thiskce(»s. ^jjen ultout tm miles 1k.1um Aldie, in I/iu- ^nd in it an iintired friend : Dramatic and J^ast whili.t the sun is in e men lan. 'h i» ginorally ipr«*ad on th'“ir corn the ground well ^hadM^ through the hot, doun I'ounly, tlie app-nranre of a heaxy |,jterary criticisms shall iheet with inosl at- It^acheslhe zeni ore opr u - ••J afur II IS broke up and li*-fiin' suns of summer, whicli is tho gn'at cause ' cloud wurneil him lo M « k a shelter lor him- tp,jtjvc and iw;«r^/a/duly, and sketches of | iscovers i s ascen . i a - ia!;ng. Hut the above contain* all the of clovor improvmr; the limd. rtifular* If lative lo raising a crop of corn x’Oth .lune, w e muw onr •IIth^ grain growing cciritries wlirr" it whi^h muny farmer* hmk liDie«t.nM'sod. ItxIecJ, tho only dilVicul- there can b« no daubl but it is \alual>ie, oblainrd |s*rmu>->-ion ol tne stajre tiriu-r, put .,„ce or prol'es-siuuui nua. mutoi. . « . . » th n 1 haw romes it >ing a crop of com, is to (br while they are cutting h.iy and raising ins hurs> into one of the stalls. 1 he rlri-1 i-pcoumifiidations, our I’oelical column will ^TlV* nswer is an ob- t It wf-llitartel, aay a foot high ; for as nbundanci'ul the In-st ol pasture, tln-y are i ver at this time had the lour slagi* horses ajj auotbcr, which, coming from au alrea- ■' a * prt^ rhimpras of «* the rrK,ts gel under the aod, it w ill impro\ mg their hnti froni tm to filtcen f>er I out Iwfore lli"* door—three ol thi'ni were t ,]y popular source, will; vve trust, be equal ^ nrob- irly bid •k'fwnco lo the loiigeiti spell of cent, yearly. Indeed if it was not for do. m a cluslcr, and a f« « paces trom the dtN>r, [ tljat of more pn-lendmg publications. It le imagir.a ion. spene j Kilt in the summer. Siime farrmTs say ' vrr nnd plaster, I don’t know wbiil a far-1 tho fourth w H«d»*tached a little distance from ,jj unnecessary to be more explicit, as we i “ ' 'X ° j ^ .k_ Uogona Il If beller to plough over a cloverwxl mer, who has b^-n accustomrd lo using it, | the rest. Mr. Arnold was standing in the np sunie the wnnt of the proposed journal ^L>nlntinn9 nrn .'com llio prereding fall; bol it is not would do. 1 have known it lo sell for liAy , sinhle door, calmly vitwmg the thn'aienin^ j, „ot only admitted, hut generally _/'«//.— i'efnrv thnt thev .:h prarli?^!, fijr this reason—it laket dollars (wr ton, durinjj ih** Ule war. Aiut | cloud as it thickened and rolled wver head, \\ p ihorfforo place ourselves bt-fore the ‘^ngerous, cause ii i . ’,j j ■ilyaa iniich more work lo k“op th* corn the firM mowmj;, we k^ep up the fi«‘ld for (lashing and roaring in awful and lerrific and relying upon their love of ^ 'a not irofgrassand wwedsthan lhal broke up ^eed which ripens in Srptimlx r. It is then • grnndenr. It was not long that he stood ; j„stice and of public virtue, awaillheir dc- ‘ ’ shews .'.f .pnng. rut with a .mall cradio of two fingers, two : „ cataract ef electric fire descended j respectfully but confidenlly. , have n^Xc^ diii^er I have thu* civcn a true and exa t ac-, swnihs are thrown together, and w hen dry ' u(M»n the stable, rending il Irom the ridge > a>Nl>lTl(i.N’S. i!!?»' «(,(«'hot r»n the rontrarv ihev have 111 *f our plan of misirig a crop of corn : IS mked up and hauled into Ihe Urn, or , pole to Ihe sill: Mr. Arnold was stnicl; The first number ot “ 1 he Srv in Pmi.- , '^,,1 j .i „ i-__p ;„gtitutioii8of the coun- H^n«j-Uania ; for I am aware that it is stacke.1 till winter, when it is thrashed out 1 dead'—the three horses near tho stable j a” will l>c issued on the first Sal- c„bseoiiei>tlv reformed ond im- pnnciptl crop m many parts of the west,, and w>ld ; and we calculate to make as min h I ,|oor were killed, and the driver kmx-ked „r,iay in .July. Il will be printed on fine • ’ . Kxtreine cases may be sup- 1 bec.ni»e there is no branch of ngricul- out of our seed as will jKiy txpcnse and cost | down nnd so siunned that he remained fof | paper, m eight ([uarto pages, and with most improbable oc- many parts of the west,, and wild ; and we calculate to make as much I ,|oor were killed, and the driver kmx-ked „r,iay in .July. Il will be printed on fine p is no branch of ngricul- out of our seed as will jKiy txpcnse and cost I down nnd so siunned that he remained fof | x»(j,te paper, in eight ([uarto pages, and with ‘''J'* ‘ that we have improved of the plnsl. r. a time inscnMbU*. Mis lito was evidently 1 j,ood tyiie. As il is intended to ronder tho t then lot us brin*’them to thei w much as that of corn w ilhin Ihe | I have b *n mor«’ particular m describing , preserved by the arcidcnlal ci^umKtance ol l ontenls worthy of preservation, for amus- fxtHrit'nce. No othe7 rule can bo t thirty yi-ar« ; and further, I ihmk you j our mole of sowing and using plaster and his having a nlk handkerchief in the crown , or instructi»e reference, the advantage ^ . A- ^ reasonable. It is “ow M much more liibor in raising a ; clover than auy ihing else, fur I suppose i „f his hat. Our informant saw the hat and , of the proposed and mor« portable s.za will jts institutions ? of corn, B1, IK done 111 I’onnsy Ivauia. ' there 1* less known ii|k>ii lhal mibjei t in I handkrrchiet: the rim and the top of the • evident. 1 he terms are 8‘- per annum, ,i,., pv.H.rience of TiO years has in-orcd a some fwrts of Ihe West, than any thing hat were 8everedlromthecrown,and a large payable advance, or S','50 if not jwid l>e- the txloole may safelv c a j else relating to fjirining. I piece taken out of the latter; the several . f„r(> the expiration of six momhs. Aganfs nfV-irs that popular ri" le 1 I hop»' il will not U* understood, that I | pieces were cut asunder as neally as il it I ,viH be allowed a discount ol 10 per cent., Jo order and*t oati crop.— I Blated abote, lhal Vof corn would leave the ground in ftato for any other kind of grain the , '’ mm;; •rason, and this old corn field is j suppose the farmers m the \\ esl should use ■*ighel over the spring nfler ihe corn ' plaster where the land is rich eniHigh U» >■• taken off, (as early as our ground IS { bring clover for manuring without it; our '“0‘mgh to plough,) and sowed in oats; j object is lo raise clover ami use plaster just *luaniily of Heed put to the acre is gene- enough to make it go«i«l pasture und a crop Hy ubeut two iHishelH—where tho land is sullicienl lo mow for hay. '■fv Mrong it w ill bear more iw^eil—this is | am aware of the difiiculty there is to Central nile with u* in ull kind* of gram, persuade soin* farmers lo fry any exjHiri- l>ef>«U crop ia taken ofF as *oon as il can , mcnts in their mode of working tlieir land. ’ *fter it becomes ri|>e. And wo haul all I | am also aware, Ihot many farmers, even '•r manure out on ihe oats stubble, or if! m I'eiinsylvnnia, have not sdopted Ihe im- ®h»venol manure sulTicient at our barn j proved mmle of agriculture ; but mark Ihe sril lo rtach over the whide, we lay il on j ellect—Ihe.so farmers have fallen behind the pooroit part*, and by this naeuns, we rest at least thirty years. I am aware of , 4re for raising a crop of wheat. the vhtnt crop—This wo generally ' on our oal* stubble, or luimedi- Ihe objoclions that will bo urged against our imslo of raising corn, that il would bo out of tho question to keep the weeds and had l»ecn done wilh a sharp instrument.— [qq uH (subsrrilier* they shall obtain, on i"c- lias proved conduct their ghts are not dangerous to gf>od order—and that the pub lic w ill may lie heard and safely allowed The handkerchief was seared or ecorx^hed, I fitting one year’s paymeni in advance or | becoming responsible or le samt., 1 ^ government or lo cur« its inequalities^ as if a red hoi iron had b«cn passed quick ly over it. A small rcdilish mark was per ceptible on one of the driver's cheeks, but whether from lithlning or not was uncer tain: besides tins there was not the slight est apf'>*“arancc ot its cfli'cts ii|)on nny pnrt tf his l)ody. Ho was entirely free from any pnin al>oul the htad, ihnugh he com- plained of a sorenrss in his breast. gratuitous copy of the paper. “ The Si-v in 1’nu.AiiiariiiA’ w ill con- republicans of this country it has alw’uy s been raaintained that one of the very ■ ■ >1.0 .nni.no■> ai W ll> B UCCll lUOlllViJUlCU lUai OUC Ol VUD * Cl y tain humorous eugra\ing 'I'hev will best ’ and gn^atept preservatives of liberty* of the celfhra e lui > a . J ia a vigilant watchfulness of the ptople and 1« executed by .vkilfu artis s and be accom- nfirming the paniud with comic 1 us ni 10 s P ' ^ [ dotrmmnt tchircin thiy iKnrire that is verse from «he pens of ons.ual and coiUj^., we iniieed de tent w riters. 11^ 1 r>^\A in rarted from the n-publican faith, when wb All Lnscm to ad upon ihc.e suspicions of dan- yo. I Atluiiinn Puilifing, I'hilaJrliJi-i. J,cr in the 1 eopiC. Caro will Ih* taken to ha\e the work carc- j 1 liuve said that .«^ome do but prctmd to performances in America, cleared KVl.- i fully packed when sent out of Ihe city. | those fears. Let us si o if it eaX WO ' 1 &J'S,.h,rr!ptums rrc. frr^ rtf thi^»>frr.' jl.d vo.i witness t'.o animated debates m The London Morning Herald states, that it is reported, u[>on good authority, that Mr. and Miss Funny Kemble have by their uni ted 000—nearly

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